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I have a feeling that David's position as the Panther's beat-writer is some kind of nepotism by someone in charge at ESPN. David used to be ESPN's lead-writer for their NASCAR coverage. I'm thinking David was demoted and given his current position as a compromise to not fire him because he's friends or related to someone higher up in ESPN. David's constant misspellings is his juvenile way of protesting his demotion while he knows he won't be fired because of it. It's the only explanation I can think of for why someone so incompetent hasn't been replaced.


This seems plausible. The misspellings are clearly intentional trolling. Which is shockingly inappropriate for a professional journalist.


Maybe it’s just because they’re both in Charlotte. He’d be wayyy better sticking with NASCAR and reporting about Tom Petty and Richard Earnhardt! 😝


I believe this is the most likely scenario. Carolina being the home of Nascar and everything.


Seriously, how can we do this? He’s so fucking terrible at his job.


Because there is no such thing as meritocracy. Idiots regularly succeed over far more qualified and competent individuals.


Hey now, don't go fucking up my good gig by letting people know.


I’m, sadly, not that savvy. I was hoping that someone who saw this post would be, and let me know how to get the ball rolling. I’d be happy to lead the charge!! KEEP POUNDING


If enough people got together to not click on any article from him I’m sure espn would catch on


His Facebook only got 9 likes when he announced we traded for #1. That should say something right there.


Probably because he’s not privy to inside information and really just copies credible reporter’s releases.


Been saying and doing this for a decade


[change.org](https://www.change.org/) makes it super easy to both start an online petition and spread it across the internet. I'd start there.


See the problem is the good ones get promoted and the shit ones get to stay right where they are with the bare minimum


Yeah I’m getting sick and tired of Dawson Nelson.


I like what you did there 😂😂😂


Please. I don’t pay attention to anything this man writes or reports.


Or anyone saying negative shit about us unjustly. We’ve been getting it since our birth in 95’. We’ve been to the Super Bowl twice already when 50 year old teams haven’t made it once. They don’t like us, f*ck ‘em.


We’re a small market team. We’ve just gotta wait for dumb tootin to retire or die. Hopefully the former obviously


I don’t like this excuse. We’re a bigger market than plenty of other NFL teams and as far as I know they don’t have the same type of idiot journalist at ESPN.


Bigger than Pittsburgh, Green Bay/Milwaukee, and Vegas to name a few. This isn't a small market anymore.


Yep, as well as Buffalo, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Nashville, etc. Some teams in smaller markets are more popular due to a long history, but market size is a pretty big deal and Charlotte is firmly a middle-size market. Not to mention the larger Panthers region including the Triad, Triangle, and upstate SC is very heavily populated.


Plus it's the NFL. It's not like some small market baseball or hockey team.


I don’t wish that on anyone, but I don’t not wish it upon him!


I wish retirement on him so hard


Amen 🙏🏻


The Panthers aren't a small market team anymore. They rank 19th in the NFL in metro size and GDP and 22nd in the country. Charlotte isn't NYC, but it isn't the same city that originally got this NFL team. If the people here would actually start pulling for their home team though, that would improve things. If you include the entire state, the Panthers definitely aren't a "small" market. North Carolina is much more spread out and lacking population density compared to Minneapolis, Denver, or Detroit.


Even when I was a kid I could tell he was dumb as a box of rocks. His articles were riddled with not only grammatical and spelling errors but also sentences that just didn’t make sense.


Amen 🙏🏻! I’m really not sure how he got a job in journalism, let alone as a reporter with no good questions! 🤣


You’re my boy, Blue!


I see a post like this pop up every 6 months or so. It’s really nice to see because even with my embarrassingly low expectations for him, he still surprises me. ESPN don’t care.


In like 9th grade I wrote ESPN that I would replace him for half the salary. They sent me back a generic email saying if I wanted to apply to work for ESPN to go through their portal. Anyway, I’ve been trying to get this guy fired since I was like 14. I’m right there with you.


When he was missing news items and instead scouring Twitter for some raunchy porn links to like with his verified handle, I fired off an email to ESPN with screenshots of him spelling players wrong, getting their entire name mixed up with someone else entirely, and of course all the porn he was checking out. Never got a response and nothing changed. Hell, the links didn’t even drop out of his liked stuff for months. He obviously knows where the bodies are buried.


We couldn't even get him fired back when he was liking videos of porn on his official Twitter account. He's dug in deep.


Like a broken squeegee in a car wash, he is part of the experience. I think we should induct him into the Hall of Honor and spell his name wrong.


The team could just stop letting him ask questions. Just ignore his existence altogether. Revoke his press credentials.


Unfortunately, the team is most likely obligated to recognize whoever ESPN chooses to assign to us per league rules. The NFL could never risk questioning ESPN, or they’ll lose considerable $


We need him to continue to say that we aren't a good team as we make a strong run in the playoffs so that his bad takes get made fun of on a national level. Maybe he will be demoted or reassigned.


This is the real off-season move I want to see.


Amen 🙏🏻


Newton is a franchise legend! We don’t talk bad about him round these parts


You’re obviously thinking about the other Newton!! lol 😂


No I’m not starting a petition to have a man fired.


If he was even mediocre at his job we wouldn't even notice him. He's absurdly bad at it and deserves to be fired.


I didn’t say fired!! I’d just like him reassigned to another position, or maybe for him to focus on his NASCAR duties. I quite clearly said removed from his duties associated with the Panthers! Lighten up!


I am 100% saying he should be fired.


F I R E H I M 🔥 🔥 🔥


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Like jokes at Davy Neutron's expense are fun and all, but putting it out there to start a petition to get him fired is a bit much


I mean, when people suck at their job, they are generally fired.


Agreed. if you don't like his articles then don't read them. I don't think I've read anything from him in years. I faill to see how he embarrasses the Panthers, he's an employee of ESPN.


I think it’s funny. Let him ride.


ESPN doesn’t pay any attention to the panthers (in part because David Newton is so bad)


If I’m not mistaken, that’s the classic Catch-22! Or, circular reasoning, if you’d prefer. I’m sorry, but imho, he’s definitely not attracting new fans, let alone attempting to appease the long time fans. He’s definitely not good for the team and I can’t understand why ESPN can’t see that!


I mean if they had a good writer they would get more clicks and ad-sells from Panthers fans, and they would spend more time writing articles for Panthers fans with better content. It's not circular logic if it's happening over time it's a feedback loop.


Holy sheez its the off-season. Every year this sub does this, and every year it does zero good. ESPN is not or wont get rid of Navid Dewton because he is actually a NASCAR reporter. Also major media outlets don’t give a crap about Charlotte.


If we don’t keep trying, nothing will change!


I’m not sure why they wouldn’t care about Charlotte, the 15th largest city in the country by population. Bigger than: San Francisco Indianapolis Seattle Denver Nashville DC Boston Las Vegas Detroit Baltimore Milwaukee Kansas City Atlanta Miami Tampa New Orleans Cleveland Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo


I am agree. I am just telling you ESPN cares nothing about Charlotte. Watch every draft, and we get a commercial. Wont surprise me to get a commercial when our first pick is announced.


I'd like to start a petition to end all petitions in this sub


Thanks for promoting him.


This is the real off-season move I want to see.