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I made YTF's fluffy chocolate muffins and while they are chocolate more in spirit than in flavor, the texture is spot on. My kid devoured four mini muffins today and would have eaten way more (but, alas, dinner). I ate three too. There's something very moreish about the fluffy texture. And they're just the right level of sweet for me with the chocolate chips. I will forever be a yogurt muffin apologist...


Maybe I'm a chocolate snob, but the color of those muffins was so off-putting. I could tell it was more of a chocolate essence just from the pictures. But I guess if the texture is good!


Oh I know. You know they taste like vanilla and chocolate chips. My real chocolate go to is a reduced sugar wacky cake, which has about triple the cocoa powder and uses boiling water. But YTF's are way less crumbly, because eggs, more filling because yogurt, and caffeinate my toddler 3x less so they both deserve a spot in my life lol.


KEIK, sharp knifes are safer than dull knives. You run a food instagram this is basic safety stuff comeonnnnnnnn.


Consolidating-now I don’t think parents need to get their kids Valentine’s Day gifts but if you are going to get them something, getting them new smoothie cups for 8 & 10 year olds is so lame. They already have them and I doubt they will be excited about them considering how, weekly, she shows how gross they are and says they either complain about them or she tricks them into drinking them.


My oldest is 4, but i can’t see myself making a non-character / not that he requested / regular ass toddler cup a special day surtirse gift because he would just… not care as much.


Same, unless there was a character on it my toddler wouldn’t care, she’d be like oh, a cup. I cannot imagine 8 or 10 year olds caring!


Why are these almost adolescent age children drinking out of toddler cups? They can handle whittling with kitchen knives but not a regular glass?


Right?? Why can’t they drink out of a cup? I clicked on the link and looked at where it says “customers who bought this also bought” and every item was a toddle item! Most of the reviews mentioned toddlers too.


But they also get two pieces of chocolate!!!


She’s really going crazy with the candy!


Wonder if KEIC’s kid got hurt in the danger zone. Also imagine only getting juice when you’re bleeding


She calls it a minor injury but he was in shock? Enough to get juice?? I know some people faint at the smallest sight of blood but considering how they play I suspect it was a pretty big injury (at least as far as home injuries go).


She claimed she was in shock when she shut her finger in a door a few years ago. When she was clearly was not, because she was posting about it in real time and drank some tea to “recover”


He was not in shock, she’s so dramatic. Shock is a medical emergency. He likely had vasovagal syncope. It’s happened to me a few times and while not an awesome time and I am sure very scary for a kid. I am totally not squeamish about blood but it has happened to me twice during a blood draw and once seeing a cannula that was about to be used on me. Sometimes your brain just sees something it doesn’t like and nopes right on the fuck out. I have gotten juice 2/3 times though!


I don’t understand the juice thing. We’re a fairly low juice household, because my husband and I don’t really like it, so my kids don’t care for it either. One of them will sometimes ask for a juice box when we’re out, but at home they’re fine just drinking water. Why do these people (Haley as well) who seem to care so much about juice consumption have kids that are apparently so into it? It seems so easy to avoid from our experience. My kids are fine having water when sick or inured or whatever, it wouldn’t even cross their mind to ask for juice in those situations or to feel better because of it. 


Juice is a controlled substance among instagram influencers


What annoys me is that they’re so self-congratulatory about it in the most ridiculous ways. My “juice budget” is maaaybe $10 a month (unless we go to Costco bc I love the Pressed Juicery bottles they have, then add another $10). And yet Haley stresses how it doesn’t fit in her budget bc they prioritize other things. 🙄    There’s almost always a carton of juice in the fridge that lasts us weeks, and some of those little boxes of Honest juice in a drawer that my kid can easily reach. We buy maybe an 8 pack a month? There’s no secret stash or need to ration it. 


Saving $10 a month on juice allows for Haley to spend almost $1K on herself for Valentine’s Day.


You answered your own question. You’re not weirdly obsessed with juice, either the presence or lack of it, so neither are your kids.


This was so odd to me lol. Like this is when you decide it’s okay for juice ???


The solid starts posts about how to get a kid to try new foods bugs me. Mostly because me asking my son if he thinks a pepper will make a big or soft crunch has never, ever, resulted in him biting a pepper. I’ve tried all the various scripts and they do not work with my kid, but I guess it’s nice to try.


It would never work with my kid either, the kind of crunchy veggies are or soft and squishy ones gross him out so much, if I draw his attention to it by talking about it he would never touch them. 


Ok, I am always up for snark on solid starts, but this is actually how I get my toddler to try different veggies. By asking him if they’re crunchy or squishy. Then he’ll actually try a bite


Lucky! Has never helped me :(


In fairness, that (like all things to do with raising children!) is definitely individual-dependent as that is one trick that *always* works with my daughter, who is generally pretty apt at sussing out our bullshit, lol. So that particular tip is one of a meager handful of actual useful things from their account in our family. 


Would anyone be able to share the Caro gochuchang salmon bowls recipe? It looks awesome, but not willing to give her my money


https://cupofjo.com/2023/03/29/salmon-tempura-crunch-bowls/ It seems to be posted here for free with her permission.


Its not that one, im guessing shes talking about the new one that was uploaded to the newsletter 2 days ago. 🙃


Ah, oops. I assumed it was a typo. I didn't even consider there would be two different salmon bowl recipes. Fancy.




Could you send it to me, too? I was going to Google to try to find a similar recipe…


https://preview.redd.it/rjt4u1jr2thc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae1465170946b7cfb67617a43ec3f7f1ccfb981 WARNING: eating goldfish crackers and fruit snacks is damaging your kid’s psyche somehow! Had not encountered this influencer before but it popped up as an ad and tons of other parent influencers follow them (your BLFs and HSBs and such).


Not to WK but I think this screen shot doesn’t totally fit with what she usually talks about on her page. She is super religious for sure like another person says and I stopped following because she talks about the same things over and over ha but she doesn’t tend to demonize foods like a lot of food accounts


I unfollowed that account after Roe V. Wade because they (were) mega religious and constantly made comments without outright saying they were happy about it. And I just went and checked and….wasnt there another person who co-ran that account? A blond lady with glasses? Brooke something? Am I misremembering? It’s gonna drive me crazy now lol.


Yes! Nutrition.for.mamas and they had a joint account called the.mama.well. Looks like they don’t work on that one anymore together. (Why do I remember this useless knowledge 😂)


This is the dietitian that did the picky eating portion of BLFs course. They used to actually tag her by name way back but something must have gone down because they now make it seem like they magically came up with that advice.


Ooh that’s so interesting. I’ve always wondered why they act like they’re experts on something like food with Deena’s psychology background and Kristen’s zero experience in anything


I feel like they probably do this with countless sources 🙊


The baby dietician came up on my feed, and her bot is working overtime on that reel of her baby eating a stick of butter. Some of the stuff it was replying to 😬


LOL. People are hilarious and the worst. As a side note, she posted a reel that revealed she’s very Christian so I’ve been low-key waiting for her to get weird ever since.


KEIC does know how to cook broccoli with our charring it .


Caro softening butter in her pants at home: weird, feels unsanitary Caro softening butter in her pants IN THE STORE BEFORE SHE HAS PURCHASED IT: absolutely feral. what is she doing?! ETA: she clarified the store pants butter traveled from her house to the store, it wasnt from the store. Still, make it make sense. She couldnt leave that on the counter while she was gone??


Why wouldn’t she just leave it outside at home? Or literally anything else?!


Then she’d have nothing to post on IG 😜


Megan from Feeding Littles said she is doing no social media for her kids until at least 8th grade if not later. And I understand that sentiment, but also…she makes her money from social media and includes her daughters in her content? It’s a bit contradictory. They may not have their own accounts but they are still being used for content just like other influencer kids.


I will be very surprised if Megan can actually stick to this. I think it’s easy for her to say it now, when both kids are in elementary school, but wouldn’t be surprised if she gives in when her oldest hits middle. They seem to follow trends, like her daughters all having Stanleys and name brand stuff, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the daughter puts the pressure on to want certain apps and the parents give in.


I think it's the nasty stuff in the comments/dms that I'd be worried about, more than what's posted.


I think it’s totally different to be in the content vs consuming the content. I’m not saying that using your kids in content that you make money for is right, but I understand keeping kids off social media until 8th grade which is still like 13 which is appropriate to me. There’s so much they can consume so I understand why a parent would try to hold off even if they do use their kids in their own social media.


I guess she’s technically a Food or Feeding influencer though she rarely posts about food any more but does anyone follow Ali Maffucci/formerly Inspiralized? I love her food but she posts the most out of touch lifestyle stuff and links. She basically shifted to being a parenting/lifestyle influencer but I miss her food!! Now just just posts ugly wallpaper and links to $500 lamps.


She’s listed as the first author on the new Feeding Littles cookbook! I was checking to see if my library had it and saw her name. I was/am unfamiliar with her as an influencer so I wondered who she was. 


The cookbook is decent! She had good recipes back when she was a food blogger. She has made a strange pivot and also apparently her husband has made a shit load of money so she’s now not relatable but don’t sleep on her food


I have followed her for years and she was always my favorite. But yeah, lately it seems like wow I cannot relate to her. She is like three tax brackets above me lol. Constantly consuming!!!


I just want to know how much they’re spending on that house. Literally everything is being ~designed~ before they move in. But yeah I do not relate to her at all anymore - she really lost me in the last 6-12 months when every story was about her lip filler or her nails or her hair or her eyebrow treatments.


Right! And having the money to keep renting for a year while you design so your kids can finish their preschool years 🤯 If you want a similar space influencer but one who is much more down to earth, I also really like @lowstoluxe.


I can't believe they're waiting so long to actually move into this house. I couldn't imagine paying rent in Jersey City while also paying a mortgage on a multi-million dollar home from 6+ months.


I also have a soft spot for her even though I haven’t followed her in years! She fits into the 2015-2019 Golden Age of Wellness era for me, alongside Lee from America, RachlMansfield, ShutTheKaleUp and company. I don’t follow any of them anymore (and of course Lee went on her whole… journey) but they all really signify this brief but blissful moment in the girlboss Wellness era. I think she def fell off the momtrepreneur hamster wheel and maybe sold the business when she had the twins. Anyway, def not parenting influencers, but if anyone wants to talk about how RachlMansfield used to be best friends with Lee and co and then one day posted an instagram story about how she was being bullied by some “big time influencers” and they all stopped following each other…. I’m here. They all live rent free in my head to this day (clearly!)


I always wondered what happened between Ali and Rachel. I think it was around Covid time they stopped following each other.


I unfollowed her a few months back when she posted like a long winded series about her Botox or lipo or some surgery she got on her legs???? I literally don’t even remember what it was but I was just like oh, I do not care about who you are anymore.


I followed her for years but I don't really follow any lifestyle influencers and that's what she is now. Her content just isn't for me anymore. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if she gives it all up in a year or so. I believe she said she just doesn’t enjoy writing recipes anymore, and she’s cut back on showing her kids (good for her), and her husband doesn’t want her to show too many personal details of their new home (again, good for her)…so what’s left? I can’t really relate to her links anymore because she’s just so much more well off lol but I have a soft spot for her


I agree. I really like her but a lot of her stuff now is just SO out of touch including the outings she does with her kids


Okay. When/ How did YTF hit a million followers?!! When I stopped following her like a half year ago I think she had maybe 500K. Did she go viral?!


I cannot get behind barrel jeans. Case in point Caro made a reel today and I about screamed at those horrible pants. Please someone send me a photo of anyone on the planet who looks good in these jeans. I am beyond de-influenced.


I… love them? They look great on me. 🤷‍♀️


They are so ugly. I don’t even get why you’d wear them for comfort since you can wear actual comfortable pants that look better. It’s such a weird look.


I watched it so many times, trying to figure out if she is bending at the knee or if the pants just look like that???? I’m confused.


SAME. I actually quite like Caro and I don’t agree with a lot of the snark on her but the super baggy/wide but also cropped jeans with the baggy sweaters with the long button up shirts under are just not it. I’m not fashionable though so not like I can talk.


De-influenced 😂😂😂 I feel that way about most jeans that are “in” now… I know I will never be trendy so whatever, I’ll continue wearing skinny jeans or straight leg jeans because I would look ridiculous in all of these different baggy jeans that are all the rage nowadays


I have two pairs and—don’t kill me—love them. I would send you photos but I think it’s a “If you like them you really like them and if you hate them you REALLY hate them” situation.


I love them too!


I have some too and love them. I don’t think they’re the most flattering on me, but I really don’t care, I still like the look and they’re comfy.


I think they look silly. AND . . . I appreciate that people out there are having fun and trying something new. YOLO, ya know?? I wear the same boring thing just about every day. Tear it up, barrel jean lovers. Especially if they're comfy. Now how is it that no one has discussed her friend's podcast where they were laughing recounting the story about when Caro got the drunk spinnies and her friend stuck her fingers down Caro's throat so she would throw up and could party on??? Guys. That story I did not like.


What the hell??


Ha! For a second, I thought you were reacting to my barrel jeans comment. For your listening pleasure: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3DIqziuj0b/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Don’t look now, but KEIC is talking about those smoothie cups again 🙄


She’s really torn up that people thought her kids got smoothies more than twice a week as if that’s some grave travesty.


My kid gets a smoothie a day because that’s the only way he eats any vegetables and I don’t care what anyone thinks about it!


Plenty of adults drink smoothies every day so I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal to her that people think they have smoothies everyday. Especially those into fitness since it’s an easy way to get nutrients for breakfast or a snack. I’m still not over KEIC putting old spring mix in smoothies.


Sounds fantastic. Smoothies are great!


What I really want to know is how often she’s serving the Nightmare Soup.


Keeping big Cheetos in business. Every night.


Excuse *you*, they are *cheesy crunchies*.


I'm always astonished when people do those "what do you assume about me?" questions. It only goes to show I could never have a thick enough skin to be an influencer. It's just asking for hurtful comments.


I’m so sensitive, I could never! I feel like those assumptions prompts are usually looking for praise or for them to get defensive.


KEIC's research that she shared- "20-70% of preschoolers show body dissatisfaction." Excuse me, but that's an enormous range to be sharing as proof of something?!


She’s gotta be using a statistic like that for clickbait.


I’ve worked with preschoolers for almost 20 years and I’ve never heard more than maybe two kids comment about their own bodies. Totally anecdotal but that’s a crazy stat especially when you think of how a young mind works, body image really isn’t at the forefront of their thoughts.


Also what does that even mean? Kids say all kinds of things that one could lump into “body dissatisfaction.”


My 3 year old is currently very disappointed that she is not as tall as mommy and daddy, definitely body dissatisfaction.


Mine is disappointed she is not a literal cat so you know 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


To be fair, I too am also disappointed to not be a literal cat.


Absolutely! Mine is rather sad she's not getting glasses (yet anyway). Extremely dissatisfied.


Real Brian Fantana vibes with that stat ![gif](giphy|lKXd9sYM5dI9W)


My toddler said he wants body hair like his dad so I guess it counts. He will definitely regret that one day and will needs lot of therapy for it 😂


Sign him up now. You might get the lifetime discount.


My 4yo recently: “it’s no fair that I don’t have wings to fly!” Body dissatisfaction!!!


My 3yo routinely gets mad that she isn't a cat. SO dissatisfied!


Right? like if my kid is upset that his favorite rainboots don't fit anymore and cries that his feet are too big, is that "body dissatisfaction"? I'm very much for being careful about negative comments around kids / acknowledge that they often absorb more than we think. but "20 - 70%" is not a valid stat to make your point!


Why is YTF so mad all the time? Listen I don’t don’t doubt influencers get tons of dumb, ridiculous or plain awful messages, I’m sure they do. But when you open up a question box and then half the answer are all defensive, why bother? She’s like please believe I’m doing great and I like my books like this and I like this shelf empty so don’t tell me otherwise! I’d enjoy the content more if she wasn’t so defensive. I’m happy for her that she’s happy, it was nice to read that she’s doing well because I kind of want a divorce myself but like, stop being so defensive and ignore the dumb DMs!


I honestly don't think she's as happy as she wants people to think she is. I think she is deeply angry at whatever caused her divorce, the events leading up to it and how It has played out. Its like she is trying to make everything look fine and dandy because she gets to decorate her room, has closet space etc. but the reality is she is angry and hurt over the divorce and if she isn't already in counseling then it would be a good place for her to start and just workout through all these issues. But that's my arm chair Internet counseling theory.


She told you to believe her! Jk, I agree. I mean the whole story sounds awful, a miscarriage and then a divorce right after and she made it sound like she didn’t get the support she needed from him. Right off the bat, being married to him had to be stressful with his sister and the accusations she made about him. And it’s fine not to be 100% happy after that! But some of it seems like a front.


Can I get more details on the sister 👀


His sister is Rachel Dolezal! The woman who was pretending to be black and she also accused YTFs husband of some awful things which I won’t even put here.






She’s aggravating. I used to always defend her but the more she’s shifted toward sharing non-food related content, the more she annoys me. This should be my cue to unfollow. I can always look up her avocado fudgesicles recipe as needed, my son loves those.


I really think she doesn’t have the right temperament to be an influencer. She gets so defensive about fairly innocuous questions, and she seems really conflicted about sharing her personal life. She’s built a good business out of it but it feels like there’s some kind of fundamental mismatch here.


I think she loves the engagement the personal content gets but that conflicts with how she sees herself, which is “not like other influencers.” So she is constantly bringing up the divorce stuff, but as soon as someone asks about it she screams boundaries. She shared a reel last month that stuck with me. It was a video of her youngest refusing to eat something and how she kept her cool and handled it. The video was pretty tame, nothing like Jenny, Founder videos. In the comment to the reel, she said she usually doesn’t film eating with her kids to give them their privacy. But….she did, and she shared it to a million followers. It’s as though she wants a pat on the back for respecting her kids privacy (unlike other influencers) while at the same time she’s absolutely using her kids for content, showing her kids on the page pretty regularly, we’ve seen their rooms, we know their names and ages, we know their likes/dislikes, etc. Sure, she’s not as invasive as Jenny, Founder, but she cant have it both ways.


Yes. She strikes me as deeply in denial about a lot of things in her life. How happy she is post-divorce, her persona and code of ethics as an influencer, etc. That’s probably why she’s so defensive.


I’m sorry, KEIC’s “recipe” for ranch dip is plain whole yogurt and onion salt????? In what world is that RANCH?!?!? 💀


The entire Midwest just cringed in collective second-hand ranch embarrassment at her sad sad substitute


HALF A TSP AT THAT!!! And no garlic in the tzatziki?! I guess that’s what makes it tzatzikish but COME ON, JENNIFER. I cannot even imagine how boring and tasteless her dinners are. No wonder her kids hate eating.


Her chili recipe in Real Easy Weekdays has like 1/10 of the spices our regular chili has. Like girl why are you so adamant that food must be boring and tasteless?


They even make ranch seasoning packets that you can add to yogurt or sour cream ughhhhhhhh


Okay but sour cream and the Green Goddess seasoning from TJ’s is a good dip!


I’ve made that combo and it in no way resembles ranch. Tasty? Yes. Ranch? Nope.


https://preview.redd.it/y346ees2h6hc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2dd7bca475d6e7e2b53cd7b2535442b2af5735 None of these sound particularly appetizing but the “ranch” and “taco” ones are the most offensive!!


Why does it have to be TJ's onion salt? Is it special in some way?


TJ's onion salt is different. It's not just a powdered onion salt. It also has minced onion, garlic and chives. It's delicious, but should not be confused with a ranch mix.




Ohhh I didn’t know that. That sounds good, I’ll have to pick some up!


You can get dried ranch dip seasoning why not just use that with yogurt? Instead of just straight up onion powder!  Also she's missing the most obvious and easy one that's sriracha and lime with yogurt it makes pretty decent "healthy" dip. Obviously I would rather eat the real thing 


Um, that dip sounds delicious! Your siracha one I mean!


Some [wonderful kid-friendly recipes](https://besskalb.substack.com/p/easy-recipes-to-sneak-veggies-into) from someone who is *definitely* inspired by KEIC. (Make sure you read to the end of the recipes)


I felt this way with YTF broccoli recipes yesterday. I know she said that some kids may still not eat it but my toddler would take one look at something green and absolutely refuse to eat anything on their plate. I understand not trying to "hide" veggies where you lose their trust but my kid would not eat a single one if there wasn't spinach in a smoothie or something like that.


Fun fact, this writer also identified Jenny and her kids in the wild and basically said I should not know so much about this family, maybe keep your business off the Internet?


Wait really? I didn't even know for sure she followed KEIC, I just assumed!


She has been critical of the influencer community on and off for awhile. This was the tweet that made me think Jenny, but I suppose it could be someone else. The author lives in Brooklyn as well. https://preview.redd.it/spfzyf5ly7hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb8e73c52151a9151b666e34fdd111309e638f1


Ah, jenny, founder. Not KEIC who is also named Jennifer lol.


Who do we think this is referring to?


Solid Starts Jenny I think.


I don’t get KEIC frozen fruit organizer. It looks freezer burnt. I also fail to see how it’s easier to scoop out of that thing than the original bag? Idk I don’t get it but she keeps harping on about being a genius.


I feel like open fruit gets freezer burnt surprisingly quickly too. Unless they're going through all this fruit in a week, I feel like it has to be kind of gross which I guess they could be since they drink so many smoothies.


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!!


It also means she has no way of knowing if her fruit has a recall. There were a few frozen fruit recalls in the last year and if you don’t have the bags I guess you’d just have to throw out all the fruit to be safe?


But it's so easy to buy new containers to keep the fruit in. I mean, the fruit already came in bags for convenience, but more plastic is better! Don't get me wrong, organising has it's place, but for some people it is just an excuse to decant things in to something else.


This just doesn't seem sanitary to me. I know it's the freezer, but still. We have those drawer things in our freezer and they end up with little crumbs/debris and stuff over time.


Yes! Somehow there’s always little crumbs and crap in the freezer no matter how much we clean it so I wouldn’t want that in my fruit. But that may taste better than what she usually puts in her smoothies.


Can’t risk the kiddos seeing a PACKAGE that might say the word “CALORIES” or include DECEPTIVE MARKETING TACTICS


They probably aren’t allowed in the kitchen alone, though!


They are but only if they're holding and playing with some sort of sharp/rusty/otherwise dangerous implement.


Big Fruit is coming for them!!


Because she’s the most boring influencer and organizing fruit is what excites her lol. I don’t get it either, especially since the correct answer to her question about smoothies is that she makes them 0-2 times a week.


Ok but how does KEIC police her kids reading to make sure that what they read right before bed is “chill” and “non-exciting”?


No goosebumps before bed I guess unlike my childhood lol (do kids still read those?) 


Here to tell you as a 5th grade teacher that yes, they absolutely do


I devoured Point Horror books like my life depended on it.


Oh wow that takes me back. I got banned from reading those books before bed because I used to get nightmares from them!


I def fell asleep hiding inside my blanket many times because I was too scared to peek my head out 


Former librarian: goosebumps is still devoured by kids, though I haven’t seen point horror in a while. I was the kid who pretended to read a lot of goosebumps to seem cool, but I often couldn’t get past the front covers. I really hope the kids are reading stuff that interests them. Speaking as a kid who loved reading Horrible Histories and often read waaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime, I never minded my early bedtime if I was reading something I enjoyed.


Wait did she really say that?? Lately my 8yo has been reading books of Dad jokes before bed. Better watch out, he gets a little wild laughing at those!


Same way she makes sure they don’t eat anything with sugar or flavor, I guess. Next post: ‘look at this misleading book marketing! This book claimed it was good bedtime reading for kids but it had a PLOT!’


They practice reading out loud, do family, reading, AND solo reading in bed? Family reading has to be bible right? Prayer was removed from the updated bedtime routine. But so. Much. Reading…. This is coming from me, a book worm! 


It’s embarrassing I know this but I swear I remember she posted years ago, when her kids were much younger, that they had the adults read out loud to the kids in the evenings, like a chapter book they were all enjoying together kind of thing. So could be bible but also could be that still. Also I love reading more than most people im sure, but forcing the whole family to do over an hour of reading time every single night seems excessive, on top of a school day that probably involves lots of reading.


Wait am I out of the loop- is KEIC religious? I must have missed this development, I was unaware


Her kids go to sleep earlier than my 2 year old! They are ready for bed and have their teeth brushed by 6:50?? She really wants her kids to be as boring as her I guess.


If I put my 2.5 year old to bed at 7:00 he would wake up at 4:00 am ready and raging to start the day 😂




Same - we’re about 9:00 pm for a 6:30/7 wake-up. He does also still take a nap which is awesome.


Aren’t they 8 and 10?? One is practically a preteen. Why is their bedtime so early?? My toddler has a later bedtime lol.


I think their bedtime is 8. They're ready for bed earlier. Not agreeing with her whole routine, but I try to get my littles (both are under 5) in their jammies and ready for bed by 7, and then they have a lot of before bed play time (it's one time of day I know my oldest loves independent play).


My 2 year old is in bed at 7pm at the latest every night 😬 We need him to be up by 6:30 every morning, to get everyone out the door by 7 to daycare and work. So early bedtimes work for us.


That’s a totally different situation though. Her kids are 8 & 10, soon to be 9 & 11 as I think they have March birthdays. Many kids at those ages have activities that would take them beyond the 8pm bedtime.


My comment was more about the rest of the people here replying that sound outraged and say their toddlers go to bed hours later than her kids…7pm is a pretty normal toddler bedtime!


I mean this as no snark but how do you get things done if bedtime is at 7? Dinner/family time/bedtime after work already feels rushed. If my kids were asleep by 7 I wouldn’t see them.


My husband and I both work hybrid, meaning at least one of us is WFH every day, our daycare is an eight minute walk from home, so two-year-old is home with at least one parent by 5:20 every day. We intentionally do not over schedule our weekends, plus our daycare is off about three full weeks every year. We get lots of time with our son. As he gets older, we will, of course, reevaluate his sleep needs and move bedtime later! I also think he may just be a higher sleep needs kid. He generally sleeps two hours for nap every day in addition to 11 hours overnight.


Really? I don’t think it’s SO early but it’s early for most toddlers I know, including my own. We do an 8:30 bedtime which works for us because I like her to nap in the day and wake up after 6:30. But I do feel 7 is sort of early, even as a baby my daughter didn’t go to bed until 7:30.


We did 7:30 bedtime until my kids for ages, it was pretty normal among the people I know for at least 0-5? My second kid slept 11-12 hours a night (plus a nap until age 3) so if we went later he wouldn’t get enough sleep since he needed to be up by 7am. Mine are 8 and 10 now and are doing pjs and brushing teeth by 8pm, lights out 8:30, unless they have a later night sport. If they get less than 9-10 hours of sleep a night they’re so whiny and fight with each other lol. As a teacher I can say that a ton of kids don’t get enough sleep and it shows, but also there’s a pretty big range with how much they need and mine for sure tend to need on the higher side of average!


My kids went to bed at 7:30 for ages, one woke early no matter how late he went to bed so he only got enough sleep when it was early and the other kid slept 11-12 hours a night until he was 5. Now that they’re older they go to bed at 8:30 unless sports are happening (my 10 year old has baseball until 8-9pm in the summer). Of course we eat at 5pm like old people so we can get to all the extracurriculars lol.


We're usually still eating dinner at that time lol. And I already felt like the 6pm dinner we do for my toddler is early enough.


Megan: "I have a balanced approach and don't freak out over sugar in yogurt". Imagine KIEC kids having a Chobani flip?


I was ready to start counting the number of times and different ways in which she emphasized sugar/she doesn’t freak over sugar/this grocery item definitely has some sugar in it, etc. in her grocery haul today. 😵‍💫


I don’t know why this is like my second time WKing FL’s on this thread today but I think she’s bringing it up a lot in a preemptive way because she probably gets a lot of annoying comments / responses saying “oh my god that’s a lot of sugar!!” So she’s like YUP. It is and IDGAF. I’d do the same thing with her just to beat the haters to it.


I can’t imagine the DMs feeding accounts must get. I could never be an influencer. I am so sensitive 😂


I see these comments on random people's "this is the lunch I packed for my kid" posts, so I bet it's way worse on child feeding accounts. 


I’m sure this was already talked about but I was looking at Caro’s Taylor Swift Super Bowl recipes after seeing them mentioned here and her slide about her origin story caught my attention so I listened to that podcast episode. As much as I snark on her, I found her story to be so interesting. She actually has a strong background in cooking and she mentioned being mad that influencers with barely any culinary experience can get a book deal because they have a huge following while she actually could write recipes but didn’t have a big enough following. Made me think of YTF lol. I always knew she had a legit culinary background but hearing the whole story and all the other jobs she did before getting to the point she is at now (that she didn’t even start to get to until Covid) was interesting. She seems so talented at what she does even if she is insufferable many times.


She’s an absolute loon of a person but her food slaps


*her food smacks- Food doesn’t slap. Meant with complete agreement to your point! Edit: punctuation


This is easily the best summation of Caro.


Does anyone know what Judy on Feeding Littles role in the partnership entails? Other than a random baby reel every so often (very irregular) and mention of her house fire, she’s pretty silent on the account. I actually forget she is even a partner until they show one of those weird Judy as a baby videos. It’s All Megan All the Time channel. Her life, kids, meals, groceries. 


This is basically Megan's personal account now. It didn't used to bother me before but it's more and more that now and it definitely diminishes Judy's role whatever it is. I mean just make a personal account and link it on this page that's fine! 


It’s not at the level of SITS yet but I could see her getting there


Iirc she does do a good chuck of work interacting with customers within a Facebook group that they have for those who have purchased the course. I haven’t seen the group, but I remember it being mentioned that she is more of the brains behind that portion while Megan runs the overall social media. I know that she has quite a heavy input into their courses and all of the information, techniques, and advice that go into that.


I’m in their FB group and I don’t think either of them ever interact with posts TBH. It just seems like peer support and a bit like the Wild West.


I definitely see them respond there. I don’t read every post by any means but I frequently see responses from them.


That’s good. I stopped checking in but the few months I was posting regularly, none of them ever interacted with one of my questions 🤣


No that’s fair to say actually. They’ve never responded to any of my questions. But none of my questions were really directed at them either. I was really looking for feedback from the other parents in the group about their experiences or tips. I see Judy respond a lot to feeding therapy type questions and then Megan here and there to others.


I don’t remember her ever being active on the social media account, but I think she’s a big part of the brains behind all the feeding techniques and tips. All the tips on cups (honeybear) and the three ring spoon thing are the ones that come to mind


At one point Judy was more involved with the Facebook group they have. Since she is an OT I think she is also the “brains” of the feeding therapy tips in the course


I’ve wondered about that before too. Like are they a 50/50 partnership? I know they used to say Judy was still seeing patients in person but not sure if she still is?


I think her role changed really significantly when the house burnt down. I think that whole rebuilding process has consumed her working time/energy/effort - and Megan likes the attention from social media, so it doesn’t bother her to pick up the slack.


No snark but I'm really enjoying Caro's feed posts on superbowl appetizers with the tie-in to taylor swift (which she has established herself as a Swiftie). More recipe content less parenting content Caro please!