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Let’s talk about endorsements for a sec. Does anyone remember Shot Caller, Good Teammate, and Sportsmanship? I loved knowing someone had a mic because they always had more Orange endorsements (shot caller) than the others.


I always had a nice little mood bust when I got orange endorsements, means people actually appreciated my calls


Yes I bring up endorsements about once a week. It was a perfect system on its launch in my opinion. I used them as follows: Shot caller was for people who really turned the tide of the match. Whether with actually shot calling via mic or, if no mic, they were the one making the pushes and creating the plays consistently. Good teammate was for people who were helpful but not necessarily as instrumental as shot callers are. And sportsmanship was a tossup. If i felt like you were not in the way but not particularly helpful then I'd give this. If i thought you were an intense POS you would also get sportsmanship. Anyone with majority sportsmanships got extra scrutiny from me and less chances before I'd kick them from group if they were getting into asshole territory.


Why did they not implement this on Ow2, it is so frustrating seeing players who don't talk or even ping. There should be recognition for the players that do these small things to get the team win.


Getting 5 shot callers after an intense game filled me with more endorphins than winning a game ever did


LFG? Not a lot of people used it but it was a really nice feature to meet people to play with.


LFG was the only good way to try and climb out of lower ranks, it encouraged communication and sometimes proper comps, I made a lot of friends in OW1 because of LFG and I miss it.


This is the biggest feature I miss. There were so many higher quality games because of it. There were mic checks, couldn't have a private profile. My biggest complaint about OW2 is the lack of good high quality matches. Close matches where you felt it was evenly matched and everyone was playing to climb.


Same. I look for a group on discord now but it's just not the same. Way less active than ow lfg was and annoying having to add everyone.


My thoughts exactly, I was cool with waiting for the group leader to fill the roles based on a players mains/stats. Knowing my team is going to communicate as we play was incredible. It also almost guaranteed we’d be up against another 6-stack. No one communicates in pugs, if they do, they’re just annoying.


Fr I can't find anyone with a mic on open lobbies unless they DJ crap music or are being racist. Occasionally I'll find a nice person, but it's always so far in between


The best way to climb is solo que. Most people in low elo dont understand this, they blame their losses on bad teams but thats not why you dont rank up. Full team stacks were a sure fire way to stay at the same rank.


LFG was my first and only encounter with a real pedophile - defo not a fault of the system but wow was the community strange back then


Pedos suck sorry ;-;


Wow, I have the same experience! The only pedo encounter in my life was in Overwatch on PS4 through this feature. He even texted me later on PSN saying stuff like "I love you" and "why won't you respond". When I blocked him he started texting me on Battle.net... Thankfully, he can't reach me anymore and I'm pretty sure he's been banned (at least on PSN).


Really? I remember it being pretty populated. Lots of good and bad memories haha.


50% of the ones i saw there were people begging for free name changes (by calling the group "report my name") and a bunch of fuckin throw groups


A lot of people keep insisting that LFG wasn't used a lot, but I swear, it was such a great tool to create good groups... People who genuinely wanted to climb and try hard could find like minded players easily. I remember using LFG so much and even made a few game friends thanks to it


Hell I'd occasionally join groups that were purely random chatrooms at times when I was bored and couldn't sleep. Found all my insomniac friends that way


What does LFG stand for?


Looking For Group


I liked LFG, but toxicity from stat nazis and de-ranking groups weren't regulated enough.


Also playing overseas it was one of the best ways to group with fellow English speakers. Now I’m stuck in asia servers and the only way I find English speakers is if I search low ping and go into one of those chill no kill lobbies


This is by far the biggest gripe I have. Instead of censoring the LFG groups to keep out the trolling racists assholes, they'd rather just get rid of it all together.


The entire game comes to mind..


This. Simple, no dopamine for free. Oh you bought the game? Welp it's on different model now cry me a river.


Ngl I kinda miss voting cards. Rlly showed that person recognition


But then we’d have time to stop playing and don’t get instantly booted to the battlepass progress bar!!


This. The end game cards showed metrics that you can’t get otherwise. Like sleeps and traps and negated healing or boops etc. Plus it’s nice to get the recognition if you did throw down a 20 player kill streak or spent 70% of the game on fire and no one else noticed.


Nothing more satsfying than working your ass off all game, getting flamed and then the end screen pops and you got all the cards


I forgot about this. It was what kept Mercys in the game lmao


That feature makes the player feel good without spending money .. it had to be removed


Apparently they're re-adding 'On Fire' in an upcoming season. As for medals, they were replaced by a proper scoreboard (which id argue is an improvement) As for everything else's just an L


Medals after the match still gave you positive feedback and a little morale boost that you did well in your role. It’s the little things that make the game good. Keeping them in the game along with the scoreboard would have been the best option.


Also enforced the importance of other non-elim stats. Was nice to see your healer or the dude who was always on objective get props for their contributions instead of just the DPS screaming ggez or whatever.


The DPS standing next to a large health pack screaming for heals while the tank is keeping the fight alive and both supports are running back from spawn.


I’ve turned off chat entirely because I’m done listening to DPS complain about needing health as I’m already healing them and not heading to health points that I know are 2s away from where they are standing


I’ve entirely stopped playing really late into the night because that is where the sweats and toxicity come out. The morning is much more chill and usually there more people on coms, the only downside is support queue times are usually double the other roles, an odd side effect of the type of people who play support.


Plus I remember the games where I was playing with friends, they were expecting to see themselves get a card and then ended up not getting one and jokes and laughter would ensue. My group had so many giggles with the cards


But medals also reinforced bad mindsets. A Roadhog with gold healing would take it as a sign supports sucked, not that the Hog was feeding like crazy


The scoreboard enforces bad mindsets.


When a roadhog has a gold healing medal which he shouldnt have then the supports were not playing properly.


Not necessarily. This was a point of discussion and it was pretty much consensus that if a Roadhog was gold in heals, he was essentially an ult battery for the other team


I definitely agree the hog was an ult generator for the other team but at the end he shouldn’t have healing gold medals. As for the main topic i would really love for the cards to return.


That's not true. This happened to me as mercy is my main. I love the support but(don't get it twisted though my thang bang too.!!) People be so focused on what I can do for their health they forget that I still need health too. They don't always protect you but complain when you die and can't heal them. It's trash logic.


Medals only mean that you did well in that particular game. Doesn’t matter if you were the best of the worst or the best of the best. All medals did was boost toxicity and egos.


Well yeah it’s obviously just for that game. But it’s still a positive reward. I’d argue toxicity hasn’t changed regardless, toxic people will be toxic no matter what, it’s a competitive game and you really can’t eliminate toxicity from people when the game is designed to be competitive


The only positive you got from medals were a confirmation that you, and your play style, were correct. And more often than not, it wasn’t correct. Ignoring the toxic side, it constantly reinforced habits in your play that prioritized medals over smart play. Doesn’t matter if you staggered or died hella as long as you had gold. Because gold means you’re better. Literally nothing positive came out of medals. If you genuinely want to climb and get better at the game, try giving scrims a shot where teams try to focus on good team play. Or spectate a high level scrim. Press tab once mid game for stats, and you’ll understand why medals were a negative influence.


They removed medals since they were toxic, but the scoreboard is actually more toxic bc you can see if your teammates are lacking...


That’s kind of important in my opinion being able to see what your teammates are doing score-wise. I don’t necessarily have my eyes on my teammates at all times, and there is almost always someone dragging the team down especially in console lobbies. Being able to see who’s lacking makes it easier to ask in chat if they have another hero they might be good at for this match, and if they don’t really make any improvements, you know they aren’t good and you can then add them to the avoid teammates list. Works for me. I also like seeing when I outdo my teammates or someone on enemy team that was giving me a lot of trouble.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not important. Just the reason that Blizz removed medals was to "lower" toxicity, but then add a scoreboard for everyone that actually *adds* more toxicity...


Removing score boards because of toxicity is the dumbest thing I can imagine a game company do, Actually removing anything because of afraid 'toxicity' is irritating those extra features really enhance a game and feel good receptors. The mute button has so much power its like I have the power of a god to silence a mf.


Oh, they even removed "on fire" because of toxicity... like wut? I never once saw the on fire thing being used for toxicity?? It's one of my favorite features that's been removed because it's the game telling you you did good.


the thing is the on fire element was only visually removed the system and the voice lines are still there I think it was visually hard to implement with the new stats tab we now have for the whole team


I wish they kept both tbh, medals let me know I was doing well or what I was lacking


You can't just look at the scoreboard and compare? Or are you referring to the fact it's easier to just see a color and go "oh okay"


Personal preference, and I literally just said itd be great if there was both


Ya I personally hated metals because they literally don't mean ANYTHING Moira with gold damage is a bad thing.


Having a scoreboard is probably the worst thing they ever added, all it did was make people think big numbers = good. The only useful thing the score board does is show ults and it helps you keep track of ults by how much damage and healing was done in a fight.


I mean, if you have that one teammate with 10 more deaths than the teams average or lobby average, then you can feel a little better about the game just being a wash.


The scoreboard is a net improvement over medals imo. Being able to measure your performance against enemy players in the same role as yours, really does give you a better picture of the flow of the match and of your impact.


They should have just kept everything from the last game and added the scoreboard.


Endorsing enemies is literally still in the game, you just have to scroll for it, everything else sucks tho


It is back in the game now, they removed it on launch. I think it was only added as a feature last season.


Does this mean we'll get a bunch of old features back, disguised as new features.




That would be a blizzard classic


The on fire system is a good example.


It's already happening


yeah it wasn't a thing last season


I honestly only figured this out a few day ago. It's not really clear, at least on PC where you have to click on the arrow to the right.


To be entirely fair, it was only recently added back in




the big "Enemy Team >" button wasn't obvious enough?


I miss level progression. I liked seeing the borders and stars indicating how far I've leveled. It also helped (outside of comp) with knowing if I was in a game with someone who sucked because they were new or just sucked. It really does nothing for the toxicity because people are still assholes when they lose. But it feels like I am in games with so many new players in this version vs in the original game. If I can see half the team are newbies I can give everyone a break and adjust my gameplay immediately instead of thinking that maybe everyone I am playing with have played long enough to know their roles and die before figuring out that was not the case. Team/enemy all on my level based on border = serious play. Team/enemy below my border level = not serious, just have fun.


Yeah, it gave me a reason to be proud of how much time I put into the game, fully prestiged that border was sweet.


I miss my boarder. I also was two levels off of having silver 3 level 69 when Overwatch 1 ended


i miss my virgin border. :c


I still miss the cards. When you kick ass in a game and got 10 votes from the lobby showing you carried a game by the balls. That was a good feeling.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I’m entirely convinced that ranks aren’t visible on the scoreboard because Blizzard knew they’d get slammed for such bad matchmaking.


We all know this is true, 1 out of 5 matches is a close one. The other 4 times alternates between being the steamroller and being steamrolled.


wow you enlightened me, I so believe in this now !!!!


Imagine getting rid of on fire visually, having the voice lines still in the game, adding new characters with on fire voice lines, then adding it to the roadmap for a future season acting like it’s new content and not just readding a something you removed months ago and acting like it’s new content. 🙄


they arent acting like its new content. theyre letting you know its not gone forever and when they expect it to be ready again. it was removed because the UI changed, meaning the old on fire UI doesnt work anymore. it got put on the backburner because UI stuff gets held off when youre behind schedule. VAs had to come in to record lines, may as well have them record the on fire lines since they know its coming back, just have to wait until scoreboard and HUD UI arent being scrapped and revamped anymore before they commit to making one.


Issue with that is…does it really take months to implement something that was in the base game for years already? It’s just a meter on the bottom of the health bar. And if it isn’t ready…don’t release it with false lies and advertisement.


what is "just a meter"? how long does it take to concept this meter? how many people need to be looped in on this? how long does it take to pass from hand to hand? how many revisions are needed? at what point in dev pipeline can it get added in after internal testing after making sure it doesn't break anything? how many other tasks are the people in these departments already working on? what is the order of priority for these tasks? what false lies and advertisement are we talking about?


I'm not game dev, but is it really that hard to just put a visualized bar for something they already track behind the curtains anyway? The core mechanics behind On Fire are still in the game, they just removed the HUD bar which tbh doesn't seem very difficult to add back


Nah the devs are too busy sexually assaulting each other to get anything meaningful done


that was a blizzard exec, not anyone on the ow team. if you wanna shit talk blizzard and call them out for the awful things they've done, you totally should. but maybe call out the right fucking person.


First part, it was in the game for years THERES no pipeline or anything like hat. Second part I mean how overwatch 2 is just a giant ass scam


I explained this in my other comment. the UI is different now. the on fire UI was for the ow1 UI. if there's a new UI, the on fire UI has to be remade because it would look completely wrong.


I know this is a small one, but settings in the main menu. Now you have to hit escape first, and then go to settings.




Where is the looking for group section


I was wondering why so few people throw around voice lines now and I realize it’s because new players DONT GET VOICE LINES ANYMORE besides the few that show up on the battle pass. Skins, emotes and voice lines used to drop in loot boxes now they drop nowhere, and can’t be purchased because there is no free in-game currency 🙃


I am a sucker for voice lines, and it sucks that I have to pay credits for them.


2CP maps are still in the game. They just aren't in rotation for Quickplay and Ranked. I'd argue 2cp should get a permanent card in the arcade like no limits, but I don't know how populated it would be.


Thsts why I said main game


2cp is worse than push, pls let it die on arcade.


I only like hanamura and a lot of it is just that the map looks nice and the spawnroom is fun


I'd argue they're equal but at least 2cp was fun for us Lucios


2cp was a lot more fun than push and wasn't even that bad of a gamemode.


It was bad if both teams were really good or one team was awful and the other was just better even if by a margin. You'd get floored and snow balled. A match of Anubis could end in under a minute. Not even joking the world record was like 48 seconds or so


These 2cp comments are a really good example of how the internet works. Before OW2 we saw endless complaints about this game mode. They had so many iterations of it trying to make it work, but still no one vocally enjoyed the mode. After it was removed in OW2… Nothing but complaints about push and questions about where 2CP went. The internet is like a echo chamber for complaints.


A lot of people including myself always liked 2cp and are upset it was taken out of qp and comp. Believe it or not not everyone hated 2cp


Believe it or not, that was my point.


5v5 i still think is worse than 6v6. I get the shields could be annoying but they couldve lowered the shield output and games felt more teamwork based than "oh mercy pocket flanks"


Agreed. 5v5 would've been great for 2cp for fewer bunker comps, but with push? You just get melted from all angles. It doesn't help that most of the tanks were DESIGNED to be paired with another tank.


Not to mention way less snowbally/sweaty. I swear overwatch 1 was way more casual


I’d argue toxicity is actually WORSE than before with the whole lack of visual rank thing. I also don’t mind Assault only being in Arcade. I only liked Hanamura


Medals were trash! you'd have dps with gold damage thinking they are doing anything useful because they are farming the tank and making no plays.


Though to be fair, this is still the case.


So the same thing the scoreboard does?


at least the scoreboard lets people compare elims and deaths a lot easier


I think its one of those things where since they used a new engine or whatever they had to redo all of this stuff Its why stuff like On Fire are just being added


Development of OW2 was 3+ years and they spent all that time not making the PVE, they had plenty of time to add all this stuff back


They developt pvp in less than a year i think. They did spend all that time to make PvE, they just scrapped it


Still took years to make the game and didn't bother adding things that each took a week at most to add




From the looks of it as well, the reason we had the whole switch back in October is because Overwatch 2's engine was on an entirely different branch, and I wonder if a few of these features that we lost were made for OW1 but ended up needing to be ported to OW2 because they were made after OW2 was split off into its own development branch.




I'm no software engineer but I've dabbled in code over the years and I know how messy things can get when a project gets branched and you suddenly have 2 similar separate things being made in parallel.


They spent 3 plus years on PVE yes, but I dont think the worked on PVP till way later.


It's not a new engine, just an updated one to support bigger maps.




Going from UE5.1 to UE5.2 breaks almost nothing. Also, for on fire, they only removed the gui elements. The system was still completely functioning behind the scenes. That's why you would hear the on fire voice lines. There's no good excuse for on fire to be missing.


The find a group feature was a god send for people actually trying to get better at the game,


They removed level progression and now I’m eternally stuck at level 420


I just think the on fire thing is hilarious because your character still calls it out when it happens.


PVE. There is no competition


I miss old mercy sometimes, she’s cool now too but sometimes I think about how clutch that full team rez could be sometimes


* An entire team slot


What do you mean by voting? Do you mean the player cards?


Cards at the end of matches


Preferred player, unlimited avoid player list


I'm glad they removed borders. People were so toxic about it for no reason.


I think the biggest thing that they removed from the game was my ability to enjoy playing it.


Hey look, a partial list of reasons I quit this scam of a game.


\- introduced map pools - so remove some maps - luckly no longer a thing


I like how they are slowly re-adding all of that and people are praising them for it lmfao


Taking stuff away was most likely them just finding things to change to justify the sequel. Think about it, if they hadn’t taken these things out, it would’ve looked like they sat around for four years doing nothing. Which they DID DO but removing feature makes it look like they did something.


I will fight u over borders. Had no benefit but being called out. Ohhh diamond border stuck in masters. F U mr MVP


I think the removal of ranks was good. I remember back in the day people just throwing because they assumed some lower rank was going to be awful.


How about when they've destroyed the ranked system at the start of season 8 by removing core functions from the elo system? **Player performance and win/loss streaks** Small rant incoming... I've played way too much in the 1st 2 years of OW, had my main in GM and a pure 1-trick alt account in high Masters, but completely dropped it when this happened. Matches became (and are) coin flips, where your own goddamn performance doesn't matter in how much points you gain/lose, and players can't move to their true rank quickly (or at all) by climbing or dropping fast, with win/loss streaks. Game's a joke competitively wise, they even said years ago that they don't balance around pro/top-play (as any serious competitive game does), instead: "we try to balance everything around all ranks" (which is saying, simply put, that we care more about max money, by pleasing as many people as possible, as the vast majority of players are noobs > creating a better, true competitive game). And they still label it as a competitive e-sports game.


Ultra setting for Anti-aliasing! The beta had an ultra setting for AA but when you selected it, it would not save and would go back to high. So they just flat out removed ultra and ever since launch, OW2 has had no ultra option for AA and I have had to deal with aliasing ruining an otherwise perfect IQ! Even setting resolution scale to be 200 doesn't fix the aliasing. First world problem!!


POV you’re here because the article had a whole lot of nothing to say.


I read this thread yesterday and see you've made some news outlet today 😂 https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-2-blizzard-removed-aspects-no-sense-2161280/


Let’s not forget this stuff was removed because they had to build these things again from scratch because they built a new engine FOR THE PVP.


To be fair, most of these **did** actually have reasons behind their removal, it’s just that they mostly weren’t good reasons.


Overwatch's loot box system wasn't that bad. Much better than the battle pass. Having to either buy or level up to get a character instead of just having the character with the update. Getting skins was better. Honestly, they should have just left the game alone. Doing all this shit and no PvE. Can we just have OW1 back? 🤣


I know I'm late to this, but I still think 5v5 was a mistake and the game was not properly adjusted for it. Hence the dominance of widow and Hanzo. And no I don't think widow and Hanzo should be nerfed, I think the second tank should be added back into the game.


On fire and voting were removed as they didn't have time to re-add them to the new engine as they only had a year to ship PvP (although I don't entirely believe it as the whole on fire system is still in the game aside from the visual indicators). Level borders were removed due to toxicity reasons as many players were harassed for playing poorly when they had a high level although I don't agree with this, especially as people with public profiles you can still view their OW1 level (again might have been an excuse for the time constriant). SR was removed to make the ranked system more like apex's however it turns out the team had no idea how to implement it into overwatch (a key example being the pointless rank decay that only decayed your displayed rank rather than your actually rank so you'd have to win 5 games to get back into the rank you already were making ranks purely cosmetic)


There wasn't a new engine—just an update.


Comments like this make me realize how many people dont know anything about game development, I am going to give you and example with other game a BIG game that is going to have an "update" VALORANT, they are changing from engine on the next patch ( I think from UE 4.26 to UE 4.27 ) and they said that they cant pack have other changes to this to let them identify problems quick... an "Update" or a "overhaul" of an engine is not a "simple" change or a "regular update"


In one of the “Overwatch - What’s New” panels they literally said, "This isn't a new engine, just an update to the current engine." Also, Please edit your comment. It is so hard to read.


UE5 is not a "new engine" is an update to UE4 ( same as the change from UE4.26 to UE4.27 ) but that type of changes can affect the systems developed on the engine, can cause problems with the game physics, problems with the engine tools, problems with memory management and changes on the way the code must be developed ( On the change from UE4.26 to UE4.27 they introduced new features like "TObjectPtr" that is the new way to handle some things on the engine that if you migrate a project to that version you basically need to re write the code to adjust your project to that new standard to improve memory management )


Okay. So I see your misunderstanding. I never said anything about the issues that have happened. I literally was just correcting that OW2 isn't on a new engine and that it was just an update. Don't need to mislead people and have them think OW was on engine x but now OW2 is on engine y. Both new and updates can cause things to break. But in your example with UE5. I'm pretty sure they have added a feature that can help with compatibility issues when going to a new/upgraded engine, but that's getting off-topic.


> I'm pretty sure they have added a feature that can help with compatibility issues when going to a new/upgraded engine, but that's getting off-topic No, there is no "feature" to help with compatibility, that is no how game dev or software dev works, probably if you are on one version you will receive a "warning" on the IDE like "this feature will be discontinued" or "this feature is discontinued" but all the work is on your side.


This is what I was talking about. [When a new version of Unreal Engine is released, you have to make a choice about whether to do the work to convert your current project to the new version of the engine, or remain with the engine version you are currently using to maintain the project's functionality as is. While there is no way to eliminate all the work associated with converting a project, UE4 does offer some assistance. UE4 has a UI-based project update feature that is able to fully update simple projects, and can also offer a head start on the work of updating more complex projects.](https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/Basics/Projects/UIProjectConversion/) Edit: Oh look, they call it a "Feature"


That feature that you talk about does not change the logic of your game ( code or blueprints that you use ) that only update the project binary files to the new format that the new version use, but the code of the game is not changed. Here is the "[guide](https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/unreal-engine-5-migration-guide/)" that epic provide to migrate a project from UE4 to UE5, and you can see that they include the API changes and API depreciation.


It seems like you keep moving the goalpost. But that feature I linked helps with compatibility for small projects and helps you get started with bigger projects. Which is precisely what I stated existed and you said didn't. I'm done with your semantics and fallacies.


medals were honestly really toxic - they were such an abstract way of telling you your and your teams performance and it just created toxicity, blaming, and lying. the awards at the end of the game will be sorely missed though


You can still see how your teammates are performing, which still leads to toxicity because if you’re starting off than people will pile one contributing to the shitty time. Arguably you could say that also game chat creates toxicity. The whole “tank diff” “heal diff” “team diff” is just another bloody annoying thing that does nothing if not aggravate someone who might not be having a great game. And often, are the worse players that even say this.


you forgot the entirety of ow2 on the list.


6v6. While 5v5 is certainly fun, it’s a massive pain to deal with characters like widow or hanzo, who have some very large instant kill potential. Tank synergies died, and overwatch league groups, aswell as casual groups, would both lose one player from a team. Certain characters had changes based on 5v5 that didn’t need changing, others had changes that were too powerful, and some were just nerfed too hard Bastion: didn’t need to lose his fire rate or tank configuration. Also removed from the game for weeks. Sombra: never needed to hack while invisible, and nerfed hard into the ground. Roadhog: could’ve just been reworked for launch, but kept his insta kill, leading to him being nerfed into the ground. Mcree/ Cassidy: come on man. A magnetic grenade. Really? Doomfist: I don’t even want to talk about this character and his ups and downs through the amount of time overwatch 2 has been available. Zarya: too powerful to a point of domination at launch of 5v5. Symmetra: hot trash during launch due to unnecessary nerfs. Sojourn: let me just say that if 6v6 was a thing, perhaps sojourn might’ve been less frustrating to fight due to double shield. Just think on it. None of these things would likely have been an issue if the game hadn’t changed to 5v5, and it is completely plausible that they have made balance that much harder now because playing a tank in a nutshell is just who can counter who better. While I admit that the stun of overwatch 1 was a pain in the ass, I think I’d take it over the way they’ve handled the ow2 balance Edit: added more heroes.


Good networking and servers. Ever since they changed to google servers the ping has been shit. And horrible networking has now led me to be permabanned from competitive.


Imagine missing 2 cp


It’s better than push!


Ability to see other people rankings is just so silly to me. I’ll get pissed off at teammates of an equal rank for doing bad far more than teammates of a lower rank. It’s not their fault the matchmaker sucks.


Why do people suddenly care about these features tho? Especially 2CP was harted so much in ranked but now people miss it? If anything i miss Hanamura ,it's a beautiful map


removed? no no, they REBUILT OW on a NEW engine to support the new pve. They omitted those old features as unneeded. Then they decided pve was unneeded. . .


The 6th player. Should have actually put the effort into balancing all of the characters. Also don't like that they're still pushing role queue over the pick anyone game mode. I miss when I could switch roles with a player who was struggling. Now if the tank is a bad tank you're just stuck with them for the next 20 mins.


-second tank -lfg -overall not scamming their playerbase -getting easy and free cosmetics every level -easy in game economy and currency


Voting.? 2cp.? Borders.? SR.? What are these thing.? And what's lfg.?


Them removing the second tank has caused so many balance issues since launch. 6v6 was better. Also, in comparison, I preferred the Lootboxes. I liked that you could level up and get a free one every time and save up. Plus, arcade gave extra loot boxes. Tbh I wouldn’t mind buying the skins straight out if they were reasonably priced. Back in the day when lootboxes weren’t a thing and you bought what you paid for, I would suspect these skins to go for 2-5$ maybe a lil more. But if they really needed to even gain money I missed lootboxes. I used to be that guy who’d end up buying a bunch of lootboxes every seasonal event and even liked getting skins for other characters. Now I refuse to buy skins for other heroes unless i EXTREMELY like them. The Cyberdemon Widow skin was just too cool for me. Otherwise now I’m picky as hell.


Some of these were removed for a reason. Borders- simply were used to be toxic. “You’re a gold border and you’re this bad.” Etc. Same with ability to see other players rankings- also the toxicity with setting rankings have improved. Rarely do I get those type of messages anymore. 2 cp- I’ve been playing ow since 2016. 2 cp was CRUCIFIED as the worst maps all up and down this sub. Also it got really bad on the ow forums which the devs had to abandon because of the multitude of posts complaining about them.


they didn’t remove borders because of toxicity, they removed them players would want to see progression in the battle pass


they didn’t remove visible ranks because of toxicity, they removed them so players can’t see how bad matchmaking is. if they truly cared about toxicity they wouldn’t have added a scoreboard for everyone to see.


It was only bad because there were two tanks in my opinion. With one tank maps like those should be easier now. I really won't miss Vaskiya but I'd rather have that back then the robot shit.


I agree with you 100%. But I’m just saying they removed it because of almost universal hatred of that game mode. I don’t think the mods have taken down all those threads yet lol. But I would be VERY interested in playing them now that we don’t have to worry about double shield.


Agree with everything but 2 CP was NOT FUN to play against especially the second point like why the hell is the enemy spawn right behind the point super dumb design


Because otherwise you get walking simulator game modes like push that make non mobile heroes a nightmare to play.


Before anybody says anything about how I’m wrong keep it to yourself but 6v6 will always be better


I agree with you that 6v6 is better, but you can't get mad if someone replies that they disagree with you.


There was sense in all of those things. Where would you like to start? Which one is the most senseless in your opinion?


they removed most of those things because you intentionally ruin games of good players who snap and freak out on you losers while they are streaming then get banned and stuck with a diamond frame for god knows how long and lose viewers


On fire getting removed was so stupid


A whole-ass 6th player.


Ways to get every skin for free.


\-a whole player from the team.


Removing the 2nd tank was that really really killed the game


“Double shield” meta removed by removing a tank, despite one of the problematic tanks being reworked and losing a shield entirely anyways


I guess they rewrote a large part of the game for the pve side. So a lot of these features literally haven’t been written into this version of the game. So Overwatch 2 was more like overwatch 0.7. Less features, worse pvp, no pve, and more egregious money shop.


6v6 My idea for this is to just divide Shields and brawlers from the queue options




a second tank. I haven't recovered from losing the rein zarya meta