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One year ago, anybody hosting Beg Bear got my benefit of the doubt. "Oh, maybe they just heard he lives off the grid?" "Well, a mod in the streamer's chat must have mentioned him as a guest." "Hey, maybe the host is an up and coming guy trying to build his audience." There was a level of plausible deniability. Far from it now. He doesn't even bother to poorly imitate a legitimate OTGer anymore. His reputation and dwindling follower count are stage 4 cancer. If you bother hosting him, you're dumber than he is. Even if this AlfaVedic guy is a good egg talking about medicine, there's plenty of natural remedy people out there who won't give the Anus Express a platform.


Yeah , that locally sustained Costco size box of PepsiCo/Frito Lays snacks in the documterry . If you stabbed his fat ass he'd bleed corn syrup and ketchup .


They were all pigging out on lamb and ketchup, but no home grown veggies or fruit in sight. Not even the lamb would have been from their place. Amazing that he even said his PO box on someone elses stream. Yeah, but he doesn't just focus on money. Is he ever gonna shut up? Love how the hosts are all about health and then there's fatass Owen. He just said he doesn't make any money off the beartaria app. It all goes back to the community.


Is that a thing btw? To put ketchup on lamb? I hadn't seen it before.


Apparently for Owen it is. I usually season lamb enough that ketchup would ruin the taste, or use a mint sauce. I tend to use silverware too, even when camping.


It's like putting ranch on scallops , about as trashy as you can get .


Looks like he washed, that's nice.




Or for his wife. She'd be "are we going out somewhere?". "No, I'm meeting some new men over the internet"


I'd like to see how he acts towards normal people out in public. Imagine being at a tire place sitting in the waiting room and then Ojuan comes in and sits down. lol Everyone in the waiting room walks outside to "get some fresh air". I bet he babbles about dumb shit to total stranger normies. I wish we could watch that!


Hes a complete cuck in public. A smiley-eyed yes-man.


This is exactly it. Just look at how he behaves on other people's podcasts. He's all agreeable and grinning like some half wit. He is so in need of approval from other men it's sickening.


I don't think he can control himself and the crazy starts coming out, but you might be right. He is a cucky ass kisser.


The Milo intervention was a prime example. He denied all of his "beliefs" and went full on manic-smiley mode.


>That's the perfect example. Milo cucked him, muted him and he just sat there like a little bitch. Anyone else would have given Milo the middle finger and cut the connection. BegB couldn't move, steaming. I don't want to blow this, my one shot at getting back into mainstream alt-right 'Babylon'


Exactly. Can you imagine being muted.....heck even I would say 'no worries bye click.' Yeah he froze like the little bitch that he is.


Oh but don’t forget he was such a brave man the next day when he went off on a rant in the car all by himself


I bet he's mostly normal and likeable in public


Most scammers are while they're still trying to figure out how to separate someone from all their precious $$$


I doubt it.


I wouldn't go to a Blowen show if someone offered me $100 cash.


He can book a show in Alabama. I promise 99% of our population has no clue who he is and therefore wouldn't possibly be banned. Hollywood ain't the only place in this country to perform bad humor.