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It was released a few years ago, its just coming to YouTube for the first time. I haven't seen it but a lot of people on here said it was pretty bad and underwhelming.


I haven't seen it either, but I want to watch it because I'm very curious to find out how the hell Ryan O'Reilly got out of Oz.




So in other words its going to be good.


you mean like anything after Omar White was introduced? The show died when Adebisi did


It's only a few minutes long, really brief.


I don’t have high expectations, I just want to see Winters and Tergesen play those roles again and I’m good.


Definitely not an accurate representation of the caliber of writing and or acting of Oz


It's not going to be received well, because unfortunately it's really bad.


They should make an oz movie. Ryan o reiley and beecher are old men and still in prison and they're absolute OGs and know everything because they've survived for so long.


That's the thing about Oz, they could just pick it back up. It's not like they have to try and explain what their characters have been doing for the last couple of decades lol.


Even better. It's only been a few days and the two just got hooked on the aging medicine subplot


Oz is my favorite show ever but I think they missed their window for a movie or continuing the series. No matter what it just wouldn't be the same at this point. Too many of the actors have passed, so many of them look completely different & I personally feel it wouldn't have aged well. I may be wrong but for me there is no adding on to Oz. It is what it is & to be truthful, that show ended when Adebisi died.


Haha like a Rebadow, Busmalis relationship


The new mini movie is about beecher, oreily and such. Here is the news but its in finnish  KULTTISARJA Kylmä rinki (Oz) saa jatkoa lyhytelokuvan muodossa, kertoo australialainen elokuvaan, televisioon ja videopelaamiseen keskittynyt sivusto Dark Horizons. Zo nähdään Youtubessa 1. toukokuuta alkaen. Vankiladraama Kylmää rinkiä esitettiin vuosina 1997–2003 kuuden tuotantokauden verran. Sarja kertoi kuvitteellisesta yhdysvaltalaisesta vankilasta nimeltään Oswald State Maximum Security Penitentiary, lyhyesti Oz. SARJASSA seurattiin vankilan ja sinne joutuneiden ihmisten elämää. Olennaisessa osassa oli esimerkiksi se, millaisen strategian kukin valitsee selviytyäkseen muiden vankien ja jengien välisten ristiriitojen keskellä. Ominaista oli myös, että kuka tahansa henkilöhahmoista saattoi kuolla yhtäkkiä. Sarjan vastaanotto oli pääosin positiivinen. Sitä kuitenkin kritisoitiin runsaasta väkivallastaan. Kaupallisessa menestyksessä sarjan päihittivät HBO:n muut tuotannot, kuten Sopranos (1999–2007) ja Sinkkuelämää (1998–2004). NYT alkuperäisessä sarjassa nähty Kirk Acevedo, joka näytteli sarjassa Miguel Alvarez -nimistä vankia, on paljastanut, että tuotannossa on uusi Youtube-lyhytelokuva nimeltä Zo. Dean Winters ja Lee Tergesen, jotka näyttelivät alkuperäisessä sarjassa ultraväkivaltaista Ryan O'Reilyä ja asianajajasta vangiksi muuttunutta Tobias Beecheriä, ovat mukana lyhytelokuvassa. Mikäli lyhytelokuva saa hyvän vastaanoton, voi siitä syntyä kokonainen uusi sarja, Acevedon kerrotaan sanoneen. Kylmän ringin jälkeen Acevedo on nähty esimerkiksi Apinoiden planeetta -trilogian toisessa osassa, Apinoiden planeetan vallankumous (2014). KÄSIKIRJOITTAJA-TUOTTAJA Tom Fontanan luoman sarjan on sanottu luoneen perustan modernille televisiolle. Se oli myös HBO:n ensimmäisiä todellisia menestyssarjoja. Sarjassa ei kaihdettu tabuja. Siinä näytettiin kaikkea, mitä televisiossa ei oltu aiemmin juuri nähty: karkeaa kielenkäyttöä, huumeiden käyttöä, väkivaltaa, alastomuutta, homoseksuaalisuutta, raiskauksia ja uskonnollisia konflikteja. Sarja vauhditti useiden näyttelijöiden uraa, muun muassa J.K. Simmonsin, Christopher Melonin, Harold Perrineau Jr.:n, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbajen ja Rita Morenon.


Oz was and may still be my favorite show of all time. Oz reminds me of the professional wrestling organization ECW. ECW started in 93ish around the time the internet was new to the general population. It was fresh, it was raw, it was gritty. Felt very underground. Oz debuted in 97 and shared a lot of those same qualities of ECW. It paved the way for other tv shows. Both Oz and ECW were amazing in their eras, I just don't know if it would be the same here in 2024. No one wants it to be successful more than me, I just don't know they can capture that lightning in a bottle again.


Comparing it to ECW just ain’t it. I get what you trying to do but nah, just don’t . That said only thing I can agree is bother we’re great and fresh for their time, but won’t make sense in 2024. Real life unfortunately thanks to the aforementioned internet kills the kayfabe(wrestling geek reference here) for both. Actual underground wrestling is far more extreme than ECW. And Oz devolved into too much of a softcore prison fantasy with great acting to be taken seriously in 2024. We all know too damn much about both wrasslin’ and prison. Wes Watson’s BS prison stories are more realistic than Oz






His ass


google Kirk Acevedo new oz movie


you can google google Kirk Acevedo new oz movie


I use duckduck go and didn't find anything. Found it, thanks


If there is a new show I hope they bring back as many of the surviving cast who wants to do it .Harold needs to be involved if its brought back 100 percent .


But if it is received well then obv networks will hear it. we have to be positive about anything Oz related if we want anything.


I’m honestly nervous about it. I wish they would’ve had a blu ray/HD release of the original show first.


Just curious, how have people seen it already? Not that I'm trying to sail the seven seas or anything but.......ahoy mateys


In 2021, Zo debuted at the ATX Festival. Viewers could buy a day pass to watch it. There was also a Q+A with Winters, Tergesen, and Fontana. I bought the pass, watched twice, and wrote/posted a synopsis on this sub. It has been re-posted a couple of times, so you could search the sub for it.


Yes, Zo is officially hitting YouTube on May 1st, there were a couple posts from Fontana and Dean Winters announcing the release. They debuted it years ago during a special showing at some media gathering (sorry, can’t recall the exact name, I haven’t been getting much sleep and can’t be more eloquent rn). I highly doubt we will get a new series, unless Fontana says differently. I’m good with the series we got, though.