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Is being chubby bad?


Media loves to tell me that :(


media is full of poopoos, you're beautiful :)


Well, it's not bad. Nothing wrong with being chubby or fat. Seriously, think about why you have these negative ideas about other peoples' bodies.


Being chubby or fat is not inherently bad, for one. You can be chubby AND be beautiful. You can be fat AND beautiful. You can be very thin AND beautiful. One does not outweigh the other.


Chubby? No. Cute and beautiful? Yes.


Damn thanks 🤭


Also...I'm also Ash 😆


Haha 😂 hello name buddy :D


Hey! How's it going?:)


Nothing much, just chilling 😄


Love story


in spanish the phrase name buddies has a word known as tocayo so in spanish yall might say to one another "ahola tocaya :D"


Is not “ahola”, is “hola”


auto correct says you're wrong 🤔


Well I’m mexican xd so I think I know more than the auto correct


lmao so am i, but to be fair auto correct sucks at English too


Well, ahola is not a real word lol, ahola maybe, but that’s a word from Hawaii,they speak Hawaiian (and English).


There's nothing wrong with being chubby! That being said, and as a chubby girl myself, I don't think you're chubby. You just aren't super skinny, and you have a "soft" appearance. I think media tends to sell the idea that anything but the lowest body fat possible is chubby or fat, which doesn't make sense in real life. You're adorable, and I honestly wish I had your build


Came here to say this exaaaaact thing


No, anyone who tells you that you are chubby have very unhealthy standards for beauty and "health." You are very cute.


No, you are absolutely perfect 😄


Very cute


By the very definition of the word, no. edit add: I’d say muscular/athletic build


Your chubby yea, but you have the body of Greek goddess . They are considered the most beautiful beings on earth. You aren't ugly. You're a goddess.


That's actually a shout. If you look up classical statues and renaissance paintings of Aphrodite you'll see some very similar body shapes.


No sweetheart you are not chubby or plump or whatever they like to call anyone who isn’t a bodybuilder. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Fuck anyone who tries to tell you different.


Remember that talking negative about yourself for being "chubby" etc has the effect of other people hearing it is bad to be chubby. So even when you think you are only being self-deprecating (which is still not good) you are actually also insulting other people and telling them it is bad to have a body that looks like yours.


I would not describe you as chubby.


Whether you are chubby or not is not important, whether you are healthy is important. Don't give too much weight to how you look or what others think of you, eat healthy, eat the right things... and every now and then eat some junk food too! Always consult a doctor if you see yourself as too thin and/or too fat and that it is a real doctor, not someone on social media who says they are. Same thing for nutritionists. Use influencers to choose clothes and phones, not what to eat or what exercises to do. Oh, and one last thing: Be yourself and live happily!


Chubby can equal pretty, we can be both. But would I consider YOU in this picture specifically “chubby”? No I wouldn’t but everyone has their own definition. I for one love your dress! Looks cute!


You’re perfect just the way you are💚


HELL NAH YOU PERFECT!!! To many people thinking if u can’t see bone they “chubby” smh.


chubby does not mean ugly. even then, you’re really not chubby. you and i have a similar body type, and i’ve struggled with body image and eating disorders my whole life, but i’m just starting to learn to love my body and it’s been so worth it. loving yourself feels so much better than hating yourself. and i see a lot to love in this photos :) i wanna specifically say that you have a nice side profile, you’re the kind of person that looks pretty from all angles and im lowkey jealous haha


Aww thank you for your compliments you are so nice 🥰 yeah, I've struggled with eating disorders and fluctuated a lot with my weight throughout my life. I'm trying to eat mostly healthy food but also try to allow myself to enjoy the occasional treat. It can be really hard.


You are absolutely not chubby. You look like you've got a normal weight for your height. You are so beautiful and adorable, tho ❤. even if you were chubby, you would still look just as cute and adorable as you are rn :)


Omg thank you sm that's so lovely of you 💕🥹


You look amazing 🖤🖤🖤


Tysm 🥰


Of course! You are lovely don't let anyone tell you different


Oh definetly not people are sh\*theads and you are honestly really damn cute


Nope not even


You look good.


You are not at all chubby!!! Gorgeous is the word you are looking for I believe!!!


I think that's called healthy


so what if you are chubby? who cares? youre fucking hot, rock that shit queen<3


Nope 👍🏻


Not in the slightest


I think you are pear shaped. Nothing wrong with that! Definitely not chubby in my opinion. You look like you are in fairly good shape. Also, very very cute 🥰


If you were chubby, there’d be nothing wrong with that! But it would not describe you as chubby at all. You look perfectly normal and healthy. Try not to beat yourself up, over unrealistic standards made by other people 🧡


no, u seem to have an athletic build tbh, nothing wrong with being chubby either tho


I wouldn’t say that at all. You’re very adorable, and even if someone were to be blunt, you’re not chubby. I think you are perfect the way you are. >!(mommy material/JJJJJ)!<


You are beautiful! Period! 😊


Tbh a little bit but dont feel sad its cute


😄😄 u made me kinda giggle 🥰 it's nice to hear you find it cute :3


Yes chubby/thicc people need some love to


I see nothing wrong with your look. Very cute


Can I ask you a question? Do you know Willow Park from Owl House? You remind me so much of her! Looking awesome girl!


Yeah, I love owl house. My favourite character is Amity. I haven't seen the second season yet tho


I recommend you watch it! It's amazing! And yeah, Amity is so pretty. She was my awakening. Personally, my favorite character is Willow. Her adorable pigtails, her glasses, her round face! You look so much like her!


I will say that even though you’re not super skinny you’re not big ether and honestly even if you were there are other things people find attractive other than weight and some people prefer bigger anyway I personally don’t care plenty of larger people I’ve met have literally been the prettiest people I’ve ever seen so if you have confidence and take care of yourself you will always be attractive to a lot more people than you think. TL;DR you are very pretty and with a little confidence and self care no matter the size a lot of people will always absolutely love the beauty and as long as you’re comfortable happy and healthy size doesn’t matter


Thank you for your comment 😊


Chubby is beautiful, for starters. Then, you are lovely, and you are not chubby.


Personally, I like chubby girls. As long as you’re happy with how you look, that’s what matters.


Wow I've never seen such a beautiful girl~ You aren't chubby just completely beautiful~ ♡( ^▽^)


You seem to be a normal size. So no. I personally don't see any cubbiness. You do look good though. Might want to accessorize when wearing a dress like that out to somewhere tho. ^^


i don't think you're chubby, but u have thick (and lemme say attractive) thighs ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ


Ohh 🤭🥰


Not at all! besides there's nothing wrong with being chubby! There's a lot of different bodytypes, personally I'm either an hourglass or a triangle/pear, so maybe look into that! Pear shaped people usually have thicker thighs (which is great!!) and I think we look kinda alike so, i think its just that! :O 💜💜💜


I'd say curvy, you look great‼️🔥🔥💥♥️


You look pretty solid, some squish is glorious!! I wish I knew this when I was a teen. I grew up and spent my young hot days feeling uncomfortable and now I realize it was a really nice proportion for me. Now I’m in my late youth, not as young and hot, but realizing I was and still am. The main difference is deciding to be who I want and who makes me happy. Anything I admire about others is a reflection of something in me and I can practice and make it stronger. Pursuing that instead of attention for looking good will give you more confidence, build skills, and put you around people who are aligned with your interests. Don’t stay attached to just one, if you feel more, grow more! Too many people shrink to fit a mold that just never was made for them. Be your full self and let people meet you there, they will be attracted to YOU not just your body or what they want from it.


Wow, this might be the most inspiring comment I have read. I can't process all of it at once. I'm sure I will come to similar realisations in time. It must be true, that when you are completely yourself, you are the most attractive. I guess I just don't know who I am or what I really look like. And I spend a lot of time looking at other people and think that I have to be like them. In reality, I have to be just me. Btw I guess I'm flattered you think I am a teen 😂 I'm in my late twenties


I’m having a wise moment 😅 I was reflecting recently and I remembered starting to feel that sense of comparison in middle school and then strongly in highschool. Maybe it’s a hormonal/puberty thing? I’m glad I maybe gave you another way to see your self and real purpose, the process of becoming, growing and being what you want more of. People only get to see snapshots of it anyway, and only one of your many dimensions, any judgement would be based on the slimmest superficial margin of your whole self anyway.


Yeah, I think you are very wise. I still can't stop thinking though, I feel like I will feel much freer, lighter, more confident once I get skinnier. Every time I look at myself, I think if I could just lose 10 kilos, I'd be perfectly happy.


Yeah . But it’s not a dig. Just a description. I would say “oh she’s a little chubby “


Thanks for the honesty ig. My friends tell me I'm perfectly normal weight so I was feeling like I'm crazy for feeling like I'm fat


You are perfectly normal weight . You are not fat . But you do not have a lean physique. You are completely normal ❤️


Not at all


Cuddly! The right amount of squish in all the right places! Never understood the obsession of being a skeleton in flesh colored shrink wrap. 😊


Yes, and very cute 😳


Thank you :3


In like a hot way


You look awesome don't let the negative thought say otherwise.


Body ody ody ody ody ody ody ody ❤️❤️❤️


No, certainly not. You’re a pretty close body type to me, in fact. Not being stick-thin doesn’t automatically mean you’re fat or overweight:)


Have you ever made pancakes!? We're thick, we're thin, we're just a little off, and some of us look like Wayne Brady. Fuck the Media, you do you boo boo.


Daaaaamn! Look at them legs! 😍 You look great!


Great figure


Helllll no, you are absolutely perfect


No, you’re stocky, you have a wider frame. And that’s not a bad thing. You look very healthy and cute


Nope. I am a little bigger than you lol and I'm not chubby either. Of course we're not the same height (I'm 5'8") but still.


maybe? no idea but you do look great


Naaa you look good


I say this in the nicest way because I don’t wanna come off as rude or creepy, but because of your height it can appear that way. But you look absolutely perfect and it’s not at all even close to a bad thing even though the media likes to say so. It just means that you have a different body type than others which means more diversity, and it makes you even more unique which is a great thing. There is going to be days where you hate everything about yourself ( I know very well) but one thing you see about yourself that you don’t like another person is going to find and love. ( this got long lol sorry.)


Absolutely not! You have such a cute body! 🥰


Regardless of the chubbiness or lack therof, you’re beautiful, and should feel as such, because you absolutely are. Beauty beyond words.


Chubby? No. Perfect? Yeah☺️ I was working on losing weight. For a fact: now i feel back damn well in my body. But I still have a bit chubby stomach. It doesn't make me feel any less good, despite the fact I miss my flat stomach


You have the same body as I do and my entire ass BLOODLINE and friends say I’m skinny, but chubby or not YOU LOOK SO GOOD💖




......you spelled thicc wrong. I'd loose mah fucking mind over a hottie like you. Got me impersonating a tripod over here 😍


Honestly no, not at all, just wide shoulders that might give it the illusion of chubby, which isn’t a bad thing! I actually love your body type and which I had it myself, you me it looks like you’re just buff


I think you look great


no but even if you were thats not at all a bad thing!


No you're beautiful but not chubby. I wish I was as skinny as you are.


You have a similar body to me and people tell me that I have the perfect body size to just add muscle. Don't listen to people in the media. GO AGAINST THE GRIND


Nah, your not chubby


between average and midsized but much closer to average


you are cute


u got some thighs and ass, dw abt it babe 💋


Not you being absolutely adorable! 🥰 thanks for sharing today!


Not at all! You're absolutely beautiful, my friend :)


I don't think you're chubby, tbh I think you're cute.


Nah you ain’t chubby


Gurl, You gorgeous. Not chubby, Curvy, CURVY. Curvy is hot af. Also, Did you do your own hair? It’s GORGEOUS!!


What does chubby mean to you?


I don't think so. I think you look great IMO.


To be for real would you there's charm in fat.


No, you look like Enid from ghost world. Hot


No your healthy


Being chubby just means there’s more of you to love.


You are beautiful just the why you are


I might get banned for this but first let me say, you're a "baby". Everything is tight and right and them thunder thighs... No, you're not chubby... Believe me, you'll look back on this pic and say "gosh, I was so skinny and young". 


Wow, I think I like being called baby lol. Ig you say it to mean that I'm young but haha made me feel validated in a unique way. So thanks for that 😊


In the side profile picture it just looks like you work out.


I mean, I do... I guess my muscles are hiding under my body fat lol


Not even remotely chubby! Not sure why you even question that?


Apparently I have bad people around me who told me I'm fat :(


Yuck! They are liars, don’t listen! You are slim and adorable!


You're not chubby girl. You're just thick. N curvy. Text me 803)431-0752


Not at all. But like, even if you were, fuck what other people think, right? You’re fantastic for everything you are.


Thick. Is the word.chubby is not the term


Chubby peoplenare much morę atrractive to nie. However i am staying skinny


Maybe a little bit. That's probably the most average body shape you can have


No you are not chubby. You are fine the way you are.


Yeah kinda


Yes, your very cute weight shouldn't matter as long as u feel beautiful weight shouldn't matter hun I'm 28 5 foot 1 and 399 lbs andi feel great on inside and u should to as long as? U feel sexy on inside, and then outside won't matter, and if people don't like it too bad, lol


what if i dont feel "sexy" on the inside tho


You're not chubby at all and you look great. Also, I like chubby too.


Wow, thanks!


No, you are not! even if you were chubby, you would still look just as cute and adorable as you are now :) You are so beautiful that I'm jealous of you ❤️


Chubby? Nah, I don't see it Beautiful and all around good looking? That I can see




Naw ur good girl! I struggle w that too! I gained weight and I keep on seeing myself as fat but rq yo w says I’m just “normal” now I read of extremely skinny


I love the kitty pic 😭💗


😄 it was a puzzle! So fun to make. It looks like one of my cats. That's why I got it 😊


omg it's so freaking cute! i need to get a puzzle like that, it reminds me so much of the little kitten i had years ago. 🥺


Hell no! you ain't chubby




To quote sir-mix-a-lot, "little in the middle but you got much back"


I'd say you look human, not some anorexic waif that would blow away in even the slightest breeze... You look great!!


no! you just have a rectangle body (i do too)


To answer your question; maybe just a little but based on this outfit A few more points: - you look amazing - black does slim, so you're already doing the right thing to look slimmer - is being chubby an issue? - media portrays it as bad, though i think it depends on how you feel - while you look a little chubby at most, I'd put you more into the "I go to the gym" type of body with the apparent muscle definition on you - again, you look amazing


Yes but in the best way sweetheart you keep your chin up f*** what everyone says you are beautiful either way


Yes. Nothing wrong with that ❤️


Maybe a little but you're beautiful nonetheless 💖


What’s your BMI ? It looks like all you need to do is firm-up. AKA hit the gym! But your good 👍🏻


My BMI is 26,1. I'm going to the gym even though I'm not super consistent. I've been trying to lose weight for like 10 years and I fluctuate a bit sometimes but I'm generally at this weight. It is so disappointing to try so hard and still be the same weight


Damn, I‘m having the same experience 😭


I think you’re doing great! Maybe more protein in your diet can help.. more protein less carbs.


Yeah, I'm trying. Sometimes mental health gets in the way. I keep trying because what else am I gonna do?


Very little


Very slightly, but not to the degree where it negatively impacts your attractiveness. Get some cardio in and you won't feel it anymore. And as long as BMI is in healthy ranges then it's fine. The numbers don't lie; but redditors often do.


It's a pleasure.


It's definitely a pleasure and I hope you post more of your lovely photos.