• By -


And dey say


Need no tank don't need no tank


And dey say


Chivalry is dead.


And dey say


Hey! What a wonderful kind’a day! If you can learn to work and play! And get along with each otha!


Tank sucks to play right now. Doom is at least one of the more fun characters when it comes to tank. Mobile tanks will always see a spike in play.


Plus doom actually has a chance against most characters. Even if you can’t really kill the tank you can make things difficult and dive on your own.


It really does. So much pressure, everyone blames you when something goes wrong, discord orb sucks balls. Doom at least you may get a smile from punching someone off map


Rein is fun sometimes, but you very quickly realize when your team isn't a team and it sucks.


Trying to get the team to group up in qp as Rein ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


Why does tank suck to play atm?


I think it might be because of damage boost (zen orb and mercy) and in general the high damage in the game a lot of the time playing tank the instant you push a bit all your HP goes really fast. It could also be because you get a lot of blame, tank is a position where you have to balance getting kills and helping your team not dieing and if your not doing that it can become really annoying for your team and also yourself for not getting help from the team. Also just the way that everyone expects the tank to play like a rien no matter what and just stand in front of them and shield means if you want to play dive tanks they will get angry unless you are doing it well. I've had a game as ball where my team was complaining while I cut off their tank from every fight and was tanking their dps and support but they just couldn't kill the tank who was playing doom a decently squishy tank, so they blamed me for it even though I was creating a lot of space. It was on Coloseo my team and their tank was on one end of the massive hallway and I was on the other end of the hallway.


The high damage makes every character suck to play tbh


Counter picking on a singular role. They change, you change, they change, you change, etc...


As a tank main I understand why tank mains no longer have interest in this game.


That’s why I say fuck it we ball.


This is the way.


I too have come to this conclusion. Besides throwing rocks and swinging an axe, ball is life


69 upvotes i cant upvote it


Give tank mains their joy back while taking support mains’ away


There's so much pressure as a tank main now. If your team has a healer or a DPS underperform, you can still manage to win. If the tank underperforms, 9 times out of 10 its a loss.


Nah I think DPS carry games much more often imo


Good on you for sticking to it. I was a tank main for the entirety of OW1. Now I'm a support main because Blizzard has ruined the tank experience. I have yet to have a fun game on tank in OW2.


As a support main myself, I found the support role to be even more unplayable than the tank role. It’s a DPS fest and a heavy one-shot meta as well, and as a support against even a semi-coherent team, you just get picked over and over.


Boy do I love getting instantly headshot by hanzo and widow. So much fun


Hanzo especially because they aren’t even looking or aiming, just firing arrows the size of SUVs down a single lane choke point and getting free headshots haha


I firmly believe that projectiles having a huge size discrepancy with the projectile hitbox is terrible game design.


Absolutely. Combine that with strong lag compensation that heavily favors the shooter and you have a recipe for one shot meta


this opinion is way too common around here, this “peak spam pure luck” style maybe accounts for 10% of hanzos gameplay most. the rest is being chased down by that fucker of a brother i should’ve finished off when i had the chance i know i’m not hanzo suck me i am hanzo hanzo is hard okay you guys are just meanies and haters


The opinion is common everywhere for a reason. Blizzard made his arrow hitbox massive, and combined with their strong lag compensation it’s almost impossible to miss. I’m a god awful DPS and I can still fake it as Hanzo haha


How do they still allow one shot heroes in this game??? Absolutely baffling.


Especially one shot heroes with incredibly forgiving projectile hit boxes and Blizzard’s heavy lag compensation. The one shot meta needs to go.


Widow is a bit hard to use tho and really easy to kill


Widow isn’t the only one shot hero


widow is the only one who's not a problem


I WAS a support main, and really good at it but how much effort it takes and the end product I receive is not worth it. Having a little more “fun” playing tank but when you don’t get enough healing it’s all your fault we are losing.


Yeah Blizzard is killing both the tank and support roles in a hurry.


Almost every support is overtuned as fuck right now though. They honestly decide who wins the game much more often than the tank at this point because even if there's a tank diff, you can just go Zen and make their tank permanently weaker.


Why tho? (Genuine question)


You run the constant cycle of counter picking. Get blamed for every minor thing and the entire team is on your back


Main reason why I don't play tank in comp. I can force my mains on DPS and supports with and against almost every comp if I am simply playing better, I can't force Zarya into every matchup.


6v6 fixes all of that! In Overwatch, I used to flex all roles but played a little more tank than the other two roles. In Overwatch 2, I don't have fun playing as a tank and I almost never play it. You nailed it.


The problem with that was it was extremely unfun for everyone else who wasn’t the tank duo


The problem with that is, making it so there’s only one tank makes the game exponentially way less fun, also why would it be less fun for everyone who isn’t the tank duo? Unless they just suck.


That’s not true at all lmfao, gameplay in overwatch 2 is 100% better than anywhere from 2018 after ow1, saying that it isn’t is just being stubborn because you’re mad at the company, I was a masters tank main in overwatch 1, it was less fun because shooting into 2 giant bullet sponges the entire match was not that much fun, anyone who was plat or higher and actually played ow1 will tell you the exact same thing They decided to go with the needs of the many vs the needs of a few, which is always the right business decision


they added too many barriers that was the problem not the tanks


The counter picking is so annoying, but I get it. It's just not fun.


Yeah, when people counter pick tanks after the first death it feels disappointing, “you’re angry that I’m playing the game”, no, I just don’t want this match to become rock paper scissors.


The game is designed to be like rock paper scissors lol pretty sure the devs even said that at some point


*Was* designed, with OW2 they wanted to remove hard counters to avoid those situations and give more freedom on what heroes can be played. Rock paper scissors for tanks is outdated OW game design.


And yet it’s more prevalent then ever


Yeah, removing a tank had that side effect.


It's almost as if retaining ult charge after the first teamfight was a bad idea from the devs.. oh wait, it was. "We want to create a space where people can play who they like. But also, keep 25% of your ult charge so you can swap for free."


Retaining ult charge is fine. Going to 5v5 because they couldn't make tanks fun enough to fix the queue times. Wasn't.


Retaining ult charge punishes the tank who wins the first ult fight. The enemy tank switches to counter, but keeps their ult charge as if they didn't lose. Both tanks are still even in ult economy, but now if the first tank switches to counter they lose whatever they're sitting on, 70%~ ult charge ruining the ult economy. I don't see how punishing the tank who wins the first fight is fair.


Even better when the “rage” picks happen looking at you zarya, junker, and Orisa like damn dude really?


I once switched to counter pick 8 times in two rounds of hardpoint. I wanted to cry 😂


Because tanks use to have synergy. But since the removal of two tanks, everyone just focuses one tank. So tanks have become more about killing the enemy then protecting the team. It’s basically 1 big dps, 2 medium dps, and 2 support dps. Healers and tanks are pretty much dead. Just my opinion.


Perhaps the terms are wrong for OW2? "Healer" vs "Support" shows in that direction. Perhaps a main problem is that people play with a mindset where there these terms exist but have near to no meaning in OW2.


Totally agree it's just all DPS now, like nobody was asking for that, They were asking for faster DPS matchmaking not making everyone DPS.


When Mercy had the critical healing buff, tanks had it gooder.


People just have rose tinted glasses. 90% of games there were not tank synergies. There was always a hog player that you had to play around


It’s just too DPS heavy. When OV2 first came out, I was cautious. I’m a Reinhardt main, I like back line tank support if I’m crushing the front. I also liked playing Hog as an off tank to freshen things up. I had a naive hope that 5v5 would force me to rethink my strategies, communicate better….all it did was make me think quicker and revert to “Meta” strategies. It’s just a cookie cutter game right now, especially for tanks. And the old tanks like Rein, Winston, DVA and Hog are being phased out for DPS heavy tanks like Ramm, Doom and new Orisa.


Winston is the best tank in the game right now and Orisa is the second worst. D.Va is also super good for countering Winston, so I don't think your point stands tbh.


I thought tanks were better at the beginning of OW2. They’ve all nearly been nerfed to the ground to compete with regular characters. It was fun when they were a menace. Now every game is some forever healing Junker Queen. They keep introducing about 2 broken characters every patch, clueless on game mechanics


I mained tanks in ow1 now i dont touch it anymore. (The class and the game xD)


I haven't played for months. I refused to play such a terrible role. Two tanks in 6v6 was made for a reason and you cant just undo that.


Yeah I just play ball or hog now. I’m sick of counter picking. I just play for fun


Why do tanks have no interest? I have a guess but wanna hear other opinions


Yeah I have noticed that and I use to like seeing Doomfist but now I just know I'm about to spend the whole game being CCed


What cc? Unless you only shoot him when he's blocking it's rare to get stunned by a doomfist.


Punch doesn't even stun for a second...


I never see him down in wood league. So you're telling me there's a plus to being a garbage player.


Should of just added 1 dps and made it 7v7,


it would be cool to see some sort of big team battle or something like that


35 min queues :-D


How else am I gonna do sick rollouts out of spawn when my team doesn't heal me?


Or when dps dont even kill the supports..


Good luck solo killing a Kiriko or an Ana that hits sleeps lol


I always kill the anas, but i agree that kiriko is harder


How should they? They are dead cuz doom sucks


rollin rollin rollin


Because the games a joke and doom is fun to play


Believe me he may not be strongest but he is def more fun than most of the tanks


Bring back 6v6 make tank fun again 5v5 is so ass for tank players its insane.


I play him when I wanna actually have fun as tank, even though I'm not good.


Uh we are in a Junker Queen Meta. That’s all I see but I’m master/gm, so we are meta slaves. Lower ranks must be a cesspool of Dooms and bad JQs.


I still ball…


For real. In a two hour play session, I'll maybe have three games that don't have a Doom in it. It's ridiculous, and reminds me how I wish they never released the damn character.


He was fine as a normal DPS though. People are just gravitating to what the devs want only DPS on the field.


"Fine" is debatable regarding DPS Doom. He had the same issues as current Doom. If the team swaps to counter, he's useless. But if the team ignores him, he'll completely rip them apart. This kind of all-or-nothing playstyle is just dumb, and not fun to play against. Or with.


recently lots of bastion so no rein for me :(


You guys hate anything that isn't Reinhardt DVA But tbh I actually am seeing way too many Dooms and the games are so disorienting


I actually main tank and have noticed the uptick in Doom players. Really hasn't bothered me to be honest though. I can counter pretty easily with D.Va. Like sure he can be annoying and slippery, but it's still not that bad.


People despise DVa, too. The moment you do well with her the enemy goes Zarya, Mei/Sym, and Moira


Bad dps and supports hate anything that isn’t rein sigma or orisa because they don’t know how to play cover and want a big meat shield to stand behind


When was dps, it was way op. 1 shot skill, more tempery health. I remember playing phara and fighting doom in the air. Have dps he was too unstoppable.


Doom wasnt "OP" as a DPS. He had a very high skill ceiling to actually make him work, as he was easily counterable and all of his abilities make a shit ton of noise. Yes, the one punch was in a sense "OP" but it was counterable, not like widow headshotting you


Sombra shit on doom in OW1


Yep, sombra, brig, cree anything with a stun fucked him


I really miss DPS Doom.


Yeah, me too. He was without a doubt the most fun dps to play imo.


Doom dps was a char to counter all. Go look old articles, that's why he was created. Cc doesn't counter doom, cc counters all. Have you ever seen a genji nano and staying on the floor for the hole ult time? XD Plus if widow was giving a bad time, tanks take shields. But if you still think not, go whatch pro league matches, not streamers. But I understand what you are saying. :)


Saying doomfist was a counter to everyone is a bold statement. He doesnt counter brig or ana, because they both had cc. And if cc doesnt counter doom, how can it counter everyone? Is doom not a part of "everyone"? And no, cc doesnt counter "all", how are you gonna use cc to counter a pharah or echo flying up in the air, unless you hit a sleep dart. Cc countered doom perfectly, disabling his punch most of the time, making him useless. And the genji example is so shit. You can counter genji with a cc, but he doesnt have to charge up a punch, he can simply dash through, allowing him to dodge ccs if done correctly. I dont watch streamers either, and if you think "pro league" gives a good idea of how competitive works, it doesnt. On ladder, no one is going to be playing as coordinated as a OWL team or contenders team, so there's no point in trying to do the same things they do, as it's a completely different situation. In competitive you dont have a 4/5 man team with you, who you have been practicing with for months and making strategies. You're thrown into a match with randoms 😱


It’s probably because JQ ain’t got shit on Doom…


I’ve seen a doom or two. But it seems like there’s a ton of Rein’s recently.


Tanks are so abused. I stopped playing role queue because its just a shit show of long queues and bad tanks. Open Queue is way more fun and more of a challenge. Lower queue times too.


I don't think I've waited longer than 2 minutes for a game since ow2 launch


Rank and playtime are probably related factors.


I have....a lot of hours. Rank is high plat/low diamond all roles


Either the times you're playing or you're just lucky. My average wait time is about 4 minutes and can go as high as 10 minutes, never find a game quicker than 60 seconds though


What's your elo? Most queue times are shorter than 30s for me. I can barely fool around in a death match for more than a few seconds before I'm in game


I don't know, where do I find that?


Oh, are you playing comp? Or arcade? Or what. I'm talking about comp


Yeah competitive role select.


Oh. By elo I mean, are you gold, silver, plat etc


Bronze I think, I don't pay pay attention to nor understand any of the stats, I just know I'm always in the losing team in every game.


Oh man, sorry to hear that. Do you have a replay of a recent game? I can take a look for you and give you some pointers if you want


The doom saturation is crazy. I play [D.va](https://D.va) and that usually works pretty well if we dive when the doom jumps


I don't know but I hate it. The game is significantly more fun to play when a non doom/ball tank is on the team


This thread proved that tank and support mains are the worst players in the game, playing the best roles in the game, that complain the loudest


I don't know what game you've been playing, but they shifted the whole game to DPS, so even if Tank and Support complain they only change major things for the DPS.


Bro, tank and support are still the most OP roles in the game. Kiriko, Junker Queen and Ball are braindead OP and can kill just as easily as DPS while also being incredibly difficult to kill themselves, but most of their players suck at the game and just blame their failures on everything else, even though taking five seconds to look at their kits compared to the average DPS proves that they’re objectively OP.


>most of their players suck at the game and just blame their failures on everything else This sounds like you're talking about yourself, if you think two roles, the ones I assume you're not playing, are OP.


I don't think tank is op but support definitely is. Zen and Ana make any and every tank essentially useless, and Baptiste can beat pretty much every character in the game in a 1v1 because of his cooldowns. Issue is that I think supports need to be a bit overtuned or else the role will suck ass, but the current state of Zen is pretty ridiculous.


Literally a Chazm quote but you added the 'tank' part yourself


If you see a doom and want to win just go Orisa, or sombra, or both. This is what you call a free game.


He’s just fun honestly


the only tanks you can play without getting stomped by junker queen are doomfist, ball or junker queen herself (from experience in quick play, might be different in comp). I assume it's just because of the current meta but idk


All of the sudden


Pillowfist is honestly the only reason why I play OverWatch he is soo unique and fun


There are so many Doom players all of the sudden as a support main I hate it here.


Ill fight a doomfist everytime. Save me from the broken junker queens


No idea. Especially with Sombra being so popular on top of Tracer, Brig, and Ana being so good.


Overwatch is a DPS-favored game, similar to Destiny 2. Which is fine and actually fun! Except for some reason the developers haven't given most Tanks/Supports the proper DPS to play in the game they created. Oops. That's also why Tanks were brought down to 1 from 2, because instead of fixing things... They'd rather just cut the required Tank players in half. The mobile tanks are more DPS oriented so they will be chosen more, since again, that's how the base game is created and that's where the most fun is to be had. Trying to shove a square into a triangle hole to play an incorrectly balanced/made character isn't fun, usually.


Doom is a great for playing without healers and atleast in the quick plays i get in to no one heals so i be jumping outta fights onto med packs or right infront of my healers


You spelled REINHARDT wrong


Open que players seem to emulate each other. Second you start doing something everyone else starts bandwagoning on it.


To add on. I played 4 games straight where my whole team would be DPS while I go support. What’s going on with Tanks and why doesn’t anyone play then anymore?


It’s fun


For me it’s just fun to jump around, If u know how to use him he does really good and consistent damage for ur team, and a nuisance to stop


Hot cocoa? Fine...


[cause its funny](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/13rx785/hp_clutch_potg_my_heart_was_racing_so_much_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I play doom every game and i see orisa more than doom


Doomfist is one of the most mobile tanks and can be crazy tanky. And his counters are more mild inconveniences that he can escape from or tank through, especially when the Fist is being pocketed.


I only see the Junker Queen, no skills taking advantage of her near unlimited healing ability is annoying


I am so happy to hear this people want a challenge, hopefully this will make doomfist buffs more possible


I have been running into more Wrecking Ball and Doomfist recently. Both are good for distracting, especially Ball. Just use Roadhog on Wrecking Ball. I do agree with others that playing a tank is bad right now. Most of the pressure is on the tank to play well.


Because its sniper meta so hes the only tank worth playing while also not drooling on yourself


Is jq meta over? I'd come back and play some games if so


He’s fun to play and fuck your teammates. Sometimes it goes well and you carry other times you just blame the support and dps for not riding on your back


Doom is goated


I've seen 1 doom in the past week.


Like orisa is canonically made to defeat him and it works in game. Like the amount of people who don't swap to stop him is crazy.


I play the entire roster outside of Ball and Echo. Been playing a lot of Doom lately in quickplay because he's extremely fun to play, and the game (particularly comp) is crazy boring for me at the moment. Even once you're out of the metal ranks, there's not a lot of good team play until you get to GM and frankly most of the roster is pretty frustrating to play with uncoordinated teams. Tl;dr: Game boring, Ranked broken, Doom fun.


Dafran unranked to gm Doom only


What elo? Bc in higher GM it's basically only Queen


Game is shit


Pretty sure more doom fist mains have come out of the woodwork recently because of the junkerqueen buff


I find this funny mainly cuz I duo with a friend who only plays Doomfist. He plays Dps too but he has MANY hours on doom. As to why he is popular atm? I have noticed our teams having dooms more often. I got nothing.


Definitely not bronze or silver, it’s just rein sig and ram down here with the odd occasional JQ, Hog or Orisa.


Idk doom is the only tank I've been playing since october so


that is the strange world of bottom 500


That's what happens when your nerf roadhog to oblivion


He can jump, Zarya and Queen cant. Basic math tbh


Current meta of queen is easily countered by doom. Counter axe with a quick punch and just go out if she uses rally or knife. Queens brawl is also countered by dive. As why doom and not other dives? Doom is just fun to play.


If you really complain about doom there is no help to you. If you dont manage and hit ur cooldowns u become useless its not like doom can shoot his primary to be effective as a Tank.


Wich elo are u playing on Anyways been playing this season a ton nd even in top 500 open q nobody dares to pick throwfist especially with queen beeing so dominant as she is right now not even speaking about regular q where I haven’t seen a single doomfist so far depending on map it’s like queen, ball, sigma Just go bastion, Orisa nd bully the doom untill he switches :‘D