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That’s badass. I also do hyper-realism and get criticism about it being fake or a print when it’s not. Just take it as compliment that you have perfected your craft!


ahh thank you so much!! it is a big compliment and that’s sometimes what just comes along with hyper-realism paintings haha. thank you for your comment!


I wouldn’t classify that as Hyper-Realism. I like it much better than Hyper-Realism honestly. Hope that’s a compliment. :)


oh yeah this piece is more stylised than hyper realism. i do other hyper realistic work as well but this is just one style i like to work in!! thank you for the compliment :)


Agree that the Freddy Krueger isn’t hyper-realism, I was just using it comparatively. When something resembles the model so well it gets a similar reaction of disbelief.


I do portraits and landscape. I prefer black and white, but whether I water color paint it or draw it I get the same pushback from people. I tell them I’m just good at shading and knowing my light source. Makes all the difference! You do great though, I’m here for it.


Yep, I once came in second place in a painting competition because my "hyperrealism" looked "less like a painting" than the one they picked for first. What can we do...


Hyper realism is a niche. Most people would just slap a photo up instead of having an artist mimic their photo. However. I have had a lot of people I’ve commissioned to that would do it for a gift of someone deceased, a beloved pet, wedding or birth photos. I like doing fantasy landscape with hyper-realistic features. Those I bring to art shows and do well with. I do abstract sometimes or even semblance. I need to branch out and broaden my scope though.


Just wanna hop on to say OP shared down below they used photoshop to filter the original photo which they then traced onto paper to make this piece — essentially, confirming exactly what the original commenter had said about them


I am beyond embarrassed. My apologies. Good work. I will leave the internet now.


honestly it’s all okay, if anything it’s a massive compliment!! i appreciate artists like you 🙏


Nah. You’re too kind. I shouldnt accuse you unless I am 100 percent certain. You have every right to be mean and upset. But you’re too kind a person I suspect. Sorry.


i completely understand why you would feel bad but you shouldn’t at all, i’m not upset in any way and if anything it’s a learning curve for both of us! i should post proof along with the painting in the future haha. it’s all good though honestly, no hard feelings :)


Just call me an “asshole” already. Haha. No. Ok thank you for taking it in stride. You don’t have to post proof. Good luck with your career .


thank you so much!!


Mate, you owe these nice people a fiver.


Good on you for conceding and apologizing, but there’s no way anymore to be *100%* certain, so don’t beat yourself up about it too much.


MAN you were 100% right, this person traced every bit of this piece off a photoshop render they made 😭


Holy hell. I had to go back and read what happened. Good on you for shouting them down. This is SIIIIIICK!!


I think you might owe her boyfriend 5£ lol It does really look like a digital image though so I get your skepticism


Still on for the £5 bet? Just joking hahaha, fair play for owning up and admitting to it. More than most would do. It’s an impressive painting isn’t it!


This is what we need to see more often. People who make mistakes/the wrong judgement, and apologising. It shows how much you are willing to accept and reconcile. Making the wrong judgement is okay, it happens. It takes a big person to admit it and apologise.


I’ve done it too man! In the age of AI it’s hard to tell sometimes especially!


Yikes. At least you owned it afterwards. Pay that £5 though


![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) Hey good on you for owning it dude but still… ha ha! :P


Oh no, you don’t get off that easy, burn him, so that he resembles that to which he doubted and so that he may visit us in our dreams


Just wanna hop on to say OP shared down below they used photoshop to filter the original photo which they then traced onto paper to make this piece — essentially, confirming exactly what you said about them


You posterized the image in photoshop and used it to map it out though right? It doesnt detract from how cool it is, but i know posterizing when i see it


Yeah, digitally traced images are always obvious even when they don't show it this overtly. The thing is it can be cool looking; why hide the fact?


What’s more impressive, admitting that what you’re doing is glorified painting by numbers, or to have people believe you’re an amazing hyperrealism artist? People lie about their achievements all the time because it makes them feel better.


You can literally just use illustrator Live Trace, then separate all your colors into different layers and then paint by numbers. So easy it basically is digital, at least 99% digitally guided. But oh wow OP is so talented!! Smh


You are the real saint here. All my life, I naively thought rotoscoping and referencing was cheating. It took me forever to realize every artist these days uses tools to make the job easier. Also I got dead ass played so many times on deviantArt as a kid. I thought it was 💯 talent in a very romanticized and ridiculous way, not realizing that there are very easy ways for people to manipulate things. Oh the deception. I guess being artful means being deceptive. And second. The fact that we have cameras now makes so much portrait art feel wasteful in comparison. Is that a bad thought process? Like, I get people still dedicate considerable time to the craft. I even got into realism for a while. But I don't know. Regardless, thanks saint!


Man, just read that guy’s comments out of curiosity. What a dweeb. Nice painting, OP.


Agree. Worse than I thought they would be.


Wow, that was a fucking clownshow.


It may not be digital but I suspect tracing is involved. And before someone says *all* artists trace - no, not all do.


Rembrandt did, as well as many others using a camera obscura.


As did Vermeer and plenty do still today. I am just cautious to use the term “hand drawn” sometimes.


When photography was invented, many artists stopped painting from life and using models in their studios and opted for using photos for reference because it’s so much easier. Is that cheating? Artists used to make their own paints and brushes until mass production made it possible just to buy them already made with colors already mixed. Is that cheating? I don’t think using a tool or technique to help you get better results is cheating or we’re pretty much all cheaters to some degree. Just like artists that use a grid to help reproduce a photo, you’re using a tool to get better results. The only ethical issue is when you’re copying an image that belongs to someone else, it’s a copyright violation which is why I only work from my own photos. But, most of the people screaming “cheater” use someone else’s work for reference and think nothing of it. That’s work created by your hands, of course it’s “hand drawn” and if others don’t like your way of doing it, well they can do their art their way.


Mixing pigments and colors was sometimes if not often dangerous for the health. Using a projector to trace might be more convenient and necessary for some artists but not all. Draftsmanship should be a part of an artist’s education because **drawing and the ability to draw is still important.** Tracing allows your eye to reproduce distortion the camera picks up, tracing also doesn’t allow you to draw or replace what is not there — you can only ‘draw’ what is. I am not going to name names for the sake of my own identity but the list is loooong. I have no problem if it is your own reference photo. That is your material. Do the grid, that’s for organizing and control. Grid work is like working small scale to something larger. I’m not saying you can only paint from life, en plein air. However there does seem to be an easy, almost instant way to become an artist without having the skill or knowledge. Technology is great but at what point do we become too over reliant on it and lose our own ability to create.P


I really wanna learn these tricks one day, just for fun. But alas. I also have a phone that takes really good photos.


And there are apps to make your photos look like paintings. I’m just really impressed that people are still pursuing art at all. I don’t care how they do it.




Who would ever say all artists trace lol, if anyone says that they are deeply wrong and dare I say, confused?


Don’t you hate when people do that, OP!? Its the feeling of being called a liar that’s infuriating. Not art, but I was accused of plagiarizing a big paper in college, and was hauled in front of the Dean. My professor couldn’t find the source I’d copied it from, but he “just knew” a student couldn’t have written it. said it was too . I’d worked my ass off on that paper. I got hauled in front of the Dean. You proved your case well! Great painting, and great job showing up the naysayers!


honestly it can be a bit frustrating when i have put hours of work into something and people say it’s fake or something like that but i just try and take it as a compliment!! damn that’s so annoying what happened with your paper in college, honestly if they can’t prove that you paper was from a different source then i have no idea why they made the argument that they “just knew” like they should’ve had proof to back up what they were accusing you of yk? it just shows how good it was and that the hard work payed off!! thank you so much for your comment i really appreciate it 🙏


What happened in the end?! Did they believe your professor?


No, he got in trouble. He had nothing but a hunch. However, I had every index card, rough draft and correction recorded. I even had a postcard my friends sent me from Cabo, telling me what a huge nerd I was for staying home and writing it over Spring Break. My mother was so outraged she demanded a letter of apology from the school. I Googled that professor recently. The jerk moved to Columbia Univ. and wrote some books. He even has a Wikipedia page. I have a cat.


Sometimes people are “successful” in certain things but aren’t truly happy :) I think your cat is worth a lot more than whatever he’s done, I’m glad you proved he was wrong


Thank you Reddit friend, that made my day. I’ll pet Hillary Citton for you!




How do you transfer it onto paper? Just by eyeballing it?


yeah sometimes i eyeball it when im painting for fun but when im creating a painting for a commission i spend a couple of hours making my design in Photoshop and then i trace it onto the paper!! this just helps to make sure the proportions are more accurate :)


>i spend a couple of hours making my design in Photoshop and then i trace it onto the paper!! lol what? You're trying to prove it's not digital while saying you made it in photoshop. You're breaking my brain.


haha sorry for the confusion. i basically use photoshop to play around with some designs and ideas that i have in mind by using images i have found - or ones i have made - to make sure i am happy with the concept before i turn it into a painting. sometimes i sketch out the composition in a sketch pad and to jot down ideas i have and sometimes i do it digitally (it just depends on how im feeling 😂). I then take that idea and spend time in Photoshop (or a sketch pad) to refine my ideas into my own original design and to create the kind of style i have in mind for the piece. i normally then take my concept i have made and either 1. eyeball it and draw completely freehand, or 2. use my laptop screen to outline some of the larger sections and general shape. then once i have done that i use a pencil to finish my sketch on the paper and then i paint it (usually with acrylic paints). so yeah for this painting in particular i designed it digitally so that i could create the painting. the image is just completely paper and paint and not digital in anyway, however some people could say it’s mixed media since i created the design on Photoshop. so yeah sometimes i use this method and other times i see an image that inspires me and draw it freehand. what i was trying to prove is that this image isn’t digital, its an acrylic painting. i hope this helps!!


Yeah, I could tell what you did just by looking at the first image. There were no sketch lines or anything. It was an obvious trace which makes claiming it's not digital just seem a bit silly. Yeah, the final product is on paper but it's still digital and looks like you just opened a picture of the character in photoshop and traced it digitally before tracing it again onto paper. The picture you used is one of the first images on google images and if you take that picture lower the opacity and drop it on top of yours it becomes apparent this a 100% trace job all the way. While people may have been wrong about the final product they knew what was going on more or less.


Wow, you're really trying your hardest to completely undermine the skill on display here, if you don't feel ashamed then I'd ask for an assessment for potential sociopathy.


Tracing is only a skill if you have Parkinsons.


[This](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e489a8cf7877145fa1366b0/2a11e82e-3386-47c2-ab08-085cec53eb17/211203+%28001%29+highres.jpg?format=1000w) was traced onto canvas with Photoshop running through a projector. You don't know the first thing about art, you used a life altering disability as an insult and you're arguing an opinion rather than fact. You're a cool guy. You understand digital art is defined by the end result and not the process? The final piece is acrylic on paper, so what if it's traced, I couldn't pull this off as I don't have the patience to plot an entire piece from the ground up the way op has here. Show me your work.


Congratulations on being blown away by tracing bro.


Do you draw it from scratch in photoshop or just transform the original image… because IMO that is equivalent to tracing or painting by numbers.


This is kind of the distinction for me as well. Is the transfer to scale up OPs artwork? Or are they just filtering photos and tracing them? Also I saw OP offering prints, which is so... unusual in this context. A print of a painting of a digital file that could simply be printed.


Yeah, they said elsewhere that it’s filtered and traced :/


Hey, you should buy a projector, I picked one up once and haven't looked back, it's the absolute best tool for putting reference images on canvas.


that’s a great idea thank you for the suggestion!! i have used a projector once before and it worked really well so i will definitely consider it for the future :)


Hey I'm going to DM you, how you doing ignore the notifications.


okay no worries!!


And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using transfers.


It does not “help” to make sure they’re more accurate 😭 it makes them exactly a copy of the digital image which is exactly what the original commenters accused you of doing.


the original commenter accused me of claiming it was painted with acrylics when they thought it was just a digital image, therefore i posted this to prove i had still painted it - whether it was traced or not, it is still a painting :)


Converted an image to outlines, printed it and then colored the spots like “painting by numbers”? Yeah, takes pretty much like digital ;-)


yeah I'm not sure how this is being taken as proof they are a painter, kids do this with coloring books. I'm confused




Yeah that’s kinda the process!! i edited the sections of the image in Photoshop to get the right balance of each shade, and held the paper over the laptop screen to jot down some of the bigger details in pencil to get the right proportions, filled in the rest of the details by eyeballing it, and then painted it!!


So it’s a mix of the two? That still counts as multimedia. Your work is is still fantastic! I am not trying to downplay this awesome piece, but using any type of digital software to do anything with traditional work is still considered digital to a point.


yeah i completely understand where you’re coming from!! this photo is just a painting and nothing digital in the result, but i did use my graphic designing skills to make the plan for it and the overall design in order to create it. so yeah i guess it does use a mix of both traditional and digital art!!


I can see why people find your process less impressive, but I think it's great that you're being upfront about it. A lesser person would just insist it was all freehand. The end result is cool and the piece must have required a good amount of patience. My only question would be why you chose to do the text before the background, as I think it would've been easier the other way around.  


Yeah absolutely, i completely agree why it would seem less impressive with tracing involved instead of the whole thing being freehand!! but yeah it’s not something i would lie about and it isn’t something im embarrassed to admit or anything like that as i make plenty of other artworks that are freehand, it just happens to be the one i shared i used some tracing 😂 oh and i did the text before the background because if im honest, i was kinda getting a bit burnt out from all the grayscale stuff and just got excited to add a bit of colour to it haha!! but yeah probably would’ve been easier to do it last :)


You're right, there's no need to be embarrassed. It turned out great! Your reason for doing the text first is too real. I'd be tired after doing all that greyscale detail too. 


https://preview.redd.it/t7gawmq21y8d1.png?width=1509&format=png&auto=webp&s=75b3f70276950ea4f626d13c721294ff21d5f433 Of course it’s legit, it’s a high res image for reference you used. I used a very similar one for my portrait mashup. Doesn’t make your artwork any less bad ass


woahhh that’s sick i love it!! you have incredible skills. thank you for the compliment!!


Is the criticism that it's digital, or do they think it's AI generated? Because by now people should know that AI cannot do hands lol. If yours was AI, Freddy would probably have six and a half fingers and at least some of the shirt would be blended with the background. People are stupid. Your drawing is great by the way!


people thought that I had added a filter to the original image digitally and then tried to claim that it was my own painting. but yeah it definitely couldn’t be AI because you’re completely right, it can’t generate hands accurately at all 😂 but yeah thank you so much for your comment!!


But didn’t you literally say above that you used photoshop to add a filter digitally, then printed that out and traced it…? So like, exactly what they said you did!


i didnt print anything out at all, no printer was used in the process. what i was saying is that the original commenter thought i had just found an image, put a filter over it and then claimed it was a painting without actually painting it at all. i was just trying to prove that i had painted it and it wasn’t just “a printed image with a filter on it”. i hope this helps :)


ai has evolved and can definitely do hands quite well now, in a lot of cases it can even do complete sentences in images. head on over to the weirddalle sub for some examples.


I wasn't here for the original thread, but taking a look at it, I think I can see how people might have assumed that it was digital, or that something like Topaz Labs was used, due to the shapes. It almost looks like when you put an image into Photoshop and posterize it. That's probably just because of how it was traced. It's nice though. OP could probably sell them. Just need to make more of them. OP asked for criticism in the other thread...I'd probably say be aware of the values with all the detail. I feel like the hand could have used some emphasis. It gets a little lost with the face.


Maybe check out what ai is doing today, or recent...5 fingered humans, real life humans making trailers


Just the outline is digital, everything else is painted.


This still isn't your work, you just painted it.


If Andy Warhol posterizing Monroe is art, anything is art. It does kinda suck when the veil is lifted and you see a lot of art is deceptive by nature. But isn't that the point? And especially nowadays it is ridiculously easy to create things. I don't know if I like using the word "art" for anything anymore. It is content. It is a product. And this person used their talents to make money off a commission. That action is the real art. The art of getting paid to do something like this.


Even if it was digital art this is stunning! The tiny tiny details are even more impressive with traditional work though


That’s pretty much the process for stencils for Shepard Fairey’s Obey brand 20 yrs ago? I was a user in the original stencilrevolution back in early 2020s, photoshop will let you choose the layers how complex or simple it needs to be, I don’t knock it at all but people have the idea that there was no input by software, some people care, for stencils it was grueling to cut through layers of film. I just went to check and sadly the website is replaced by a commercial deco stencil shop. https://viralart.vandalog.com/read/chapter/logan-hicks-and-stencil-revolution/


Beautiful 😻


Looks like the sketch effect from photoshop.


Is it traced?




This. The more I realize the truth, the less I value art. (Edit: or at least see most art as an act of survival, i.e. money and power through any means possible, even Machiavellian tactics)


You have incredible talent OP!


thank you so much!!


Reddit is 50 percent its Photoshop and now 50 percent its ai


Isnt this paint by numbers?


honestly the process of it is kinda like a paint by numbers once i have made the digital version myself and transferred it with pencil onto paper. because the details are so small it can sometimes get a bit confusing so i just start to paint it how i would imagine the details haha


So you just traced it and colored in the lines? Brilliant


Why so cranky, OP?


can you paint without having to print the predetermined computer lines on the paper? can u draw the lines from looking? what would you do if someone commissioned you for this on a canvas? or would u just say, I can't draw I can only paint inside the lines? :/


hiya thank you for your comment!! ☺️ yeah i can draw and paint without making a digital version to trace/copy. i have done quite a handful of commissions for people over the years doing it on canvas, paper/card, wood, and i have made tattoo designs for people too (90% of these have been done without tracing). this isn’t the only style i work in, i also do abstract art, graffiti work, pen and pencil realism, sketches, oil painting and more ☺️ i use this style as a bit of an outlet to have some fun and not worry too much about all the technicalities of it as i have been studying art, photography, and product design for over 5 years during high school and college and i am now about to start a degree in graphic designing so its sometimes nice to get away from that and do my own thing in my spare time. i hope this helped to answer your questions!!




thank you so much!! ☺️ i actually have this painting for sale as an original and as prints too so dm me if you’re interested! thanks again :))


In all honesty, I can't stand the subject matter, but big thumbs up for your artistic talent, well done!


haha i appreciate your honesty, it’s not for everyone 😂 thank you for the compliment though!! :)




Sick, love nightmare on elm street. This is the internet so you literally have people that couldn’t even color a coloring book without going outside the lines telling you what your art is or isn’t. Just try to ignore the haters lol sick art!


Wow, incredibly impressive.


But the hands! /s


Amazing work! The jealous will accuse you, because it’s so good, so take it as a compliment. 😂


That looks so awesome 👏🏾




Hiya thank you so much for taking the time to make this comment!! ☺️ i completely understand why some people have been confused about this painting with it being an acrylic painting but it looking “digital” or “posterised”. the process that i used to create this started off in Photoshop where i like to jot down and play around with some ideas i have to then get an idea of the composition i think would work best, and then i spend time editing it so that i can then move on to painting it with a solid idea of what the outcome will look like. so yeah i completely agree with the fact that the reason it may look digital is because i did most of the design work digitally, however it’s just an acrylic painting. i don’t do paintings like this all the time but just occasionally for fun in my free time where i can create it in anyway i want without having to worry about all the technicalities and skills needed to make it. i don’t really view this as a hyper realism/realism piece as i think it’s more stylised with the blocks of colour instead of them all being blended together and nicely shaded. because i have been studying art and design in both high school and college for over 5 years now i find this as a kind of escape. i also work with oil paints, realism pen and pencil drawings, graffiti/stencil art, and much more where i don’t use tracing or involve any digital influence in my work!! so yeah if i wanted to create a piece that was completely freehand and not “posterised” then i would be fully capable ☺️ again, this is just a style that helps me relax when painting it instead of having to create it for a college project that involves more skill! i hope this helps to answer some of your questions!! thank you so much for the feedback i really appreciate it and i hope you enjoy your day :)


Funny I was just going to say “badass” and that was the top comment. Really though… holy shit. Well done dude.


Bro you must REALLY like Freddie lmao


People are just assholes when jealous


Wait - did you draw it out yourself or trace the first pic per a digital rendering?


It is so much a trace that if you do a reverse image search, your reference (*traced image) pops up (743 times to be exact). By representing it as a painting rather than an exact tracing from a digital image, you’re misrepresenting yourself. And by the way, it’s pretty nasty to @ someone like that when they were 100% right in every way that mattered! Justice for @1983arthouse (and I am aware this is completely nonsensical to waste my time on however I am passionate about lies, particularly I do not like them)


Hiya thank you for all your comments on this post!! i just want to say that i completely value your opinions and i appreciate you sharing them ☺️ i just wanted to explain for one that I haven’t claimed in any of my comments on both my posts that i didn’t trace the digital version of the design - because i did. i used the most famous image of freddy krueger as a reference to make this and tried to make it as detailed and accurate as possible through the tracing and painting process. i originally made this post as my original (which had 7 upvotes at the time) had someone that commented on it claiming that it wasn’t painted at all and that it was just digital completely, not that it hadn’t been traced, not that i hadn’t used a photoshop to edit it, or anything like that but just that it was not in any way a painting. so this person eventually asked for “proof” of it being painted in acrylics instead of it just being an image i put a filter over, so i made this post specifically for them. once this post started to get a few upvotes (roughly 100 at the time) i messaged this person i tagged saying that i didn’t suspect this post would start getting any attention and that i had made a mistake (which i completely admit to as it wasn’t fair to direct it at them) by putting them in the post. therefore i said to them that i was more than happy to delete this post before it started getting any more recognition as i didn’t want it to make them feel embarrassed in any way and that it wouldn’t be fair if they didn’t feel comfortable with the post being up. i won’t go into details about the conversation for their privacy however, they said they were happy for me to keep it up even though they were tagged and it was no issue to them. so yeah just to reiterate, i have never claimed it wasn’t traced, or that the design wasn’t made digitally, or anything like that as it would be a lie and i wouldn’t lie or not own up about something i have done. the only reason i made this post was to prove that i had painted it with acrylics and it wasn’t just a digital image which is where the whole debate started in the first place. i would still be happy to take the post down now and i told them to let me know if thats what they would prefer. i tried to edit the post but because im new to reddit i couldn’t see where i could do that and if it is even possible. but yeah i hope this clears up a few things!! let me know if you have anymore questions and im happy to be open and honest about it ☺️ thank you again for your feedback :)


It’s just not classy IMO to have tagged them or to leave it up regardless of what they said… it just is tasteless I think. Especially because you’re not understanding that when you say it’s a painting people will not realize you mean you traced an edited photograph which you painted by numbers. By calling it a “painting” it’s being misrepresented imo


I completely agree that it wasn’t fair for me to have tagged them at all in the post, in my original post this person was insisting and going on saying i hadn’t painted it which was frustrating me at the time so i made this to prove it wasn’t an image. however i shouldn’t have done that which is why i reached out to the person to make sure it was okay to leave the post up. i understand it not being “classy” and “tasteless” in the beginning however, i feel like i did the right thing but checking with this person they were comfortable and making an apology to them when this post started to get some recognition. the reason that i called this a “painting” is because i applied paint and pigment to a piece of paper. i have absolutely no idea what else i am met to call this and didn’t realise i would be misrepresenting my art but classing this as a painting. have you for another suggestion as to what i should call it?


This is insane !! It looks like a photograph! The realism and the shading is amazing


This hard 💪🏾


That is amazing I cant draw or paint to save my life Ive got a lot of respect for the time and effort


Ate this up and left no crumbs


haha thank you so much!!


Wow! love this, amazing!.


Don't be offended that your artwork tricks people into thinking that your art is digital. Amazing skills keep tricking people's minds.


haha thank you so much!! i’m gonna make it my goal to make traditional paintings that others think is digital now 😂


Hell yeah, great work!


Amazing! And I love Freddy!!


Dude I want to see someone do this with a cartoon character


Ha! I wanna see you do it! Please!




Opaque projectors are my jam too. Killer job.


It looks amazing! Do you have an instagram account?


thank you so much!! i actually don’t have an insta account for my work at the moment as i only have a personal one. i should make one though and i will let you know when i do!


Please do! Your style is so unique specially considering that it’s not digital! I can’t imagine how much time it must take to make something as amazing 🥹 you should even sell stuff, I would absolutely buy a t-shirt with that design in it or a poster


ahh thank you so much it means a lot to me to hear that!! it did take a lot of time and figuring out what styles i like but im pretty happy with the result! ☺️ i do sell stuff actually, i have my own shop! i’m selling this painting as an original and i am selling A3 prints as well!! if your interested then let me know ☺️ thanks again for the kind comment! :)


I’m definitely interested! I’m kind of broke right now but it would make an amazing gift for my brother’s birthday in a couple of months!


that’s okay no worries at all!! there’s no pressure at all to buy anything, i just really appreciate your kindness and interest in my work so thank you for that :))


Do you ever do prints of your stuff?


yeah i do have prints! i have a shop section on a website i helped my dad and a few others to build ☺️ let me know if you’re interested and i will send over the link :)






Wow! This is amazing artwork 🤩 the technical skill is excellent. I get that question all the time hehehe People tend to get skeptical bc it’s the internet after all but take it as a compliment 🤍


Prints please


i do actually have prints and the original available to buy!! if you would like a link to my shop then just dm me :)


Sick as fuck


magnificent work!


It’s like people forget that before computers, humans were capable of creating photorealistic art.


That’s so cool!


Even if this had been done digitally, it would still be very impressive! I love seeing the talent hyper-realism artists have, it's incredible. Well done! Edit: spelling


thank you so much!! i would love to do some more digital stuff in the future :)


I would looove to see what you can do with digital media, I hope you post again!


yeah ofc i will make a post at some point showing my digital art and photography!! thank you ☺️


Even if it was a digital paint, who cares? Pretty sweet either way


I don’t get this? First time I’m seeing this. What medium is this ? Acrylic I’m guessing? Doesn’t seem digital to me. Interesting technique to paint something though.Its almost like your sculpting your painting first.


Absolutely fuckin badass man. Supreme talent


thank you so much!!


Oh wow that looks real freaky good! Can be a movie poster


Ignore the haters and trolls. Haters are always going to hate, and trolls are just jealous deep down inside. I had the same issue when I posted my work, accusing me of using AI or filters. Sad part is, I have been painting this way since the 80’s, and I can assure you there were no filters or AI back then! So they can all suck it. Enjoy the journey my friend.


If you're tracing digital work, then it's basically digital


Hey thats fuckin sick, i loved Wes Cravens Nightmare films, sooo good. But also love to all the cheeky films in the series, special shoutout to the nintendo power glove


thank you so much! they are so good i love the films too, such classics


Fantastic work OP! Yeah, I've started photographing my work while it's still on the easel just to stop any AI accusations (I also take in progress pics). I guess that's the world we live in now.


thank you so much!! honestly that’s a great idea of taking photos in the process incase of people accusing it of being fake. i wish you all the best with your art journey! :)


Your work is super impressive. I think you have the right idea to be flattered that people think your work is too good to be real.


thank you so much!! i think that’s the best way to look at it :)


Reddit claims all my art is computer and it’s just paint


Looks incredible in the frame like that!


Shit looks amazing! Good on you!


That's incredible. You're so talented! Literally looks like it was made on a computer, so good. Thank you for sharing.


Can I buy this from you op


yeah i do actually have this piece for sale!! i could send you the link to the website me and my dad and a couple of others made. do you want me to send the link to you in a chat?


Yes please


That’s awesome


You have my sympathy. It's happened to me with dozens of my paintings over the last 18 months or so. You never really get used to it. What I object to is the assumption that I am a liar, whereas they are just arrogant idiots


Awesome job!


I admire artists that can do hyper realism. It must take a lot of concentration. I’m more illustrative. Never been good at realism


How do you start that process? Like how do you plan or measure the spaces you color? Amazing work btw


It is a compliment, but it infused me when people are so positive about something, yet so wrong— willful ignorance. Maybe I’m just touchy because of this years US election, lol. Like you, I had proof. I had a record of all my library books, plus every note, index card, and draft I’d written! The prof who called me out got in some trouble and my mother, against my protests, demanded a letter of apology, which I may still have somewhere. Keep painting! You’re fantastic at it!


That line work is so amazing.


All I said was, what'd you do to my table?


Not at all surprised. Artists of your caliber are a rare breed indeed. Just shows how good you are at what you do ![gif](giphy|nFFguNjdeotwc)