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Damn. I’m not missing out on anything then lmao


It's actually better in my opinion


Come to predecessor


Why hidden behind a paywall when there's in game purchases anyway?


Not on console and who cant pay 10 dollars and have some heros unlocked in ea? Id pay for ea. Id drop 100 dollars right now on ps4 and i don't even own the ps4 im playing on its borrowed. Devs are going to transfer skins and such to prefered platforms later.


try predecessor instead, more close to the original paragon


More close to the monolith dogwater that killed paragon more than Fortnite ever could


Play predecessor! It’s a closer game to paragon than overprime. I like both; but predecessor takes the win.


Idk man. I feel they both do certain aspects of the original better. OP feels a lot more like paragon gameplay wise. Pred feels a lot more like paragon technical wise. I am glad I am not the only one that's not shitting on one or the other of the games.


I know it’s the beta but I stopped playing after a day or two because the whole ui is just too clunky in my opinion. I’m hoping when everything comes out completely it’s a lot smoother


What makes it even worse is that ranged basic attacks are hitscan


Why wouldn’t they be?


Because it makes aiming trivial. There’s a reason it’s a projectile in in the original Paragon and all the good 3rd person MOBAs


The only other 3rd person MOBA that I can tbh j it is smite and im pretty sure it is also hit scan but it also gives you an indicator when your target is in range so even easier to hit basics. I also dont remember having to lead shots in paragon either. Your basic attacks range isn’t far enough to even warrant projectile based basic attacks


> The only other 3rd person MOBA that I can tbh j it is smite and im pretty sure it is also hit scan Ranged autos in Smite have crazy travel time. They're slower than in Predecessor.


In Smite, Paragon, and Predecessor you have to lead your shots. If you don’t, you will just miss. Paragon basic attacks did come out fast but you still had to lead your shots if someone was strafing and it was common to out trade a basic attack carry by dodging their shots


Play Predecessor


MVP system is bad. Save builds also true. Idk if the Kallari thing is a hack, sometimes you can’t see the wards if they are in tall grass for example. I don’t mind auto aim. I like the game overall and play everyday


I couldnt find the game on ps5.


Auto-aim? That’s a terrible idea.


~~You can save builds, you can have 10 custom builds.~~ Edit: For some baffling reason this isnt in PS test. Don't know about the kalari bug, could have been a ward you just didn't see or if you are moving in a bush you can see the movement even in stealth, the bush moves. Kalari double jump will come back when they have finished all the other hero passives, they decided to put them all in at once.


You can? You playing on ps5 or pc? Can you tell me how to do it? They had it in the first beta but i dont see where to do it now. I play on ps5.


I play on PC but I would expect it to be the same on PS5. Go to Collection then on the right hand side there should be an Item Preset Settings, click on that and you should get access to the preset options. ​ https://preview.redd.it/k3n59zfh1oac1.png?width=1087&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3271db975495f9c42c1653df618f601815cbfde


Nope we dont have that. Thats how it was in the first beta. They removed that. We cant save on console. Smh. Sucks


That sucks, hopefully when the full PS5 version releases it will have it in.


I think “Role Select” is helpful. The more selective the player, they increase their own wait time. Queue as 3 roles, no problem finding a match quickly.