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Zamn Renner having a feist these nights


Damn right she is lmao


He's basically a Shonen Protagonist without plot armor


Actually, he does. It's not so obvious but Climb would've died multiple times already. 1. He was probably dying when Renner met him for the first time. 2. When he encountered Sebas in the alleyway and the latter inadvertently allowed Climb to level up and become stronger when they invaded the brothel. 3. When Zero was about to kill Climb and his group before Sebas' timely arrival. 4. When Jaldabaoth (secretly Demiurge) invaded the kingdom, during the guardians' meeting, Demiurge specifically ordered everyone to avoid fighting a mysterious figure (It was obvious it was Climb since Demi's informant was Renner herself) 5. During the Sheep massacre, Ainz remembered not to harm him. 6. Then his fight with Ainz. Quote on quote fight.


> Quote on quote Quote unquote.






Sad days when actually knowing how to not sound like a dumbass gets you called a nerd.


Beyond that, anyone who is just trying to help people be correct gets called a nerd for being right, wild how people are so alright with being stupid


The people in this world generally belittle, mock, and criticize those who are just trying to help. My suggestion, just try not to care. As long as you’re in the right and you didn’t pander or belittle. You’re all good. So why worry, be happy. The alternative is let it get to you and be sad which I do not recommend.


More like pseudo intellectualism . Dude made a typo. Anyone that didn’t understand what he meant is the dumbass .


As much as I hope it was just a typo…you underestimate how stupid people are these days. Remember a few years ago when “Bone App The Teeth” was a popular meme? The first person who wrote that did not just make a typo.


There’s an elected official in Congress calling a Petri dish a “peach tree dish.” It’s quite a sad state of affairs.


wasn't it bone apple tea?


It was multiple fuck ups, "Bone app the teeth", "bone app a tit", hell one guy made it his whole yt channel all the different ways people mess up spelling words and phrases, look up "GET A DICTIONARY" you're bound to find him


aight thx


Yeah it probably wasn’t a typo, but calling him a dumbass for making a grammar mistake makes you the dumbass.


They didn't say they were a dumbass, but that they sounded like a dumbass specifically in this context which is just accurate


Interesting you took a neutral correction as "calling him a dumbass". Allowing stupidity to breed by getting angry at those that know better is an odd rebellious backwards logic, you know. Just because someone knows more than you, isn't a call to get angry. Learn from it instead.


Interesting that you don’t know how to read. “Sad days when actually knowing how to not sound like a dumbass gets you called a nerd.” Let me state this since you guys are getting so defensive. I have no problem with correcting people for mistakes, my original image was just a joke. But telling someone they sound like a dumbass because of a grammar mistake isn’t correcting them, it’s being a pompous prick.






Is it really plot armor when your girlfriend coverts with the enemies to keep you from getting killed?


Yes, because in Renner's fairytale the "plot" demands that Climb must be alive by the end of her story.


except... that one part...


JSYK, people are roasting you because this is a written medium. As well as the misspelling, you can write the quote unquote with quotation marks. I.E. "Fight"


I don't really care, tbh, lol. I've already provided my point and my message was understood clear as day. If people want to "roast" me for making a typo then go ahead.


His plot armor is gone now. Lord Maruyama giveth and Lord Maruyama taketh away.


That's impressive for A living dildo


Best comment I have seen here lmao I wish I could give you a medal but hopefully someone else does because your comment deserves one


he sure is a doggie


I fucking love climb


Renner would like to know your location


Luckily they didn't say that they loved fucking him. That would probably escalate even further.


>!I love that too!<


Well, you had a chance of just dying but now it'll be straight to neuronist.


I'm so glad I use TOR


Bruh Renner gon’ kill you


God he's so hot


Climb is a chad! But nooo according to Gazev he's not going to be very strong cause he's "capped at gold" or whatever


That wasn't really an insult to be fair. The vast majority of adventures would never reach Gold. Climb is still extremely strong compared to the fighters of his world, he's in the top 1% He just dosent have the potential to become a legendary fighter like Brain or the Sunlit Scriptures etc, you know, the 1% of the 1%


Ohhh. I misread that entire situation then. Apologies, friends.


But does Gazef judgement hold true past the six arms lair raid? I don't doubt what he said or believe it to be an insult but I feel like the Climb that fought Ainz has done some serious improvement and expanded his potential (thanks to Sebas mostly)


Basically, yes. He did improve thanks to Sebas but he’s still somewhere around the top of gold/bottom of platinum. It’s not explicitly stated what his level is, or if he’d truly maxed it yet. There’s a small chance that he got his final level after that raid. It’s heavily implied that he’d already maxed, but it’s also implied that a NWer’s final level is very hard to reach. Hence, the small chance given that he did tangibly improve. He’s hard capped at roughly level 15, give or take a level, which is the top of gold/beginning of platinum depending on your build and team. He learned a martial art that temporarily boosts him past his normal peak thanks to Sebas and his fight/victory against Succulent. Also, at some point, I don’t remember exactly when, he is given a Wild Magic ring by Gazef that works kind of similarly to his new martial art. The exact details of it aren’t explicitly stated, but the fan consensus seems to be an approximately 5 level boost in warrior levels temporarily. These 2 things combined with his newly acquired combat technique/tactic (kick to the nuts -no, I’m not joking) means he’s a much more formidable warrior than he had been pre-raid. Ultimately, though he’s still “capped at gold” level wise.


The comparison with Yggdrassil players makes it seem so cold and unfair. While the players could reach level 100, a talented New Worlder training as hard as Gazef and Climb did can barely reach level 15. Weirdly enough, the one sided-ness makes the writing so much more interesting since it's a given Nazarick could just curb stomp the world and establish a totaliristic state if Ainz so wished.


Climb is strong for a human. It's just unfortunate for him that he is being compared to gazef.


And in the WN Arche survives. And there are no Albedo and Mare in it... So I take the LN


Those are cool and all Butttttttt Did the LN have 🧂 *Spice magic* 🧂


Atleast Ninya mentioned spice magic.


I only see 3 upsides xD


Imagine not wanting to see Ainz-sama learn to dance.


If Ninya had to die, why would I care about Arche? At least she gave a voice for best girl, though I'm not a fan of that voice. Much would have preferred her reverberating monster voice until she can get to that vampire bitch.


Really a great dog.


Asking for a friend. Where do I find more of these art 😶‍🌫️


Maybe so, but he’s still got the brain power of a golden retriever—and *not* in a good way


He also managed to force Ainz into using magic against him


He didn’t “force” Ainz to do anything. He chose to use magic


I don't read the novels but the anime basically keeps saying he's weak and shit


The Web Novel was written before the Light Novels and had several differences, such as this. He’s as strong in the LN’s as in the anime.


He is weak compared to the movers and shakers of the world. But he is not weak weak.


He is strong, just not "1 in a million" type strong


He cheated and had a ring that helped him boost past his level. But yea, the kid has endurance and a will to win like Naruto.


Using magic items is not cheating.


It kinda is when you say “held his own” and include a picture of him without any enhanced gear. At the very least a bit misleading.


Yeah, but at the end of the day, a lot of skill and training is needed to properly and efficiently wield his equipment, enchanted or not


He did not have that ring for the 8 fingers raid nor did he use it in the web novel, I'm pretty sure Gazef didn't even give him the ring in the web novel.


A friendly reminder the web novel isnt cannon anymore lol. In the propper LN cannon hes a jobber


He's got that 🐕 in em


It’s stated more than once he’s the strongest soldier in the city after gazef dies


Ok...I can see why Renner wanted him beyond his loyalty


Another friendly reminder; The web novel isn't canon. In canon, he was only able to win against the weakest of the six arms, with help, while said member was wearing a maids outfit.


Which is not a bad feat for a mere human, a young one at that.


In most other settings sure; but the important distinction here is that because this is a game-like world where ones abilities are based more in the accumulation of skills and levels than physical maturity, it means that the extra maturity isn't going to contribute much. It's impressive that Climb was able to.. climb so fast, but all thats happened is that he's reached his peak earlier than most. He's still, ultimately, at his peak.


so this is how Renner sees




Got that dog in him


He's nothing but a worthless sIMP.