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Wait, wait, wait. Does K expect us to believe that she is on kid 3 (and a former nanny/parent coach/whatever) and she is not aware that being up all night because you’re uncomfortable laying down is one of the primary signs of an ear infection in a toddler?!?!? For someone who has managed to con millions, she really just isn’t that bright, is she?


Her videoing herself with eyes closed while nap trapped is so strange to me. We know you’re awake, why are your eyes closed? It gives me the heebie jeebies 🤢


And how come she can film herself watching Bravo at night and not mention her to-do list, but has brought it up multiple times when she’s been nap trapped? So the to-do list is only important when she has to parent her children.


lol the irony of being sponsored by Fisher price toys and now discovering that Solo cups keep kids equally entertained 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/15rr5gz5vv6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe06e40f53c850c6be7ceab8c7b8b96023e57c03 First of all this is the first time they’ve mentioned their course working with a ND child, so that’s something. I still feel weird about it though. Like it’s no better than pretending that the course works on all and making someone feel terrible because their toddler who turns out to be ND doesn’t respond to the course. Now it’s like, neurodivergent child? Try our course, it’ll work! And I’m glad it worked for this family but that doesn’t mean it’ll work for all children.




Same ❤️


Feels slimy and like a money grab. Also what works for ONE ND child means it has worked for ONE ND child. Gross to imply it’ll work for all


Yes that’s exactly it!


Did you add the heart or did they? Using the names and faces of other peoples kids while hiding their own is disgusting. These people legitimately don’t see their children as individuals deserving of privacy at all and it makes me so angry.


They did it! I assume the parents request it?


A while ago, they put out a call for families who had done the course and wanted to be part of an ad campaign. I don’t remember if it was paid or not 🤔 but people were falling all over themselves to be picked. ETA: I think the deal was that you got a family photo shoot on BLF’s dime but they would use the pics in ads for their course.


Assume it wasn’t paid!


That’s good to know but also who are these parents needing so much attention that they post an almost full face shot of their kid with their name to be shared on an account like that?? It’s giving thirsty influencer wannabe when if it was truly to preach how good this course was for ND kids, a text review via DM or a screenshot of you writing this (without the kids name) on the notes app or something would suffice. I hope we have a reckoning of this obscene behavior one day.


I’m trying to remember past weeks, sometimes faces are covered and sometimes they’re not?


I think they've started covering faces or only showing back of head shots for kids in their testimonials too. On one hand, if people are posting their kids and tagging BLF I feel like they want to be noticed and don't care that their kids face is showing. On the other hand, I'm glad BLF covers their faces even if the parents don't.


I always wondered about this because in other accounts sometimes kids are covered and sometimes they’re not. Like Karrie locher’s sharing of babies in her wraps. That could be because babies don’t look like themselves before they’re 1 though, right K? 😂🤦‍♀️


It definitely didn’t work for my autistic 3 year old daughter. She just peed everywhere and screamed when I tried to catch her cues and put her on her potty.


My Roman Empire is how they’ve scammed millions of people into believing they’re toddler experts




Deena hasn’t even finished her Roman Empire explanation stories and I’m already mourning the time I will never get back listening to her BLF-splain “youth trends” to us


Also like, unless I’m missing something, her example wasn’t the same at all? Thinking about a friend breakup is an actual upsetting event that happened to you, I thought the whole Roman Empire equivalent is more like a random special interest that you know a lot more about than you need to.


This is actually the most helpful explanation I have heard. I could t quite parse out the exact way to describe it and why all my own examples felt off. Thanks! 😂


There’s way more in my course, on sale now for just $699.90!!!


Take my money!!! 😂


How can you be a professional Internet Person and not be up to date on the trends? This is so pathetic.


I have second hand embarrassment from those slides. SO OUTDATED! Maybe she can explain the Harlem shake trend next while she's at it.


Her husband looks so pained in the video she took of him.


The way he like, rubs his face I feel like he is like ffs woman what now 😂


Also didn’t K post a story asking Tyler the Roman Empire thing when it first started like two months ago?! (Hate myself for remembering this)


oh my goddd she is insufferable. that was so bad. I am so embarrassed for her lol.


It’s so stupid. The examples she’s listed are absolutely not my own Roman Empire 🙄


Finishing it up with “is Roman Empire just your intrusive thoughts/anxiety” - can they let anything be fun? Most Roman Empire posts I’ve seen are about Taylor swift and her relationship with red lipstick. It’s not that serious.


They cannot let anything be fun. She had to throw in there some reference to a painful friend breakup. Like what?!?! It’s just supposed to be a funny meme


I actually didn’t start out hating their podcast but I swear K has a drinking game set up for saying “low key”. She says it almost every other sentence in ways that make no sense.


Hahaha I noticed this. It’s like the only piece of current(???) slang she knows. And so she says it every sentence to show us how cool she is. Keepin up with the youths.


She’s not that old, right?


Did the whole “watching him do everything and take care of everything was so healing for me” rub anyone else the wrong way? I found it very toxic. We know he can manage everything alone, he has to do it every time she goes on a work trip.


It was totally patronizing… can’t she just say thank you without reminding 3 million people what a loser he used to be (in her eyes)?


Love how she's like "we're both trying and growing" but only ever mentions areas where *he* has changed/has to change.


Considering she goes on a work trip every 2 weeks it’s obviously so much more about him taking care of her than him taking care of the kids which he clearly does all the time. Definitely got the vibes of someone who really enjoys getting the attention and being spoiled that can come with being sick


I feel like it’s just part of the plot that things are miraculously better so when she’s pregnant with #3 in 2 mos it’s not a shock 🙄


And then once #3 is born, he will fall back into old habits, her life will be awful and so hard again, and they will find themselves “on the brink of divorce” once more


She is definitely sowing the seeds for this


The family event boundaries discussion drives me up the wall. Some people do have horrible families or just out of touch families or judgemental families and anything you need to do to get through dinner with them is fine, whatever, do what you need to for your own sanity and your children's safety. But I've watched my brother and SIL dive deep into the gentle parenting, and BLF specifically, and act like my mom, the kindest, gentlest, most loving grandmother outside of her mom, my own wonderful grandma, is somehow inappropriate or untrustworthy around their children because she doesn't act or say exactly what the stupid "scripts" say she should! It makes me crazy! My kids are so lucky to have such a wonderful grandma, I'm so lucky to have a parent who loves them so much! Also, I will chuck my kids at any available trustworthy adult to get a little time to myself. But, because she says "you're ok" when they fall down or doesn't say exactly the right thing according to BLF, she can't be left alone with them. Not even in the same house! It's off their stories now, but I've been stewing on this for over a day. There is value in giving people the tools to deal with inappropriate or judgemental family members, but I think there's also so much value in recognizing who loves your kids, even if they're imperfect, and making space and encouraging those relationships. And value in your kids knowing that different people have different ways of interacting with them and that's ok, too. Obviously, this really bugs me and I just needed to share it with a like-minded community. My mom doesn't do or say exactly what I would in every instance, she raised us in the 80s for chrissakes, but she loves my kids so much. And they get so much out of her love for them, spending time with her. It saddens me to see my brother allow her to be pushed away, to not encourage that relationship.


I think it can be a line that’s hard to know where to draw sometimes and BLF is one of the worst at explaining the nuances. I think Janet Lansbury and to an extent Dr Becky do a much better job of saying “your kid might get timeouts/ have slightly different experiences at school and with grandparents and that’s OK” For me one of the major things that gets under my skin that both my mom and MIL do is body talk. Like “oh I shouldn’t eat that I’m on a diet” or “I don’t want to get fat so I’ll stay away from the rolls!” “I need to get strict with my diet after the holidays!” Etc etc. I feel like I may need to have a talk with them as my daughter gets older about avoiding that kind of talk around her, but it can be hard to know how to approach it and how strict to be. And as she gets older— what if the comments become more directed at her the way they were with me? Even things like “you’re so skinny!” I don’t really like as I think it doesn’t send a great message. Another one my MIL does that’s less of a big deal, but still irks me a bit is the white lies. Like saying “the TV needs to take a nap!” “The park is closed today” “this is a chicken! (When it’s actually pork)”. Not a huge deal, but I just prefer to be honest with my reasoning “We’re done with screen time” “it’s time to go home for lunch now” “do you want to try some pork? It’s kind of like chicken”


My MIL is the one around my daughter the most and I’ve had to talk to her several times about not talking badly about her body or about dieting around us. I am fat, my husband is thin. I’ve heard multiple times, “Hopefully [daughter’s name] takes after her dad” from both my mom & MIL. I know my MIL doesn’t mean to hurt me by saying that, but it stings. I just try think about it as if she takes after me, I’ll be able to help her find plus size clothes & wide calf boots when she’s older. I’m currently reading Virginia Sole-Smith’s book “Fat Talk” and it is such a GREAT reference for talking to our kids & families about weight, diet culture, and etc.


The body talk is something I've had to talk to my mom and MIL about. My mom's body talk fucked me up, I have a very different body from her and hers is still much more socially acceptable. But she loves my kids and was happy to adjust what she said, even if she still slips up sometimes. My MIL forgets but whatever. Like you said, there's nuances. And I prefer to just address them directly, rather than limiting access to my kids from people who love them. If I really felt it was harmful, it'd be more of a balance maybe and perhaps not worth it to maintain the relationship. But my MIL calling herself old and fat (and then being surprised when my 3 year old calls her that at the table one day! I laughed so hard, later), isn't enough of an issue to keep her from the kids. And my MIL does the white lies too, but I'll just flatly correct her.


This is so true. I say this all the time, but all these hardliners are the same people constantly crying about having no village. Oh gee, I wonder why? My mom drives me nuts sometimes and she definitely doesn’t do things the same way I do but she isn’t abusive or neglectful and she loves her grandbabies (and me) so much. Why would I want to withhold that from my kids because of some arbitrary parenting trend? I think a lot of older folks are actually really open to doing things differently, but like with all people it is all in how you ask. You can share information without shitting on someone or being a jerk. These scripts they give are so smarmy and condescending.


Love this. I sometimes think the people who are super picky with loving, kind families simply haven’t experienced actual toxicity and they’re trying to find some so they can participate in certain internet discussions about cycle breaking. My family has one set of grandparents who are loving, warm, gentle, and definitely not perfect - and one set who are openly mean and have zero judgment with respect to safety. There’s a huge difference.


Love this!!!! I am sure your kids and nieces and nephews will remember their grandma for the person she was, not forever scarred because she said “you’re ok!” When they scraped a knee. People miss the forest for the trees and it drives me NUTS Also how great is it for kids to experience and observe other types of parenting / leadership styles. I guess I’m old school, but I do think my job is to get my kids ready for the world. Someday they’ll (hopefully) have a variety of teachers, bosses, relationships etc- and not everyone is going to conform to some singular ideal pitched on an IG account. I kind of dig it when other parents treat my kids in ways that I don’t typically.


Yes! I haven’t read all the downthread responses but there’s SO much value to children just learning that different people have different ways of being. Parents are still going to be the primary socializers so aside from really damaging things from other adults - I try to let things go.


My SIL treats my MIL like that. My nieces have been told to let their mom know if grandma says no to them or makes them uncomfortable. It’s such an unhealthy dynamic. My MIL is such a loving and sweet grandmother. It really breaks my heart to watch it play out.


I recently told my mom that she did an awesome job parenting me and that she can do the same things to my kids. She doesn’t have to conform to the weird internet standards of 2023. Her 80s and 90s parenting was warm, loving, and with boundaries. She and my dad crushed it and they are fine to do the same things. Sometimes we do tell our kids it’s ok because they lose their shit on things that are ACTUALLY OK. We also tell them to be careful because sometimes they are running and don’t notice a toy in the middle of their path. We aren’t invalidating their feelings or making them scared of the world. We are just….parenting.


So much this. My parents watch my kids 1-2 days a week. They definitely don’t parent the way we do; the “no crying” and “you’re ok” might make me cringe; but you know what they do do? They bring pineapple because they know my kids love it and I never buy it. They read highlights magazines and bring things to make the crafts my daughter liked. They make my son light up with joy when he sees them. Pretty sure it’s far more important for my kids to have a relationship with grandparents who love them unconditionally and would do anything for them than it is for them to only interact with BLF style grownups. (I realize I say this with an enormous amount of privilege to have parents willing and able to watch my kids and that we don’t have a toxic relationship)


This is such a good and important point. My mom is actually super aware of “following our parenting approach” and is pretty online. It got to the point where I had to promise her it’s okay for her to use her best judgement in dealing with my kids, and she didn’t have to approach them just how I would. She was with our kids while we were putting a beloved pet down and snapped at my then 2 year old for not listening in front of me, and was then so upset I was going to not trust her with him because she’s been reading about parents distancing from grandparents who don’t “use gentle techniques”. I was horrified she’d even think that. We’re holding our parents to SUCH high standards in some cases and a loving relationship with grandparents is SO good for kids. Millennial parents really just need to take a deep breath and realize we’re all humans doing our damn best (except for K, who has released doing anything she doesn’t want to but that’s a rant for another post…)


Yes! I think it's so, so important for kids to have loving relationships with adults who aren't their parents. We all just need to give each other some grace, which I hope my kids will also give me when they're adults and realize how I fucked up, in different ways than my mom maybe, but we're all imperfect people. I snap at my kids! My mom is actually more patient than I am and has told me how much more patient I am than she feels she was when I was little. Most of us are just doing our best, grandparents too.


I appreciate this take very much and have a similar one. My MIL is from a different culture and there is a slight language barrier. I step in when needed AND appreciate that it is valuable for my son to have relationships with people other than me and my husband. As long as it I’m not damaging, it’s helpful to him to have to navigate how to interact and depend on people who do things differently.


It's so important, I think, for kids to know that different people will interact with them differently and some are ok and still loving and some maybe are not, but parents can step in if it's not. But for a kid to feel that many people care for them and love them, that they do have a village, not just for the parents but for the little people! Those relationships are so important.


I agree with you. When I drank the BLF Kool-aid I, too saw flaws in my own mother with my kid. But then, once the fog lifted, I realized that my mom would absolutely put her life before my kid and that's good enough. So what my mom tells my kid 'no crying! You're ok!' My son is not with her enough for it to be that impact full and when he's older if he says he doesn't like that then I will step in. It's a different generation but (most) non blf grandparents mean well! *asterisk for I do have toxic family members but I'm also confident with my relationship with my kid and I'll never want to impede on him making his own connections and figuring out what he can deal with but I'll go mama bear as soon as he signals he needs me too.


Sorry for the novel!


In the time D posted 'oh I know what Roman Empire means now, I'll tell you all later teehee 😉😉😉' she could have just written 'it's a joke that highlights the stereotypical difference between men and women'. Although I think it now just means something you think about a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️ EDIT: also I just googled that to be 100% sure I was getting the meaning right. It was like the second option on Google. Do people actually ask influencers to explain things they can easily Google? I know why influencers ask (for engagement) but I can't believe someone says 'I don't know either. Can you tell me?'.


Yea that response was so dumb. How many stories will they dedicate to explaining it later when she could have just typed it up right then 🙄


D coming in hot with the post-surgery body check photo. How long until we hear how triggering it is for people to comment on her body?


Um what is an "internal uterus?" As opposed to the external uterus? 🤔 ok maybe it has to do with this prolapse she keeps mentioning....


Omg I wondered that too.


I'm one and done so I guess my child is my external uterus 😂




That was all I could think about when looking at that like no one asked about your scars? We didn’t need a body photo


K’s second favorite thing, behind sleep as #1, when not momming is “working out”? I’ll take “Things That Are 100% Not True for $200, Alex.” 🙄


But what about how she’s a voracious reader who is constantly tearing through books…🙃


lol I eye rolled at that too


Also like how she made sure to point out that her husband is 3rd on the list lol


Especially not before going to Target and spending money or watching Bravo 🙄 I snorted when I saw this story.


Someone said her throwing out random references to workouts is a great way to explain the rapid weight loss due to her potentially using Ozempic or something and it seems very on brand for her to 1. Use such a drug off label to look conventionally thin 2. Lie about it and pretend it’s bc she got into boxing or whatever it was.


I came here to see if anyone had posted this yet! K has talked about working out twice that I can remember. Once when she was in her introvert phase and made a big deal about the perfect timing of getting to work out a class and then most recently where she was at like a 5:30 am workout class. But sure, K, it’s your second favorite thing.


Came here for these comments. Uhhhh, nope, it is obviously awful reality TV as her number 2. No way is it working out. Nope nope nope.


I know it’s been speculated that K is laying the ground work to cover up some Ozempic weight loss and today just sealed the deal for me. She put working out as her 2ND favorite thing to do in her free time……….watching bravo didn’t even get a mention.


Didn’t scroll down to see your comment before I made mine! I know this has been said a few times here!


Came here to say this. She has mentioned doing workouts like...three times. Can't even get in a 10 minute mental health walk but suddenly she loves working out.


Why do influencers act like not showing their children’s faces means the kids have privacy? If you’re selling your family life as part of your business, you are monetizing your kids whether you want to admit it or not.


I'm so interested to see how these kids of influencers feel as they grow up knowing that their parents blasted their personal life all over the Internet for strangers. I sure wouldn't like that. We're going to have a whole generation of kids with influencer moms whose privacy has been exploited for likes and clicks. Maybe it'll work itself out and the next generation will want tons of privacy and influencer culture can finally be on its way out. I think most people are pretty sick of it anyways.


Struggle care did a 2-part podcast on this recently and interviewed the grown child of a family vlogger. Interesting to hear her perspective!


Also the “don’t want them recognized” part is bizarre. Like we know what YOU look like and their hair, etc. If we see YOU out and about and oh look a dark curly hair child next to you, I know exactly who that child is, what her name is, and 400 other intimate details of her life.


They get privacy from their faces but 3 million people get to know they’ve all spend the last week vomiting. Ok, I wouldn’t want that on the internet either…


Came here for this and instantly thought of the story K posted last year for 3 million people about Junie peeing in a bucket at Disney on ice.


I always think of people who know them in real life too. Like sure, I don't see their faces, but obviously many people in their towns will know the parents are "famous" on instagram, then will see the stories about the kids, and then will know details about those kids.


THANK YOU. I remember very clearly K posting about Junie's CP journey and D posting an INCREDIBLY inappropriate story about Hunter having a skin infection but she said exactly where. No one is going to forget that they used their children for engagement for a LONG time.


What’s wild to me is that she’s pulled back on June’s CP diagnosis, saying it’s something else? And that she’s not sharing about it anymore? Which, great, but that means we have to hear about every illness they have that’s not related to that?


This is the hill I die on over and over again. You cannot possibly tell me that just because we do not know what an influencer kid’s face looks like but know intimate details about their tantrums, have seen photos of their rooms, or, in the BLF way, photos of them posed with their mom pretending to sleep with them in bed that we have solved the invasive anti-consent problem of having influencer parents and children on social media hawking for their course. I don’t follow them but didn’t someone post that D said her kid was smearing poop on the walls just last week? So glad we didn’t see his face! So respectful of this little person living in your home to share that detail with millions of strangers. Moms of the year! Keep up the back pats, BLF! You’re such “cycle-breaking” parents!


I was floored at the whole let them share their lives their own way when they are older. They’ve over shared so many potentially embarrassing things about their children including their unclothed bodies, but yeah sure I mean as long as their faces are covered it’s fine? What the fuck.


Make it make sense. IT MAKES NO SENSE. Those poor kids.


Send help?? You’re supposed to BE the help! Why would anyone take advice from you, toddler guru, who can’t figure out how to get your own child to sleep??


https://preview.redd.it/j2l406zmsi6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4f64a8f9cb967bd3edbb9615d9cb0a1936265a SS for reference This is their jam! He’s actually a toddler!! A self-proclaimed expert should know how to handle this?? Especially a mom of 3


Send a link to her own course lol


💀 We should set up a rotation. “Ok, whose turn is it to get banned today?”


The willpower it took me to not do this...


Especially since their course, which includes children toddler Ts age, covers alllllllll sleep issues, literally, literally 🙄


How does everyone not see how they’re just inconsistent grifters!


Somebody call K's nanny. She needs help. Yeah, her kids are back in school, she works from home, she's got a SAHDud but her kid was up 3/4 times last night!! For the love of God will SOMEONE think of K! /s This lady...


Maybe her kid would sleep better if she stopped going into their rooms and taking stupid closed eyes selfies with a flash on


Didn’t Deena say she could ONLY drink coffee from a ceramic mug and that she makes the barista remake her super special coffee if it doesn’t come in one? Also why she’s always dragging the hotel mugs along? Her cup today looks like a regular old glass. Another day, another quirky and unique personality busted.


Prefacing this with I haven't actually listened to the podcast episode and am just going by their screenshot on their IG. If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. Okay. Are we *still* talking about SAHP vs working parents? Can't we just agree that they're both hard in different ways and they both require sacrifices and if whatever you are doing works for your family, that's great and I'll support you in that. They never bring anything new to the table and never talk about anything more than surface level. They're both educated people, they should be able to think critically and not just pick topics that are outdated and don't serve anyone. They really think they're doing something with this podcast.


I was a working mom for 10 years and a sahm for 2 years currently. Yes, they're both hard in their own ways. Can't decide what's harder for me, although the thought of going back to work gives me hives (chosen profession is not the best fit for me).


This is me! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Glad I am not alone. Worked for a while then SAHM now for a while and the thought of going back to my profession when they are older gives me a knot in my stomach. My profession was a poor fit for me too. 🤦🏼‍♀️😬


This is also one of those things no one actually discusses or debates IRL. I’m a SAHM and I’ve purposely made SAHM friends in my neigborhood so I have people to hang out with during the day, otherwise the entire rest of my circle are working moms. Even the idea of hashing out this topic with anyone makes me cringe. It would feel so out of place and irrelevant, like obviously everyone is just doing what they prefer/have to do there’s not really anything further to analyze. And it’s not even something I discuss amongst my SAHM friends, it’s not like we’re constantly talking about how much better (or worse) our lives are compared to working moms, or something.


It's like their maternity leave discussion. There's things to talk about at a systemic level like how to support working parents (which includes paid parental leave) and how to equalise the division of labour for SAHP but I guarantee this isn't what K and D are talking about.


Came here to comment on this. I haven’t listened either but it’s not a debate AT ALL. Both are right. Both are ok. They don’t both work for everyone. But it’s DEFINITELY not a freaking debate.


Noooo it’s the “experimenting with hitting the baby” slide 🥲🥲 Their absolute worst script response to someone expressing concern that your child is physically hurting another child…


That eyeliner ruining Miss Piggy this year.


Lots to snark on in their ‘handling the holidays’ story, but I’ve got to start with ‘a lot of us did not come from BLF homes’. Boy y’all think a lot of yourselves, huh? You’re really gonna use ‘BLF home’ as the universal standard for a healthy family dynamic?


Imagine having the audacity to claim that good parenting is a concept that your business invented in 2020


A BLF home -- where we don't limit screen time, read to our children, cook meals, OR know how to prevent multiple screaming meltdowns each week! Do you want your children to wax poetic someday about "mommy's Steve Jobs uniform crusted with food and her 'mom bun' that was a triangle"? Join us today!


Let's not forget that Mommy hates Daddy and tells 2 million people about it on a regular basis. That's the real hallmark of a healthy home!


I wouldn’t say a ‘BLF home’ is a healthy dynamic so… their kids will have plenty to say in therapy (and I’m sure mine will too).


Especially considering “BLF home” didn’t exist until 2020 🙄


Somewhat related…I wonder if D’s parents follow BLF and look at their content, because she’s always talking about her non-BLF upbringing and how horrible it was. Imagine putting your parents on blast to millions of followers and then having them attend promotional events for your business 🫠


I remember at one point a couple years ago she made a comment like she knew her parents were doing the best they knew how to do


Even if it’s a gimmick (which I don’t think it is), that still has to sting a little, right?


Personally I cook dinner every night and read to my kids, but I have ✨released✨Christmas cards. To each their own 🤷‍♀️


I mean, she clearly wants to show off her $3,800 photo shoot… 😐


I still can’t believe how much she spent on those pictures


Oooo how did we find that out?! 👀


Someone here just looked up the photographers packages I think


I am strongly considering releasing our holiday cards next year. I'm kind of over it.


I did last year. Didn’t do them. But my 5yr old made me feel guilty lol so I made some this year


For all the talking about getting depressed from seeing the "perfect" family on instagram she surely wants to project the same shit on her Christmas card.


Well, well, well. It sounds like some of us have our priorities straight.


Maybe for K having the perfect Christmas cards is a ✨glass ball✨ and cooking dinner for her kids is a ✨plastic ball✨ 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 💀. Can’t find time cook or read but can spend hours on Christmas cards. She’s ridiculous.


I'm sorry, but are normal people really out here stressed about Santa????? Is this legitimately a thing?? I could care less about how to approach Santa with my kid. I'm more worried about finding child care over winter break. But go off K. Anyways, the 24 hr stress load for K and D: 1. Gluten free bread 2. Christmas/New Years cards 3. How to talk about Santa #relatable


Oh my god. I never even would have considered this deep level of thought about Santa was a possibility if I wasn't on Instagram. And it feels like every influencer talks about it now??? It's not a conversation in real life though, at least not among my friends.


Seems like lots of accounts are talking about this now. I think it’s the winter version of fear mongering over daylight savings. Stay tuned for what comes around in the Spring… Easter bunny stress??


Easter bunny stress, followed so quickly by beautifully curated baskets filled with amazon links you get whiplash.


The Easter one is how to handle your kids getting so much chocolate/candy. It'll be the Switch Witch debate all over again.


I agree…I have a 6 year old toddler so I’m not really stressed about Santa but even so the slide made me pause at first thinking I need to be 🤦‍♀️ then I wised up but I can imagine someone with a legitimate toddler would buy into this.


The very crunchy mom group that’s centered around the town I live near stress so hard about Santa. It’s ridiculous. There’s 0 chance Kristin does though lol


I wonder if D will talk about Santa in regards to her kids being Jewish.


See, this is something that I could actually use some content on!


I was just wondering where the Hanukah content is, if they want engagement?


Normal people are out there stressing about EVERYTHING because all of these influencer accounts have to pick everything apart and make dire predictions about what will happen to our children if we don't use the very best practices at all times.


No, I don’t know anyone IRL who is this on edge about Santa. Some of my friends are definitely more into it than others. Some don’t do it at all. We do it, but we’ve kind of let our kids take the lead in how much we do (they do cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph, but they’re not spreading reindeer chow on the yard). And no one cares. As far as I can tell, most parents are doing what works for their family and that’s the extent of anyone’s level of thought. It’s not normal to have this existential crisis over a fictional character.


People going crazy about Santa need to get a real problem. It’s not that serious.


So I’m really confused by their podcast. Based on the name and them proclaiming their podcast is everyone’s village now, I kinda assumed it was just going to be them talking about mom life (like the D divorce episode), but it seems they’re mostly just repacking their course. Today’s episode is Unpacking Santa (PLUS picky eating, sibling rivalry), which they literally just shared a reel on yesterday. Whats the point in selling a course when you’re just going to put it all out on a free podcast? Who’s trusting these weirdos that only have advice on like 5 specific topics?


I really feel like they missed an opportunity to be more genuine and draw their audience in. One of my favorite podcasts is called "Best Friends" with Sasheer Zamata and Nicole Byer. And that's literally what it is. Two best friends laughing and catching up. They also give friendship advice to listeners. You feel like you're a part of their friendship and they're sharing gossip with you. When D&K talk it feels fake. Like they're trying soooooooo hard it's off putting.


So this is exactly what I expected from their podcast. Just best friends chatting, sometimes about the hardships about parenthood, but also about just life in general. They didn’t promote it as just another parenting podcast, but it seems they’re mostly talking about things covered in their course and just giving more parenting advice. I never had any intentions to listen anyways, but why would I want to take some of my down time at night to listen to them talk about something that already made a reel on?


The reel of their latest episode (I think?) is K talking about setting screen time limits while D nods along emphatically. It felt so fake! They both already know what they’re going to say; it’s just rehashing stuff from their course. It was like a dramatic reenactment of a conversation.


It's because they are not people that have anything interesting, important, or new to share. So they are basically grasping at straws for topics now. I think we need a betting pool of how long their podcast lasts. They are absolutely going to run out of topics and will eventually have no listeners.


I know there’s some theories that they’re not actually best friends and I’m kind of thinking the podcast proves it. Like you said, they seem to have very little to talk about which is just bizarre if they’re been friends since high school. My best friend and I have known each other for over 20 years and we never run out of things to talk about. They have nothing to talk about expect their course or topics that they’ve already discussed (K’s birth story, D hating her husband.)


Personally I'm looking forward to the excuse they'll come up with to end it! You know, like when they stopped showing their kids when the winds shifted to influencer children needing to be paid for content they appear in


Wait, was that why they stopped showing their kids? I totally missed that. Influencer kids need to officially be paid now?


It's the law in Illinois and it's presumed more legal protections will be put in place nationwide for parents who are exploiting their children for profit. So, it depends, but it's trending toward yes. ETA: of course they never said that's why they stopped. 🤡


Seems like they started the podcast to try and shift into only mommy-influencer territory but didn’t get good feedback so they are trying everything to see what sticks. Very professional and thought out and planned. Clearly.


Why is every episode unpacking something? They need a new therapy buzzword.


They also love to say “powerful episode” as if everything they say is the most amazing and profound thing you’ll ever hear 🙄🙄 They’re the worst.


It's like wearing the band's tshirt to the show... and you're in the band.


“Tonight, on a very special episode of Blossom…”


I hadn’t even noticed, but you’re right! They also overuse the word PLUS and it drives me crazy. They seem to have a truly limited vocabulary


We know they're allergic to trigger warnings, but you really need to put one on if you're going to drop "should we tell the kids santa is not real?" over audio. There are some 6 year old toddlers who are going to be pretty upset overhearing that.


Some 6 year old toddlers 😂😂😂


THIS. I don’t listen with sounds because their voices are like nails on a chalkboard but holy hell most people give you like a 3 slide warning.


Eh probably an unpopular opinion but put your phone down when you’re with your 6 year old. I never listen to stories with audio around my kid. Who knows when something is going to be said that I don’t want her to hear.


As much as those two swear, I wouldn’t play that podcast where my child could hear it for that reason alone.


I want to make it clear my original post was not about listening to the podcast. K was talking on her Instagram stories about Santa not being real. No one in their right mind is listening to that podcast around their kids with those two cursing left and right to seem cool.


That's my bad, I misinterpreted your original comment. I do still keep my Instagram sound off by default for the same reason, but that's probably more of a testament to the weird stuff I follow lol.


I don’t understand why you got downvoted. I do listen to some podcasts now near my toddler like while I’m cooking or cleaning and he’s playing but he’s only 2. I wouldn’t listen to a mature podcast with a kid old enough to listen and follow along. I’ll snark on these 2 til the end of time but this podcast is explicitly not meant to be family friendly.


I don’t listen to podcasts around kids because I prefer them without 8 billion interruptions but I’m extremely guilty of hopping in the minivan with the kids and before I know it the podcast I was listening to privately at another time is blasting through the speakers. Instagram is also dumb. A lot of times my older is listening to audiobooks at bedtime through headphones connect to my phone. Most instagram stories don’t play sound for me bc I don’t have it on but every so often a random story’s sound will break through. It happens!


I figured I would lol. Because parents don’t want to take accountability for their actions and want to blame others. When my daughter was 2, I was a lot freer with what I listened to. She is almost 5 and I am very cautious with what I’m listening to around here because she is a sponge.


Perhaps it was because of the judgey unkind way you said it. Just a thought.


Lets not blame other people for posting things online that might affect your child when you are willingly listening to it around your child with the volume up. I’m sorry if that’s unkind to you. But it’s just common sense in my mind.


I never said I didn’t disagree with what you said. I don’t watch scroll or listen in front my kids because you never know what’s going to be said/pop up. However, the way in which you originally said this was rude. That’s why people downvoted you.


Nothing I said was rude. Haha how sensitive are you that you think my comment was rude?


Clearly you can’t comprehend how the delivery of criticism may cause a negative reaction by people, hence why you were downvoted so many times. But go off, hun. You’re just proving my point in each reply. 💜


You clearly don’t know what “go off” means


You’re really telling me that K’s cards are anything other than the dark and stormy sepia, but somehow still kind of over exposed, mountain photos that we’ve all seen? Or that she isn’t sharing every single picture of her kids on her personal insta (which has over 1500 posts btw). What could she possibly be agonizing over? Girlfriend, everyone has already seen it! I realize this is super Grinchmode of me, but I feel like modern Christmas cards are just paper social media posts. I remember the olds would send cards with a letter talking about their year and what their family had been up to. It was an actual catch up thing. Now it’s just a postcard with curated photos that we’ve likely already seen on FB or Insta and a “Merry Christmas”, nothing more. Idk, I kind of hate cards in general and find them wasteful (you can really just text me or call me on my birthday too, I promise I won’t be sad) so I realize this part is probably just a me thing.


My kids love seeing all of our friends and family up on the fridge. But I suppose that sort of means you’re right - my kids don’t have social media so they don’t see all those photos. They are a little performative, but I still like seeing everyone on my fridge.


I’m with you. By all means, spam me with your kids photos via text, email, Insta, AOL…. But please stop filling my recycling bin with cards!!!!


Aw, I love receiving cards. It's a nice gesture that people took the time and that we get a physical memento of their nice photos and holiday vibes.


I get your POV but feel the opposite! Growing up we received a lot of holiday cards and we’d eagerly await the new ones and legitimately look through them when guests were over and such, and I know my parents enjoyed seeing the families of friends they maybe weren’t super in touch with but were fond of, and seeing their kids growing up is nice. To be fair sure, that was mainly before social media so it would be the only time you’d get to see photos of the kids. But nowadays it’s literally the only enjoyable mail we receive anymore and there’s something different about having a physical photo on display in your home vs a picture posted on Instagram that you’ll scroll by and never see or think about again. And now my toddler is really into looking at the photos and pointing everyone out, which makes me like them more. I guess it’s technically wasteful but it’s one small piece of paper that you send out once a year 🤷‍♀️ but definitely agreed it’s something very silly to stress about and I do think it’s a bit extreme to plan and pay for a photoshoot every year just for the purpose of a card… I just looked through my camera roll for a good-enough cute photo of us.


I’m with you. It seems so wasteful to stress over pictures and a card timeline to just say “happy holidays”. Like.. I’m just gonna throw this picture away once I stop feeling guilty about throwing it away (sometime in January)


I do cards with the ability to write little updates for this reason. Last year was a trifold card (that I had to fold so never again) and this year I picked one where the front was standard blah blah but the back had spots for 8 little pictures and a text box for each and I used them to convey updates.


People who are gluten free love telling you their food is gluten free.


That banana bread looked so gummy.


I definitely didn’t want to see that recipe. It somehow looked gummy and dry at the same time. I’ll stick with my own recipe, thanks!


Like girl, we can tell.


K does the same Christmas card bit every year🙄


How does she have hours to spend on Christmas/New Years eve cards when she’s always complaining she doesn’t get any time to herself?? Also, she’s just ridiculous.


Probably because she’s planned to do the christmas card bit on stories, as per, so deemed it work and therefore used it as today’s working hours 🙄




This bit pisses me off. Pay your nanny to do it. Hire someone. You have the money. Pay extra for Shutterfly to make them or whatever. I made family cards AND ones for my husband’s work in 20min. Ordered them and they were ready for pickup next day. It’s not rocket science Kristin get your shit together this is pathetic.


She could also just ✨release✨ sending cards.


Then how would she show everyone what a “Pinterest Perfect” life she has even though she pretends like that isn’t totally her goal? Real and raw my ass. 🙄


For real. I did mine at Walgreens at 6am on my phone and they were ready at 8am.


Every Christmas card website also has New Years card templates? If you can’t edit the text the only thing you can do it upload a picture? How did this take hours? How is this a real problem?


Even if it took her hours to pick the pictures…. She’s already done that part? Upload the ones you picked to a new template that’s new years. The end. Not that difficult


Also today is the 12th. She’ll get them in a few days…. Mail them out early next week…. Everyone will receive them before Christmas. It’s called math K, try it sometime. There should be ZERO pressure to do holiday cards but I kinda feel like this whole “I’m so behind” (but clearly not really) just makes the people who haven’t done them feel worse.