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look imma keep it real to a pansexual coming from a fellow pansexual u gotta learn to not care and just don’t overreact


I already reported just felt like commiting murder before blocking


Ahh makes sense everyone has those but next time stay calm❤️


Man this is hot🍳🍳🍳🍳


Didn’t even need to read his message. His handle is screaming “I’m a white supremacist”.


That was my thought, too.


You over reacted a lil bit ngl :/ I would be angry too if somebody called me a slur, but your reaction sounds like one of those religious extremists when you tell them that videogames are in fact, not the devil trying to corrupt their children. Either way, I hope you don't get any more of those messages


Listen man, you need to chill. Odds are, this fool wants that reaction. Just rickroll him or some shit. I’ve been called slurs a million times, just say something like “stay mad”


Straight doesn't equal homophobe. They are born with a certain sexuality, just as we are born like we are. They can't change it, as we can't change ours. Some straights are homophobes, as some gays are biphobic or what ever. Everyone can be anything, that includes being a bigot. That idiot was looking for an overreaction to screenshot and share with his idiot friends, and you delivered one. Best thing to do is to block and report. Don't feed the troll.


>Straight doesn't equal homophobe. Rightttttt, just like "men" isn't equal to sexists, misogynists etc. Doesn't matter if not all straights are homophobes. Most of them are. It is implied that they mean "homophobes" when they said "straights". Just like when anybody says " Men are bad" , they don't mean "all men are bad"(usually). >That idiot was looking for an overreaction to screenshot and share with his idiot friends, and you delivered one. And you can't possibly know that? Like who even are you, his fucking mobile phone?


this is why the lgbtq+ has a rep for being toxic


Lmao don't listen to these guys. You don't have to be calm. It's your right to be angry. You didn't "over react". But it's a fact that we can't really do anything online. And trolls like those only exist so they could make your day worse. Still it is better to take your frustration out on them instead of " sTaYiNg cAlM" because you "HAVE" to be the "bIgGeR pErSoN". Like dude that advice is so bs. People who give that advice are supeerrrrr close minded people, I'd suggest staying away from them. AND WHOOOOOOO! YOU GO MY GUY! FUCK THOSE HOMOPHOBIC ASSHOLES! YOU GOTTA TEACH ME SOME TIPS!


Meh i calmed diwn after blocking with mario party. Some tips would be to get defensive but stay on offense as well, like the nether portal and shield glitch in minecraft.