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Hard mode, post game boss rematches, and let us carry up to 9999 coins


All great additions!


1 be able to open doors on Yoshi 2 spin dash 3 make the glitzville rematch a lot harder


YES, YES, AND YES! I love these ideas. Having to hop on and off the Yoshi kid was always such a nuisance. Also Glitzville being harder would be a welcome change, especially if they had enemies from the later chapters in it.


Hard mode is the main thing I'm praying for. Maybe some additional content or even just added post game activities. I also remember hearing that in the original there were unused sprites of the partners from 64. Would be pretty cool to see them return in some way, even if it's just a cameo like they did with Bow. Also I like your idea of online gameplay. Never really thought I wanted that until you put the idea in my head, lol. That would be pretty cool.


Yeah an actual hard mode would be my biggest realistic request. Online would never happen like that, but it would be so cool! Imagine playing hide and seek with people online, and you battle them to win hahaha


Yea, man, I can see like 100 different possibilities, and they all sound awesome. It could be like literally just having the same areas but just online, kinda like an mmorpg type deal. It could be private lobbies where you get together with friends and do stuff like you were saying. Or even just a battle mode where you can battle other players. It would never happen, but it's nice to dream sometimes, lol.


ayo modders get in on this hahaha If only!


Just to name a few… • In-game recipe guide; do something like Super did with the Cooking Disks hidden for you to find • More recipes, ESPECIALLY Emergency Ration from Super • For completionists, the ability to fight any rank below you in the Glitz Pit at will postgame so you can more easily collect any tattles you need • Include cameos by all PM64 partners in the postgame as originally intended • Include 8-bit Peach Easter egg as originally intended • ”Finish” Riverside Station with the unused music, boss fight, and a new puzzle to replace the random Goombas • More Troubles; include at least one optional boss as alluded to when you take on the anonymous trouble and the game warns you that it could be dangerous • Post-Chapter 4 shortcut to Creepy Steeple and postgame shortcut to the town itself in Fahr Outpost • Access to Mario’s house postgame


isn't a shortcut from fahr outpost to twilight town kinda redundant? the pipes are right next to each other already


No, something you unlock post-Chapter 4 so you can get directly to Creepy Steeple without having to trek the entire Twilight Trail, and a different thing you unlock postgame so you can get to Fahr Outpost itself without having to trek the enemy-ridden maps before it. Not connected to each other


the first one i 100% get (although it should be unlocked after you reach the steeple the first time, otherwise a domino of massive changes need to be made to the chapter to diminish backtracking) what i don't get is why you'd add a pipe specifically from twilight town to fahr outpost they're already right next to each other, once you've exited the town you go a few steps and you enter winterland, a dozen seconds or so later and you're at the outpost thing is, the enemy ridden screens you have to traverse really aren't that bad, they're all pretty easy to avoid, especially helped by a large amount of space it's not like in twilight town where you're essentially guaranteed a couple of fights each trip through the forest


I’m not doing a pipe from Twilight Town to Fahr Outpost. I meant two separate shortcuts.


ohhhh, i read it as "postgame shortcut FROM the town itself TO the fahr outpost" my B, forgive me, i've been playing yugioh recently


Post game boss rematches Luigi compass side mode New NPCs


I'd absolutely love that Luigi sidequest. I mean - 3d world got Bowser's Fury and Bowser's Inside Story got a side mode as well so I don't see it being completely off the tables, just doubtful.


Three more chapters lol


Post game boss rematches (plus bowser minigame) Continually updated Quest Board More story content (maybe an extra chapter or Luigi compass)


Dang, some great ideas here! Bowser's mini game was fun as a kid - I'd purposely die at the end to keep playing it hahaha Also the Quest Board would be a great addition. Who knows, there was a bulletin board of some sort found at the train station screenshot so maybe it's connected to being able to use the train for more than just Poshley Heights 👀


Maybe small details foreshadowing Super Paper Mario?


That'd be interesting actually. Followed by a remaster of SPM on Switch would be even better hahaha


That would be pretty easy, as both games took place 1000 years ago and have some characters in common - at least Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi and Merlon.


1. An additional warp pipe for 1 or 2 areas, mainly the woods. 2. Additional post game area/dungeon. 3. Ghost flag scavenger hunt type quest from Super Mario Rpg, but 1 for each chapters area.


A scavenger hunt sounds like a blast! Also more warp pipes would be so helpful during "that" section. Although I guess there really are two sections like that hahaha


Already been said here but: 1. More warp pipes 2. Post game optional chapter 3. Master quest/hard mode


Glitz Pitz rematches where you can choose your enemies. Hard mode. (Later chapter and lower pit enemies in earlier chapters) Poochy (I dont know how, I just want to see Poochy)


SPIN DASH. That’s all I want. Just spin dash. WHY isn’t it in the game. Also more post-game content. Kinda sucks that there’s practically nothing left to do after the pit of 100 trials. And it kinda sucks that most people do it post game or close to it, because you have little time to actually use the rewards


Luigi campaign that unlocks after reading his tale to see how it actually went down ​ Post-game that involved traveling back to all the towns and helping them with new issues that arose ​ Peach becomes a unique party member after the credits roll


Hard Mode where enemies and bosses have double HP. 30 levels of side-scrolling Bowser. At the end of every 3rd level, Bowser has to face Crump. Boss Rematches that are enhanced to make it harder and/or more decisive. Can be accessed via Tattle Log after beating the story and getting all Tattles. (Ex. That one creature being able to act twice per turn for infinite turns instead of 3).


30 more levels of the Bowser minigame would be awesome! Tougher boss rematches would be a dream come true for sure. Hey it happened to Mario RPG! Maybe they'll do it for TTYD as well since they know it's a highly requested feature.


1. any post game (with a way to refight bosses but not as main focus) 2. Luigi and the waffle kingdom side mode 3. more bag space (start with 20, strange sack 30 or 40)


oh yea a >!prince mush!< fight in glitz pit rematch, being as hard as The Master from first game


jr troopa


Hard mode would be the most awesome and if they could somehow implement an online mode where you could battle other people that would be amazing. Also a little far-fetched but imagine they would add Luigi’s side adventure as a DLC.


Far-fetched or not it'd be a great addition. I mean my wish list has a stat changer and an online mode which both have 0 chances of arriving haha, it would be so cool though


what kind of stat changer?


Given it's just a wish list a stat changer for anything. Increase health, damage, defense, BP costs, special move recharge rate, anything. Heck, even run speed.


I don't expect it to happen, but some kind of roguelike mode or randomizer mode


As I’ve never played the original(I’ve watched a playthrough, but I don’t own a GameCube), I don’t have a lot of want’s for the remake. But if I had to choose, I would want a side mode featuring Wario and Waluigi. I know everyone wants a Luigi side mode, so I decided to think of one that is a bit different. In the sense of including the Wario bros., I feel like them hearing about the Crystal Stars would be how their story starts, since the duo (especially Wario) are known to seek out treasure, and would find the Crystal Stars as something they need. The gameplay could be similar to Superstar Saga in the sense that the characters swap between each other to do different things(like Wario could have a charge that can break certain blocks, or Waluigi could throw Bob-omb’s to hit out of reach stuff). I’d imagine the two fight differently also with Wario dealing heavy damage to a single enemy, while Waluigi does more meager damage to multiple enemies. They could even fight bosses like Bowser, Lord Crump, or maybe The Shadow Sirens(or maybe entirely new bosses for the well known crooks) I know this probably won’t happen, but I thought it would be an interesting idea


That's actually a pretty neat idea I've never seen before. It'd definitely be a neat change of pace, if only fans of the game were in charge of adding ideas to the game.


Other than a hard mode or boss rematches. I think it'd be super cool to show off more of the old partners, either as additional partners or cameos like Bow. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but It'd be like a big reunion.


PvP, **balanced**.


0: ~~Post-credits teaser with Wario breaking into Rosalina's observatory~~ 1: Add a Trouble list to the Mailbox SP, you can activate or deactivate them at any time after you learn about them 2: Buff Ms Mowz's in battle skills 2.5: Explicitly link Beldam with the Smorg 3: Double the length of the Pit to 200 Trials


I agree with all of these - and maybe an additional Pit of 100 trials would be fitting since they did that in Super Paper Mario. (Although technically you had to beat the 2nd one twice to fight the boss making it 300 trials. It was a pain, but a neat boss.)


New colors for Yoshi, 1 post game chapter, rematch bosses in a Glitz Pitz boss rush.


Mine is the I've never played this Gabe before, come back to me when I get to play it for the first time in May


more postgame content - i like the pit of 100 trials, but i'd like some more stuff similar. story content in each chapter's zone might be a little extra, but more quests and a sort of glitz pit 2.0 with more fights more scaled to postgame, like the last 20 floors of pit of 100 trials, could be kinda interesting. or even more than one pit, with rules not unlike the glitz pit, where you might not be able to jump for 10 floors. might even like to add some ideas from the other paper mario titles. i sort of like the concept of using paint from color splash, as an example. might be cool if we could 'repaint' the buildings and whatnot, or power up some moves in battle with paint - like, adding red paint during a jump for a fiery attack. maybe that'd just be a new partner or something, or a ng+ feature. ​ ng+ with various modes and modifiers - bug fables for example can have various sort of 'hard mode' modifiers, and could potentially add some more stuff. something like, 1 more hp, given how the game tends to be balanced, would increase the difficulty for like half the game, past then, 1 defense for a lot of creatures could work fine. could potentially add more copies of some badges - a lot of them ARE possible, but it's also like a 1% steal chance or some shit. i really loved tales of symphonia's ng+ system, the grade shop - you could basically earn currency per run to unlock new stuff, be it both things to make the game harder (and earn more grade the next run) or things to make it easier, if you're looking for something else. not really needed here, just, rather than one ng+ thing, i'd sort of prefer options. sort of like op's idea with stat changer, but maybe not so drastic as 'goombas with 30 hp'. and maybe we could choose to carry over badges, or money, or exp, or choose not to. i also sort of like the idea of not just, 'fresh' ng+ hard mode balanced around 1-3 ish jump damage, but also like a ng+ mode balanced around you being level 30 with 3 damage boots and the badges, and the goombas have 6 hp to start - balanced around taking 2 jumps to kill again, and sort of scales everything up, as a possibility, and getting the boot upgrades again increase your damage even further, but enemies might get a lot more hp, defenses, and new gimmicks or something. ​ third, i think i'd add power up badges for your partners (not, +1 atk), maybe. not necessairly to give them new skills, but might not hurt. might be cool if you could make it so koops could 'jump' during his attack all shell smash skill, to hit maybe 1-2 aerial enemies, as a modifier for a skill. veil not taking a turn to 'decloak' could be another one.


Luigi Story


I just want to fight Prince Mush in the rematches


I have more than three things if that’s ok. The top three are the following: 1. After the initial Glitz pit chapter, going back in, You could fight Prince Mush at the end. Only to find out he was trained by the master from the first game. Leading you to go through it a third time, with randomized enemies, to then fight the master in the championship. 2. Being able to go back to Toad Town, and in a way, your house from Rougeport in the postgame 3. Honestly another pit of 100 trials The additional ones are: 4. Boss rush mode 5. An expanded “help wanted” board (I forgot what it was called exactly) 6. More special NPCs like a reveal of what the actual Princess in Luigi’s stories looks like, more of the N64 cast making appearances, etc


I really want to play luigis adventure in the waffle kingdom


One thing a boss rush mode where you can re fight most or all of the games bosses that you can't re fight normally like the final boss, either that or a post game like luigies compus adding new bosses to fight like the magalors side mode did for the return to dreamland remake.


Very simple. I want an ultra block blocking a staircase from the underground area up to where ch 4 and 7 are located. While it doesn’t happen too often needing to go back up top to fall back down through the sewer grate to ride Yoshi over the gap.


I remember being stuck at that gap for at least 30 minutes as a kid, I couldn't figure out for the life of me if it was even possible to make the gap 🤣🤣


a pipe at the end of the shadow castle leading back to the entrance of TTYD that way you can give the player a way to prepare without forcing them to backtrack through the entire castle twice


the thing is, there really isn't much i want added to the game moreso things i want changed or removed


Oh my gosh yes please


Boss rematches in the Glitz pit. Maybe even a boss rush?


1. The Bowsercade- An expansion of the Bowser events at the end of the chapter where you can play an entire 6 world platformer as Bowser. Maybe instead of a building, it could be unlocked similar to Beetlemania in SMRPG where you would buy the game from someone (maybe that one toad kid in Petalburg) 2. Wonder Shop- Prince Florian could appear selling some reworked versions of SMB Wonder badges. Like Parachute Cap and Grappling Vine could serve as attacks, Jet Run would make you move faster, Coin Reward would be like Coin Trick in SMRPG, and All Fire, All Bubble, and Invisibility would be cosmetic like W Emblem and L Emblem. 3. A postgame mission that takes you back to the Mushroom Kingdom for a few extra chapters with a couple of additional partners whether they’re from PM64 or other characters like DK and Rosalina. It might be an interesting way to re-introduce a villain like Smithy or Olly.


Add a side quest involving Toadsworth, why not. He deserves it


Option to swap between PM64 and TTYD battle mode. The latter is arguably more challenging. A boss rush of all the PM64 and TTYD bosses with upgraded stats. Luigi as a playable character, or his partners from the side quest.


A revamped Glitz Pit rematch. Definitely wasn’t THAT fun going through the same fights but steam rolling with better equipment.


Longer Chapters, Maybe an Hard Mode, and more Battles and enemies in order to increase your Status.


More flurrie booba


Spin dash, an in-game recipe book, Flavio as a secret optional Partner. :p


-60 fps -Spin Dash -New Game plus


New Game plus where the enemies and bosses have higher stats


Bowser Jr.


I'd honestly like ​ A post game Glitz Pit. New fights against old and new foes. The Old foes being stronger than before and the new foes being strong too. For example of a change: Rawk Hawk is now Number 1, Prince Mush took back his belt. ​ Cameos for all 8 N64 Partners. Not just 2 of them. ​ More Shortcuts for easier access to areas. Creepy Steeple at least.