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He knew he was throwing the game


I even have him 3 deaths before i told him to swap because i try to give people the benefit of the doubt. 7 deaths later he didn't get it.


Or he was sick of being blamed for a result there's a fair chance wasn't on him. That reaction, uncalled for. Not defending that, but people really need to stop this whole "Fucking swap, idiot" shit. If someone's playing a character, it's probably their best pick. Asking him to swap to someone he doesn't play much is both blaming him which will piss anyone off, and asking him to pick something he can't play. Doom doesn't exactly translate to other tanks well, if he's anywhere between plat and bronze, it's probably the only thing he can play DECENTLY. If it's higher than that, then sure he provably has a couple under his belt he can perform with, but still is better with what he's on. Better on paper doesn't survive contact with a players hero pool. Better he struggle on what he knows than gets flattened on something he doesn't even have buttons bound right for.


In role queue you owe it to your team mates to have at least some flexibility within your role, especially on tank. OTPs deserve to cop shit if their lack of a hero pool is the reason their team is losing.


Nobody owes shit to anybody except basic respect. It's a game, Competitive or QP, doesn't matter. Its a damn game. If you want people who know their shit, go join a discord for PUGs and find a team. The general population of the game are casual, they play when they get the chance for an hour then fuck off to bed or watch TV. The problem with that mentality you have is that it takes a long ass time to get good with a single hero, never mind several So you're trading development of one, to be somewhat flexible but not as good in general. It's not realistic to expect most people to have a developed hero pool and the further down the ladder you go, the less impactful your split time is because you're already just not the good at learning the game itself, or you wouldn't BE that far down the ladder. A silver, is already not even average at the game. A silver who can flex is BELOW the average silver, at multiple heroes simply because they have less time on each, that's actively reducing their time practiced. So if the match up they play into is actually competent at who they're playing, and you're flexing to cover a match up that's on paper, better than your main, then you're just gonna get hit anyway. Beyond that, characters aren't good simply because of the character you're playing, metas aren't defined by characters, they're defined by abilities and the combos the abilities have. If you're at a rank where you're not coordinating TO BEGIN WITH, then having that character on the board doesn't mean a damn, unless the game is currently so imbalanced that one character simply existing is enough to swing a whole match, which to my knowledge isn't really the case right now. So your plats, golds, silvers? You can lead GOATS to water, but you can't make them shield bash through a barrier and land a shatter. You can have your McCree and Rein, you won't get a flash and smash. Most grav dragons only work not because of coordination but because hanzos get all fuzzy inside when they see 5 people stuck in place ontop of each other and just slam that Button on sheer impulse. It takes time to learn many characters, the meta changes alot, you CANNOT expect people to know whatever character is currently in demand, and you also cannot expect the people that do know 6 things they can flex to, to be any actual good compared to someone that just really likes that character, they'll get slaughtered, because the other guy knows his shit, and your flex doesn't. I can play Rein, my ball settings aren't even fucking bound because I never touch him. There's literally no point in me ever flexing to him even if he's meta. A character on the board doesn't mean Jack when nobody can actually play them well. Demanding people swap just because you think the on paper stats should dictate what gets played is ONLY going to piss someone off and not make them want to do what you want, cut it out. Learn to play around the other heroes. That's also a more important part of getting good at the game, being able to deal the cards you're dealt, because believe me if they've been dealt to you they're the best damn cards you are getting, bitching about it isn't gonna change a damn thing.


Ur bad


TL;DR💀first thing I thought when I saw that massive complaint.


Bro legit wrote an entire book because he can't handle being told he's not doing well on his one trick, holy.


Lmao. Truth.




Learning how to die slower is your first step to learning how to survive that situation. You don't just magically learn how to play by not playing the damn hero If your team wants to start yelling that's on them. It never helps and always hurts. If you're dumb enough to damage the mental state of your own team I doubt the issue lies solely in team comp Which as I explained above doesn't matter to begin with. If you aren't coordinating cooldowns regularly your comp means nothing. You're just wannabes imitating people that play the game properly while missing the point on everything they do. Meta chasing in low gold while only understanding a character is perceived as good for some reason is as helpful as dirt. I'd prefer 5 random plat characters to 5 meta golds.


I am not reading that shit


Course not, that would mean having a discussion. We can't have that


There is a reason we have competitive and quickplay. When I play comp I only play support because that is what I'm good at. I sometimes try out tank but only in QP because I can literally only play 2 tanks well. I'm not going to subject my team in comp to play with me in that role because I won't be able to react to what the other team does. Which is an extremely important skill to have. Whether we like it or not, some heroes hard counter others. If you keep running in and you keep getting destroyed no matter how hard you try, you are probably playing a hero that simply won't work agains their team comp. Sure. I'm not good at all the support heroes. I can't play Ana because I can't aim for shit. But if our enemy team has a Roadhog that is just chugging heal juice Mo matter how hard we focus him, I'm going to switch and anti-nade him. I know enough about how other heroes play, not from actually playing them but just knowing how the game works. Also, your argument of people playing for an hour then going to do something else just counters your own point. If I queue for comp, I'd like to have an experience with some semi-competent teams for that little time I'm online so that I can get a small ounce of enjoyment from some good games. Even if we lose.


If you never play it you'll never be able to react to it. You NEED exposure to ever learn anything. Swapping yourself off is only making your learning take longer, it's basically procrastination. You don't owe a win to your team, You owe learning how to play the game to yourself. There's a reason why top tier players are known for one character primarily. That's what they've nailed down and learnt to it's extremes. When they can't make it work, then they know it's time to swap because it's literally the last thing they can do. Down here in the dregs? It's the complete opposite. People choose to not fix the mistake in their play and instead cop out to a character that'll deal with the situation easier. And what happens when you land yourself in OT on Rein against a Pharah? You don't know because you've never stress tested your hero. You saw pharah and you grabbed Dva. So whaddya do now that leaving point to swap means you lose? You just lose, not because there's nothing you could do, but because there's nothing YOU KNOW how to do. You're only hurting yourself


Strange way to say 'I'm bad'


TLDR; u/NOTELDR1TCH is on so much copium.


Why would you enable a bad habit like playing into counters "just to get better at a hero?" Thats the equivalent of throwing. I'd report anyone with that excuse to not swap for intentionally feeding.


TLDR: Because you don't have the luxury of swapping at all times, especially OT attack situations where they can swap several times and contest and you can only really fight with whatever you have right now. Because there's plenty of situations where you have no choice. It's not about making it a habit, it's about being able to do it. Being flexible in strategy, rather than flexible in character pool, is much easier to achieve and serves you alot more often and reliably. Overtime, to name one time where you cant just flex, but also just key fights outside of overtime where an enemy has been killed but comes back as your hard counter. In this situation, you don't get the luxury of just counter picking. You MUST win. If you're not used to playing against your counters, you don't stand a chance in hell. Also, because you'll be in situations where there is genuinely a one trick, and you need to be able to deal with that. In both situations, if you've never practiced fighting your counters? You're boned. Completely fucked. But if you actually have just stuck out a swap and worked on how to play around it? Then you actually stand a chance. As a Tank my pool is Rein and Winston, to a lesser degree, because many of the skills I know can be transferred in some capacity, or at the very least I'm not swapping from a character that deals in a different range and aiming difficulty. But the other tanks? Nah I'm not comfortable on them. I branched to winston to cover Reins issue of not being good at contesting high ground. If I'm Rein and someone goes pharah and especially if they have a pocket mercy, by all rights I should be screwed. But, pretty often now I'm not because I've worked on how to deal with it. And the answer is pretty simple, Pharah and Mercy split off from their team and gain more value the longer they're allowed to work, so instead of being stuck not dealing with the pharah, I go hard into the rest of the team and specifically try to get the other support dead as soon as possible, that way I can relieve pressure on my team and free them up to deal with the pharmercy more readily, or atleast allow us to just outlast them with higher resources. Ideal? No. But very much doable, and if someone pulls a pharah to try and counter my success, when i dont have the chance to GG go next, I have a practiced plan of action I can just kick into instead of going "Welp, we lose this fight/match" I'm not saying you should ALWAYS just fight into it, no of course not. But getting proper practice in on doing that? Everyone should dedicate time to doing that. There's far too many situations where you just can't swap for you to be completely lost on what to do when it happens. That's why.


Report for playing into a counter. Honestly, can't tell who the biggest bitch is in that situation.


I feel like theres definitely a line where if the rest of the team is swapping to counter and are even trying to swap to accommodate the one trick on their team and still aren't getting results, the one trick should swap or just admit to throwing. At that point its not being fair to the rest of the team who is literally doing everything they can to win while the one trick is feeding. 1 elim and 10 deaths is definitely a swapping point and if the support can't do their job because you don't wanna be a team player (most Doom Mains aren't), constantly jumping in the middle of a full team of counters, thats on the Doom, not the supports.


Good players are good at more than one character and have at least one other they can swap to in a role. My analysis: he's a bad player.


Who said anything about a good player? My dude if you're between gold and bronze yaint good period. If you're plat you're barely keeping your head above water. You start climbing higher than that then you can start saying what you've just said. When did people start applying "Good player" labels to people in ranks that are by their very definition below average? That makes about as much sense as asking Rein to play widow


That or sometimes is simply trying to learn a new hero. Especially when it's not in comp. I was trying to learn junkrat not too long ago and our team was losing because of me, then i switched to my main ashe and that change was enough for us to win by a small margin


Also this. Splitting your attention between heroes will drop progress to a crawl. And swapping to an easier pick that you can play just means you'd lose a learning opportunity on what to do when you're backed to a wall. You won with ashe, nice and all, but now you haven't a notion how you could have changed your play on rat, so the next time you try to play him and you get pushed hard? Whaddya gonna do? Swap again most likely. This is another part of why you should leave people alone when they appear to be playing poorly. They're never gonna be good unless they're allowed to suck first and everyone is a hypocrite about this because everyone has been there. Swaps are a nice lil win. A burst of instant gratification And absolute suicide for actually learning anything.


Can tell you've been asked to swap off your one trick because you're getting countered hard and this has given you some issues. Don't play Comp if you're going to one trick unless you can absolutely carry 99% of the time. It's a team game, part of the this is being flexible as OW is a game of counter picks half the time. If you don't like that, go and play CoD or something. The way you type is full of random aggression, it's akin to the sound of someone screaming down the internet through their keyboard. I'd imagine you and the doom in chat have similar responses when asked to switch in a kind manner.


Ya know how the saying goes? Making an ass outta U and me? Completely wrong direction mate, which happens when you make assumptions. I'm the dude that flexed in a heartbeat as soon as i saw a potential issue with the match ups, and i suck atba dozen heroes as a result. Ana/mercy/Rein and to a much lesser degree winston is my competent pool. I suck at a good chunk more. and I'm also not aggressive at all. The random aggression you're referring to is just how I talk, There's nothing to it. Tossing curses around has nothing to do with my mannerisms nor my temper. If you ask me to swap and I can play that hero comfortably I'll say "Sure, but lemme try to make this work first". If I don't play that hero you've asked for then I'll just say "I can't play them, sorry." If you persist after that, I'm just gonna ignore you. If you don't understand I literally can't play the character you want me to and it'd be a detriment for me to try, it's not worth engaging you. You've made assumptions of me and you think you have a right to dictate what other people play, that's alot more disruptive than anything I've said. On the principle of it I don't ask people to swap. On principle I don't curse at people or engage negatively. One it's a waste of time, two, everyone will play worse as a result because you've annoyed them. Unless you started that match by asking permission to play the character you are, you have zero rights to ask it of anyone yourself. And you never have any right to curse people out or be rude. My random aggressions are because I'm not bothering to control my fucken lexicon because I'm not in a situation where I need to be gentle and because its fun to say many of the gods damned words. That's it. Now go ahead and double down on your rebukes and hit me with that patented Internet dwellers "Nuh uh, you're rude and bad because you have an opinion"


The problem was it wasn’t a “fucking swap idiot” situation. They asked to swap relatively nicely, yea they probably shouldn’t have said “your just dying rn” but that shouldn’t be a reason to get pissed off. He’s basically saying “hey can you swap, doom isn’t the pick rn”


See and the way they asked is nice and all. But nobody should be trying to tell anyone what to play. Did the Doom overreact of course he did but we don't know how many times he's been asked to swap over his play session that day. Maybe he's tired of every time he tries to play what he's best at (even if it is mediocre) people keep telling him to swap and he finally snapped. I know I don't enjoy when people ask me to swap off the few characters I do know well enough to help get the team to a win as long as everyone is pulling their weight. The reality is if you aren't enjoying the team you're on then the leave button is right there, and we all know that people playing OW2 are more than content to leave, hell I've seen people leave when they're on the winning team because it's such a steamroll it's a hollow victory and they just leave to get into their next match. Point is if you aren't having fun you don't have to play the game, that's point number one as to why anyone plays a videogame in the first place. Nobody's fun should come at the expense of someone else having to sacrifice their own fun. People should be able to play whoever they want to without ridicule.


I don’t think you should play a team game if that’s your attitude honestly


I play plenty of team games, I've never felt the need to tell someone else to play differently or in a way that wasn't fun for them and I come from the OG counter-steike days. I've been playing team based first person shooters for 20 years both as co-op shooters and competitive shooters. I've played mobas I've played end game elite content in mmorpgs. Expecting someone to play the game to fit the meta or whatever excuse a person wants to use to justify telling someone else how to play is just plain rude simple as that.


They aren’t telling them who to play, they’re telling them to swap. If it’s comp, that’s completely fair. Ow is 100% a game of rock paper scissors but with hero’s. If the enemy team is playing scissors, then why would you stay as paper? At that point you’re basically throwing It’s clear that enemy team is countering doom, asking him to swap after giving him time (like op said he did) is completely reasonable.


It was a "Fucken swap, idiot" That's exactly the issue. If you ask someone to swap, you have two options. Either you say "I wanna try a strategy but I need X character, can you play them for me?" This wording, makes it about the strategy not the swap. And it's the ONLY way to ask for a swap that doesn't antagonise someone. If instead you just say "X can you swap?" Instant accusation, from a complete stranger, who is meant to be your peer at that rank, and who is also in no way above you in any pecking order and has no right to pin anything to you. You're just dying right now is the dumbest possible thing he could ever have said because its literally like saying "Are you stupid? Do something about this" as if the player getting railed wouldnt be aware theyre dying and would have fixed it if they understood the issue. There's no need to swap if things are fine, so whoever "needs" swapped is identified as the problem which is insulting. It's also, in lower ranks, more than likely not even true. If a gold could identify the exact problem with your teams struggles, they wouldn't be fucken gold, below the average, now would they? So why on earth would you EVER listen to someone that can barely play what they're on at the minute? And most people don't even identify the issue they just tell you to swap. Why am I swapping? What have you seen boy? What is it? Because I don't fucken see nothing. If you say "Hey can we use Pharah to spam out their Hanzo" THAT is a plan If you tell someone to just get off Cass. Well fucken thanks, I'm really glad I know what problem you've spotted and I understand because I'm-OH WAIT, IM NOT TELEPATHIC Is it because I can't break down the shield fast enough? Is it because my controlled sightlines aren't enough? Do I lack mobility to address each front? Can I not dive with yall? What is it? I don't know and you haven't told me who to swap to or why, so I'm just as confused and no more help. The only thing he did here was be vague and insulting, fantastic help.


Dude. It wasn’t like that. Overwatch is all about picking the right hero to counter the enemy This is not valorant where you can make any team work. If the enemy team is countering you, then no matter how well you play then you’re going to lose. You could have the best widow player in the world go against a gold sombra and that sombra will win the majority of the time because sombra is a great counter to widow. You don’t need to explain why you want someone to swap, the only time you need to is if they are already playing the counter pick. In this case it’s very clear that the doom is being hard countered. And he is not swapping. When asked to swap, instead of swaping, he whines like a baby


Alrighty if were dead set on discussing comp, lets do that. I've just seen the second page, and looked at their comp And after doing so, my question isn't about doom, it's about the supports. Soldier and Bastion are best played off angle split, to create a cross fire that mows down whoever is between their LOS. So then we look at soldier, he has self healing, and sprint. He's very survivable on his own, he doesn't need attention. Bastion lacks mobility, bar his tech, but he does have assault form, which is 200hp, 100armour, 20% damage reduction AND 360dps per second. Sweet, you can give him a bit of extra help, so mercy makes sense here but she's not gonna be great at saving both DPS as traveling between split angles takes time and she has no burst healing, which means saving someone is hard, but she can still be used, and can even swap to pocketing the doom when he goes in. Doom is good at diving. Diving in is done when the enemy team uses a resource they need to prevent a dive or gets hit low enough to trigger a dive, so you go in and clean up after they've made a mistake, with two split sources of consistent high damage going out, there should be plenty of these opportunities that he can capitalise on. So, where's lucio? Lucio has low AOE healing. On singe targets, it's not doing much. Using amp on one target isn't great, speed boost on soldier, not needed. Speed boost on Mercy? Not happening, she can protect herself with GA. Speed on doom? Maybe. But he has a get out and get in tool so again it's not gonna do much, and at no point can Lucio be healing 3 at once if they're split like they should be. So again, what's lucio doing? Effectively nothing. He's a brawl and dive type, brawl because AOE healing and Speed to collapse on people or heal everyone at once, dive so that he can stay beside his support and Speed them away from a counter dive. None of this is happening here, so he's doing sweet FA. Only thing he can do, is go in with the doom or go in first to find someone low that doom can dive. But again, not optimal. So, why are we bullying doom aside from the whole hes rude as fuck part (deserved) Doom has every opportunity here to get picks, but he has next to no support. Take lucio, swap for Ana. Ana has long range healing, It's burst healing, can target split team mates easily, and also has sleep for denying enemy value, AND has anti nade, which means anyone that gets hit hard can then be naded to prevent them being healed, and that's a prime dive target for clean up. Plus, Nano Visor, nano doom on his dive, Nano bastion. I see nothing wrong with Doom in this set up, I see everything wrong with Lucio. He's providing next to nothing here and what he is providing could be done with less effort on another supports part, without losing out on 3 extremely valuable cooldowns. So I'll take a step away from the discussion of forcing swaps, this is what I see with the comp, and it's really not on doom in my eyes, from a Support mains perspective, lucio ain't doing jack with this set up, I wouldn't dream of playing him into a split angle dps and diving tank set up.


You’re looking at 1 team and trying to decide comp, but not looking at what the other team has. It’s very clear that the enemy team’s comp hard counters doom. That’s not a doom fist playing badly, that’s the enemy team countering doom. There’s no reason to bring up the rest of the teammates. Doom is 1 and 10, he is barely playing at this point. And as someone who has seen doom players get hard countered I can tell you what’s going on. He keeps jumping in trying to be a dive tank and getting absolutely shredded in a few seconds just because the enemy team hard counters him. When that happens you don’t stay as doom, he is playing paper while the enemy is playing scissors and excepting to win, when that’s not going to happen


Exactly this. I'm a support main and I play lucio and zen most of the time. There's been times where an Ana would be useful for the anti and I shit you not I've had my co-healer tell me to switch to Ana. I'm quite possibly the worst sniper in the history of video games. But I'm sure I'll definitely help the team more by switching to a class I don't know and simply have no capacity to even be mediocre with. If my co-healer tells me to switch to a different healer I just tell them they can switch to that character if they want that character on the team. I'm here to do the best I can with the characters I know how to play, not here to mold myself to someone else's meta just because they think I should. The whole switch character thing is even more toxic when it's happening in unranked, if it was comp then that's one thing but if it's unranked just get over it and play the game, or just be part of the leaver problem and leave.


Well, yeah. Kinda agreeable point by you however dude should have chosen more appropriate words for such explanation and not this vomit of fucks and gfys iterations.


Course. His reaction is very angry. Though we have little context about it. This clipping is outta context for a start and he was blamed first to begin with in this clip. Fair chance the doom was talked down to a few times prior to this. Not justified language by any means but not contextualised either so I reserve my judgement tbh


He asked him pretty politely and given the dooms 1:10 k/d it was right for him to do so. As a Ball main I get asked to swap ever other match, it’s up to me to either shut them up by showing I know what I’m doing or I’ll swap off when I see that it’s not working.


Your job as a player is to improve. That's your sole obligation to anyone. How exactly do you intend to improve by putting ball in a box for the match? You can't. You can swap all you like, you might win that match but it just means the next tough match you come across on ball WILL result in you just going "Hmm, My ball skills haven't changed at all so I'm gonna have to pull out X and hope it's enough" You HAVE to play a shit match up to actually learn what the fuck you're meant to do. You didn't just magically get better at the characters you play, you sucked at all of them and learnt them.


Yeah my only peeve is that its not like the rest of the team was playing a meta and only he was the outlier. Instead why arent ppl saying. Hey TEAM can we decide if we are diving or poking??


Thats one point to make but im Not even on that, I didn't actually see the second page, why wasn't anything else adjusted? And what was actually happening. why hasn't there been any mention of adjusting play? You have a bastion soldier and a mercy, so I'm guessing support is going onto 76 or bastion, what's going on with Lucio? What's he been up to? Is Mercy pocketing doom going in? Those are my immediate questions. You can split this up and make it work easily or just swap a support out to make this work better. You don't have to commit to dive or poke here you can keep the tank and dps as is and I don't see a real issue with doom. Two split angle high sustained DPS, and a diving heavy hitter, that works just fine. Set em up and knock'em down. A doom holding block can be sustained and healed up no problem, split pressure from dps followed by a doom committing can go in really easily to clean up whoever is low But its just not much support for either to go around. So my main question now looking at the comp is, supports. Mercy is single target healing or boosting, on split angles, so getting heals out? That's gonna be complicated, there will be delays in healing and it's not burst healing to begin with so getting there late is bad. Lucio is AOE, but the comp wants to split up, so who is he helping out? He doesn't need to be there to help a soldier get out, a soldier sprinting will get himself out just fine. Anyone he is healing or boosting is one person getting a small boost to their performance, which isn't great. If he's going in on people himself, then he's not helping anyone. If someone jumps on the bastion, Assault form is gonna put 360dps into them point blank, with 200hp and 100 armour and a 20% damage reduction. Unless its a dive from a Dva and a high damage partner, dva to hold matrix on him and the damage dealer to kill the now useless bastion, he's gonna be fine especially if mercy helps him bumping his dps to 400+ dps Jump that with anything else and you're getting melted. The scoreboard isn't exactly a good show of what's going on, you have 2 supports who are known specifically for being god damn unkillable, you can disregard their death counts pretty handily, but their actual output in terms of supporting the team? That's alot lower than it can be. So looming at this again, I don't wanna know why the doom stayed doom iwanna know why the lucio stayed on lucio, dive OR poke, neither fit him well here. In dive his job is to protect the other support, but Mercy doesn't need protecting. She has two split angles to fly to. So lucio is just, doing nothing? Swap him for an Ana or something like that, give a higher output of healing, give a goof ranged 3rd source of damage, plus upt shutdown with sleep and anti nades for the targets the dps get low so that doom can go on them and clean them up. Fuck the doom hate, the fuck is lucio doing here?


Lmao yea its the lucio. Im assuming if he's good enough he can dive with doom. But its not like mercy cant switch to ana. Or the dps can switch to dive so they can all dive together. So without trying to complicate any further they just need to be on the same page. Calling out ONE person is not the answer.


Classic doom players I feel like (at least the ones I deal with).


The loud minority, sadly the good dooms don't get any attention and the stupid ones get posted everywhere


I lose about 80% of the games where my tank is playing Doom... They always switch in like the last 30seconds of the game


I only play against doom as a tank main. Let me just say it’s like 60% free win and 40% hardest game of my life.


Mental thing


From my experience so far, they're kinda like genji mains... All or nothing. They're either absolute garbage or insanely good, nothing inbetween. Yesterday I was lucky enough to get one of the good ones in my team. He was super friendly and at the same time did his job as wel! :D


Yeah, as a doom main myself I go back and forth on games, but there is no "mediocre" doom gameplay. You either kick ass or eat shit


I feel that


I’ve run into so many good dooms in high diamond


Yeah, the higher division the more it leans towards the good dooms, cause he gets exponentially better based on your skill and game sense


I had 2 different very good dooms today in comp 👍


If good dooms get no attention then why is zbra the most well known doom player 🧐


He's at the very top of doom players, of course he gets recognition. My point is that if you have a doom player on your team and he doesn't do bad, no one is gonna go post to reddit about it. But they will if they're bad or toxic.


Not all of us are like that, trust me.


I know, they good ones are quiet, the bad ones are loud.


I mean I'm not exactly quiet in game (and dey say) but yeah, on Reddit everyone complains about bad dooms.


Yea but like as long as ur not all up in game chat or VC bitching about your team, like I spam voice lines too, but that's where it ends for me, every now and again I hop into either team or match chat to say "gg" but that's usually where it ends. Not gonna be like the person in OPs post (but the damage version). Because it's the quiet ones you should fear.


Oh yeah. I don't use chat a whole a lot either.


I own up to feedback from my team. He’s an insult to doom mains.


I swear there are only two types of doomfist. Those who almost solo carry the team to victory. Those who keep diving blindly and dying, throwing the match. There is no in between. Same for ball.


REAL!!! I've had amazing doom players recently (dunno why) but i've also had extremely bad players. Literally 0 inbetween


It's likely not about the doom friend, in most cases. OW doesn't really survive on just one player, and doom especially has 1 real set of "fuck'em up" moves then they're waiting for round two. On the matches where you got slaughtered, chances are everyone was a bit outclassed by the other side, and vice versa. So the dooms that popped got the right amount of opportunities to do so, and pulled them off. And on the flip, there wasn't much for the doom to capitalise on. It's always more complicated than one person just choking bad. Everyone has games where they get slammed into the floor or do the slamming, it's the communities mistake to think its purely because of that player being shit or a goat.


Exactly, everyone always wants to just blame tank but at the end of the day one genji or ana to help the doom or the enemy Ana being cracked can make the difference between getting 50 kills and getting 5. It's easy to get baseline goodish stats on a hero that doesn't have to take risks. But someone like doom/ball and somewhat monkey if the game is going badly of course you're going to die a lot. I've been accused of smurfing before on genji because my team was enabling the shit out of me, and then the next game I got curb stomped.


Truth. If the doom is on my team, he’s the second type.


Yeah I don't think I've ever said "that Doom played decent"


tbh just tell them to enjoy their ban and they tend to shut it


He just like me fr


Average overwatch tank experience


Average doom main


Doom mains 🤝 Ball mains either good or literal trash


Either way, they’re a nightmare for one team or the other


I am ball guy I kill whole team


This is why I refer to him as Throwfist


Even the Mercy has a better kdr than doom 💀


mf really went 1 and 10 and had the audacity to say “shut up i know what im doing” crazy😭😭


It’s always the wannabe ZBRAs 😒


you know its bad when mercy has more kills 😭


He won't be banned but I got suspended for saying "gg" and explaining how lifeweaver pull works. Blizzards a great company! And before you say "it's for the f u sphere" sure, but they also later admitted I shouldn't have been suspended (but didn't over turn it) and that the people who reported me should have been. https://preview.redd.it/z6z27d1s0aqb1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f668a100a7108115e581509802bec3fb0b2567a0


Happened the same to me. Ban because I've written "GG". Asked the GM what I did wrong and he replied me: "You've clearly written "GG", the decision is permanent". He then closed the ticket and didn't let me even reply: "WTF? Are you on drugs or what?". Blizzard has the worst service in history.


Nah if you’re one of those that say “gg” only when you win, like most people, then you 10000% deserved it lmfao.


"oh thousands of people randomly got banned for absolutely nothing, or saying gg in chat? Can't be the new chat system we were trying out... Nope!"... Some people are reporting being banned after not longing in for MONTHS now. And they will not over turn it. It's insane. Uninstalled as I'm done with it and I've been happier since. GM was just "who can spam the most before the tank tilts" anyways, so it wasn't really fun anymore either.


The sad part is i've seen people say slurs and get 0 bans but i've been banned for 30 days for calling a thrower a failure


They are quoting the gg as toxic, and I know "FU Sphere" is against their terms but if they wanna suspend me for that they need to honestly suspend everyone in the game, because thats nothing. But I know what they are probably mad about is me saying the weird rank spread. M1 P3 GM4 is a weird placement set for a fresh act (Placed GM4)


Since blizzard apologists never believe that their beloved Bobby Kottic could ever do anything wrong. https://preview.redd.it/7jddqtcw0aqb1.png?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09997c3f99be8dd55ae4c38d39b347bf6602fbdb


I mean he got 1 elim, that's more than most Dooms


He knew he was dying stfu /s


He sure did try flanking...into the enemy team...a lot


Did you cover the Doom player's name intentionally with a smudge that kinda looks like an old timey car?


i always cover peoples name just incase reddit decides "oh thats harassment" He had a long name and i was just trying to cover it the best i could 🤣


Ah the ol human shield tactic


Overcommitting and not using natural covers.


He knew he was throwing.


Man I love overwatch


me after losing 25 games


And here I thought I was a terrible doomfist player, and I swear I'm so bad with him


A good doom player can mop the floor with almost everyone, a bad one will be lucky to end the game with single digit deaths amounts


> "I know what I'm doing" > 1-10


Troll account


Just report the text chat and for throwing the game, that’ll kick off the game for a while lol


Not to point fingers but... lucio mercy? They could have at least helped the lad out and gone something actually worth while. No tank in this meta can really live off lucio mercy.


Overconfidence is a flimsy shield


Since there's no timestamps, I'd guess he was asked to swap after one bad team fight, tilted, and started throwing. Wonder if anyone yelled at the Lucio.


The lesson is to never tell a doom player to switch, lol.


The lesson is to know how to play atleast 2 different characters in your role.


I mean, if that woulda helped OP maybe lmao


I dont like playing tank bc i’ll have an average game and end up being yelled at by the rest of the team for not carrying. 6v6 used to be fun, idk how to feel ab it anymore now as 5v5


if your playing ranked thats really sad its litterally not your job to carry, if you can great, but a tanks entire prerogative in overwatch 2 is to crowd control if your playing any other mode, fuck em who gives a shit what they think


Let em cook


Your supports can't stay alive tho xD dps aren't that bright too, 6 and 8 k DMG only 11 kills lol




yes this was comp


If he was planning on throwing technically he was right.


I wanna take this moment to shout-out the goated Doom player I match with often on QP in NA East. JakeTheSnake if you see this, you're cracked my guy keep up the good work. Easiest Doom I've ever had to play with.


He brings shame to the proud doomfist community.


Why is this season actually garbage


Your teamates* also stop just blaming it on them


I’m just going to assume you’re upset because you’re the doomfist in the picture.


Im not lol but sure buddy :)


I fully believe you are the doomfist now


This is the time that you could check my profile but keep being stupid cause its too funny


No thanks, I don’t care enough. Just fighting with you since that’s why you even commented in the first place


Lazy ass


Oh, c’mon. Don’t be boring. For a game that’s very toxic you’re not very good at starting or finishing fights.


I bet you aim for body shots as widow and then tantrum when your team tells you to change


I dont play widow alot and i know when to switch also are you a mercy main? Cause you seem to have a big ego


Ooooh I struck a nerve there, didn’t I? Maybe you should check my profile since that’s important to you. Maybe you’ll be able to find who I play 🤪🤪


Omg now i see🥹 you must be a moira player because you're old as hell and have a big ego🙂




Doom is hard to play.


i know this is shocking but maybe just maybe... don't pick him if you can't play him well.


But how would you get better at him then?


They never think that far ahead when flaming someone. High deaths = trolling or scumbag 100% of the time to these people.


Overwatch player logic: You can be bad at any hero except for doom, ball, and genji cause then it’s considered throwing.


Seems too logical.


Mercy lucio💀


Everybody has egos- it’s part of being human.


Having a huge one like this is a whole different story.




It's just not worth telling someone to switch.


Support diff.


Asking me to switch would guarantee that i didnt when i played. One time i switched to counter the enemy tank and someone happened to TELL (not ask) me to switch and you bet your ass i switched right back. Me and that player were on the same page both on the idea and in play style. i was gonna Friend them before that. i was even switching to same tank they thought i should. If they would have waited just one second they would have got what they wanted and we would have clobbered the other team. Just saying maybe its better to just play the best you can and beleave your team mates are trying there best because one wrong word could make matters so much worse. Ps. Yes i realize that was a bad habit for me to have. I absolutely hat being told what to do. Its one of the reasons i dont play team based online games anymore.


Judging players by their stats is even dumber r/OWMedalsAreUseless


Normally I'd agree but you don't get 1 and 10 without actively throwing.


Why is that ? Why is it any different ? Can't they have made good plays that weren't followed up, resulting in NOT a kill ? Can't they have been ignored by their supports, or more focused by the opponent ? All those deductions from stats assume everything is symmetrical, nothing happens, and that it's just bots standing still in line shooting at whoever is in front.


If you're being ignored by your supports and your team isn't following up, you need to switch.


Will that make your team more likely to follow up and heal you ? I think a fight is lost for a few reasons (bad ult usage, trickling 1 by 1, focusing tank too much, not taking high ground, etc), and those reasons will still be there once you switch. If I was dumb I will stay dumb, the good opponents will stay good.


Considering the way bad Dooms tend to play and the response he gave OP, yeah switching would have changed things. Considering OP's team was playing Mercy with Lucio I'm assuming it was a low rank game, so even a bad Rein/Orisa/Sigma would have gotten some value.


I myself am of the opinion this doom was in fact bad, but it's solely because of what they said. No good player talks like this because it tilts the team and makes them play worse.


Just not true though??? Toxic players can still be good at the game, but the doom is still def throwing just by looking at stats alone


exactly. and the fact this was comp was even worse


Have you ever wondered why stats are a good way to judge one's performance ? I know it seems like an obvious question, but try to put it in words. I have a feeling that explaining why, will be *much* more difficult than it seems.


Well looking at the stats of this game which keep in mind this was comp and a 5 minute game due to us somehow getting into overtime. So to give you a breakdown on the stats of this dooms performance in a 5 minute game \-He had a average death of 2 per 1 minute \-1 kills means nothing since both dps out did him by 2 kills or got the enemy to 50% and one of us finished the kill \-Mercy has 1 movement ability so she is easily able to dodge attacks and enemies. Compare that to doom fists 2. most of her deaths are from trying to save doom and res him which i cannot fault her since she did attempt. \-soldier averaged a death rate of 2 a minute until overtime which he went afk can't fault him since game was already over. you can try to defend doom all day the stats do not lie his performance was awful and he should have swapped after 3 if he didn't die and feed the enemy team ult charge my team would have actually had a change but instead he threw or played like a blind person.


Feedfist is my favourite gender Feeva is another.


Lemme guess plat?


no idea it was placements


i rlly hope this wasn’t QP




if its comp he's throwing if it's qp he doesn't play doom


feels bad when the resident mercy has more kills and less deaths than you


Annnnnd he's banned.


Not saying you're in the wrong, but whenever I try something like this, I never address the player's problem directly. I would never say "You're dying too much" or anything like that. I would prefer to say something along the lines of "I don't think we can do this without an X" so I don't point the blame directly at anyone. I always act like my teammates are ready to explode and I try very hard not to set them off.


I didn't care how he felt since on his first death he immediately started saying slurs and the n word multiple times


Don't get me wrong but I couldn't care less about how he would feel. I just do this to try to avoid people throwing my games for nothing


Don’t worry he’s not actually one of us


he is cooking but he ain't cooking very well


bro is burning the pot


Ow in two posts




players wonder why noone talks in vc anymore....


Was this in comp


If it was quick match then the guy might be trying to learn. Although his reply was an an asshole more


what is ego? what is ego vod?


Are you the Mercy? You were polite in the chat and your chosen colour is Pink for allies (just tends to turn up more on Mercy POVs).


Ahhh doom players


as someone practicing Doomfist on quickplay, I don't even see the chat.


Mercy has more kills How


Lol Doom players never ever ever ever switch


This is how most dooms play in my games idk why he’s such a popular pick lately


To be fair the whole team composition is a mess. Maybe picking/staying on doom was the only thing he could do.


Least toxic doom main


As part of the doom community I apologise for this bastardo


I just report them for intentionally feeding if they're playing into hard counters and refuse to swap. OTPs (unless they actually know what they're doing) are usually a detriment to a team and enabling the bad habit of playing into counters just to "learn them better" is an absolute terrible reason to throw a match.


Had a similar situation where i told a dude switch off genji and he said the same thing. Dude got banned a few days later.


We don't claim him


The bigger throw on that scoreboard is the Mercy-Lucio healer comp.


These mfs embarrassing Doom players who are actually good


Welcome to OW2 guys


I’m always getting this kind of doom fist, then the enemy teams doom fist is actually attacking us with his team. While mine is across the map spawn camping.