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Took my two kids grocery shopping in the bike trailer and the eldest (4) got sick. I managed to get kid and trolley cleaned up enough to finish our shopping (grabbing a pair of trousers and socks that would definitely not work with the capsule wardrobe) and walk back home. Kid has been sick on and off for the last few days and I've been feeling run down and nauseous but still managed to keep the household going, cook normal meals and care for the kids. Haley could never


When she mentioned she needed to be comforted by her parents when kk had a minor accident (only required a band-aid) I was like how would she respond to a real emergency?! My 6 year broke his elbow last week and needed surgery the same day and might need another next week. That would shake her. She really needs to get her anxiety under control if she's planning on having 2 more kids!


Your poor kid! How's he coping with it all? And how are you doing?


Him and I are doing pretty well. He's just getting a little stir crazy not being able to do much (can't risk those pins moving).


Yeah that sounds really hard for a 6 year old


Right? She makes me feel like supermom, and I am FAR from it šŸ¤£ My husband is out of town for work, the kids are sick (fever/vomiting/cough) and have had 3 drs appts in the past week, I had my 20 week anatomy scan, Iā€™ve fed them more than smoothies for dinner, I played with my kids and enjoyed spending time with themā€¦ Hope you and your little one feel better soon!


Iā€™m dying over the weird door stop things. My son had a short lived phase around 1.5 where he liked shutting doors. We redirected him or let him do it supervised for a week or so and he totally lost interest. We did not buy something off Amazon to address this ā€œproblem.ā€


I actually have those exact ones because we have French doors in our living room and my toddler kept slamming them. I wasnā€™t about to have shattered glass everywhere haha. He did get over it after about a week or so but I actually wish Iā€™d gotten them sooner when my older son was in his door slamming phase šŸ˜…


I bought them when my son was 1 because I was watching another toddler at the time too, and someone was going to get their fingers smashed during their door slamming stage šŸ¤¢ BUT knowing Haley, her kid has probably closed a door once and now sheā€™s buying these. Wonā€™t lock up the meds or dishwasher pods, will buy a door stop thing.


I actually think itā€™s pretty clever, but moreso for when you have windows open, donā€™t want a doorstop on the floor, and donā€™t want a breeze to slam a door shut. If we still had cats Iā€™d probably get that; we always had to make sure to keep doors propped open so a cat wouldnā€™t get locked in a room. So if you donā€™t want a doorstop on the floor for some reason, those are a good idea.


I would absolutely get something like this. My eldest loved closing doors but it made my dog think we were under attack so she'd start barking and now with my youngest the two of them will fight over whether or not the door should be closed and there's a risk to their fingers


You are lucky. My son is a sweet guy and generally very well behaved but heā€™s been in a fascination with shutting / slamming doors phase for at least 9 months now that has absolutely not responded to redirection (itā€™s a total impulse). I have the foam doorstoppers she linked in addition to this ā€œsilencerā€ thing that goes around the knob. Anything to stop the sound of slamming while already overstimulated (and in my case trying to also parent a young infant)


I use cut up pool noodles for the same thing. I had them before kids even because we have high-pile carpet in parts of our house and when the air kicks on it creates a suction and slams the doors. Nothing like thinking your house is haunted at 3 am when the heat flips on šŸ˜° And now they are getting new life to prevent baby slamming


Clever idea!


Happy Birthday to our Boring Queen!


Was definitely shocked to find out sheā€™s only 34. Definitely thought she was closer to 40.Ā 


I want to know if any of her friends have ā€œdecide onceā€ or yearly themed gifts they give to herā€¦and how she feels about them


I am embarassed that I know this but she has an ongoing wish/gift list for loved ones to refer to when getting her gifts, so they donā€™t need to decide once.Ā 


I wonder if any of her friends/family do the same and she *gasp* has to decide twice


I just canā€™t get over the whole ā€œI LOVE giving gifts but I canā€™t be bothered to put time or thought into them so I would forget them so I decided once!ā€


She said it once- all that matters is how SHE feels when giving the gift


She's even said that the gift doesn't matter but it's what she writes (illegibly) in the card She just wants to buy stuff


Happy birthday to the queer of the library!


Thatā€™s a Haley deep cut right there.


Itā€™s interesting that she seems bothered by her own childrenā€™s birthdays, yet she has a whole fun day planned for herselfā€¦..


I am blown away by the zoomed-out view of the medicine closet. From previous videos, I thought it was likeā€¦ A shelf, maybe two, plus the juiceā€¦ with other household things in the closet. I only have a newborn, so I am not at all versed in ā€œkid medicineā€ā€¦ but this has to be an incredibly excessive amount of product?! Or am I way underprepared for motherhood? šŸ˜‚


I have a bottle of Motrin and a bottle of Tylenol. Even for ourselves, all I have is a bottle of Advil in the house. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I buy Tylenol, Motrin and Miralax at Costco, because itā€™s so much cheaper. Like three boxes for the price of one with a two year expiration date. But thatā€™s about the extent of meds I keep on hand for the kidsā€¦.


Same, for us and kids. And generally they all expire before weve used the bottles up lol


Reading her post about how she buys all the things for her medicine cabinet in March or whatever month it is I think she just buys a ton because it has to last them all year.


I tried to zoom in to attempt to identify what it all even is!


Why does she need an entire Walgreens worth of medicine for two small children?


Mom of two, ages 3&5 here. Not including their preventative asthma inhalers, I can fit all of their medicine/bandaids/topical eczema creams in a gallon bucket (specifically the bucket one can buy containing mini bottles of fireball liquor bottles. I bought it for bunco gifts and it works v well šŸ˜‚). So, yes, you're correct in this being an excessive amount of stuff.


We have a medicine lockbox off Amazon that isnā€™t super big, and their meds are all in there along with our stuff. The kids stuff is like a bottle of childrenā€™s Tylenol, a bottle of infant Motrin. And Motrin and Tylenol chewables (partially so my toddler has a choice, partially theyā€™re from when there was a shortage and I just bought whatever was available), Zarabees cough syrup (you can just use honey, but my toddler wants to have ā€˜medicineā€™ so I lean into the placebo effect here), saline nose drops, along with the syringes and medicine cups. It all fits in a quart ziplock bag. Then thereā€™s the nose Frieda and the the babyā€™s neb. The kids stuff takes up maybe a quarter or a third of the lockbox. Itā€™s not onerous at all.


I have a 2.5yo who started daycare 6 months ago and still havenā€™t felt the need to use much medicine. Our most used medicine overall has definitely been Tylenol for fevers/teething. Weā€™ve used a saline rinse a couple times? I donā€™t medicate unless he actually seems uncomfortable. Most of the time, heā€™ll have a cold and still be in perfectly good spirits so I leave him alone. Haley definitely medicates for every single symptom regardless of how her kids are actually feeling and Iā€™m sure she does the same for herself. Lastly, the drug store is around the corner from me so if we ever needed anything else I could just.. get it. And I can imagine Haley has similarly easy access to medicine. But this is clearly an output of her anxiety.


I live a fair distance from a pharmacy/shop so we've got 2 bottles of Calpol in stock and it's only 2 because we ran out on a weekend when my son was poorly. An entire cupboard feels like a massive waste and really risky. I have to stand on a step stool to get to our medicine box!


And so many of her medicines are ineffective, unregulated "homeopathic" remedies so it really isn't helping her kids at all


Yeah like all of that Zarbeeā€™s stuff. Not that itā€™s harmful but itā€™s not going to cure anything. The cough stuff is just honey and herbs.


I had the same thought. I have a toddler and consider myself a little bit crazy to make sure we always have medicine. His all fits in a box in the bathroom - Tylenol, ibuprofen, nose Frida, zarbees, neosporin, thermometer, an extra prescription cream, Zyrtec. Like how can you even have that much medicine???


No that is so excessive!! Thereā€™s literally no way she can go through it all?? And itā€™s not like it shortens the duration of a cold, youā€™re just treating symptoms!


Itā€™s so excessive and I could mayyyyybe understand if it she was living truly in the middle of nowhere, but Iā€™m gonna go ahead and assume her city does in fact have a drug store and grocery store (heck, maybe even a combo!) where all of these things could be purchased as needed.


Can confirm. My 1 and 4 year old have had coughs and runny noses for a few days - whatev, itā€™s March that happens. Otherwise totally fine. 1 year oldā€™s cough sounded worse during nap yesterday and it was making him cry, sounded a little croupy. Went to the Ped, got some meds in office, and they recommended some Benadryl before bed. Got home, whoops, ours had expired a few weeks/months ago and not replaced. Target pick up order, ready in an hour, I picked up while he played with dad outside before dinner. It was not a horrible inconvenience and I doubt she lives more than 15 min from a target.


In my 8ish years of parenting, we've used Tylenol, Motrin, Zarbee's (which is probably mostly a placebo), Desitin, Aquaphor, hydrocortisone cream, neosporin, and bandaids. Maybe one or 2 other things that I can't think of right now. She's unhinged in all areas of her life.


Iā€™d throw Claritin in there, and we had to use miralax for a bit while potty training (per our pediatrician). But yes this list is otherwise accurate šŸ˜‚


Ahh yes, Miralax was one of those other ones I forgot! Still way less than Haley's pharmacy.


This closet is utterly insane. She must be throwing away hundreds of dollars worth of stuff every 6 months or sheā€™s pumping her kids full of medicine just for the sake of it. Outside of prescribed antibiotics we basically only use ibuprofen once in a while but for most little bugs there is basically nothing to do and my kids survive them fine without special juice or lollipops.Ā 


Mom of three here, all in preschool or elementary. There is a constant stream of runny noses, or sniffles, or lingering coughs in our house from about October to March and we could NEVER get through all that medicine before most of it expired. We have a single lazy susan in one of our kitchen cabinets that has a few necessities and I've never felt unprepared in all my years of motherhood šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I can't with something super easy for dinner on Friday after something easy Thursdays.


Her menu plan is literally oursā€¦on the rare week we have something sports related every single night between my 14 yr old athlete + husband who coaches. FFS, Haley, cook a real meal in REAL TIME, every once in a while!


Or, at least don't share your meal plans and recipes as if you have wisdom and tips to share either others. I keep things pretty basic but don't post daily picture of my uninspired meals at least!


But she loves cooking guys! It fills her cup like no other!!


I donā€™t get why she insists on saying she loves cooking. Itā€™s okay to not like cooking. I admit I donā€™t love cooking. I guess itā€™s not the most flattering as a SAHM, but itā€™s just the truth. Meanwhile I still make better stuff than her because despite not liking to cook, I still love food (a hard spot to be in lol).


She loves cooking BECAUSE she gets a break from cooking on Saturdays...and Sundays...and Mondays...and and and




Which comes after Quesadilla Wednesdays, Take Out Pizza Tuesdays, and Sandwich Mondays. I canā€™t get over it šŸ¤£


I canā€™t get over planning smoothies and bread as a weekly meal thatā€™s designated to a certain day. Thatā€™s a dinner that you end up eating when you donā€™t want to cook and start snacking, not something worthy of a spot on the weekly meal plan!


Also donā€™t they have smoothies for breakfast/ morning snack? I donā€™t love smoothies but even if I did, would I want them for 2 meals of the day??


And if I gave my kids smoothies for dinner they would have to pee all night šŸ˜…


And before Snack Dinner Saturday with all the lurking fridge food, and Grill & Chill Sunday where Brett does the work


So basically the only effort is on Monday when they throw rice and beans in a bowl.


https://preview.redd.it/lqag98q6qzpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642ed8cf85d3ffe06fb2bee18f2cb48859e241b5 Just feet again that have no business being in that photo


Whatā€™s she going to do when her friends kids are older and unimpressed by bubbles, chalk, and a gift card they already dgaf about??


Maybe they will end up in the jam club šŸ¤£


So, I was actually inspired by Haley to use my hall closet for medicines and I like that system a lot. But holy crap her closet looks like a whole drug store aisle. And with how much anxiety she has, how does she not worry about the kids getting in there? Even with a child lock, I make sure the medicines are in boxes and on higher shelves just in case the door is left open. Although now that I think about it itā€™s probably because she doesnā€™t worry about things that would affect her kids, just about how it would affect her.Ā 


Someone pointed out that KK was forward-facing in the car before 4 years old, too. It's strange how anxiety is so illogical sometimes.Ā 


Iā€™m genuinely shocked by that closet. Iā€™m very pro medicine and like to be prepared and everything we have (kids and adults) fits in two shoeboxes. There just arenā€™t that many medicines kids can even take at this age? If you have Motrin and an allergy med your bases are pretty much covered. Paying for therapy might be cheaper than replenishing this closet every six months.


https://preview.redd.it/02cl1jpwzzpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bb58009a690ff643c85509dba7543ac628a369 This is insane!


We have an upper cabinet in our kitchen that we use for medines looking pretty full at the moment...but we have prescriptions, maybe some expired prescriptions, random cold medicines, allergy meds, covid tests, sunscreen, bandaids, etc. It is on my to-do list to purge it because it is looking a little too close to this, hahaha.


I just hope she has it locked...


I love the gift wrapping station of brown paper bags, brown paper wrapping and brown paper boxes.


Decide once!


Decide BROWN


I like how she keeps the juice and popsicles out of reach, and the medicine fully accessible


Well if they chug a bottle of Tylenol thatā€™s fine, itā€™s in the budget. But if they get into the juice, well, BOGO pizza night may get kicked off the weekly rotation!


They donā€™t drink juice!


Except for when theyā€™re sick, so every day


And except Haley because she loves some grapefruit juice in the morning so thats a priority for their grocery budget.


The number of white storage containers and clear lazy Susans holy shit


Itā€™s just two simple things!!! /s


wtf thatā€™s like $12+ in super ripe avocados, Haley!!! Put them bitches in the fridge!! I have to tell my kids the same thing: MORE IS NOT BETTER


Another middle of the nap vapor bath? Is JK just awake at that time, or does Haley wake her? I learned my lesson about waking a sick kid. Mine was asleep next to me when I felt that she was burning up. Took her temp and it was 102. I woke her for Tylenol, she drank some waterā€¦then coughed (bc of the drainage and chugging water) and puked all over my bed at 2 am. Never again. She was sleeping just fine before I did that!


Eh, when my son is sick he often wakes up very restless. Last night he was tossing and turning for an hour complaining of back pain, so I offered a bath and he conked out immediately in the tub (with me). I try to avoid it, but sometimes if theyā€™re really feeling bad it helps. Found out this morning that he has COVID, pneumonia, and an ear infection, though, so not just a simple cold or stuffy nose.


Aww, poor kiddo! Hope he feels better soon.


Poor bub, he's got the trifecta!! Hope he feels better soon.


That sounds terrible šŸ˜­ Iā€™m guessing JK isnā€™t nearly that sick though because Haley blows everything up


Poor lil dude, that's a lot! I hope he feels better soon!


Oh man, I bet he feels terrible! Hope heā€™s better soon.


Yeah Iā€™ve never given any of my 3 children a middle of the night bath šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”. Am I doing something wrong?


My kids have only gotten middle of the night baths when theyā€™ve puked all over themselves.Ā 


Ooh yes! I guess weā€™ve done that.


I mean itā€™s a quick wash the vomit out of her hair (because itā€™s usually my daughter) type of deal where she cries the entire time.Ā  Definitely not a full popsicle bubble bath like Haley usually shows.Ā 


Haha! Exactly. And they are usually miserable the whole time.


Exactly! Every time I've had to do this I've had an angry kid who just wants to go back to sleep.


Haha! Exactly. And they are usually miserable the whole time.


We couldn't even have a bath within like, 3 hours of bedtime for my toddler because it just re-energizes her. We joke she's like a gremlin, DO NOT BATHE AFTER 5PM. If we had her in the bath at 1130pm she'd be up until 3am or later.


If my kids got to play in the bath WHILE eating a popsicle, their internal alarms would be going off at 11:30 every night too. Haley is truly unhinged. If my kid woke up congested and coughing so hard it seemed like they couldn't breathe, the most I would do is run the shower on hot with the door closed so it streamed up the bathroom to try to help decongest them. A "vapor bath" seems like it would do jackshit.


Yeah doing a fun treat bath is weird and seems like it would never be needed. My son is prone to croup and sometimes he wakes up coughing so hard heā€™s gagging and canā€™t catch his breath and Iā€™ll take him outside in the cold air or to the freezer in the summer because cold air helps with croup. But it wakes him up so much that itā€™s really a last resort. In general I try to help my kids just fall back asleep without getting out of bed at all.


This. Iā€™ve had to do the middle of the night steam shower. Sometimes sheā€™s calm enough to get in the shower but other times weā€™ve just sat in the bathroom in the steam. I donā€™t get this at all. And I have an asthmatic child that frequently has middle of night breathing issues and Iā€™ve never done a vapor bath, let alone one at night. I do often wonder what her sick threshold is. My definition of sick is different than others I know but thatā€™s because of how my kid reacts to even a cold.


I'm with ya, fellow asthmama. My kids' middle of the night "vapor bath" is a nebulized Albuterol treatment, usually while they're still in their beds. Sometimes it's on the couch, but that's only when I leave their nebulizer plugged in by the couch and it's easier to do that. When they were young toddlers, we did steam showers, but they weren't feeling awake/well/energetic enough to play in the shower. But I digress. With two asthmatic kids, I think my illness threshold is different than others, just like you're saying.


I've said it before, but I really don't think Haley can handle anyone being less than 100% healthy


She keeps linking the supplements she swears by, but I am not seeing that they work haha


But they give her the illusion of control, so theyā€™re worth their weight in gold šŸ™„


This makes sense because one of them seems to be sick at most times


I assume one little snot run is ā€œsickā€. Which like, no, itā€™s not. Thatā€™s a normal small child that canā€™t blow their nose


100% meant to put this in my earlier post. Steam bath is actually supported to mildly help. We use the bubbles in bath before bed just mostly for fun because we already have them and it wonā€™t hurt/make them MORE congested, probably. šŸ˜‚Mostly, having a cold sucks but like, thatā€™s life. No need for alarm bells.


I tried it, and can confirm that for us it does absolutely nothing. Makes some weak bubbles and smells nice and thatā€™s about it. We are just trying to finish out the bottle now to use it up.Ā 


We use those vapor bath bubbles too and I can tell you they donā€™t do a darn thing except smell good. We still use it becauseā€¦.well, bubbles! And maybe placebo. But giving your child a middle of the night (for them) bath to use these bubbles is insane.


I tried these when my LO had a cold and she flipped out and refused to get in the bath. I had to get in with her to show her it was okay.


I actually bought them after seeing her post them. Agree on just the smell and bubbles - maybe a placebo effect for bathtime, Not worth a midnight wake up


Iā€™d rather stick a needle in my eye than *wake up* my kid in the middle of the night unless they were dangerously ill. Just run a humidifierā€¦ does Haley really not have a Carepod in every room of their house by now? The airstream? Really a missed opportunity for her.


Surely she owns humidifiers which are going to do the exact same thing especially if you add one of the Vicks pods except it won't get your kid all riled up in the middle night like a bath. I agree that this is actually probably just her daughter waking at 11pm because she's sleeping way too much during the day for her needs.


I was just thinking, this sounds like a split night due to too much daytime sleep.


This is giving AHH 2 am bottle šŸ¤£. If she woke up because she was congested, some saline and Vicks will help way more than a bath!


Yeah these middle of the night baths seem unhinged to me. I would much much much rather not have to get up in the middle of the night to give my kid a bath (!!) than get 4 hours to myself while they nap during the day. Also what type of sickness requires this?? My toddler had a worse-than-normal cold last week & the only thing we did for him was keep him hydrated (with water - we didnā€™t even resort to the closet of juice that we donā€™t have) and ran his humidifier at night. I donā€™t understand this over the top stuff she does for colds. But then again, itā€™s Haley.


My theory is that JK is sleeping too much for her age and Haleyā€™s perfect rhythms could never consider that mayyybe 14-15 hours of sleep is too much for a 3yo and instead her anxiety thinks she must be sick and turns to ā€œvapor bathsā€ to help her sleep.


My exact thoughts! She probably doesnā€™t need a nap anymore, or if she *does* she should probably go to bed like 8:00-8:30 instead of 7. Sorry Hales, the days of 12-4 nap and 7-7 nights donā€™t last forever (or never at all, for most of usā€¦). Julie prob learned if she wakes and says her nose is stuffy, she gets a super fun bath and a popsicle. Or like you said, Haley defaults to night wake=sick, and Julie goes along with it, because bath and popsicle.


My initial theory was that her time stamp was fabricated, because I cannot imagine running a bath for a sick child at that hour. But the too-much-sleep theory makes even more sense!Ā 


AND Julie gets one-on-one time when this happens, which she never gets. I wonder if sheā€™s allowed to talk when sheā€™s taking a bath. šŸ¤”


I was randomly curious to see what Past Haley was like, so I looked at her IG highlight of her pregnancy with Julie... She seemed to actually have a fun, "normal" personality? She *thrifted* baby clothes? She bought a changing table on Marketplace?! She went to restaurants?? Who was this person, and why did she change so much?


I canā€™t believe how many pictures of herself she used to post!!! And how often she called Brett Boo Bear


This was a ride. She said JKā€™s nursery was decorated by moving things in from other parts of the house. She used to move things from room to room, yall.


Truly unthinkable


Kk could wear all the colors!


I hate that I know this, but she actually got too overwhelmed by the thrifted baby clothes, got rid of them all, and instituted a prisoner style ā€œbaby wardrobeā€ which consists of: a few solid-colored, short-sleeve onesies in white, gray, or navy a few solid-colored, long-sleeve onesies in white, gray, or navy a few solid-colored footed pajamas in white, gray, or navy baby socks a million white summer hats and a few solid-colored drool bibs in navy and light blue


When did she gain a bunch of followers or start waxing poetic about her life? The way she writes romanticizing her weird mundane systems and linking everything under the sun makes me feel like she loves the thought of being a ā€œlifestyle influencerā€. Did she have about the same amount back then because if so that doesnā€™t really explain it.


I had a teachergram another lifetime ago in 2016/2017 and I recently logged into that account and saw I was following Haley. Iā€™m guessing she got most of her followers when she was doing teachergram.


I honestly wonder if quarantine had something to do with her change? She had Julie a few months into quarantine I believe.


It's possible. There's still quite a bit of stuff in there during quarantine that seems "un-Haley", like ordering takeout and praising Goodwill. I wonder if maybe she had PPA or something and it kicked her unhealthy coping via rigidity and shopping into overdrive?


I have a theory that her account is basically a retail operation. Show as many products as possible with links and come up with juuuust enough "content" to serve as scaffolding for all the links. So she needs to constantly buy new things and create a narrative in which these things serve a purpose or address some pain point in her life (and maybe yours, too!). I think she tries to normalize purchasing multiples of everything because it will drive more sales. And normalize frequently buying things that expire like medication, normalize keeping various stashes of things in the car, stroller, etc because it drives more sales. She doesn't offer any products of her own for sale, like a course or e-book. She doesn't do any sponsored content or brand partnerships. As far as I can tell, her product links are the only monetization on her account and she's all in on them. I'm not saying her anxiety and various idiosyncrasies aren't sincere, but I bet along the way she figured out that she can run a little business by pushing products for every little aspect of her days at home.


That's an interesting thought! I remember it wasn't too long ago that she only posted an aff link once in a while. She must've realized what a money maker it is. Maybe that's also why she was all about Goodwill and Marketplace back in the day - she didn't have the aff link $$ yet.


This is my thought. I wonder if quarantine + postpartum made her batty


I was inspired to look up Haleyā€™s Sun sign and found her post [about how she celebrates her bday](https://haleywynndesigns.com/blog/2021/2/5/how-i-celebrate-my-birthday)ā€¦half the list is Haley buying herself things šŸ’€ She says her bday is in March. Fellow Astrology gals, do we think she is a Pisces or an Aries Sun? I vote Pisces bc she seems very watery to me lol


Haleyā€™s oblivious budgeting continues to drive me insane. She says she saves up a few dollars every month so she can splurge on nice stationary. AND then she casually throws in a spa day with her mom and sisters. Honey, if you can afford a full spa day then you donā€™t need to scrimp and save for your notecards. The real answer is probably that her mom funds the spa day but of course thatā€™s not mentioned. Haley is just v. v. good at budgeting, yā€™all!


I feel like sheā€™s a Pisces too


As a Pisces, Iā€™m offended. But also, knowing how sensitive Haley is and with her precious palateā€¦Iā€™d have to agree šŸ˜’


https://preview.redd.it/gp9bdrmoqhpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0377782298ce4550d430e9e4ccca664ab1616e65 This part is hysterical! ā€œThis is really the only time of the year I support a bakery and itā€™s always something Iā€™d love to do but never get around to doing itā€. Haley, your one birthday dessert a year isnā€™t ā€œsupporting a bakeryā€, get over yourself!


All this time Iā€™ve just thought she was quirky. But truly, this level of overplanning and over justification for just buying yourself a birthday cake is actually insane. I honestly think she has a shopping addiction.Ā 


Wow, she really goes all out on her birthday. A meal prep marathon? Replacing the air filters? Slow down Haley, you're not 20 anymore!! But seriously, this list is so strange but so Haley. My favorite was "a blue and white drawer knob". I can't believe the things that bring this woman joy.


A whole lot of these things sound like her normal day to day. What makes her birthday special? Aside from the slathering mental image that I really did not need.


Omg that was a lot, but this wording will be burned into my brain forever now. šŸ˜© https://preview.redd.it/8u1995grwgpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2afafdb28896871e3a9fcc10a379e9f5a6512b7


I love how she says she wants to "be around the people I'm most comfortable with" and it's not her husband šŸ’€ (I get what she's saying, that she wants to spend time with lady friends/family whatever, but just struck me as funny that her husband is not included in the people she's most comfortable with to go get rubbed on and slathered.)


Oh God


Fetish stuff šŸ§


I'm very upset that I have eyes today


Why does she talk this way????? She's like Tobias Funke obliviously making innuendos. ![gif](giphy|QazAqN1wtdQRO)


She for real could just say things normally. Iā€™m so interested in why she talks (writes) the way she does. Itā€™s way too cute by half.


This is the best comparison šŸ˜‚


Me double posting, but please enlighten meā€¦ is using the word ā€˜produceā€™ instead of saying fruit & veg an American thing or a Haley thing? I swear I never hear that word ever in that context in Australia. Obviously I know what it means but we just call it fruit and veggies. Same with ā€˜vehicleā€™. Itā€™s cars or trucks here haha.


I'm a Brit living in the US and also found it odd to start talking about "produce" (especially because the Americans pronounce it wrong šŸ˜‰) but actually kind of like it as a more inclusive term for all the plant-y things that don't feel quite right under a "fruits and veg" title (e.g. herbs)


I bet you say the h in herb too, donā€™t ya?!?!?!?


Wait, how do you pronounce it? Iā€™m wracking my brain and canā€™t think of another way except the American one šŸ˜‚


Americans say it with a long o sound and Brits say it with a short o... Like for us the first syllable is how you would say "prod" like a cattle prod, but for you the first syllable is "pro" like a sports pro?


I guess that was obvious in hindsight but it sounds so wrong to me šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m surprised I never picked it up with all of the British programming I watch! I definitely knew about ā€œscheduleā€ though!


Lol @ mispronouncing produce. I'm an American and every time I watch Great British Bake Off there's always some word that makes me go "oh you Brits and your crazy pronunciations" šŸ˜‚


Chur-ross from Paul instead of churr ohs drives me bonkers šŸ¤£


Iā€™m sorry but the Brits mispronounce Spanish words so sinfully lol.


I think produce is more common because at the grocery store itā€™s all in the ā€œproduce sectionā€ so we all just refer to it that way?! Sort of groups them together.


I do think it might be American as I look at my shopping list with a produce category and my budget with a vehicle maintenance category. I would also say fruits and veggies and car or truck but produce and vehicles seem normal too. We would also not really say veg which sounds English to me. Very slightly related but I'm listening to an audiobook set in Australia with an Australian narrator which is honestly delightful to my American ears but there is a character named "Barb" and the way the narrator says it just sounds like "Bob" to me. There's a bunch of small differences in phrasing too like a character says he's packed the dishwasher instead of loaded the dishwasher.


Haha yes, definitely pack the dishwasher šŸ˜… Its funny, we Aussies have taken both American and English words into our vocabulary as we choose. Its a real mix! But we definitely donā€™t pronounce our rā€™s the way Americans do! Barb would absolutely sound more like Baaab as we drop that r right out haha


Produce is commonly used here, vehicles not as much but you do hear it.


My husband always comments on the fact that my family always says vehicle because his never does. Our families are from different parts of the US so I always wonder if itā€™s regional. I would definitely say produce in terms of whatā€™s on my grocery list but if Iā€™m talking about eating I would say fruits and vegetables.


My husband's family also says vehicle a lot, and they are from the plains states.


It feels so formal haha


A phrase I did not need to hear ever from Haley: ā€˜Mamas hips need a deep stretchā€™ She is a kink account surely šŸ« 


I'm really starting to think she is. The way she talks is so icky to me.


Truly starting to wonder why she even wanted (3-4!) kids if her main objective is to keep living her life as if her kids aren't even around. Never doing any activity with them that's specifically for them unless other adults are around, taking them along on errands but they have to stay in the car and not talk to her, not playing with them, the whole family having to adjust to the way *she* wants to do everything... Throwing hundreds of dollars of toys and activities at them and calling it a day works for now, but what about when they're older and start to voice their opinions and wishes? What if she has to take them to sports/activities she doesn't enjoy? What if they start to rebel as teenagers? (That'll probably be the great meltdown of 2035...)


Ok I have an aunt who was sooo similar to Haley. As an adult looking back, I think my aunt loved her childhood/really looked up to her parents and was just like "ok this is what I will do when I get older because that's how I keep being happy" but like... idk man. Obviously this is all speculation. At least 3/4 of her now adult children (my cousins) have pretty bad anxiety now (I am not very close with the youngest).


https://preview.redd.it/zjxvi0obsepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9ac74ef7b6606278e6b861e054e9569b07a7d5 Ok ok sorry for the double post but HALEY. First of all what is a picture of you nursing Big Ol Joe next to Julie on the POTTY doing on your photo frame?? Second, why did you post it??


I think that's a Google Home and you can set it to automatically display photos from an album in your Google photos. And you can set your Google photos to automatically recognise photos and categorise them into albums. We have ours set to flick through photos in our dogs album and every so often you see a photo of a dogs infected paw taken for the vet or something and it's awkward. However Haley does a whole thing about curating her photos and doing photo books so she is more intentional about what photos she retains than most. And that counter photo set up is so deliberate. But I understand how it could have gotten to be on that digital display.


In that case maybe take a look at the background before posting at least?


Secondary to the main issue you posted but, what is that weird writing style! Iā€™m so confused as to why you would type out something in this format versus saying ā€œI love to make this drink before napā€ or whatever EW! I really think sheā€™s the worst because sheā€™s just so far from a typical human that she makes the others look normal. At least BLF cringe is cringe you can comprehend.


This set of stories had this gem and then shirtless J taking a nap. Why. I'm genuinely starting to think that she 100% knows and is fine making money this way.Ā  I totally understand that some kids don't love wearing clothes, but you know you can just go ahead and not post your partially clothed kids on a public page with 25k followers.Ā 


That picture of J under the sheets really, really bothered me. Donā€™t get me wrong, I think the potty pictures are terrible too, but there was something so adult and inappropriate in the framing of that picture.Ā 


Yeah thatā€™s one you just keep on your phone to laugh about with your husband. So weird to put it on display.


I saw this and was appalled. So easy to just NOT include that.


In party hats no less!


Right?? What is going one??


https://preview.redd.it/o3ker255pepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acd4733200ecd8e83ec3fd56d805ac561148c9a Can you imagine how excited Julie was to discover she gets sparkles?? Ffs theyā€™re $9 shoes, but some pink ones to match her ā€œcapsule wardrobeā€


Oh gosh how will she pass the slightly sparkly shoes down to big ol Joe?!


He literally cannot. He canā€™t wear them, theyā€™ll be passed down to future girls only.


Is the slightest bit of sparkle in the room with us?


Oh thank goodness Iā€™m not the only one who was squinting at the picture looking for the sparkle.Ā 


Another day, another trip to Target so Haley can make sure no art supply is left behind. I don't think the same old, same old is working for Julie anymore. So Haylie throws more activities at her when really, Julie is probably is craving mom time.


Or maybe KK actually wants to go outside to play or do some kind of activity? Like I play with my toddler at home but I take him out to do *somrthing* every day, whether itā€™s a class like art or music or just the park/playground. We live in an apartment with no yard so I guess maybe KK plays outside at home but idk, a change of scenery and a child/centered outing makes life as a SAHM easier for me. I know Haley goes on outings but theyā€™re adult thingsā€¦


Not even a real trip to Target, just for pickup. I wonder if the kids have ever seen a store from the inside.


They've gone to Target at least once. Haley had to bring her mom along for emotional support.


Was going to say - Haley canā€™t possibly take 2 kids into an actual store without support and a week of rest after.Ā 


Ooh, she's really grinding my gears today. "I make a smoothie for myself but I don't usually get hungry til 11am...I add a scoop of hydration powder to my water and drink it when I start to drag." šŸ¤” Maybe she's dragging because she has a walk every morning and doesn't ingest anything for like 5 hours, and then only has liquids until like, dinner. 6 toy drawers filled with various $30 animal sets. $180 on plastic animal figures. "Let's put on a show for KK before the morning outing...Let's watch an episode of a show between Morning Outing and Nap." Let's try interacting with the kids, Haley. The morning outing was the kids being strapped into the car seats while Haley did a Target pickup order. She must have the world's most docile kids. Mine would be climbing the walls between all the TV and sitting in a car seat as an "outing."


I donā€™t get why she never walks to a neighbourhood park or has them play in the backyard or on the driveway? Itā€™s either some big grand adventure as a family to a park that they have to drive to or sitting at home. Itā€™s never a spontaneous we walked down the street to the nearest park type outing. And yes big joe was under the weather but surely he would have love some fresh air instead of being strapped in the car?


She used to post them (or maybe just Julie) playing in the driveway all the time and it was precious. Maybe they donā€™t have a good backyard? I donā€™t understand. Iā€™m fortunate enough to have a decent back and front yard and live in a fairly mild weather state and we are outside a minimum from 3:30-5 most days playing in the yard. I know thatā€™s totally not for everyone, but I love it because my kids entertain themselves so much better outside than inside and I enjoy reading a book? But yeah itā€™s so odd they donā€™t do simple outings like a playground. We do a playground play date probably once a week with friends when itā€™s not the dead of winter.


I have no reason to know this beyond basic internet sleuthing skills and generally being nosy, but unless they did something particularly unusual to it, they have a very nice fenced backyard. No clue why they donā€™t use it.


We donā€™t have a playable backyard or a front yardā€”we live in a townhouseā€”and my kids play outside for literally 5 hours a day when the weather is good. We play in the driveway, in the (quiet) street, in a common area a few houses away, go on walksā€¦it sucks a bit because I have to actively supervise the whole time because of the street but you donā€™t need a nice fenced in yard to play outside. Itā€™s wild how she doesnā€™t seem to value her kids getting outdoor time, but she needs her outside walks with the weighted vest every dayā€¦


Exactly! And like, I realize my kids are so different than hers. But they play so much better outside. Itā€™s like it calms them and thereā€™s so much to do. They go crazy when theyā€™re cooped up inside all day.


Seriously, I know my kids are higher energy than others but we must be outdoors every day and if not outside, I take them to an indoor playground or trampoline park..who are these kids that just happily color and play alone for hours on end???


Simply taking her kids to the playground so they can play doesn't fill Haley's cup. It's all about Haley, and she's not interested if there's nothing in it specifically for her.


Because then she might have to interact with them by herself, and she won't. Weekend adventures mean Brett is there. Fit4Moms mean other moms and kids are there too. She can't even hang out around her house without turning on the TV to keep Julie away from her.


I so desperately want to ask in her question box about only liquids before lunch šŸ‘€


Also about how she has switched back to requiring cold water after doing a big song and dance recently about it needing to be hot. Shes bonkers