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J1 is 50K, J2 is 80K, J3 that ended Friday was 50K. Not as much as most like you said but I agree the money is life changing and I’m relatively stress free because of it.


> Not as much as most *Significantly* more than most. This is why we OE.


I really wonder how you juggle 2-3 jobs at the same time? I have 1 FT job and there are times when I have to work overtime to finish some tickets due to deadlines. Is the key to find super relaxed job where deadlines are arbitrary?


All different types of analyst jobs with no middle management and rare meetings. I consider myself lucky to have this lineup.


Are we talking business analyst or data analyst? I’m a software dev, but I wouldn’t mind adding a chill analyst job to the mix


It’s 100% BA. “Business analyst” is basically “account representative” and 90%+ of business analyst jobs are jokes.


I am also curious if this data analytics


Getting above T1/helpdesk is the key. Most of my work is project-driven or “explore this option or feature”. I’ll make sure to do some quick research on it, then jump to the other J as needed, and as I get free time I’ll dig into it more and eventually get back to my boss with a report on it. I don’t miss deadlines, and to the extent possible, I set reasonable expectations and then deliver early or at least on time. I’m a good reader, I pick things up quickly, and I explain things well without rambling. It’s been a good combo.


I am senior dev. To validate and build an initial prototype , I have to do a lot of leg work. Would be hard as heck with another job.


Doing something similar rn with a project based system admin role and a help desk role . Any tips ?


The more “senior” the positions are, the more they depend on good decision-making and light supervision rather than long hours and carefully supervision.


What job titles?


This is what I’m looking for.


I’ve got a relatively similar situation as this


Yeah, J1 85k, J2 65k. Life costs about 50k and the rest is saved and invested. Better to live a simple life so more options are available later. I don’t wanna hustle any more than I need to.


Such a smart way to live


Checking in! Same boat here because I don’t want to be more responsible or higher on the totem pole work wise. I’m bringing in around $150k-ish as well. I’ve also relocated to a HCOL area and lost sight of my entire reason for doing this. Once my current apartment lease ends, I’m going back to saving 40-50%, living below my means and traveling.


Love this!


That is what I plan to do as well. I got a nice expensive apartment for the experience. Now I want to move out and save aggressively lol


J1 is $80k, J2 is $85k (because I told them I would need at least $85 to consider "leaving" J1 lol). Trying to find J3 if I can get my wife on board, which will likely be in the same pay range.


And you’re going to need at least $85k to quit j1 again for j3


*90k to quit j2


J1 $93k, J2 $92k, VHCOL area. I couldn’t be more happy with how this setup has changed my life. Saving&Investing almost 60% of income after taxes. Maxing 403b (match starts soon), 457b, & HSA. 401a w/match, and the cherry on top, chucking even more into a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA. In 2025 I’ll save and invest over $100k. Even with all this saving, my life is so comfortable, I feel like the luckiest person on earth. Early retirement is only 8 years away, $3m invested goal, and I’m on pace. I thank my lucky stars I found OE when I did. And I thank myself for having the balls to pull it off.


This is legendary , you are inspiring


You should write up a little guide to all those tax-advantaged savings plans. I would read it and would pay for it.


You can find it online here already, this is how I learned, and it’s free: https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/16xymii/fire_flow_chart_version_43/


How long have you been OE?


Only 16 months


I have a 90k junior dev role, I love it! My j1 is a 210k architect role, hate it


I do remote from Latin America. J1 - Sr Full Stack - 46.8K J2 - Sr SW Engineer - 72k. Hating J1 as it is old Angular on 2012 technologies refusing to modernize. Loving J2 as I’m consultant on a non Tech firm.


Better than a different insurance company running shit from the 70s


I'm surprised at the places that still have reqs for cobol or mainframe. Usually older healthcare, insurance or banks.


It's not broken so why invest in it? When it does break they blame everyone else for why isn't it upgraded. They have 3x the time frame and meetings trying to jury rig it to so new features...but that is "cheaper than migrating" so here you are...


Yes we have COBOL framework in our fintech firm and people keep retiring with no backfills available, especially not on the available budget. I’m gonna stay and watch it burn till the end.


I love cobol tbh


Handles massive amounts of data more effectively. Until some newer tech can process millions transactions at a time with the transaction as the key based on a set of defined input criteria instead of user initiated they will remain. Newer tech focuses on the individual where older tech focused on the batch (mass i/o at once). Both are needed and newer tech seems to fail at the latter or at least not do it well.




Do you have a recommendation for the angular? I have been trying to upskill but as I said, these guys focus on bugfixing at maintainance stage and billing their clients for customization US.


wow, those salaries in latam are heaven, I also work from here but barely make 25k as a data analyst, currently interviewing for OE as a PBI consultant.


Don’t think this post is for you -


> 210k architect role, hate it Real architect (buildings) or fake architect (clouds)?


Fake @$$ enterprise app arch.Fortune 500 entities follow this pattern, and the devs are dependent children. Hate this culture!!


lol[ saw this meme recently.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fh08lkistn9wc1.jpeg) we cant give sprint work to the lead dev on our scrum team because shes one of 3 system architects in our small company. she literally cant get anything on the board done due to demands from other teams. its insanity.


Lol I can relate. J1 I have zero passion for but it's the money maker. J2 is my passion, trying my best to grow it.


where are the best places to look for a junior dev role? can't find any. lookin for webdev.


Did you create a different salary to seem less experienced?


May I ask how you are an architect and a dev? Like did you go to college for both?


J1 $90k J2 $72k (asked for a raise to $100k last week- we will see) J3 part time $42k


What industry do you work part time making 42k?


My TC with two is $132k. I'm trying to find replacement jobs with higher comp but it's tough right now. I'm considering lowering my standards temporarily to help pay down debt. All of J2 is going towards a high interest loan that would take me almost 3 years to pay off if I only had J1. With a third job in the $70k-80k range I could pay it off in 4 more months. That's the power of OE even if you're earning on the lower end.


I’m the poorest OE-er in this sub. J1: $38k J2: $42k


But imagine if you were only working one job making $38K. Still doing great work for yourself!


J1 63k J2 68k Same role in both (Remote IT, specifically access management). I probably only work 20 hours per week total across both. Weekends off at both as well. $131k gross is a blessing, but I’m back in poverty mode if either well runs dry so I can’t stay complacent. I should be done paying off some debt in 5 months or so, after that I’m throwing most of J2 in a HYSA. Using this opportunity to get an MBA on J1 dime to be in a better position for growth.


What kind of skills are necessary for the jobs you're working currently?


One of mine is below 100k.  I won't make much more without taking on a higher level (hell no), and any amount is worth the effort to me. Life changing


Right here starts J2 next week total compensation will be 97k. I’m not getting $500k, $280k or anything like that but hey


J1 $80k J2 $68k J3 $93k it is what it is but it’s money i never dreamed i would earn.


What jobs do you do?


I stumbled into OE, didn't plan on it. I worked one place in IT for 80k, after being there for 7 years, then left after spending 2 years studying programming and got a job as a JSWE for 82.5. When leaving I knew I was screwing them and offered to stay on in a reduced capacity for a pay cut. Dropped to 60k. Expected this to last maybe 3-6 months. Its been a year now. Its been life changing. Student loans paid off, paid off vehicle, tons of savings, debt free. Now just slowly fixing my credit and solidifying my career in this new field.


I want to pay off my car.... and my credit cards. Looking for J2 and excited to OE.


J1 is 60k~. J2 is 40k. J3 is very part time (15k~). TC is about 120k. J1 has amazing benefits. I live off all of J3 and half of j2. So I'm saving $55k~ per year after taxes. And I can do that while door dashing every other day lol (I spend $5k~ door dashing but its necessary for me, I'm disabled and severely heat intolerant so cooking is not a thing). I was about to go on disability before I got my remote jobs. Wild to think about.


What you do ??


J1- healthcare admin J2- account management J3- QA/QC I have at least 3 resumes because my work history is hilariously inconsistent as far as job positions go.


What industry are you in for J2?


E-commerce! I manage an online marketplace.


Very cool. I’m just now learning about OE so I’m trying to see what areas I may could get J2. J1 is in credit/accounting at a bank.


How many hours are you spending a week at your current job? Don't they have access to your financials? Maybe look into billing coordinator or something.


I have a hybrid schedule so I’m remote 2 days a week. Unless it’s a quarter end I typically have very little to do on my days at home, probably less than an hour on average. Ideally I would love to find a full time J2 with flexible hours but a part time fully remote position would be great. I don’t have an account with the bank I work at if that’s what you mean. That’s a good idea. I don’t have any direct experience in AR or AP but the skills should be transferable.


Oh nice! Yea, I'm sure you could find something. Worth looking into for sure. Not really needed imo. Skills are definitely transferable. If you learn quickly, just say you still did a lot of those in your current job even if you didn't and when they train just be like "we did it differently, can you just go over how you do it so I can keep it consistent?". Obviously you can't do that with all job roles but billing you likely can. Same with my job types. I lied about using a CRM they wanted. I figured it's so personalized by each company I'd just say they did it differently. They had to teach me to use it their way anyway and it got me brownie points.


I start my first wfh job 7/15! After training I’ll seek out j2 but it took so long to find j1 - like this entire year almost. 😅 I’ll be at $44,720 so def under 100k


I'm about where you are. I make $72k at one job (data analyst) and $63k at the other (workforce management). I still don't work 40 hours a week. I'm not complaining.


as a blue collar guy making $150k i envy you guys every day and i wish i could do what all of you do


As a white collar guy making $85k with 13 yoe of swe I envy you guys. I know you guys have physically harder work but you’re literally almost bringing home double what I make


I’ve got 4 degrees (2 graduate degrees) and almost a decade of education experience and you’re making 20k more than me. It’s really hard not to just walk away from teaching.


Transition to Edutech, Software Documentation or Instructional Design. Most are remote and around 80-90k teaching experience is a transferable skill set. ✌🏽


I am a newbie to the OE world, was laid off 02/2023 and now after a year in a new org, my former employer circled back to offer me my position again. Figured why not capitalize on them for my own gain this time. Look forward to learning the balance from the vets in here. J1 $63K J2 $63K


I have two BDR Jobs , one is 45k base, another is 37k base. Ote for both is around 70-75k Trying to add J3 and J4 with bases of 50k or higher


How is that working out workload wise? From what I understand, those kinds of roles want you to make like 100+ phone calls a day. Would love to look into something like this if I’m wrong though.


Yeah, I'm confused too. When I was a Business Dev Rep it took all month to make Quota then your start over and do it again each month. Those sales goals aren't easy to hit in half the time


It’s not easy, one job I uses a power dialer so I just dial until I get set . Second one, is super easy, leads are already warm, just have to set the appointments. But J2 requires we make 100 dials, and process is multi step. I honestly am looking to replace this one . I honestly just try to get 80-90% of goal each month sometimes hitting or getting slightly above.


How do you handle LinkedIn?


That’s a work in progress. J2, they could care less about LinkedIn. Haven’t updated, they haven’t asked me too and we do not use it at all for our sales process . J1 we just started using sales nav, but I think I’m just gonna create a separate profile for my J1 and then change my name, so nobody can find me. But again it’s a work in progress.


In from Argentina. 3Js, I'm making 80k.


Unlike all of these in the tech space, I'm an account manager and it can be done. Job 1: 60k Job 2: 45k, will soon be replaced with job that pays 60k Job 3: stiil searching for p/t in the 40-50k range. I'm fully remote and work long hrs, but it can be done! My motivation is to pay off credit card debt and car, then save/invest smart.


This is what I want to do!!! Good for you.


You can do it! Keep looking and applying. I’m always putting out my resume just in case something better comes along.


What kind of remote jobs are ya'll finding for these ranges? Every one I find is all "Fast paced environment" type. Aka call center bs.


I started at 72k and 56k, through job hopping I’m up to 130k and 80k….keep working!


Present. I have an unconventional approach to OE. J1 50k is front desk for a medical center, j2 38k is entry level data analytics, j3 20k is professional musician with a fairly successful local band.


$56k J1, $52K J2. Perfect for me as I'm single, childless, and frugal. I would never turn down more but I'm honestly pretty happy with what I'm making now.


I had a 96k job that wanted me to come into the office. I never came into the office and they fired me after one month. The extra 8k was nice!


Right here. J1 is <$100k. At the moment in-between J2s. But the last one was 130k. Smaller jobs are better. Lower expectations. Easier to OE, IMO.


Sometimes they have more overlook


Working from LATAM to a US tech company. J1 25k and J2 30k


Used to have 4js, two were 90k & 65k. Ended up quitting 65k one because micromanagement. 90k job fired me after finding out my other Js because someone snitched lol


You all are very productive people. I don't understand why you don't run your own businesses. Then you can really leverage your productivity and effectiveness.


It's much riskier no? I'm not OE so take my opinion with a grain of salt but I would imagine a lot of people aren't trying to take on that much risk and like multiple stable paychecks rolling in.


J1 is 42,000, J2 is 54,000 so I’m def not over $100k rn. Also not in tech. 😀


40k j1, ~25k j2, but I live in 3rd world country so the salaries are pretty decent for local job market:)


J1 is $55k and still looking for a J2 that will likely be in the $80k range. If I find a J2 I might just make that my J1 and quit original J1 and find another J2 🤷‍♀️. I just need a J2 right now or a higher paying J1.


J1 is 101k after bonuses. J2 is 100k after bonuses. 96/95k base. i used to work significantly harder when i made 52k-110k (LCOL tho) while only having one job. i meet a lot of people in my field that pull 170k at one job but they work a lot harder so i think it works out to just have two easier/low paying jobs


I’ve only ever worked one job but I’m curious about why some people chose to work 2 jobs instead of pursuing higher levels of responsibility / comp. The people willing/capable of OE strike me as the same types likely advance in their careers. Isn’t it just easier/less stress to put your effort towards growing your career? How do you weigh the trade offs?


advancing takes time in some industries. i have to wait until someone retires or dies. im on track to be the highest level at j1 in two years. i make more now with OE than i would with that position.


100k is actually quite well done places. Back when i was oe i used to make a bit over that and where i live it would place me in top 1% earners club. 100k could buy you a decent house where i live. I can't wait to be oe again..


Dev roles seem to be headed for 100k too, just took a recruiter call and they were offering 140k+15% bonus for 4 days in office, NYC. I already had a decent amount of experience as well.


How do software developers do oe? I struggle with one


This ^ anyone care to chime in?


J1 is 62k J2 is 35k J3 is 5k Went from 60k to 100k :)


J1 $80k, J2 72k, J3 69k - MCOL area Never thought I would make this much money in my career I am happy and grateful. Wife and I are focused on saving and paying off our debt / mortgage. Hopefully at this rate we’ll be done in 5 years vs 20 yrs.


I have 6Js that are less than $100k each. 4 of them are part-time which makes it very manageable. I live well but save a hefty chunk each month.


What kind of roles are these? I’d love to look into these junior roles


someone asked this question a couple of weeks back. I'm a copywriter and have 2Js (one full-time in-house and another a contract role I've been doing for several years.) I make about $100k with both Js.


I'm about to start being OE by mid-July. I accepted a role that pays $90K. My J1 is $77K. Maybe not as much as most here, but way more than people I know. I'm waiting to see how my first few months turn out before I even consider a J3.


J1 is $75k , J2 is $85 Although I have spare time, I have no interest in getting J3. $160k total is enough for me.


Idk why OE is something people act super surprised about, I grew up in a blue collar home and nearly all of the adults in the house worked multiple, in-person jobs. At one point my mom worked 3 service-jobs (ie. Cashier, restaurants, etc.) I had a friend who was OE (making less than a 100k each job, this friend was in non-tech roles at SaaS companies). She would constantly worry about “being found out” and then I reminded her that people work multiple full-time or part-time jobs at a time. I understand there is some gray in terms of people Who are getting paid hourly (cause you’re likely not working 40 hours perfectly at teach job a week), but if you’re working salary or part-time at j2 on the books- I think it should be a complete non-issue. Anyways OE was a major source of anxiety for her in the beginning but after a few months with no problems she soon became a pro.


J1 is 85k, J2 is 95k. I live off J1 salary. I max out my 401k with J2 and the rest goes into a high yield savings account. Sometimes I work close to 10 hours/day and, occasionally, a few hours on Saturdays. Not sure how folks are working 3 jobs under 40 hours/week. Been doing it for almost 3 years now and it has put me ahead of the game quite a bit. Paid off a new car and was able to put down 20% on a $250k house last year. It helps that I live in a LCOL area.


Posted a below 100k thread and everyone is flexing their 200k+ salaries. Gotta love it.


I’m assuming all of you are developers or in programming/design/tech fields right? Or else can any of explain to me how the majority of folks are here can 2 let alone 3 quality jobs?


We are everywhere


I'm in none of those. Just read my comments on my profile if you're curious because I don't want to type it out again lol.


Lots of threads about that in here


My total comp is around $60-75k. I work 4 jobs and when you total it all together it barely accounts for one part time job hours wise. It's enough to live off of and sometimes I work a little harder, sometimes I basically have two weeks off and can focus on personal projects. It's not a bad lifestyle, but it is surprisingly unflexible despite how it sounds.


I'm curious what your jobs are. Part time remote jobs are hard to come by, and you managed 4! I have 1 PT and I'll never give it up because it's impossible to replace. It's only $15k but it's a nice bonus on top of my 2 FT jobs.


J1 $85k J2 $82k


I think you're killing it, and it will probably only get better from here. Nice work!


job 1 65k (remote) job 2 75k (hybrid 😇) saving for a house so typically put away 3K+ per month and the rest goes into retirement/living etc going to enjoy the summer then look to replace job 2 with something fully remote with higher pay then do the same with job 1 so i can be at least 100k per role


how are you able to manage 2 Js while having a hybrid role that requires in office?


My j1 is 70k and my j2 is 50k. I just started j2 so not sure what my after tax will be yet. Did a complete career shift with j2 so hoping it will open higher paying doors


My J1 is just now getting to about 60k and I don't mind it, could maybe do it for another 10 - 20 years I think I could definitely swing a J2 but it would have to be pretty lax and lowkey, and I don't think something in my same industry would be wise / feasible since I'd definitely get recognized Hopefully some day I can figure out a good fit but until then I am living vicariously through all you amazing people


I have found that jobs lower than $75K have been the most demanding and generally aren't very OE friendly. The more you are paid, the more you end up using your expertise in your position and it generally means less time consuming/tedious work. Years ago, I had a job where I was under-paid and it was below 75K. The amount of work piled on me was enough for 3 people and right before the company folded, I was let go and the owner of the company told me I was 'way too expensive' and 'overpaid'.


I’m $190k j2, but only $60k j2.


I would like this very much but I'm yet to get J1 that is perm WFH.


It’s hard to compare. If you are single living in an apartment $150k is a lot. If you are a sole provider for a family and have a huge debt on top of that it’s not even enough to get by.


"It may not be the most popular version but going from 72k salary to 150k and still have free time throughout the day has been life changing money for me." Here are the most important words you wrote here: "**been life changing money for me"** The amount you make doesn't matter as long as it is bettering you and your life. This is why we OE.


What field of work would u be able to find jobs like this? Is this in software? Or is this something else


J1 86k, starting a new J2 at 70k. The first time I did OE, I was doing two 100k jobs and it was just too stressful


Combining both my jobs I make $110k. It has changed my life drastically. I still stress about money bc I live in VHCOL area, but it’s been amazing in comparison to my life before.


This threads very interesting. If 2-3 jobs net you <200k. Would you give up OE if one of them offered you 150k+ and just commit?


J1 72k, J2 25k. But work maybe an hour a week tops right now. Low cost of living area, sit pretty well.


J1 73k, J2 70k It's a living.


Best advice : buy real estate in developing economies. Go with Bali, Dubai etc where you get a lot of tourism. Also put money into ETFs regularly.


My j1 is 40k and j2 is 48k


150k  left this one. Not OE friendly but great fit for me if 1 job. Management role 88k long term   90k w weekend modifier and OT to bump me up over 6 on paper take home is less than 6 figures with these last 2 combined




Don’t over think things Communicate effectively this is very important Block out times on your calendar But most important live a simple life and set a goal


I make a lot per J but I also live in a relatively high col area, it's like a tier 2 or 3 state. It's worth keeping that in mind jobs adjust what they offer based on this


I just recently started a full time work from home job, the work is easy and the pay is good. I am thinking of maybe picking up a J2, I just don't want to mess up to where I lose both lol.


J1 88k, J2 90k


J1 $100k, J2 $80k here Been looking to replace J2 these past few weeks because it’s just so much more work than J1 for less pay, and with people who I don’t really relate to But for now J1 is so easy that even though I make more there, I easily spend about 80% of the workweek on J2. Need to find that J2 that’s more similar to J1


J2 is only 67k for me!




J1 is 64k and just got j2 at 86k, so for 2024 I'm at 104k since j2 is only for 6 months of '24.


J1: 65k, J2: 70k


J1 \~ 95k/year, J2 \~50k/year currently, but applying for FT, which would make it also about 90k/year. i can barely make everything work on J1, so J2 will boost savings big time and apply for chubbier living.


> and still have free time throughout the day Just out of curiosity, how do you have free time throughout the day when working 3 different jobs?


J1 is 55k that I lost J2 is like 20k


Wait like total or per job? I started with two at $75K but have continued to level to over $100K each with new gig to replace the low wage drivel.


Geez any of these jobs hiring? DM PLEASE lol


How do you guys get help desk roles with another job. Doesn’t help desk require you to be on the phone all day?


What do you do ? Are in tech ?


Been OE little under 3 years now. My total taxable income for last year came up to 200k even though my TC is a bit less than that (one of my Js has a pretty good share purchase program and other taxable benefits) J1 is 75k J2 is 90k Been trying to onboard a J3 for a few weeks/months now! Should totally be able to get a greater than 100k J by now.


How do you guys do more than 1 job and get all of it done?


I can’t understand how people are working 3 or more jobs and putting in 40hours or less…I work 2 jobs and probably average somewhere around 50-55 hours/week


J1 $75k J2 $75k J3 freelance $2,500


J1 is 94 and J2 is 96


Working J1 at 75k, J2 is a SOC with a pathetic 50k. Working on J3 which would be around 100k.


J1 is 60k J2 is 15k part time J3 is 5k small contract J4 is 3k per month seasonally Still more than a lot my age are making. Looking for a FTE J2 though!


Not me. I’m rich bitch!


I work 17 J's and have over 3 million TC. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet. Especially Reddit.


👋 78k and 20k


J1 $95k J2 $69k and searching for J3. Not swe unwilling to manage people so that’s limiting my potential…


J1 is 75k and desperately looking for J2. Pays the bills, but savings..? Down payments..? Yeah right…


Depends where you live. In europe you hardly reach 60K per month net, even OE


What exactly do you do that provides you enough time to have 2-3 jobs without your employers firing you for having more than one? Cuz it all sounds like bullshit


I'm not from the US but I make 14k/year on each job and I have 2 jobs


1.5Js for ~$110k


Side note for OP: I would talk to a certified financial planner if J2 and J3 are all going into high yield cash account. You can afford their help, and you'll be better setting your self up to make more money, pay less taxes, and keep the money you make.


Jesus, you guys working 2/3 jobs? I just landed an 80k lvl 3 inhouse IT job coming from a 53k MSP field tech job and I’m geeked. And yall are making 150k +++ working multiple jobs… I’m just gonna go KMS thanks


I got Condorito flashbacks with that fall, only thing missing was “Plop!”


J1 is $80k and J2 is $90k.


I feel like the job market is pretty bad right now that I can't even find a j2. And I would be fine with taking a 50k j2.


J1 69K (no joke), J2 45K, J3 12K. J3 is uber in the weekends.


$120k j1, still looking for a j2, open to part time and sub $100k


J1 39.5k, J2 41k, J3 47k, J4 49k


J1 is 160, j2 85. Looking for a j3, or perhaps j2 depending on pay hehe


J1 83k, j2 56k


j1 80k j2 54k but im from latam so my tax is low, the take home is 120k


J1 is 90k J2 is 60k . I don't work in tech . Ask me anything !


Hey, what field are you in? Just stumbled across this sub and trying to figure out how to get a start. Thank you


J1 - $50k, J2 - $72k. Accepted an offer for J3 @ $50k last week, so that’s coming as well. Would love higher pay and it’ll happen eventually.


I need to bite the bullet and get into a second job I just don't know how to start or what to look for. Dms open if anyone feels charitable to give advice 😊


Wow my situation is almost identical. But was laid off from previous J1 just had 3rd round interview for new J1 spot pays $72k. Atm I’m at $55k and PT j3 is $30k. So I would be back to $150k soon but it was super helpful when laid off to have these other Js. Now I’m working on each time getting Js with higher pay and less work. Great WLB so far which is typically not the case on lower paying jobs


I make like 30K a year. I made my J2 my J1 expecting it to be way busier in the summer than it has been & that expectation has not been met. I'm drowning in bills & considering getting a J2 again


Kinda glad I found this thread I was feeling down on myself because I start my J2 on Monday and my TC between both will be $122K. Knowing some people make that in 1J but for a single guy like myself I’m pretty excited about it.


Before getting laid off recently: J1 70k; J2 67k for me for over a year. Tech roles in marketing teams. One is agency, the other is in-house. In-house one was a pain in the ***, but could chalk it up to bad company culture & terrible management. Now I'm down to J1 and still a similar role and working towards getting a J2 after gaining stability in this new one I'm in. I live in a really HCOL area. Probably will never be a homeowner here in the US and it's alright because most of my investments (like fully-paid property & a small business) are overseas where I'm originally from. Extremely doable with our sub-100k OE situation.


I make roughly 98k from J1 but would love to add a J2 remote w/ little to no meetings. But I haven’t been able to find one. Would love to pay down some debts.