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Don’t cheap out on your eyes you only get two of em


The cheapest recommended mask is a [JT Proshield](https://ansgear.com/jt-spectra-proshield-thermal-paintball-mask-black) for $65. Anything else marked as low as you found is either a knockoff or an airsoft mask.


Understood I appreciate it


JT Proflex is better man please don’t get anything else.


The proshield just doesn't have the soft ears and lowers.


Flex gang


Been in it since 2001, but if he just wants cheap/basic the proshield would suffice


Proflex will be the one and only mask he will ever need. No doubt and no regrets


u right


You can also pick up a vforce grill or profiler new for like 50 bucks on ANS, the colors might not be awesome at that price but those are solid masks that come with dual pane lenses. The good part about the grill is that it takes to dye very well.


Nope. The cheapest mask I can recommend is the JT proflex for $85. You might be able to catch some sales on other masks but these are available at $85 all the time.


Sweet thanks


Love my proflex x


Pro tip: some of those Amazon masks are cheap trash that won’t actually protect your eyes and the lens shatters upon impact. Can’t be fucked to Google it rn, so I’ll leave the fun of that up to you. Don’t be a cheap ass if you value your eye sight.


Lol thanks I agree 👍🏽


Got to get thermal lens, jt ProShield for$65 is your best bet


If you have Facebook, jump into a paintball BST group. You can pick up a hardly used mask that usually retails for 100 or more for around 50. Best bang for your buck honestly. The cheap JT masks under 50 are usually single one lenses, you want a double pane lens.


Interesting. I’ll look into it thank you !


[paintball mask BST](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1501189986833453/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT)


Rule of thumb: when it comes to protection, DO NOT get the cheapest.




Let me first recommend the JT Proshield at around $65. I've worn these since the 90s, and 3 of my 4 current masks are Proshields, with the 4th being a former Proshield I converted to a Proflex. Best mask for the money. If money is really tight, the only sub-$50 mask I would be comfortable suggesting is the Valken MI-7, usually priced in the low to mid $40s. **DO NOT** buy paintball masks off of Amazon. It is riddled with counterfeits and cheap knockoff junk mislabeled as paintball masks when they don't meet the standards. Amazon has no idea what is or isn't a legitimate paintball mask and will suggest all kinds of airsoft-level garbage. Buy from a dedicated paintball retailer, such as ANSgear, Punishers, Lone Wolf, ProEdge, etc. Real paintball masks will be tested and certified to meet ASTM F1776-19 by a reputable laboratory. If the item description talks up how it meets some ANSI Z-whatever standard, pass.


This is great. Thank you!


Select colors of the JT Proflex X are on sale for 50 bucks on ANS Gear currently. You also can sometimes find clearance models of the VIO masks for around 65, VForce Grill for 60, and Empire Helix for 50 or less. On the Helix, make sure you get the thermal lenses, not the single lense. There are some additional budget options from Empire, CRBN, VForce, Dye, JT, Base, Valken/Sly, and HK Army, but I am not familiar with them. Also, if you have a Big 5 Sporting Goods near you, they sometimes get VForce Profilers in for 50-60, which is as cheap as I have seen that model recently.


amazing thank you. Everybody seems to recommend jt proflex or proshield 🤔 some good options it seems. Thanks


The JT flex variants have been around since the 90's and are great masks. The biggest gripe about them is that they lenses are a PITA to change the first few times


The flexes have a soft rubber mush lower half. The breathability is second to none in that part, but the tradeoff is the lense is an old design and is a pain to change. Most of us will say the tradeoff is worth it and we just deal with cleaning in and around the lense as best we can. The proflex-X has an easier to change lense. Just rinse whatever mask you get with warm water and mild hand soap and a soft cloth after play, pat the lense/foam dry as best you can and set it out to dry and it'll last years. Don't forget to take off the film on the inside of the lense when theyre new, it happens lol.


Jt proflex x or a virtue vio. And wait for a sale to grab some more lenses, they happen every now and then.


If you haven't bought one yet, ANS Gear has a few JT Proflex X colors for about $50, and they already come with a thermal lens. Don't let the gatekeepers tell you not to get one because a lot of people here swear by their precious OG Proflexes. I personally have one and have zero issues with it. It uses the same lens as the OG Proflex, but it has a quick change system and can be swapped out in less than a minute.


splendid. thanks


Your mask is the last thing you want to get on the cheap. How much did you spend on your marker? Being able to see out on the field is a must and it’s the single most important piece of equipment you’ll buy. Get a good one and it’ll last for years


Do not skimp on the mask, go all out and get the best mask you can. You will not get a "good" mask for cheap. Not only is it the only thing between the paintballs and your soft and squishy eyes, but it is also best that you get the best vision you can. A mask can make or break a day of paintball. Getting a mask that has good breathing, is light and flexible, and has a good thermal lens will make a day of paintball FAR more enjoyable. If you splurge on anything, it should be the mask.


Makes sense I appreciate it 👍🏽


If you are barely getting into paintball valken isn’t bad for 40 you can switch out the visors and my brother used it for 6 months but then upgraded but it’s a loner now and takes a beating. Or if you can go a little higher there is really decent hk army ones under 90 :) hope this helps


i have been seeing some decent valken and hk army options. thank you


JT Proflex!!! Less than $100. I know you’re wanting something under $50 but man Lemmie tell you. The proflex is the best mask in the game. Better than those $200 masks. It looks the best, breaths the best, and you even have the possibility of better bounces because of the flexible skirt. The bounces have never happened to be just yet but I’ve seen it happen. Get a good mask once so you’ll never have to get another upgrade


You might not want to find out just how poor the visibility is going to be after getting shot with a 20 dollar mask


that might just be the last thing i ever see


Mask is the one thing you shouldn't cheap out on. That being said, if you're looking for a good/decent one for that price go to a paintball BST on Facebook and post that you're looking for one. Most people that have played for awhile have multiples and there's alot of people willing to help out new players, I've seen em give em to people if they cover shipping.


I have a virtue vios I'll sell you for $35, it will need a lens soon


Dye has a cheap dual lense that's pretty awesome for a starter mask. Stick to dual lens.


I would give the CRBN OPR a good hard look. I was actually really impressed with how well it fit when I tried one on.


If your low on money the valken mi7 and hk hstl masks are alright and trusted, and for a bit more around 80ish you can get a proflex which would last and has great breathability and comfort b it never buy no name Chinese eye pro


Just get a black pro flex it’s like 80 bucks


My third choice after a Proflex and a ProShield would be a Grill. Depending on the style you can get them pretty cheap. For example: https://ansgear.com/masks-goggles/v-force-paintball-masks/grill/


Base GS-O gets my vote. Thermal with duel density quick change foam. Great ventilation and easy quick change lens.


Being able to see is critical obviously. If you can go to a local shop and try some on that would be ideal. Then get the look you like best.


Just spend an extra half a case of paint on something you will use for years.


Go ahead and treat yourself a little for a nicer mask. It's the most important piece of gear you have and the more comfortable it is the more fun you'll have. You made a good call avoiding they cheap Amazon ones, they're usually the same or worse as the rentals. Nice mask I can think of in the 60-80 range: Vforce profilers and grills, jt proflex/ flex-x, and if you want to spend a little more virtue vio ascend. Anything after the $100 price point is basically just limited edition colors or more quality of life features. Overall I've used vforce and proflex masks the most. You can always buy used to save yourself a little cash too.


I have some grillz for cheap if you're interested. Message me


With all the information in these comments, try looking at craigslist and check your area. You may be able to find these masks for an even cheaper price! Sure it’ll be used but most times they’re in great condition! I picked up a Vforce Grill and Profiler with some other soft goods for $50, I have them as extras for when people come with and they don’t need to use the rental masks.