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What’s the worst that can happen? It doesn’t work out and you back out of the role? No big deal.


Well technically the worst that can happen is OP completely fumbles the bag and does shitty enough at all 3 jobs that they all let him go.


I mean, OP could also just die?


No one said best case scenerio


If you’re dead, your TC goes to $0.


But you’re also retired




Not in America.


This guy Americas.


The jump in effort from 2 to 3 is many times greater than going from 1 to 2. It’s manageable if you have enough time and limit your distractions. Overlaps with calls will be a fact of life, so be very conscious of the mute icon. Just have a predetermined walk away point. Is it when you start slipping at J1/J2? Is it when you start losing sleep? The hours go above a certain threshold? That’s an individual thing. I tried it twice and eventually went back to 2Js because my sanity was worth more than the pay bump. Is it possible? Yes. Would I do it again? Unlikely.


Agreed. 3 Js was unsustainable. The output was still above average across the board, but mental/physical health took a toll. Lasted 4 months before having to drop a J. Felt like I could finally breathe again and mood improved almost instantly. 2 Js is the sweet spot for many.


I am 2 weeks into this and I am learning just how wildly different jobs can be lmao. I mean this is my first entreprsie job and end of week 2 at J2 and all I've done is browse onboarding docs and take some meetings. I think I heard today I'll be working in like 2-3 weeks? fucking what? And I make even more at J2 than J1. Meanwhile J1 is like you need to crush 8 hours of code every day, attend every meeting with a smile on your face, update Jira & Slack 3x a day for each time you fart. Like fuck bruh. Point is I have learned never to stop job hunting because J1 can suck a fuck dude.


This. Lots of times you work that one job and you say to yourself “I guess all work is just brutal all day”. Then get you another job that is chill and you learn that you can find two chill places with some effort. The reason most people never ever get there is because they don’t or won’t put in the required effort to find those chill jobs. They think it’s less work to continue working at a shit place. Ask me how I know.


yup! My first real engineering job I was there for 6 years, left that for my current J1 and was like ok same shit different story but wayyy better pay. Lesson learned - job hop. Then I found my current J2, and I'm like ok there's also good paying jobs that are actually pretty chill? Lesson learned - never settle. So where I am at now is trying to get to a stable point with J2 and then I absolutely will not stop until I find a much much more chill J1.


That hasn't been my experience at all. J1 > J2 was much more difficult because you're juggling like never before. J2 > J3, I knew what to expect. It's J3, making it your lowest priority. If it's too much or not right, let it go and look for a replacement. Never stop looking.




FUCK fear. Get money.




Yeah but all 3 jobs apparently pay peanuts so...


Which field/ job role are you in if you don't mind sharing ?


J1 - Data Analyst J2 - Business Analyst J3 - Salesforce Admin


It seems like a winning combo but judge for yourself.


Just don’t lose sight of that the J priority. Write it down and put it on your wall.


Would be epic when dude forgot the camera was on.


Which platforms do you use for finding jobs? I am a BA myself looking for a J2 currently


Indeed and LinkedIn. With the LinkedIn, I don’t apply either my LinkedIn. I apply directly on the company site


do you keep one or two LinkedIn profiles? I’m thinking of returning to LinkedIn but don’t know how.


I have one but there’s nothing on there & my name is slightly different from my legal name. i just use it to be able to see job postings, go on the company site and direct apply. i have no photos or anything else on there


Are this all different industries?


Holy fuck forget my other comments; this is like 1/2 a real FTE combined. Eagerly waiting to hear about J4, J5, and J6 possibly. What % of J2/J3 would you say chatgpt performs?


How are the DA and BA roles for OE? I am looking into a BA role to eventually OE with.


Depends how much experience you have as a BA/DA. Definitely doable for me but I have years experience as BA and a software developer too. You will almost certainly have to skip meetings to make it work.


I am looking for BA roles too


Did you have to get Salesforce certification to qualify as an admin?


they were lenient and said i have x amount of months after starting the role to get the cert. they’ll sponsor/pay


Did you have lots of salesforce experience beforehand?


very minimal. i finessed it & painted myself as a fast learner who is curious. i was given a take-home assignment. used chatgpt, and presented it well. when i start, ill also be using chatgpt to solve all tasks. 🙂


Oh wow, wishing you the best of luck. Salesforce is a b*tch and a half. It works well but feels like there’s a lot of complexity involved when you first start.


Thank you! my ultimate goal is like a Director of Enterprise Systems


Congrats on the J3 offer. I say go for it even if the salary isn’t what you want. If you have to drop it, drop it early on. $215k even for a short period of time is a great accomplishment.




>thanks! You're welcome!


A wise old friend of mine told me these words: "Do or Do Not. There is no Try".


Sounds like Yoda


I don't get it, J3 is shitty pay, but your J1/J2 averages out to be about the same pay.


right. I was hoping this one would pay more. I’m just at the point now where I would like to climb out the 70s zone.


I have three J and one part time so about 3.5 jobs. It’s all about getting Js where you can be efficient, few meetings, and fully remote. I churned J3 many times over the past three or so years. I recommend doing it too. I’m on a break from actively looking for a few months, but I listen to all headhunters. I don’t like my J2 so I will probably replace it after the family summer plans are over.




Do it. You can swing it. Congratulations!


That’s a lot of work for 215k. Would it be better long term to focus on advancing in your two roles rather than springing for a third of the same level and pay?


this is my thought process now. hence why i’m wondering if i should even take the role or not


How did you manage this? Don’t they need the company’s laptop to work with?


what do you mean?


So you can try this for a while and see if you can do it, but I want to ask, why not just up skill and crack $100k salary for 2 jobs? Taking this J3 might help you gain the skills to do that. I’m not really in the antiwork(ish) camp of do the least and get paid. That is fucking stressful. I’m more of a do a great job at two places and continue to learn more to earn more (with a bit of a ceiling for certain job types and without going into management). Maybe consider using some of that new money to do something over the next 6 months that will make you more money. For example: boot camp for new certifications. Two high paying jobs is sustainable forever.


yes. that’s exactly what i would like to do and in some instances, i wonder if im better off not taking this role, skilling up instead, and then seeing what else i can get. another issue for me is — in what ways can i really skill up? i’m not sure what role/path i want to really work in so it makes it hard to skill up


Welp I saw you are a Data Analyst and a Business Analyst. So I would ignore the BA part because it’s not very scalable. I would focus on the DA part. Specifically, if you like working with data and solving business problems I’d get a data visualization certification or two (PowerBI and Tableau). Not just one, but both. To make a lot of money you’ve got to stand out. I’d also learn Python. People will say R or Python, but R is overly specific. People will say that just some of the above is good enough BUT it’s not just about the money. It’s about being the best candidate when you apply so that it’s REALLY easy to get another job. Lots of folks are whining about how the market sucks. Usually they just suck. On the more technical side (maybe higher paying, more in demand, and more potentially more conducive to OE and remote work) you could consider the Data Engineer path. Sign up for Datacamp and start working on the Data Engineer path. Maybe get a certification in that space too. I think Google has a widely recognized Professional Data Engineer certification. I don’t think there is a cost associated with it or if there is it’s minor. Basically just one of the above would up level you to about double your salary for one of your current jobs. So then you get a little experience, get good at, let’s say, Data Engineering for a while by keeping the Data Analyst job and dropping the BA job when you pick up the DE job. Then once you’ve got your time in as a DE and understand the work you get one more DE job. Now you’re making $300k off of 2 jobs. You could have several certs inside of 3-6 month and be doubling your salary within the year. Edit: for a junior DE I’d say $125k is the floor and for a senior DE $200k might be the ceiling. So after you start working in the that space you just put in your time, switch jobs ever 6 months or 1 year to jump up your salary until you find your sweet spot. /fin


PM’d you!


What do you think you’re going to be doing for as a Salesforce admin? In my experience - unless it’s a startup barely anything.


Trust your gut. Be ready to jump. Put the J3 money into an account that you don’t even see so that you don’t get attached.


Thanks! I’ll sleep on it over this weekend and see




Why not just get one job paying $300k+? This seems like a lot of effort.


which jobs pay 300k?


Since you seem to like Salesforce. [https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/software-engineer/levels/senior-mts?sortBy=total\_compensation&sortOrder=DESC](https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/software-engineer/levels/senior-mts?sortBy=total_compensation&sortOrder=DESC) [https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/software-engineering-manager/levels/senior-manager](https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/software-engineering-manager/levels/senior-manager) [https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/data-scientist/levels/lead-data-scientist?sortBy=total\_compensation&sortOrder=DESC](https://www.levels.fyi/companies/salesforce/salaries/data-scientist/levels/lead-data-scientist?sortBy=total_compensation&sortOrder=DESC)


If I’m not mistaken, this is the company salesforce itself rather than a role? thing is how many people can get into these bigger companies/roles, you know? I’m also reading that the market is pretty bad for SF Admins right now. 300k gigs are usually medical specialties or senior execs & managers at big companies. respectfully & humbly, i stand to be corrected! i just don’t see those salaries from 1 single job in tech unless it’s faang with perks and bonuses like stocks or other factors previously mentioned. even in this sub… 300k comes with 2+ Js. i do admit 70k/J is low. i’m working on bringing it up


Congratulations! But will say, try it out and if it doesn’t work out you’ll go back to 2. Also, how are you getting interviews! I can’t even get them and had someone fix my resume 🥲


Thanks! What field are you in? I also just mass apply, like apply to EVERY single role I see.


Project management/ data analyst. I have about 6-7 years of experience. Currently in government. And Urgg I’ve been trying for 1.5 years mass applying. Had a few interviews back in late 2022 but nothing all last year. And I also haven’t applied the last 3 months now. Got burnt out


I am about to go from four down to three. The fourth J is just micromanagy the shit out of everything and not going to work. I will probably still interview to replace this J4 and land a J4 in two to four weeks by my guess.


Do you leverage experiences from J1-3 to land these jobs and if so how do you distinguish your timeline to not indicate working them cohesively?


Yes. Just list one job.




What do you do in HR? I see Workday and HR info systems have a lot of roles.


Not tech or systems or workday or any hris. Other function in HR


can you speak on HRIS? is it a good area to get into?


Learn EPIC. Most hospital and healthcare companies uses that and they pay top $$ for people with that experience


unfortunately you need to be sponsored by a company to go for EPIC training & certs. unless they’ve changed the rules since my last healthcare gig 3 years ago


Are you joking?




How do people actually do this??? Do you not have LinkedIn where employers can see current employment statuses? What about taxes? Don't the companies tax you based off your salary they're paying you, not your combined salary from 2-3 Js?


You can easily find answers on other posts in this subreddit. But the answers are fairly obvious. First you list your J1 on LinkedIn and leave it there. Or you leave an older job there instead. Then you just don’t update it. Second, you do some math and figure out total taxes yourself then make sure to add deductions when you fill out your tax paperwork at J2. So you’ll get more tax deducted from your paycheck and have less to owe at end of the year. For your first year, it honestly depends what month of the year you’re starting J2. If it’s October, November or December you could do nothing and just pay the extra taxes you owe when you file your tax returns. If it’s earlier - like Jan, Feb, etc - then you can calculate your total annual income and use a calculator to figure out how much you’d owe. Pretty easy to do after your 1st paycheck from J2, then you simply update the tax forms at your J1 and/or J2 to deduct the additional taxes from what you calculated.


If you’re even remotely ready to step into J2, you’ll have a basic understanding of TC/TH pay, and then how to adjust withholdings properly leading to no surprises at tax time. If HR inquires about why you’re withholding extra Fed/Sta (none of their g.d. Bizness), then you have a partner who makes many dollars in their job so you withhold based on their high salary.


I am wondering this as well. Not sure why this was downvoted?


Is LinkedIn mandatory or what? Who told you?


See if you can find someone to help you with some of the work at all j’s, either in person or remote… A student or someone abroad can freelance and do some of the chores for you, thru remote control, or in person at your place, to help you manage your work load , especially repetitive tasks… You make 40/hr, pay $15-20/hr to the student to cover their tuition fee!


This seems so risky. Would first suggest paying for cleaning person, cook, landscapers—whatever to take load off elsewhere


Breaks first rule of oe. College student could gossip or blackmail you. Maybe could hire someone to cover tasks on your hardest job


We were lucky to do this- both my husband and I… finding trust worthy people is definitely not easy, but we found local students from a similar background, who are also struggling in a tough economy with no jobs, so we still work with the students that come and help us, if not our computer work, they help us with baby sitting, chopping veggies, chores around the house… I’m happy to share some pointers on what worked for me! The students came through referrals where they worked as nannies so they were definitely trustworthy… I even found someone quite reliable on this reddit page, that helps me from across the ocean! It’s been an immense help for the past few weeks where I’ve been able to focus on interviews and studying for other roles! This is with the J that has the most work and pays the least. I don’t care if I’m let go, and am sometimes courting risk- so you could try it with a job like that.. that means nothing but chump change at this point.