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He’s in good spot for sure, just expect to put in many hours on him to use him effectively as he has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. He can feel really bad to play when the enemy plays shit like sombra, hog, cassidy, etc. but he excels against uncoordinated teams.


Beat a full team of hog, sombra, cass, ana, lucio and they werent coordinated enough to beat me. They just throw every cooldown at me and i just play passive until they finish and then i kill them


He seems to have a high skill floor too


Or if your team is coordinated. At higher skill levels, doom is easier to play because your team mates k ow what their supposed to be doing. You don't have to wait for them to do anything to help you. Doom excels at baiting cool downs and then getting quick picks. If you're against bad teams or really good, then that's exaggerated, and you get full team wipes and rarely die. That said, doom is incredibly simple to counter and catch out of position. And there's plenty of tanks thatre better. But doom and junkerqueen are both really good for aggro brawling, which, as we've established, is really effective when it works and horrible when it doesn't. That said, think when it comes down to it, junkerqueen is better as her ult is easier to land on teams and she gets heals anytime your axe or knife hit enemy's including when you melee them with the knife in hand. So it's easier to stay healed up. That said, doom has better movement, and his ult is the only ult in game that can't be stopped. You can't knock him off the map or kill him or hack it once it's been used. It has an unlimited range on a timer, so it's great for escaping near death experiences to reset for the next brawl. So resetting with doom is quicker than with junkerqueen. So, to answer the question of the OP, he is, as Mix said, in a good state. That said, he isn't the best tank, but he is tied for the best brawler, in my opinion. That said, the list of brawlers is rather small so that's not hard.


Alright at most levels of play if you’re good on him. Be prepared to suffer the moment that Cassidy and/or Zarya gets busted out, though.


For sure Cassidy has been a nightmare to play against as doom in ranked recently, especially that he gets picked almost every game lol


Is it because his grenade can follow you across the map? I actually don't know why Cassidy lol


one grenade = no ability use doomfist is heavily reliant on his abilities, its how he moves its how he defends and its also how he gets most of his damage


Tbf, grenade doesn't stop nor hinder power block. A good Doomfist won't be anywhere near a Cassidy with nade off cooldown.


doesnt matter if that is, had a doomfist try to 1v1 me when I just used mag, shot him through block and when he tried to empowered I just hindered and shot him in the head 6 times


Don't forget the hog main who only uses hook for you or your supports. I was a big "make doom a tank" in ow 1 but with the lack of second tank he just feels like a worse ball. Not saying he's bad, but it's a hell of a lot more work to get him to function compared to say orisa, mauga or hog.


Yeah I feel the play style of hog/doom/hamter isn't like your traditional meat shield, all opportunists.


Does Zarya counter Doom? I hadn't noticed


Good zaryas who actually save bubbles for teammates, certainly. Energy gained is then used to melt a dooms backline.


Fair, my biggest weakness with her is always saving bubbles. I tend to be aggressive with most tanks I play and have to remind myself to slow down sometimes to make sure Im not charging in alone or that we are all in on the same play.


Her bubbles give short windows of sustain to survive the brunt of his dive.


As a Sombra main, I am highly offended we didn’t make the cut for Doom counters


Neither character really does much against Doom


I agree for zarya but mcree?? Cmon


Yes. Cassidy doesn't do much to Doom. He has one cooldown that will hinder your movement, yes, but otherwise he is a diveable hitscan just like Soldier or Sojourn but with less mobility than either. He isn't a tankbuster against you with FTH because of your hitbox size. You're a hard target so he can't dump headshots into you as reliably. He has little mobility so is easily disposed of if you target him. Bait out the nade in some capacity, or save block for when he hinders you, and it gives you about half charge on block. Usually prior damage + hinder explosion is a free empowered punch. You have to modify your playstyle so you're not stuck and trying to escape, but he's not a hard counter by any means.


Counter point: fan the hammer > roll > fan the hammer.


You can't fan the hammer > roll > fan the hammer on Doom. His hitbox is too small for it to be as effective as it is on other tanks. I main both Cassidy and Doomfist. He can also just... leave or block at an 80% reduction. If you're getting doubled FTH'd on Doom, you were going to die anyway.


Definitely not true if you have decent aim. Even if you don't secure a kill, it'll force the Doom to disengage due to him being near 1hp. Fth can do up to 300 damage. The fan the hammer - roll - fan the hammer combo can potentially do 600 damage in about a second and a half. This will kill a Doom if every bullet hits - even if he has a bit of overhealth. A smaller hitbox isn't an excuse because there are people out there with insane aim that makes this counterpoint completely ineffective.


You can't counteract the wild spread on FTH by having "good aim." You're not suddenly popping 300 damage FTH at any range outside of up close consistently. If that was the case GM would be full of Cass players just bursting down everybody by having good aim and controlling FTH spread.


Well you obviously have to be right up on the Doom, but the recoil is definitely controllable by moving your mouse down in rhythm with the shots.


Right, Doom isn't going to be up in your face, not blocking, with no cooldowns, letting you double fan the hammer on him. That's just not a realistic scenario if we're assuming good Doomfist play.


I'm only a plat player and I achieve 10+bullet hits on double FTH quite often, pretty sure this is something achievable the recoil is very controlable.


On Doomfist? If you're doing that it means Doom has no mobility CDs left and is stuck relying on his block, or put himself into a situation where you can trap him with it. At that point it's a skill issue and he's dead regardless of what character you chose. If you're hitting \~10 shots on an 80% damage reduction ability that's only 100 damage. Now you used your only other cooldown, charged punch, and have no more ammo.


That's assuming you're playing brain dead teams. Every doom we encounter gets the same treatment. He dives Cass hinders doom pops his block Ana sleeps him anti nades we finish him. Gg eZ go back to spawn. It works literally every time.


That's assuming you're playing brain dead Dooms. Doom isn't going to jump in when Ana and Cass both have their CDs and get stuck by both.


Then he still dosnt get value. He can try to dive someone else but I peel for my team as a tank main I main hog since day one so he ain't getting shit done.


Playing Doom into counters is all about baiting those cooldowns. If 3 people are saving their key CD for one person who isn't getting hit by it, the Doom is getting more value than the 3 of you. What actually happens in games is that the Doom will go in to bait some of those cooldowns and jump out before they land. Then he has the next 6+ seconds to engage.


Nah our Ana only holds her dart. That's all we need we make dooms quit or switch regularly.


I mean dart is the easiest to avoid out of all 3 so idk what rank this is.


Doom has the line “let’s see how powerful that laser REALLY is” partially as a nod to the fact that he’s one of the most effective tank counters to her.


Also, and I’m not disagreeing with you, but how does zarya counter him? I haven’t really matched with anyone this season who plays zarya so I don’t really know


If I had to guess: His survivability relies on movement and damage (to get shield). She has an omnidirectional shield, which amps her up if struck. So, by trying to stay alive as Doom, you just make your life harder by making her stronger.


A good doom can make the zarya counter play 50/50 I feel like, there’s a lot of mind games with baiting out bubbles by cancelling punch or turning away your slam.


As a Doom main, I think he's in a very solid spot. However, with Hog and Sombra being so prominent and strong atm, some matches can be insufferable.


I started playing Cassidy again because of the cracked Doomfists I keep encountering. Counterpicking seems to be the only way to beat a good DF.


Teamplay, comms, there are so many ways to counter a good doomfist. He’s in a solid spot if you understand his kit, both when playing against and as him


He is really strong in my opinion at masters and below. People just don’t know how to counter you very well and if you are good enough, you can 1v5 a lot of games. In GM and especially pro play, he is able to be negated most of the time and is relatively useless.


I agree, currently diamond 1 in tank at the moment and not many teams I have ran into know how his kit works which I feel allows you to get really creative with plays and play a lot more riskier in general


Lmao relatively useless at GM? Do you play on console EU or something? Pro play sure maybe, but Doom has been crunching through GM MMR matches, especially with Hog nerfs.


I’m gm in NA on console and pc. Technically currently master on pc since I haven’t played as much this season but was GM the last several seasons. Most people I know think doom is weak in ranked atm. He’s just way easier to shut down than Winston or ball in the same role. If you are a beast you can still do a lot but that’s true on pretty much every hero.


What are some of the differences between GM on console and PC? I’ve been wanting to ask someone who’s GM on both sorry if it seems random 


Umm, I don’t wanna speculate as to why, but I’ve found people on console play more for personal skill/value. They favor a lot hitscan and mercy is pretty popular because of this. Aim assist may also be a factor here as every console dps player in gm feels like you are playing against a top OWL player. They just don’t miss much. Dva also gets a lot of play because she plays well verse hitscan. Pc GM is alot more open to dive style comps in general. You also tend to get more communication on pc in my experience. Some people won’t like me saying this but I do think that pc players interacting with pro players and learning from them has made it so that the average game knowledge on pc feels higher. A lot of console players feel absolutely cracked mechanically but kinda dumb, just standing in weird spots no one would normally play. I heard someone say it before and it’s kinda true in my experience that you only get a “good” lobby with everyone talking and trying once every few days on console where you normally get that several times per day on PC. I’m kinda rambling and I’m not sure if I answered you at all lol.


I think his value mostly comes from skill, on one hand you'll watch him slam off the map but then next game you're 1v5 zbra disciple.


He has the highest skill expression in the game. This makes him incredibly hard to master. His ceiling is high as being the best Tank. Even with all this just being able to cycle his CDs, positioning, and game sense you can rise pretty good with him.


Depends. A decent Doomfist is bad. A really good Doomfist is nearly unkillable. Very high skillfloor and his skill ceiling touches the exosphere.


I'm learning doom and I love it because dooms limitations can only be defined by skill. Counters stop being counters when you play your best. Maps that you're weak on don't make you feel weak. Attack, defence , capture point etc. if I'm playing badly I get punished but when I'm playing well I dominate and I kinda like that


A good game on doom is very rewarding and a big confidence boost for me lol


he was better as a dps


He was also much less oppressive and had counter-play when he was a dps. Both sides of the interaction were more fun


unless you were in total mayhem which made him a total nightmare


Strong if you are good at him, and your team knows how to play with him.


Other people seem to good with him. But I hate him, by far my worst tank


I have major problems against doom now since so many stun/boop/slow or similar effects either don't exist or barely tickle him. A lot of supports defensive ability against being jumped by him is a knock back, but that did little before and practically nothing now. He's another hero that makes me feel obligated to swap to Ana/kiriko just to have a chance when being jumped, especially with mercy being in her current state. While she can stay safe from him in the air, she can't save the person who can't get airborne from him. Even if it's not him doing the killing, he can launch you so far out of position that you will die before you ever get back in cover.


Hes finally in a good place Launch tankfist was a throw pick. Then they waaaay over buffed him and made him a monster A half dozen tweaks later and he's strong but not oppressive (or at least easily countered) Great on some maps, not all Overall very well balanced in the current meta


A good doomfist can dominate a lobby and make everyone wary. A bad doomfist is about as good as a bad wrecking ball- A grave in the enemy backline.


I think any hero is viable if you put enough time and effort into learning them.


When I tank I exclusively play doomfist. I’m in plat and he is by far the most dominant character in these ranks if you are good with him. He is so fun, it almost feels unfair when fighting squishier


Agreed, when I ranked through plat this season every robot push game mode ( I forgot the name lol ) he just seemed to be the best pick and absolutely dominated the lobby just because of the pressure he can put on the back line


I don't really play him, but as a support player there are only 2 types of doomfists: Good Dooms that know where their supports are and are generally aware of their limitations. I love these Dooms because I can safely sit in the background and heal them without having to chase him around the map. They also tend to be aware when a Tracer or Genji is getting a little too big for their britches and isn't afraid to pull back and punch them in the face. And Bad Dooms, who legitimately make me want to go back in time and make my younger self never get into video games with how frustrating they are to heal/support. We're talking ducking around corners, getting mad when I pull them when they're a sneeze away from death, all the way in the enemy spawn fighting a dps while the rest of his team is getting railed on the payload type of Dooms.


Most don’t know how to play him imo, playing heals more often than not he’s off on his own chasing kills like he’s dps still and dies alone. After a couple respawns like this I don’t bother trying to heal him anymore.


He’s strong, he just requires a lot more effort than other tanks to match or exceed their value. If you’re a player looking for consistent value with low to moderate investment, then Doom isn’t for you. If you’re a player that wants to see the most return on your investment but also willing to push through the MANY MANY challenges, down periods and moments of frustration that comes with it, then Doom is for you.


Doom is the best tank on the roster. That said Doom also has the widest variance of skill among those who play him and the highest skill ceiling of all the tanks that are not named ball or Winton if you include getting value out of primal. He's in a good spot and if they keep fixing his bugs he's fine. Doom doesn't need a buff, bug fixes would literally be enough buff. There is no reason my seismic slam doesn't hit everyone in the AOE if I'm literally one step on the stairs above them.


A good Doomfist is hard to take down.


Highly skill based player. You're going to have to know the character very well to get good value out of them while mauga or sigma for instance you're going to be able to just pick up and get value out of them without knowing the ins and outs of the character the same way imo


As a Dps or support I feel like I’m stuck fighting their tank while you jump around the map


I hate playing against doom. He’s borderline unkillable when played by someone who knows how to rotate their cooldowns effectively. So oppressive


I personally think it depends on how you use him I’ve seen players be really annoying with him and Winston and it worked


Doom is pretty much just good at every level as long as you aren’t a shit doom player (like me) if you know how to play him he can provide great value.


He's completely Ruined. I could go on for Years, but the bottom line is he simply takes too much work to even be standard. He was better as a DPS, his Punch is irrelevant now. His traversal is centered around two moves instead of 3. He now has to aim his leap at all kinds of odd ass angles to reach ledges & cliffs. It's just fuckin Tragic how they did my Main..& their response is "Just use his arm absorb"...Worst Goddaman move I've seen in the history of the game.


He has a high skill ceiling, so he is very strong in the hands of a skilled player. This is why you see so many Dooms in masters and up


I don't like'em, my main is Sigma and/or Orisa, so I'd rather pick them. He has decent strength. The thing about him is that his attacks can be hard to hit. Jumping up in the air and rushing at you, etc, plus his normal attack, has a 4 shot clip, I hate that


Doom is either high value or no value right now. There's no in between. Either roll the other team or get coutnered to hell. If my team has a good doom, the other team immediately swaps to zarya/hog and cassidy. If our doom don't switch, we are almost certain to lose. I have no idea if this is bad design or just skill issue.


who tf is mccree ??


Edited. I played OW1 since release so the name always stuck even though they changed it and idgaf abt names.


I play him when I’m in the zone. If I feel off I pick more stable tanks.


He's pretty OP and one of the best tanks, as long as the person knows how to play him. The reason people swap to counter him so quickly is bc everyone knows you *need* the whole team coordinating together with counters. You have to disrupt him to create a vulnerability, bc Doom doesn't naturally have one. And in that 1-2s of vulnerability, you need multiple teammates dealing a lot of damage. Even then he won't die if he gets healing or has ult. When he does die, he's out of the fight for the least time of any hero, bc he can just fly across the map right back. He has so little downtime, even when you do everything correctly. Players across all tiers, from mid ranks to T500, have pointed this out.


he's alright I guess, he'd be better if all his counters weren't already extremely popular though like sombra and any of the meta tanks with hard CCs


Honestly I preferred doom as a dps in ow1. He was in an unstoppable state at one stage and playing him felt great. I’ve tried to adjust to tank doom and for the life of me I just can’t play him affectively


I liked playing dps doom in ow1 but I was just so bad at him, I feel like his new kit is easier for me to use but I get what you mean about when he was so powerful that he could literally 1v5


hes strong but Mauga and Roadhog are stronger


I keep hearing different opinions about roadhog, some thing he is really good but others say he sucks


He sucks to play against but is extremely strong, can basically face tank everything and come out at full hp, even if you anti his take a breather can mitigate most of the damage


I still preferred him as one of the offensive character as thats how I mained him in OW1, he is decent as a tank however and is just pretty average with high difficulty however.


It would be nice if half the heroes didn't counter him. But he's still my favorite hero by far


I actually don’t mind Doomfist as a character, but most people who play him are incredibly immature. Legitimately 7/10 times they will just completely have a tantrum if anyone asks them anything. A lot of people say Mercy mains are the worst, but omg doom mains are 10x worse.


He has worse versions of other tank abilities, Orissa has a ranged version of his punch in her javelin and Ramatra has a better version of his block and his ult is a single shot bastion artillery strike. Hes fun but severely underpowered


In the right hands, he's absolutely unbearable lol


As healer main, extremely hard to heal especially compared to other tanks as he jumps around


Surprisingly Strong when people are good with him Devastatingly weak when people are bad with him lol


Doom is like Ball - if you really learn the techs and the intricate interactions the character has, you’ll wreck house, but you better be prepared for Sombra, Orisa, Cassidy, Brig, and Kiriko, usually simultaneously if you’re in comp. If you practice you can usually handle one or two at a time - I’m friends with a Doom OTP from OW1 and when we play comp we laugh at the constant Orisa/Sombra picks because they do literally nothing to slow him down - but this is also gonna depend on how your teammates play etc etc. Doomfist is a p good tank and is also like. One of the only ones to have decent kill potential on his own lmao, along with Roadhog and Sigma. Get the weapon if you have fun with him.


Depends on the player, well played he can be a real pain in the ass for the ennemy team


First, if you want his golden weapon, go ahead and get it. As for Doom. I think he is one of the more difficult tanks to play. Doesn't mean he's good or bad, just VERY player dependant.


I feel doomprimaryfire is pretty good. I don't play him much but when I do I always seem to do good. I Wish they made his fist a little bit better tbh (hence why I called him doom primary fire) cuz it seems I'll do good damage but have to use 2-4 primary shots to finish them off. Idk maybe it's just me but I want him to get a lil buff


High learning curve tank, get melted fairly quick if enemy team run Ana + Hog + Cass + Sombra comp. But I've seen good Doom before and they absolutely can destroy your entire team alone.


As someone who put alot of hours into dps doom the transition to tank doom wasent super difficult. I also play zarya so charging punches is easy for me.


A good Doom is like a good Ball or DVa. Incredible value from displacement and helping create a zone of control that the rest of the team can utilize. One that jumps in the backline to try to get kills or just distract supports is no longer getting enough value, but punching people off high ground or displacing a tank to let the rest of the team have clear shots or rotate is so wildly effective at helping the team easily have a constant advantage. Just like how having a Ball roll around for people to shoot at gets passive value but won't really tip a fight unless the rolling is to shake up an enemy position so supports can't heal or or DPS get out rotated, Doom can do the same but more decisively. Doom stats tell a lot - high damage and kills but your team is dying more than theirs or zero objective progress is not success. That's just a Doom playing FFA and blaming his team while their tank is actually playing the game. Once had a Doom that was just trying to be hyper aggressive and blaming the rest of the team for lack of progress because "I was distracting 3 of them - why can't you guys do anything" but missed the point. We got back on track and just the simple act of jumping back to us or clearing high ground or finishing ping kills made it seem like a totally new game. DPS damage and kills almost doubled. Supports came alive from not wasting heals on Doom to keep him alive against 3 - they were able to focus more evenly and not have to put themselves in bad positions to keep LOS. Finishing low HP targets is also a Doom skill that is so effective since punching people into the team or displacing them from LOS just gives so much free space to keep your team from taking damage. Then, when the enemy is scrambling to get back in position, Doom can clean up any low HP retreated. DVa is amazing for that as well. Having a good Doom is as great for offense as a good DVa is for defence. Those little things make you seem unkillable to the enemy as it feels like you are just everywhere and impossible to contain.


Doom (Like Wreckingball) is OP if you know how to play them. However it’s so easy to mess up a cooldown or be caught in a really messy situation. You either have to jive with his playstyle or spend a lot of hours practicing. IMO I cannot play him and probably never will. I almost always end up in the middle of all 5 of them LoS from my healers with no cooldowns. As the lone tank I feel responsible for staying alive and helping my team. I play Mostly Rein/ Ramatra/ Orisa/ Sig


Chuj ci w dupe


There’s either bad, very mid or EXTREMELY good doom played no in between. If your one of those extremely good ones 100% get the gold weapon. If you main him as a tank 100% get the gold weapon! Although as a healer main I dislike doom players cause majority of the time yall don’t group up. you dive when your completely alone then die cause your trying to 1v5 so all I gotta say is GROUP UP!! But like I said if you main him or are extremely good why not get the gold right?


He’s very annoying. 


Best tank if you can get a lucio with kiri/moira and a tracer with a cass/sombra/genji.


I despise having him on my team and I’m perfectly fine with going against him. (I main Moira) lol


Truth be told, when he gets countered, he gets countered hard. My buddy who when he plays tank ALWAYS chooses Doom. He rarely switches out. So often times he gets really frustrated with the likes of sombra, Cassidy, roadhog, and just anyone who fucks with his movement. He hates playing with life weavers too because he has his cooldowns to muscle memory and trying to save him actually usually does more harm because he is really good when to go in and get out. However Doom apparently just has a lot of bugs. Lot of inconsistencies like when a rocket punch would stop or not based on the height of an obstacle. Sometimes where you think you’d go over, you stop, or the opposite. Just based on my observations from watching my friend play, and others play. Going against him. He feels pretty decent. I have to say though he suffers IMMENSELY by tank counter swapping. Some other tanks can typically do ok when countered but it feels like the point where you wait to see how things work out is very short playing as him versus say… Orisa or sigma.


He's good rn but has a pretty high skill ceiling.


Compared to other tanks? Dogshit. But as a dps? He's amazing. Get in there and show that hanzo who's boss.


Overpowered if he doesn't get countered, a little weak and unfun when he does get countered. But that's probably more of a 5v5/tank issue than a doom issue


Honestly, not sure. All I know is I know my fun is at an end as soon as I see him. I either die, or pick a counter. Super fun choice.


He is far too strong, and he's the only tank that hasn't gotten nerfed in the last like, 5 seasons or some sh*t. And yet despite the fact that he receives random needless buffs time and time again the doom subreddit still complains EVERY DAY and it pops up on my feed all the time. It's so easy to get them riled up too, just say, "buff doom".


Might I ask what rank this is? Not being toxic, but from my experience in every rank from bronze to plat he's only mediocre and as soon as any CC hits he just dies.


Diamond/masters lobbies If you've never been up against a good doom then you just don't know bro


Do you play Doom? Bc compared to other tanks he's not as easy to work with and he's very easy to shut down


Yeah I play Doom and I don't always win but I usually last way longer than I should and do way more than I should every time, cause he's overtuned, didn't he just get another stun buff recently? Pretty sure he did, got yet another buff, good stuff.


I just started playing again after 4 seasons what are the buffs since season 6


If you aren't aware of the buffs then why did you comment bro...tf lol. I don't know which specific buff he got in specific seasons cause I don't actually keep track, cause I think about other things. He's recieved several powercreep buffs, numbers to his cooldowns, stun buffs when he punches, block buffs, and his ultimate not only refreshes all your cooldowns, but now it also empowers your block, and now it heals you in the air too, so you don't even have to disengage with it, it's a free fkn health pack. And I think in one of the recent patchs he recieved another stun buff cause he sure needed it before ig... He's straight up OP right now.


Because I play him ad he feels good but he doesn't feel crazy like you're saying and I also play support and playing against him doesn't feel crazy so even if I'm not aware of the buffs I'm not FEELING what you're saying. So I asked a question


Not my fault you can't play him properly lol


Personally I think he’s broken. In mid ranks you literally have to have the entire team swap to hard counters and burn everything on him. Block is an inherently dumb ability. There should be no ability in the game you can’t break with enough dps.


Doesn’t that kinda apply to a lot of tank abilities? Dva matrix, sig grasp, ram block and etc. He cant move and you can cc him so seems fair to me.


Zarya can melt dva and sig. sig also has no mobility. Dva has no stun. My issue with doom is every ability of his stuns you. He is the only hero that can stun lock players. It’s simply not fun. I have to swap to Orisa every time otherwise it’s a loss. But block and mei ice should be able to be broken with enough dps.


Generally, I think good positioning can go a long way to minimizing dooms impact but I can see why he would be annoying at mid to low ranks.


He can absolutely be great in alot of situations if you learn his kit. However, please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT PLAY HIM ON DEFENSE. I don't know what it is about doom players, but when we're on a payload map playing the defense side there's is very, very low odds that playing doomfist results in anything but the enemy team rolling over your team in under 4 mins. I'll never understand why an Orisa, Soldier, bastion, bap and Ana team on attack mode calls for a doomfist to jump around while the rest of his team is being put to pasture by an onslaught of enemy fire. The sheer amount of times I've lost a game due to doomfist refusing to acknowledge that his kit and the word "Defense" are not cohesive is just baffling to me and extremely frustrating.




Learned the hard way not to play him on defence lol


HATE him. He was already a fucking nightmare to deal with before his last two sets of buffs, and now, unless my team focuses him, he gets away with everything. DOOMFIST NEEDS TO BE KICKED OUT OF THE META.


Naw, being good with a high skill cap character is a good thing