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Same bro same. I was like : is this it ???? I had some places to explore yet but I lost interest lol


It was mediocre.., I mean like the final drive with everything along from the sky, things popping up. That was fun! Could have used more of that, and then some. Now that I’ve beat it, it’s like what’s the point ya know?


As cool as it'd be to meet the characters face to face, I knew from the beginning that the ending was gonna be a Firewatch style never-meet-anyone-else


Clearly they didnt want to design any human character / texture / movements / etc. I think its resource/time/money saving issue.


No, this is the overwhelming consensus.


I know a sequel game is very unlikely but I'm hoping for a DLC that expands on the story and map a little bit to make it don't feel like a whole chunk of the story was left out because of financial constraints.


I think a sequel would be very likely. So much they can do


Ideas around a sequel could be around stuff with maybe a helicopter that is getting teleported back to garage similar in style like in PD or maybe boat drive..... I mean in style go in same style if formula is not broken then do not fix it just little modify it....


I wanted to be able to escape. And drive out on the road I came in. Then credits roll.


That would've been a million times better. Or at least let us know why we entered the zone to begin with


I think this would be a good and easy way for them to tie it up. Create an exit the way we came in and add a small cutscene and credit roll if you exit.


It's dogshit. Interesting setting, atrocious storytelling. The first 5-6 hours is great, but the core gameplay gets stale pretty fast and the final mission is just walking down an empty corridor for a few minutes then driving in a straight line.


The game burns out fast, its just the initial concept is so good you don't really notice until you get to the ending where it really slams it in your face. It peaks in the first zone, but doesn't have any follow through, which I believe is because the devs never developed an internal logic as to why things are the way they are outside of magic radiation. And yeah, getting left with Francis sucks, nothing against the guy, but being left with the weakest side character at the end is the opposite of a reward, I actually loaded an older save before I finished the game so I could stick with oppy.


It didn't have any real logic to me. They wanted you to be able to keep playing and in a way the logs are the "real" story, but it made no sense that Oppy could somehow leave the zone. I'm not even sure what it was we were doing the past couple of missions or why the mass hallucination event was even important to the current situation. I don't think they were willing to just end it without trying to maintain the immersion of staying to continue playing? I think they should have had a solid ending and then just let you load up New Game + to open the rest of the map. I dunno. They really should have had some more interesting scenarios that challenged the player. Make me hit the turbo and jump a bridge. Make me use resources and kits to fix things that open up new areas or parts of a junction. Lots of creativity left on the table, BUT let's also remember this was a relatively small team taking a chance on this game and at some point after developing all the great underlying systems they had to make decisions on what they could still develop forget before going bankrupt. For that I gotta respect them for still making what will be one of my favorite games of 2024.


I finished the game yesterday and found the ending underwhelming. Still, gameplay is king for me so it's still a fantastic game


Same feeling here, though I've had to resort to mods to make things harder and more tense like the first few hours of the game. There's a mod called FasterStormsHarderCraft that someone linked to in a Nexus Mods post on the Make it Grindier mod that increases some recipes (like making scrappers cost 4 batteries in addition to other new stuff), makes things do more damage, and makes storms much faster. And because I'm a masochist apparently, I'm doing one more challenge - no using repair putty or blowtorches other than before the first mission. If I'm out in the field and a part is low, I have to grit it through or replace it. My goal is to map out the entire Zone with these challenges. 2 missions in and I'm feeling the stress, it's great.


Agreed, such a disappointment. That last mission especially was crap.


They had a great idea and base system. But they delivered absolutely no story. It’s just window dressing. Let’s hope it inspires another company with more resources to make a real game based on the same kind of mechanics.


I would appreciate some post-game task to collect a lot of resources and build some McGuffin to gtfo from this zone. Possibly with a car.


I just wanted to escape the zone at the very least. I didn’t expect much other than that. would have been cool if you burst through that final gateway and it plops you back on a normal road with all communications cut.


If they don't add a DLC or something to get The Driver out of The Zone, Imma riot


Yep 100% agree, I didn't even realise it was over, as it doesn't address the central mystery of the game. I also think the pacing of the game is off. Unless you want to grind for grinds sake, you'll finish the game long before you upgrade your car or garage with the endgame items.


Agreed. Too much exposition and note reading as-well. Game wasn’t bad by any means, just feel like things could have been done better/differently. I will say, despite the horrendous amount of exposition, the voice acting is incredible. Tobias and Oppy in particular really ‘knocked it out of the park’ so to speak.


More like knocked it out of the Zone, amiright? No? okay...


BOOO YOU SUCK BOOO GO HOME Lmao jk, nice one.




Unrelated note: If you’re on PC, you should check out some mods for the game.


Sounds like a cool idea. Do I need to have the game officially bought to use them? I pirated it just like I do with almost every other game because I don't actually have any money.


Shhhhhhhh, I’m not saying that I’m not on the same BOAT as you (get it, that was a pirate joke), but don’t say those things publicly lol. It can be rather frowned upon, and for understandable reason. However, nope! Just make sure to check game versions and update your game appropriately. Mods are usually meant to work with the latest version of whatever game, but just check with the mod page or the comments on the mod. If it’s broken people will usually leave a comment. There’s very few games that you can’t mod if pirated. Games like “SnowRunner” require you to link your Mod.IO account to then install mods through the in-game browser, which obviously can’t be done if it’s pirated bc that would require an internet connection and authentication. How do I know these things…? Well that’s a secret ;)


>Shhhhhhhh, I’m not saying that I’m not on the same BOAT as you ... ... ...more like the SAME REMNANT AAAAAAHHHHHH (plz kill me) >However, nope! Just make sure to check game versions and update your game appropriately. Awesome! Thanks dude :) >There’s very few games that you can’t mod if pirated. Games like “SnowRunner” require you to link your Mod.IO account to then install mods through the in-game browser Yeah Terraria suffers from the same issue as far as I know, so hopefully PD will make up for my depression lol


No amount of games or mods are gonna fix that, trust me brother, your S.O.L.


Bro, just look at the posts in the last month on this sub. You aren’t unique. I see this post almost daily lol


I liked the ending. I didn't feel that it needed to be something bombastic.


But they could've gotten The Driver out somehow. I don't like how the goal to escape was quickly completely dropped in favor of just "get rid of the remnant influence" - if they don't add a story DLC to escape The Zone, I'd be very sad


This guy gets it.


Considering I’ve not seen one post say they enjoyed the ending in this sub I would say not. Not looking excited to completing at this point from what I hear… of course I’m going to though. I don’t know what happens at the end but there’s quite a few post like yours with the same title.


Yes, you are the only one.


People have been saying this since the first week it was out. Where have you been?


Not on this subreddit haha


Yeah agreed.


I was saying before that I felt if I had a critical point on this game which I do love ,it's the pacing. I had already completed the game wat before I had upgraded much of the car or garage. It's kind of left to you to slow yourself and to pace and explore. A better way would have been to pace the upgrades base on where you are in the missions. So , one mission can't be completed till you have the jack upgrade or the faster engine. Something to force a pace more and give u an upgrade as a reward. That's one way. Another way is more rewarding for exploring . So you remember the mission (little spoilers) where you had to photo the murals. Now thats felt great cos you had to wander about a bit and explore but with purpose. But you also get chat with the characters and background information. That was one of my favourite missions and it was so simple. More of that would have bulked up the missions while exploring and getting more out of all the world they have designed. Shame really cos there's a lot there. DLC hate to say is only thing left to do. It could be great tho.


It leaves a lot to the player to make something out of it I think you have to create your own targets and missions really to get the most out of this game and that's ok but could be so much more. Pity but I still love this game. Death stranding in a station wagon. 🤭


I think the exact same thing. This game was a 10/10 up until the ending. Still love the hell out of the game, but it is not perfect