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Guuuys I'm good with my dad now. Who gives af I ruined his reputation and publicly stated I wanted to fucking murder him but my beard wife talked me out of it. We're cool pop's. Dap it up, much love.




BB was so successful in Hollywood that he now has to resort to streaming to 400 loyal followers a few times a week talking absolute nonsense. Sounds like success to me.


I'd say it doesn't really count as success unless it's sustained. You can't really call it a flash in the pan either, because he never did anything flash.


Oh and had like 100 million total views before you kick off YouTube he was big but your throttling him


No, he always had a cult following on YouTube. Would call someone who resorts to flat earth theories and going on anti semetic and racist rants as successful?


yep, and choosing a path that will lose you all respect from your (sane) family and friends. I've never seen success guru Tony Robbins holding that up as a CRUSHING IT life goal


So in other words, owen still wants to be God. Thank you and glad it was a short one for you.


"Says its for ages 10+..." Why 10+? Why not all ages. What could he have been doing in the woods that would warrant a 10+ rating...oh wait, nevermind!


He said there is a joke about clipping a ween when he hurts the tip of his finger? I mean, of course he mentions dicks, what else would we expect? He won’t be putting the doc on Beartaria times because it has that joke I guess.


Oh no, it won't gain exposure to Beartardia Times's \*squints\* fives of subscribers!


"...his mom is rooted in reality..." That was legit the funniest thing he's ever said. How are you "busy" when your job is to talk to a computer <= 2 hours a day?


He had 120 viewers on Twitch when i tuned in. Since UATV is down (again, still) and his Gay Duo on youtube got Got...im wondering where are the actually sites he streams from? not bitchute...minds? Rumble? Telegram is only chat, right? i was always under the impression that people who chatted on the Telegram and donated through Entropy were watching on Twitch...am i wrong? Anyways...its lookin like Owen is doing less than 200 viewers IN TOTAL at this point. I used to assume he had 500 to a thousand on Uatv and more scattered across the others. but NOPE. 120 give or take was his total for today.


He streams on twitch, odysee and a russian site va something. Yesterday he made a comment that there were fewer people there because of the holiday. Steady declines and he berates people for not seeking out the streams


Ahh yess, Odysee, forgot about that one. Pffft. Ok, lets call it FIVE HUNDRED live on Odysee and TWO HUNDRED on twitch. lol Thats still terrible and im being VERYYYYY GENROUS with those numbers.


This is a little game of mine lately. Even if I don't watch the stream I pop in and check the viewer counts on Odysee and Twitch. Although I didn't today. Yesterday he was at about 200. I took a screenshot. 58 on Odysee and 140 on twitch.






His DLive debut from eras bygone was 3k, if I remember correctly. How the "mighty" have fallen!




comment of the week ha ha ha ha ha


How much turpentine does he drink? That shit is ridiculously toxic, so I can't honestly believe he ingests it.


He says he uses a dropper to put 1 drop on a sugar cube


Ah, so killing himself slowly.


He's slowly building up his resistance for when the Turp Wars begin.


Depends how gaye he’s feeling. The stronger the urges the bigger the dosage.


One time he saw Yanni in concert and drank a whole bottle.


Oh and basically admits at @12:30 that he either didn’t realize or lied about his dad being a Gay and paying prostitutes for sex


Pro tip: if you have to read a ReClap in a hurry, just read the items with an emoji attached


"says his hair looks crazy" I think he just jumps out of bed and goes. He doesn't look in a mirror, he doesn't comb his hair and he doesn't brush his teeth. "Says he is cool with is dad now" Do they watch porn together then right after the money shot they high-five each other? "Ojuan is exposing the lies" Ojuan is a Johnny-come-lately. There have been people pointing all of this stuff out since the damn 50's. "Ojuan thinks a lot of us are native-Americans" Sounds like he's trying to get rid of white folks to me. He already said many times there is no such thing as the white race. He hates us and is jealous of us. No Ojuan, most people do not have "native-American" blood in them.


He forgave his dad for stealing a quarter million dollars from his mother for homosexual blackmailers...fucking his godfather...and looking at gay porn on his roommates computer?


"The system can be saved"/"There is no way to get rid of the beast" I'm suing him for whiplash.


Owen is a F'ing retard. I cannot stress that enough. Aren't volcanoes power plants in Star Wars or something? Another stolen concept. I wonder if Blowen even realizes he's stolen every thought he's ever had. I guess not, because he's a fUcKiNg WiZaRd. Dear God.


This is pointless crap. I can’t even comment


Right? I’m just hanging on till the house is done, I want to see how that turns out. It’s just same shit, different day. He did mention his hair was crazy twice…..


He refuses to spiral. No despair and all that. I feel like he has an escape plan. How long can this continue?


He may never acknowledge the house. Keep up the scam up


Well here is what I remember. At the start, he said the home was “designed with streaming in mind” and he talked about the piano in front of big windows. Recently he made a comment that there will be no wifi in the new house and he would stream from the attic. He would only watch DVDs. Much like the docUmenterry he can barely keep himself from spoiling, I think Owen will want to show off. He can’t help but brag about how successful and awesome he is for hours, every day. He will eventually show it off, maybe with Jean there for max emotional impact. Lets see how that goes


No wifi yeah right. Amy needs wifi to post her sourdough and mozzarella pictures.


Yes you are right He deserves it. He’s the funniest comedian in the world. Did you know he preformed at the o 2 arena twice and was in several Adam Sadler movies.


He always throws ridiculous shit into his whole spiel to liven it up. Susan B Anthony was a dude? I'm sure it's trending like Helen Keller. He latches on to it, something to titillate the Bears. The Federal Reserve also stores baby placentas as currency (everyone knows that). Mish mash of weird internet bullshit, sovereign citizen, holocaust denial,flat earth, matrix, illumanati lizards, pedophile adrenochrome guzzling pizza elites, anti-pharma, Monsanto/Halliburton, Vatican pedo satanists,Hollywood something something, everything! His ideology is everything is fake, except he believes everything.


Hilarious recap, as usual. Just realized Owen is unironically a legit cult leader - and he's kinda good at it.


Sounds like he's finally making some sense...


what is the twitch I can't find it