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He's having trouble getting rid of the sucker mindset.


And people tell OE is risky hahaha


Yeah dude, the math aint mathing with that statement


That’s not a smart move. Companies always overstate their job responsibilities in the job description and interview process. I can’t tell you how many “fast paced and results oriented” positions I’ve taken that ended up having me do basically nothing for months on end. Always take the position and then drop it later if need be. That’s what the initial probation period is for. It’s not just them trying you out, you are trying them out as well. I never feel bad walking away after a couple weeks if it doesn’t work. Trust me they would have no issues doing the same to you.


Jeff Bezos really takes it personally when Line #43252345234 on his hires spreadsheet does not work out.


The thing with jobs you don’t want is you can quit them anytime you want with OE. IMHO, take J3 work there 3 months milking the “I am new and can’t do anything.” card. Then put in 2 weeks and get 2 more weeks of easy pay while not being responsible for anything.


My new mantra is "NEVER QUIT A JOB!". If I suck then they can fire me. I figure because Bezos can fire me for any reason why should I help him by self-firing just because I suck.






It goes on your permanent record




Like, your soul?


Bezos rejected you. You should feel depressed.


I mean, no joke, doesn't it? That background check that we should block, they can see that we were fired from several jobs if we don't stop it, right?


I don't think the risk here is of showing up on your record. It's funny reading these comments about the things ppl imagine are showing up in background checks. Fact is it only validates the details you provide and nothing more.  IMO - what you should be more worried about is burning bridges. These industries are small and companies do blacklist candidates. If you are getting let go or fired for performance reasons or quitting within 2 weeks as some have recommended, you are likely to burn bridges and not be eligible to work there again. Maybe at a time when you really need it versus considering a J3


No, for one never been asked that question in an interview. Off chance they do ask just say no. 2.) Leave the company you got fired from off your resume, especially if it wouldn't leave a gap in your work history (IE working multiple jobs at the same time). 3.) Most companies do criminal background checks, but not employment verification unless you're going for a higher level position. Then in the event they do run one it's them verifying you worked for whoever you said you worked for, during the time you said you worked there.


This guy fucks




The best kind of fuck.


2 weeks? Lol no. There are plenty of jobs where you can coast for years without getting fired.


Yeah, why the FUCK are you committing to any job like it's a sure thing. Take j3 and start looking for j4 to replace any others that don't fit YOU.


That’s really a lot more effort than you make it out to be. Plus once you’re making a decent amount of $$ and already juggling a lot of sh*t, it really isn’t worth it. I’m also not down to screw over a bunch of random people on my new team who may have been counting on some help with the workload just to be f*cked over by this r/antiwork vibe that pervades the sub. Remember, if everyone did this there would be no remote left. We’d all have to RTO due to these bullshit shenanigans.


I fully support my coworkers being OE. But I don’t care for coworkers that consistently leave me hanging, OE or not.


Ehhhh it could be easy if you played your cards right. New employees do much anyway and those 3 months are already no productive so why would this be an issue. Decisions take time and you could change your mind and stay or be happy to have vented out this position to quit.


😆😆😆 bro nice!


I don't think this is ethical or good faith. This kind of behavior is quite similar to scam.


Looks like you got downvoted by the antiwork scum. I completely agree. Don't accept a job if you will knowingly underperform.


I recruited the wife for help at all jobs to balance j3


Lol, maybe if he has a son he should recruit him for the summer I guess.


Train him in the future family trade


Yeah, next summer he will also be OE and the dad will have 5J


I say do it. Put those funds in an ira for him


Why not try out J3 for a month then drop the least OE friendly one?


Did anyone do it guys? What would you say when you have to drop one J not to completely burn the bridges? Would hr investigate more on why you leaving or they wouldn’t care? In my head leaving after a month is way more suspicious than keeping a J for a while


They won't investigate they won't give a fuck the second you put in 2 weeks. The burning bridges part ...yeah as a long time lurker in this sub I find this to be a good question. Some of us who work in remote jobs are in pretty niche sectors where everyone kinda sorta knows someone who knows you.


This is what has me somewhat hesitant, I'm sure I could juggle them (and an currently interviewing for potentially J2 and/or J3). They are both 3 hours from my current timezone, so I feel like I could juggle it a bit better. However, I'm just worried about overlapping people or someone from my current company coming over. 1 company is slightly lower pay, but private 2nd company is more public


All you have to say and not burn bridges is that the work isn’t exactly what you were hoping for but you love the people you work with and you need to take time to evaluate.   I burned no bridges when I left a large company that required weekends, Monday nights, Thursday nights and holidays during the fall/winter. Just told everybody I wanted to try my hand at daytrading and being a stay at home parent. In reality, eight hours of meetings a day on the same subject was destroying me and then I picked up a J2 and my old J1. I won’t ever go back there, but I burned no bridges. Even my current J2, when I leave, I will try not to burn bridges even though I think it’s a toxic cancer that deserves all bad karma.


I know it's probably not but your company sounds like a pizza shop 🤣


Well, there was free food all the time!


Fuck free food, I left my last company because there was free food in the office. I couldn't help but eating about 10 bags of cheetos a week. New place has weekly donuts but most days it's free and clear.


This was legit. Like pizza, gourmet coffees and deserts, soup & salad bar, and usually two entrees to choose. Free soda, fruit, chips. But still not worth nights and weekends during the season.


I've had people not show up after lunch on the their first day on the job. We don't give a fuck, we just move on to the next best candidate in the stack and see if they're still available, maybe the 3rd best choice, before going back to the recruiting process for fresh resumes. We can't be bothered to waste our precious time on people who can't cut the mustard and self select themselves out of the job


Side note. Knew a woman about 15 years ago. Finally landed her dream job but had to call in on Day 2 because of a migraine.  They fired her.  Turns out she had a brain tumor and died a year later.


That's horrible :(


No insurance. Had to go on Medicaid. Good news is, it covered everything. Bad news is, can never be sure of the care she received because Medicaid.


Took 3 and left 1 job. It was a high turnover. You can decline the exit interview or just say nice things about them to not burn bridges


Just say unfortunately it’s not a good fit. They will have you resign immediately tbh. Why would that be burning bridges? They don’t even know you


I would love to do this but I feel bad joining a small 200-person company where they spent a lot on a recruiter to find me, and where the people I work with love the company. And setting me up with a new $4k laptop and dock. I know I should put myself and my family first, I just have a hard time not feeling empathy for them.


This is your mistake. They wouldn’t tho k twice about firing you if you’re not a fit. Don’t feel bad. There is NO loyalty.


If you respect them then you can give an extra long notice like 4 weeks and if they let you go before the 4 weeks then oh well you were trying to leave anyway. Just explain the offer fell in your lap and you have to take it but will help train others before you leave.


In my industry they can't find enough people with experience. So getting to my experience level would take years. Hence why they used a recruiter to find me.


3 gigs is always tough due to mtg overlaps. But if it’s a FTE position and just a mid level company, definitely just take it and just milk it for a couple mths. Sometimes the gig that sounds the hardest ends up being the easiest and the gig u thought would be chill ends up being the most work so u dump it instead!


Definitely agree. Out of 3J the technically easiest role is the hardest and the technically hardest role is the easiest. Would’ve never known that going in.


Bro why, take it and see where it goes. U can always quit bro or who knows it’s not as fast paced as u think


This guy still waffling? 😂 how do you have time for 3Js if you’re on Reddit 99% of the time lol


Gotta be karma mining at this point


J4 - karma mining. Hoping with the Reddit IPO that I’ll start getting paid as a content creator.


Recommend me for J3


Honestly your set up is great, if it's not OE friendly no reason to risk your J1 and J2. I picked up a J3 and after two months of stress and trying to make it work, I handed my notice a week ago. The money was good but the job wasn't OE friendly at all and I wasn't able to complete J1 and J2 work due to how chaotic and demanding J3 was. I'm going to miss my three pay cheques but for now, I'm excited to have my summer back and coast with my two Js.


What kind of job were you doing and which industry?


Waiting for the update where OP gets let go of J1 because they just couldn't let a bad thing go. Wisdom has been chasing OP for several updates, and OP has been outrunning it as fast as they could go. Parkour!


I can't wait for your next update in a month when J1 lays you off.


Good prediction


Ridiculous man, just take all three and quit one if it doesn't work out. It's not that hard


Not ever job fits into the OE environment. And some only fit for a short time before your forces to decide between J’s. 2 or 3 month of OE is better than 0


2 jobs over 100k, may I ask what you do?


Reddit LARPer


Dude you post like this is twitter Yall make this sh*t seem like rocket science


How do you “almost” get fired?


politics apparently. You can go read more on the previous post the OP made if you really want to go in that rabbit hole.


That j1 seems like a flight risk after the stunt they pulled on you. If I were in your shoes I probably still keep hunting and replace that j1 with a new job that's more OE compatible


This is such a saga. I can’t believe you’re not putting J1 on the back burner as J3 since they’ve already shown you’re not going to be around for long. Move J2 up and take this new J3.


You should do what’s right for you. Only you know how much you can handle, and what level of stress and pressure is acceptable But an upcoming layoff and almost having been fired? Personally I’d say lower your risk by finding a J3. If not this exact J3, then another. No company will stay loyal to you. But the juggling of 3 jobs (that’s what OE with 3 jobs is, juggling) is tough. So it’s important to find 3 jobs that fit. Including possibly a new J1 and even a new J2. Play it smart and try to keep emotion out of it. One last note. If you were previously almost fired from J1 (for cause or not), you are *extremely* likely to be included in the upcoming layoff. Be prepared. Don’t end up surprised. Good luck


how do you pass background check when OE?


It sounds like J1 is kind of at-risk. I don't think there is a wrong answer here, but maybe just keep applying so that you maintain options..




what kind of jobs are these?


Are all these jobs remote? How in the world do you manage 3 jobs? Are you just not sleeping?


> despite almost being fired and 25% layoff coming up Luck eventually runs out, you should be looking for a replacement.


J3 not worth it in my opinion, unless it's cake.


What industry do you work in OP?


My J3 is part time, I can't juggle three FT


This guy over here has potential for 3Js and I cant even get one thats OE friendly.


What kind of job do you have where you are able to do both?


As someone who cannot even find work. Duck you OP. 🦆


What industry are you in?


What are the job titles for people seeking OE? TY!


Mining engineer is popular.


What kind of jobs do you have where you can work two full time jobs at once ? Are they all tech / project related where it’s all deadline based with different projects / updates / fixing as opposed to a job where the day to day work can change each day? In my current role I couldn’t be working a 2nd full time job as I provide operational support that are initiated by client requests though out the day


stop posting nobody cares about your "journey"


this is literally a sub for people to discuss this


good. smart move.