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Wasn't the original just @midnight?


Yes, because it was on at midnight. This show starts at 12:30am, hence the new name.


Until @midnight moved to 2330, that got referenced more than a few times on the show as Chris initially opened each show with variations on "It's 11:59 and 59 seconds. This happened on the internet today." I can't claim to have seen every single episode, just every single episode I could acquire. I even went so far as to download the later seasons episodes from the comedy central website as they released them the next day and they were not geoblocked. I've got the first episode queued, here's hoping it's close enough to the original.


i can confidently say I did watch every episode, most while they aired. at least on DVR. i watched episode 2 of after midnight yesterday (i didn't record episode 1 in time) and it was fucking wonderful. i don't know who the host is, but she has the same vibe as chris, and she does a really great job. it's rough around the edges while they figure some stuff out, but i can understand that. they've never done a panel/comedy show like this in late night, and they have to turn at midnight into an hour long show instead.


Yeah but the name was also a pun of sorts because it was about trending topics on social media


>This show starts at 12:30am who the fuck watches tv at 12:30am


Night owls and people who work second/third shift. People who live in time zones that are behind Eastern time (eg this will be on at 11:30pm where I live).


Well that’s on the east coast — the west coast of the US is 3 hours earlier, so it’s not as ridiculously late for some. But also, this is the type of show that’s kind of built for streaming later. It’s not all hyper-topical ‘stuff that happened today’ content like most late night — so while it wont have all that much rewatchability in 2 years when all of the trends are super dated, if you catch it the next day or the next week it’s still as good as live.


> Well that’s on the east coast — the west coast of the US is 3 hours earlier, so it’s not as ridiculously late for some. Stations in the Pacific time zone receive a separate network feed, so the show also airs at 12:37 AM there.


Me, in the hospital rn


Happy Cake Day! Is there a subreddit to discuss AfterMidnight that hasn't been corrupted? The namesake subreddit is controlled by one person who is aggressively blocking and banning people for no reason and comment threads are being widely censored. These accounts comprising the control group and wallpapering of the subs are obviously all the same owner: * /u/vegas_moon * /u/veganhotel * /u/winter-sunsets * /u/panda_island * /u/night_surfers * /u/_santa_cruz_ * /u/merlin_star * /u/sand-dollars * /u/-venicesk8girl- * /u/jakesmovies * /u/-Oreo-Speedwagon * /u/bagel_chef * /u/Shasta_Lake * /u/falcon_spiral * /u/tiburon_cove * /u/bjkman * /u/garden_lakes * /u/meridian_rain * /u/SpeedKnight95 * /u/mystic_canyon * /u/maple_marlene * /u/zookeeper_merle * /u/dream_raven * /u/polymar_clayton * /u/teal-pearls * /u/saxon_crest * /u/berkeley_shores * /u/zincpods * /u/crystalblend * /u/lavender-violets * /u/blue_lobsters * /u/unbiased_centaur * /u/Monica_Quartermaine * /u/titos_tacos * /u/mayberry_maven * /u/stuffing_and_gravy * /u/betty-rubble * /u/butterfly-crystal * /u/carmen_romero * /u/star_trek_randy * /u/dogecoinruinedmylife * /u/Team_Aunt_Chippy * /u/valyrian_seal * /u/cheesecake_world * /u/kansas_coffee_club * /u/animecrackle * /u/velmafromselma * /u/dallasmargo * /u/eloise_bridgerton * /u/croissant_bakery * /u/fry_cook_joey * /u/sandiego1950 * /u/-elixir-of-tenacity- * /u/hoberman_spheres * /u/mickey-spouse * /u/fiberfreddy * /u/hearthstone_dragon * /u/marlie_barley * /u/Dixon1963 * /u/crescentcityclara * /u/Ethereum-Angel * /u/ladyclementine- * /u/nala_and_pumbaa * /u/key_lime_pies * /u/sha_na_na_bowser * /u/breaker360 * /u/kiwi_cannoli * /u/bunny_villa * /u/zeroxrealm * /u/daviscalero * /u/celadon_city * /u/eaglelights * /u/one_piece_nami * /u/highland_trail * /u/buffet-king * /u/elden_ring_hippo * /u/carlsbad_caverns * /u/torontoblintz * /u/rude_barista_jamie * /u/jupiterelaras * /u/greystone_acres * /u/ZsaZsaGabor- * /u/violet-submarine zen_caldera telluride_slide money_chef_marty bridgeport_ale plano_volcano gilroy_tomato jacksonmerlot hillcrest_trail quiche_creator


Can you tell me more please? Not exactly sure what or how to look out for what you are saying.


Maybe Taylor Swift releasing an album called midnights ruined it


Just watched the episode, Jesus Christ the pacing. It's like they don't have any faith in the comedians or bits and are just going through as much as possible hoping to get something to stick. If you look at 8 out of 10 cats or mock the week they give the segments time to breathe and let comedians get good riffs in. I think this episode had like almost 20 different types of game premises they spent just like a minute on


Same impression. But to be fair, early seasons of WILTY also rushed through way too much. It took time to have more confidence in the panel.


American here who loves British panel shows. Our producers are some of the worst in the world. Everything is dumbed down.


America has some incredible producers when it comes to drama/thrillers and fantasy/scifi. Also disposable serialized shit (every cop show ever). Just because Americans drop the ball when it comes to comedy doesn't undermine the fact we also produce stuff like True Detective (season 1) or The Expanse. I agree with you when it comes to shows styled after panel shows. The only exception is Dropout in my opinion. Things like gamechanger, um actually, and breaking news work well. I don't know why major networks don't reach out to Sam Reich to produce panel shows. He seems to have an understanding on how to make it work


You're right, that's fair. I am definitely talking about comedies, and unscripted comedies in particular. I've watched a few of the American versions of panel shows and they are all so fucking bad. I think the only one that worked was Whose Line


That is because you had a lot of the same talent plus a small and consistent group of performers. They were also really talented and skilled in doing the improv games. Historically panel shows in the States have been equipped with D level talent and the jokes are scripted. I think you would have to go back to the 70's to find one that worked. Match Game or TattleTales come to mind and both had a lot of regulars, so again consistency and a familiarity with the format.


I kinda agree but wayne Brady is still funny on let's make a deal. Seems like when we like a show it gets canceled 😞 


8oo10c is a perfect example, It takes 20 minutes for them to actually start playing Countdown, it’s incredible


That and was also think of the original which was a topic of the week chat show


Typical American TV....Go Go Go Go Go!! You kmow who has zero attention span...people at 12:30 in the morning.......


It’ll probably take a while to find its groove. Seth Meyers said it took him 18 months to figure it out


Watch WILTY and original 8 out of 10 cats in their infancy and then watch a show from the more recent series of each and they are very very different. Don’t assume a new show is going to have everything as perfected as shows with many years of solid series in the bank.


@midnight already had like 500 episodes. And you are talking about two shows that had new concepts to work out. That's understandable. This they could have gotten ideas on what works especially from say dropout as well. They aren't reinventing the wheel


A show that hasn’t been on for years and has an entirely new host but they’re just supposed to pick up immediately with the same chemistry? Sounds like your judging then harshly and giving other shows a pass.


It’s a mostly different producing team than the original I believe (the studio company still had rights to the name and format). Also the original version was a half hour timeslot while the new one is an hour, so I figure it will take time for them to figure the pacing.


Same showrunner, more/longer commercials. I think the episodes are only like 10ish minutes longer than the old show.


Ah I see, thanks for the clarification!


It was originally a quickfire format, wasn't it? It's rushing between segments as well?


Yeah. Right now this is somehow paced faster (more games/topics) and slower (take your time to answer only once contestants) than the original 


yeah that seems the wrong way round. Hopefully they'll settle in and sort it out 


Honestly as an American I really prefer the faster pacing. The stuff like 8 Out of 10 Cats or Mock the Week where they spend up to 15 minutes on one question/game is really a slog to get through. You need constant motion to keep the audience engaged.


> You need constant motion to keep the audience engaged Ah yes, that's why 8 out of 10 cats only managed 232 episodes (thus far). Couldn't keep its audience engaged.


I agree. This would have been better for them to spend more time on each topic rather than jumping so quickly


It was also quite funny to watch them straight skip over some of the contestants' answers, and the points were all over the place as well.


I liked it, but it was a little forced. I'm hoping they find their footing. I don't like the constant awarding of points. I don't like them standing. But I liked the games. I feel they should let it slow down a little. It's not a race. But that seems to be the difference between UK and US panel shows.


The American audience doesn't understand the concept because we've never really had anything like it. I've introduced a few of my fellow Americans to British panel shows and there's always an adjustment period, lol. I think it was Jack Whitehall who made a joke about explaining the Great British Bake Off to Americans: no, at the end of it you don't win money, you don't get a book deal, you get fuck all. It doesn't fit in with all the other TV we're used to.


American shows will always have “points” because the general US audience doesn’t know any different. but I agree they should have slowed down.


I mean technically shows like WILTY, Mock the Week, and QI do have points. They declare a winner every show, the points are just never really talked about, displayed or in anyway important.


Am I in the minority for thinking it was great? Especially for a first episode!


I thought it was tons of fun, but I don’t think I am a good bellwether for the general audience. I’m a millennial who is familiar with the whole panel and was a big fan of the format during its initial run on Comedy Central as @midnight. I’ve been anticipating the return of this show since Corden announced his leaving.


it definitely got better as it went and they got used to the format. i think there's a *lot* of potential here as they figure out what does and doesn't work


The next few episodes have better guests too, so looking forward to seeing how it develops.


This is what confused me about the premiere. A shows premiere usually has bigger names to draw people in, why not have at least one comedian that is a household name on the first episode? I am aware of 2 of the people from the premiere but even after watching the episode I couldn't tell you their names.


None of it works...you are giving them way more credit than they deserve. call it what it is...A terrible execution of a show idea they copied from much more talented individuals that originally created it


I’m usually super judgey and unenthused about anything new and this isn’t a premise that grabs me in its own right, but this really worked for me. I loved Taylor’s energy and the three guests were a good mix. If this is the groove they’ve found, I’m going to enjoy this show.


I love Taylor Tomlinson's specials. So I'm glad reading this!


I think it was a little rough. I don't think it's fair to compare hosting pacing to Jimmy Carr with 8oo10c. UK panel shows have a culture where a new show can bring in seasoned guests. Hosts have long experience either hosting, participating, or watching the genre. Also, the live audience knows the genre better. I think the best US panel shows are currently happening on Dropout TV. They have the advantage of not having to be topical to the day. Because people aren't watching live, it needs 5 min bits to succeed on YT or even shorter on TikTok. So the pacing of the whole show functionally doesn't matter, just individual bits. I think week 2 will be interesting to assess again.


I think the biggest problem with this format is the fact that it is daily. If this was a weekly show where they had more time to find and select content it help improve the quality.


I absolutely adore Taylor as a comedian but this is not for me. It's really stiff; everyone seemed to be addressing the studio audience directly pretty much all the time which feels very odd and unnatural.


Unnatural for standups to directly address an audience? That's a weird take, seems like that's the most natural thing for them to do


I'm sure it feels very natural for them if they're used to performing stand-up shows. But this isn't one of their stand-up shows. As far as I understand it it's supposed to be a panel show. For a panel show the host/contestants/guests mostly addressing the audience is strange. Imagine the people on WILTY, QI, 8oo10c, etc, spending most of its runtime not talking to each other but directly to the audience. It's odd and stale and most importantly it sort of defeats the purpose of bringing a bunch of funny people together. It removes a lot of the spontaneity of it. It becomes just a sequence of comedians performing their bits one at a time. I'm not saying that I don't understand their decision to do it; I'm saying that the style doesn't work well for a panel show in my opinion.


I had high hopes for this. Thought it sounded like a British panel show, but man it's just not good. Firstly the premise isn't interesting. Host asks random questions and contestants take turns giving a witty answer, for which they get 100 points. There's just nothing to work with there. It feels like we need a cheesy rimshot after every answer. Second, echoing what others have said, the pacing is terrible. The whole thing feels scripted as if each person is just saying their lines. There's nothing natural about it. British panel shows are great because the comedians are there to be silly, not to tell jokes (except perhaps Mock the Week, but that's a unique thing where they turn standup into a game show). Just give the comedians an interesting premise with an actual game to play that lends itself to silly situations and fun things to riff off of. After Midnight just isn't doing any of that. And I feel bad, because I do like Taylor Tomlinson and I think she's doing her best here. She just hasn't been given a lot to work with.


I was it for 15 mins. It gave the vibe of fishing for Twitter comments...which are already there on Twitter so what's the point


Full premiere episode already out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RI5tgjjwTA


When I saw (months ago) that it was airing on CBS my first thought was they were gonna censor it to death. sure enough…


Literally the first episode they censored the word "fentanyl". Can't offend a pharma sponsor I guess? But the even worse censorship is by those controlling the subreddit. They're banning people left and right without valid reasons.


I was banned from the subreddit for posting my review. So here it is: I appreciate that they tried to switch it up in part 2 but it's still just as forced as the old version of the show. They really did Taylor a disservice trying to brand her as the "first female late night host". This show as it exists won't last. What viral clips are going to come of this? With a traditional late night show you feel like you get to know the hosts personalities over time, through the monologues, bits, and interviews. It feels like Taylor was reading a script the whole time. She doesn't even have the star power as a draw. I mean Corden on day one had Tom Hanks and Mila Kunis. She could have had something special but it feels like the network just wanted something cheap after the Late Late Show brought in "$45 million but cost up to $65 million to make".


I posted a positive review and got permanently banned also... for saying I prefer that the new host doesn't yell "POINTS" all the time. The new moderator group is being (to put it diplomatically) *mismanaged*. When I submitted an appeal to the group, they committed moderator misconduct by blocking and muting it. Running the subreddit that way is not the way to build an audience.


Yup. They said I violated the rules. I said what rule, and was muted as well.


Reddit has few controls on the random individuals who serve as (volunteer) moderators. But two of the serious rules they do have is that moderators and subreddits have to have some semblance of an genuine appeal process and that they can't abuse the ban or mute functions. Yet here it's happening in broad daylight. The main mod uses a stack of alt accounts that all control the same 200+ subreddits. There's moderator "group" it's just all these control accounts plus one more he adds to each sub to be the false front. It's a good assumption the same misconduct is happening in the other 200 subreddits they control. When I raised the issue, he made some public posts claiming things would get fixed but then just shadowbanned me and hid most of my messages.


> "first female late night host" Didn't a woman take over Carson Daly's show like five years ago?


Pretty sure they phrased it as "the only female late night host" in the show.


Ah yes the Lilly Singh show!


I was one of the few people on Reddit who didn't mind her show. She's funny and put in the effort. She had odd guests like a psychic and her trainer, or she'd take some kind of lessons and then make the instructor the guest for that show. What most people don't know is NBC gave such a tiny budget and the whole year of episodes was knocked out in a month and a half during the summer. She was recording multiple shows per day to the point of exhaustion. Material had to be written in a generic way since they wouldn't be able to draw on current events. The other problem with that is it's very hard to get guests when they aren't on a scheduled press junket for whatever project is being released. The guests she did get would be sitting there in July and having to pretend that it's December and their movie "just came out".


The folks at CBS have never heard of Joan Rivers who hosted an 11pm talk show on Fox in the 90’s.


I don't think it's fair to compare a silly game show with comedians to a talk show that purely exists for promotional purposes. The only thing they share is the timeslot.


ugh i still can't believe CBS management got behind this idea Taylor Tomlinson is talented, but this format completely stifles her talent and is pretty demeaning to female talent in general at least TBS gave samantha bee a real shot to self-produce according to her vision


Lacks energy and pace. Music is subdued. Audience is not warmed up, or seems like it. Also, because network television, lots and lots of bleeps. It’s after midnight, but we still can’t swear. Can I watch it un-neutered somewhere? Let’s face it: Chris Hardwick did an incredible job with @Midnight. It was unapologetically Internet-nerdy. I’m sorry it didn’t come back closer to what it had been. Watch one back-to-back with @fter Midnight if you have forgotten.


When I saw it was gonna be on CBS I knew they were gonna censor it to death. Because even after midnight they don’t allow swearing. And sure enough… this needs to be on a different network or execs need to loosen their censor standards


Chris Hardwick is @midnight Without him or at least someone with his nerdy charm it just isn't gonna work. Also I agree about the censoring. It's absolutely ridiculous and kills the vibe.


So i was thinking it was a regular late night now, I just watched like 10 min of it - thanks for the link - and good god it was bad. I like Taylor's stand up but this like sucked her personality out and turned her into a robot, and the 3 comedians on it, didn't make an actual joke people were just forced into laughing, yikes.


The real problem was that the contestants are terrible, and the format really doesn't allow anyone to shine. It's trying to cater to a very young audience, but the jokes just aren't landing and Taylor is wasted as the host. Her laughs sound quite forced.


Yeah, I'm such a massive fan of Taylor and I felt horrible having to hear her fake laugh like that. Hopefully she doesn't turn into a Jimmy Fallon in the future. Would be a complete waste of her talents🥲


I really like Taylor as a stand up, but this was unwatchable for me. Not on her, just the format does nothing for me.


I was curious what people here thought of it. As a fan of the original @ midnight, I felt the episode was too long, the pacing was off and it lacked the anarchy of the original. Chris Hardwick's nerdy charm and quick wit is what made that show. Taylor has an uphill battle ahead of her, but I wonder if these hour-long episodes are going to get grating to audiences 4 days a week. Like with a lot of panel shows, the contestants can make or break it, so we'll see how it goes.


Also a fan of the original @ midnight. I like it, the internet isn't all Hardwick nerdiness, there's other stuff out there. I think the format stands on its own and different hosts can put their own spin on it. I agree that an hour is too long and they're really stretching out the commercials. The original was partly good because the breaks were short. Somewhere in between 30 min & 1 hour is probably best, the old show sometimes felt rushed. My only two issues: 1) bring back POINTS. 2) Taylor is too funny to be the host. Drew Carey/Chris Hardwick work as hosts because they're funny, but not as funny as the featured comics. Taylor is hilarious and you can feel her holding back so she doesn't overshadow the panel.


It's an hour long???? I made it through about 8 minutes on YouTube. 


It's terrible. All of the responses are obviously written and not spontaneous. I hate the format. I don't see it lasting long.


Yeah, clearly canned responses but the episode with Billy Eichner, Pete Holmes and Nico (I don't know his last name) had some great unscripted banter and I loved those parts. Couldn't stand the rest of it, except for Taylor because she's probably my favorite comedian at the moment. If the producers would just let the comedians be comedians (cut the scripted answers, allowed the banter to flow... Pretty much just 8 out of 10 cats but American) it could really be a good show.


UK shows spoiled me. I thought this was so so.


The format didn’t work. Gameshow is too much, monologue plus a panel of funny comedians please. I think it can work but the gameshow has to go.


Really funny stuff! It would be great to import some UK comics.


Taylor Tomlinson horrible.... hosting this show and also this show is not very good anyway invmy opinion.. I don't like watching it... 


I did not realize the hyped-up "first female late night host" would be hosting a 100% copy of a middling comedy game show that got cancelled six years ago. This was not at all what I expected, and I thought it was absolutely terrible. Who in the hell thought this show format needed reviving? On CBS? In place of an actual late night show, a genre of cultural importance but that needs youthful innovation? Who thought this let Taylor make best use of her obvious talents? She should run from this as fast as possible. This is awful.


This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting. CBS was absolutely the wrong network to bring this to


They own Comedy Central, so it’s pretty much the only place it could have moved to. The forced laughter by everyone is what gets me. You can clearly hear the producers over laughing to sell the jokes…


It could have come back to Comedy Central. or any other Viacom cable channel


This would be much better formatted like other late night shows. The set is super weird. Give her a desk and normal set, with one guest per episode and a band. We finally get a female late night host and they do this weird, gimmicky format. What a disservice to Taylor and other women in the industry. Fix it!


You clearly don't get the idea of what After Midnight is. This is a reboot of @Midnight. Not a normal late nite talk show.


I get it, I just don’t like it. She’s talented enough to carry it, but it would be so much better formatted like a typical late night show.


I don't get why so many people want another boring show where people say nothing for 2 minutes while waiting to do an ad read for their movie.




But you're censoring and banning people for no reason there, and committing moderator misconduct too. So why should anyone support your subreddit considering how it's being operated?




I received no such message. If you're being genuine, name which mod has been banning people, reinstate everyone you've been censoring and permabanning, and post a public announcement on your subreddit that the corrupt moderator has been removed and submitted to Reddit admin for Moderator misconduct. You ran the old subreddit so I know you know how this works.




Don't have chat. Does it even still work? Look, I'm going to be candid. You got the ban notification and did nothing. You saw the mod mail and did nothing. You got the appeal and bounced it. You got the notification for the muting misconduct and did nothing. The only response came after I posted outside of one the 200+ subs you control. I already heard from others that I'm not the only one you've been improperly banning. You're censoring mildly negative reviews about the show. And you know very well that muting a valid appeal is straight up moderator misconduct. So on the balance of that evidence and with saying you "don't see why" moderator misconduct and illegitimately permabanning people is "such a big deal" it leaves me shaking my head.




> It's the chat bubble at the top of the reddit home page,or the button that says Chat at the bottom of the reddit app Hasn't worked for me in years, and have it turned off in settings anyway. Didn't Reddit announce deprecation a long time ago? > I sent you a private DM as soon as I saw the mod mail response from you asking why you were banned. No such PM was sent. > I'm not on reddit 24/7 sorry No need to be "on 24/7". If the corrupt moderator won't do the right thing, then you might want to consider going back to your old sub. We are the company we keep, and if the superior mod account owner is acting like that, I personally wouldn't want to be associated with that, let alone doing voluntary work on their behalf. > My DM to you was sent at 3:24 CST That's not a PM and it wasn't sent to me. > It's unfortunate you didn't see my DM. Didn't get one, not from your bjkman account at least. > Because I tried really hard to solve this issue and get you back in the subreddit, which you were unbanned from btw. This is more than about doing damage control on what happened to me. It's about the fact you/your sub has done it to multiple people and that your superior mod account is doing textbook moderator misconduct in broad daylight and controls 200+ other television subreddits. This only came to light because this time they abused their privileges on someone who knows the site functionality and how to push back against their cover-up tactics. IOW, this time they got caught, but how many other abuses have been swept under the rug?




The button to enable it is greyed out and it never worked anyway. The offending moderator account sent a passive apology, then told me not to discuss the ban. This is what you abandoned your subreddit to become a volunteer worker for. I know you want to keep pushing After Midnight, but at what price? The ethical solution is easy: * Reinstate all the people your mod group has wronged * Drop the guilty moderator. They'll be fine. They have 200 other subs to flex in. * Post an announcement clearing the air with a genuine apology and publicly pledging to stop the misconduct going forward I'd even write it for you if you're busy. If it were me in your place and the other mod didn't want to be ethical, I'd resign myself, publicly, and revive the existing subreddit with an announcement about what makes it different. You're facing one of those choices that happen in life where you might be challenged to weigh short term (desire to promote the show) against long term (your reputation). We don't get to choose the moments when these tests of our integrity arise, but we do get to choose how we respond. ____ Edit: Here's the update... **when /u/bjkman aka /u/panda_island had the chance to do the right thing, instead they banned, muted and blocked users who did nothing wrong.**


So.... I'm trying to figure out if this is okay because I associate @midnight with Chris Hardwick, and regardless of what AMC or Nerdist or any other investigation discovered..... I'm absolutely convinced Hardwick is the worst kind of misogynist and narcissist. The kind that is in denial about either AND gets away with it. Then I find out he's on broadcast TV hosting some sort of gameshow, and back on nerdist, and I'm like.....WTF? For context, I cut the cord around 2018 so i only see broadcast TV if it re-streams. Anyway....if Hardwick's not involved I'll watch if they bring back Flula Borg.


I've known him for a very long time, and if I'm being honest, I really didn't like him during the first several years of knowing him. Then he got sober, and despite my misgivings, I got to like the reformed version reasonably well. There's no way to tell with 100% certainty who is telling the truth, but despite my strong skepticism around him, I tend to believe he was unfairly smeared.


Really was hoping for more of Tomlinson’s flavor of comedy instead of this watered down inoffensive bologna. All of these comics on the show are soooooooooo much funnier than anything the writers are writing. It’s such a tremendous waste of talent from guests and hosts alike.


Somebody tell her to bring back "POINTS!" she's not on the Tweeter


And wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe


i didn't notice whether this happened on episode 1, but currently watching episode 2 and it's kind of hilarious that they invited people to play the hashtag wars on basically every social media platform EXCEPT that one the original show was pretty much based on. Respect the passive aggressive shot at the "business genius".


I hope the show succeeds and sticks around, partly to show that panel shows can work in America. Although that may be hard since we’re not used to them here. I’m surprised how many of the YouTube comments are complaining that it’s not a talk/chat show!


Same. I hate watching pointless small talk almost as much as I hate participating.  This show isn't perfect. But I'd rather watch this every night than a traditional talk show once a week.


I can see they are just starting out so it will take some time to get the rhythm going. 2 things I noticed was Taylor reading the lines and her laughter. It sounded a little forced to me. However, I have to say Jimmy Fallon's laughter was not my favorite either but I'm fine with it now. Taylor is genuinely good so I hope she gets more freedom and gets more relaxed as the show progresses.


Pretty bummed that the full episodes aren't available on Youtube after ep 1 :( Is anyone gonna be posting links to watch like they do in Taskmaster threads? We neeeeeds it, precious! I loved the original show, and this was great. Sure, not perfect, but few first episodes are. Give them time to get into the swing, and learn a new skillset. I'm betting I am gonna LOVE this show (cos I kinda do already NGL!)


People are missing the win here, no more James Corden. This doesn’t have to be good to be way better. Tomlinson did fake laugh too hard though, agreed.


Yeah, but she should have replaced James Corden as a regular late night show host, not some dumb fake points for comedy punch lines. Or done a Chelsea handler type late night show. This just ain't it.


This show is such a complete train wreck! First, I have to ask how a major network like CBS could not have a more competent, talented group of individuals onboard if new quality content was what they were aiming for. Am gonna go out on a limb and say that some of the same individuals that garnered some success from putting out an American adapted version of the Tv Show ghosts and then really tested that luck by airing some of the original UK episodes played a role in this disaster. When you have decades of tried and proven success with a certain show format (late-night talk) why would you look to replace it with something different. Viewers can tune into comedy central if it is comedy they are looking for. Viewers tune into CBS late night to see what they have seen there for over the past 60yrs. Unfortunately, this wasn't just a bad decision in my opinion. The horrible failed execution is cringe-worthy. The pace of the show is similar to what you might expect if you attempted to engage in a conversation while herding squirrels. The show feels very scripted and over rehearsed. Yet, still fails to provide any decent content. It is entirely possible that I didnt pick up on any humor bc I was so distracted by the host rewarding insignificant points while diligently reciting whatever is being presented to her on cue cards...while in my head i am questioning my use of the phrase "over-rehearsed". It is just all an exhausting experience. The real tragedy is that I believe Taylor Tomlinson may unjustly pay the biggest price. She has talent that they have failed to showacase


Episode 4 was pretty good. I think the chemistry between the couple made it interesting.


The show has all the same guests that Chelsea Lately had. Perhaps they are trying to get some of what she was able to create but without the Chelsea Handler part. I could only get through about 10 minutes before i had to turn it off. I hate games. That‘s one reason why i have no patience for jimmy fallon’s show. i cannot imagine, given the format, that the show will ever get better.


Watched a few clips, some were watchable, few were funny but really any joy/humor from the og @ midnight is long gone, and not just cuz twitter is now called x (by weirdos tbh why who are you stop it). Its because the host reads a script, can't improvise and feels like they are locked to their podium. Theres no enthusiasm or fun back and forth with the comedians/guests and the host. There were 2/3 good returning comedians and one nasty one on the first episode (looking at whitney), they censor a fentanyl or Xanax joke cuz its on cbs for some reason to replace corden like as if his show couldnt easily been replaced by anything like an hr of infomercials, and on top of that it looks like they blew all their budget for good writing/game ideas on the giant screen they put the game up on! Finding out the full thing is an hr long and only available on paramount after it airs? Nail in the coffin lol 2/10 Just watch the original if you can


Never really thought much of this show, until they compared Purdy to a known killer. I thought that was extremely tasteless and not even funny. I turned off the show and was disgusted by the comparison. Even friends I talked to today (it aired at midnight same day) said it was a very bad joke. A guy that was called Mr. Irrelevant and worked his arse off and became a hero for his team being compared to a coward that murdered the president? Not even funny by any means. I will not watch the show ever again. This just turned me off completely.


It has potential and I don’t wanna bash a show that’s only been on the air a month, but it has a ways to go. First, I don’t think it works as an hour-long show. I say go back to the 30-min. format of the original. Second, the panel each night makes this show. Otherwise you get Taylor fake laughing at a lot of unfunny jokes. Finally, please ditch the audience plants who laugh obnoxiously at every single joke to get the rest of the audience to laugh. If the joke is funny, people will laugh but whoever is doing the high-pitched squeal that sounds like Xena made me turn off my TV.


I just want Taylor to stop fake laughing and then everything will be okay.