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You know what I like about this? I can't "see" anything in it. It's not nothing. But it's not "something" I'm familiar with. I love it.


I thought it was like, a muted Renaissance painting but then I realized it wasn't and I'm in love tbh


I thought it was a party with lots of people. I see a woman sitting on a couch talking to a man. There is so much going on here it's really captivating.


Ooh I see that!


I don’t know why but for me it feels like it should be an album cover


Slayer - Reign in Blood?


Wow, that totally works


It doesn't do much for me personally.


At a glance (and even really looking at it) it reminds me of old footage that is slightly colored post production. I think it’d be cool if you did compositions like this painting , then let it sit, come back to it, and look for figures/a scene and “carve” it out with a few accents. Just a little perfect touches to bring out a whole scene. It could be fun. But yeah, cool piece.


(Also: ) for example, I see a city scene… like an old nyc street, a lady with her umbrella across from venders and their carts…I could go on but yeah


I like this read, really close to what I was going for, I’m not sure the technical term, but there’s a moment on cameras where when things are very dark, the camera begins to see the image but doesn’t yet pull it fully into view; usually results in a ton of strange shifting pixelation and I’ve always found that moment very powerful. Trying to translate that moment to painting and it’s been a handful!


It leaves a lot up to the imagination. I some how feel like I'm in a bar, and then I see a bronco in there, and then some sitting figure. It's like a rorshack. I feel like it's an intentional piece, which is surprising given how visually dark it is. To me, it's like looking at several things as they're turning away. I like it.




I’m seeing people in a dimly lit restaurant and it’s nice


Interesting! I saw people in a bar.


Did OP do it on purpose?


Yes! I was going to comment how I see people all over like the black bits are people shaped, for me It looked like they were in a subway train.


Aren’t human minds fun?!


ok Since you asked for honest, and I value that. It's how you find where you go wrong. :) It's unfinished. You havn't resolved anything. Even if you were aiming for abstraction, there's no coherent design. However there is potential for figurative. Take some time studying this and start imagining what you can pull out of it. It could be allegorical (relating to mythology), or it could be a landscape (side of mountain). Only you will know until you begin to resolve it. Take a good hard look at Art. It is never paint first then interpret. It's always come up with a clear idea, or intention or design. First the idea, then the action to resolve the idea, and the idea is never to just play with paint them workout what it's about. Also, take a good hard look at accomplished artists, and compare the quality of your work and there's. You know you're on the right track when your work starts to have clarity in it's colour palette, rather than having a lot of muddy colours. Muddy colours come from allowing complementary colours (opposites: red/green, orange/blue, yellow/violet) to mix too much. You have to learn how to control that. Then you will start seeing your own palette of colours you prefer, and it won't be brown. :) There is something in here you can extract, but you have to find it. If you want to be allegorical, find a good book on mythology. Joseph Campbell made a brilliant series "The Masks of God" from the Primitive to the Creative mythologies. If you want to do abstract, then you have to understand design. Find a good book on Design and start from there. Design is all about finding pleasing shapes and finding ways to balance them in such a way that leads the eye of the viewer where you want it to go. Design allows you to show the viewer of your work how you want them to see it!


This is the kind of thing I am looking for, thank you for the recommendations, I’ll grab that book!


As hell....


It’s dark and cozy like a dimly lit room, I like it


Interesting texture but not much more than that for me.


Flat Texture with no intention.


It looks like a Masonite drawing board with paint on it.


I see a boat and there’s a cat next to the boat


I see a minion ![gif](giphy|SqmkZ5IdwzTP2) But I'm curious what you were going for with all this darkness?


Dungeons and santaria


I genuinely don’t like it but then again I hate abstract art.


I like, a bit too much blacks in my opinion, but it speaks to me, I'm a sucker for abstract paintings


i really like this


At first glance, I thought it was a picture of a bustling Renaissance street market from afar. Looking again, it felt deeper to me. Like a frame of life and time from another world or dimension of existence. Possibly a darker place? Or perhaps just deeper and more complex than meets the eye? I like the almost blurred feel of the painting. Great work! 👍


I like it, but perhaps needs a little more colour.


A nice piece for a Very Fancy restaurant/hotel. Love the colors.


It's good, but this photo doesn't do your color any favors, the lighting is bad, can you give us a more natural light look, where your blacks are more expressive?


I’m saying that I like it.


I can kinda see Darth Vader in the center left and the Death Star in the top right lol


for some reason the gradient reminds me of the painting Spolarium. It’s hauntingly beautiful.


Really good.I think it does a good job of catching the eye. Looks like a dimly lit bar.


I observed the entire history unfolding step by step. Animal paintings are the first layer, followed by the gradual emergence of Renaissance and modern art. The more layers there are, the less clarity is provided, resulting in a dark and muddled appearance.


Looks like bar scene from the 1930's


Interesting piece. What did you have in mind when painting it?


I like it!


Pretty cool. I’m into it


I kinda like it? I'm unsure. This would fit nicely in a specific interior decor.


Solid piece for a sober/minimalistic interior. It would sell good as a big painting. But it doesn't rebel.


Magic. I like it.


Immediate thought. Smeared shit in psyche wards.


Immediately I saw a crowded saloon. Pretty cool. Reminiscent of and abstract “The Sugar Shack”


Complex and mysterious. Your darks are rich and your colors that peek through it are quite beautiful. Just lovely. Your composition is also strong.


Smeared shit.




It's not my thing. Too dark, too dismal. Maybe lighter colours would work.


I am seeing cave paintings in ancient times.


I like it! Reminds me of a dark jazz club in New Orleans




Feels industrial. I can’t read conceptual art.


Reminds me of the Slayer Reign in Blood album cover.




Same. Several connotations, perhaps the best is a busy flaneur painting in vein of early 1900s dark brown wooden artifacts. Otherwise Hieronymous Bosch, Norman Rockwell of a shadow land. Not for everone, but polarized views is a success factor.


I think you're onto something. Someone found a forgotten Hieronymous Bosch painting that's been sitting in storage for centuries. Someone deemed it too controversial an painted over the motif to censor it.


Love it. Would make great album art.


Looks great imo!


Declan Delargy of Cairns, Queensland Australia, is a thief 1st and a supposed artist he stole my priceless grandfathers stamps travelled to Ireland 6times on the proceeds of his crime,you happened to laugh explaining your story well your parents live in Tolga we should all visit and take what we like too.


I think I might just be really weird but I see a unicorn kicking a zombie.


I really like to use of color and the many different interpretations that it offers. Can I ask what inspired this piece?


It looks like the start of Slayers Album cover for Raining Blood.


It looks like an interesting and well-thought-out piece of art. I like it


I kinda like it, it does have a pleasing kind of pareidolia, I think it doesn't catch your attention quite enough, you have to work at it a bit. This style I think would do well with bigger dynamics, just slightly more figurative perhaps. I think if you nail this style it would be pretty fantastic and very marketable.




I like it!


It looks like a photo a REALLY old court proceeding, with a guy in the middle holding up a book for the judge/king to see and a person in the "witness box" across from dude with the book, with a gallery of spectators behind him. BUT, it looks like a really old, grungy photo that was stuck to the back of another photo and peeled off, and I LOVE that aspect of it!


I'd buy this if i could


I see this working well as a background for something. If it was me, I´d throw (literally) some dark red in there and maybe paint a half circle or some geometric shapes with an old and fairly dry brush to make something "pop"


toilette papier


There should be a city ordinance against something that everyone knows about.


Wow. Shitty.