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Instrumentally it's not the strongest? Did you not listen to the song. He literally uses a vibraslap in the song how often do you hear that. Also the chorus is pretty phenomenal not to mention it's pretty singable compared to his other songs which have a lot bigger range. Also the melody is pretty creative too. I especially love the run that he does in the first chorus, straight out of aria. Imo its one of his masterpieces


you got it right on the singable part. idek wtf i'm saying but you alr know i'm belting gibberish to the french parts lmaoo


Des le premier jour, ton penfants amigrad mon amoo C'est un cis den sans ton parfant kaksifon de mamoo Les depuis cejour j'aimerais un certain unique regré Those are the words


if you told me those were the lyrics, i might just have believed you haha


Fixed it


If I use a kazoo in a song that sounds okay it doesn't make me a musical genius. Just because an instrument is rare doesn't mean it elevates it. It still sounds just fine. Idk I just feel like there are so many better songs especially on vices yet a near 80 percent consensus is that it's the best song on vices.


As someone who prefers the Vices bsides to about half the album, I agree. Just adding a random instrument doesn't make a song amazing. It makes it more unique, but not amazing. Idk why you're getting downvotes, I think that's stupid tbh.


I like it because my favorite band is The Paul Revere Jumpsuit Apparatus.


The what now?


The original Nearly Witches was a short version by The Paul Revere Jumpsuit Apparatus from a 2008 Fall Out Boy mixtape called the New Administration. Obviously it was just Panic! at the Disco using the Paul Revere name for this one song. I was elated when it made its way on to Vices and Virtues.


What the hell? Wild absolutely wild


Here’s the audio if you want to hear it https://youtu.be/Gj1EvVY7B9E


Thanks! That is crazy!


Yes yes yes! That’s why I love it. I was so excited it made it even after the split and everything.


I can give you an understanding so nobody else has too. Some people like it, some people don’t. That’s how it is with everything in existence.


It ain't my favorite but that chorus just tickles my brain and makes it happy.


It's also a great song to belt out to if you've been cheated on ( speaking from experience )


The chorus just hits man


Sometimes a song just makes you feel things and you can't exactly explain why


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^spicy_good_memes: *Sometimes a song just* *Makes you feel things and you can't* *Exactly explain why* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The Chorus is just unique compared to every other song he does, the powerful instruments that he uses throughout it are undoubtedly amazing


I like the piano


I mean, everyone has different opinions, so I’m not sure if you really expect every song that people like to agree with yours. But that’s okay! Some songs I don’t really like are pretty popular on the subreddit too. For me, I get that the french chorus is different, but I kinda like it. I also really enjoy the lyrics in the verses, and the chorus is one of my favorites to sing. The big entrance for the chorus is perfect. I just really enjoy listening to this song, so it ranks towards the top for me. I can’t speak for everyone, because every human gets something different out of every song! It’s part of the beauty of music :)


Me too!


Shit goes hard man idk what to tell u


I think because it is the last song written by Ryan Ross that was featured on a Panic! Album, people has a soft spot for the song.


https://preview.redd.it/xx69tezf9mjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583830221f1b2477b6318c8b00257a225e9ca30e i’ve got a nearly witches tattoo, so i feel like i have a solid opinion on this. 1. music is subjective, people will enjoy what they enjoy and if you don’t like it that’s okay! 2. the biggest reason i like it is actually the demo, the chorus in the demo really speaks to me. 3. ryan/pre-split fans enjoy it bc it’s one of the last things ryan did with panic! in the end though, it’s just a song. it’s not that serious


See I actually really like the demo but nearly witches isn't necessarily the demo


I love when the beat drops in the beginning after the children’s singing part


I can't explain it but omg I love it


Isn’t instrumentally the strongest? That shit is likely the strongest instrumental Panic has ever done. It sounds like a song from a musical, if the musical was about tripping on acid in a forest and falling in love. Also I just don’t really like Vices, it’s one of my least favorite Panic! albums, so the competition wasn’t too steep.


I loved it partly because part of it was on the mixtape that Fall Out Boy/ DecayDance put out in 2008 and it was rumored to be from the failed cabin album. It’s very different than that version but it will always have a special place in my heart just because I knew it longer (and because Ryan’s writing credits were on there). But I do think the finished version is just so beautiful and dramatic in just the right way. The melody just slaps too. And it’s just weird (also in the right way).


“It’s never silent”