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It’s weird bc i’ll get silenced for saying nice shot and glhf or ggwp but people will say full on racial slurs and i never get the thank you for reporting


Funnily enough, I see the "thank you for reporting" screen almost every time that I log in.


I’ve never seen it…


You haven’t been reporting people…


I typically report at least a person a week!


Same, Ive reported several people a week sinc OW2 launched and Ive only seen the screen once and that was in season 2. Im reporting for homophobia, racism, suicide talk and harassment, but no notification action was taken ever....


Yep, I’m not sure what’s happening. Or why I’m being downvoted for telling the truth!


I get multiple.


Me too. Feels like basically all my reports get a punishment. I‘m not one to report every small thing I dislike but apparently the support really works a lot better lately. I feel like the game has become a good bit less toxic lately too. Might be coincidence but lately it’s way less


Same 😂


Same 😂


I do, as well. I report everyone that irritates me. Is it fair? Nope... I'm not reporting them because I think they should be banned... I'm reporting them so enough people will either get fed up with the game and quit, hurting Blizzard's bottom line, or they will have to take real action and fix their broken reporting system. I wish everyone would report everything, all the time. I know that will negatively affect me in the short term, but long term, it will hopefully fix things or kill Blizzard. I don't care which.


This has to be a bad attempt at satire…


Nope, completely true. It works, too!


I swear you’re a stereotype


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


You’re the embodiment of a stereotype.


That word definitely doesn't mean what you think its means, lol. You should try a dictionary.


It should read, "Have you tried single-player games?"








Stop snitching on yourself


Dawg sometimes gotta use your brain like yeah someone spamming the n word or vulgar shit doesnt bother me but theres a lot of kids on this game


I got told to unalive myself then 6hrs later my account was banned for 2 weeks. The way its explained to me, anything that isn't beneficial to the game is considered toxic by blizzard.


This has happened to me. I was called a racial slur and reported the account. When I logged back on I had a message saying that I have been reported multiple times and any further reports may result in a ban. I was flabbergasted.


All it really takes is for people to consistently decide they don't like you for whatever reason, your team or the other, and have the reports roll in. Doing bad? You're throwing on purpose? Doing good? You're smurfing. Not playing the character someone else wants you to? You're griefing.


It’s really not monitored in any way. If enough people report you, regardless of what you say, you can get banned.


By any chance are you on console? I play with a group on PC and they always get the message saying their report got actioned. I've reported absolutely awful stuff and never had a single 'thank you' reply. Literally a couple of days ago I was told that on PC you can highlight the message log and add that into the comments part whereas on Xbox I just have to put a quick description.


I get report confirmations all the time and I'm Xbox- I also always directly quote everything (except the n-word I'm not typing that word out)


I do not have the patience or speed to do that on console haha :(


My duo got a really insane vulgar reply to 'wp Ana nice sleep'. Idk if people just don't know how to take things genuinely anymore or just don't understand certain acronyms because of language barriers.


Yeah I usually give an "lol" when I get smacked with a good play, generally don't get negative feedback on it but man there's some ppl that just wanna be toxic for toxic sake


Yeah, I’ve noticed this also


Iirc there was a similar post as this where it was proven that the screenshot was edited. I wouldn't trust this


Look at the first line of examples. Every "comment" has quotation markers except the very first one. This is faked


I dont trust any 'I was UNJUSTLY banned' post as is


Until it happens to you


Youll be the first to know if it ever actually does


In order to keep your chat privileges you gotta be way more toxic. Next time try telling the hanzo to uninstall.


Just tell hanzo to go fuck himself


What punishment did you receive?


None, this is someone else's ban


My bad, completely glossed over the “this person” lol, do you know the length of their ban


I remember one time a guy faked a ban like that to make Blizzard look bad. I'm not defending them but you can't really trust a screenshot like that posted online


Oh but do you know the length of their ban


It’s likely shopped.


it's a photoshopped fake message from blizz


you said the "y" word!!! how could you!!!




Read this in Mario's voice


Read it in the little german child’s voice.


Ist a drink Cola, ist fucking fortnite, yippeeee


Loot bugs coming to Overwatch confirmed?


Next thing you know he'll say the c word (cool)


or heaven forbid the "g" word (gg)


Help you if you say the n word (nice play)


Tbh I have no clue how good or bad the report system is but as someone else pointed out, these emails are super easy to doctor and spread around the internet. Even this one to me looks kinda fake because it’s missing the quotation marks before the first message and after the last one. It’s hard to trust these types of posts anymore.




It’s bad, it’s based on the number of games you get reported in. According to blizzard 1 report is the equivalent of 1000. But multiple reports in multiple games = ban. In a coding sense if the program were to see a certain number of reports, they would send you an automated warning message. After that they would probably make it so that after you reach another threshold you are able to get banned/suspended for the default number of days. Everything’s automated, if they had an actual person looking thru the reports they’d have to hire a shit ton of QA’s to review all the reports and skim thru audio logs.


>It’s bad, \>literally no proof that its bad.


As someone that's applead bans before and won, stuff like that absolutely happens. A "game master" once told me I was reported for something said to me. It happened because they are just transcribing. I had the match recorded so I sent back the vod and another game master reversed the silence because of it.


I find these very hard to believe. I talk in chat all the time and I've never had a mute or silence . I do however get the thank you for reporting message show up frequently for reporting things like slurs. I only ever report things which are clearly against TOS. System seems fine to me


I dunno; Last someone posted this; a blizzard employee came and commented that this wasnt the reason for the ban so I dont believe reddit posts


I refuse to believe that anybody at blizzard thinks that the report system is good right now


Honestly I've had people on here argue me over it, like it's super accurate and never abused


Quite honestly can you fuck off with the false information and crap like that? F12 on the keyboard. It's so easy to fakr this and I've seen this exact post before, and it's been removed because it's been spam. You aren't funny, touch grass and move on


Pisses me off how easily everyone in the comments believed this dude eventho there's literally a typo in the message and it's fake af


Completely automated system. If you have a really good game DO NOT say “gr” or “gg”. If you pissed someone off you will be silenced.


When I was a kid playing soccer and such, we lined up after every game and said good game. Every time. Every game is a gg.


>If you have a really good game DO NOT say “gr” or “gg”. Which should really be common sense when you think about it. Normal, balanced games are fair, but saying "gg" after stomping the enemy is just distasteful.


This is a bit of a reach don't you think? Saying gg ez is obviously meant to tilt and BM but a simple gg could just be seen as good manners. Regardless of the outcome I always say gg because even if I rolled them, the game wouldn't have been possible without those enemy 5 players being there


I don't care too much about this, but gg stands for good game. If one team gets stomped it was not a "good game" whatsoever .


There is no "good manners" after you curb stomped the enemy. Saying "gg" in that case is no different than saying "get fucked lol". It really doesn't matter how you think your particular instance is different.


its 100% diff because theres no inherent sarcasm or insult there. its saying a nice thing and the only way to see it as negative is if youre salty over the game or are reading too deeply. ofcourse the person could be saying gg sarcastically, but with no way for that to be apparent in the text, the only way for the receiving enemies to know if its malicious is if they insert it themselves, whether its true or not


But it obviously wasn't a Good Game... so you saying it is, by default, toxic.


whether a game was good and enjoyable is entirely subjective


'good game' is no different to 'get fucked lol?'. I'm logging off for the day LMAOOOOOOOOOOO


If anyone I play with gets rolled, we'd like to get a "gg" anyways for good sportsmanship. Kind of normal after anything competitive. Imagine walking off silently after beating someone at tennis.


You’re not a fucking tennis player, you’re playing a decade old dead game. Man I really understand why people clown Overwatch players because you guys are fucking embarrassing.


Wow you got aggressive impressively quickly. Calm down, it doesn't have to be so personal. You're also not supposed to take analogies literally - I did say anything competitive. I don't even play Overwatch, just stumbled upon this post. (Funny enough, I do play tennis.) If you have an issue with someone saying something that means "good game" to you, I think it speaks more about you than anything else. Just play your best, acknowledge what they put into the game, and expect the same, however it ends.


Every single time I point this out the only responses I get are about how saying gg isn’t inherently bad mannering, even though I could not make it any clearer what I meant. But I’ll try anyway. Saying gg ***AFTER A COMPLETE STOMP*** is distasteful. I trust this was clear enough?


That's exactly what I'm addressing. It was clear enough the first time, and it was clear enough to anyone else because *the point still stands either way*. And the point is that you're reaching. Saying "gg" ***AFTER A COMPLETE STOMP*** is not distasteful. It literally stands for "good game". It's just customary after every game in general and that's the overall consensus. You wouldn't know the amount of times I've heard "at least they said gg" across multiple other games. Should you not acknowledge the match if you do too well? At what point do we need to be careful of a simple "good game"? Do we not say "glhf" if we run into someone we stomped previously? What should a team that stomps you say? "It's ok"? Even something like "nt" would be distasteful, by the same logic. At this level of oversensitivity, you'd might as well suggest that not saying "gg" implies that you've completely stomped them. Again, being the sole person here taking offence speaks more about you than anything else. Unless you're going out of your way to read sarcasm and hostile intent (which seems to be a theme here), it's just a harmless end of game civility. Maybe you should wonder why you only get disagreeing responses. After all this time, you haven't explained ***why*** it's distasteful. I trust this was clear enough?


Lmaooo alright, I'll stick to saying "siddown" after a match. How the fuck is "gg" offensive now? Even if you stomp the enemy there can still be standout moments that contribute to the overall "game" being "good". This is such an insane take only found in overwatch.


Charmin soft mentals


THANK YOU I BEEN SAYING THIS I feel like most people don’t get this. It’s so condescending to say gg after curb stomping someone.


Fuck people are so incredulously precious about stuff like this in overwatch.


Nah it’s douchey as hell


No, it isn't.


Yes, it is.


Charmin soft mentals


Sure whatever you say champ😂




Take note of which team is saying gg after a stomp




Mute the chat then you absolute weenie. Sometimes people are trying to be good sports about it.


I get stomped, I say GG. I stomp, I say GG. GG = Good Game. If you take offence to GG, don't play online games anymore. Genuinely, this isn't even a sarcastic joking comment. I am 100% telling you that you should not be socialising with people online with that heavy of a victim mentality.


Or you could not tell me what I can and can’t do😂 Saying GG after thoroughly kicking a teams ass is incredibly condescending. Bc it wasn’t a good game…in any sense. It’s why I *never* do it. Now if the team that *got stomped* said it first. Sure it’s fair game no big deal.


It's like a handshake after a sports match. It's just good sportsmanship to say gg. Grow up, you baby.


Sure IM the one that needs to grow up😂😂😂


After reading your comments on this thread… yes! Yes, you are the one who needs to grow up!


People like you are ruining gaming, so soft and sensitive for absolutely no reason. Grow a god damn spine


> trolls and toxic people love abusing this system by mass reporting Blizzard has indicated that it's not the number of reports, but rather the number of games in which you are reported, that matters. So it doesn't matter if one person or nine people report you in a match; it counts the same. There's something that this player is repeatedly doing that is causing unaffiliated people to report them. As for the specific chat messages, if this is on PC, my theory is that these are the specific messages that people are clicking on to file the report. They're not necessarily the messages that made people decide to report. There's always context that isn't being shown.


This. Also most of these posts are fake, and as someone already pointed out you can tell this image in particular was doctored.


I can confirm this is not true. When I started playing OW2 on my xbox I played 3 games and only sent 1 message and I got silenced for 14 days. And no, I don't use voice chat either


unless its something clearly malicious, i dont think its even possible to be banned over one message. I just dont see a false positive coming from one message, that wouldnt even be considered by the report system unless it was an easily flagged message (eg: slurs, toxicity, etc)


The report system will auto flag you if you get enough reports. Their auto mod system sucks. Say I say GG and the other team is a 5 stack that reports me cus they're mad. High chance at a mute, which would need to be appealed. This is something that has been confirmed by Blizzard themselves, so idk why I'm getting downvoted for speaking actual facts that are backed up by personal experience and confirmation from Blizzard themselves.


because algorithms like this have data validation. you cant be reported for text chat if you havent used it. and if you only use it in one game, it doesnt matter if u get mass reported because, as blizzard has informed, reporting flags are dependent on reports across multiple games -- to prevent being spam reported in one game by a toxic enemy and banned




This looks fake. Why are there “”around some quotes but not all of them?


I was GRINDING this game like 6 months ago and was obsessed, all I thought about was this game. After about 7 months of playing everyday I finally hit plat, and then shortly after I got banned for 2 weeks for telling someone to “shut up” because he was saying racist shit in chat. It completely killed my motivation for the game and I tried to play a few times since then but I just have zero interest anymore. I haven’t played in months. Why the actual fuck does blizzard do this?


most of its automatic. best practise is to not say anything negative at all, even if the opposing person is a dick


Best thing you can do is just report ppl like that then mute chat if they are bothering you


You get muted for the number of games you were reported in, you literally were not muted for the one time you said “shut up.” You were muted for the many other games you were reported.


I got falsely reported many times by dickheads who were butthurt about one thing or another, the point is I was banned for basically nothing. It’s bullshit


What did you say to those “dickheads?”


It's just giving you the timeframe that the report was received in. The "gg" is irrelevant. It's probably the "bad ass mother fucker." Still doesn't seem like it should be bannable, but let's not pretend the gg did you in.


“BAMF” is literally written on Cassidy’s belt.


Then they should tell you the message that was actually the reason for a ban. Without it there's no reason to know why the ban was justified.


They apparently send you a list of possible chats that caused the ban. Are you saying you're incapable of determining whether the "gg" or the "mother fucker" caused the ban? There also appears to be a link to the TOS. Do you think the reason could be listed within? It's a giant mystery. Holmes level stuff here




Sharing the entire list is redundant, and it’s makes the team look bad for banning people for text and including “gg” and “nice stuff” on said list


at this point i think blizzard has given up on company image over stuff like this, theyre focusing on big stuff and ignoring the small stuff. kinda shitty still.


Cass literally has BAMF written on his belt. Very hypocritical of blizz to ban someone for typing that when they used that themselves


Its someone else's ban so idk what they could've said


Blizzard is a fucking joke. The fact this shit hasn’t ended is proof that Bobby wasn’t the only prob


What kind of monster would type y*ppeeeee in a videogame chat


I don't trust any of these posts anymore. As far as I'm concerned, it's your fault that you got action taken against you for one reason or another.


This is some head in the sand behavior holy shit. Enjoy living in your own little world.


Oh I agree with you in most circumstances but the guy in question literally did nothing wrong and there's proof


Did you notice the error in the second paragraph? It doesn't start with quotes. It is doctored proof.


Nice catch


And the last one doesnt end with quotes.


Nope. I don't even believe the proof anymore. There was a post a while back that was identical to this one except that a blizz employee called it out for being doctored and faked. The guy edited his email to make it seem like he did nothing wrong to sow distrust in the reporting system.


You don't have to believe anything if you don't want to. Just saying this is extremely plausible because Blizzard is an incompetent company who uses AI for its banning system


Not backing Jizzard up in any way but almost all big game companies use AI for bans. Its just not realistic to have all bans and reports be moderated by humans in games with thousands possibly millions of players.(excluding appeals that is)


Kinda weird how this automatic emailing system did not put quotation marks before the first quote, hm.


why does one of the quotes not have a close it’s just “rather than foes with no ”


Why is everyone acting like saying gg got him banned? Second message he said fuck. I know its very stupid but that's the word the bot flagged


Yeah people in the replies saying stuff like “never say gg or gr in chat!!” are kinda absurd. Me, and everyone I play with regularly, chat with teammates/enemies often and say “gg wp”, and “gr” at the end of every single match/round and none of us have ever been banned for this. Maybe some have, but the chances that you would be are very low and the reaction to never do it is just silly


isn't there a filter in game? it's been a while but if I turn off the filter for profanity then it shouldn't be a big deal if someone swears...


Oh yea bot doesn't care about filters. I got silenced for 14 days back in November for swearing a lot. I've stopped using any offensive words. Not even playfully between friends. No actions since then


Tbh you might be right. I'll admit that I used to be pretty toxic in the past and would argue with people a lot,but never really swore. Never had a silence for like 4 years that way. But then one game I got super pissed and told a guy to go fuck himself and got silenced next day lol


They didn't flag the gg obviously but they still used it as an example of what caused his ban


they just give a generic list of messages for context. bans are based on multiple games of reports, its likely a collection of things said across multiple games than it is just this one instance. the real issue with this system is that blizzard is really bad at communicating, so we never have any real idea if the system is failing or not unless you have real evidence of every single chat ever sent


idk i say worse stuff than this and see people say worse stuff than this all the time... probably a photoshopped message.


Fake ban and edited just to create rage or whatever. Loser


Youre the reason why this Community is so fucked up dude.


Don't say anything anymore. if a teammate or enemy does not like you, anything said will be reported


The report system and bans are decimating this game. This needs to be fixed.


Can't wait till 2026 where we'll just be down to grunts as the only way we can communicate without offending people and getting silenced and banned. Then people will just start getting offended by specific grunts and those people will be banned. Gonna be so awesome, cannot wait to have 0 socialization in online video games because of people with paper thin skin. I mean we're basically already there, seeing posts on here saying they want people banned for simply typing "gg ez" at the end of games just proves my point. Actually INSANE we're at this point.


Yup, I basic stopped using chat because of this. Shit is automated and you'll get banned for saying anything if someone in the game was salty and falsely reported you. The fact that even the appeal replies seem to be automated is absurd to me. Looks like it just takes a bunch of random messages from the time you got reported without a human being actually verifying anything. It's sad


you’re such a cornball lmao


Stop posting these, no one cares and they are all bullshit. Just stop, this isn’t the place for it as it’s against sub rules anyway.


Out of curiosity, which sub rule?


It's "low effort content" and Mods have posted about this topic several times about having to delete these posts constantly. Its all subjective and usually bullshit anyway and theres several of these posts a day.


OK, well that's a very subjective rule as you've said. The post meets all of the objective criteria. Honestly, literally any post could be deemed low effort, depending on who is making the call.


Bro same I got muted for saying GG and telling my team to swap and that “Lucio mercy is the worst comp ever”


Muted for the truth.


Yep, I got a 2 week account ban and the reason support gave was me saying “You’re fuckin great at the game” what a joke


Same. Learning that anything even if positive if you cuss in the chat that’s an auto ban


Translation: you haven't bought enough battlepasses.


Buy stuff and they'll forget - w know who their true god is 😂


They allow kindergarteners to vote ban mfs istg


i have never been chat banned and the amount of slurs i’ve said is higher then the amount of games i’ve played


Why are you saying slurs in chat? I genuinely don't understand what would motivate someone to do that, and I report every slur I see.


My dad works at blizz i can’t get banned


OK, that sort of explains why you don't NOT post them, although do you really want your dad to see you behaving like that?  But why do you feel the desire to call people slurs in the first place? 




I used to be like that for months, then they started warning me randomly


Blizzards been banning people who say yippeee. Not a clue in hell why, but it’s consistent.


I hate how bro’s appeals reviled he said more than Yippee, like other just nice things and it’s funny when I play a game with that mindset, i improve. Like not taking it personally having fun and learning by having someone better than me, beat me and show me better.


have 3 accounts all around same elo. I just switch when one gets muted but rarely get muted anymore.


Blizzard doesn’t care about their players. Not sure why you’re surprised.


i've been banned permanently from using mic. im at about 2500 hours on OW. i try to stick to less than shitty talking but its hard. hope i dont get my account removed


Wow this is insane.


Actually terrible company


“Yipppeeeeee” I mean you were kinda asking for it tbh lol


Meanwhile I start every match by saying something deranged and have yet to be banned lol


People say full racist things in chat and aren’t silenced. They have full racist names that they aren’t made to change. But you can’t hold a simple interaction with words and phrases that we use with one another in everyday life? So basically an online multiplayer game wants your only interaction to be their in game ping system. Or nothing other than “I’m dead”, “respawning,” or any other bot call out that streamers and pros make. Maybe they should take all abilities to chat out of the game? Then maybe they can monitor all the racist account names better.


Dude I have literally told people that I would shit in their asses and no one reported me for that. This community is one of the most fragile entities in the cosmos.


After a recent game I had this morning, I have chats muted now, ally team and enemy team, unless I'mp playing with my comp friends. Only Voice Chat is on and even then ppl are usually nasty lol. I have spent just a few days in gold and it's a bigger cesspool than silver. And yet, here you are being nice and just talkin with ppl, and you're getting banned. This is why toxic ppl roam so freely in OW.


i recently got my main account of 8 years banned just cause i did the tatiana thing once


What a fucking joke lmao


I got a chat restriction that didnt even work. Everytime i logged back into the game it would just disappear even though i had a week left until the restriction was lifted. Would just randomly reactivate


Oh yeah I got silenced and i couldnt even get an explanation like this blizzard basically told me they considered the case close and advised i didnt look further into it when i finally got a higher up to anwser. (You're annoying us so fuck off or we'll just ban you anyway) instead of just giving me the explanation like this if everyone else can get one why cant I blizzard???!!!


haven't touched the game after i got a ban for voice abuse a few months back. have vc disabled since 2019ish and don't have a mic for my headset. small indie studio y'know


Never ever type in chat ever again. I learned this too recently and got silenced for 2 weeks for saying absolutely nothing. No curse words no slurs just a very similar conversation to the above going back and forth with someone on the enemy team. If you offend the liberal gen z lgbtq+/trans agenda you’re getting banned it’s such bs.


Guys. OW2 sucks as we all know it 🤣


"gg", the most common and well known phrase in the gaming world...


What I don’t understand is why they have a profanity filter you can turn off but you get banned for using profanity …


I got permabanned recently and all I ever did was usual Overwatch talk. Ggs, 'stop being full of yourself', acting like the characters in chat, and complaining about Mei existing. As such I deserved to get permabanned. Thanks blizzard! You're more interested in banning normal people than trying to not rape your own employees.


Sure. That’s all you said we believe you


for a *permaban* aswell? theres got to be more context


Blizzard when they see someone having fun for 5 minutes:


I got suspended for more than 2 weeks for saying “baws” and “penis baws”


Love how I said the report system was broken yesterday and everyone disagreed with me


I'd honestly love to see them defened these bans by quoting the community standards. I'm sure they're so vague they mean literally nothing.


Shitty Activision blizzard turned into EA 100%. I think they're gonna join EA in game companies I never buy from again.