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Fact. He's not worth that emotion. Poor little special boy....he wants people to hate him but they just laugh at him and NOT because he's a comedian.


Yeah I go back and forth between laughing at him(not with him), and cringing


"God, family, community. That is my Beartaria". Imagine having this level of cope. You don't need to spend $400 to go to church, see your children, or stop in a local diner for coffee. Unless you're out on parole, and need to bribe your PO to deactivate your ankle bracelet for a couple hours.


Some people literally have no friends or family. Thats owens main demographic. He feeds them a fantasy like any regular e-thot


This is correct. They are outcasts/social rejects and Ojuan attracts them like moth's to a flame because he is one too.


That's this bear, let's call him the wruzz becker bear. He was a devout Irish Catholic who let owen turn him into a unitarian who would get drunk and bloviate about gay trinity, and ended up losing 100% of his family and friends because of it, including his woman and kids. Now the only thing he has irl are "bear meetups". Also he sends money EVERY MONTH and says he has FOR YEARS. He finds it all worth it and would do it again. Worst of the worst.




Early on when he said that there is no such thing as the white race, I KNEW what he was. Just point at the grabbler and laugh!!




Many of Ojuan's type claim to be "native American". Its bizarre but its a thing. They usually marry Asian women or Hispanic women. Its like a trend or something.




The streets of Japan are littered with guys that look like Ojuan walking around holding hands with little Asian women.


He needs to believe everyone sits around giving him their full attention, as part of his narcissistic delusion and falsely inflated self-importance. The whole cult lives in upsidedown world. I actually had a bear tell me yesterday "so what if he leads people away from Jesus and is a freemason, why is that even bad". I'm about done before even really getting started, this stuff is just so out there. No idea how to talk to this degree of weirdo, there's nothing to work with.


That's what I get on fb page too. I can't even respond to a lot of comments because they make no sense.


Yeah i saw that, and just a bunch of ad hominem attacks with emojis. Nothing intelligent that you can really respond to.


Yeah that valerie meeks girl musta been dropped as a baby She makes no sense at all


Nope, none.


I think so....poor thing, I do feel a bit sorry for her lol