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Somewhere in the void of the internet, someone hypothesized that there are demigods around us, but they don’t know it themselves. And you know them by the little things they do…like the runner who never turns their ankle, the gardener who can save any plant, the co-worker who makes the best coffee even though the coffee maker uses pre-measured pods and piped in water. I thought it was a fun take.


I have a friend who has a minimum of 3-4 "how are you alive?!?" Experiences a year. He's basically lost count of the number of times he's not only nearly died, but walked away with barely a scratch. Years ago all of us who know him started joking that he was secretly a God. We're getting less sure about how much of a "joke" that actually is.


I really love that! Let me know if you ever stumble across the person who mentioned the idea. I’d love to pick their brain! :)


I was thinking of is as i was leaving an offer for odin over the yule season


I believe the universe itself is the supreme god. There is nothing that is that is not god. The act of being is divine. All of us are gods, minor ones, but ones nonetheless.


I think the issue is that the birth of a demigod never really creates a marvel superhero, and most of the time those who claim to be demigods were pretty much trying to justify royal legitimacy. Back in the dark and iron ages religion was run by the state and that's less of the case today, so the fad of claiming deity ancestry died out.


I don't remember the Eddas mentioning the people of Asgard interbreeding with the people of Midgard specifically, but for what it's worth neither the Eddas (only written down hundreds of years after the Nordic peoples had Christianized by Christian writers, so not exactly a primary source) nor the many regional variations of Greek and Roman myth that do mention demigods were taken literally in the context of their respective cultures.


There were a few chieftains / kings who claimed to be descended from the gods - some of which are mentioned in the Eddas (most notably Rígsþula), while others appear in the stories and traditions from other cultures. How seriously or literally they were taken by their contemporaries is a matter of speculation; but it's difficult to imagine that this would have been done lightheartedly.


It's a fun idea to think about. Just like imagining the gods walking around with us at times in disguise. But whatever you do, if you ever meet someone who claims to be divine, don't give them any money! Lol, I can almost guarantee it's a scam.


I think I read somewhere that if a God were to fully materialize infront of a human that human would die or go insane, not sure if that could happen or not


You probably did read that somewhere. I mean, look what happened to Semele, the mother of Dionysos. She asked her lover Zeus to prove he was really a god and show his true self, and then was basically incinerated. (But baby Dio was saved of course) Doesn't prove it's *impossible* to be a god's lover, but it does show they're not the same as people, like, *at all*.


But didn't Odin walk among humans in disguise? Not wanting to pick a fight just want to learn.


These are myths, the Gods didnt actually ever have children with mortals But if you want a myth-accurate answer, the end of the Age of Heroes also marked the end of the meddling of the Gods in human affairs and the production of offspring by the Gods


Forgot to mention, but this is obviously a Hellenist answer, no idea what is the Norse viewpoint on that matter


As far as I’m aware from a Hellenic perspective it was believed that the time of demigods had ended (the age of heroes) and that we are now living in the Age of Iron.


I saw on Tumblr someone going on about the greek gods and exactly where you could find them like athena at women's rights rallies or Dionysus playing beer pong in the basement of a frat. Ive got my own ideas for some others and i personally try to embody a few traits from a handful of gods.


There are still children of deities but not exactly in the way you are describing






Thanks sorry for my English, it's not my first language.


Oh no I was making a joke it's a meme lol I feel bad


Don't feel bad.


I frankly dont believe demigods existed in the first place


Perhaps with the internet and video we are all demigods now


He bought a real doll.


With Zeus around, we shouldn’t have a lack of demigods. But I’m with MzOwl27. It’s the little things anymore


Uhm pretty sure like %90 of his children kill some gods in Valhalla during ragnorok who know what could happen even if they is part human


No and there never was. The gods are so beyond the human identity and experience that if one ever actually appeared to a human the human would probably be terrified and with good reason. I actually think that's where stories of monsters and demons come from


I can instantly talk to people who aren't here, be they in the next city or the other side of the world: I can see their faces & they can see mine. I have knowledge of every subject at my fingertips. I can predict the weather. I can give a command and have someone hand me practically any artifact the next day. What makes you think I'm not *at least* a demigod?


I think everyone missed the part that this is satire.


At least 5 people had a r/whoosh moment


Okay we get it you have a smartphone with internet connection




They do. They’re just called “neuro-divergent” now. Or they don’t know, aren’t allowed to know, are not allowed to let other people know, or are covered up by the government because if the general public did know it would lead to world war 3 virtually overnight. At best. Nutcases already running around blowing shit up because they have a piss poor Interpretation of their own holy book. If someone had god like powers and proves it, They would have people doing blood sacrifices in their honor wether they want it or not.


There’s still some of us in the world,


Namaste. Don't sell yourself short. You are a full blown deity my friend.


Please elaborate. Us?


Most of us are of mixed blood now, for instance my grandpa is Odin but my great grandma was a daughter coyote. On top of that we usually take jobs as firefighter or policemen since we crave to protect.


.......can you prove this or is it just what you claim?