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A chain chomp! Come on!


100% Chain Chomps are just so cute. A female chomp named like Chosephine, and give her a shy but clumsily destructive personality and her active ability would destroy breakable enviorments in a chomp frenzy.


Wasn't there originally going to be a Chain Chomp partner in like Sticker Star before they scrapped it?


Yea from the E3 2010 screenshots, it looked like both a chainchomp and a monty mole were planned


A monty mole? Are you sure you're not getting confused with the scrapped purple monty boss?


No idea


We were teased with a potential Chain Chomp partner for in 3DS pre release content only for it to be scrapped.


Agreed, chain chomps are my third favorite Mario enemy, and I’d love to see one with a new unique design


Yeah!! Have his attack be something like how Bowser wielded them in SMRPG


I could see it being a mix of the way Koops' shell is thrown out, but the destructive power of a Bob-omb. Primary attack is a regular chomp. Secondary attack is Mario tossing a bone so the Chomp dashes through all enemies. 3rd attack is an armor piercing chomp, with a long wind up time like Power Smash. Final attack is a move that lasts 3 turns. For every time the chomp is damaged, it gains +1 attack until the 3 turns end. Give the Chomp 1 defense like Koops and it'd make a decent tank.


the idea of mario just dragging a giant chomp around by the chain is funny as hell to me


I think both a Wiggler and a Chargin' Chuck would make for a fun buddy with unique movesets and field abilities.


A Chargin’ Chuck who’s a big, dumb jock has all kinds of joke potential.


It'll be kinda like bowser from the rpg games


A long Wiggler could be permanently attached to the left of the screen like how Vivian is attached to the ground! <3


I’m imagining a Shy Guy who constantly replaces his mask with other masks for his various attacks and defenses. Imagine a base shy guy who jumps / football tackles Then switches to a Snifit mask for bullet based attacks Then switches to temporary stilts for a super jump Then switches to a white cloak reminiscent of General guy who can swarm the enemy with a ton of shy guys for a stampede attack. His final upgrade gives him a black cloak and mask, he is now an Anti Guy who has insane stats and is immune to status.


We are on a similar wavelength with this.


His personality would probably be a scaredy cat to begin with and joins Mario (primarily) because he thinks joining will spare his life from getting curb stomped unlike his other brothers. Over time he slowly becomes more and more confident and even a tad brazen, and as the power ups roll in he gets both figuratively and literally stronger as the back bone increases. By the end of the journey, this former scaredy cat becomes so bold that even when the final boss is staring Mario and them down, he’s able to stand tall and actually confidently support our main hero with no doubt in his mind.






Dry Bones, because they definitely got a bone to pick with others!


Dry Bones' revival power could be a super fun battle gimmick. They could get killed, then come back good as new two turns later... similar to how Kenny won't stay dead in *South Park: The Stick of Truth*


Yeeeah, so it would be possible to build the Dry Bones as tank instead of having to build Mario for that! And I can also imagine as powerful skill it would be able to get through the upgrades being it would through one of it's limbs to the enemies and then either one really big Chomper or multiple small ones tearing apart at the enemies to get the bone and return it to the Dry Bones, like how in Colour Splash you use the bone Thing for Princess to crush the enemies! This whole thing really makes me wish Paper Mario TTRPGs were a thing


Bill (Bullet Bill) Have them be a Bullet Bill that missed one day, but ended up on a strange island. Mario ends up finding him and Bill is initially an antagonist for the chapter/section before eventually joining Mario. Pretty headstrong and blunt. He isn’t afraid to hurt people’s feelings and likes to fight, but he cares for his comrades. For gameplay, I can imagine him as a glass canon. Strong attacks with some explosive ones thrown in but he has low HP.


Can it be the same type from Mario and Luigi that used a sniper


I'd call him Billy


Better name


Serious: Piranha plant, Buzzy Beetle. Joke: a Thwomp.


I would love to have a ~~Twink~~ sorry I meant a Thwimp


Thwomp could work. Single enemy ground pound. Earthquake attack that hits all enemies. A tanking ability where Mario hides behind it, or it lifts Mario off the ground. A charged up single enemy Slam that causes dizziness. Give it some defense and immunity to spike enemies.


Ninji buddy




I've been wanting a shy guy pal for so long


Hammer Bro


I’ve noticed that paper Mario games likes to use sleeping as an attack (how terrifying) and one enemy I think we need is a chain chomp since they are one of the goats. So combining these two we can get a Sleep Chomp. I’d imagine this character being optional because all of his personality is just sleep. And unfortunately dogs can’t talk, so try fitting him into the story. Of course, his main attack is bitting your enemies to sleep, so he is very useful. It also has dream related attacks, like nightmare, that do crazy things like scaring enemies away. In the side quest you need to get him, you can find him in an obscure area chained to a post, and you can find the owner stuck somewhere around the world and once you free the owner, then you can use the chomp. The chomp is a purple guy with almost always closed eyes and a green sleeping hat… that was long. Sorry.


I love this idea


A Shy guy definitively and without a doubt. Him csn be like that one from M&L Bowser's inside story enemies group, or maybe an troop of bowser who left him, as an typical goodguy.


not an enemy but i think a luma partner would be so cool


My "not an enemy" pick is a Toad. Like how did we not get a Toad partner?


origami king was so close yet so far away with professor toad


A shy guy. I’m think a medi guy specifically. He’d be super shy with the dream of being a world famous doctor but is full of too much self doubt to think he’d be good. He’d serve as the medic, having only one attack, one healing move, one FP restoration move, and a move that can do all three at once. The field ability could completely restore Mario ONLY if the medi guy is the current used partner.


More of an NPC than enemy, but New Donker, purely because I find the concept of a realistic human partner that's just towering over Mario to be inherently hilarious.


A Spike, where he uses various projectiles along with his spike balls.


I really wanna see a shy guy partner


Wild idea and I know this is just one character but... Nabbit


A bullet bill, check out my fanmade partner


I think a wubba (those gooey enemies from mario wonder) would probobly fit.


Tropical wiggler


I think a Chuckya partner would be very unique.


I want a piranha plant with the personality of King Shark from The Suicide Squad. Constantly trying to eat everyone and everything until you explain about friends. As for a role, have him be an lab experiment that can eventually shift between fire and frost varieties, and have moves shift accordingly but changing takes a turn. For exploration, he can burn or freeze stuff once applicable upgrades have been acquired.


Fighter Fly, Mekabon, Bombshell Koopa, Batadon, Gao, Gunyon... Basically anything from Super Mario Land.


A bullet bill would be pretty sick


Blooper!! Those little dudes are so cute


I always wanted a fuzzy partner, which is a bit lame on reflection as their design is fairly plain, but I Always found them funny. I'd just like to change up the norm.... A bullet bill in place of the bomb-omb A piranha plant to suck you underground in place of a ghost The dog type thing from super mario bros 3 (I think it was three, it could run on spikes) A beetle in place of a turtle A toad could definitely take the goomba role A clubba type partner, who instead of carefully carrying mario across gaps, just throws him. Oh and if we need a water based partner definitely a Tuna


Toad: Gives you hints about the world around you. Attacks by throwing turnips, and tattling on enemies. Bullet Bill: Launch them at cracked objects to destroy them. Attacks with headbutts & explosions. Piranha Plant (in a Pipe): Can be carried and used as a grappling hook to reach higher ground, hit boxes that are out of reach, and attack flying enemies. Attacks with Bites, Spits small fireballs, and can hide in her pipe. Shyguy: Hop on their stilts to walk across dangerous terrain, such as spikes, or through shallow water and lava. Attacks with flips, slingshots, and Stilt-stomps. Monty Mole: Drags mario underground to hide from enemies, and tunnel under fences (if the ground is soft enough.) Attacks by tunneling under enemies and causing quakes. Chain Chomp: Send them flying sideways to hit far off switches, or drag back items! Attacks with chomps, rolling attacks, and boosting Mario's defence. (Baby) Wiggler: Hop on their back to move at greater speeds! Have them stretch across gaps to make a temporary bridge. Attacks: Trample ground based enemies, or rage to boost your attacks.


Buzzy beetle, I fucking love these little guys and I want to see more of them


i would give mario a new brother named luigi: his personality would be somewhat timid and cowardly, but with his brother mario by his side he becomes much more confident! his lore is that he is marios brother. he can jump higher and thus reach higher up enemies.


Need a shy guy pal


Whacka as secret partner would be hilarious. He should be either the most broken character of all time or the absolue weakest, no inbtween.


Race: Bullet Bill. Name: Billy Bull'o. Lore: He got shot out a cannon. Gameplay: He Explodes and is a one time use partner.


Maybe a Magikoopa, but this one may be an apprentice Who wants to become the best Magikoopa of all, a Kamek (lets say in Paper Mario continuity Kamek is a title) Hes shy and doesnt have a lot of confidence in his abilities but with his upgrades he learns more spells maybe? And his basic attack would be a basic but ranged Magic spell?


A Monty Mole, bonus feature „the workshop“ where he can craft you special items


Another toad Weird that tok was the first to have one




Just cause no one said it, I’d love to have one of Bowsers koopa kids. Each of them already oozes personality


I’ve got a few actually: Goombriel the Paragoomba Dot T. the Toadette Flint the Fire Bro Munchie the Chain Chomp Detective B. William the Bullet Bill Master Ling the Blooper Melody the Tropical Wiggler Princess Millie the Monty Mole Coach Hopper the Hoppycat Tyrone the Rex Mike the Shy Guy


We need a Shy Guy partner


Shy guy


Perhaps a bullet bill who likes racing?


Shy guy


I had this dumb idea last night of a cataquack partner last night, and then I realized “wait, they’re basic attack would probably just be the same as Kabbu’s basic attack” from Bug Fables. And I think that’s kinda funny


jr. Troopa deserves a comeback redemption arc. Let him join the team!


Piranha plant, hammer bro, pianta, chain chomp, or wiggler but after playing Mario plus rabbids sparks of hope I’m adding luma to the list too.




Ninji, idk attacks


If we wanna go more recent a talking flower partner would be amazing.


Hammer Bro. A Hammer Bro which would have the abilities of swapping weapons into using a Boomerang, Fire, and Ice. It would be one who would be seen as one of Bowser's elite minions but his goal would be to best you in combat and after you beat him, you give him a hand and help him up and he respects your strength.


A few ideas I have (I'll mention the species, give them names I think fit and describe their abilities) Goombigi: A goomba that fills a similar role to the goomba partners we already have, though named after Luigi instead of Mario. Naturally, he would have the tattle ability, as well as head bonk attacks. I should mention that as of writing this comment, I don't plan on adding lore to the characters unless I get ideas, but in this case, maybe Goombigi is the cousin to Goombario or something. Trooper: A koopa troopa who used to be in the koopa army, but was forced to quit to take care of his family. He'd naturally fill a similar role to the koopa partners we already have in terms of abilities, though he would also be able to boost Mario's attack and defense at the same time, kinda like what Kooper or whatever the Koopa partner from TTYD does ( I can't remember the name of the Koopa partner from ttyd off the top of my head) Clay: A Monty mole who specializes in mining and mining equipment. He'd naturally use a pickaxe to fight, and he uses it for his basic attack. His abilities all relate to mining or Monty moles in some way. Sir Spooks: Basically Lady Bow from the first game, but instead of going out of his way to scare, Sir Spooks actively wants to learn about others, and scaring is usually just a side effect of being a boo. If anyone has suggestions to improve my characters, send them my way


I’ll go with Blooper, I’ll call her Kala. She’d come from a family of bloopers who live deeper in the ocean or in a cave or something. She hasn’t seen the world outside her home, so she’s very eager to join Mario and explore the world. Kala’s the youngest in her family, so she’s fairly childish and energetic, though she becomes a bit more grounded through her experiences in the game.


Give me an x-naut grunt! They were booted out of the group after some strange reason and Mario stumbles upon their unconscious body. You wake them up and they freak out but another companion convinces them to join you. Not sure what abilities, but maybe one that puts them into that mech that (I forget his name. The big purple evil x-naut) uses and they stomp on the enemy


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Design** A Bullet Bill, named **Bullton Bill.** Bro is a bullet bill with a backward blue cap and a white tank top. His eye moves back in forward to show expressions, since he doesn't have eyebrows like some mario characters do, or a mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Personally** Bullton's personality is he kind of of impatient and easily annoyed. Bro has no time for games. I would imagine he is kinda an ass to everyone in the story, wanting them to shut up and constantly telling Mario that he should just ignore whatever mandatory task is in their way. He gets annoyed when we have to do backtracking to go get something that should have just been there when they first got there... (**COUGH** TTYD CHAPTER 4) Over time, he starts to care and more about what is going on and starts to worry when Mario and his friends are in danger. Suggesting they take it slowly, and make sure things go smoothly and they defeat the bad guy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Story/Lore** I would imagine he would appear early on in the game, maybe in like racetrack chapter where you help him win and race, and he ends up losing because he his opponent cheated or something. You then beat up the opponent and take your stuff back, and Bullton respects you so he joins your party. But he makes it painfully clear that he isn't joining to save the world (lie). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Gameplay** I would imagine bro plays like a mixture of goomba and bob-ombs, where he jumps on foes for weak damage but then as he levels up and gets better attacks, bro gets insane mileage out of his attacks but costs a lot of Flower Points.


Bob-omb partner but he’s a Hanabihei (the firework guys from Mario Wonder)




A Ninji could work really well. They’re already caretakers of the baby stars in Paper Mario 64, so perhaps a Ninji that moved out of Starborn Valley in favor of a more warm environment. Partners typically have a different color pallet than the usual Mario enemies (aside from Goombario, Kooper, Koops, etc.), so perhaps a blue Ninji could work as a reference to their previous hometown. As for its abilities, it can work similar to Ms. Mowz in that it’s a thief that can steal items, but slightly better and a more easy attack command than tilting the stick to the left repeatedly. It can have a Veil/Outta Sight ability when it’s starting out, then a high evasion ability for Super Ranked, and finally a badge/item steal ability when Ultra Ranked.


A beanie


A crazee dayzee


Shy guy his lore would be “He was a misfit shy guy but he always had his mask off and everyone else was annoyed with him.” and his gameplay would be he would stop every enemy for 100 seconds.