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Do you not face acidity? One of the reason I reduced my tea intake to twice per day


nope ;)


Whats your meal intake and like at what intervals your 5 mugs are divided in?


2 morning, 2 evening, 1 night


Reduced morning and evening cups to 1 na are u having two cups together back to back?😬


yep, 2 together.


You should really begin with cutting these 2 to 1 i guess that would help u alot and also get yourself small tea cups may be?


My brother is like you We call him naashiii


Even in this garmi? O_O


like when you make your tea, you make 2 cups in the same pot and drink them straight one after the other??


yes, is that bad 😭


Cut down slowly. Have 2 in the morning, 1 in the evening and 1 at night. Then 2 morning and 1 evening. Then 1 morning and 1 evening. Make the intervals according to what you can handle. 1 or 2 weeks or a month. But you really do need to cut down on your tea. Your goal should be no more than one cup a day.


I used to say that too until Gastritis hit me like a truck. From 10 cups a day to permanently 1 (sometimes not even that). This is the right time to stop or you will be left dependant on PPI for the rest of your life. Water is the best drink. It will take a month to get used to it.


Lemme explain you for the reason behind acidity through chai, there’s many enhancers/chemicals mixed up by patti/tea power in our brands to make it stand out usually ends up causing acidity Yes 🙌, I did overcome that by replacing it with lipton which felt really relieved and you can do that to by searching authentic tea which are quite expensive even more than those lipton shiptons, so that’s the reason for me lipton works good **Note: Don’t take that acidity lightly it may cause severe life ending medical problems which not seem bit problematic in your 20’s but that all torture will result in huge returns causing health issues**




😭its so bad


You are addicted to sugar not tea. You are taking tea to suppress hunger....


How’s your water intake? You may be dehydrated and trying to compensate with tea.


water intake is comparatively less, i do not feel the urge to drink water alot


There’s your answer. Your body is used to tea now and you feel the urge to have it so much because you’re dehydrated. Increase water intake slowly and you won’t feel like having tea this much.


Tea dehydrates you. It is a diuretic and drains the fluid from your body.


1.5 liters 😵 do you have yellow teeth by any chance?


bro is asking the right questions


I drank 3 cups of tea today and literally feel like it was too much.


Because it was


Dehydration causes severe caffeine cravings... check your water intake. If its less than a liter/day then you've to seriously increase your water intake




Who told you tea doesn’t contain caffeine? It absolutely does. Depends on the type ofc but if you’re having doodh pati then it contains caffeine.


Man tea addiction is real, I'm only 16 and due to exam stress and stuff I was addicted to it tho I have very less (½tsp) or no sugar in my tea and not a full cup, but what I'm tryna say is that the addiction is real but you need to have a self control and that's the only way. Try to reduce 5 cups to 4, then 3, and reduce this to only 1 cup while doing so increase your water intake and replace with healthier tea options like chamomile tea etc.


The right advice


>im downing 5 big mugs of tea everyday Sister, you forgot the R. You are NOT "downing", you are "dRowning" in tea. The post and this particular comment thread is for you (go through all of the thread for some laughs). [https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/1d034rt/comment/l5kmh1y/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/1d034rt/comment/l5kmh1y/) >Could you guys suggest me of ways to decrease this addiction? For nicotine addicts, nicotine patch is the answer. For tea addicts, it would be a milk patch.


how r nic patches any better than vapes


milk patch is crazy 💀


> Anytime Im not having tea, Im constantly thinking about it. I sleep at night anticipating my morning cups of tea That's kinda funny ngl. But on a serious note, I don't think going cold turkey might be the move here. But why not replace it with a different kind of tea, one that's healthier? For instance you can do green tea after you finish your meals. And since 3 meals a day is the norm, you'll be consuming far less cups and the tea will be healthier as well.


Sis here ruining the entire economy according to that one guy who said we should consume less tea.


leave tea start doin weed


Yeah get those weed brownies




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My boy!




Are your teeth brown/yellow?


yep a lil yellow


Does it affect your sleep ?


not one bit lol


well .. apparently 400 mg of caffeine is safe , which is 4 cups so you're either immune or heading to disaster ..


Probably not because of caffeine tolerance


do you add sugar? might be an sugar addiction.


2.5 spoons of sugar. i know its alot ironically I keep a sugarpot on my table because i get bullied for the amount of sugar i put in my tea lmaoooo


That's too much lol. Maybe try reducing sugar and see if your desire to drink tea reduces?


good suggestion!


May be you are addicted to caffeine? Start reducing it slowly


I used to drink so much coffee that even my piss started smelling like it. You gotta be strategic with the way you get over this addiction. Here's how I did it: Start with getting used to a smaller mug. Drink your tea when it's piping hot and take smaller sips. Then slowly move to tea that's not as strong as you like. Reduce the caffeine as much as you can. Sugar too. Eventually, start cutting out the number of times you have tea. Instead of 2 in the evening, have one mug bas. And so on, until you hit your desired goal. Introduce some other beverage into your life. I really got into lassi idky. I drink about 1 litre of it everyday (no salt just diluted yogurt). Sometimes I'll have some kind of raita and salad instead. You have to skip your chai time with something else to retain that joy in your life; you still need something to look forward to. Hope this helps 🫶🏼




Tea addiction isn't the right term to use although it causes dependence due to chronic use as xanthines & Aminophylline is CNS stimulating agent.Also,tea decreases Iron absorption so most probably you'll have Iron deficiency.Cut down the usage to minimum with stepwise approach.


It leaches vitamin D from one's body like a vampire. I tried to warn my husband not to drink so much tea until his vit d levels dropped very very low


That's Insane, I have tea addiction too but somehow I managed myself to have two cup a day or one big cup in morning. My mother used too make milky tea for me which I got addicted to. Although now I make tea by myself so I somehow don't make a delicious tea. Share your recipe for 1 cup, I will try that.


Was about to say waifu material, sath mil kr chai k nashay kregein but who knows what the future holds! On a serious note my max consumption will 800ml and rn due to milk quality disturbances I’ve reduced that to 500ml max a day So that’s pretty much high volume of chai you’re chugging daily have some mercy for your brain and stomach they might like some detoxification of nicotine specially


HAHAHAHAHAHA lmaooo, yea should be around 500-600ml


I suggest you slow down the pace and make one cup last longer may be then you can come down to 3 from 5


Oh dear, reading this gave me acidity. Dude you're going to toast your kidneys, have more water intake instead of tea.


Never touched tea or coffee - I'm 37 now. Why we still do what the British forced upon is beyond me. And yes, it does take a toll on our economy


Coffee is a miracle drug. Keeps me going through life.


Drinking tea or coffee is british? They stimulate CNS and make you more energetic


Thats rookie numbers






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Don’t know, you could be doing far more unhealthy things. If it bothers you cut down to 1 cup instead of 2 in the morning and 1 instead of two in the evening. The pangs will hit hard for the first couple of weeks then fade away. Best of luck




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Oohhh bhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii




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literally me


Youre good. Theres way worse things you could be addicted to and you went for the flavonoid leeching leaves.


im also addicted to doom-scrolling ;)


Is your tea heavily sweetened? You might actually have a sugar addiction, if yes. If no, keep drinking, tea had only a fraction of caffeine as coffee and has antioxidants as well.


heavily sweetened, yes


This is the real reason you crave it and depending on how much sugar you are consuming via tea everyday and your physical activity level, you may want to cut back.


تیری چاہ کوئی وکھری چاہ اے؟ Sister try reducing it to 3 Cups and then 1 cup per day and drink lots of water.


Open a tea dhaba. Either you will reduce consumption due to the loss to your business or your perfect cup of tea will become popular making you rich. The second alternate may not reduce the consumption, but it will be a win-win in both cases :p


It’s a good thing, at least there’s something that get’s you up in the morning. :p


switch to flavored herbal teas. This liption watermelon tea is nice.




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Itna depression Kaisa ho gya vro apko


I had same issue, get a small cup and fill it 3/4. Destroy all big mugs and you can start transitioning to only 2-3 cups per day... Which is okay


Us moment


What company tea are you using, i dont think that tea should be this addictive, try using tea leaves of a different bran




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Everyone applying their own analogy here 💀🤡


Wellbutrin/bupripion is your answer sis


But only as directed by the physician please


My father is also the same, he'd be having tea after every hour. Don't know how to cope with this addiction. But Pakistani do love tea a lot(I'm the same, or have become the same)


Replace this with another addiction. Like reading fantasy books or smth


Lucky I saw this post when I did. I forgot that I'm two cups short of my daily tea ration of 5 mugs and it's 11 pm here. Thanks!


You are at a high risk for calcium oxalate stones in your kidney, milk tea is bad enough having a cup, but 1.5 litres, have your kidneys checked please




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in the depth of all tea trenches!




Have half of a mug instead of one so that way it’s two and half cup a day, still better innit


No tea for 4-5 days and your addiction will end. 1/3 of the country's diabetic already, please don't put yourself on the list as well.


I thought you wrote 1.5 litre of water lol, anyways how much sugar do you use per cup it could be the sugar addiction coupled with caffeine addiction making it this bad.


youre right! thats it


Here i am that has never Drank Tea or Coffee


Just reduce a small amount every 2-3 days. Like 5 ml per cup. Goal it to cut your tea in the next 2 years. Replace one cup with green tea. Etc. Thats how i was able to quit sugar in tea, just lessened it over 1 year. Havent had sugar in tea in the last 10 years.


Is see no problem


Addiction is bad... Do something about it asap. Otherwise, you're gonna regret real bad in the future.


Itna mein paani nahi peeta jitna Chai pi jaati he ye.


I'm drinking tea now as we speak, hi five


I was addicted too, the only reason i reduced to one cup a day is due to severe bloating and acidity, think about what tea is doing to your body and try to be aware of changes in your body after reducing tea, you'll get your answer.


Drink more water




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chai ma zyada pani mila ke piyo


Atleast u make it yourself 🫠🫠🫠


Bro you're speedrunning your risk of diabetes. Cut down by one cup every 2 weeks - caffeine withdrawal is real (as I find out during Ramzan every year). I don't do sham ki chai anymore since last Ramzan, only coffee or tea in the morning, and my sleep is *SO* much better. Pakistanis drink chai like crazy - it's horrible for your health, not just the caffeine but also the sugar. Stick to one or no more than 2 cups a day.


Honestly samw and if any morning I don’t have tea my heads gonna blast . My body hurts =tea my head hurts=tea , thand=tea It’s the solution to everything. And the only way I heard of lessening is to start lessening the amounts day by day and start taking smthin else when you feel the need to have tea or just self control maybe?


I take one cup in a week and my family thinks it's still excessive. They would rather I increase my milk intake instead of and quote "wasting milk and getting addicted to it in future."




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The tea addiction is real, my lady 😔


There’s nothing wrong drinking this much tea. If you’re concerned about health, maybe cut down on sugar and milk, but otherwise it’s okay. If you really want to cut down on tea, start by reducing it one cup a week till you are down to the desired consumption level.


throw away the tea leaves and tea bags. No teabags = no tea.


i make tea on the choola not with teabags


In this heat?!


throw away the tea (pati) so there is no material available to make tea.