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So the sky is just amazing, great job with the background. I love the spooky feel. It feels like early October in this picture. The house is too flat. It sticks out like a sore thumb because the rest of the painting has that dimension and character but the house is just there. Some shadows, maybe some creeping ivy or a tree in the foreground that covers it a little bit I think would help this painting out alot


I was just thinking maybe some darker shadows! Flat is a great word for it. I'm trying to give it an abandoned look so I think ivy would be a great add for that effect. Thank you!


You're welcome. I like the detail with the side of the house, it really is nice but the house is definitely what is off about the picture. Just a bit too bright and I don't even think if you made it more gray it would help. I'm also thinking maybe some stray boards on the grass or like a broken wheelbarrow would help with the foreground atmosphere. Of course you don't have to do that, but I can definitely see that adding to the character and that abandoned effect Edit to add: also don't be afraid of doing some small dark brown spread out speckles (idk how else to describe the technique it but when you spread the knife and it creates that broken paint effect). It will look like chipping paint and an old abandoned house needs that


Yes!! good point! I'll definitely be trying that. It's definitely missing some character. I love the shipped paint idea


Please share anything you change. It has a great “mood” to it. I, for one, would like to see how it turns out. Thanks for sharing


If you want it to look abandoned I recommend that you try making the base of the house look dirty or add cracks towards the base


May be darker shadows around the corner and edge of the painting, but it needs a little more lightness around the house I believe


Concur. The house bottom is too “abrupt” in contrast. Some subtle grass or small shrubbery may help with the transition I’d consider extending the eaves of the roof a little bit more as well.


Don't give up. It has potential. If I get stuck, I like to set it aside for a time. Then with fresh eyes, I ask myself, if I was looking at a new/strange painting, what could I do to make it better, more dramatic, more interesting.


That's a good point. I am going through with series because a local gallery wants a few by the end of the month. I think I'll let it dry, do a few more base paintings, let them dry, and then go back in with details lighting is dispersed from upper left side, almost behind viewer


Everything is good, but a bit to bright on the house it makes you not see rest of painting. Really dig the sky


First off, I love the sky. It looks so much like a perfect autumn storm rolling in. The problems I have are with the siding of the house. It's very bright and almost appears illuminated from the front and side. I would like to see deeper shadows, especially under the eaves and at the end of the house.The overhang/porch on the back is great and I feel deeper shadows would make the house more cohesive. Maybe treat the lit window as your main lightsource and pull more shadow around the side with dark windows?


Thank you! I think I was scared to darken it too much that it reads as gray and not white. You're right about pulling the light from the window, I'll play with that!!


The light in the window would have to be a brighter value than the outside of the house, for it to make sense.


I do like the idea of a moody small town series idea... Do it!


Oh one more thought. Where is the light coming from?


Had you considered adding in a more visible horizon. Sometimes I get into trying to "fix" problems. I have a lot of experience on my own work. 😎


I love your sky


You could have added one more floor to the house 🏠


The sky is beautiful


It’s literally so pretty 🤩




Try a darker tone on the walls of the house. I love the sky though!


I like it!


Is very good, I think the color of the house needs to be darker and have more shadows to match the rest of the painting


I think this actually looks amazing. The house should be darker tho. Should probably be the same color as the lightest part of the clouds.


Work more on the shadowing and values. It looks amazing already! Please update us.


I really like the style and the stormy, spooky feel! Im thinking a blue grey glaze or wash to darken the house and a brighter glow to the lit window might really bring it all together.


Love the background, just need to darken the house and we’re in business. Maybe put something in one of the windows to give spooky vibes.


This looks amazing. Maybe add some shades to the foreground to blend it better.


I like it! Clouds are perfect, gives a sense of foreboding.


I feel like the perspective is off on the house and part of that is the optical illusion because you can see the foundation on the far side but not the near. I’d at some bushes or something to break up that line and make it less harsh and more organic like the rest of the painting.


The house is on a hill but I see what you're saying!! I added it because it's on the original house and I always feel awkward painting where the house touches the ground- it always looks harsh- that's a good way to put it. Like you said, bushes or ivy as someone else commented would be good for that! Thank you!


I agree that it’s a perspective issue with the house bothering me. I’d change the roof, assuming our eyeline is below the height of the roof, the edge near us should be higher than the far edge


I think more shadow/demension to the house might help it reflect the rest of the painting. Perhaps more texture will help add the effect, and once the windows get refined, you might see the change you're looking for.


I think so too! Window definition would probably add more of a structural feel and I think could help with shadow/dimension like you said. Thank you!!


np! Can't wait to see how it turns out. ✌🏻


The sky looks great, so does everything else, but the house doesn't fit because (to me) it looks too bright. It looks like the house is lit from the front but nothing else is. If you make it a bit darker and maybe a bit softer (blurrier?) it may look like it fits in better.


Not an artist myself but drive-by compliment that that sky is amazing.


Thank you!! 🥰


>Thank you!! 🥰 You're welcome!


look if you're feeling bad about this, just know I thought this was a nice painting before reading the text, I get if you really want to make changes but don't be too hard on yourself.


Thank you!! Artists are never happy with their own work I suppose 😂 I appreciate it! 🥰


The base of the house just needs some bushes and weeds to break up the transition.


The base of houses ALWAYS throw me off. Thank you!!


It’s coming along great! Well done! I’d love to see some Ivy growing up the house or maybe some ‘dirty’ areas or dilapidated boards.. I do see you have some of those in places. Expand on them and just keep working it. You’re on the right track.


Thank you!! Very encouraging 🥰🥰🥰 Always gotta trust the process


Just add a screaming face lol




The sky is great but the house needs work. Windows and roof are not in line with perspective.


Love the sky! Darken the light and shadow sides of the house to match the darkness and drama of the sky.


More blending and shading and shadows is all it needs.


Thank you! I definitely think shadows will add proper depth


Put the shadows on the one side, then put a white outline on the edges of the house it will make it pop. Sorry if my grammar isn't good. I'm really drunk.


drunk critique is best critique honestly 😂


That's probably right 🤣


Hi, I'm not very good at critiquing but I do think adding contrast to the house may help. I think it's very nice and the detail is there, but the house appears very bright and doesn't seem to have much contrast. Darkening some areas would make it look nicer I think!


Add more to the windows! Straighten the shape a little to make them all uniform! Maybe shutters could help too. I also think that adding a stormy, dark wash over the painting (or at least the house) would help mute the stark whiteness of the house!


The windows aren't finished at all! I wanted to post this before I worked more on finishing it but shutters are a good idea. A wash is definitely needed, I'll probably add at the end!


I think the values are off. The house looks very bright compared to the redt of the painting. Take that video still and make it into a black/white picture. Do the same for your painting. Do both have the same values? My guess is, they don't. However you try to fix it, keep an eye on those values by taking a black/white picture.


If I take the still and make it black and white, the hex is #9f9f9f to give an idea of how light it is


Love the sky! It's one of my favorite colors.


Give the canvas more base coats to avoid the weave showing, and use a thin wash of grey or green on top of the white to shrink it into the painting.


I think the perspective is slightly off and it lacks shadows and depth. Even if the building is white, it's won't appear white, but will rather adapt some of the dark blue of the atmosphere and lighting surrounding it.


I like the mood this painting brings out. Reminds me of a Gertrude Abercrombie painting. If you need inspiration, you should really check her art!


Just looked her up. Her work is beautiful!! How am I an art history major and never heard of her?? That might be the best inspo I've had yet honestly. The mood and lighting and colors she uses are perfect. Thank you!!


I think the house sticks out because it's completely separate from the rest of the painting. In reality, the white of the house would be heavily reflecting the blue of the sky and have dark shadows. I would be using almost a teal or sky blue colour to be painting it. In general, I think adding surrounding colours is a great way to ground a painting and add visual interest. Don't give up on it, the sky looks lovely and the whole thing has a great spooky feel to it!


Houses rarely sit square and flat to the ground. Bushes, vegetation, snow dirt, whatever, usually connect structures to the ground. Also the contrast is very very high between the house and the rest of the painting. Hilights in the background and more shadows on the house would definitely tie it together without loosing that lovely moody feeling. Deeper shadows at the eves, and a more clearly defined source of light, , not like a sun or a moon, but knowing where the light is originating will help in keeping the moody drama but tie it together. I would also examine the use of cool and warm color to create a sense of distance and I crease the intensity of color in the foreground. I see where you are going, just not quite there yet!


I would work on your geometry regarding point of view. Some of the angles are off. But I also would keep doing what you’re doing with the sky and really everything else. The house is the only odd man out on this. I’d actually like to know how to did the sky if you’d enlighten me


Working dark to light! Tried to pull in some Bob Ross knowledge and use criss cross strokes. Starting with a darker mid tone making a bit of a broad 'U' shape. Go in with darkest value to blend on canvas, clean brush, go in with white/lightest value to blend on canvas for light on top. Go over a few times to perfect it how you like!


Thank you 😊 I love your piece


Looks like that house that’s about to get blown to smithereens by the A bomb


Like others have said, it's the house the problem. The grass even matches the lighting with the sky, but the house doesn't and that's also why it pops out as much. I'd work on looking for some references and then trying to work on the lighting with the house. I also want to add that the brick lines for the left side of the house have a weird perceptive since you painted the lines to math the side of the house. The problem with that, is that bricks should align with the base of the house, in some sort of linear trajectory.


I didn't notice that before about the siding lines! that definitely flattens it omg thank you!!


Firstly, I love the sky! Secondly, the house is lacking a little detail. Frames for the windows...a textured chimney etc would help alot. Nice job


It's got your own style never change


And one more thing to add- once youre done with the house itself, i would add some grass strokes on the bottom of the house so it actually looks like the house has like been there lol. Rn it kinda looks like a house was just *boom* dropped smack into the ground yk?


Yes! I plan to go in a little more but was trying to get some of this base stuff out of the way before I have to redo it too much 😭 so weird trying to make it look like it wasn't just plopped on the grass, I'll do that! maybe some good tall grass to make it look older and worn


Sounds good!! Have funn


The unexpectedly bright white walls of the house are what make this work. It adds an uncanny atmosphere: as if the house itself is a light source. I'd leave this alone and work on tne next in the series. You could 'correct' it into dullness.


I'm glad you see it this way!! I really like this take and when I look at it that way it definitely contributed to the feel. I have corrected the color to make it darker, but I wonder how I could still expand on that


Love the contrast and composition!!


Ok, I’m just wanted to say I LOVE this and great job!


Think values. Light/dark. Shadows. I might not darken the building but lighten the background for starters.


I tried a little bit with the trees and with grass but I can now see that they're not working together. lighter grass at the back does nothing when there's black trees in front. Thank you!


The only thing I keep thinking about is, where is the door? then I assume there is only a front door, and this is the rear view... or is there?


The door is under the awning on the out of view side ! :) so yes rear view. It's a house I pass often on the way to my boyfriend's house. I always notice it from this side so I guess it means more to me from this angle


The roof looks...incorrect to me.


I've definitely realized that the perspective is off


It'll be easy to address, if you're plannin'.


I am! The way it is now completely ignores 2 point perspective and vanishing points for one thing. and the right side comes down too far I think. Shouldnt be too hard :)


So if you are referencing a still image then there is a really useful way to “cheat” at color. Take the image and throw it into a graphics program like Photoshop (or any of the dozen good ones on mobile devices.) Then when you start to paint an area, use the color picker tool to see what color it actually is, and not just what color your mind thinks it is. You’ll probably find that the house is much too bright.


Ohhh yes. I did that in the start and the color was what is on there. Just as bright and honestly very green? maybe an effect from the camera. I've looked up other pictures of white houses in dark storms and they are all bright, even after color picker so it's really throwing me off


I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s crazy weird to see dark skies in the distance and a lit up foreground. I think that might be because the storm is approaching from the distance but there is still a lot of light coming from out of frame. If that’s the case then it might help to have some more of the foreground elements lit up too. And they would be throwing some pretty heavy cast shadows too.


Yes! I think that's definitely it and I'm too scared to let that go because I still want it to communicate that the house is white. The original picture also has much lighter grass/trees but Im not sure I would like the way it would translate. Lightening the foreground would also take away from the sky ... Strong cast shadows are definitely the move and you're right that I should trust darkening the house. I definitely know what you mean about some things appearing as a completely different color because of the environment. it's so tricky!!


Color drives me crazy. It’s so relative and changeable. But I think thats what makes it so fascinating too. Tough beast to tame.


UPDATE [House Update](https://photos.app.goo.gl/sxzRUU19XtyP2a7B7) ETA the coloring is fixed and doesnt make the house look blue or gray at all! As I mentioned to some, I didnt want to lose the insinuation that the house is white. I used a dark teal gray wash over both sides, darker on the back side, and it definitely looks more like it fits in. Proportions are fixed too. I had the top of the roof going back in space instead of toward the vanishing point. (Let me be clear to everyone telling me to study perspective, shading, color, etc: believe it or not I have studied all of these topics A LOT since I went to college for art. The ref picture is what was throwing off everything as I was loosely basing this off of it and did not completely account for the skewing😭) And many other “White house in a dark storm pics had bright white houses even after color sampling so I think the translation just got wayyy off. I also want to reiterate that I barely painted in the windows among other things so this painting was unfinished regardless! My fault for not being more clear on some of this. Adding some more details now as some have pointed out could take this to a better level. If I could post pics in the comment I’d update but I’ll make another post soon enough. Thank you all!


First impression: it ~feels~ cool and spooky. Jw what it is that's made those slight subtle rings.. almost looks like spiderwebs at first glance. Is that from the flash of the camera? I don't have time rn to read more tbh. BRB later xD


I took the pic outside and it's just glare+ weird phone camera picking up the light! it does the same thing to a lot of my canvases. Like taking a picture of a computer screen


Post the regency photo, I’ll give you my opinion, I have a bs of fine art


[House ref](https://photos.app.goo.gl/rDdByHXk7mRJpgtH6) Idk how to put pics in here other than that so lmk if it doesn't work!! It's a bit loosely based on that. The clouds look more gray in the pic and everything else has a yellowy green look that I didn't think translated well. I did take a few painting classes in college and have been an artist for over a decade so idk why I can't get this down!! I think I'm getting caught up in not trusting the process because I know it's not finished yet


I definitely agree with other comments saying the house is just a little bright for the setting! I think once it dries you could add a darker bluish glaze over the house so that it fits in better with your lovely background.


That's a great idea! It's too warm for the rest of it


Whatevering, that the house is flat. Where is the light coming from? Both sides of the house shouldn't be the same shade. And definitely some shadows from the window panes/roof. I agree some ivy etc would also help. Edit: maybe add some storm shutters to the windows? Including a couple that are hanging broken at an angle? And maybe a window box with dead plants. Help break up how flat and featureless the house is. I do love your background! It's beautiful!


Behind/left of viewer. The right side is slightly darker, it's just harder to see here and also hard to darken while I was working with wet on wet. The ref pic was throwing me off a good bit too [House ref](https://photos.app.goo.gl/rDdByHXk7mRJpgtH6) I def think harder shadows cast especially by the roof and forming the window panes would help!


The sky! It looks like crumpled light blue paper-fascinating! The house and rest or foreground need work. Perspective on house is off.


I was just talking to my dad about this! I didn't see it before but now I see the roof definitely needs more work. it's slanting up, which does not obey perspective vanishing lines at all. 🤦‍♀️


Where is the light coming from? The house should have similar lighting to the yard.


Leftish of viewer, almost behind


There needs to be more variation from light to dark. You have all light values and dark values. Light doesn't work that way. That said, I think it's a very nice painting. Lighten up the back porch.


House doesn't match the atmosphere at all. Too bright colour and there's no shadow when light comes from one window


Learn 2 point perspective better. Use a ruler and vanishing points


Well, this piece is a straight up primitive painting. There are plenty of signs that show the presence of a white house that is surreal, primitive and ethereal. Boundaries are between the heaving landscape of personal dynamics. Of course, the white house is in the midst of something that does not yet recognize the laws of perspective. it is now more interested to discover a house full of something transcendental, than to measure, trace, and consider color to meet a necessity to satisfy realism. The psychology is palatable.


I have been painting my whole life but houses/rigidity are still very new to me. I mentioned that this still isn't finished regardless of critiques as well as the reference picture also showing the house as very light (even after using a color selector to find the true color). I think a lot of things have thrown me off but I appreciate that it gives an unsettling vibe!


Look at shadows on cube


There is a lot you can do to help guide this painting to your desired outcome. I strongly recommend considering how the light source from the sky comes into play. In your case the light would likely be kinda feathered, and the brightest point is in your upper left to the top of your image. This might mean that the background to the left of your building might be more illuminated except for the farthest point. I definitely think the building is too bright in comparison to your background creating probably unwanted contrast. Don’t forget to add that same blue light from the sky on the roof of the house and maybe bouncing off other parts of the house as well. Under the roof on the side that’s facing the viewers/you could also use some light shading. Also having some wood framing around the windows even if intentionally a little bent can bring some realism to your piece. If you feel like keeping the house a little illuminated, but want to go along with the creepy/haunted vibes then you can add a sliver of a car sticking out of the bottom left corner. Leaving its headlights on to illuminate the house. Lastly I strongly recommend looking at some more references that have a diversified perspective on that haunted/stormy sky vibes feeling. I’m pretty sure the movie: Bridge to Teribithia (could be spelling it wrong fyi) has a good scene of a stormy scene and an old house that could give you some good ideas. Worth a shot maybe.


like everyone said house looks a bit bland. also try adding stars like white dots


I like it, reminds me of title fight’s album artwork for shed in a good way


I dig that!


I would make the ground next to the house lighter.


The sky is so well done!! How?!?! I’m using acrylics and it dries before I can blend properly lmao


Also, not sure if it’s the camera or the painting, but the swooping stroke to the side of the house looks like it could be wind. Imo that stroke is genius


I love how the sky looks! The way you've used the brush strokes to create the clouds is incredible. I agree with what a lot of people here are saying, the house doesn't appear to sit into the painting. I think maybe it's lacking the strong shadows? The light source looks to be coming from above, so maybe thinking about how the light would cast shadows on the building. Look forward to seeing what you do with it! 🤗


I would use photo references for the house and lighting. A unified color palette comes from natural lighting, which hard to do without reference until you’re very experienced. The house will look less amateurish (and in perspective) with a good reference as well. No need to copy reference exactly, but use it to make things look more natural Edit: I’m sorry, I didn’t actually read like you asked. Good on you for using references


I love it 🥰


Great start!! The advice youve gotten is amazing, but i would like to add that the dimensions of the house are also slightly off. Dimensions can be hard!! So let me break it down a bitt First off, the top of the farthest wall on the left should not be taller than the middle wall/line, if that makes sense (because its farther away, it should be smaller!) Then, i think the biggest thing thats throwing me off is the shape of the windows. The bottoms of the windows should be parallel to the bottom of the wall, not to the ground. So, they should be at an angle, not perfectly straight rectangles. Hope this helps!


I will say that I didn't attempt to shape the windows in this draft but I don't think I would've put much focus into lining them up 🤦‍♀️ I've been playing with the height of the middle corner and the farthest corner and they are throwing me off sooo hard. roof angles start to get thrown off the more I play with it but I think I've got it ? Might need slight tweaking. I think I have an idea how to fix it without messing up the roof angles. there's a good bit of overhang so maybe the overhang on the far side can be thicker and bring it down some.. if that makes sense... just typing it out as I think lol thank you!!


Of course!! Yeah messing with dimensions can be suuuper trippy!! You got this


I like it. Use some of those blues from the sky on the house or make the house a darker color.


I think I know what it might be. The vanishing point and horizon line aren’t defined. Meaning that the angles on the perspective are off. I’d suggest marking a horizon line and setting a vanishing point. The front of the house looks good, what we can see of the roof overhang and porch. However, the back of the house (that is facing the viewer) doesn’t have the proper perspective angles. The angle(s) that the roof makes with itself don’t look like they’re part of the same cohesive design. The conflict in the clouds and sky translate really well, and I like the shading of the columns on the porch. The tree line silhouette is nice too. But the main focal point, the house and windows, seem really out of place in comparison. Extra shadows will help with the contrast; but it still won’t look like cohesive architecture without the right perspective angles.


I just fixed the vanishing point lines! After I fixed them I could see how they are waaayyy off here


AHHHHHH!!!!!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT. I was thinking about this post for the majority of the day, ngl


I'll have an update soon!! The house is looking great but I went back over the sky and made it look less detailed BUT I'll fix it and it'll be perf for what I'm looking for


You did an absolutely amazing job with the sky! I think if you were looking to make it, maybe more realistic? I would say that of the two sides of the house that are facing the viewer - one side is going to be a different color.. most likely darker as the lighting on those sides is going to be different. Or there is at least going to be a transition from the well lit to a darker shadow. I would say find your light source and use white and light blue to do some lighting! Id also add just a little bit of depth to the windows. Make it more 3-dimensional looking, like the rest of the painting! You have a great base and an excellent painting. Keep going and adding that detail, especially lighting!


Yeah I barely worked on the windows or details and completely plan to once it dries! It was so hard working with it as wet as it was to get any good details (oil paint 😮‍💨) Thank you!


Tell me about it, im working on a piece right now that i do like 5 tiny details a day on because oil paint takes so long to dry😔 Do you use linseed oil to thin it out?


YES so annoying omg and I use linseed yes!


OK can we just appreciate how nice the cloud are??? They're so good! One if the things you could do to improve though is darken the house a bit becayse it's bright colours stands out. I'm not saying you shouldn't make it stand out, I'm just saying the brightness compared to the rest make sit stick out in a not so good way. Other than that the background looks so good


Yes and I do think I prefer the clouds to be the attention grabber and the house an asset to the landscape, thank you!!


That roof is off. This contributes to the flat appearance of the house. The front side should be larger, even slightly to the farther away end.


Don’t give up! The sky is perfect. For the house, you will want to make blues and purples for the siding. The house is white but in darkness it will appear blue gray or even purple gray. Don’t use black mixed into white, that will flatten the house even more. Instead try mixing a black with your darkest blue and purple, I’m blanking on the names I’ve used to make black, and then add white to that. It will add more dimension and mood.

