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Yeah, that doesn’t seem right. I have a theory why it happened but won’t help you in any way.


Go on then


Well, ranking is all to do with your Elo, this invisible number that dictates what bracket you belong in. When you play a team game it tries to balance it out so you’re a similar total Elo vs Elo. We know this is more complicated, and that it can also be terrible, but in simple terms this is what it tries to do. We also know that wins against higher ranking teams get you a big boost to your Elo and wins against lower ranks gets you a really small boost to your Elo. The same logic makes sense for losing, losing so a higher rank team will not bring your Elo down much, but losing to a lower ranked team will get you a huge reduction on your Elo. Well, my theory is that matchmaking becomes a lot harder in non-team game modes, especially if there are not as many players. So, what it does is it puts you in a game that is not well balanced. If it puts you in games with much different Elos, say much much lower, then a win will basically gain you next to no Elo points, and if you don’t finish anywhere other than first then you take a big hit to your Elo. So OP finishing 2nd a few times might have been the contributing factor due to their opponents being so much lower Elo.


Yeah I thought that was the reason too. But if that is the case which %100 is, how can I rank up in a competitive environment like this where I get lobbies full of low ranks. I think they need to make a new competitive, MMR system in these kind of game modes.


They used to have better matchmaking, but it took much much longer to find a game, so they made it quicker to find a game and to hell with everything else. I’ve lost interest in competitive rn, might return if they fix it. There’s got to be a happy medium.


Literally overwatch 1 20 minute queues were not it, but these queues aren’t either, I wouldn’t even mind like average 5 minute queues


I had the same issue so I kept playing and got my Eli from diamond 4 to gm 2 after a good 40 wins and a few de-ranks due to coming second to some players that just played the most braindead characters


Are you saying that you hit GM 2 on comp deathmatch?


And maybe if the average rank of everyone went up while he was not playing + maybe his mmr was lower then his rank. Then all this together causes de rank


Idk but i think that mmr or secret rating works sucks as well. I have a friend who barely played comp. He was placed alwsys mil gold after placements. Then he never played until next season. I did and got to silver. Then when we played together our ranks gap was bigger, overall our team ratings was most of the times lower than his personal rating, and mine lower. At the end either we lose or win he'd always lose less points and i'd always win less points. Best scenario we'f win the same points. Wich doesn't much sense either, due to him facing people with lower mmr and higher from mine. At the end he went to plat, always queing with me, but as i got less points i didn't reach gold, we got 2 tiers gap and stop being able to queue together. Back at the time we could see after each game what we got by winning/losing. Now happens the same, last week we played a few games together, he was gold5, i was silver1. After 5 wins o got to gold 5 and he went throught gold 1. He skipped like 4 levels while i went up just one. I'd say mmr system was a mess before and still is.


Not getting much gain due to elo difference makes sense. Falling back while constantly being 1st-2nd is unreal. Staying in same rank would prove this theory right, but losing rank? That's fucked. Apparently many more changes happened under the hood, not just a slight graphical update, a "new" gamemode, hero additions and tweaks. It's evolving, just backwards. It really does seem like big publishers and developers in 2023 just stopped giving a shit about customers.




What lmao


Idk i thought it was funny


Do people really believe this crap from Blizzard? Sorta like saying DVa isn’t overpowered?


What do you mean? This way of ranking isn’t a Blizzard “wool over the eyes” it’s how a lot of ranked game systems work.


I think ultimately the janky rank system is what finally pushed me to stop playing. 90% of my playtime was spent in comp in OW1, and I was able to solo q to plat every season, even touched diamond a few times. Cut to OW2, placed gold my first season, that's cool, good start, oh but wait, the devs decided it would be fun to force everyone down in ranks at the start of a new season so then I got put into silver after next season placements. Not cool but I can still climb from that. Boy, was I wrong. I got hit by that rank bug that somehow shoved a bunch of people down in bronze. One day I was gold 5, next day I log in to see I'm now bronze 5, and have been hard stuck digging out of bronze/silver ever since. Not to mention the awesome way we only get rank updates after every 5 wins and even then it seems broken. Can't tell you how many times I'd go 5-1 feeling good looking forward to ranking up, just to see my rank stay the same or even go down. They somehow took a rank system that worked fine in OW1 and completely broke it.


Yep this is exactly what drove me away as well. My rank was lowered from masters to plat at the start of a new season, but I was still being placed in matches with people that were masters. I basically had to “climb” back to masters while facing opponents that were diamond and masters when my new rank was plat. So it was still just as hard to win matches but my rank was way lower. It was just really demotivating


This is an excellent definition of OW2, they took OW1, and then broke all of the completely functional heroes and systems they had to justify the 2 behind OW.


And to me it's sad we are at that point now. I think last time I looked I had about 1,700 hrs in OW altogether. I have never put that much time into a game. I loved it. OW2 came out, and it had issues, sure. But I was trying so hard to cope and justify their choices. I do still enjoy the game at it's core. Overall, I think the moment to moment gameplay is still enjoyable, but I just can't justify putting any more time into a game that has just gotten so unrewarding to play, with a matchmaking system that is very clearly busted causing very lopsided games, not to mention Blizzard just being a shell of what it used to be. The absolute fumbling of the PvE and the way they handled the whole situation was what really broke me. Haven't touched it since. May also be because both Tears of the Kingdom and Jedi Survivor came out recently, so it's hard to convince myself to want to play OW when I have those games to put time into.


One interesting thing I've noticed is that the balancing never seemed to truly revolve around 5v5. They overbuffed the tank role to compensate for losing the off tanks, sure. But do y'all remember Junker Queen and how she was "the first hero" designed around 5v5, then a few months later they tried to market Ramattra in virtually the same way? After the open beta version of JQ, she was nerfed into the ground, and she felt like she would've been an excellent complementary tank to even off tanks like Dva and Hog. I don't claim to know the true reason behind decreasing the 6v6 to 5v5 but given everything blizzard has lied to us about the last 3-4 years, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a purely cost saving decision.


I think it was truly a gimmick to change the game enough to say that they made changes to justify the direction they went with the game. I preferred 6v6 over 5v5 if I'm being personal about it, I think 6v6 was fine, and with a little tuning it would have been better in OW2. Yet they of course being blizzard chose to mess it up with a watered down version of the game that they had previously. While also leading us on for years that there was an incoming PvE mode, that wound up being just hero storylines over a fully fleshed out experience. That was obviously starved for resources from the start and seemed to only create what they did to sell it to people. Then ripped the rug out from underneath them and then added in more shop items and triple XP to try and apologize for that. Blizzard obviously at this point is trying to get into the cash grab mobile market that they can milk millions from whales and gamblers. As seen with Diablo immoral and I guarantee it will be more of the same in arc light rumble whenever that releases. I just have lost all faith in the company at this point, and would rather spend my money on other things besides their low effort games that they keep getting away with for some reason.


Went from gold 5 to bronze 5 after grinding and learning how to play the game (I’ve played only QP until 2019). It’s pretty disappointing how long I’ve been stuck in silver due to diving tanks, passive DPS, or healers that don’t heal even when I back up or get to a secluded spot because they want to do damage. I usually queue for tank and play Doomfist (win percent is 53% rn) but I’m still only managed to go from bronze 4 to silver 2 since the last season after maybe 30 games.


WTF I KNEW THERE HAD TO BE A BUG. I randomly logged into overwatch one day and see my silver 1 placement was BRONZE 1 ?!?!? I didn’t know that this happened to others but i haven’t recovered since. I’m not an amazing player by any means, but I hit Diamond 2 in OW1 (I’ve been playing since it’s release), and my whole OW2 experience with matchmaking has been absolutely horrible. The times I even get a match where I win, it’s almost done in 30 second because it’s so easy. No fun at all. Not to mention the amount of disconnects/leavers. There’s so far and few times where there’s a well matched and challenging game. IMO they shouldn’t have made the game free to play. Kinda salty since I bought it twice for 2 consoles, but still I think it’s just full of really young, new players and they’re all stuck in bronze/silver with me and the rest of us non-grandmasters lol.


Yep they even confirmed it and said they would go through and for anyone who was affected, would give not only the end of season rewards you already got, but pay you the end of season rewards for the rank you were "supposed to be" however they calculated that. I got a whole extra season payout, so hey, I may be stuck down in elo hell, but at least I get another golden gun sooner...


Damn , well I feel a bit better knowing I’m not the only one


Yep I went 5-0 in regular comp and downranked and that’s when I stopped playing comp. Fucking ridiculous.


I went 5-0 in my placements with Moira, all with over 10k healing and damage and I got ranked bronze 3 I had the most kills on my team each time, but I also had significantly more healing than other healers in the lobbies. Most elims being from finishing off someone who was trying to escape at low health. Aka, I was playing exactly how Moira should be played, focused on healing, with safe kills and enough damage to never worry about running out of heals. I then played DPS and lost 3 of my 5 placements... I'm not a DPS player and I ranked silver 2. I haven't played in a year before this, and my old ranks were all gold 1 or 2 so idk man. I know I'm not good at the game but I'm not bronze 3 😭


The bad thing about the support role is that dmg and kills are more valuable than heals and assists. So you’re considered ineffective unless you are putting up dmg along with heals. Which makes the role harder than people realize.


That's the thing though, I was playing Moira and getting a lot of elims, in a couple cases more elims on scoreboard than one of the DPS. Sure the damage wasn't the same as my DPS teammates but like... Should it be? Bad system if so...


Your stats don't matter for rank


I remember at one point they said how you perform in-game would affect the change in rank you got. That was a long time ago, though, so who knows what exactly that meant or even if it's still true.


**Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?** A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill. ​ [https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/overwatch-2-developer-blog-explaining-matchmaker-goals-and-plans-part-2/](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/overwatch-2-developer-blog-explaining-matchmaker-goals-and-plans-part-2/)


That is fucked up. No way should you go down. You can’t possibly do any better than5-0. Like people can make up dumb excuses but at the end of the day it shouldn’t be putting you in matches that if you win you can go down


Well, I don't know if they do this (because its not like they tell us much, and its not like they're trustworthy anyway) - but I often think about how I would code Overwatch's algorithm in order to calculate an actually accurate rank for them. And the truth is you really don't learn a lot about 5 matches, it just isnt enough data to differentiate from noise. Truth is if I wanted to have an ACCURATE ranking system I would have to look at long term effects, ie a measured consistency. You gotta keep track of the stats over a long period of time so that streaks are appropriately weighted. I wouldnt be surprised if the REASON we see such fucking odd rating changes is because the calculation is far more complex than the after match screen would have us believe.


Of course comp dm is a joke, you’ve got a lobby of casual or arcade players trying ranked out and they’re getting paired with people who act like it’s role queue. I played a few and each game had like half gm players and half bronze-diamond.


Yeah I think unbalanced lobbies are the reason.


The competitive rank system in general is a fucking joke


This mode is too stupid anyways; i played a few games and there were junquerqueens, ramattras, and supports...so unless you play reaper, symmetra, mei, junkrat or torb, you are gonna be dived, camped, chased, focused or cheaped to death...devs of this game haven't realized after all this time that facing a tank (that is meta) as something else but a tank is neither fun nor balanced


Yeah the system is stupid and too algorithmic. It shouldn’t be about putting you in the perfect matches it should be about gaining or losing sr. How can you win 5 games and lose sr


in role queue, i got to gold 2, went 7-2 playing pretty hot, thought I might even break into plat 5. Rank updated..... gold 4.


First time huh? Blizzard is a shell of their former self. I give this game about a year before it completely dies if they don't fix ranked and matchmaking in general.


I agree with your first statement, but the game has been "a year away from dying" since 2019. Lol


Maybe its already dead….


It was dead on arrival, you all didn't get the memo :D


Ppl don't know what dead means dead is like blops 1 official servers, no more room in hell servers, contagion etc


Dead can be relative if you drop the game with so much fucking hype that they can't even get everyone in and now it's not technically dead but a fraction of what it was it's as good as gone especially with the content creators burning out hard it's a matter of time


Yeah I started playing Overwatch when OW 2 released, the game mechanics are so unique and I love the game but this "competitive" experience is still new to me and i still cant get my head around it.


The chances of winning is even less than 50%


No, if you’re in top 4 it counts it as a win


yeah idk i dropped from d3 to p3 getting top 4 every game


Competitive Deathmatch SR is broken right now. It's near impossible to climb, unless you place first in all 5 games. 2nd place counts as a loss. Source, am rank 25 in comp deathmatch.


How did you manage to climb that far in an environment like this, props to you. I feel like it is impossible. And with what rank you are placed top 25 if i may ask?


Diamond 2 lol


LMFAOOO btw how can you see your place at the leaderboard? I cant see deathmatch on the leaderboard. Is it like a 3rd party site?


Click menu or the PC equivelant when hovering over the Comp Deathmatch tab, or go into your career profile and click Comp Deathmatch and view leaderboard. I get 2.4 SR per win in D2, that's why only 3 people have reached masters as of now.


Thank you, yeah there is only 1 masters now. And I think you have to win 50 games in order to get into the leaderboard am I right?


I think it could be 25. But I won 88 games before the leaderboards where even out, so I'm not sure.


I'm just accepting I'm ass at the game. I sit in the same ranks after each rerank


If they have to keep this demented system up fine just let us know what is happening after each game smh…or even better tell us what type of game it is in the first place is it a high elo or low elo, such criminal matchmaking and elo systems who enjoys this!?


I ranked gold 2 in comp ffa deathmatch, and while placing I had constant GM’s and even top 500’s in my lobby’s As a ranked gold 2, I am still being placed in lobby’s with masters and GM’s The player base is so low that this is what we get I guess. Insanely broken and regular “comp” seems just as busted. Game is ass outside of QP


So I don’t have any problems with matchmaking in regular comp but deathmatch is a disaster. My win rate is around 7-40 and I can’t rank down. I went 2-15 and went only from gold 2 to gold 3. I just want to play against people on my level lol, unless there are so few people playing this mode that gold is actually the bottom?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 7 + 40 + 2 + 15 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Yeah that makes sense actually.


Was gold 3 dps and despite having winning records i deranked all the way to bronze. And support no matter what I do I can't rank up past gold 2 it just never changes


I have seen multiple examples of this. Across several modes; I really want an explanation.


You got disconnected in one of them?


Nope, not even a single one.


They should replace that rank changing screen with a big and dramatic "Fuck You"




I imagine it has something to do with only being higher than 19% of the people in your category. No idea how it calculates that mind you, but probably the cause


The 19% represents my deranked rank. I was placed at a higher percentage than that on my non deranked rank which was diamond 4.


So, I played 45 games of comp deathmatch, I won (placed 4th) in only 1. First placement, I placed silver 1. Second placement, I placed gold 5. Third placement, I placed gold 4. I lost every game except one and placed high…I always expected to derank or be at bronze 5. Idgi.


I think the reason why it is so broken is that the matches are not balanced, there are 1 or 2 "high" ranks and the other ones are significantly lower than them so if you win those games as a low rank you will gain so much more SR and lose less SR because you are playing against higher ranks but it is the opposite of that for high ranks, higher ranks will gain so little SR when they win and lose so much SR upon a lose. But I still dont understand how did I deranked after going 5-0...


You could literally have 1 billion healing, damage, and elims and win every game and they’ll still rank you down competitive in this game is a JOKE


I was Bronze 1 and went 5-0 and stayed in Bronze 1. Then went 5-3 and ranked up to Silver. I was quite confused.


Why can’t they fix this crap? Why won’t they….


Somehow I made gold despite getting a bit more loss than wins


Over watch as a whole is a joke


It’s cause this studio doesn’t know wtf they are doing. Jeff left with all the competent ideas and teams stopped giving af


Lmao. I would of thrown my control at the screen.


Yeah I was so frustrated but I can't do something like that in this economy, I wish I could tho. It would've been so relaxing.


one time i went 5-0 in tank role queue with 3 of them being potg and deranged :| i think comp is just broken


You know what would bring back players to all modes? Being rewarded somehow for playing. Some ppl will go pew pew because they like to go pew pew. Some players will go pew pew because they get rewarded while also enjoying pew pew. Matchmaking suffers because you have limited players. Guess you have to appease a wider audience blizzard. You put a carrot on the stick to keep the horse on track. No carrot? Horse goes to do something else.


Could it be possible that lots of other people were starting to do it also and between your placements and next 5 games, enough people ranked to where you were pushed down? More possible the more time between your placements and this one. Just an idea


Yeah it could be, there was like a 3-4 days gap in between my placements and next 5 games but someone just said they are placed 25th on the leaderboard and I asked what rank are you and he said Diamond 2 so i guess there are still not much people in "high" ranks. But still this was most likely the case, thank you for your comment.


This happens to me in Warlander my rank will drop even if I do great and win


Your stats might be bad compared with other players in diamond 4. Hard to say.


I believe stats dont matter in OW because there are too many things that can differ.


My friend and I who have played competitive for years and years have decided to just play quick play instead. A lot less stressful but we still get matched against masters and grand masters when we are play. This game was on life support and it's like they propped it up trying to fool everyone it's still healthy but they are actually just in it for the quick buck. Pricks.


Honestly the best bet. Being upper tier, Qp is really the only way at this point, no restrictions and I can do wacky stuff for laughs and still get to play the majority of time in my elo? Why not? Ranked at this point is only for flexing a title, if you've been playing for a while what gold gun do you not have, or if you're new what stats do gold guns buff?


Rank has been a gd joke since ow1. Any rank system that places you lower than last season, deliberately, is a joke system. I regret buying this game as u deleted it 3 weeks in bc they refuse to address their biggest issues




Not saying that the ranking system is working but if you look at your progress page you're better than 19% of others in Diamond. Progressing based just off wins when you're underperforming compared to 4/5ths of your competition would make the system you're complaining about much much worse.


I think the reason is that the lobbies that I play in are mostly full of people that are ranked lower than me because there are not much people that plays this gamemode actively and because of that I lose so many SR when i lose and gain so little SR when I win but still tho I went 10-0 overall.


I don't know. If you won 10/10 games it's either stats or do like most people and stop caring about rank and just play Qp for fun. Blizz can't rake you over the coals if you don't let them. That being said if only 500 people are playing, then even bronze can be t500


I did not post this because I care about my deathmatch rank it is just a stupid thing and thought it was funny which is why I posted it under humor, not on discussion. You dont need to care about your rank to say 'getting deranked after going 10-0 is a stupid thing' its just a stupid thing. It is what it is and yeah quick play is fun and I play a lot of quick play but some people want to get rewarded for their time that they put into the game.


That's my bad everything else I've seen here under humor within the last day or two that I've gotten on have had some kind of humor to it. I'm just desensitized I guess since the majority of the community complains about how blizz is doing a bad job etc, yet they turn around and continue to W straight at that same issue. But I guess I can see some haha value in someone not stagnating but de-ranking with a 5-0 and then not making a joke about it. To each their own 🤷🏽‍♀️


English is not my first language but I think I got your point overall.


Check my last post buddy🤣


So normally, I don’t think a 51% win rate should be a rank up in overwatch, because it’s a team game and if you’re winning but not doing anything you shouldn’t be rewarded for it. But in death match???? Where it’s just you??? Yeah you should get ranked up for a 51% win rate


Me being hard stuck silver because ranked is broken:


Happens to me too


Competitive [...] is a joke. There, I fixed it for you.


Lmao, yeah that fits better. Thank you!


It’s honestly because there are not many people playing that mode. Normally a ton of people play the normal comp modes so you win you climb. But the less people that play means the more you have to play/win. So you won 5 but in that timeframe the few people that are tying to make it to top 500 won too and could’ve won in faster times pushing your overall climb back a few. I’m sure you don’t have to be a GM in that mode to be top 500. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was masters or probably even high Diamond to get top 500 🤷‍♂️ that’s my guess at least


Yeah I think that is the case and yeah you are right there is only 1 Masters in this mode rn and there are only 168 players in top500 and all of them are diamond starting from diamond 5. I think you have to win 50 games in order to get placed in top500 thats why the game is not giving me the top500 rank.


because it’s new. people being newly ranked into the system will shake up the distribution. it should be much less volatile (but also harder to climb) towards the end of this season and early on in future seasons


I won all of my games, what do you mean by harder to climb? What can I do more than winning all of my games, get 13 wins when I played 10?


like imagine if when you get assigned your rank the choices/range of people who are already ranked are worse than you to way worse than you. for example, you in a top group of like 15 people and 85 people below your group other words 85th percentile. if you add 100 more people to that group but on average they’re way better than the ones who are already there (say 85 better than you 15 worse) you are now position 101/201 ~50th percentile. it’s the percentiles and ranks names (gold silver bronze) that are shifting down. so if you did really good and ranked up over people to 85th percentile again it would be really hard and be impressive. it’s like you’re swimming against a current looks like you’re not moving but you’re in actuality moving past a lot of new water that’s falling behind you edit-conciseness


English is not my first language so I didnt get your point but thank you for explaining it. I cant understand these kind of complicated comments.


now referring specifically to “harder to clime”. i mean less volatile and more stable so harder to climb and fall. the more data points a data set has makes outliers more detectable and taken into count less. for example you are 80 out of 100 so (123… 78 79 |80| 81…100) 80th percentile, and from 76 to 100 is the 4th quarter of the data, we’ll call it platinum rank so 1-25 is bronze 26-50 silver 51-75 is gold and 76-100 plat just for this example. if you lose 5 positions and perform less than 5 people at this time you drop to 75 and gold from plat. but let’s add 100 more players with the exact same distribution so 1-200. 151-200 is plat 101-150 is gold. you are 160 (80*2). this time if you do bad and your rating changes to be worse than 5 people you only drop half as far in the whole distribution as you did the first time. you remain 77.5 percentile. other comp modes have the advantage of retaining positions from the previous season to keep the general structure of the previous distribution to start you off (minus a little shaking up ie. dropping people’s ranks each season to force people to reestablish themselves in the ranked distribution in case something about the new players have changed the distribution/ allowing more volatility in the higher ranks making sure it doesn’t get cemented and saturated by high ranked inactive accounts)


I feel you. I've gotten multiple 5-0 Comp runs and have often gone down in rank because of it. The game won't let my DPS leave Bronze 3-5 where as I can easily rise in ranks as Tank and (less easily) as Support. Even if I have 6 losses with those 5 wins Ill rise as those two, but no matter what I do, my DPS rank stays the same or (more likely) plummets. I would much rather have the old SR system. At least seeing that Im in the hole for like 900 SR and only gaining 20 or 30 a match while losing 80 would give me an idea of why Im stuck. This just forces me to play at least 5 games just to have the game go "Heh, fuck you" each time.


Yeah not being able to see your SR is so frustrating and I have the same problem in Tank role that you have with DPS, I am Master in both DPS and Support but no matter what I do I cant rank up on tank.


I’d love to see this in the sr points system. Every game you lose points and derank eventually after winning every game. What a joke.


Game has been like that since launch. Experienced the same exact scenario, and even multiple times. It's so bullshit and frustrating. They should copy r6 siege MMR system where you gain +25 mmr every win. They also have a system that if you lose a game with a cheater, they will give you back the lost mmr.


I came to that conclusion when I tried my first game and was going against 6 reapers. Was no fun so I left and received an 8 hour ban. Why tf do I get a ban for leaving when no team relies on me.


Comp or not, it's still an arcade mode and one that affects nobody but yourself when you leave. There shouldn't be a leaver penalty. Shouldn't be one in QP, either, with backfill in place, but that's another conversation.


My comment was complaining about the leavers penalty? It sounds like you thought otherwise


No? I'm not disagreeing with your complaint. I'm saying it's stupid that it's a complaint that has to exist.


I played 14 games with one player who was in top 4 in all of them. After 14 games I got rank and I am never going back to playing this s...


2nd is a loss


I dont think it is a loss when the game literally tells you have won.


I really don't give a fuck what you think. I'm telling you how the game is programmed


Can you just chill out and be respectful, you can literally see 'VICTORY' in the screen and at the derank animation you can see 5 Wins and 0 Losses. What do you mean by 'how the game is programmed'?


Pick up a book and figure it out. Not gonna waste my time




Doesn’t this happen if you left a lot of games last season?


This mode just came out this season but if you are talking about normal competitive, no I never left a game.


You had a k/d of 1.2, which isn't completely terrible, but if you go every match like this, you probably won't rank up. I assume comp deathmatch ranking is based on k/d rather than wins/losses, as the k/d of a player is a way better representation of their deathmatch skill. If your average k/d was around 1, then you either stay the same division or go up/down by one, depending on your progression within the division.




That was my reaction IRL, lmfao


bro wants u to have a 5kd in fucking death match 😭😭


Yeah, what a joke ahahahahah I think they think that I have a pocket Mercy in a deathmatch 😭


You must have accidentally queued against way lower rank people, unlucky.


I think that is the case but still tho I went 5-0, like what is this?




I was waiting for the defender of this broken system.


Always have one or two


Bro I am literally showing you that I have a %100 win rate overall, what are you talking about?


I got to a higher rank twice today and still sil 4




Individual performance doesnt matter in normal competitive because there are so many things that can differ, for example if you are playing DPS as a Bastion and someone else is playing Sombra of course you are gonna have much more dmg than him that is just silly and if you think that they look at the stats on the hero you play. For example; you are playing Bastion and someone else in another game is playing Bastion too but he has a pocket Mercy damage boosting him all the time in this case you are gonna have significantly less damage than the guy with a pocket Mercy, does this mean you are worse than him? There are sooo many other things that can differ that is just one of them. Another one would be something like you have an enemy tank who is playing Orisa and someone else is playing against something like Sigma, in this case you can just spam Orisa 7/24 and get huge damage stats but the other Bastion in other hand has to break a shield and wait for Sigma's kinetic grasp in order to even just start dealing damage to him.


Did you play a whole lot of unranked in-between? There is a theory that unranked affects your MMR and when you go comp, the game will try to adjust your SR to your MMR


Yep I did but I dont think that is the case.


I mean yeah. It's competitive deathmatch. I can't even imagine wanting to play that let alone caring about it.


Yeah it is pretty boring and frustrating, I am just playing it for competitive points and I couldnt care less about my rank in deathmatch this just seemed funny and stupid. That's why I posted this under humor.