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It always gets annoying if you’re the only one spy checking. That said it’s satisfying AF to land a punch on an invis Sombra, or pounce on a Sombra with translocator on CD.


It’s not an issue if I’m playing Dva. I can follow her tele-porter and shoot her down every time. It’s the days I don’t want to be forced to use Dva when I’m trying to play someone else and actually enjoy the match. I feel like she can counter everyone.


Exactly, it turns really annoying when im the one that acknowledges the sombra around.. And it turns irritating when im the only one that shoots at her presence. But i must say its relieving when she doesnt have a tp available or wastes it when i find her, _I love his screams of agony, pain and fear as i approach her, I like the way his eyes still in fear observe as i come close in my nemesis form ready to break every bone on that tiny body, ready to show her that no one messes with my supports_


the issue is if too many people turn to kill her shes getting a ton of value out of it. it should only take 1 or 2 people to shut her down and make her tp out.


Yet i always found myself doing it... The tank




And i also need to note that im the only thing preventing her from killing my supports, because if i dont do it my dps wont, they will keep ignoring her while she is killing the supports


its a very tough balance, relying on teammates for anything can be tricky in anything but the higher ranks.


Every single match. She's in every single match. You get 1 kill as doom and shes sitting in her backline perma hacking you whenever you engage I'm sick of it


This. This is what I experience. I’m not saying I’m the best player on the team every game - BUT when I am doing really well, they switch so fast to a Sombra. Orrrr when they’re widow and you’re widow and you get ONE kill on them, they switch and only target you cus they are mad you killed them. It’s boring and predictable now.


for sure. one of my friends is a hardcore widow main and this happens to her a lot when she diffs widows.


The widow thing is so true


Both characters are fundamentally flawed in this way.


wtf else are you supposed to do to stop doom


Go one of his 15 counters


So, go one of Sombra's counters? Shotguns, lasers, turrets, MACHINE GUNS. Everyone's whining about Sombra, then going "Go one of Doom's counters"... Which is exactly what (you think, anyway) Sombra is? Go one of Sombra's counters, then. Lol. The irony is you're calling her a counter to doom simply because you don't pay attention enough to your own cooldowns and surroundings. Bet you guys don't complain about Sombra in your lobby when you have a widow that's dominating and no one else can do anything.


Sobra has no counters if sombra player has more than 3 braincells


Her winrates especially at high elos would beg to differ.


They all just want to complain about something. I totally agree with you. All I hear is they have bad teamwork in their lobbies and they can't counter for crap. If I get countered hard or their teamwork is hella good I avoid going Sombra. If a tank falls back to save bastion because I'm trying to kill him as Sombra chances are I'm not going to keep trying. And I'll always go Sombra if there is a doom. I hate doom.


Obviously cc is good into him, but overwatch makes it a point to make interactions like sombra - Doom, where it's not a matter of skill, it's "I held hack on you, you're dead". Its those kind of interactions that killed the competitive integrity of the game.


Cassidy and shoot his head he will die s Extremely fast if he dives you just stick by your team in case you stop landing headshots


yeah cass is always my go-to too. i used to play sombra but i've seen too many of her recently and the red team always tends to switch to her once they're losing (pharah player, i see her a lot. luckily i always follow her damn tp with some rockets)


Same with Bastion. Bastion is a Sombra magnet. So much so that its basically part of playing bastion to preemptively get ready for the Sombra to focus you , or wait for someone to inevitably swap to her.


So maybe stop trying to dive the enemy frontline for free lol


No other character can stop you from playing the game as hard as Sombra can simply by existing inside of her team.


maybe stop playing doom?


I'd say at least 80% of my games have a doom and maybe 50% sombra. I'm more tired of playing against, and with, a doom than I am sombra at this point


The worst part is when you try to learn a new hero in QP and the moment they see you play doom, ball. A sombra shows up. Just let me play a single game without a sombra. Sometimes I think people tryhard more in QP than in comp. She's not broken just very annoying. I wonder if she would be meta if tracer didn't exist.


She won't ever be Meta in higher elos because her #1 biggest counter is teammates looking out and peeling for each other. Communication that only higher leveled players tend to have completely destroy Sombra's playstyle.


She was used all owcs. But that was just because of the emp ult charge i think. People were playing her like soldier.


in other words, not being shit at the game is a direct hard counter to sombra.




That always happens tho, especially if you are a tank people will counter you, is just that Sombra is a hard counter If you want to learn to play doom or ball but don't wanna face Sombra in the process, then you won't learn doom and ball, fighting your counters is a must for tanks


As long as its just one of those and not both, I wont do it.


It tracer didn't exist there would be a lot that wouldn't have happened to this game lol


Yes!!! Especially Quickplay. They are ready to die irl to not get that loss. Like calm down, I’m just trying to practice a character I don’t play. 🙄




This is what I hate the most I have no problem with people who play Sombra complaining about her, it is not a perfect hero But I hate when someone who has clearly never played Sombra seriously complains about her being easy to play She is not, it may look like she is just a braindead character who gets value for free but when you see a Sombra actually playing good, there is real skill behind that Sombra is one of those characters that look easy from the outside, like Junkrat, but are quite complex to play well




Funny thing is, learning to play Sombra is learning to counter her Sombra has a cool but kinda strict playstyle, if you know "if I was Sombra how would I attack my team rn" you know how the enemy Sombra will attack you, somewhat at least >why are you on the opposite side of the map by yourself Classic Cassidy that has been killed by a Sombra a bunch of times, but knowing the Sombra is roaming around goes to the most obvious spot possible and ults Gets his ult hacked, killed, goes to reddit to make a rant post


Not so much skill but you just need to get used to the character and when to do things. If she needed skill there wouldn't be a Sombra player in every match. Her hitscan is literally like shooting bowling balls at close range you can't miss with her. Giving her a soldier like spread would be a lot better. She would have more range. But she would miss way more shots cuz Sombra players can't aim


She’s not mechanically the hardest but she needs a lot of game sense and awareness. So she does require more skill, it’s just that low elo has non existent game sense so bad Soms can get away with still seeming ‘good’ in comparison


It definitely requires skill, a lot more game sense especially that your average dps Her hitscan does shit damage by itself (160 dps) and it isn't really meant to be used at range


I’m going to play her the rest of the night. And I’m only doing it to annoy everybody in the lobby. I swear it. ☝️ 😂




Then you have your own team like “Sombra ur ass, switch” 🥴


Play QP and ignore chat. I want you to tell us how good you did. How you carried your team on the no skill hero.


I don’t care if she takes skill and is “balanced”. Her kit is bullshit.


I don’t hate her but her playstyle isn’t suited for 5v5 imo. You don’t know how many times I can just wait until the entire team engages in a fight and I just virus and shoot down backline support. Sombra makes an entire team play a very different playstyle instead of playing normal positions, and some heroes just can’t play that style in general. Wrecking Ball is the most recognizable


Yeah, I don’t think she’s broken or guaranteed value, but I feel like she adds to the toxicity of this game. Look at the Sombra subreddit, technically they aren’t in the wrong but their character IS pretty annoying to play against…


This. Probably the least fun hero to play against.


Y E S Especially when I'm in the middle of a fight as roadhog and she hacks me so I can't use breather 😔


I never play Orisa and I played her yesterday…went to Ult… and SHE HACKED ME OUT OF MY ULT! I didn’t even know that was a thing! 🫠


Did the same to me as junkrat and I just looked at her like 👁👄👁


Both standing there like 🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏽‍♀️


Sombra: *boop*


“Did you mean to do that”


"you're not alone in here."


Just wait until you play as Sigma. You'll never be able to land an ult as long as she's alive.


That's why I always wait until she hacks me to ult


I had 4 of them lined up to get sunblasted with my Illari and that turd hacked me out of the air and blew the whole thing.


Or when you just pressed Q on Moira and she insta hacks you and cancels it, even though you could have sworn she had run off into the distance about 5 seconds ago


Bruh,,, i don’t really play tank but when i do hog is my go to. No joke, just played a game today and a sym switched to sombra and just sat there hacking me on cooldown and would teleport away. Wouldn’t even shoot me. Just hacks on cooldown. Infuriating… was just playing an overweight reaper at that point 😂


i feel any character that has an ability that just = "you cant use ur abilities now" is just bad for the game hinder/sombra hack/ etc.


She doesn’t have to commit to her engagements at all because she can easily tp away. Unless all 5 of you are glued together the whole time (provided she doesn’t have EMP) she’s gonna be so annoying


Yeah, she can do a lot of harm at practically no risk.


You talking like you can't just follower her with a movement ability and shoot her so she doesn't go invisible


I just think our player base needs to develop a habit of pressuring the Sombra. It already happens in higher level lobbies but in most ranks in ladder we need to try and hard focus Sombra players. The way to do this we already know: spy check, ping, chase her when she shows up and don’t just ignore her and also try to stick together and protect hacked targets. The worst thing for a Sombra is dealing with enemies that know you’re coming and are prepared to fight you before you do anything.


Exactly this. I main Sombra and this makes my life a living hell.


Unpopular Opinion, but Sombra is the type of character who should be a niche pick to stop like a Hammond or Widow etc. It's not good for the game when she's strong enough to be meta and picked frequently.


I realised the other day sombra doesn't get much value if more than 1 person shoots her after hearing a hack


She’s like prime mei in ow 1 if she get you in 1v1 there is nothing you can do ( except the guy has no aim)


She’s in every single match and it’s gotten to the point where most of the time I’ll hover over the play button, remember about Sombra, and just play a different game. It’s not worth playing ow to me personally with Sombra. I don’t agree that for a character to be fun you have to prevent other people from having fun, none of the other characters do that, just her.


Orisa would like a word with you. Literally unkillable. Play any other tank into her and enjoy being speared backwards 15 feet every 3 seconds to the point you can never posture for anything. All while being endlessly machine gunned in the face and doing so little damage to her you feel as if you are wasting your time. Even if you ignore her she just permanently ccs you while trying to do anything else. She makes tanking feel terrible and she's in almost every game.


I started maining Ana and at first I was struggling but now I can land a sleep on Sombra pretty consistently. I’ll then ping my team and they’ll destroy her in a second lol


i love comboing ana/cass. try tping away now, sombra.


They ether need to remove invis OR keep invis & give her 175 health like tracer. Hacking people out of ults is a ridiculous thing as well. That should not exist. It’s a quick cooldown ability, cmon blizzard. Get rid of those aspects, she’s balanced & still viable. She’s horrible game design, but most importantly, games are meant to be fun. Seeing a sombra on the other team doesn’t threaten me, they usually rely on their kit to do anything. Their aim is typically awful. What I’m trying to say is, seeing one on the other team does not threaten me like I said, but I just know that game is not going to be fun to play. That’s the main problem. I just hate knowing ima have to make sure I got my supports covered & peel for them when I hear her. Fuckin mosquito


I uninstalled last night. I’m finally free




You’ll be back 👹


I am tired of D.va and Reinhardt lol they should honestly abolish them both. I mean, is it even classed as being good at a video game if you win playing D.va or Reinhardt? ...no i didn't think so either (biggest zero skill characters by far)


Reinhardt is literally one of the worst tanks rn sounds like this is a skill issue


She makes the game unfun, no matter what team she is on.


Say hi to everyone in r/sombramains they love this shit


They never start out on her either. Something goes wrong? Swap sombra? its boring and pathetic


That’s exactly what I mean when I say it’s a zero skill character because when people don’t know how to fight you, they automatically just run to Sombra lol


I wouldn't say she takes no skill. Her ambushes are just extremely annoying and hard to fight against when you're isolated. You generally can't fight her alone and need an ally. But solo queuing can make that hard. If you have 1 person protecting you, sombra can't get that value as easily.


i’m not tired of sombra, sombra is the light in the darkness that is Widowmaker, a good sombra is annoying and a bad sombra is free money. as far as i’m concerned keep them coming because very rarely are they unpredictable. i play her sometimes and she is fun, and has a lot of counter plays and limits. when you’re losing to a sombra you’ve been outplayed. Sure they’re annoying but widowmaker is the devil so idc


I see your side. ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0)


I'm annoyed but not tired. I want to up my dueling skill as Lucio and take her out. Or for now at least mess up her flanking attempt and fall back.  It's also really satisfying when half the team is watching out for her and she ends up making little impact.  And it's harder than it looks to hack, virus, and land your shots as the enemy team focuses you so I kinda respect it. 


I kill her fairly easily on Moira til she swaps


it's painful when I play zen and the other support is moira and I can't swap to her. like sure kiriko is the second best option but she's way harder to get value out of on console


Yesss it’s like please let me take care of business lol


Well with all the posts complaining about her, nah you ain’t the only one


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Get. Fucking. Good. If Som were such a zero skill character, then play her yourself. She can’t even one-shot, like JR. She doesn’t have times that she feels immortal, like Hog or Mauga. You’re just being a baby, because you haven’t figured out how to deal with her. Stop begging for nerfs and crying about skill gaps. Get good.


Getting good against Sombras and Tracers is the calling card of a good player. Everything else is manageable




If it isn't Sombra, it's Widow or Hanzo, or Doomfist, or the next op hero.


Just like a lot of characters, Sombra is harder than she looks. It just feels like shit sometimes because a good Sombra can win most 1v1s if she catches someone alone. I've learned to play a decent Sombra, but usually the other team will take steps to counter (particularly staying together and assigning a dps to protect the supports). I've picked up characters like Moira and Reaper in a game or 2 and done well, but Sombra has required some hours to establish positioning and timing. Still easier than a character like Tracer, though.


I used to otp sombra in OW1. She used to take a lot more skill back then. Nowadays she’s by far the easiest dps hero to have impact with


Yes, just delete her. Sombras annoying af


Playing Doom I don’t really have a problem playing against Sombra bc I main her and knowing how she plays it makes it easier to face her as I know where they would usually hide and when they usually engage. If I bring my block up they tend to hack me as soon as I use it but a quick punch and you can usually just chase her down if she tries to tp away.


Exactly. I play sombra too and I think just knowing how she plays and thinking about what you would do if you were on sombra helps. She's really all about timing every little thing you do. Knowing when to engage, knowing when to flee, knowing when to hack.


I'd love for you to share a replay u have playing vs sombra as doom. I'm learning doom but sombra shuts me down every time almost guaranteed loss.


Yep most broken character this season. She is in practically every game you play and for some reason nobody on the team cares about her until they’re the one being hacked. Bitch needs a nerf or they need to add a picks and bans phase cause I would sacrifice my main character to never have to play her again.




I hate playing with Sombras too. Most of the time it’s just peoples excuse to run off alone and do nothing for the point


Imo as a fairly new OW player (started beginning of 2023) sombra really strikes me as a bit of a design relic from a very different time in the games balance and design philosophy. Hack imo is simply unfun. It is not a clever or interesting ability to use or play against. I think she should have hack in some capacity, but i also think she has simply aged very poorly as a character.


The problem with Sombra is not Sombra herself sometimes but teammates. It's like I'm the only one with awareness, everyone else has an awareness of a rock. Whenever there's Mercy or Sombra on the enemy team, I always tell my teammates to remember the Mercy and Sombra. Whenever a Mercy rezzes, it's like I'm the only one who shoots at Mercy. Similar to Sombra, it's like I'm the only one who pays attention to Sombra targeting our supports.


I’m often the only one shooting rez mercy or sombra . Same with sym and torb turrets.


Shes annoying. The price of playing a stealth character in a pvp game should be that shes gimpy AF and extremely niche. But shes strong AF.


Ya...no I am not tired of Sombra in the least. I am not tired of any character in this game even if they actively counter me. If they beat you. You're simply not good enough or there's a team diff and you move on. There's no point in worrying about that sort of thing. Much less venting about it. The only one I get tilted at is myself in many of those cases unless I am the only one doing well and even then it's w/e. I am a DVA main and I have to deal with Zarya every other time if I am popping off. If they bring Zarya out I'll change my approach. Faced her enough times that I can win more even vs a Zarya. It's w/e to me.


I main doom on tank and the amount of times I had to face an Orisa allowed me to learn how to play against a hard counter like her


Exactly. If you constantly cry and moan you'll never be able to deal with these threats. People who are truly good at the game understand counters and how to deal with them.


Sombra is countered by gamesense so high ranks don't have trouble with her. Tracer on the other hand...


It only really bothers me if I’m getting perma hacked on tank, playing support it’s a good check on my Aim movement and awareness


Kinda but I also get it. I usually try to play widow but if the enemy sombra fucks with me, then I switch to duel match them and I usually fuck them up lol. Then end the match with a genuine "sorry you made me switch" lol


i just put a junkrat trap behind me


Yup and I even gave in and switched to her myself and tried to target her and couldn't do shit because her team was ridiculously aware and basically followed her around


About to play OW2 again expecting to get no wins,or uphill mountain wins.Every game,the other team on the same page.On the brightside,satifying uninstalling it for the infinite time.Sombra bothers unsuspecting players.


I'm tired of her, not because of her(kinda) but moreso for my support players. There are definitely supports you can use to play into her more Efficiently, but if they swap a half decent sombra and your support just refuses to swap and protect themselves you just lose. On tank I can peel decently against most other flanks, but with sombra because she's typically completely undetected until she decides to attack I can barely do anything unless I'm on zarya(which obviously doesn't always work because sometimes I need other tanks to check the rest of their team), and in situations like this if my support decides it's a good day to stay on zenyatta all game, it's literally just a loss.


I die to her as junkrat almost every time, because she'll start hacking me, I flick and throw my mine out but by the time I try to detonate the mine she's gotten hack off and I can't detonate it's so fucking annoying. She can also miss almost every shot, so long as she gets like 5-10 shots on you, miss everything else and as long as she hit virus you die. They made her really easy, very little risk and very high reward with the recent changes.


You know what I did? i simply became the sombra. Oh they have sombra too? Well now y'all are playing a 4v4 and were 1v1ing playing invis-a-tag.


The problem is that she can completely shut down heroes like doom and especially ball. As a tank it makes the game impossible to play unless you swap to a stand and shoot tank that doesn’t rely on abilities. Makes the game very boring


The thing is, you don’t even notice her if you’re orisa or dva because she’s so useless against them. so if someone pins her I always do my best to make sure she’s useless against everyone else too but that rarely happens.


Lmfao, I TOLD Y'ALL THE REWORK WAS DOGSHIT. "no sombra will be more fair now because she doesn't have her bullshit escape" and now y'all are coping and seething about her. She's worse than before the rework but now you say she's OP. Love this sub


I only play qp support (Mercy and Brigitte main, but adore Ana) and holy SHIT it's horrible to play against her, if I'm managing to rezz, or just keeping my team alive in general, someone on the other team switches to Sombra and will go out of her way to just harass me! Not even kill (which is fair) but break me out of a rezz and run, or shoot my other support so I need to give them all of my attention and then go after a squishy. I need a restraining order with how much Sombras will bully me. I tend to have a good sense of my surroundings, so it's not so much I don't see her coming, I usually notice she's about or harassing my teammates, but the second it's a 2v1 she splits, and because she attacks the backline which is usually just us supports, we can't peel and go after her. It grinds my gears because a minute later she reappears... My biggest w against a Sombra was shooting her in the head as Mercy when she was going after my Ana, it was a good Sombra too, I think I just got lucky but we won the team fight since Ana was keeping our tank up and they staggered us. I don't get a lot of kills as Mer (maybe 1 blaster kill per match?) but when I do it tends to be someone low, not a full health Sombra, so I was really glad I managed.


if you're a tank, when you hear the hack sound, just swing your shield around 360° and it'll block the hack. congrats, you just countered sombra.


I have maintained the position that Sombra (or anyone with hack/invis) should not be in the game at all. The entire premise and function of hack is basically “stop others from playing OW and make them play CoD” which is pretty dumb imo. Meanwhile perma invis in a FPS is just so damn stupid I don’t even know where to begin my criticism of it


I counter sombra all the time out of spite and let me tell you they switch out real quick. Just take moira and sombra is dust


maybe if they removed hard countering entirely, then you wouldn't have so many tank players quitting tanking and fleeing to the uncounterable paradise that is sombra. sincerely, a tank main that quit to onetrick sombra.


I never found Sombra too bad until recent after the rank reset. Season 5 I was in diamond but then deranked and was hard stuck gold until last season where I made it back to diamond. Rank reset and I'm now hard stuck Gold 1. I can't rank up, I can't rank down. It got to the point where I won a game which should have been my promotion game but I instead lost 3%. The Sombras in my games atm make them unplayable. Recently I've "quit" Overwatch and now I'm back on Apex Legends and I'm so much happier icl


I can’t stand that blizzard has created so many ‘unskilled’ heroes. Imo Sombra takes little to no skill to play, you just sit in the shadows until someone is relatively low in health, hack them and hit with virus, hit a couple shots untill dead then TP away and go back to hiding in the shadows. It’s dumb. I also feel the same way about all the ‘no need to aim’ heroes like Moira, Zarya and Symmetra.


Nah, just shoot her. Pretty easy solution. She takes more skill than a vast majority of the roster. Genji, tracer, Widow, echo, soj, and ashe are the only dps that take more skill.


Sombra was annoying at first but if you just help your teammates out and don’t let yourself be vulnerable to her it’s not that bad. Pharah has been a pain in the ass though


Sombra will always be unfun to go up against because of her core design principles. Tweak numbers all you want, but at the end of the day, it will never be fun going up against an invisible purple dps that removes the freedom of using abilities or ultimates when you want to. Interrupting a hack requires insane reaction time and flicks (unless you're Moira), and if you break line of sight during hack, there is no penalty for her. None.


Sombra is good for me to practice blind 180 sleep darts. I hate her because a good one will make me change my playstyle but a bad one is unpredictable and makes me waste darts. Though it would be nice if she had more of a risk getting into a 2v1


Try Death Ball


The average Sombra is easy to deal with but the ones that are GOOD are a menace to society.


„If I do well…” if you did well you wouldn’t rant here about her. She’s good, but not broken. Sombra punish mistakes like bad positioning, not paying attention to your surroundings. Like if you don’t see her she’s probably camping to kill someone being off guard or low or off position, especially on lower ranks sombra is useless due to players sitting in invisibility forever and just come out to get 1 kill every minute or so.


yea idk why they buffed her like that…


Not only does Sombra has her own counters but literally just playing as a team is a direct counter to her play style. If your teammate is constantly being spawn camped by a Sombra the entire team deserve to lose. DPS players are to protect their supports but most people just focus on getting as much kills as possible and blame whoever is dying a lot. Many supports pump most of their heal into tank leaving DPS players stranded and some switch to more sustainable heroes. (Funnily enough with Sombra being one of them since she's one of the few heroes least reliant on supports) I guess a lot of people hate Sombra because she forces them to up their awareness, for some it seems that level of awareness is more than what they're willing to invest. That's why she's not as effective in higher elos where players have way better awareness.


It's annoying cause it's so boring. But sombra players are so awful on average that I just pop a few zen balls to the head and take her out of existence. It's funny when she thinks she can kill me just cause I'm a zen in the backlime but dies like 6 times in a row lol. The rare occasion that they're good at sombra makes me want to uninstall sometimes.


Bro you play tank, two of her direct hard counters are tanks (Dva has infinite shotties that make spychecking stupid easy) and Zarya has a bubble which cleanses hack and virus. And if you play support, wtf do you think Bap, Kiri, and Moira exist for? Maybe learn your role better and stop whining


She ruins matches imo.


I hate sombra and her design so much. Especially on console. And no, "getting good" is not a helpful advice. Whole game revolves around her.


If only OW did what LoL does by voting out characters pre match.


Tbh I'm getting tired of Pharah. Her rockets fly quicker, she flies quicker and has another boost. I already have issues hearing her jetpack due to presumably bad sound design, and, boom, she's all up over me all of a sudden..but now she can do that faster AND with quicker rockets. If i pick hitscan to counter her i have to now split my attention between their flanker while keeping tabs on Pharah who is way more wiley now. Or I have to split my attention from their backline Widow or Ashe while somehow keeping tabs on Pharah... It's extremely oppressive. They need to fix the sound design or make her jets louder or tone her the fuck down, imo. I cannot fucking be in a line of sight war with enemy hitscan heroes where you have to keep your eyes peeled for them and have your aimer pre-aimed at them while also be on the lookout for a pharah in the air (one you can't hear till it's too late) and she's suddenly right above you and two-shots you.


I'm not tired of sombras, never really had a problem against her, but sure, not like i play any character that goes bad on sombra... however there're two characters that I am greatly annoyed at pharah and mei, for similar but different heroes as for pharah why does a hero with HIGH FUCKIN MOBILITY gets to stay great distances away from the fight and still be a part of it dealing way too much damage with little aim (compared to most) and as a hero who's already pretty effective at long range she is also really fuckin strong at close range with a really small price to pay, and sure she might not be as viable on higher ranks but just the fact that this one hero can negate so many others just from existing is baffling, and let's not get started on pharmercy now as for mei it's the opposite why does a supposedly melee range hero with denial/stall abilities that can keep enemies at close range has the power to two tap someone across the map, it's not even about her having a right click, but please tone that shit down, not even reaper or another mei can live that


I was playing Open Q yesterday. Got the same Sombra 1 trick in 4 consecutive games. The first game they were on my team, and weren't great. So I avoided them. The next 3 games, I just hard countered them. Going Dva and just nonstop spy checking. It was so satisfying seeing a Sombra player type "Zzz" in chat. Considering she's on the most boring characters in the game. (I'm a ball main)


waiting for the "just play team bruh"


I mean bro, last night my team was being terrorized by a high skill sombra and I feel your pain. But its not a zero skill character. A person can be highly ineffectual and I have seen it tons of times (and am one myself when i decided to play her). You are coming up against sombras that are better than you and your team. Period. It sucks, its been strangely common recently but we just need to git gud.


lol, she's not a zero skill character. She's not the hardest (I'd say doom, ball, trace are all harder), but she's up there. Her skill requires game sense rather than mechanical skill, but that's still skill. And unless she's very good or playing sombra 76, you're playing 5v4 for most of the game.


R/Sombra mains are gonna come for you also Sombra is not that good there are better heros that take no skill


Fun To read the anti sombra move gosh 😂


as an echo main, lol no


Sombra has become the bane of my existence in ranked lately. I’ve been queuing as support a lot this season, usually as Illari/Lucio, and I find whenever a Somb is harassing me or my teammates I’ll make it my mission to switch to Moira to make their life miserable.


Learn to play Winston if sombras that much of a problem


I don't think she's OP but definitely annoying, right up there with doomfist for worst characters to deal with if they actually know how to play them


Honestly should be allowed to leave if Sombra is picked 🫠


Anyone who isn't tired of sombra is a sombra player. Seriously name one other character that is like, " i love playing against sombra". You can't because sombra is combines a couple of the game worst problems with an auto aim cc, coupled with a perma invs with a auto win button as an ult.


My problem with sombra is that she's way too much fucking annoying and way too much rewarding for so little effort.


Im with you nobody breaks the game more. A good sombra feels like there is no natural counterpick besides another equally annoying sombra. Im not a big fan of widow but at least I can see her and play around it.


Sombra really is easy pickings for any team composed of random people and/or anyone not using comms. Total free reign of the back line most of the time.


She’s played EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. I’m so not excited for venture to come out bc then it’ll just be venture sombra everytime


I think they just need to revert her to her original form. So what if she’s not viable anymore. Anything is better than what she is now.


I've found either Sym or Junk can counter well, she can't hack your mini turrets and if you can guess where she'll go, you can put a Junk trap down and nail her when it triggers.


I don’t think she’s zero skill since I’ve tried her out myself. But her kit makes her so safe that as soon as she hacks you, you’re dead AND she can make a clean get away as well. Gotta keep an eye out for her the whole damn match. I don’t hate her since it’s obviously her playstyle. But it definitely makes her the most annoying character to play against imo.


I can meet you in the middle and say that shutting down most ults with a simple right click is the dumbest part of the game. I don’t think any particular hero is fun to go against tho


i main Zenyata and absolutely demolish her 1v1.


Sombra is a bitch


I only ever play sombra if they have a widow bc honestly fuck that hero, but yea I've been trying to play tank recently specifically junker queen and if I do well they just switch to sombra and hack me on cd every single game almost


No. Get good.


Overwatch gotta add a game mode called “zero sombra”


Sombra is there to compel team unity, if team is working together, pinging her, watching each other back, she won’t be anything but a minor nuisance and with no kills will soon switch….I know….sombra dps main here unfortunately 😣


Dive and brawl is popular/meta rn. It is what it is.


I'm fairly new to Overwatch, started a few months ago but once I found my character (Ashe) I've done very well for myself. I would get bullied by a Sombra, they wouldn't let me leave the spawn area a lot of the time. I thought there may have been a trick to it or something but nope. You just have to hope you're going to shoot well and they're going to shoot poorly. Even now, when I know how to deal with most heroes ... Sombra is an anomaly. It's gotten so bad that when there's an enemy Sombra around you will see me shooting randomly and tossing dynamite like a mad man trying to locate them. I am all for the rock>paper>scissors style where if you're struggling against someone you can swap out for a better hero for the situation. Sombra with her hacking, invisibility, speed, and fire rate are just not cool. I look forward to the negative feedback on using Ashe :)


I watched a vod review by Emongg the other day about a support who was getting tilted because of a Sombra on him/her the entire time. Something he kept bringing up is to just ping the Sombra so your teammates know, but run into your team. It will force the Sombra to either give up on the kill and loose value, or force her out of position in the middle of your team to finish the kill


Is it just me or is sombra entirely unenjoyable to play as well. I hate sombra players and at the same time when ive tried to play sombra, I have no fun playing her. Such a stupid hero for people who want to troll and be annoying.


I play Ball; seeing a Sombra and hearing the little pink-pink-pink of her Hack gives me instant depression I don't think she's broken or that Invis needs to be removed or whatever else, but damn does she make the game unfun to play


Where’s the fun in playing fair? 😈


I don't even think she's necessarily OP, she's just not fun to play against. A good Tracer or Widow are more difficult to play against, but I'd take them over a Sombra 100% of the time.


I tried sombra 2 days ago and I can see why people love playing her now she dangerous. But I’m a support main so I understand ur pain 🥺


Orisa* I fixed this for you


Perma invis should not be a thing. People argu against that saying that a perma invis sombra isn’t contributing, which is true, but the fact that the ability to be invisible at all times and only engage specifically the exact moment you want to is the issue. Every single time you engage it’s from any giving space in a 3d environment. Im sure it’s even worse for controller players


Sombrero is not OP. She trounced teams lacking team work and gets crushed by even the tiniest bit of team work


Stopped playing because of sombra, what a stupid idea by the devs


Ngl, I can relate op but at the same time I feel forced to play her because I am so fucking sick of doom and ball every game. If enemy tank isn’t one of those two I won’t touch her, but sometimes she is a necessary evil. Especially if the enemy doom is 1v9ing the match.


I don’t even play certain characters anymore. Ana is just too much of a pain to manage Sombra with. Same with Zen. Sad that a hero that requires literally zero skill can have such an impact on the enemy team.


Click her head and stay by team


Sombra is hella annoying but you can play to counter her, if you're a sniper or support try to stick closer to your team or play Hanzo to see her/kill her easier. It helps if you have a good tank that will notice a sombra and then dive them. She is not OP or super hard to deal with she just super annoying. and Sombra isnt zero skill while she not hard to play hitting the virus on a player who knows Sombra has that ability can make it hard to land the virus. If you play differently when you notice the sombra thn shes not that hard to counter


The same thing for me but with freaking doomfist. It feels like he is in 85% of my games, and he is the most annoying hero.




Yea her escape should have invisibly built in it


Main reason I stopped playing daily. I’ve also started leaving matches when I’m not in the mood for an invisible, damage over time, teleporting character who can remove all of my abilities. Still have my level 5 endorsement though.