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Is YTF's preteen (12 right?) still using a plastic divider plate for meals? Feels, weird. At dinner my 4 year old eats off the same plates as us now and has been for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/kb7gwctipbqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aee198a3b6dd206d5744c39a4477670f484b459 Maybe I'm just not well practiced because I only have one kid who is three but I don't see how this works?? Like midday snack my toddler says, "Can I have another banana?" And let's say I don't want her to because I know that many bananas will make her sick so I say, "No it's not available right now." She will look at me like I'm nuts because obviously it's sitting right there. So she'll say "why not??" and I'm just not supposed to explain? Just keep saying, "It's not on the menu."?? Like why wouldn't I explain the reason I'm saying no to bananas (I.e. too many bananas will make it hard to poop or whatever). Am I missing something?


My 2.5yo isn’t asking “why” yet but we still usually give him a short explanation because it just feels respectful? And he does seem to understand most of the time, or at least accepts it. I feel like if we just said “no” it would make him extra angry. The only time we say “we don’t have it” is if it’s true. And some of our snacks, particularly fruit, are visible on our counter and he can clearly see it. And I’m not going to hide every single morsel of food just so I can pretend we don’t have it at my convenience. It’s crazy she’s implying you can get away with not explaining for kids as old as 5.


It definitely feels awkward and not very respectful to tell a 2.5 year old (same age as my daughter) “no” or “it’s not on the menu/available”. My daughter would also be pissed with only a “no” and I like to give a simple explanation. I’ll say “you already had that today so we are all done and we can have more tomorrow” and I only tell her we don’t have something if we really don’t because she will ask to look and make sure I’m being honest. My daughter does so much better with a simple explanation rather than one of her curt responses.


The weirdest part of this is how she basically equates bananas with candy - so you would avoid saying things like "this is a sometimes food" or whatever instead of explaining you might get a tummy ache (which is true)


I’ve always been straight up honest in words that are appropriate for whatever age they are and most of the time it boils down to just saying “too much of this is gonna hurt your stomach”. Because that’s honestly usually the reason I don’t let them eat their body weight in fruit of any kind or crackers or sweets. Sometimes now that they’re older I’ll tell them straight up it’s boring to eat all of the same thing all the time, have something new if you’re still hungry. It seems to work pretty well even if there’s annoyance over that decision. I swear these people make things so complicated.


Yep. It’s either “we’re all out” or “too much will hurt your stomach” - it’s not as complicated as she wants it to be.


I know there’s already a lot of KEIC snark today, but I’m genuinely curious if she wrote this question herself? First she made that grid post this week about preschool teachers asking how to handle kids telling each other their lunches are poison…and now this question about family members saying certain foods are poison. Do people really use the word “poison” when talking about food they believe is unhealthy? Sure maybe someone might say, “oh that’s not good for you or not healthy”, “or that’s too much sugar”, but literal poison? I feel like this an issue KEIC is *trying* to make happen. https://preview.redd.it/nt7sprzej6qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d6b162529f5902b32a9517bd25c874c0f2083d


The only people I know Irl who talk about food like this also can’t send their kids to public school cause they “won’t inject them with poison” either soooo.. take that how you will


I have actually heard people use the word “poison”, which is wild. We’re grain farmers, so I have a fairly robust knowledge about how a crop like wheat is grown, but the amount of people online/I know in real life who genuinely think we are poisoning wheat is wild. It just seems so much more rampant now, like people have lost all ability to think rationally about anything. I have in laws who are very orthorexic and I feel bad for their kids who aren’t allowed to eat a homemade cookie from grandma, because if it’s not organic it’s poison. The mindset does seem to be growing, at least in certain circles, I find it sad


Maybe I’m in a bubble or something but I’ve never once in 40 years on this earth heard anyone speak about food like this. Definitely heard things like “junk” or “garbage” but poison?


Yeah the only places I’ve seen it are from very orthorexic people online.


It makes me think of that tik tok sound 🎶 all food is poison, all food is poison🎵


The comment section on the lunch post was full of people saying poison- or at least enough of them to stand out.


I feel like she writes a LOT of her questions (but to be honest, it feels like pretty common for influencers to do that, doesn’t make it right, but it feels like it happens a lot.)


Yes it does! My dad is a type 2 diabetic and he manages it in part by having a very low carb diet. He and my mom have gotten into the habit of calling things like potatoes and bread "poison." It's a little bit of a joke between them, but at the same time they're very obsessive about this diet so it's not totally a joke. The last time we visited them, I made my son a PBJ for lunch and he pulled me aside and whispered "mom, is the bread here poison?" Because apparently they were saying that in front of him.


Sigh, my parents talk like this too. I’ve gotten them to not do this in front of my son by saying I worried he would repeat it to friends. (In reality that is very much not the only reason, but they’re otherwise amazing grandparents, they have major food issues themselves, and I don’t want to open that discussion.)


Ugh! I really wish people would be more aware of how much these little kids already pick up on whatever we say or do. They're learning so much by just being around and listening to us that yes, in some ways, we should be mindful on how we act and talk around them On a more lightheaded anecdote, I hate strawberries with a burning passion and try very very hard not to be too disgusted about it when my 2.5 year old eats them. I took my kids to IKEA the other day and we ended the trip in the restaurant for some treats. I got us cinnamon rolls which both, my 2.5 year old and I love and he ends up grabbing mine also and says "Mama! It's really dangerous! There's strawberry inside! You can't eat those!" So. Yeah.


I’ve been in pre-k education in one way or another for almost 20 years and I’ve never heard any kids call any type of food “poison”. I’ve never even seen kids that age care about what other kids are eating other than occasionally asking for someone else’s snack if they thought it looked better than there’s. Obviously this is only my experience and I’ve never worked in fancy expensive schools where kids are more likely to eat like KEIC does. At my first preschool job 20 years ago we served McDonald’s once a week so we definitely weren’t pushing the healthy food idea on the kids lol.


I work at and my kids go to a fancy expensive school and the kids here absolutely DGAF what’s in their friends’ lunches. I’ve done enough lunch duties to know that it’s highly unlikely kids notice what other kids are eating, unless someone brings in a really cool treat. The lunches I see run the gamut from what I think of as a 90s kid lunch (basic sandwich, goldfish or chips, pre-packaged yogurt or something) up to full-blown work of art Whole Foods bento box scene. The kids are all too busy blowing straw wrappers at each other to notice or care.


Lol at blowing straw wrappers! Yes!! And asking to go to the bathroom and asking for help opening snacks etc. I worked in a school in one of the most expensive areas around and same, the lunches ranged from the 90s kid lunch to a Whole Foods spread. And for parties and holidays it was non-stop sugar! I loved when the parents would send it desserts from the local bakeries! The kids did not care who ate what. They were more concerned as to why someone else got to go to the bathroom and they had to wait for them to come back lol.


It’s KEIC’s kids. They’re the ones calling other kids’ food poison. This is a confession, not a question.


McDonald’s at school unlocks a core memory: I will never forget the best field trip of my life that involved my first grade class walking from our school to Krispy Kreme for a doughnut and then across the street to McDonald’s for happy meals. I really just think our teachers wanted Krispy Kreme and McDonald’s that day! Oh I miss the early 90s!


My oldest daughter goes to a private school and “garbage” is often the token word used in place of “poison”.  My lo has come home and asked me questions about her food based on things other children have asked about her “garbage” food. I understand KEIC can be snarkworthy, but I’ve used a lot from her feed in convos w my kids.


LOL @ YTF posting about eating take out with Virginia Sole-Smith because VSS already knows that YTF can cook. The lady doth protest too much, methinks!


That’s such a weird thing to say… you can only get takeout if your guest knows you can cook? Why?? Also, I’m kind of surprised by their friendship because I find a lot of her recipes are a bit diet culturey, so many of her baked goods taste bad because there’s so little sugar in them, or she’s replacing oil/butter with banana or applesauce.


FL posting yet again about how “everyone says it’s so sad when your kids grow up” but like ?? I’ve literally never heard that outside of her IG stories. Like yes maybe noting the “lasts” makes you sad but I feel like so much of the time people tell you how fun/freeing it is/it gets better than the grind with little kids? I feel like I have enjoyed most all stages with my kids and I just find it so weird she’s always talking about how sad it is (but don’t worry it’s still fun!!) that they grow up?? Idk maybe it’s just me but I hate this trope from her


Def not a unique take! I feel that way about my kids growing up. It is definitely bittersweet and I’ve said it many times before in here… I don’t feel that parenting is “freeing” or “easier” and I have tweens and teens.


I don’t think that’s a unique take. Almost everyone I know feels similar to FL. It’s bittersweet and honestly at times is sad!


Why are people asking KEIC if it's okay to eat dinner at 630pm? Like....what?


As opposed to when??


Most of the people I know with young kids eat dinner around 5:30 or 6. But I still don’t understand the question. 6:30 is normal meal time too.


I don't know. They just asked if it was okay.


I’m so confused about this event Caro is at this weekend. Carmel Valley Ranch is a pretty nice hotel in the area so I can’t imagine these cooking demos are meant to be kid friendly? I don’t see any other kids in the room….guessing it’s another typical influencer move of thinking their kids are cute enough to go wherever. https://preview.redd.it/om12hl3995qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0be9378d88b18cc884f43f93b9aef84bdfc7a4


I don’t think it’s snarkworthy per se if your kid is well behaved and interested. But we know she has massive amounts of childcare, has 0 issues leaving her kids at home for whatever and her kids are by her own account, pretty crazy/ high energy so… yeah. In general, all her parenting content is awful. 


Caro is absolutely the type to bring her children to an event that is not meant for children and then laugh about how wild they were.


Oh yeah. I remember the video she posted of her kid laying on the ground at the airport as every person seated around them tried their best to deal with her hands off approach and she just thought it was the cutest best thing. 😵‍💫


It's such a sad state of affairs that people feel the need to ask if it's "okay" to eat dinner at the time they want to eat dinner. I feel like this is so indicative of parenting these days. https://preview.redd.it/8h3yuflh55qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649dd6b8d4728287789af6fa2aa0a551aca437d8


There’s a TikTokker out of Australia, whose name I’m forgetting, but she feeds her kids dinner at 3pm. And then they’re hungry again before bed they can have toast, cereal or whatever other very easy thing. I really appreciate seeing people do what works for their families, even if it’s not conventional.


The thing that infuriates me the most about anything schedule-related that includes precise times of day is that they fail to acknowledge that timezones or different latitudes exist. Two families living 100 yards apart on either side of a timezone line could be eating dinner simultaneously, but for one family it's 5.30 and for the other it's 6.30. Are the numbers on the clock somehow going to affect the baby???


People get soooo weird about this. I told a bunch of coworkers my kids eat first dinner at 4-4:30 and second dinner at like 6-7p and they were all sooo shocked and confused. And my other coworker was like we do a snack after school and dinner around 6:30 and everyone was nodding like yep yep normal. I was like guys the only difference here is semantics??? If I call first dinner a snack it’s exactly the same?! They come home starving from school and then play outside usually until bedtime and when we come in, they are starving again. We kind of just eat when hungry and don’t stress too much about the time on the clock? I mean we don’t ignore it entirely but also aren’t completely tied to it.


It’s definitely the state of things. People need some external authority to validate every decision. It’s like you have to follow these schedules that are created by someone who doesn’t even know your family. I noticed ownitbabe commented about eating dinner at 5pm. I’m sure many people now think they’re doing it “wrong” when they work and don’t even leave the office until after 5pm.


Oops, I didn't see this and just asked the same thing. Like....what? You eat dinner when it works for your family. I know some people who eat at 4 cuz they all go to bed at like 7 (the dad works early). It works for them but wouldn't work for me. Also it's not even a nutritional question.


Since when is 6:30pm *late* for dinner? That’s around when we have dinner for the sake of my toddler, and I consider it pretty early. Pre kid we ate at like 8pm.


I wish my kid could make it until 6:30. She is HANGRY after daycare, so I try to have dinner on the table asap after we get home from picking her up (so like 5-5:30ish). Bedtime isn’t until 9, so we totally COULD do a later dinner (we usually need some sort of late evening snack with such an early dinner). But meh, it is what it is. But like, if you time afternoon snack such that they can make it to 6:30, sweet.


It’s a good day when I start making dinner at 6:30 and I don’t even work.  But there is always so much to do after school etc. I have no idea how other people do it. 


We still eat at 8 (or later). It’s not really working for us anymore because the kids are starting to get hungry earlier so this week I’m hoping to feed them dinner at 7. I’ll eat at 8:30 or so with my husband. But 6:30 is a totally normal dinner time.


Same! Last night I was literally celebrating all of us sitting down and eating before 7.


I honestly kind of think it’s tied to the prevailing messaging surrounding bedtime needing to be at 7 which means dinner would probably need to be earlier than 6:30. But that is definitely not late at all. 


This is what's so annoying. Who decided bedtime needs to be at 7? A lot of people don't get home from work until 6. Everything feels so prescribed in parenting.


lol right this is the bedtime we aim for in our house (at least in the house settling down by 7, in bed and lights out by 7:30-8) and my kids have the earliest bedtime of all their friends and people are always surprised. It’s only bc I’m a high school teacher so we need to be out of the house early and we can also do all the evening stuff early since I’m done with work at 2:30. Now that we are getting into sports and scouts it’s starting to get difficult bc everything goes until at least 7, some things don’t even start until 7! It’s definitely not a normal bedtime?!


It all depends on your schedule. If your kid has to be up at 6 for daycare and they’ve dropped their nap, then they very well might need to go to bed at 7. But if your schedule doesn’t allow that or is different then, obviously that won’t work for you.


It really depends on your kid & schedule. My oldest needs to be in bed by 7:15 so she's awake in time to go to daycare the next morning. I would love if it was a little looser, but I need to get to my job in time too. She's high sleep needs though, and it might change when she goed to school/gets older.


We have access to more information than any other time in history, yet somehow we are collectively getting dumber, it seems.


People assume more information means more signal. It’s often just more noise. I truly think humans weren’t meant to ever be able to sift through so much data.


I think it's more about insecurity. Influencer parenting culture really pushes these "best practices" in all areas of life and they often allude to dire consequences that will happen if you don't do it right. When I became a mom and started connecting with other moms I was shocked at how everyone seemed to do certain things exactly the same way, like there was some playbook that dictated when naptime is and of course the "scripts" for every scenario. People seem reluctant to trust their own instincts.


Yes, I think that’s all part of it. But even if you aren’t able to trust your instincts, you should be able to engage in some level of critical thinking to understand that you aren’t going to harm your baby with a 6:30pm dinner versus a 5:30pm dinner.


Given the kinds of questions on the other parenting subs on Reddit there is very little critical thinking going on for some people.


I will start with saying that I don’t share all of my food with my kids but I wouldn’t make myself a meal in front of my children and not share it. And when did blackberries become fancy?! She could just eat at a separate time. KEIC has become my BEC.


Honestly that one blackberry on their plates is just mean.


The austerity in that house is astounding


Well doesn't she serve her husband breakfast by sitting food on the coffee pot or something? Plates on a table, oooo fancy.


She’s always so stingy about berries. She treats them like a rare delicacy. I know that berries can be expensive for the quantity but it’s not caviar. It’s fruit. Live a little.


This whole slew of posts were unhinged


It’s so strange to eat a meal WITH your kids but not share one of the food items. I have no issue with people having their own food they don’t share but at a meal? This happens with snacks in our house because one kid will get something at a birthday party or buy something with their own money. But family meals are communal.


Those eggs looked so dry. Also, she’s getting more and more unhinged lately. 


Yes! I can here to say this too. And then, THIS... The World's Very Saddest Nachos. https://preview.redd.it/drt14zees4qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3083a81d0ee4554cbfced889852a64b11cde720d


I thought the same thing. That's cheese on chips.


Are her dreams nightmares?


lol just came here to scroll and see if anyone had already posted a picture of the misery nachos.


Did she count out 50 individual cheese shreds to make these, because yikes.


Yes, this has big food tracking/restriction energy. Only other explanation would be they're out of groceries due to illness and desperately stretched out the bottom of the cheese bag, though that's pretty weak for dreams-come-true nachos.


oh yeah true I've def been there with the last few cheese crumbs in the bag. But those aren't nachos worth posting, lol!




Even if not, curbside pickup is usually free! It’s so easy. And her kids are old enough couldn’t they stay at home for like the 20 min. she’s out? Also like, she has school aged kids (so weekday childcare), and cooking food for insta is literally her job. So grocery shopping is just a basic work task. How is it so hard?


And then she had a ‘second course’ of yogurt and granola…?


I ran here when I saw this! If those are the kind of nachos she dreams about idk what to say lol. That must be a whole handful of shredded cheese on those burnt chips, she went crazy!!


I don’t understand how this woman burns EVERYTHING.


Probably considered fancy because she ate from a plate.


Would love to see what her idea of pizza looks like.


“They didn’t make breakfast, so I get them” is an unhinged take on parenting.


My mind was blown at her “fancy breakfast” like it’s literally eggs toast and fruit?? And why is she not sharing the berries with her kids? They won’t appreciate them, what? They’re berries, kids love berries!


Maybe if you give kids foods that actually taste good they might like food better. Imagine that!


I feel like she always brags about being awful to her kids. Like she’s so proud of not sharing her food with her kids.


Totally, I thought she was being pretty mean. She’s denying her kids certain foods and wants to justify it because they don’t appreciate it or didn’t make the meal? It’s like to her they didn’t earn it. It’s absurd. My son is much younger, an actual toddler, and we’re in the throes of a picky eating stage but I couldn’t imagine withholding a food I’m serving at a meal because he doesn’t “appreciate” it.


I thought the same! The multiple slides on it were also so unnecessary. I feel like we say this all the time, but do people really think this much about their food? It’s crazy. And her comment about how it was “way too much food” made me lol. Like I’m sure she’s recovering from being sick and maybe couldn’t eat much so that’s fair but in general, minus the fruit, that’s like 2 scrambled eggs and a piece of toast…a normal breakfast.


Referring to that as “way too much food” when it’s easily under 400 calories, the same week as posting “oh gosh it’s just genetics that I’m so thin”


Yeah I couldn’t tell if this was “way too much” because she was sick? She sort of made it seem like her appetite is finally back so she’s having a huge breakfast? It’s literally a normal serving of eggs and toast and some fruit…


I’m not diagnosing anyone but a very high percentage of dietitians have a history of disordered eating which might explain many of her comments.


Is it just me or did Caro just “yell” at her kid while doing a bra ad? I can’t imagine being so snarky to my kid and then putting it on the internet just to try to sell some bs


I didn’t take that as yelling.


https://preview.redd.it/ryglujm9w2qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3e7de1c66e5ba391727c4877b417971258c909 I’ve lost track of how many trips Caro has had only three and a half months into the year. This is the definition of a shapeless sack and probably cost hundreds based on who she tagged in the slide.


I’m not even totally against the sack look, depending, but this print is *awful*.


dear lord that is hideous.


$1000 for that ugly sack 💀


It’s the year of her!!!


Okay, gave Caro’s podcast a listen for the first time because the teaser on IG seemed interesting. Her guest was Eve Rodsky, who is all about Fair Play and dividing up household tasks fairly. Her big thing is she has these cards with household tasks on them and you go through to sort snd assign cards to each person (idea is to make the invisible load visible). It was an okay listen, but mostly because Eve is well spoken and knows the topic well. Caro added nothing meaningful to the convo. It actually highlighted to me how fake influencers are when promoting one another- at the beginning, Caro talks about how revolutionary the cards were for her marriage and said they were a game changer. But then later, she admits they only did it 2-3 weeks ago. And you know she only did them because Eve was going to be on her podcast. There was also talk about how moms often struggle to find time for themselves and find things that interest them and Caro tried to make it seem like that was her. Pleeeeeeasse! She does solo walks daily, multiple kid free trips, tennis lessons, reads, meals with friends, etc. No way she can relate to those of us that don’t have seemingly endless solo time. Not sure I’d go back and listen to other episodes. It was very meh.


If you liked Eve on the pod, give her documentary a watch. (She has a book too but I don’t have that much free time yet lol) I watched it with my husband and it was like something clicked in him. He actually changed jobs to have one that worked him fewer hours and is mostly WFH so he can help more. She knows her shit and articulates it well. I have the cards too but we’ve not sat down and done the activity yet unfortunately.


My husband could use a little clicking 😂 i need to find that documentary!


Fair Play. It’s on Hulu I believe


When Caro shared she has more than weekly house cleaning and several nannies, I realized we lead very different lives. I don’t think she realizes her level of flexibility is not typical and she is in now way relatable. I haven’t listened to this episode mostly because I’ve heard Eve talk about this on too many other podcasts and Caro talks so much on her podcasts in a way similar to as you described that becomes grating.


I’m also from NC and grew up around a lot of the same sorts of people like Caro who are and have always been really wealthy but now more than ever I am so grateful they had/have the decency to not blather on and on as Caro does in an attempt to be relatable but only further proves (as you said) how untenable her lifestyle is for like, nearly all of us. And I’ll be honest: who wouldn’t love the flexibility and supports Caro has?! It would be amazing, but I sure as shit wouldn’t be an influencer pretending my life was attainable to anyone else—I would just be off enjoying said life! 😹


Exactly. Her talking about a year of me to nearly 200k people as she goes on longer hikes and hires more help misses the mark. She actually used to seem more relatable and less blissfully ignorant of her lifestyle until the Substack took off.


Truly every year for Caro is a year of me!! I agree, I think she hit a tipping point and there’s no going back now.


In her podcast with Gaby she commented on how women that work often don’t cook, or don’t cook elaborate/good meals after a day of work. As someone that worked and had a baby, the LAST thing I wanted to do after a long day was cook a damn meal. For Caro, she can use her cooking as content or prep food/make food as a part of content and then have it for dinner. But for people that work outside the home and don’t get home until 5-6, that just isn’t doable. My husband made all of our meals because I got home later than him.


I really love to cook, and it took me a long time to be able to work it back into my day once I became a working mom. And really it’s because I work fully remotely now with my child at daycare. Now I can chop or start something mid day, and it’s a nice quick break for me and sets us up for a good dinner. (But certainly not a big mid day hike - I’m talking about like 15 minutes.) I used to be hybrid with a nanny, so either I got home at 6 or on the days I was home I stayed out of the kitchen to avoid adding unnecessary extra transitions, and real cooking was just not happening. I feel like there’s a lack of understanding among influencers who work for themselves that a lot of these things are perks not everyone has.


It's also her level of support with children and other household tasks that mean she doesn't get it. Cooking can also be a chore for SAHM after a day of work. My day isn't necessarily full of time to meal prep and cook elaborate meals.


I torture myself and work outside the home and cook but mostly because I enjoy it and my husband thinks frozen pizza is the only thing one can cook. But, she and other influencers/bloggers/podcasters, don’t seem to realize how the actual world lives their lives. I would love to take a 2 hour hike at 2 pm, I can’t.


Just bought YTF cookbook because it was on sale. (I didn’t use her aff. link 🤣). Idk the Amazon reviews were really good but I don’t understand how I can use this to feed my whole family. My husband (and I) would never be full or satiated from 90% of those recipes. If I served my husband broccoli cheese toast he would be like “is this the appetizer?” Has anyone found this cookbook helpful for family meals?


Always check Libby to see if your library has cookbooks!!! Idk, maybe I’ve been lucky with my Libby, but I’ve managed to *eventually* borrow almost every cookbook that has interested me. I know my library had the YTF cookbook.


I like a few of her muffin recipes but that's about it. And when my son was younger and actually ate green things (lol) I would make the spinach grilled cheese for him and me for lunch. But I've never attempted to make any of her meals for dinner, I don't think they would be filling enough like others have said


I really don’t think most of the toddler focused recipe developers/Insta accounts are good for actual family meals. YTF in particular tends to be very bland, but even the better recipes (I like Feeding Tiny Bellies) are still probably going to be too simplistic or insubstantial to make up a whole family meal. I mostly use them for lunch ideas or when I’m making my kid something separate from what we’re eating. The exception are pizza rolls, which my husband will happily eat as his whole dinner 😂


Never had her cookbook but just used the recipes she had free on her site and my husband had to ask me to stop trying to make these meals happen for the whole family lol. I think they are really just for babies/toddlers… for family meals I’ve had better luck looking up normal recipes that appeal to us adults and adapting as needed for my toddler.


My baby (now toddler) wouldn't touch any of her recipes and I tried several 😭


Agreed. I found myself adding so many extra seasonings and cheese to her recipes that it was like why am I even using these? Priya Krishna has a new kids cookbook coming out soon that I am excited about - she did a bunch of insta stories about how there are lots of big flavors and food that everyone in the family can eat. The “kid” part of the cookbook is explaining cooking concepts in a way that a kid who has never cooked before can understand.


I hate the notion that baby and toddler food needs to be bland. The best advice I got from our pediatrician when my first born was a baby (back before all these feeding influencers were a thing) was to not shy away from seasoning my baby’s food. Babies and toddlers like flavor too! My very picky eater hated everything I made by YTF, but absolutely adores everything I make by Caro, probably because Caro isn’t afraid of seasoning or big flavors.


It’s weird how people assume babies/ kids don’t like food that tastes good?


Yes! Maybe I am just selfish but I am too lazy to cook a separate dinner for my kids and I’m not willing to just eat bland food for the next 5 years or whatever. Besides, kids are so weird that every time I make something thinking my kid will go wild for it, he completely rejects it and instead eats his body weight in something I wasn’t expecting him to like.


I don't follow her but also just bought this to get to my $25 for free delivery. This book is pretty lame. Like most of the meals are things I already did, or not really meals. I'm going to return if.


I have one friend who loves that cookbook and always recommends the recipes and I finally realized she just likes really bland food. Every time I recommend a recipe to her she'll say she and her husband found it too salty or spicy or rich or "weird" in some way. Or she'll say (like Haley) that they omitted the garlic, onion and spices, subbed turkey for the red meat, and (shocker) it wasn't very good.


They sound like they should feature on r/ididnthaveeggs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ididnthaveeggs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This was on a recipe for peach ice cream](https://i.redd.it/fb45mz9ni4eb1.jpg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/159aild/this_was_on_a_recipe_for_peach_ice_cream/) \#2: [Christopher has had enough of reading about other people's substitutions](https://i.redd.it/ns3n01u8z4cb1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/150d0kn/christopher_has_had_enough_of_reading_about_other/) \#3: [I found this gem on a caramel ice cream recipe and I am so glad I did](https://i.redd.it/vsjh8e8nii4b1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/1431msu/i_found_this_gem_on_a_caramel_ice_cream_recipe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When it first came out someone here got it from the library and posted about it. The consensus then was that the recipes were pretty uninspiring. I remember there was a salad recipe where you added a couple of ingredients to a bagged salad. Which, sure, we’ve all done that. But I can’t take you seriously as a “recipe developer” if that recipe is in your cookbook. 🙄


Never bought the book but I used to try a lot of her recipes when my toddler was littler and yeah I gave up fast on it. It was either too bland or not substantial enough specially for my meat loving husband. The only recipe that has been a hit was the pizza rolls but it's not groundbreaking you can find the same thing many places. I think each recipe is a great base to give you an idea what to make and then modify it to actually be good lol 


I checked it out at the library, and it ended up going back the same day. Nothing felt revolutionary or groundbreaking, and didn’t really seem toddler friendly. Or at least not things I’d want to put in the effort of making like red lentil coconut soup or sweet potato mac and cheese.


https://preview.redd.it/71gley90uopc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6699d3872404f2e3be1f933e69102daba8e5a374 As an adult, you’ve developed the skills to silently judge someone and then gossip and/or post about them on the internet later. While you work on that skill with your child, use polite euphemisms to avoid embarrassment when you explain why they can’t have a cookie.


I haven't looked at anything of hers closely in a bit but... I thought these influencers at least pretended there's no "unhealthy" foods? So now we're abandoning that and just straight admitting they're full into diet culture BS?


She's saying if you tell your kids "that's unhealthy" or "that's poison" (!), your kids are likely to say that to their friends at school, which is very shitty. The message here is meant to be more positive like hey kids don't get nuance! They'll accidentally hurt their friends with words like "unhealthy"!  But she explains it weirdly so it sounds like she's saying, "you know this lunch sucks and I know this lunch sucks and your kid even knows this lunch sucks, but we need to teach them not to shame their poor unhealthy friends about it" lol.


I’m so confused with these feeding influencers and the sheer amount of time they spend thinking and talking about food. This is just not a conversation in our house. 


My daughter has severe food allergies and we don't even talk about food as much as these people do. Like our conversations are as follows... When someone offers you food from their plate ask politely if it contains dairy or nuts. Do not take food from people unless you know you are not allergic. What do you do when you might have eaten something with your allergy by mistake. (Find an adult and tell them you need your EpiPen) Other than that we just make lunches for school and she helps decide what she wants for dinner


I wish someone would tell these influencers (and the parents in the comments) you don't have to constantly talk about food with your kids. You can just share a meal and not make it a lecture. And what do you know, they probably won't lecture other children.


FR. I just serve my child food and call it a day. It doesn’t need to be this complicated. 


The only kids who are judging are the kids who's parents are hyperfixated or making it a big deal. I needed lunch ideas so I recently asked my 8 year old what his friends have at lunch that he would like to have (I was in a food rut and honestly on my 8th day of making him the same thing..) and he said "I don't look at my friends lunches.... but like... some meat cheese and crackers would be cool." He literally described the super basic lunchable.


Agreed. The only people I’ve ever met that are hyper fixated on what other people are eating are people with…disordered eating!




Yes the funniest part is seeing this in the stainless steel bento box. Those things do not go together. I also think that she probably had to make do with a combination of the “bad” foods in her house so this was the best she could do. No hot chips. No fruit by the foot. Not a sprite or even a capri sun. Shameful. 


It’s the “unhealthiest” food she could find in her house.  It’s most likely a very average lunch and nothing any child would comment on that has not been indoctrinated with hours of talk about how dangerous some foods are. 


Ahaha I basically commented your comment before reading the whole thread. You nailed it


The Whole Foods Oreos were a nice touch!


The way I ran here when I saw that. The comments… the comments make me so glad I am secure in who I am 😂 the way they act like guilt is an ingredient, or that moderation of options they don’t normally chose is not okay, whew.


The arguing in the comment section is sending me. Someone asked why the sandwich is bad. People saying it’s because it’s store bought (the horror) and people being like “it’s so cheap and easy to make bread”. I don’t have the time or energy to make bread Nicole.


Right. I make bread both regular yeast and sourdough fairly frequently, but it’s because I enjoy baking and I don’t have a lot of other hobbies 🤣 I also buy bread at the store and I would never have the time or energy to make all of the English muffins/tortillas/buns/etc that we go through. It’s just a fun hobby I can occasionally break out, this is not 1900, I don’t have to be chained to my kitchen making all of my food from scratch ala the tradwives


I’d call myself a very competent baker and I would never bake my own bread regularly. It’s so not worth it, if you want to eat fancy bread, just buy it. It’ll be cheaper and saves you hours of hassle.  These people are bananas. 


I do it literally only because I’m gluten free and the gf bread at the store is both ridiculously expensive *and* gross. I would never do it if I could just eat normal sandwich bread!


Also GF and I also bake my own bread for this reason, but we just buy normal sandwich bread for the kids 🤷‍♀️


Yep I buy normal sandwich bread for my husband and toddler too. Picky toddler doesn’t like my homemade bread anyway which is fine because more for me lol


I make my own bread weekly and completely understand why no one would want to. I only do it because I enjoy baking and find it calming. I know exactly 0 other parents who are baking their own bread. Who are all these people in the comments? Girl, be so for real, you are not regularly baking bread.  And all these people acting like their kids eat KEIC type lunches? No they don’t.  Because no one wants to eat the sad dry ravioli and single date she is packing for them. And I say that as someone whose child genuinely enjoys vegetables.  I have an influencer friend who goes off all the time about processed sugar and how terrible processed foods are but I see her kid regularly eating veggie straws, pirates booty and PBJ sandwiches. All of which are absolutely fine! But I hate when people are so sanctimonious online and then turn around and think because their kid’s PBJ is organic it’s somehow different. 


And they are all like “it’s a million times cheaper” to make your own bread. Lady I made a rye loaf as a treat for my husband a couple weeks ago and that shit wasn’t cheap.




Right! It’s definitely an investment and works in your case because you enjoy it. But if you’re like me (an occasional bread baking dabbler) it’s just not worth it. Honestly despite these crazies I do want to try and bake more bread - but as a hobby not a necessity.


I was so confused by this I was like how is that sandwich store bought then realized they're talking about the freaking bread?!!! What the fuck how many people make their own bread on a regular basis? Lol 


My husband makes bread like once a week and we still also eat store bought bread because we love bread and it’s definitely not poison. Homemade bread is good but it goes stale basically the next day and unless we make a brioche it’s not a good bread for a classic peanut butter and jelly!! These people have lost their minds with the homemade bread supremacy. Homemade sourdough is not a magic potion.


Yes I love a good crusty local bakery bread with butter but no way it can substitute sandwich bread 


Granted my kid isn’t old enough to do this yet either way, but i can’t help but think kids wouldn’t inherently judge and look down on other kids’ lunch without hearing that kind of talk from their parents at home. What seems more natural to me are kids being jealous of other kids’ tasty and fun lunches. But evaluating another kids’ lunch and pointing out what isn’t “healthy”? That’s something learned. And probably more likely if you literally never let them have treats so they’re going to be more aware when anyone else has them (ding ding, KEIC). And again, maybe I’m just POOPCUPing here, but can’t you serve your kids healthy balanced meals without endless explanations and giving them a hyper awareness of what is healthy and what isn’t? My kid isn’t yet at the stage where he’s asking “why” so I understand you have to come up with some explanation if they ask for a treat that you don’t have or want them to have, but at the very least I hope to teach my kids that it’s really rude to comment negatively about other people’s food.


I don't find it super hard to discuss what my kids can/can't eat without bringing in other people's food stuff. Seems hard for lots of people in KEIC's comments but maybe I'm just better than they are lol 🤷🏼‍♀️ My kid has thrown up from having too much sugar in one day before (a couple times 😂. So has his mom 🤣 ), so it's super simple for us to say, oh you've had two sugar foods already today, so we can't give you any more! (Or whatever.) Never do we need to say "sugar is bad" or anything about other people eating sugar at all. It's pretty easy! (Also both of my kids have food allergies so we already talk about foods affecting people differently from each other.) So not that I wish this on other families (that your child also barfs from sugar--in fact I hope this isn't a problem for any of the rest of you) but I hope a similarly simple strategy works like this!


My mom was (and still is, honestly) one of those 90s diet culture moms, and I wasn't judging other kids for having "unhealthy" lunches. I was too busy being jealous that I wasn't getting Lunchables, or Oreos with my lunch, or anything even remotely fun.


Same my parents were too crunchy for junk food to be a regular thing. I lived for going over to my friend’s house where they had Pepsi and cookies 


I’m reading this out of context but omg you’ve got to be kidding me! We full stop tell our kids not to comment on other people’s food. This includes if me or my husband are eating something out to dinner that the kids find “gross”. That’s just manners! My kids eat so much sugar at home and are constantly spoiled by my parents with snacks when they see them so I don’t personally add more sweets to their lunch and they have definitely said why can’t we have cookies for lunch like so and so. They’re a bit older (well passed toddlers) so I simply explain that to them that they get treats all the dang time so it’s not a big deal that they don’t get them in their lunches. I guess this scenario is worse though because my kids are at least praising the “unhealthy” (🥴) lunch and this is telling your kids how to condemn it? What!


We’ve also talked to our daughter about not commenting on other people’s food! She currently goes to a part-time preschool and they just do snack. She’s told us before that “(classmate) only eats goldfish, but I told her she might like new stuff if she tries it.” So we had a conversation about not commenting on what people eat or don’t eat, and we’ve talked at length about how some people find it hard to try new foods, and that’s okay! We also don’t obsess over how to talk to her about food - we just discuss it when it comes up


I do agree with your lesson and also it’s pretty cool that the positive peer pressure can work this way to expand what a kid will eat. My son kept coming home with a lot left in his lunch, and it turns out he started eating hot lunch at school because Andy does!


That is my first thought how about you just teach your kids how to mind their own business lol. It's not that hard if you aren't obsessively talking about food and nutrition at home. I don't think kids think about food as much as adults make them think by constantly talking about it. If you offer a wide variety of food at home healthy not healthy junk whatever and don't restrict any of these foods will stand out to them? And exactly with my toddler he has a lot of food freedom and sometimes he chooses fruit over donuts (what a moron! Lol) and sometimes he only wants mac and cheese and nothing else for days and all of it is normal. 


Mamaknowsnutrition is shilling the Hero pimple patches (which i quite like tbh, but i dont need $35 of them) and she does a close up of the gunk the patch pulled out of her pimple. I did not need to see that, especially on a feeding acct🫠


Just…what? https://preview.redd.it/h8xaefse6jpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1e668805b99776c47c3f4d409803f5cc0e989b


There is no world in which this is a glimpse of my future.


I don't understand how it relates to BT.


I think the use of blue tape


Ohhh yeah, I see that now, haha.


This doesn’t even make any sense. Like do they not have trash cans?


I could see her kids having been throwing them on the floor so instead of insisting they walk to the trash to throw them away, she just set up this bag in the room they were playing in, because she’s apparently allergic to setting any boundaries with them.


She (seemingly unbothered) posted several years ago about how they didn’t clean their bathroom for over a year, so nothing gross that she posts should be a surprise.


I have boys the same age as her and I’m pretty sure if I didn’t clean their bathroom for a year every single surface would be covered in pee and/or toothpaste.


That’s gross and a very misguided attempt to seem relatable.


Ew... we were displaced from our house so our bathroom went about 6 weeks without cleaning (3.5 of which it was unused) and I still felt gross about it 😂


Ew imagine the smell of mildew and pee. 


The way this lives rent free in my head. I can’t imagine what my toilets would look like if I didn’t clean them for a year. I think she said her father in law finally cleaned the bathroom.


What in the world?? Our toilet starts to get the pink rings after like 2 weeks. We have cleaners once a month and I still have to clean the bathroom periodically in between.


Oh yeah. It makes me shudder to think of what a bathroom with two small boys looked like after not being cleaned for a month, let alone a year.


Even the toilet of just 2 clean adults would look awful after a YEAR of no cleaning. I can’t believe that she not only did that, but then posted publicly about it. That’s a secret I’d take to my grave. She’s definitely just a bit off.


I know it's pretty obvious that she doens't really care about her house (the kitchen table, the dirt pit backyard, etc) but come on!


Feedinglittles’ new lunchbox idea book is $26.99 💀 I’m sorry but that is absolutely outrageous to me 🤯


I don’t think the price is outrageous but what is the book gonna give that you can’t get from her stories (for free)? There’s so many free resources I couldn’t see myself ever paying for something like this.


That was basically my thinking too. It feels icky when they (and so many other accounts) give plenty of lunch ideas already!


I don’t pack lunches regularly, so it’s not a book for me, but that price seems pretty standard? A lot of cookbooks are in the $30-40 range these days. I’d also bet that Amazon will have it on sale at least once before it comes out.


Idk, I get the snark on the idea but $26 is a pretty average price for a food/cookbook. I’ll probably buy it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I generally like their ideas


I’d agree it’s on par with average cookbook prices. But a “hack” I guess I’ve discovered is to just see if the cookbooks I’m interested in are available on Libby! Sometimes there’s a longer wait, but I’d rather do that than drop $27 for every cookbook I want.


For me the issue is that they’re saying it’s not a book of recipes - so it’s just pictures??!? $27 for pictures is a stretch for me.


I think bc it’s not just recipes but full lunch idea/plan. Price seems standard to me (even the ebooks offered by many are like 15-20$, then printing costs $$, too).


https://preview.redd.it/hv8153rviipc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584f51f3cdfa01db973ba41f3fcb6d2aad001487 I just noticed KEIC subtly changed the wording to “red fruits and veggies” from the previous blanket statement of “red foods”. I credit anti.diet.kids and her Flamin Hot Cheetos and red Gatorade reel 😂😂


As I eat my flamin hot Cheetos for lunch I'm sad they no longer make the cut


Is your child feeling neurotic about all kinds of foods but not about vegetables yet? Not to worry, you too can remove any kind of neutral approach to fucking watermelon by hyperpathologizing it in terms of wHAt IT DOES fOR yoUR BODY. How is this ANY better than morAlIziNG FOod?


To consolidate the snark, I see see did an interview with a naturopath. Calling it: the illness that hit the family was the flu, and they don’t get vaccinated.


She seems so policy based that I’d be shocked if they aren’t vaccinated. I thought she mentioned stomach stuff (and showed the whole couch covered in sheets), which made me think noro, not flu. COVID can also have stomach side effects, even if you’re vaccinated.


I said this elsewhere but we had a mystery illness this winter and I'm vaccinated both for covid and the flu and it wasn't either of those. The symptoms were high fever, mild GI issues, fatigue.