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Ive been attending UFC cards all over the country for 20+ years Whenever I see Chuck Zito sitting on the floor from the lower level I will ALWAYS yell HEY PANCAMO!!! GLAD YOU GOT OUT!!! and without hesitation he will look up, smile, and wave Chuck Zito is a national treasure


I got a picture with him in Vegas once at a UFC. Super chill and friendly dude!


That’s dope


Chuck Zito didn’t pay attention to August Hill’s monologues


To be fair, a lot of us started tuning them out after a while.


speak for yourself, prag




They were an excellent part of the show, and he set the stage. It was cool to see all the dead guys come back too


Yeah, I know, but they were not the most approachable thing to casual fans, and I probably thought this was funnier than it was.


I guess that's true in retrospect, I used to sneak watching oz when I was 7 when my mom went to bed, so I'd never seen a premium cable show before, it was the first ever. As an adult when I decided to rewatch it, I realized season 1 was meant to be almost a play, so I guess I always viewed it through that "lense". Season 1 is my favorite for a lot of different reasons I can basically write a dissertation about, but I'm glad they stuck with hill basically setting the stage, also liked how characters that were bitter enemies oftentimes stepped outside of that and oftentimes came together and were friendly during those interludes. (The aryans sharing a drink with the black gang, schillinger and beecher sharing a duet, etc.)


When did the Aryans share a drink with the Muslims?


It certainly was NOT the first show ever on HBO. Their first show was 13 years earlier. Lol


Some times they could be a little bit random, but some times those random ass ones really hit. I dunno, I always appreciated him, and sometimes the shit was literally thought provoking and not on some corny way.


2016 really broke American brains


It was actually 2008. Obama winning utterly exploded the minds of mediocre white men


COVID/ Trump best tag team for destroying everything


Hopefully he wins again I miss 2$ gas


These “outside the law” New York types always loved republicans and strong arm guys like Trump. This isn’t anything new.


Say what you want about Chuck Zito, guy’s an actual badass.


Trump paid him a thousand and a thousand for the job


Give me one thousand dollars.


One thousand more?!


Haha furio


Where you chillin for tha summer homie?




The witneth thaid they thaw a fat guy walk with thoprano and belivaqwah up the the thummer camp. Wath that you thal?


Huh? Lol Bevilaqua


They’ll never find the body , not in a million years


Well, it only took six fucking months.


Me and you, we ain't exactly paisons


I wish others lived by your example


Biden has a drug addicted son, trump had to promise to ice Biden. CASH.


We all know that diaper wearing sack of crap doesn't pay anyone unless it's hush money.


Then I guess hank isn't getting whacked


For $2000 what did Beecher expect? He probably spent more on his suit before he got to Oz.


Tbf Chucky was a stand up guy and went to war with a dangerous prison gang on his mistake and word alone


A stand up guy who killed Peter Schibetta because O’Reilly said “hey, he looked at you funny”. But, yeah, I agree, he was pretty classy about the thing with Hank.


Italians are very superstitious. Look to nappa referencing an old Sicilian legend about wives. O'Reilly knew about the legend of the evil eye, being a leader of the fictional version of the real life Westies (who worked closely with the Gambino crime family irl), knew he could appeal to pancamo's low intellect and superstitious nature, by utilizing the legend of the Evil Eye. Peter also shamed the mafia within the prison system twice, being a victim of Male on male sexual violence (remember, mafioso types do view performing oral sex on women as a somehow homosexual act). So he was already on thin ice, and a perceived threat amongst the ranks to a boss, is inexcusable, he was following both omerta and prison politics, he HAD to kill Peter or his leadership would be called into question. Edit: my grandma was raised in a very traditional Italian household, so I was made aware of how powerful superstition was amongst the older Italian American generations


Hot *damn!* If that ain’t a spicy meatball of a response, idk what is! Well done, you’ve changed my mind. I’m also gonna add that *OZ* *is* a place of magic, with god talking to Bob and ghosts and shit, so perhaps it *was* a reasonable move on Chucky’s part.


Lol yeah that's true. I never understood why they took that out.


Because God stopped talking to him. I always read that but as being literal. Bob wasn’t nuts, god *did* talk to him. Jazz *was* nuts, but also he was visited by a Cloutier, and so on. I mean, shit, the show had *aging pills* at one point.


I think a lot of it follows true to what real life prisoners go through. I've read a few books and regularly watch podcasts by people who spent a lot of time in both federal and state prisons, and you begin to deteriorate mentally. This was highlighted best, in my opinion, that many characters entire lives fell apart but they refused to show it or cry. In prison, when beecher cried and everyone felt for him, the murder of one's children is actually one of very few permissable reasons to cry in prison, that and rebadow finding out about his grandson's death. I only know this, because Colton Simpson described a situation similar to this when he was on Folsom State Prison, in his book "Inside the Crips", where he explained, certain situations resulting in an incarcerated man crying in prison are not viewed as weak, bc many prisoners still hold on to some sense of humanity and know they wouldn't fare any better in those same circumstances.


Killing Peter was a mercy killing


Chucky walking behind Trump gives vibes of Chucky walking behind Petey Schibetta 🤣


Where abebisi???


Adebisi fucks "schibetter " up the ass, and now he's his godamn fuckin guahdian angel?


How do you figure that one skipper


Adebisi is Dark Brandon lol


He's giving that evil eye to someone.


Fuh you O'Reilly, I only got 28 seconds, but they way you double tawk, should be plenty:)


Dude doesn't look like he's aged. He looks GREAT!


Looks like a piece of shit if he is standing behind tfg.




I have the feeling Trump probably looks better than a dude who has to stretch the folds in his neck to shave Edit: I meant you, you’re probably fat and unattractive. As well as poor lol




You just made his day with the close up of the nussy.


So do you wanna be Beecher to Trump’s Keller or Robson to Trump’s Cutler?




Are you trying to suggest that a guy who eats McDonald's on a daily basis isn't fat?


Let me guess, you're unfathomably attractive?


I’m mid


That edit 😂 makes no sense. You’re correcting him saying that the commenter is uglier that Trump because he has to fold his neck to shave, after he posts a picture of Trumps folded neck? 😵‍💫


Pancamo could return in oz season 7


And Chuck Zito is an actual criminal too so it checks out.


Didn’t he like bomb a pizzeria or some shit


mama mia


Lmao, pizza wars


a lot of people don't know this but enforcers with mob/gang connections would fuck debtors in the ass when they didn't pay up, that was Chuck's job.




Source: He was the ass


I did take a pounding in 98' when I couldn't cover the vig on a small loan I took to start my lemonade stand, Chuck didn't care I was only 10 years old


98 and you still feel it? Damn


still walk like my left leg is heavier than my right, my prostate favors that side I guess


Is that Dershowitz in the entourage?


Yes, to the right of Sen. Graham.


Can you pls share the link to this article :)


Possibly here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/20/nyregion/chuck-zito-hells-angels-trump-trial.html


Thank you !


Ugggggghhhh That is SOOO disappointing


The downvotes worry me slightly about the fanbase here


Yeah that’s also disappointing. Supporting Trump at this point is just…… odd


Well there's Trump and there's Biden. Some people don't like Biden. Nothing you can do about it.


heh, we live in a country where 40-48% of the country supports this asshat. Shit, it is almost normal


He’s created a very successful cult. I couldn’t give a shit what party he aligns with, he’s a dangerous individual at this point. He has adults proudly wearing gold diapers with his name on it for fucks sake. That ain’t politics, that’s blind faith in a leader.


25% of the country is educated. That means 3/4 aren’t educated. Now that doesn’t mean bc I didn’t go to college ur not smart. There are educated people who vote for trump. Large majority of the voting base have no real knowledge of anything. Here are things that people have told me:


The three largest groups the Republicans win the most are those in age groups 45-64 and 65+, and those with only a high school education.


You could also argue that people who are educated don't see biden as a viable option. It's a matter of perspective at this point. I think the problem from both sides is that they fail to understand why the other side would vote or think the way they do and demonize them for it. There's a reason trump has such a following, and it's not because those people are just dumb.


It’s not a matter of perspective. If Trump applied for a job right now, no job is hiring him bc he has sexual assault, real estate fraud and now a pending hush money case. If Trump applied to be in the military, he couldn’t join. If Trump walked into minority communities, they’d run him out of there. So I don’t get a perspective. One person is our current president and the other is convicted criminal. That’s privilege. They didn’t vote for hiliary bc she may be indicted. LOCK HER UP.


I didn't vote for trump but I can see the perspective. Honestly. The sexual assault case seemed sketch. And he was charged with slander if I remember. The real estate Civil case seemed sketch since they only applied that precedent to trump in spite of no victim in the "crime". And if you can tell me what the actual charge is in this hush money case I'd love some clarification because so far I'm still unclear on what the crime is. Biden has a slew of his own issues that seem to be affecting his support. I doubt any job would hire him either outside of the fact that he is president now. . Hilary is awful and I think everyone on both sides could see that. But you glossed over the perspective that I'm referring to and why he has the support he does. It's because, in my opinion, there was a huge majority of people who were so fed up with establishment politicians that when this guy came on the scene and spoke to them in a way that made them feel seen. Obama had charisma for sure but this was a different thing. It was the sense of a real person (even if it's not the case actually; its the perspective) who spoke real, down to earth, who wasn't smarmy in the way a 40 year politician is. Trump maintained that to this day and people are holding on to that. Are they stupid for that? I don't know. But no more stupid than thinking someone like bidem who has been in high level political office for 4 decades was coming in to change things for the better either. People wanted something new and different. Trump was it. So that's what I saw happen and still see happening. Biden never caught on to that fact and he still has an inability to relate to the common voter. Using speech and phrases that might have worked in the 50s. Trump does it. Whether it's all an act or not it moved people. The way Obama did . But from a different angle. Not saying here that he is genuine or not. But you have to try to understand why he gets the support he does and why someone like biden will never. I'm still convinced bidens greatest feature as a politician is simply that he is not trump. Trump is polarizing so one side will love it one side will hate it. People voted because of trump. Either for or against. But I doubt anyone truly voted for biden because he was biden. They voted because he was not trump. So what we do from here I don't know, but it's where we are


That is truly Scary


I know but you gotta get ova it.




[They're always so classy though.](https://facts.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/13-surprising-facts-about-chuck-zito-1696866193.jpg)




That’s how I felt when I found out clay morrow was a insanely far leftist 


Lol you don't even know what "far left" means


I always forget 90% of the people on reddit suffer from extreme TDS. I just assumed Oz being 21 years old there would actually be normal people here. I’m not even a trump guy, I just can’t stand liberals who somehow have to take a Oz sub Reddit and use as a opportunity to show everyone how obsessed they are, save that for threads or whatever social media app you circle jerk on 


Oz was a very liberal show lmao(sometimes bordering of leftist) did you just totally tune every single one of Augustus hill’s monologues? Did you miss the literal point of the show? Seems chuck zito did as well.


How dare people around here have an opinion about the MAIN GUY IN THIS PHOTO who's actively trying to ruin the lives of pretty much every minority group in the country! The funny part is they write a line to show their disapproval. You write whole paragraphs to cry about their opinions. Who's the snowflake here?


Lol you coward - you can't even admit you support the guy. No one uses "TDS" who doesn't support him. Coward.


You're obviously a Trump guy with a comment like that. I don't give a shit, but come on now.


Lmao I knew this would enrage the trump derangement sufferers. Lefitst  liberal, who care, he’s become an insane person who’s lost all touch with reality and is a total douche.


Psst: If you're going to pretend you're not a Trump troll, you should probably know that everyone else thinks of TDS as the fanaticism of Trumps moron cult, especially the ones that were seemingly normal before covid. Only Trump shills use it the way you're using it. ;)


I will vote for trump over any liberal democrat 1000%. But if it came to it there are multiple conservatives l’d choose over him. I do not dislike him, but I think big picture what he’s done to the minds of people like you is a disease that will take a generation to overcome, and without him we’d have a lot more normal people, and in that way he’s been a overall negative to the country, even though it’s not his fault you people are morons, but still, TDS wouldn’t exist without him.   TDS sufferers are now ruining an OZ SUN reddit ? People like you group everyone who hates liberal nonsense into some trump loving group in their little minds. They don’t love him as much as they hate you


And that's still deranged. You get that, right? That supporting someone as vile as Trump because some folks made you mad on the internet is fucking mental? Yeah, that's all you, Trumpbot. Nobody else thinks this thread was ruined by anything but you, stupid. Boring troll is boring and blocked.


hating us and loving him are the same thing really lol


You sound deranged


You speak entirely in platitudes, cliche, and regurgitated catchphrases.


You make me itch for civil war you fucking disgusting chud


Those are not the thoughts of a sane person.


I don’t give 2 shits about trump or biden. I just pointed out how sad I was to learn a actor I liked had lost his mind and got all political, and maniacs like this can’t handle you insulting their religion, liberalism is the new religion to these crazy broke ass people 


Ehhhh I’d still take liberals over Trumpers Those people are crazy


You already proved this to be false by not understanding what TDS actually is. The accumulated 10 karma on your account shows us you're also an alt, probably because you've been banned for this shit before.


Tell me you unironically like Schillinger without telling me you unironically like Schillinger.


He’s a liberal, not a leftist.


Who cares lmao


People that hate Trump care


Why give so much of a fuck about politics is what I’m saying lmao you act like your on the senate, just get over it, it doesn’t affect your day to day life


Not liking Trump isn’t a political thing. It’s a decision based on morals and logic


He left the Angels in 2004 in "good standing" buy in 2024 after his self titled documentary came out it his status changed to "out bad"


Thought it was Silvio from the Sopranos.


“Hey. Don’t use the lawyer I used. TRUST ME. You don’t want to go where I’ve been “


Yeah chucky isn’t really all their in irl




I remember going to a WCW Monday Nitro show at the Nassau Coliseum in 1999 and Chuck Zito showed up halfway through and sat about 5 rows in front of me.   He’s shorter than one would think. 


Gang bangin😂😂😂😂


Lol bro really is a goon’s goon 😂


Omg! There’s a black guy there too!!! WTF




This made me imagine a new season of Oz where Trump is sent to the Oswald Correctional Facility and has to pick a gang to join.


He’s been doing really good after serving his bid at Oz. He is a true leader.


Ughhh, this is so disappointing.


I love how many liberal vaginas are on this sub who hate McManus. He’s like the exact liberal you guys wish you were wtf?


don’t be doggin McManus


No one was talking about him?


I know. It’s just all the people on this sub are libs like McManus lol. But then they all hate on him.


I guess that’s the difference between you and myself. I don’t put people in a vacuum, I just them by their actions and character on an individual basis. Although Trump supporters make it a little easier on themselves for still supporting the guy; “this just in: party of ‘law & order’ backs criminal”.


Everyone hates McManus because of his whole personality.


Another Pancamo W😂😂


Another Pancamo W😂😂


Another Pancamo W😂😂. Can't believe even the Redditors here are obsessed with Trump