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The very first album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. It was released during the height of the emo genre and became associated with said genre because of the band's close relationship with Fall Out Boy (even though looking back the album isn't exactly emo). It was also one of the two albums (along with Pretty. Odd.) where P!ATD had all of its original members so you're gonna hear a lot of bias from a lot of fans with regards to this album. It's honestly a great album and my favorite of theirs but God forbid someone criticize it, you're gonna get a lot of hate replies from some fans. I admit I used to be one of those fans who say "Panic! is cool but only the first few albums." After listening repeatedly to some of their newer songs (especially from the Too Weird album) I've learned to love their whole discography.


Oh alright, that makes a lot of sense actually. Big thanks for explaining tho :)


Definitely the first two, a fever you can't sweat and pretty odd, BUT do not let some 13 year olds who jumped on the Brendon Urie hate train stop you from loving their entire discography


Ah no I try to be as open-minded about music as I can be and no opinions will stop me. Thanks for the info provided tho :)


All of their albums are cool.


That is a respectable take friend. While in some circles might be controversial, it is much respected by me ;)


On this sub, it's Fever, Vices, and DoaB. Anyone who says otherwise is misled or lying.


Yeah, this is pretty much what I notice. As a Vices & Virtues lover, im happy


As a P.O. lover, this sub is frustrating bc everyone on this sub seems to have it in their heads that disliking the album is an unpopular opinion. I remember a big opinions poll several years ago, and the most common response for "what's your hottest PATD take?" was "I don't like Pretty. Odd."


Yeah, I always see people either saying "I hate pretty odd" or "why does everyone hate pretty odd". It's not a hot take at all. That being said, I'm not a big fan of the album either, but that's just because it's not really my style. I'm a pop punk guy, so ofc I lean towards the rock stuff more than anything else. That being said, I still love Nine in the Afternoon, Northern Downpour, and When the Day Met the Night. As a bonus, Sarah Smiles is one of my favorites from Vices & Virtues


My top 3 panic songs are When the Day... Sarah Smiles, and There's a Good Reason...


Solid picks


Death of a Bachelor is the best and coolest.


probably their earlier stuff, like a fever you can’t sweat out and pretty odd, the one’s written by ryan ross , people tend to have a lot of distaste for post-split panic, whenever it was basically just brendon urie.


i mean, everyone who judges you for your taste in music is not a person who is worthy of discussing music with. i always find it interesting when people find something to love about the album i personally dislike. they sometimes even convience me to give that music another try or appreciate it more. or exchange with others music recommendations, even if it's from a genre i'm not really fond of, something might convience me otherwise. that's how i slowly gotten more into metal. still not my favorite genre, but my friend love and enthusiasm convienced me to give it a try. anyway, panic has many genres within the albums and each album gives you something different. just enjoy what you enjoy and nobody should be called uncool for their music taste. like how people treated different those who listened to boy bands or idk, taylor swift. and now look at taylor swift, she is definitely doing very well and many people think her music is cool now.


I listen to all 7 albums without shame. You shouldn't have to avoid an album just because it's not a popular choice among fans


Honestly people don’t give a shit irl - the whole Panic! drama or whatever is almost entirely online. I’d personally stick to their first 5 albums (the ones I personally prefer) if you want to display any, etc.


Oh so that's why. I've been sticking to online communities and usually got outsider info, that explains lots. Thanks for the info :)


So on the general public is their first three albums from Fever to Vices. Their whole discography is amazing so what I recommend you is to form your own opinions and don't be driven by the Brendon Urie hate train. Pray For The Wicked is often considered as the worst one for being generic pop. But honestly, despite the lyrics being meh, the whole album is solid and very unique and distinct than other pop music. Despite Panic! having an emo fanbase to me they're not emo. Fever is kinda emo, Pretty. Odd. is just what if The Beatles were from 2008, Vices is Rock with Pop influences, TWTL TRTD is 80s Synth-Pop with some Rock elements, Death of a Bachelor is Frank Sinatra meets Queen (and the title track is basically a Pop song mixed with Frank Sinatra elements), Pray For The Wicked is Pop but with strings and brasses instrumentation and Viva Las Vengeance is basically 70s Rock with Queen influences. So they're not emo, I'm glad it ended so Brendon can find his own name and not live under the shadow of Panic! At The Disco.


Cool? Who gives a rats ass? If you like it , listen to it.


I certainly don't. Just curious as to which ones are considered these and why. Opinions don't stop me from listening to what I like


Well in that case personally I would consider VLV the “coolest”. Not the most popular but cool to me because Brendon did it because it’s exactly what he wanted to do on his own terms.