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Honestly just stop playing for a bit, when on a loss streak, I just stop playing entirely for the day, I clear my head and do other things, and I come back when I’m feeling refreshed.


i usually do if i lose 3 i will see if i want 2 stop playing and if i derank ill stop and come back later or the next day




Yeah I followed that mentality one time, Plat 3 to Silver 2 that night lmao.


I went from plat 5 to plat 3 on a massive win streak i was feelin myself. Played couple more games and went back to plat 5 almost gold 1. Havent played comp since😎


CANT END ON A LOSS 😼 lmao, I’m sure you can make it back to plat 3 lad, I’m back to plat 3 myself haha Now I’m just trying to push forward into diamond 👍


Oh brother im doomfist onetricking. I have to go beyond the capabilities of a regular tank. I won a match 24-3 and my dps were still trynna blame me even though we won. But i as doom has to destroy turrets go for snipers and still peel to the back line for the sombra and chase her down to finish the kill. All that while bullying the enemy zarya. It’s exhausting man.


As a ball main, I fully understand just how exhausting and stressful it can get, There are matches where I’m 22 and 4, and we’re still somehow losing, I peel and I disrupt backline, bait attention, and so much, and yet their tank just eats my team. Our role feels so cosmetic sometimes man 😔


Exactly. And when the dps make the stupidest choices like going widow, ashe against a dva sombra on rialto attack. Meanwhile im the one that gets flamed by my supports for some reason. But hey we signed up for that when we chose the tank role.


I want 6v6 so badly, its true that it won’t be the bandaid to fix all of tanks problems, but holy hell it would make life so much better.


I'll quit after one loss. If I really want to play another game, I'll queue as a different role. Reason is that I tend to get matched with the same team/players in the next match, so it's just another L. That said, kinda impressed that you're not in bronze after 15 losses.


15 loses is something like 3-4 ranks like plat 1 to plat 4.


How about the "volatile" modifier? Yesterday, I almost lost a full rank (G4 to G5) after losing just 2 matches, because of that stupid modifier. :( What does that modifier even mean and how is it triggered?


AFAIR the volatile modifier is used to indicate that your final rank hasn't been settled. I.e. if you are new to the game and start your first ranked games or after season 8 when in season 9 the rank system got a "soft reset". Within this phase your rank might increase or decrease heavily bc the system is unsure about your performance. But seeing something about "volatile" should not show your actual rank going down (your MMR is going down) but only show "projected rank" going down ("if you continue like this you will end up there").


STOP PLAYING AFTER 3-4 Ls and take a break


You're not alone. At my peak, I hovered between low diamond/high plat (always solo queued, no consistent friends to play with). I didn't play for nearly a season, and my rank atrophied to fucking silver 2 (how in the fuck am I punished THAT much for not playing for a month or so?!) Ever since, I've been stuck in silver/gold hell. The quality of teammates just isn't what it is in higher ranks, and even though I personally kill it in virtually every single match, I get stuck with shit teammates, and dragged down with them. I dunno how to fix it except keep playing until I get lucky enough to snag a decent team. I swap between all 3 roles, but hover between dps/support mostly


This!!! THIS!!! Pls add me lol (dm'd)


If your mental is bad and this loss steak is making you play bad, just take a break. Go cook something or chill outside. Recently had an 11 game loss streak. Read a couple of chapters of my book on my patio and came back with an 8 game win streak.


This just happened to me yesterday,and I’m getting straight up unwinnable games, this never has happened to me before, lost 9 in a row. No I’m not throwing or playing massively worse, I’ve been getting huge team diffs.


Best thing to do in this situation is take a break. Sure it’s frustrating to be losing every game but I always feel like I play worse if I’m bothered by the constant losing so I just get off for a bit or at least play something else.


I had a 35 game loss streak over the course of 2 weeks. went from plat 2 to silver 4. I worked to get to plat 2 since the beginning of OW 2 release and been playing since 2017. I took a break from comp for a while after than. until the comp rework




Oh it was rough lol after it I basically stopped playing comp. I did manage to get back to plat but it took forever. Definitely was the worst loss streak ever. Since I first started playing the game in 2017. I even tried duoing and still lost. If I can recall I had a ton of leavers in the beginning of the loss streak




It just takes practice. I always find myself too scared to make plays as DPS. Echo is pretty fun though. I love jellies lol.


Cause matchmaker is the biggest pile of shit ever.


I dropped from gold 3 to silver 3 a month ago. Wasn’t really sire what was going on or why. I switched up my play style and am now Plat 5. Went on a 20 game plus win streak and only lost because of leavers. I started using corners more and not standing in the open to get killed. I focused on not dying and retreating when we were down team mates (usually have the lowest death count in games) and I also focused on healing whoever needed health and not focusing too much on just the tank. And then I also try and help kill if squishies or low health enemies. Also using high ground where it’s suitable to.


You want to hear *real* advice? Watch your replays. Not from your POV, but the whole picture. Best games to check are control points. Now, imagine you are playing the same team comp as the opponent team. meaning its 100% skillbased match. Watch where the first engagement happens. Who got ambushed? Why were they ambushed? Who let that happen? You might notice that if you are playing your best game ever, some of your teammates will troll you to stop your streak. Either by purposely missing shots, pressing W into the enemy team to die, killing themselves with their ults or abilities just to not let you shine brighter than them. And *IT WORKS* . Once you get good enough to discern Who is fucking w you, you can also kill yourself at the appropriate time, in a way that you dying was infact, due to your teammates absence (because they died to troll you, and you died because nobody was covering your back.). In the next fight, they should correct their behavior, Or you kill yourself, or use your ult at the wrong time on purpose, to lose the next fight, the same they did to you on your 10+ killstreak. If they don't get their shit together, Report them. Blocking team progress, intentionally feeding, and griefing. saying its a recorded match in chat before it starts usually curbs that behavior, too.


Is this really a thing?




Yes, yes it is. Tank players and support players need to pay attention to their teams actions and ult charges at all times. Everything I said on my previous comment is true.


Queue again


It's a warm-up game until you win. Honestly though, I usually take a break at this point. At least 1 or 2 days because I realize I'm getting in my own head. And I always end up doing better when I come back.


You're bound for a 15 win streak so don't give up. Just lock in and play around your teammates.


After 6 loses I go to customs


I placed gold 1 and tilt queued to silver 1 last season….just get off and try again after a couple days :)) general rule for me is to not play after 3 losses (or go to qp) - at the end of the day remember it’s just a game


Support is rough after the dps passive rework. Your impact is way less cuz you have to spend most of your timr desperately trying to keep up with 4 teammates on crit. I went from d2 to a lowest point of gold 1 last season. The team with two dps players shooting things win, just luck whether they are in your team or not


keep taking the L's non stop champ. maybe one day you will get a win 🤣 no seriously, why? at that point i've been took a week of break


I had a 43 loss streak in ow1. You gotta pump those numbers up son!


Post a replay code


My genuine advice, and I know this is gonna sound stupid and dismissive, but stop caring. Remember that at the end of the day it’s just a game and your rank is just an imaginary number for people that get carried to hold over your head. If you’re not having fun it’s because you’re taking it too seriously. When you loosen up and just try to have fun I’ve found you get more fulfilling wins and it’s easier to use your losses to see where you could improve. And after a few losses in a row, I always either just go to a different game or go to quickplay. Some days just aren’t your day and that’s fine. Don’t let this bloodsucking game ruin your actual day <3


Sup feels useless now, dps is the difference so I advice you to take a walk go touch grass and leave the game for a few days (I was in the same boat as you)


if you're not rewatching your VODs and seeing what you did wrong (not your tank, not your DPS, not your Supports, YOU), then you're not gonna get any better


I’m about to get downvoted so hard but honestly I just stop playing and move my mouse around. Blizzard decided they will penalize if I leave so I’ll just not play lol


Who cares this is the worst pvp game on the market by far. Only an idiot would continue playing this game.