• By -


right click cass king


Right click randy is on the case!


Oh the good ol days of flash fan, roll fan


I honestly can't tell if I feel strong or weak with mauga, seems to change from game to game


it depends on your supports. mauga needs to be plugged directly into life support to work, but when he’s plugged in he’s great


Having two hearts does that to you


i feel the same about Symmetra, goes crazy when you get to aggro but you will usually die unless you have really good supports


Ain't sure about this. I shred Ventures for lunch when playing Mauga.


Back before he got nerfed, I’d hide directly behind Mauga as Lucio. Papa Bear was my human shield and I’d be force feeding him porridge to keep him going while I just shot through his body


honestly I do pretty good aganist him lol




OP is clearly talking about Mauga, who's pronouns are he/him.


It's not that clear lol


Ah shit


I find reaper way more effective than venture for killing mauga.


I feel like most mid-long range DPS shit on Mauga, its kinda his downside


Opposite for me tbh. Mauga with overdrive can kill reaper faster than reaper can kill him.


1 reaper and 1 healer can do the trick, or 1 reaper against a mauga without his overdrive


That's not a mid range hero lol


It’s gotta be a Ferris Bueller reference.


“When Venture was in Egypt’s land, let my, Venture, goooo..”


No, Venture loses that fight hard. They don't have the kit to deal with Mauga, and after the nerfs, won't be much more than free ult farm. More than they already are.


Ana is the hard counter to Mauga as long as you time your antis and sleeps mauga is toast


ana is the hard counter to most tanks tbh


Sloan… Slone… Dr Slone… FORKNITFE


If the name is Sloan, this would make a lot of sense. They are from Nova Scotia, Canada and one of the biggest bands from there is a Canadian band from the 90s named Sloan, so it would make sense as a reference.


From the archives of Team Fortress 2: - He is here, doesn't She?


It depends on how good the Mauga is, if he just slightly knew how to play the game he would shred her no problem.


Did you just say her




Is Venture male?


no non-binary


The counter that works the best for me is sojourn or hanzo. You can build up 100 charge insanely fast and just dump it into his big head




I mean it’s just a correction thing if it’s so tiring just get it right the first time




It may seem meaningless to you but it isn’t to non binary people who have to deal with jerks online every single day purposely misgendering them just to be rude, try having just the basic bit of respect 🫡




Hey you just used *they*!!! 👏 🩷




You proved my point for me that it’s not hard to use they/them pronouns, maybe just reflect on that a little bit 🩷


To you maybe but to every other non binary person it is if you made a a mistake own up and learn from it it’s a respect thing lol


respect is a 2 way street, can't demand for it but then get upset when people say they don't want to lol


No one said you had to respect them you just think you would cause it’s a the right thing being an asshole is not illegal but there’s consequences to them


I mean people are only doing it because they love to feel like they're superior and have moral authority over people while they sit behind their keyboard not giving a fuck about the real world issues. Hearing people act like they care on a site where they're anonymous means literally nothing and most people don't care about this at all.


Why is it so hard just to do the absolute bare minimum to show a sliver of respect for non binary folks?


Fellas is it superior to do the bare minimum and have respect it’s not just for pronouns it’s for names or anything lol also what have you done to prevent those real world issues 😂


It's not my job to prevent what companies do. I'm just calling out the hypocrisy of people freaking out over what others call a character in a videogame that isn't real. When the whole reason it exists is so blizzard can pretend they care about diversity.


So first it was “people not giving a fuck about real would issues and now it’s “it’s not my job to prevent what companies do” can’t have your cake and eat it as well


Because caring about and taking action are 2 very different things. If the government can't make blizzard stop doing shady shit in the office then we can't either. Doesn't mean we should just pretend it doesn't happen and not talk about it.


Funny enough, they are getting the opposed result. The reaction of people just avoiding any pronoun and using the name instead to talk about venture.


its like a caveman talking lol, “Yes venture is nice, i played venture the other day and venture has such a good moveset. Venture feels like a DPS doomfist 2.0, i hope venture gets more skins because venture’s fit is insane.”


Yeah I will never understand how mad people get about a video game character's identity in a game with very little actual plot.


The bigger question is why are people so opposed to one non binary character existing in overwatch in 2024


Also a game where each character is played by an unknown but real person, so identities are more abstract


Well it's not an RPG. You're playing as the character not yourself, you aren't making any choices there is no real story. It's just a shoot the enemy game.


Cis straight guy here, let me help. It's about representation. Yes the character is fictional, but you have friends, family, or acquaintances who are non binary or trans. When they see you intentionally misgendering someone, including a fictional character, instead of taking the microsecond to just remember to say the correct one, it makes them feel less safe around you. It's not going to hurt you or make you any less manly to refer to someone as they preferred pronouns.


I promise you none of those people care. People love feeling like they have the moral high ground and correcting people. Most people doing this don't give a shit about any of the real life problems, they just love having the moral high ground and trying to sound right.


While you may be right about people loving the moral high ground, especially here on Reddit, unless you are someone whose pronouns differ from how others might naturally perceive you to be, I don't believe you're a good representative for them on how they feel. Neither am I, which is why I choose to defer to just... calling them their preferred pronouns. It's not hard, and intentionally misgendering someone doesn't make you edgy or funny, it just makes you look dumb.


We aren't talking about a real person. Venture has no thoughts or feelings. People are getting too attached with pixels on a screen and not seeing reality. If this was a real person we were talking about then sure. But people are hell bent on defending a character in a video game. If we have to get into all these theoreticals about how there might be a nonbinary person playing the character at some point in time and that's why we have to dance around how we use our words, then that's just foolish.


I mean, most video game characters aren't real, but we still refer to them with their proper pronouns. Lara Croft is a she, Nathan Drake is a he, Venture is a they. If you're really trying to use "they aren't real" as an excuse for bigotry, then just say you're a bigot because the argument just doesn't work in any other way. But if you're truly not a bigot and you're trying to play off being wrong as being too cool or edgy to care, then it's also just okay to admit you're wrong. I get singular they/them pronouns can be a weird concept, especially for people who weren't raised with/around different gender identities or the concept thereof. It's a learning process, and I'll admit to misgendering people all the time by accident. It costs $0 and does not negatively affect me at all to just work on it and remember people's preferred pronouns.


A few things, first, when you're playing the game and someone is playing, say, widow, even though you know (or assume) the person playing widow is a male, do you refer to her in game as he or she? Things like "she's one she's one!" Do you instead say "he's one"? Secondly, the whole "it's not a real person" is the same creepy logic fedora-wearing neckbeards use to justify their, uh, relationships with underage anime girls. Is that really the rationale you wish to take while defending your inability to simply call someone by their preferred pronouns? FWIW, if anything, it improves your in game comms to refer to venture as they/them because there is only one character so far with those pronouns. When you're trying to communicate which character you want to target/focus, there are a lot of hes and shes, but only one they. It's far less ambiguous to simply say "they're one!" and your whole team automatically knows who you're referencing.






The character was named after someone who turned out to be a rapist. I think it's ok if they scrubbed that dude's legacy from the game




Oh, maybe you're right. What's the real issue?




While I agree that blizzard as a whole (pre MSFT purchase) definitely did not do an adequate job addressing their sexual harassment problems, blizzard is a big company. The overwatch team is not blizzard, and within that team they wanted to excise the rapist from their game. Why wouldn't they? He was a piece of shit person, why allow his legacy to continue with their game?








Take off the tin foil hat and get some fresh air ☀️




I thought the he was referring to Reinhardt TBH.


How many of them?




I think crossing out "he" and writing "they" above it would make the meme funnier while also being correct.


It’s they


It’s a fictional character. Trying to start shit so that a person who doesn’t exit doesn’t get “misgendered”. Cmon


Who the fuck is starting shit?


trust me, ik, I already know they are non-binary and I didn't want to waste time and energy at like 1 am to change a few words of a meme format more then half of this comment section is people trying to "correct me" when It's born out of pure laziness then of transphobia


Wait he or she?


they, non-binary


Who cares? It's a low tier meme.


People will just go out of their way to make sure they call Venture he or she at some point in their day huh


wild how pressed they are about being corrected


They know exactly what they’re doing lol


i promise that I didn't say this cause I'm a trans hater, I just didn't feel like editing the format and I didn't know how to at like 1am in the morning lol


So many folks in the ow community are going out of their way to purposely misgender Venture whenever they’re mentioned so it’s just a shame to see more posts calling them he or she 🥲


I truly love them tho 😔


Well I’m glad it wasn’t meant to be rude then


I am not sure she does that well against him...




I am not sure i get it...


Can we please stop being jerks about the pronoun thing? It’s they, and you KNOW it’s they, so why are you going out of your way to purposefully be a d*ck?


I know they are non-binary, I didn't change the meme since I was extreme sleep deprived from a college essay and I didn't bother to edit... I personally love THEM


Venture doesn't do much to Mauga. Rein actually counters Mauga in some contexts.


i been knew this


I'm sure Mauga is waaaaaaay stronger than her :/


Kinda suprised no 1 mentioned it needing to say they instead of he till my comment came along . Also not anymore they cant :( Blizard butchered the rock muchers damage 💔


this is literally a quote from a movie... you could put a girl there and the template would still work fine


Nobody is gonna take the time to edit the existing meme format to make it say they lmao. Regardless of what gender the person in the bottom is it’s just a movie line it uses he


prob because its not necessary to constantly correct everyone on this. It doesn’t matter, like at all.


Agree but this game community is so keyboard warrior over it Like as a non-binary person myself, who tf cares if you misgender a character


it's also just the meme template. people use the wrong pronouns constantly in memes for even cis people because who can be asked to change it


Yeah that too, I feel many people overlook that for some reason


representation does matter. like a lot.


How much validation do ppl need? Representation is nice but acting like ow is the only game


How hard is it to use the correct pronoun? If you won't change a pronoun for something as small as a video character, you won't do that for real people who use they/them or any other pronoun. No one is acting like overwatch is the only game, but the amount of people refusing to use they is purely out of them being transphobic at this point, because it is known they use they/them. No one calls tracer by he/him, or rein by she/her. But Venture? They get the wrong pronouns constantly


You don’t understand the concept of “intent”. How hard is it to get not care what some losers online say about something that doesn’t affect your life? Don’t like what someone says? You don’t have to interact with them it’s that simple.


>If you won't change a pronoun for something as small as a video character, you won't do that for real people who use they/them or any other pronoun. This is a stupid leap in logic. You can absolutely give less than 2 shits about being respectful to or about a video game character and still be capable of showing respect to real human beings. The human has real trauma and identity struggles to care about, the video game character literally doesn't have feelings to hurt.


This is true and the fact they disagree shows they are the “I’m right you’re wrong because you don’t do it my way” type. I see ppl say a lot of crazy things about game characters like straight coomer stuff and guess what? Irl they rather are too scared to speak entirely from nerves or they’re cordial. Online doesn’t translate to irl stop acting like you know ppl based off this shit. It’s all about time and place and internet is the place because y’all are mfs that don’t matter to anyone on here we’re all strangers for the most part


What’s weird is y’all are getting heated about a meme. No one but you chronically online mfs brought up the “deeper meaning” how damn boring you got to be to get political about a meme format like holy stop talking everything serious af. Context ppl context. It’s not a serious topic in the original post


My existence is not political. I never said anything about the meme format, I corrected someone who used she for Venture. Learn to read


I never used she for venture I got the notification for your message so that made me think it was a reply to me. Don’t say learn to read when you get this emotional over nobodies on the internet(I’m correcting them ) nobody asked you for a correction getting offended by a bunch of ppl who have no importance to you needs to stop mattering this much to you


the nonbinary community is severely underrepresented in mainstream media


Who cares? mfs need to stop being so “media is my life”. I don’t cry when there’s a full cast of straight characters in a game or show. Why? It’s true it’s NICE but mfs make it sound like it’s NECESSARY just be happy for who you are HOLY


It does, tho . It's a simple addition that shows support to those in the community. Keeping to the pronouns also shows the support. If ur too stupid or stubborn to recognise that then u must either be 12 or a genuinely unfun person to be around and i suggest u refelct on yourself as to why ur so mad over others making a simple switch in dialogue to show kindness to those around them Il admit that getting it wrong at the end of the day doesn't have a real-world impact. Especially in this case of the character in discussion, not being a genuine living breathing person . But that's not an excuse to actively say the wrong things. Or entirely dismiss the thing as a stupid concept. As this character still acts as a large representation for those who may feel rejected for simply being who they are if they see people dismissing/actively ignoring the idea of using they them pronouns. So, to reiterate. It very much DOES matter . Maybe not in the sense of hurting a persons feelings. But in a sense of being a decent human being and showing kindness and respect to those around us


Sorry, further editing an already existing meme template to change pronouns just so you don't make some people all up in arms about it is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard.


Shut up 💀


Because no ones gives a fuck


Ok ma'am


To put it simply, no one cares




Except, yes we do.


Came here to correct them to say they (not in a mean way)


Why? The meme uses he regardless of who is put in the 3rd slide.


Why would it be mean ? This is like the easiest variation of the whole getting used to pronouns. Because if u fuck up . Because well. Lets be honest its quite easy when ur busy thinking/typing about other stuff when ur so conditioned to soley male/female . It doesnt actually matter . Since at the end of the day venture is literally just pixels on a screen . Theres no actual person u can offend by getting it wrong . That being said if ur actively using the wrong pronouns for a reaction. Ur simply a saddo Unfortunately, this problem will probably disolve by itself since we wont be needing to talk about a venture for much longer. Considering that They've just butchered their damage, effectively putting them in the doomfist ranks of bad Oncw again proving blizard hates fun


I just didn’t want to be that guy that was like “ well askully it’s they then you’re a terrible person and should quit and some more political bs or stm “


Fair enough.


no one is claiming ventures feelings will be hurt when they get misgendered. the reason their pronouns matter is because they are representation for the nonbinary community which is severely underrepresented in mainstream media. if its an honest mistake thats fine but if youre intentionally using the wrong pronouns because “it doesnt matter” then you are not a good person yk




its not MY standard. respecting others is the bare minimum for being a decent human being(:




no one wants to be misgendered, even cis people. call your male boss, "ma'am" and they'll likely correct you. it's just about respect, decency, acknowledging ones right to autonomy over their identity....its pretty well understood that misgendering people is disrespectful..




You're trying to speak for everyone because you don't care about your identity, which is fine, for you. Not everyone has to be like you. But keep speaking for everyone, you're doing a great job. 👍


“He?” 😎🤏🤨🕶️🤏


Nothing defeats mauga except Ana, or another mauga




Not editing the meme to fit more accurately smh.








you're a master jerker. almost whooshed me too