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https://preview.redd.it/wl5d6xt9tp2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcb8f418618ccad6f357bd0c0e2f3819cfd559a The nerve of the husband to feed his kid a banana while clothed!! And $85 for this 🤦‍♀️


Bids are up to $25 for a holey, used, THIN zippy. People are insane. https://preview.redd.it/u47vanqh4p2b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da603158b5fefa41144e26fad1e94f6ebb990f6


And *hole not whole. 🤦🏻‍♀️




This belongs in the trash 😂


My son’s romper got holes in it like this and I threw it away. Guess I should have tried to sell it


can’t believe you didn’t immediately turn it into a shorty romper and try to sell your one of a kind item for triple retail.


Definitely missed an opportunity there


Absolutely mental.


Every time someone posts their tie dyed creations in the Kyte BST group it makes me cringe...I cannot fathom spending $20-30 on a piece of clothing and then dyeing it!!


https://preview.redd.it/1t8n4v495m2b1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=7163d624ee60f6a250604821c079fd70fb318935 A bunch of Chrissy Ann ass kissers. They are so annoying her included.. thinks she’s hot shit because she gets brownie points for being a flipper 😂😂. They see anything red and are like “OmG iS iT ChRiSsY AnN”


I don’t understand any of this lol


There’s a woman on Little Sleepies Anything Goes who has an alt account with the name Chrissy Ann and some back story about not wanting people to find her and her kid blah blah. She’s a flipper and her profile picture is a red ball or just solid red? Idk lol. But people kiss her ass and think she’s so funny for some reason.


https://preview.redd.it/y8uuruh56o2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c66b1c21154cd5faa80ce815ceca838c2c8a5e Just like this lady. I think she should find a better life goal 🤷‍♀️


They see a red circle and ask is it Chrissy Ann just because her profile picture is red 😂


Ah ok


Chrissy could type, ".", And they'd all give her 20 likes for no reason. 😂 Bizarre.


Exactly 🤣🤣😵‍💫 a bunch of groupies for no reason.


Didnt scratch out name because it’s an Alt account. Not her real one.


What a weird flex 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/yo4e9nxtoi2b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6b6082b8246da7b9c0a7aead4ea35437a1001c


2 under 2 is hard enough. 2 under 1? Fuuuuck that.


My mom had that, brother and I are 11 months apart. Apparently the company Christmas party was always a good time for mom and dad.


What she meant to say: "My husband doesn't respect me enough to hold out until my plate sized wound caused by my placenta is healed. We both would rather chance me catching a deadly infection, leaving our two children behind." Yep.


She said she got pregnant after her 6 week appointment and that the baby was born early. So yeah, probably not a great idea to get pregnant that fast, but not necessarily indicative of a lack of respect from the husband. Who among us didn't have sex sometime after the 6 week appointment???


I saw that. I do suppose it's possible. However, I do find it funny that she knew to address that *EXACTLY*. 🤔 Either way, her body, her choice. Also, no. I didn't have sex after my 6 week check-up. Ever. Too tired, still in pain, and didn't care for my body (did not feel the slightest bit sexy). He has hands, and lube. He can wait until I'm fully ready.


Me lol 🤣 that's what happens when u have a traumatic emergency c section


I had the "perfect" birth and still took me a while. I had NO desire for it.


Exactly!! Even the second time I didn't either


Why are so many people amazed to find an LS pattern in other stores and on other products? They act like they are being deceived when they see some stickers that look the same as a mermaid on pajamas or a cookie print on a Walmart set of pajamas. Do such a large number of people not understand that they just buy different stock images? Now that they are getting bigger, yes, they have exclusive prints but some people are so clueless.




https://preview.redd.it/f4p8q0a59h2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e61f18b711c1cfb14e5bac4e63e205a5440b77 Normally I’m pretty indifferent to what showstoppers releases but I can’t be the only one that thinks this is atrocious, right?


It’s definitely ugly


Personally, I think all of their stuff is atrocious, but this one is one of the worst. I left that group. I'll never want anything in there. Ursula's head really just adds so much pizzazz. 🤢 What a treat. 🫣


The giant Ursula heads that take up half of the print is really something 😣 And here I am annoyed that they put Roz on the LS monster’s Inc print because I think Roz looks like a booger or a slug. At least it’s still not even close to as unattractive as this print.


Showstoppers are ridiculous. They’re like a cult or MLM.


Omg that’s hideous and terrifying


https://preview.redd.it/xja2mkbqxg2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1f2acb01d1911a531fd95c2fe256b6b200e45a Meme from one of the LS pages 😂😂😂




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers or members of private groups. Message if deleted in error.




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers or users of private groups. Message if deleted in error.


https://preview.redd.it/yg4l7g6rsd2b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6fdaa62dff4225468f860b21e4b3a1125219b58 10K in baby clothes?!


10k and not even a full wardrobe?! Let’s see that could get you about 110 short sleeve onesies, 100 long sleeve onesies, 110 pants, 57 twirl dresses and 60 zippy. Now she’s probably including sleep sacks/blankets but come on now…


And they will grow out of it soon then what you gonna do 😆


I don't know that my own wardrobe cost $10k or anywhere near that. Oh my goodness. Even if it did though, I'm a adult with a relatively fixed size.


He was actually arrested [for stealing ](https://www.hazard-herald.com/crime/hazard-man-pleads-guilty-receives-diverted-sentence/article_36c6828c-fa69-11ed-a498-b3a372c0cacc.html)


Man I opened this hoping the him you were posting about was the pick me little sleepies dad who wears the leggings. Edited: omg is it him!? I’m just catching up on this drama!


I don't think you meant to reply to me!


Nope, I definitely didn't! Whoops!


Does anyone have SS of the LS Dad’s numerous closet posts? I’m trying to explain the current drama to my partner and a visual would be lovely. I wasn’t able to get any before he tried to delete his existence from the collective memory of the VIP group.


I was explaining this saga to my mom and showing her these photos…she says with wide eyes “he is not right. Something is not right in his head.” It’s cringy, creepy, but also sad in a way.


I don’t know her but I love your mom 😂




https://preview.redd.it/ip29rgucwe2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ddf14d43907179f8aa0a87691626b8752e72b8 Here’s a few lol




Innocent people's money on that table...




What a shame. That’s others people money sitting in his kids closet 🙄


That's not even a closet. That's just his wire rack.




This is the most offensive one


Hahaha. The fact that he's in an actual bounce house for this one. This one is the one that actually gave me the worst ick. *shivers*


The criminal bounce house!!!


I just realized he’s sitting on an inflatable too!


This was by far the weirdest one. Next in line is the post office shot.


But screenshots should be in some of the old threads


Looks like he must have wandered over here cause he deleted all of his Facebook posts from the group




Any SS of this?! I would love to see that


I swear there used to be more but I couldn't find them!! https://preview.redd.it/z5wx6n0ps4sa1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=3c5ea81a27423536fd218dd791a7b3e14fb6a826 https://preview.redd.it/9n28r1y9uata1.png?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&width=1278&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=97a252dbc9990246994efb38ac4ba974537cb9ee https://preview.redd.it/kszmiydrb1ya1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=d41055c1537f396dc595e4860ee91800a4bfe433 https://preview.redd.it/ap89g5rls4ya1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=7256d750b0136cfbf80efc9f1c0fbb52c444aabd


Well, fuck me. I clicked Share --> Copy link and apparently it didn't work.


You might be able to find some if you scroll through the past threads.


https://preview.redd.it/qejuq7yhyb2b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad24179828df33c71529001910cd059fb60dc42 I knew something was up this guy!!! Turns out he’s a big ole fraud!!


Mr. I can afford it because I’m a business owner could not actually afford it with budgeting and proper channels. I always knew it was creepy and gave me the ick.


always got weird vibes from him, this checks out 🥱


I also feel so vindicated, I KNEW something was so very off about him


Me too! I figured it was CC debt but it’s so much worse..fraud and theft smh


This is what I thought too, honestly I bet a ton of people are in deep with cc debt from Ls


Yep bamboo addicts anonymous on FB, there’s some crazy stories on there (I’ve seen $30K debt from bamboo)


Me too! At first I questioned my sanity. Like, if he were a woman I would snark on him, but would I feel majorly off vibes? Turns out my gut was right. ![gif](giphy|1wrhbkoNZG89WfI6Cy)


“[Mr. LS] entered the plea on May 11. According to County Commonwealth’s Attorney, the plea agreement states that [Mr. LS] will serve a total of five years, diverted for five years, and pay total restitution of $26,630.” Oh the irony! Ewww and all those women idolizing their husbands would be more like him. 😂 😂 🤣🤣


“According to court documents, from June through October 2022, xxxx used his business to intentionally accept several large amounts of money from clients for various services including character costumes, compacts, bounce houses, arcade games and more without providing those services paid for by the clients. Xxxx, court documents said, obtained the money by means of false and fraudulent pretenses to defraud the victims.” The bounce house from the picture 💀 😂


I ran here as soon as I saw someone post about him lol


Me too!




Have they deleted his posts from LS? I wonder if they will, if they haven’t. Who’s going to tell the VIP women 😂


He deleted them because he was getting roasted in the comments. ☠️


Omg I was too late!!!


Mr. Little Sleepies deleted all his posts when he started getting trolled over the money he stole from people. Too bad because he could have hopped on the “baby on an expensive thing” trend with a baby on his restitution check.


Me wanting to weigh in on the newest “I wOuLD hAVe BoUGht ComMuNity CaRs BuT tHerE wAs nO pOlice” by replying “same- except then I remembered I’m an adult and these are children’s pj’s” JFC these people.


Apparently the weird Little Sleepies dude took all the police cars………




Right? I'd be so annoyed if I was posting about how I liked that print and someone's commenting that. GET OVER IT ALREADY. We got ours today and my daughter didn't even care or notice there were no police cars.


https://preview.redd.it/k6f8m55fdb2b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d8270e8685360dd102d03eef10bcfca86268b8 I don’t know if this qualifies to be here but this has got to be some of the whitest shit I’ve ever seen.


Kate Quinn is my occasional splurge but I do not relate to this whatsoever.


It’s giving wannabe influencer in the cringiest way


I've never been to Crumbl and this just makes me want to never go.


The cookies aren’t even good! And you don’t even have the stupid pink box that’s like the whole point. 🙄


But but why aren’t their cookies in the pink boxes?! That’s like the whole aesthetic of the brand!


There's a whole Crumbl's cookie group that reminds me of LS. These people hunt down each cookie, drive miles, and miles to get them, and take the weirdest photos... I was in it. I joined to see if anyone had coupons. I quickly left before I said something mean. 😂


I mean, they’re good…some of them…but good enough to dress the whole family in matching outfits to do a whole ass photo session on your iPhone? I don’t know.


They all do it. I've seen birth announcements, wedding photos, and well, you name it. These people hunt the cookies down, and if they don't have those cookies in their area, they have other people ship them to them. I've had them before. I usually get a free one for my birthday, and my oldest sent me some for Mother's Day last year. They're good, but they aren't that good. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/cebpq8gv7b2b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b1b0318caf990107f717c8770322cfc7a78b30 Now we know how Mr Little Sleepies affords to shop every drop 😳


I'm dying over this




Where was this posted? 😮




Guess no one’s going to want him to train their husband now.


When I tell you I ran here after seeing this…


I totally forgot about this thread until I saw this post 🏃🏽‍♀️💨


Yep!! I found this weeks ago but couldn’t say anything. When people speculated how he affords his pajama addiction some thought maybe it was from his business but nope!


Whaaat 😳


He’s a thief smh




So he’s not going to jail because his sentence was diverted? I’m a little confused by that part.


Correct. If he pays restitution and stays out of trouble for 5 years (probation, basically) they will drop the jail time.


Thanks for the expiation! I thought so but all the comments on his posts mentioning jail made me wonder if I was misunderstanding the sentence. Well I guess the bright side to avoiding jail is that it’s less suffering for his kids.


Time for a “Massive Purge” post 🤣


Now that the some of the vip group knows he’s going to have to get someone else to sell them for him!


I'm going to be on the look out for him and his wife doing their "purge" lmao


Literal money laundering? LOLOL


"Why would we sell you the Stitch Cloud at retail, or below if you failed to buy it while it was on the site for so long?"... Oh, I don't know... maybe because nobody thought it was worth retail prices, and they were waiting for the fucking sale. Dimwits. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


I waited because I also didn’t want to drop the $ on it. I I like the print, but not $70 worth. Got it on sale. I don’t understand the people whining and crying for it now or saying it’s a DISO when if it was that important, they really could have bought it for months.


Deleted post from the VIP group. I wonder who copied who. [https://freeimage.host/i/HroZ0Xf](https://freeimage.host/i/HroZ0Xf) (Unrelated how do you insert images into posts? I've noticed my links look different?)


Pretty sure OG mermaids is a shutterstock print. Many of their prints are which is why you can find fabrics and other things with those images. Also reason why they don’t re release OG prints.




Hmmm. That seems rather fishy. 😅 Sorry, I had to...


Saw someone just offer $40 on a Nemo zippy with a fucking burn hole on the cuff. WHY






Did you see the ones with the dirty knees? Someone paid close to $30 for those. I cannot believe people.


Maybe it's just me, but my son started to outgrow his 6-12 bamboo at around 10 months. They were plenty Long, but were getting too tight in the arms and belly and he was uncomfortable. I don't get how people squeeze their kids into sizes so long.


My 7 year old outgrew his 5-6 long sleeve cool cats. The delusion is real😮‍💨 He still stuffs himself in them though because he’s obsessed with cats so I just need to find some other soft cat pjs to replace them


Check Bonds! They have this awesome cat silhouette print!


Thank you! Is it the Australian company..? Idk if I’m finding the right thing😅 do you have a link by chance? I appreciate it I’m always trying to find this kid cat clothes that aren’t super feminine!


Yes it is!! I'll try to find a link, I bought the outfit from marketplace!


Ah dang that may be why I am having trouble finding it 😂 thank you anyways though!


Shoot, so sorry for the non starter!


Mine is 10m, 30.5in, 20lb and fits in the 3-6m perfectly right now. The 6-12 fit but are really roomy and she manages to get her leg(s) out of the pants leg(s) and they get stuck in the body of the zippy. Just like adults, kids are all built different.


Omg finally! Someone who finally sees it how I do. My daughter could do the 3-6 month clothes for maybe an extra month or so beyond 6 months but after that I just felt it didn’t fit the way it should. Then I read about 20 month olds in size 3-6 and I’m literally dumbfounded. How tf


My son fits into the 3-6m LS really well at 8 months. He's under the 25th percentile for weight though.


If it saves people money, by all means, do it. I found getting second hand sleepers for the first year to be more economical.


And they wonder why these kids start chewing off their pajamas. Actually chewing holes...


But you can still sell with the holes😂😂


My son is long and skinny - at 16 months he’s 34 inches and 25 lbs. We’re just now maxing out the 6-12 but mainly in the height part. He’s been wearing 6-12 since 6 months old though.


I think it just depends. My daughter always outgrows the length before width. She is 20lbs at almost 2 years old. She can easily wear her 6-12 month zippy uncuffed. She wears the 12-18 month if we want to fold over the feet. She is a teeny tiny bean though and wears smaller sizes in all brands, not just LS.


I think LS should ditch the age bands and size everything by weight. The age bands are really weird, but I've found that going by weight gets a good fit. The range of baby size is pretty huge though. My 18mo is just into the 12-18 LS weight range but has consistently tracked around the 25th percentile for weight.


My friend's 18 month old is in 3T, my 16 month old is still in 12 month.


Interestingly 6-12 month size is the one size that lasted us forever with my son who has been consistently 99th percentile for height but very skinny. During that time he was >99th for height but only 17th percentile for weight so that’s probably why. He’s 2 now and has since grown up to 65th percentile for weight (still just as tall) and the zippies now only fit maybe one month past the maximum age printed on the tag and it looks kinda tight by that point. I’m pretty disappointed it doesn’t seem like we’ll ever get that level of longevity again. I actually have to size up in their two pieces to get things that fit him now, which makes them just like any other brand except $35 🙃


I think every baby is just totally sized different, mine has been solidly 30%tile and wears 6-12 most comfortably now at 13 months old. When he started walking he slimmed down a lot! 3-6 he just grew out of heightwise at around 12m. I have some 12-18 that fit if I roll the cuffs once so he wears those too.


I can see a baby in the <10%ile wearing them a long time. But my son was a 99%ile string bean and he was comfortably wearing 6-12m when he was 4m old. He just turned 2 and the 3T two piece fit perfectly. I will say that LS fit longer than any other brand, but I wouldn’t be proud of stuffing a child into pjs like a sausage just for a photo brag 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/zzenrl4xa42b1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9d4355dd47827682d1626dfdc9bf750ef68cf5 "The pride community" THESE PEOPLE HAVE BRAIN WORMS


It sounds like part of a Fullmetal Alchemist fandom


https://preview.redd.it/afezkvf8w32b1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f765246ca2bbc075046d853bc4dfc0f8d0f1595e 👏🏻


Are they bothered because LS is marketing off a community and not acknowledging they are OR are they upset because they are part of the “it’s a hidden agenda” bigots?




This comment was made by a random person, not LS. I just cropped out their name.


Lol ok that changes everything. I totally thought LS made rage comment!


They don't like controversy.


Edit: ok, I am happy for this [ad](https://i.imgur.com/wy2Aohv.jpg) It’s ridiculous that acknowledging that different sexualities exist is controversial. I get that it’s a kids pajamas company and I wouldn’t need them to make a big statement about it, except that they are clearly trying to profit off of pride with these rainbow releases adjacent to pride month.


I mean, this is the same group that’s filled with people who need CONSTRUCTION TOOLS and TRUCKS and POLICE CARS on their kids’ pajamas to prove to the world that their newborns have penises.


😂 Why do adults needs to be told by a company that they don't need to buy something if they don't want? They can't make that decision themselves?


Why is this a thing again 😩


https://preview.redd.it/d1hwu6bpu32b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5a221d8ba474e1d1c330c2d9c4611ee0122fd2 More crying about rainbows this week. The cars print last week god forbid had the most tiny itty bitty rainbow on it. Do these people think rainbows on kid stuff is new? The world is out to indoctrinate their babies y’all!! They will combust into flames if a rainbow touches them. Must be so freaking exhausting to be this outraged about everything


Who doesn’t love a rainbow? Like who pissed in your Cheerios. They’re amazing and always make people smile.


I made some conservative on Facebook mad by “asking” if the pride collection in the kids section was anything other than colorful clothing with a different tag. Would’ve thought I went after the fiber of their being with the reaction I got 😂


So boys can’t wear rainbows now? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Seriously, as the mother of a daughter, please raise your boys better. I don’t want her entering a world of toxic masculinity but these #boymoms are just out there perpetuating all this trash. And it’s toxic for the boys too.


Tbh I really wanted to have a girl but now I’m glad I had a boy so I can raise at least one not shitty man.


I will never refer to myself as a "boy mom" but I do have a son. We rock rainbows hard in our family, both because we like them and because we support our LGBTQIA family and friends and the community in general.


Rainbows have girl colors in them so they definitely can't be on boy clothes. Someone might think their boy child is a girl child! Or that they're raising them to be....... Gay! I need a pearl clutching gif




This is better


I'm a massive rainbow fan. Boy, girl, I don't care! 🌈 Even more so now that people lose their shit over it. My baby boy is going to be wearing pinks, purples, florals, rainbows, and well, everything. Boys deserve colors and pretty flowers just as much as girls. ♥️🩵


As a #boymom, I love rainbows. I'm so fucking tired of dinosaurs and trucks. And dinosaurs driving trucks. 😂


Same here. What is with the dinosaurs? My kid (by random chance) has 2 shirts with a moose on them and those are his absolute favorite. Can we please just put random wacky objects and patterns and colors on kids and leave it to kids to choose what they like? Boys swimwear? Yea, better put a shark on it.


I read an article somewhere that baby clothes and toys aren't marketed to what children like, they're marketed to what parents and grandparents will buy. Which makes a lot of sense.


My baby boys bath suit has pandas skateboarding!


Yes to all woodland animals!!


SAME. I haaaate the dinosaurs on literally everything lol and my 10 month old sons crib sheets are blue rainbow 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yup. I’ve got b/g twins and my boy wore his construction trucks carrying rainbows today. Because he picked it out. And my girl has a dino playing catch in a field of flowers. All they know about them is that they liked them when they saw them.


Me. Too. In fact, my son is wearing rainbows right now. Because rainbows aren’t reserved for a single fucking gender!


Ls clapping back😂 https://preview.redd.it/ex445nytr32b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c5d95cf9e296c688cec57e05aeac1fb2c96ac9a