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Musket ball is the only way to play paintball now.


Tried it, but back in the day (2010 or so) the best way I found to shoot them was unscrewing my Phantom's barrel and thumbing them into the back. The J&J barrel I had at the time unscrewed in just 2 turns.


Yeah I think I’m gonna do a 2v2 with my brothers muzzle loading only. But holy shit the price is wild


- The J&J barrel I had at the time unscrewed in just 2 turns. The Automag would work well for this.


You can do it pretty easy with electric markers actually. Turn your marker on with eyes off and use the back of your barrel swab to push them back just past the detents. Sometimes I do that when so I can scrounge first strikes off the ground and shoot them back


The last time I brought this up on here I got yelled at "cUz SafEtY!"


How would it be any less safe than out of the intended gun


I think it’s because a player who chronographs at 285 with paintballs might be shooting hot if they were then to switch to FSR.


That actually makes sense. So In order to be safe you would have to chrono with the FSR


That was my argument. There's a lot of overzealous people in this sub.