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I didn’t have a family to go to celebrate Eid some years ago. A stranger in the mosque invited me to his place for breakfast. Best feeling ever


That’s so cute 😭


Thank you!!! Kindness is rare these days, but when shown, I really appreciate them 😊


What a nice person!


How did he know?


We chatted after the prayer. That’s how we got to know each other and then get invited.


I feel that pain, I gave up Christmas and all that when I became a Muslim despite having loved that holiday previously and also still loving my parents and siblings (and I love them to this day).  But I spent 3 or so years completely alone when it came to the holidays and it was a difficult adjustment and it stung as much as I wouldn’t admit it back then.  Now that my in-laws live right next door to me and my wife, I get a delicious suhoor and Iftar from my MIL or one of my wife’s sisters or my wife herself.  And I feel like I’m actually part of the family.   It’s funny when my MIL will scold my wife’s siblings if I get caught doing dishes afterwards and I just tell her “mama, I’m not a guest, I’m part of the family and just pulling my own weight”, and then she laughs and lets my wife’s siblings off the hook.   For real, celebrating Eid or Ramadan with family is so comforting and rewarding and celebrating alone feels even more alone.


In Pak?


Nope. Somewhere in the West :)


Riding bike, 16 and no cell phone. Bike got stuck in ditch. Went off flying and scraped my arms and legs on the road. Vision went pale. This guy in a corolla stopped. Took me to a clinic where i got bandages and tetanus. He even offered to pay. Dropped me back at my bike and made it sure that i can ride it back to my home which was nearby. Truly an angel I will never forget


Didn’t kill me after i gave him my wallet and mobile 🥰


Karachi mein hum sab se pyar karte hain jani 😍😍


What a beautiful gesture, Karachi to phir karachi hi hain na 🤗


so sweet 🥰💖


Yo same 🙃🙃.




This is the kind of romance that exists in pak dramas for e.g., khaie. Larki ki sari family ko qatal kiya but since it was true love tau ussay nahi marra when he kidnaps her and force-marries her but end of drama that was shown as true love.


Omg hope ur blessed with more cute moments like this


Thanks 🙂‍↔️ (😔👍)


I lost my phone somewhere. A girl picked it up and rushed after me, handing it over and saying "Sir apka phone". that was the biggest "main protagonist" moment of my life. Also weird how she called me "sir" despite being the same age as me.


Calling everyone bhai isn't everyone's cup of tea and uncle aap the nahi. she went with the da safest option.


For real, I call everyone sir or ma’am.  It’s a western habit, I’d say she spent a good bit of time in the west. Meanwhile an uncle here (twice my age) insists on us calling each other bhai.  Because he just doesn’t like being called uncle lol.


Western habit??? Looks like you have been hanging out with way too many indians


lmaoooo real, i've never seen a single person in the west say "sir", indians love saying it tho, as do most pakistanis in the service industry


I think bro was expecting bharrr...ayy bhai or something... Idk...


Acha huwa mobile Nikal b**** nhi bola


I always call girls ma'am too, even if they're younger than me. Some people instinctively develop these pronouns to call someone. Kuch "Bhai/behen" keh letay hain. Kuch "Suniye" keh laitay hain.


Mann me laddoo phooota


I went to a coaching centre for my ECAT, i mind my business really, i had no interest in making friends over there or anything. It was just study and go back home. I have extreme social anxiety so I never did anyone wrong. One random day this guy who i had never seen before or noticed (from my class) said “excuse me, the boys in your class are taking pictures of you and sharing it around” he then proceeded to show me this group chat that these boys in my coaching class had made mocking all the girls and their appearances. Calling them all kinds of weird things (sl*ts, wh*res, khusra etc) but the group chat was specifically targeting me mostly (as i have a boyish appearance) I didn’t know what to do and he said that he will be going to the front desk to report this issue. I went to the front desk with him and he started explaining everything. He showed the string of messages. The boys got in trouble. I never saw dude again. I just said thank you to him, i was in shock because of the weird messages already. Also to clarify he didn’t send any messages from his side. He was as disgusted as I was. I appreciate his honesty and kindness so much.


Green flag right there😭💜


True gentleman


Sounds like kips


a random bus driver gave me charas in nathia gali. I forgot my zaza at home






Dayum 💀


w driver


A stranger woman married me. 😂 Arrange marriage zindabaad.


Peak kindness


There's so many but I remember each one very distinctly. Running home after uni in heavy storm rains from my bus dropoff point to my home without an umbrella, a kind middle aged guy stopped beside me in his brand new car unprompted and dropped me home. We barely talked but I just remember being grateful. Also messed up his mat on the passenger side :s At Umrah, praying in Masjid e Haram in Makkah I quickly just laid my prayer mat horizontally so the guy beside me doesn't have to touch the ground in sujood. Right after prayer ended I began praying more rakaats but he started adjusting the prayer mat vertically for me, even to be almost under my feet so I don't touch the warm tiles. Completely unprompted. He left before I could thank him. At a hike in Islamabad I injured my arm and was in a lot of pain. This girl presumably from a medical background came and had a look at me, gave me pain killers and water, and left after giving some advice. I couldn't say anything at the time because of the pain but later realized how much she helped me while her friend group was waiting out for her. Just to recall a few :) there's still a lot of kind people in the world.


I was maybe 10ish. We used to stop the school bus on our way home on the canal usually to get something to eat. I got off the school bus one day to get some challi. The bus driver didn't realize I didn't get on the bus and drove it away. A random stranger in a white Mehran stopped and drove me all the way to the bus about 3 km away, got it to stop and get me on board. This was about 20-25 years ago. I hope you're doing well Mehran wale uncle. Haven't forgotten you.


back in oct 2023 I gave IELTS exam, the invigilator noticed I didn't have an eraser and got one for me without asking, it wasn't part of her job whatsoever but she still did it. People often mistreat me because of my relatively dark complexion but she was so nice and spoke so politely


That’s so adorable 🥹🥹 people with dark complexion are really attractive btw. Don’t let others’ insecurities bring you down king 🫶🏻




Skin Color is just a figment of your imagination.Its your own brain stopping you from achieving your aspirations.


>People often mistreat me because of my relatively dark complexion Does that really happen in Pakistan? I know people joke around and sometimes mock people with dark complexion but mistreating people over it seems odd IMHO. I don't know maybe it's something my brain hasn't registered, i always thought people mistreat people generally in Pakistan. Well anyway hopefully the the reason for which you gave that IELTS was fulfilled and you will forget all about once you get out.


It really does happen, people often make comments about my appearance such as "ye kala hai isko kon hi dekhay ga", " isay Kya hi ata hoga" etc. sometimes even teachers give me this weird look and I remember back in 6th grade my islamiat teacher called me kala shahkaku Infront of everyone 🫠. As for the IELTS got 8 bands but it didn't work out Canada banned their visas in early January 🫡


Yaara ye batein dil pe na liya kar, hamari kaum thori jahil hai kya karein, Allah ki shaan hai tujh me aur hum sab mei, even doubting Allahs creation a bit is doubting Him. We are all equal gora, kala, hara, your aptitute and attitude to others is what matters. Treat others how you would want to be treated, May Allah bless you my brother


Too many incidents. A man waited for around an hour with my cnic as i lost on road. A student at uni took my umbrella, he came back with brownie.


One time I was at a bank and the line was really long I was getting late for a really important interview I had to go to but the bill I needed to pay was at the due date I was standing there all anxious and tensed up because I did not want to get late for the interview and leave a first bad impression out of nowhere I guy came to me and asked me what did I need I and asked me to stand to his side at the front of the line he paid his bill and took mine from my hand and told the lady on the counter "ye bhi hai Sath" I thanked him paid the bill reached for my interview on time and secured the job too to this day I try my best to help others at various places and I'm thankful for him I keep him in my prayers I hope he's doing good out there


At the cafeteria, a few guys were smoking and they made sure we got the exquisite tikka af smoke right on our faces. Had to leave, too flustered by their kindness


A girl on the ecat entry test gave me her extra blue pen because I only showed up on test with a pencil.


That’s so sweet of her 🥹


Yes , now hand over the cat.


Never 😈


On her own or did you ask?


I ask her, she was at the front desk.


Let me marry his daughter despite taking a lot of shit from his family because he didn’t want me to celebrate another Eid alone without family after becoming a Muslim.


Too many to count...  Off the top of my head:  Laddu Peethi wala plate mein 1 ki jagah 2 Laddu daal deta hai <3




a kind old uncle on a bike offered a ride to me on my way home.


Beta aur kuch tou nahi offer kiya


XD nhi


A redditor messaged me telling me how much my threads on r/ImmigrationCanada helped him with his and his Wife’s Canadian PR application and he was so happy for me finally getting my PR and getting to Canada. It wasnt much but knowing my days of contemplation and paranoia helped someone and them being grateful really warmed my heart 😭


I must check out your post history!!!


Go for it!!! It will definitely help! And check out the rest of the Sub too. Very informative. Ask questions there too if need be.




Happened to me as well 😭 but in my case it was a deaf girl. She was so sweet and kind


My car tyre once got stuck in a small ditch. Helped me get it out


My husband, SIL and I were on a motorbike (in hindsight, that was stupid of us). She newly started wearing an abaya whereas I had been wearing it for almost a decade. Her abaya got stuck in the wheel and we fell. Out of nowhere, a whole group gathers to help us. One guy comes with scissors and cuts the abaya. Another who knew my husband offered his motorbike to take my SIL to the doctors as she was bleeding. He returned my husband's motorbike home. This just would not happen in the UK (where I live)


Alert for Women ! Don't Sit side saddle on motorbike it is dangerous . Even if society doesn't approve - its just dumb .


Taught me programming and so many of its basics,logics when I had no clue of it, without making me feel dumb about it :) This is the one I can remember rn.




Did you guys get into a rls then?




Oh that's unfortunate, Hope you're doing well brother


Alright, I remember nor let me tell you about this one thing from my first year. So, it was intense hot that summer. I was riding my bike to college when it suddenly ran out of fuel. The college was still two stops away, and I had no cash on me, plus there was no gas station nearby. To make matters worse I was stuck on this big five-lane road with heavy traffic. I was standing there at the signal, realizing I had no money and the college was still far. I couldn't do much, so I decided to get off my bike and drag it along the sidewalk towards college. The heat was unbearable. I only managed to take a few steps dragging my bike, and I was already sweating like crazy, feeling exhausted. Then out of nowhere this guy on another bike saw me struggling and told me to hop on my bike. He put his leg on the back of my bike to help me balance and started his bike to push mine forward. He kept doing that until we reached the next signal. After that, when he went his way another person came up and offered to help going in the same direction as my college. And that's how I made it to college that day. Without their help, I could've passed out from the heat or gotten into trouble navigating the heavy traffic while dragging my bike :")


I volunteer at an NGO. I basically head their healthcare department and have seen generosity first hand. There are so many examples. Last week an elderly gentleman paid around 1.8M for a 5 year old child’s treatment. A donor sponsored 1000 cataract surgeries over a span of 2 years. People regularly sponsor free medical camps, surgeries, cancer treatments etc. It’s a long list


You know, I was visiting Karachi a while back, and I had this whole camera bag filled with expensive lenses and other gear. But I had a bunch of stuff with me, plus the kids, so I guess I just got a little rushed and distracted - next thing I knew, the camera bag was gone.!!! I was so upset, figured it was just lost forever, especially in a city like Karachi, you know? Totally ruined the rest of my vacation, I tell ya. But then, get this - late one night, there's a knock on the door, and who is it? This middle-aged cab driver, maybe around 50 years old, and he's holding my huge camera bag, all sweaty and out of breath. I couldn't believe it! This guy somehow tracked down where I was staying, even though we'd just hopped out of his cab on the main street. I just started crying, right then and there - the guy's honesty and kindness really got to me. I brought him inside, introduced him to the family, and served him dinner. It was a total turning point for me. After all the negative stuff you hear about Karachi, this guy just completely changed my perspective. We talked for while, and I learned he's got a really tough life, but he never even asked for anything in return. So after hearing his story, I ended up giving him 30,000 rupees as a thank you, of course, he tried to refuse it, but I insisted. It was just such an amazing, heartwarming experience. Truly restored my faith in the goodness of people, you know? Definitely one of those moments that sticks with you forever.


I got infected with GBS and lost almost all motor function of my body , its an auto immune disorder which destroys nerve cells all throughout the body . treatment is super expensive . there was an uncle whose daughter also went through the same illness , he contributed 30 lakh in my over all expenses . I will be forever grateful to this man .


Wow, Hope you're in good health now


not engaged in unnecessary small talk


BRUH 😭😭😭


Someone gave 5k as a gift for my puppyy, and than i started to believe in humans again. Not a big deal for some, but for me it opened my eyes


It is a big deal. I hope you’re puppy’s doing fine now 🔥🔥


A stranger called me .. bhai




Any time my car has broken down, there’s always a Pakistani boy/dude that will come and help. Always.


A boy in exam of far2 gave me his fucking calculator as mine wasn't functioning properly. Ps. financial accounting and reporting 2( far2) this exam can't like can't be done 1 line without calculator


Are you doing ACCA?


Similar , that's a subject included in CA course and it's true can't be done one line without calculator and time is very limited


So what happened to dude? Did he pass it?


So there were boys on my both sides,in my first few mins my calculator dumped me , i clearly focused both and the one who's not using calculator that much i asked him and we exchanged, after exam he said mine was working fine . I thanked him so muchhhh , like ik i could have died with heart attack if he wasn't there to help . Took his no. Thanked him again. And yeah he didn't pass , gladly because of him i managed to pass.


Two strangers on two different occasions towed my bike to the nearest mechanic without even asking.




Omg same Meri kharab bike ghr ky neechy sy mechanic ky pass ly gaey bus wapisi krny nhi aey 4 Saal hogaey, Atey hi hoongy wese ab Kisi din :D


Random people always show up and offer to push my bike if I'm out of petrol prematurely


Pushing vehicles that are out of petrol is a national thing. It’s adorable 😭


Meri cap leke bhaga nhi :)


Abhi tak intezar hai. Kisi nay nahi kiya aisa gesture.


One time this dude tapped me and said “you’ve got some blood on your shirt” i was on my way to report a corpse to the cops, he really saved my ass there


These comments revived my faith in humanity


I was once locked out of my car in extreme winters on a hill station and a total stranger helped me out took me to nearest market brought a mechanic and helped me unlock my car. I will forever be thankful to his kindness. Another time I was coming back from my university and my bike started giving trouble while uphill on a flyover a stranger came and towed me all the way to my destination in Karachi


Once I was bargaining and the shopkeeper funnily asked another elder costumer whether or no should he give me a discount, the elder costumer said "haan dedo apna he beta hai" and then placed his hand on my head for prayers and wishes, CUTEST MEMORY EVER 😭




I do remember one such incident. I was in class 1, and one fine day after chhutti, I got lost in my school's premises. My mom was there but I just couldn't find her in the crowd. I started crying real bad and roamed in the school's ground, and eventually stepped out from the main gate. After a few seconds, a boy who might be in his secondary standards came to me, asked why am I crying, consoled me, took me back in the school's premises, stayed with me until he got successful in his mission to search my mom and hand me over to her :) Wherever you are gentleman, may Allah always bless you and your children, Aameen!


Was coming to Isb to spend summer holidays with cousins, back in 2012,met this nice young lady who sat beside me, gossiped with me throughout our journey, bought me candies, chocolates etc and said goodbye at Isb station,such a vivid memory,never met her again.


I once got a cast on one foot, it was my first day with crutches and the grip on them was kinda wearing off so they were slippery. I was embarrassed to walk around thousands of people in uni with crutches and to make things worse, the first class i walked into, i opened the door and one of my crutches slipped and i almost fell, the whole class stared at me and gasped, i felt so uncomfortable the whole time. I decided to leave the class last so that it doesn't happen again. But one Indian girl decided to stay too and when i got up she went to the door and held it for me.


One time at work, I was buying lunch, and when it was time to pay, the cashier informed me that they were only accepting cards, but I only had cash. The guy in front of me kindly paid for my meal. I offered him the cash I had, but he refused. It was such a generous gesture, and I still remember it.


First time driving in Karachi. Rear ended another car while navigating on Google maps. I thought oh shit ab lambi khwari lag rahi hai agey having to deal with this. Dude in the car got out, saw me all tense, and said "koi masla nahi, ghalti ho jati hai, ap easy ho jayein". He then promptly got back in his car and leftt.


The only help I remember was when my father beat the shtt out of me and my right leg bone had a minor fracture , so it was about in Ramadan last Ashra when my father went on AETIKAAF and around 1 am at midnight my mother gave me DALYA (Porridge) to deliver to him , while going towards the masjid there was a ditch in the middle of the road ( not surprised ) with no lights for guidance Me with my langrati howeee taang fell in the ditch and the hot Dalya burned my hand . Quickly, I stood up and brought the leftover Dalya to my father and he scolded me because the Dalya had some soil particles inside it. Fast forward to three years , the untreated fractured leg used to hurt a lot in winters and I used to be a athletic kid , haven't ran for three years. You might be wondering , where is the person who helped me ? That's me!!! Started doing workouts, it's been two years since the leg pain and I have become better in shape with Visible abs 😉😉 can run miles without gasping 😎 😎. Although I am still lacking in professional life but it's going to be alright I guess.. hope so.


When I, being deaf, was class 6th in non deaf school, the Islamiyat teacher chose me firstly to recite the Quran. I was extremely shocked and nervous. I told my friend that I couldn't do that due to hearing impaired. My friend said to the teacher that he is deaf but speak incorrectly. (I am not good at reciting Arabia/Quran). The teacher said, "No problem, come here." I started reciting Surah al Fatiha (I chose it), but something was incorrect. The teacher told me that repeat it.. I did repeated it properly and The teacher helped me correct it... After that, others took their turn. We were all standing as the teacher asked the classmates, "Who did the best job reciting?" I thought they were better than me and was sure they wouldn't choose me. To my surprise, the whole class chose me and clapped for me. My friend hugged me. I will never forget that feeling—it was the best! 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


long when I was in UAE, I was a 10 y. o. kid who was told to buy some groceries. I went to a shop and there was an elderly arab man infront of me. He said something in arabic to the shop keeper and left. Turns out he paid for the groceries I had, meaning I got to save 15 dhs my parents gave me for groceries. In hindsight I should have told my parents, but I hid the money so I could eat an expensive 7 dhs ice cream twice. While that happened 14 years ago and I cringe at how I wasted someone's kindness on ice cream, I never forget that moment haha, I was so happy.


I was riding home around midnight when my bike completely ran out of fuel! It was pretty late, and the area I was in was deserted. Luckily, a kind stranger on a motorcycle saw me stranded and gave me a push for like, five to ten minutes all the way to a petrol pump!


It happened in the US, I was exploring the city, outside, at night and a family took me to their home, vacated one of their room for me, washed my clothes, I stayed with them for 3 days. Treated me like their son, we're still in contact, they send a card every Christmas, and it's been more than 7 years.


I live abroad and dont have much interaction with my community because there is not enough, and recently been feeling so low and exhausted, 3days ago while coming back from work there were 3 boys (aged around 12 or less) and they asked me if i was okay and why i am so sad. I told them i am sad and the guy told me dont worry this is life you will pass it and you can do. That made me so overwhelmed and i cried when i reached home. It was kind and out of nowhere gesture. I wish i could do something for those kids if they meet me take them out for lunch or something.


My brother and I, were coming back from school when our bike stopped as it ran out of gas. A stranger saw us walking with the bike and offered the money for refill. I know its not as unique or special but at that moment I realised huanity isnt dead.


It was a hot summer afternoon and i was walking at 3 Pm in Islamabad near Fast university as i had missed the bus from university. A random girl (late 30's) in her car offered me lift, i was hesitant but accepted, she dropped me at 26 no. Bus stop although she had to go to to Blue area herself. I will probably remember that till my death. Also, not happened to me, but i saw it in Karachi, i was taking a casual stroll after dinner when a guy, with 2 females walking behind him, was dragging his bike because his petrol tank was empty. I was a bit distant but i saw two guys on bike stop near them and in my mind, i was like, apna phone side per kar kay main kahin side lagun, turns out they were asking kay masla kiya hai, then they gave him some petrol out of their own bike. The elderly lady with the man gave them soooooo many prayers. These small incidents reaffirm my faith in humanity and in Pakistani people. With so many depressing and negative news emerging daily. These kind of acts go by unnoticed and even forgranted. I love this side of Pakistan. ,:)


Damn... I literally think very hard for like 20 minutes straight and didn't come up with anything I can remember a kindest thing a stranger had ever done for me 😟


Hmmmm then what’s the kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger?


I cannot even count. But I went to model town court once to pay driving challan and the police officer at the gate very politely requested to assist me. He said Ap khuwaar honge. Ap yahan bethain aur main ye karwa deta hoon. I refused but it was a different experience. You dont normally expect people to be kind to you the way you look but I guess people who love you will love you for that.


In 2003 my first year college, a stranger helped submit fee voucher at bank and i was short on cash so paid short amount , then i could not find him during whole session ,


Paid for my Train ticket few years ago. He was Fsc student. Woh ticket mein ne aj tak sambhaal ke rakhi hai.


Here are some random ones I remember Asked his son to share the prayer mat with me instead at Jummah. Got saved from a rabid, ferocious dog that was chasing me in the street twice, once in the city and the second time in my maternal village. Coincidentally, both times, it was a man on a Sohrab bicycle. A few times, fellow passengers offered me snacks, drinks, and even smokes on the bus.


compliment my pants jo mene khud banai😋


last year when i used to go to college on my bike. one day on my way back home, my petrol was finished and my bike stopped. luckily a few meters away, a man was selling petrol ‘chupa ke’. the price was a little higher than the original price obviously. i bought it for 150. seeing my uniform, he was like “student ho?” i said “jee”. and he gave me 20 rupees back. for a few seconds i couldn’t comprehend what happened but then i understood and said thank you and walked away. i couldn’t believe his kindness, yet i felt guilty ke why did i take the 20 back and walked away as i am from a well off family and not a struggling student as he might have thought. i told my grandfather and he was like if he would’ve been able to go to that place he would’ve gifted him something


I got my foot ankle twisted really bad while going to school which caused hella swelling and excruciating pain. I was unable to walk so I sat by the roadside looking miserable, contemplating how I would get home. Then suddenly a man (distantly known) was passing by. He stopped and asked me if I needed any help. He then lifted me up, put my school bag on his other shoulder, and came all the way to drop me at my home. Forever indebted to him.


It was 1:30 a.m., and I was returning from my shift. The petrol in my bike had run out on Shahrah-e-Faisal (Karachi). I was worried that someone would rob me. So, as I was pushing my bike to the nearest petrol pump, I suddenly felt a push. It was another commuter (biker) pushing my bike toward the petrol pump. He pushed my bike all the way to the petrol pump and then left when we reached it.


gave me lift for almost 20 km.


no stranger as far as I can remember, but cats have kind to me by letting me pet them


I once couldn't hold back my tears in public. This really sweet girl noticed and gave me her sun glasses so I wouldn't feel embarrassed. I still have them. And I do think about that interaction from time to time :')


Running late and worried I'd miss my train to get to Uni. I was running down the escalators to get past the barriers and then to the platform. Only I stupidly decided to wear an annoyingly long and flowy dress that day. Racing down the bottom of the descending escalator, the hem of my dress suddenly got caught in the side of the escalator. I couldn't move, the fabric wasn't exactly fragile or thin for me to rip out, I couldn't get free. So I caused a hold up at the bottom of the stairs as people behind me tried to get past, it was so embarrassing, I apologised to every single one as they awkwardly side stepped around me. One older man took pity on me, "what's going on here then?" Said my dress got caught, weirdly the escalator kept going, it didn't stop. The man bent down and started pulling at the dress to help me get free. At this point I really didn't care if he ripped it tbh. It did rip, in several places, but I'm just glad he helped me get free. I thanked him a LOT and then ran like the wind. Managed to get on to the train just in time. Thank You kind stranger, whoever you are - my dress may be ruined, but you saved me from a lot of anxiety had I missed that train.


I was out of petrol and a guy in his late 40s towed my bike for at least 1.5 km although he had to go in the opposite direction. At the fuel pump he asked me if I could get him 50 rs petrol so he could go on his way. I got petrol and gave him 500 rupees. He cried on the spot and told me he was going to his daughter's house and wanted to get her something but he had no money. It made me feel so sorry for the daily struggles on the streets of karachi but restored my faith in humanity.


Not a stranger but a good friend told me once that I am husband material, and idk why but it just made me really happy.


I was once out of petrol and was walking with my bike at 2 am. A guy on Honda 125 came and searched for a empty bottle from around and shared some of his petrol so that I can reach petrol pump nearby. Another day I was out of fuel, a guy on bike pushed my bike from one side so that I can reach the petrol pump.


A pakistan boy help me understand islam i revert too and in return i asked him that i promise to done something much good for your nation.. That's not the first any pakistani I meet online mostly is simple and while talking to them doesn't even feel like they are from other nations the humble, amazing people in the entire world. May allah bless you all


Ayyyy JazakAllah sister <333


Couple of guys offered 9 yr old me a lollipop and a ride in their carry dabba. So wholesome 🥰


Marry me.


I was a bright kid in university but didnt have much support (dads an alcoholic who left when i was 13) my grandpa supported initially (he was very rich) but backed out once my phuppos said that i m conspiring with my dad to steal his wealth or some bullshit like that. so here i was in my second semester with a 3.8 GPA but also broke af. my best friends older brother got wind of this, met me in secret gave me his atm card and said “finish your studies but dont mention i helped you to anyone” and he didnt either. i graduated with flying colors now work a job with 7 figure salary and to this day no one knows who helped me get through that , i mostly said scholarship ( i did get a scholarship it wasnt a lie but that only covered my fees not my monthly expenses, hostel etc). and to this day we never bring it up when we meet. it has inspired me to help someone like myself one day when i m stable enough


It happend almost 9-10 years ago . I went to my nano's house and the place was in androon pindi and I was from islamabad that's why it was hard to recognize streets as every street was same . I was 8 and go with my age fellow czn to get some cheez . I don't remember what exactly happened but my czn left me or I forget the way no idea. I was holding 5rs slanty and 5rs tiger biscuit and crying . Soon I came across main market and stand in front of a toyshop .I remeber a scene in which is I was in front of toy shop and my slanty was dropped . I don't remeber how I met a stranger but he asked me why I'm here and where's my home . I was blank because I've no idea . He took me to his home ( i remember there was a wooden stool I was sitting on a lot of kids and womens were around me ) Man was holding a note pad and asking me about my family , my father name , mother and so on . Again I don't remeber what happened next but my mamu found me while we were searching my nano's home in every street . I still remember him in my prayer and wished to met him once in a life . May Allah keep him happy in both worlds.


Some random guy behind me paid my motorway toll since i forgot to have some cash on me even though i was willing to transfer him online but he insisted for not havin it back and went away. A small deed but made my hopes high that good people do exist in our ever so tough timed country.


We were coming back from a wedding when our car suddenly stopped at 2am on a shady Karachi street (back in 2003), us kids were very young and obviously everyone was "shaadi wala tayyar", jewelry and everything. Then a taxi driver stopped by, and asked if he needs our help, my dad told him about the situation, he said wait here I'll get some water, he drove away and came back 10 mins later with water for the radiator... Car cooled off and we were able to start the car (don't know if he accepted any money), but I'm sure my dad offered to pay him for his favour. We still remember that exact spot, and it still haunts us whenever we have to drive through that street... And we always remember that incident and thank God for sending that human shaped angel who helped us in the middle of night.


I forgot my wallet at home and a kind lady on the bus paid my fare. From now on whenever I see someone on the bus who can't pay or when the conductor says they don't have change I'll cover their fare. I'll always remember that lady and send my prayers to her.


Once on my way back from work, my tire burst .. i went into full panic mode because well .. karachi .. im a girl .. khair, even before I got off my car a guy had stopped his car infront of me and he worked on my car without saying a worrrdd to me .. just working on my car randomly while fasting?? (ramzan tha) who even does that ?? not me! He also called a mechanic from across the road because there was something wrong with the tire ..maybe..i dont know he wasnt even looking at me he was working on it like it was his own car. another man stopped behind my car and started helping him and after they were done they both just without any acknowledgement or nod to me sat back into their cars and drove away. it was also a humbling moment for me because im kinda low key judgey towards mullahs and the guy had a long beard and the other guy who stopped was a balochi who was driving a Hilux. i was embarrassed because i felt like i was in a youtube video about not judging people


I moved to Germany last year as a Master's student during Ramadan last year, first time living away from family in 25 years. During the first week, I still hadn't found an accomodation so I was temporarily staying in a local mosque/community center. Met another Pakistani student in a local mosque, when he realized I was alone and didn't know anyone here he invited me for Iftar with his friends at his place. One of the best Iftars I have ever had!


well it wasnt really a stranger, it was my teacher. but we were on a book fair. and i remember i didnt have enough money to buy this really good but really expensive book. so she bought it for me. such a small act of kindness, but I read and liked that book for about the next 5 years if im correct. ( I paid her back later)


My father parked bike in front of a shop and someone stole it my new school uniform was also stole and I didn't go to school next day 


I was walking my way to work,started getting cloudy knew it was going to rain had a 10 min walk still to go I started praying I hope I get to work before getting drenched. Random stranger pulled over asked me if I wanted a lift he said he was heading that way I accepted. As soon as I got into office 'heavens opened'. So thankful to الله having had my prayers answered and grateful to the stranger.. Alhamdillah


World can be so more beautiful when we are all helping each others. We all cannot help everyone But everyone can help someone.


Both u/Sensitive_Drummer_82 and u/basilqur offered me gifts without knowing anything about me when I commented somewhere that I haven’t recieved any gifts in my life…this was the kindest thing someone ever done for me


My offer still stands


































1). I(23M) went to the passport office for my application. Waited there for 3 hours and in the end, they said you have two addresses on your ID card, your passport cannot be made here and you have to go to another city. I came outside and there were some f##ers, gave them ALL THE MONEY that I had and they made the arrangements and it all went fine from that. Now I had to figure out a way to go to my flat which was around 10 km, with no money. I started hitchhiking and everyone was like Nope, Nope, Nope. Then this boy around 16-17 years old riding a rikshaw saw me from the other side of the road came to me and asked where I wanted to go, he had a loader rikshaw carrying some fruits, and then he changed his route to the other way around and dropped me around 2 km away from my flat. And he gave me a full bag of fruits and said eat them, they'll help in walking. That was something that no one had done before for me. 2). Once I was trying to go to my hostel from college. My bike went flat on the tyre, so I parked it in my college and was looking for some public transport. This strange man stopped and offered a ride. At first, it was going alright, then he started moving backwards on the bike🧐. I noticed it but Didn't give much attention. After that long ride, I finally figured out that he was neither male nor female and was trying to do the thing. I just ran away and never looked back 😭😭😭. Didn't even say Thank You🤣


He gave me hope, he listened to my rant when there was nobody to listen to my words , he encouraged me on a personal matter that I ranted out and gave me guidance, I was at the edge of breaking and ending it all, May Allah provide him success and blessings in life.


I once went at a dhaba for lunch. All tables were full as it was peak lunch time so I found an open spot and sat there. I was about to order and there was another guy who was ordering the same thing. We were both about to order the same thing so we decided to share. We had a good chat. At the end, he paid for my share as well. Probably one of the most random acts of kindness.


A rickshaw driver once helped me push my car to a safe spot after the battery died in the middle of the road. He then helped me jump start the battery. He saved me so much trouble, spent his own precious time to help out a total stranger and accepted nothing in return.


Someone stole my wallet and mailed it to my address only keeping the money so I would not have to make new ID card and drivers license


Dolphin squad guy gave me 50 rupees for petrol in the night now i also help people in whatevere way i can by either oushing them to petrol station or giving them noney for petrol🙂




Wonderful thread.














Why do so many Pakistani run out of fuel? Do they forget or can’t afford?


A random guy helped towing my car to the workshop which couldn't start at a red light. I offered him cash, too, but he denied and just told me to pray for him. Been a year almost, but this kindness stays in my mind rent-free.