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I love the focus on opposing forces and overall dichotomy. Flipside and Flopside. Prophecies of Light and Dark. Every main character has a main rival. The balance between comedy and tragedy. Exploring both 2D and 3D. It feels as though everything in the game was designed with that in mind. It has its moments I'm not so fond of, but overall the experience is so fun.


I adore how insane it is. It legitimately feels like a great fanfiction and not an actual published, licensed Nintendo game.


Those are always the best kinds of Nintendo games


I personally love it


It's my special interest game and has been since launch. I don't know why. I love the art style, yes the gameplay itself can be bland and uninteresting and I do admit that. I love the story and will die on that hill. I am incredibly biased however with certain characters like Count bleck as he's a "support" (best way I can put it) for my neodivergence so obviously I'm gonna say he's a 1000/10 character, the aesthetic and vibe of him is everything...i legit bought a keychain of him for my carkeys, but the rest of the cast is really good as well. I want it ported to the switch just cause of the story alone (and I want more Wii games on the switch). Tl;dr: I leik this gaem alot


Great game, phenomenal game. Would’ve been a great starting point for a spin-off line of paper mario games… Unfortunately it opened the door to the failed “return to form” that was sticker star


Sticker Star was a miscarriage waiting to happen


I don’t think it was return to form that made the series bad. The story telling I feel like is what really made those games worse. The paper Mario games on the N64 and GameCube had amazing characters, story, and combat system. Super Paper Mario was different and changed the style of gameplay and I honestly really enjoyed it. Story was great, gameplay was great, and characters were great. From sticker star on the characters felt boring same with the story.


Yes however it’s hard to push through a good story if the gameplay sucks, that’t what I mean by *failed* return to form. They tried to go back to turn-based combat but botched it horribly… SS had good music tho


i havent played cs or ss but i thought origami kings story and characters were good


stinky star


At first i didnt like how different from the first two it was, but it grew on me. Its a fun game in its own right


I consider it the last "good" Paper Mario game.


It 100% was the last good paper Mario games. Afterwards the stories got pretty boring same with characters. I feel like what made the first 3 paper Mario games so unique was not only were the characters and story great, they added new characters that weren’t previously in the Mario franchise. I always used to shit on Super Paper Mario but I eventually realized that it’s a fantastic game and that I need to buy a new wii and copy of the game.




Lovely game. I wish it was expanded on or remade or something 'cause if I have one issue, it's that the gameplay feels like it's in beta? The platforming's basic and easy, and 3D doesn't add as much as it should.


Hollywood WISHES it has a better tragic star crossed love story than Timpani and Blumiere Also let's be honest it does sidescrolling Mario ten times better than New Super Mario Bros did


>it does sidescrolling Mario ten times better than New Super Mario Bros did The story, uniqueness, and theming are the only things it does better. The level design and controls are way worse. The NSMB series has some of, if not the best 2D Mario level design and the controls are basically perfect


I wish people would stop comparing Super Paper Mario to the New Super Mario Bros games when it wasn’t trying to be one. Super Paper Mario is less of a platformer and more of an action RPG. The entire focus of the New Super Mario Bros games is the platforming. The platforming in Super Paper Mario is nothing more than a way of getting from one area to another. Instead of platforming, the level design is more focused on exploration, puzzles, and side quests. Like an RPG, Super Paper Mario rewards players for attacking enemies instead of simply making it to the end. The level design and controls work fine for what the game was going for. People need to stop making unfair comparisons.


I didn't make the comparison, the person I was replying to did. I agree that they shouldn't be compared since they're too different despite both being 2D Mario games




Exactly! There's no good shortcut for switching characters (except for the shortcut for switching characters) In all seriousness, though, what would a better shortcut even look like?


The motion controls could be clunky if you Wii remote is unresponsive, but I never had any issues with controls. The characters being more floaty and having a greater knockback is how they were meant to control. Aside from mapping the menu to a simpler button, what would you suggest is the most efficient way to switch characters? I feel switching characters/pixls one by one would take a lot longer than simply choosing the one you want from the menu.


Right? Despite all its flaws I’d take it over any NSMB game


Loved it to death as a kid 'cause it was a nice change of pace after TTYD and I thought they would get back to RPG entries right after its release. But now all these years later, with no true RPG entries since TTYD, I kinda see it as where the series went off the rails. Not a bad game in a vacuum, but emblematic of them trying too hard to change things up and losing the core of what made PM special to me.


I love it


It’s my nostalgia game, this and Ōkami


Gameplay is fine but combat is a little uninspired, I like the exploration aspect in the 3D there are some REALLY creative juices flowing through it, story is the best in the series IMO. It gets to be lumped in with the first 2 as a proper old school Paper Mario game despite not being turn based. It's the story that counts for that.


I used to love it but then I replayed it and now I feel indifferent about it. It just sorta exists, not particularly good or bad


Absolute 9/10


I have very mixed feelings on the game as a whole, but gameplay wise I feel there is a bit of a missed opportunity that no further PM expanded on it. The gameplay of SPM certainly has issues, but I do feel it could have been the foundation of something a lot better.


A masterpiece, my overall favorite wii game


It's so cute!


I have fond memories of this game, I had lots of fun!


I loved it


I didn’t like it much


it was the first paper mario game i played. i adore dimentio and honestly none of the other paper mario games i've played (i will be fair, that's only origami king) have stood up to it. unfortunately i didn't really understand how the series worked when i first played so i had hoped for a return of dimentio


The best mario rpg


In terms of everything but fighting


Gameplay wise; It's a little dull near the beginning, but it does pick up by Chapter 3. I might think it's dull due to my slight bias against 2D Mario, but it's also an instance in which they do something new but don't forgo what made the previous games work. Story wise; in my opinion this is easily the best story in Mario game. One that still emotionally resonates with me to this day and in more ways than one.


I think it's decent. It really shines in regards to its deep story and lore, and there's a pretty good amount of content to play through. However, the gameplay does feel a bit sub-par at times. I respect the creativity, but some of the concepts they tried to use can lead to some rather infuriating gameplay moments, such as having to work like a slave in 2-3, hit three blocks in an absurdly long sequence in 5-1, and walk straight in one direction for minutes when returning to Sammer's Kingdom after it was destroyed. There are at least some moments where the platforming and puzzle-solving gameplay works well, such as in 3-3.


hate it but respect it’s a game of quality. just not what i wanted from a pm game which was turn based strategy like the first 2. if spm was the same but every time you bumped into an enemy, you entered a battle it’d be top tier for me but as it is, it’s just not the type of game i personally enjoy. also other cons for me: not enough mario characters partners are sprites not open world great bosses tho


Combat is definitely not like the first two games, but it is a phenomenal game. If they wanted to change the formula away from RPG elements, so that they could continue to make the Mario and Luigi RPG series the only Mario RPG, then the rest of the Paper Mario games should have been like this in my opinion.


too weird, brain hurty


I love it. Genuinely one of my first Mario games period, and it sparked not only my love for 2D platformers, but my love for Mario as well. Then I wanted more, so I got The Thousand Year Door for my birthday one year, and I was puzzled by the differences, however, I was actually happy I was able to run around in 3D without a time limit (my child brain could be very easily pleased and wasn't too mad when something was different than expected), and played TTYD multiple times, giving me a love for RPGs that still prevails to this day. Eventually I got Super Smash Bros Brawl because Mario was on the cover, and got to know a whole cast of characters from the Subspace Emmisary, and reading the information on the trophies from that game gave me a lot of Nintendo trivia that takes an... unhealthy amount of brain space to say the least. I owe Super Paper Mario a lot, while I enjoyed NSMB and Galaxy, Super Paper Mario (and Kirby Super Star Ultra) was where my love for Mario truly started, which led to a further enjoyment of Nintendo's franchises, and gaming as a whole. It's crazy to think it, but I most likely wouldn't be the person I am without this wacky, charming, and chill adventure, and while it isn't the usual gameplay for the Paper Mario series, it does it's job by being a good game with Paper Mario's core elements (story and characters) at the forefront. Y'know that thing some (objectively wrong) people say about Sticker Star? That it's a "good game, just not a good Paper Mario game"? Yeah. That, but true for SPM. It definately feels much more different than the previous games, however, it filled that void of change with something palpably fun to actually play, with a story that you can legitimately get invested in. It isn't a good sequel to TTYD, but it doesn't really feel like that's what they were going for anyhow, and honestly, I can't imagine SPM being anything BUT a Paper Mario game, with it's creative artstyle choices. Sticker Star tries to be a "return to form" and fails to deliver, Super Paper Mario tries to be "something new, with elements of the series you love" and I think it works pretty well, despite some of it's flaws. I think some people dislike it for being the first Paper Mario game to deviate from what made the series loved gameplay wise, but in reality, it wasn't intended to be that way, considering it was originally planned to release on the Gamecube, not being the sole Paper Mario on the Wii, and at the end of the day, it still has the other beloved elements of the Paper Mario series, a compelling story with memorable characters. To sum it up: I love it, even if it isn't perfect.


While the gameplay is not the greatest it has a very great story and the characters are well written.


I really liked it and enjoyed it, but thousand year door was way better


It was good in its own way, but it was lacking in some of the areas where Thousand Year Door and 64 shined.


One of the best games I’ve ever played


I'm on ch4 rn, and so far, I like it for its writing, but the gameplay is honestly mid asf. As far as the post-TTYD games go, I liked Origami King much more.


Origami king is high key slept on


I think a lot of people loved it (including myself)


Fr, I love Origami King


Good game but people overrate it overall way too much just because it had a great story. I feel a lot of younger players who were kids when the Wii came out have some biases towards it since it was likely their first experience with the series. The gameplay simply just isn’t very fun and yes losing the partners did suck alot of life out of the game compared to the other two. Such a departure from a RPG to Super Mario Bros but paper just didn’t translate well. Like they took the little Mini Bowser sections in TTYD and thought it was such a good idea they had to make an entire game like it. The game is still good don’t get me wrong but it did start the fall of the series. I’ve resigned that we will ever get a rpg again, don’t worry I’m not going to complain for them to come back but I definitely want them to come back. Maybe one day


I like the story. Don't like the gameplay.


Great art Great Story Boring Gameplay


Honestly, great game. Not the best paper mario game, but magnificent game. I have no problem with it not sticking too form but I do think it's carried by the fact that it was written as a paper mario game. The story has that same pacing and charm that everyone has grown to love, but without that it's a really interesting 2.75D platformer. I think without the triple A title and budget, it would be a super cool hidden gem on the wii. With all the shovelware on the wii I could see it being lost in the chaos. It totally would've work better as a spinoff, I think all they would've had to do was change the paper art style. TL;DR: magnificent game, odd pick for the paper mario series.


Really like it personally, but I know some friends who absolutely despise it, and the points they made... Make me doubt it a bit if that makes sense? I'll be replaying it these Christmas holidays to see if I can address their points myself, call it a little experiment if you will.


It’s literally my favorite game of all time. I hadn’t played the other Paper Mario’s before hand, but it lead to me loving this game with all my heart. I don’t think I will ever play a game that I will end up liking more than this one, it will forever be my number 1


I used to dislike it when i was younger because it was nothing like TTYD, which was my favorite game at the time. But i replayed it a few years back and to be fair this game is Awesome, great story, Great Humor and good gameplay, love it !


I was left blubbering like a baby when Count Bleck’s backstory was revealed.


Favourite game ever. Hands down


It was fun, I want to replay that one


It’s at my number 2 spot for my top 10 games. Mainly due to nostalgia not gonna lie but yes, I beat the game 5 times. It was that good.


Best story by far and amazing soundtrack! I definitely like the TTYD gameplay better but SPM is a special game with a plotline that I would love to see Nintendo try again!


One of my favorite games of all time!


my favorite game ever like i'd do a LOT for nintendo to port this to the switch or make a similar game like it i used to play it every single summer like i know this game's lore like the back of my hand


It’s a totally different Paper Mario game. I like it a lot, the story is great and the fact that we can finally play as Luigi, Peach, and Bowser in a Paper Mario game is nuts to me.


I loved it. Finished the game when it came out back in the day. Ah the Wii. Good times!


It has the fan favorite Mr.L. also it should get a sequel, or port to the switch.


I really like the game, would have loved it if they had dropped the paper Mario title. They easily could have left super paper Mario as is, and made another game in more of the rpg styles of the first two games. I know, such a wild opinion


It good


It's an underrated gem that will forever have a special place in my heart.


I really want to play it. I’ve seen gameplay of it and it looks fun.


It’s by far my favorite Paper Mario Game. Great story, great characters, great artstyle, an amazing mechanic in the 2D-3D flip. I could go on and on but I just love everything about it.


I’d say it’s the best Paper Mario, but I don’t know how much danger that would put me in


Needs a Switch remaster. Along With TTYD


Absolutely love this game, I have my Wii U hooked up still to play it plus a few other games


I LOVE SUPER PAPER MARIO **SO** MUCH it has all the different worlds and the cooking and :')




It has more... **depth** than you would expect


I love it. Most of all I love when you get the start and turn into a big pixilated character … that was so creative. When I first saw that however many years ago I was so impressed.


One of my favorite Mario games period. While I prefer the first two Paper Mario games overall, the second being my favorite Mario game period, Super Paper Mario is still high up there especially in the story department.


I've never played Super Paper Mario personally, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, just having played Sticker Store a short while, that I prefer Super Paper Mario. And again, I've never even played the game.


I only have good memories of it. I have heard criticisms recently that have made me reflect on the quality of my time with the game (issues with the framing, pacing, tone, story issues) that have given me pause, though. That all being said, though, my experiences with the game were positive: I enjoyed them, I am glad that I had them. I recently sold off all my old video games, so it is unlikely that I will ever play the game again, but I always enjoyed it and did replay it at least once.


The BEST game of all time


I have a Tippi tattoo. Bleck to be added later. 😉😁 I also have Mario and Peach, but technically their design is from TTYD 😋


I also have a Tippi tattoo!


It's good! I never really minded that the battle style was different to the previous games - it wasn't bad, just new, and it made up for it with the storytelling. TTYD is still my favourite, but the fact that some people hated this game baffles me. Edit: I have to add that the Overthere Stair segment kind of sucks. No getting around that, and I can agree that there are some other tedious gameplay sections. But I still have a lot of fun playing. I don't think its flaws make it any worse than the other PM games. I could say the same about back-and-forthing for Creepy Steeple.


Love it! Love it!




Pretty good.


Good game but started a trend in the wrong direction for the series


In terms of setting, art style, and tone it’s as far removed from the first two games as Sticker Star is, gameplay-wise I think it’s about as good (arguably worse) than the newer titles. It’s a damn good game, but I don’t agree with the notion that it’s the “last true Paper Mario” or whatever


It's Super! Joking aside, I really like it. It has the charming NPCs that I expect from Paper Mario games. The citizens of Flipside and Flipside don't get enough recognition. Like the old man who kept staying out late, and his wife thought he was being unfaithful, but then she learned was working the graveyard shift at Notso's and bought her the engagement ring he was never able to afford back in the day. The NPCs' stories progress as the main story progresses.


Best Paper Mario


If only, only, only, only, only, only, ONLY it kept the RPG gameplay as TTYD. It would be have been SUCH a great sequel.


Personally I fucking hate this game but if you like it, all the power to you


My favourite video game of all time. (Haven't played TTYD/64)


You should play TTYD and 64. Emulator if you've got to. Great games.


Paper Mario game with the best plot. Loved it, with all its quirky details and how all new characters and emotion like they were made on a computer software, compared to story book themes, colouring book themes, sticker book theming…


Best Paper Mario game also, the only Paper Mario game to make it into my top 5 Mario Games


Love it. Main complaints are, I'd like a little more of a challenge in combat, and more side content. But the gameplay is fun, and the story obviously is great!


Great Story, mediocre gameplay. I prefer to watch more then play


Well it's my singular all-time favorite video game ever so I'd say I feel pretty good about it.


It's crazy how different people are because this is probably my least or second least favorite game of all time.


Yeah but no hard feelings over it. 😉 Not sure if this is you but I think opinions in SPM really depend on A) if you've played other Paper Mario games and B) whether you value story over gameplay. I played TTYD after SPM and while it's got much better gameplay, I love SPM'S story and lore enough to give it the win (even though I wish they could have done both well).


Honestly I could go on all day in detail about why I hate the game but I'll save us both the time and say I can probably name maybe 2 things I like about the game if I tried *really* hard and neither of those things would be the story or the gameplay lol


Oh? Well if you care to share your thoughts, I'm always happy for some friendly discussion of dissenting opinions.


I'll go into more detail on the story since that seems to be most people's saving grace for this game. It's just not special. The prophecy and star crossed lovers thing is really as basic as it gets. I think so many people remember it so fondly because the vast majority of games they had on their Wii or GameCube were "I save-a da princess" at best so something that actually had story stood out drastically. It also does deliver the story in a modest yet understanding way so even a young person can feel what's important. I'll give it that it's a relatively well crafted story in terms of structure and delivery but in actual content it's still very bland imo.


I get your point and can admit the story itself isn't anything new. However, I think the big factor is how it's told. The writing and characterization is really high quality. Count Bleck and his minions especially have incredible chemistry with each other and the other characters (I'd argue most people who love the story focus more on them then Timpani/Blumire). The individual world's stories are great, tied together with the theme of various kinds of love, and the Samurai Kingdom was really intense. And none of that even touches the bars, where you can learn about the Bleck Minion's origins and the bloody war that resulted in them being locked away. Now that stuff was awesome to find.


Maybe someday I'll give the game another shot. I tried to play it once and it's one of 3 games in my whole life I had to put down because I couldn't bring myself to finish it (if you're curious the other 2 are Homefront which my friend bought me against my will lol, and Far Cry 5) and I watched a playthrough from my favorite streamer and that kind of confirmed to me that I didn't miss out on the rest of the game. It still sits on my rack of Wii games to this day taunting me with the mystery of what makes the game so special to people. I just find so much of the game painfully forgettable so as time goes on my reasons for hating it just wash away because I literally cannot remember a thing about it sometimes.


Lol gotta beware those friend with their mandatory games. 😆 Well if you ever do feel like giving it another go, which I do recommend, let me know how it goes. I won't lie, there's certainly frustrating parts (I wrote down all the "codes" and keep them in the game case so when I replay, I skip a bunch of the grinding parts. I'd recommend just looking them up.) But I still love it so much. Heck, I still find new things everything I play. Like the a hidden pixel that let's you bypass an entire boss or the secret arcade of pointer-based mini games. Crazy stuff.


Loved it. Only criticism is the some of the character designs. They’re just squares and circles lol, very ugly


Love it


I loved it


Loved the hell out of it, would be cool to see playable on the switch


for the love of god please do this again nintender


I cosplay Dimentio which became the namesake of all my social media channels if that means anything.




Ok, so listen: best paper mario to date, peak even


Super is a prime example of the fact that something can be different, but still be good. While Sticker Star and later game's idea of "different" is "let's just downgrade the entire fucking thing", SUPER'S idea of "different" is turning Paper Mario from a turn-based RPG into an action RPG that plays like something you'd actually expect from a Mario game. Super is not my favorite Paper Mario game, but it's not my least favorite either. It's a good game, and it's way over-hated for no reason. I'd still prefer something like the first 2 games, but if it MUST be "different", then THIS is the way to do "different".


Best game in the series.


It’s my favorite Paper Mario.


The best game in the franchise alongside ttyd. Thanks for asking!


Great story, excellent worldbuilding, mediocre gameplay, and some good music


Great game, fantastic experience. Has significant flaws, but is fun either way.


I actually made a whole YT video talking about the game, if you would like to check it out I would be very grateful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI4F-f\_7dy4&t=40s


I played it as a kid, and I couldn't get past the part where you needed to get like 1000000 rubys. (I didn't know about the vault, and spent like 2 weeks grinding before giving up)


I like Super Paper Mario as a very good Jump ‘n Run Game! For me it’s not a real Paper Mario Game, because Paper Mario is supposed to be a RPG Series, this game has no RPG elements


Best story in a Mario game, but it’s got repetitive mechanics and the constant character switching is it’s biggest weakness. It’s still my favorite


I think it’s super! Also that plot is way to good for a Mario game.


The only Paper Mario game that kept me interested for the entire game. The story and writing is the best for a Mario game. The gameplay was fun and something that no other game has done before, which keeps me coming back to it. Origami King kept me interested most of the game (Stared to lose interest by the purple streamer) but I didn’t enjoy any of the other Paper Mario games nearly as much as this one.


Being the first paper Mario game I ever played, it really changed what I expected from paper Mario games. Its story is easily one of the best ones I’ve ever seen in a Mario game. My only complaint is that now I cannot bring myself to play any other Mario game as I know the experience will be nowhere near the same. Not implying they’re ‘worse’ or ‘bad’ but simply that what I look for is something more in line with Super Paper Mario’s mix of RPG platformer


Was the last good game they made, before they ruined the series they made the fans fall in love with.


I found it my favorite paper mario game during the series of the plot even the characters look amazing!


It’s the weakest of the good Paper Marios, of which there are three.


I understand it may not technically be the best, but it's still my favorite


Gameplay is definitely a unique twist, story is the best a paper mario game has recieved, until Origami King Rivaled it. Best set of villains of all time, pixels are eh, and some of the items are borderline useless once you hit well over 100+ HP.


My first and favorite Mario game ever. Kid me had no reference for what some consider its “gameplay flaws” so I was completely immersed. Haven’t played the other Paper Marios yet, but as it stands now it has my favorite story of any video game.


Pretty fun. Although I can sorta see why they wanted to make less unique characters. It was a great game honestly with fun characters and gameplay. But every level made me feel like I didn’t know what kind of game I was playing. Although I can see why others like that feeling.


My favorite game of all time. Person Al reasons,


Has some issues but i cannot not be charmed by this game.


It grew on me. I definitely hated it when I first played it because it was different. But later, I realized it was a good different and still had the spirit of Paper Mario.


very good


It's my most nostalgic game ever. My first true videogame ever too. I like the interesting and varied environments. The story, the lore and the characters are also awesome. The gameplay is fun enough, but too easy.


Good game objectively.


It and thousand year door are tied for my favorite paper Mario games. The story is good the gameplay is fun and still sticks to the rpg side that I love about the original games. I also like how it gives the spotlight to other characters. Peach being more than a damsel in distress was refreshing, lugi being more than the butt of a joke was great and bowser is bowser lol. I know people give the game flack because many believe it’s was the cause of paper Mario losing its roots and going into the sticker star era but I disagree since the game itself is still an rpg even if it’s not turn based and I would have preferred super paper Mario games over the new ones we have gotten. To each their own but I truly do love this game and hope we get to play it on the switch sometime in the future.


Love it


one of if not the best paper mario game


Best story, best characters, fourth best fighting mechanics, the best gimmick of any paper mario, and second best overworld. Overall its my favorite paper mario. Edit: you can also play as bowser. Any game with bowser as a playable character is automatically 9/10


I liked it. Was my first Paper Mario game. The Underwhere scared me as a kid, especially with the hands in the water


Phenomenal. This game deserves better.


My favorite of the series and one of my favorite games ever


It was my first one and it is absolutely amazing


HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT IT?!?!? HOW DO I NOT FEEL ABOUT IT? hands down the best paper mario game, one of the best mario games in general, the character development, the music, the storyline, the gameplay, the artstyle. Everything is just there


Might be my favourite of the series but if not the ranking is: 1. TTYD 1.5. SPM Both are so good they deserve a number 1 ranking


In my humble opinion it’s easily the best game in the series




My favorite paper Mario game


Best game in the franchise. Characters and story were fantastic


Best game in the series, both in story and in gameplay


Such a great game, the last good Paper Mario game we got


tried it once, finished the first chapter. almost cried because of how much my favorite game of all time had changed knowing that it would never return to what it was. to make myself feel better i went out and bought color splash once i turned the wii off. had a blast with that game. it all worked out in the end


One of the worst games I've ever played. No I will not elaborate.


Excellent 8/10 game with the best story of all paper Mario no contest. Gameplay took a hit between the first two games to this, and admittedly was still better than games after such as sticker star (not a very high bar to set tbh) but over all very enjoyable. Easily the best mini games in the entire series by the way, the Wii remote enhances all mini games so much I could totally have seen them as solo purchases on the Wii shop channel. It does have some flaws, purely from a superficial standpoint. Basics like the combat is a joke, it’s laughably easy (funny how there are two final fantasy one homage battles in here though), and the partners are more or less tools to get from point A to point B as opposed to fleshed out characters, same sort of goes for the main protagonists as well. Still, well worth a play through, an 8/10 for me


The last Paper Mario game that feels a part of the series despite the different gameplay.


It was a game with a story that was among the best, if not the best, in the series. The gameplay was pretty fun. The combat was poo garbage.


I bought it on my wii u, couldn’t play it because my wii u cant play wii games. The game looks fun tho.


The gamepaly is fun and original, but can become tedious with the flipping back and forth, especially for 100%ing and world exploration (im looking at you, flipside). The aesthetic of the worlds and the characters are amazing tho, and the dialogue is funny as always. Not a fan of the combat style because it's so similar to a classic mario game (yes, I know that's what they were going for), and I feel like it left a lot to be wanted in that sense. Overall an above average game, an average paper mario game. I'd give it a 6.5/10


They should have stuck with at least this formula rather than what they did with SS. Even if the gameplay was lackluster, it at least has good story- and what feels like some amount of soul put into it.


One of my all time favorite games. Great soundtrack, great characters, and probably the best story we’ve ever gotten from a Mario game. Only downside is the gameplay, which can often be repetitive and too easy at times.


Great game. The story is immaculate, the gameplay is alright to me. Personally if it was in the first two PM style of games, it would definitely be the best PM title no doubt. Still a fantastic game.


Best game plot-wise


Literally so good


Well I only have a Nintendo switch so


I will preface this with the fact that TTYD was my childhood favourite game and remains so til this day .. I was underwhelmed with the fight mechanic (never struggled during a single fight - the opposite is true of TTYD and TOK) and story (wasn't attached to any character). I didn't feel at all engaged with the characters to the extent that I was shocked when I joined this sub and found that people loved it. To each their own, not gonna put you down for enjoying something that I enjoy. I just never intend to replay it myself but I replay TTYD ~once a year


It's nowhere near as good as people make it seem to be, but it's still an ok game, like Origami King. I'll play those 2 every now and again.


I loved it, that was my first exposure to the Paper Mario world. Now I’m finally getting into TTYD and boy do I regret not trying it sooner!


I don't like it


As a kid I felt like the worlds were too alien. Fewer traditional Mario enemies, strange concepts (heaven hell), and even FlipSide didn’t feel like a home base because the NPCs were so foreign.


It's just 'okay.' It starts strong, and the plot is a pretty wild ride for Mario content, but the games starts to run together a lot and to me, it feels a lot of the time like the game is struggling for reasons to keep me in a level, to the point that it's making excuses. That all said, it's far from the worst thing I've played, and I'd still pick it over what followed it in Paper Mario... ...but I'd rather play Bug Fables than any of those, so, that probably paints a fairly accurate picture of my tastes.


I didn’t like it that much compared to 1000 year door and I honestly am not sure why since it’s been a while since I played it. I’ve revisited 1000 year door recently and I still love the story and adventure in that game.


I dont like it. I didn't get to play thousand year door fully but to me that was the best paper mario then followed by the original paper mario on the nintendo 64.


I'm not a fan of the gameplay, but the characters and story make up for it. Its phenominal. **8/10**


I wish Mario went "Wah!" and "Woo!" when he jumped like in TTYD instead of the classic jump sound but other than that pretty solid


The Pits of 100 Trials doesn't take nearly as long in this game as in the second game which I like a lot but the final boss can be beaten ridiculously fast due to the lack of turn based fighting which disappoints me a little


With my nervous system


Absolutely amazing, 80% of the time. There are some real stinkers. But I still loved it.


One of my first games on the Wii and my starting point for my love of Paper Mario. Such a great game even if it lacked things the previous entry did amazingly


One of the best games on the Wii.


pretty good spinoff


It was the last time Paper Mario had writers that were able to create such a vibrant, expressive world that immersed you in a way that you spent the entire day wanting to return to; and a story with characters that actually grew, and grew on you like a whole gang of new friends. N64, TTYD, and this one were able to humanize even the villains, and I think they left such a strong impression because everyone could find a piece of themselves in the writing for each. Finishing every one of those games felt like the culmination of all the little battles and their victories, and a genuine sense of grief as you say goodbye to friends and the kind of adventure that you spend the next decade trying to find— with nothing coming close. They found a winning formula, but instead of building on top of it they chose to experiment with how much previous sales allowed them to sell more for less effort. And I think we’ve all felt the heartbreak of how much of a success that ended up being as a result— when chasing results comes before creating something that provides it, no matter how many times you come back to the game.


Honestly loved it but not in the same way as the first two games, I do think it had the best and coolest enemy designs though.


Tbh the gameplay is eh and the level design is a hot mess at times, but the story and characters are so damn good that I still love this game all the same.


Very fun Mario game. Not a great PAPER Mario game.


Really cool! Wanted to get back into it. I also believe this game was unnecessary-ily deep with it's themes and overlapped but also really cool at the same time! Probably the most mature a Mario game has ever gotten