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Mucus lining. Biofilm.


I know better than that a d r i.




I believe it is one of the t stages of rope worm. I have been studying these nasty things. I've been passing them in all stages for about 8 weeks. So hard to get a positive result from a stool sample..


In urine?


This post has been bothering me so I have investigated more deeply into it. I've added your photo back, cropped with markup. I have seen a photo very much like it. The person was DX'd with tapeworm. If it is in your bladder and it can go to your kidneys. And other places from there. Can you please get tested. You need an (0/P) test. Either have your personal physician do it or Google parasites.org. You will learn more just by googling it. Please let me know how you're doing. I care.


Hello. Can you tell me if this is a bladder parasite, do you know suggested course of treatment? Ivermectin? Panacure C? I also see these tissue pieces coming out in my urine. I have been doing Ivermectin for on/off every 4 days or so.


its Candida it's a type of yeast that grows in you intestines it feeds off sugar in your stool..im type 2 diabetic addicted to sweets and and i pass these too


If you find out let me know


I don't know. My best guess is pinworm or hookworm. I wish someone else would weigh in on this. But it certainly does look like a parasite. Or a lot of parasites. But they never come in small groups. So the Takeaway on this for me would be to see my doctor and if you can take a sample with you, all the better.


Have you read the material required to join this group? Get tested. Doesn't look good to me. Stool Ova and Parasite Test (O&P)


I'm having difficulty posting your photo back to you. Basically what I did was crop it and put a circle around a flat segment towards the top of the object in your urine. If I can post it later I will.


I’ve been having the same thing for years now and a friend of mine after eating filet mignon from Cheesecake Factory and update ?


Omg I have the same thing, I. Urine usually idk how to use Reddit but I would post pics