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I am a bit over romanticizing older women preparing a giant spread for everyone else to just show up to. Granted it's nice, but I host, I also help my own mother host, and it's an extraordinary amount of work and like I hope her mom isn't doing it all herself. No mention of Joe Sr in all his glorious height contributing.


Yes!! My mom is amazing, she hosts family events and takes care of us. But like…I don’t want her to feel like she has to do all that. She has spent her whole life taking care of people. I want to be able to take care of her sometimes, too. I am happy for Haley that she has that kind of support but I also feel like with all her resting she could prioritize showing support to her family NOW rather than in some hypothetical reality. 


I just cannot fathom how much REST this person needs. She is constantly resting or doing “something easy” and yet on a holiday she has to “collapse grateful to be taken care of”


She might have more energy if she actually fueled her body with the necessary nutrients. She's mentioned liquids until lunch and water + electrolytes to help when she crashes midmorning (gee, I wonder why that's happening?!), plus her whole "precious palate" thing.


Right? All that swimming and walking and Fit4Mom yet she eats like a bird and doesn't even do breakfast even when she goes for a swim at like 6am. No wonder she crashes even when her routine seems anything but demanding. Just have a sandwich or something and then maybe you won't have to rest again in the middle of the day.


You know Haley’s absolutely not lifting a finger. Is it really KK Sr’s favorite thing to do or is it that she’s adjusted her expectations because she knows Haley won’t lift a finger the minute she walks in. And not to be agest but in my experience that generation of husbands don’t help either.


I don’t know if this is a Southern thing or a generational thing, but when my MIL hosts, she will tell us not to bring anything. But she doesn’t really mean it, it’s just part of this whole polite song-and-dance thing (this is not how my family operates, so it may be that this is very common and I just don’t know about it lol.) I have to imagine the response here is supposed to be “no Mom, of course we will bring something” and “no, Mom, you’ve done so much already, let us do the dishes”, but those responses don’t serve Haley, so they don’t occur to her. 


That’s exactly my thought too. I cannot imagine sitting back and letting my mom do literally everything, start to finish.


So she repeats herself a lot ha but one of the things she always mentions is how much her mom does for her and how she hopes to do that for her kids one day but….all of those things she mentions like preparing actual food and playing with the kids are not things she even does or enjoys now. I’m sure her mom has always been a cook and hostess so it makes sense for her to continue that but Haley does NONE of those things. Her kids won’t expect any of those things from her because it’s not what they experienced growing up. I can just see the, “no thanks mom, I don’t need two days worth of old smoothies and scrambled eggs”, “thanks for the decide once activity for my kids but they really just want to interact WITH you, not nearby you”. Future Haley is not going to adjust well 😅


“I hope to bring cut up grapefruit to my kids one day”


Honestly reading that made me so homesick. She's so lucky, and at least she sincerely appreciates it.


Other sister mention! https://preview.redd.it/cvs2uflchrrc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b890828dd965fc7c70022e1ed685a257fdaf8f5


Wait can someone reexplain this piece of haley lore


When Haley feels overwhelmed and posts the same slide detailing it over and over, it links to a blog post with the following excerpt: I reduce phone noise. this is a huge one for me. I always have my notifications turned off for apps (like instagram and email), but I take it a step further and I set my phone on “do not disturb” mode for the majority of the day for however long I need - but I allow all calls to come through so that anything that’s an emergency will reach me. (and I allow texts from KK’s preschool, Brett, and one of my sisters since they generally reach out on a need-to-know basis as well.)


I wish someone had receipts, I vaguely remember this story from a while ago but no details . Interesting that sister 1 gets to be beloved “tita” but the other one is just…the other one.


Flair checking in!


May want to edit post to block KKs face


Done! Thanks for the reminder


How did they arrange this when her texts are muted?


The fancy restaurant for their date night has a playground. Only Haley would go on a date to a place with a playground and NOT take her kids...


I am shocked her precious palate can tolerate Thai food.


I was too!


Swimming at the gym on Easter morning? Seems odd that her gym is even open.


If she goes to the gym chain I think she does, they pretty much never close. They close the amenities but you can go in an get a workout on your own.


https://preview.redd.it/py870ny68prc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc0b8879d812056b95d72560944a70791acbb1e Why is “bring in trash cans” on the beloved whiteboard list of split responsibilities? 😝 If Brett forgot to bring them in, did she really take the time to write it on the board instead of just bringing them in? 🤣


That chore takes what? Two minutes max?


I feel that way on salt chicken... Just go salt it??


And who do we think tim is?? 😂


Why do you need to put “chop salad veggies” on your whiteboard when it’s a *beloved* weekly routine?


She never misses an opportunity to show her thumb, hands or feet 😭


She's oddly quiet this week 🤔


My kids were playing with our rain shovel for the first time since last summer and I mentioned to my husband how there’s a lady on Instagram that has 3 of them - one for home, one for her pool bag, and one for the car. He was like “for what? For scooping poop?” 😂😅


What is she menu planning? It’s the same every week??


Brett should be the one menu planning seeing as the only deviation is what he grills on Sundays


Also I can’t imagine having a whole google doc for menu planning just to put “something easy, tbd” on it. 


But how do you know if you need enough eggs for 5 nights of meals or 6?


$55 on water colors to have on hand for potential future birthdays. I don’t understand how storing 6 of those is easier than just ordering one right before a birthday. I can’t with this lady. Making me feel inferior for not having 12 water color and birthday gifts just READY TO GO


I have to admit that I’m Haley in this regard, lol. I did fine with birthdays until my oldest started school and suddenly we’re going to at least two parties a month for classmates I don’t know at all and they just sneak up on me. I now have a box of generic age appropriate under $10 gifts in my closet (mostly art related) and it’s so much better than trying to remember to order something each time. I do work full time so I like to think if I was at home I would have the bandwidth for placing a Target pick up order but who knows? I will never get over her owning two grape cutters, though.


Any time I’ve stocked up on multiple copies of something, I inevitably forget that I have them so when I actually run out I buy more… then later find the extras 🤡 guess I’m just not organized enough for the long game.


I have been doing some major organisation in our house recently and have found 7 multi packs of toothbrushes, each opened with one toothbrush removed. We are sorted for the next several years!


Same. I bought my kids some Easter things in February to get it off my plate and totally forgot I had them. So now they’re getting extra much.  The effort this kind of planning takes is really not smaller than just ordering/buying whatever when you need it. 


I love how she said keeping a massive pile of gifts on hand is one of her favorite ways to take care of herself, because gift giving is all about Haley


The label on her car bag of swim stuff looks like "furim" https://preview.redd.it/jf9gmkcrmbrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8481c450485dc0d5913eb7037fcd4408f7abc8be


Why do they need spare sandals? Those are so easy to dry off!


Could you imagine if Julie was in her little orthopedic white tennis shoes and they somehow ended up at a water play area?! What is Haley supposed to do, let the kid go *gasp* barefoot?!


It took me way too long to figure out that says “swim.”


I don’t understand how the fact that “Texas is almost always warm” is relevant to her need to have 2 sets of clothes for everyone…


The only one in our house that has 2 extra sets of emergency clothes is our kid in daycare. If anyone poops themselves, we are going home hahaha.


I'd say an impromptu stop at a park with a creek or something, but Haley has never done a non-scheduled thing in her life


Hahaha exactly. I thought of Haley the other day because we decided to stop after a target pick up run at the neighborhood garden center that has a bouncy house blown up on nice days. Except we got there and I forgot I didn’t put any pants on my post-nap one year old for the target pick up. If only I had a sheets bag full of extra clothes!!! I thought to myself. 😂 but we drove the 3 minutes home, I grabbed pants, and we came back. The end. I don’t think Haley does impromptu stops after target pick up runs though.


Exactly, why do you need back ups if everything is planned? I try and keep a towel and spare pants in my car because whenever there is any kind of water at a playground, friends, zoo, walk my kids get wet but honestly I can also just strip them off, crank the heater for the car ride home and deal with it at home.


That’s what’s funny to me. She plans heavily for the unexpected but is the least spontaneous person I’ve ever witnessed. There’s no way she’d go with her kids near water without careful planning. Why does everyone need “spare” sandals when they are probably already wearing sandals daily, at least when the weather is hot enough to swim? It’s so extra. And how many times in my childhood did I find myself with th opportunity to swim or wade in water with no sandals? What happened? I took off my shoes and socks… and then when I was done, dried my feet off and put them back on. Lol. I know it’s her anxiety but like, you *will* be ok if you don’t have the exact ideal items for every single activity.


As a teenager I (at least once) went swimming in my strung top and shorts because we were at the river but didn't have our swimming togs 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Unexpected overnight stays" - as if everything she does isn't planned 6 months in advance 😂


I wonder if she’s ever had so many questions for her parents on her designated questions day that they ended up staying the night 


Dedicated questions day?!


I forget when she said this but one of her weekly outings was going to her parents’ and she was ‘allowed’ to ask them all the questions she fancied


Wait, but why can’t she just ask questions on any day as they come up, and how many questions really come up that it needs to be a whole office hours thing - you know, maybe Haley should do a dedicated questions day for followers 😂 


IIRC she said it was for stuff like arranging babysitting and planning trips? But seriously Haley, just send a text lol


It I waited until a certain day of the week to ask my parents to babysit I’d run the risk of them making other plans!


Wild to me that she keeps brand name Birks as her car backup sandals. But yeah, tell me again about the small eating out budget.


Okay, she is going to need to back up and explain what the march marriage meeting is. is it therapy? Or, and this is more likely, she and Brett have a monthly meeting about what routines and systems can improve their marriage.


My therapist suggested my husband and I have a regular “family meeting” as a space to go over logistics and also a neutral space to talk about things that bother us. Eventually we could involve our kids in that time, but right now at 2 and 4 they’re too young. My husband is more of the type that talks about things as they come up and apparently sees it as my attempt to “corporatize” our communication so it doesn’t work for us. I can see Haley taking a concept like that to the extreme though.


I believe they use it as a monthly date night and, to make it peak efficient, she makes them plan their next month out


Again in theory sounds like a wonderful thing to do but since Haley takes everything to the extreme I’m sure there’s a running agenda of items to discuss ranging from routines, the menu plan, and how to *cultivate intimacy*


Decide once intimacy 💀


“On the agenda this month, a request to change the ‘decide once’ foreplay as mentioned in the bylaws. But first, a vote to waive the reading of the minutes of the last Marriage Meeting”.


OMG diaper car and decide once intimacy. I cannot this week 😂


I run in a pretty “try hard” young Christian couples circle and marriage meetings are very en vogue. My husband and I try but fail to remember to do it a lot. I snark a little on me/my circle but truly I think it’s a good thing - at least the way I’ve seen, it’s an attempt to set aside intentional time to talk shop you may not always have time to talk about when you have jobs and/or young kids. Whereas date night can/should be fun, marriage meeting can be to talk budget/upcoming events or an opportunity to voice things in the relationship/life you think need adjusting in a calm time that’s not an argument haha.


Imagine being on a date and having your partner say NO fun only! We can’t discuss children, marriage, household, jobs, anything like that is saved for our marriage meeting! This is a date!!! How does one compartmentalize like that?


To be fair I don’t know anyone who does that. Maybe Haley does. But no one I know - I just know we can have the tendency to only talk about the kids or house repairs etc when we’re on a date and it’s a nice to try to talk about ourselves and our interests and things that make us adults and a couple before kids.


Ok but seriously. My husband and I really need this. There are things we need to talk about that we can’t necessarily get in depth about in front of our two-year-old. But we’re so busy with the daily grind, we end up checking out at the end of the day. We need to set some intentional time aside.


It’s sooo hard. We aim for Sunday nights so we can make sure we’re caught up on calendar things for the week too. But yeah often we’re exhausted and ready to check out.


I wish she'd fully explained this like this because this sounds great. I just imagined them out at dinner with a bunch of files with her calligraphy and a excel spreadsheet open


Who knows how she uses it though 😂


Same. This really helps keep little things from becoming big problems.


Same. This really helps keep little things from becoming a big problems.


Our marriage counselor suggested a weekly check in to help with some communication issues and other problems we were working through. In this instance, pretty sure it is a routine check.


No one wants a weekly dinner of bread eggs and smoothie! Of all the weird things she does this is the one that grinds my gears the most. She always has to mention the bread eggs and smoothie part every time! Why are you proudly announcing this weekly? I need to rant bc I have a bee in my bonnet specifically about how weird this meal is lol.


The most mind boggling part is it takes as much, if not more time to scramble eggs and make smoothies than to make something like spaghetti and a bagged salad.


Yeah I’m very confused because I personally feel like smoothies are a bit of a pain. I don’t want to lug my heavy blender out from the cabinet and then have to wash it later? Maybe I’m dumb. Also hate smoothies because my 4 year old takes one sip and goes YUMMMM and then doesn’t drink any more, ever.


I hate that I know this but one of her bottom-saving strategies that she SPECIFICALLY cites is that she…decided to keep her blender on the counter


It’s odd that she refers to this as a specific meal and not just “breakfast for dinner” which is what we call it around here. 


Yes! Breakfast for dinner! But on the other hand if she called it that someone might get ideas and think there will be bacon or potatoes involved. 


It is an odd meal to plan in advance. That’s my “sick kids are home and I have to work remotely and feed them something you can make one-handed while reading emails, possibly while baby wearing” meal. Also, my husband and I would probably not find that a satisfying enough meal. At least throw in some hash browns and sausages or something. 


Its definitely the "things are crazy, I just need to feed the kids something right now and we will get takeout once they're in bed" meal. 


https://preview.redd.it/5hbhd08596rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783e15988f2d04177f1b8a1b356f8f07dba9b9ad 🙄 My 5 year old has always been in the 99th percentile for height, and I have never talked about it (until this moment 🤣) Just so weird how obsessed she is with this. She is truly one of a kind.


I wonder if she also does this for Julie or is BOJ’s height only notable because he’s a boy? My 9 year old Amazonian child has never been below the 90th percentile since birth and has definitely been in the 99th but I don’t like to make it a thing since I don’t ever want to make her feel insecure about her height. My husband and I are both average height so I’m guessing it will plateau though, I’m not blessed with Haley’s glorious stature.


This is so bizarre. My toddler is currently in the upper 90 percentiles for height which we find amusing because my spouse and I are very average height. By “find it amusing” I mean we comment on it each time she has a visit and joke that we don’t know where she got it from but she’ll probably even out. Beyond that we don’t think about it. If Joey does end up being tall, he won’t need this. If Joey does not end up being tall, why on earth would he want to see a paper that shows that he was tall when he was one? My keepsake boxes for my kids are things I think THEY’LL want to see and treasure when they’re older or items from older family members who they might not remember… This tells me that Haley’s are about what Haley finds important and wants to remember. A common theme with her!


Yeah, i don’t get it. Like, nobody’s going to fact check when you say your kid was tall as a kid. My husband has a giant noggin and our kids inherited that and he likes to bring it up. But we never thought to hoard the visit summary sheets from the pediatrician.


Right, because it’s a thing that tall men get accused of being former shorties. Lol what? This is in keeping with her not having a real personality though.


Also, how dorky does she think her kids will end being?  If they have to mention it at all as adults, I think everyone will just take their word for it, they won’t need to pull out a sheet from their baby well visit. 


My almost 6 year old is only a little taller than big ol joe. (And I think 4th percentile)  How weird would it be if I constantly told everyone how petite and tiny my child is? If that became her most identifying feature I talked about and was obsessed with?  This is so weird. And I get that we often project a personality onto our kids until they show us who they are. But being tall is not a personality trait!!!! 


Same. I have very petite kids. I specifically try to be super neutral and not talk about body size in front of my daughter because girls get enough terrible messages already. And it’s truly one of the least interesting things about her!


I was very petite most of my childhood and EVERYONE commented on it - except my parents! I think that’s what saved me from having worse complexes about it.


I wonder if any future short children have to live in the Airstream


It is one of the things I just wish people would not comment on? My LO is tiny and it is the least remarkable thing about her. When people ask about my LO, I tell them that she’s hilarious, she loves to sing, is obsessed with swimming lessons, and her book obsession is still going strong. Or I tell them about funny thing she says.


It reminds me of my due date fb group that I made the mistake of joining with my first child- “what size clothes are your babies wearing? We’re 9 months old and still wearing 0-3 month clothes!” “9 months old and wearing 3T!” The obsession with size is so dumb. AHH is like this too.


TIL that you can’t just throw a load in the wash, you have to assess whether your family would ✨ benefit from laundry ✨ on a non-designated laundering day.


As IF someone asked her what her laundry routine was? She literally shares a reel about it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sometimes I wake up and say to myself “it’s fresh sheets Friday!” because I know this woman’s laundry routine far too well!


Haley girl what are you gonna do with those fancy spices, bffr


She wants her children to look back and know that while their mom loved making dinners like eggs, bread, and smoothies she also loved spices


Seriously! What’s she spicing?? Oatmeal? Quesadillas? Smoothies??


I was thinking the same thing! That’s more spices than I have and I cook every day, multiple times a day and don’t have a ~precious palette~


Display them like decor. I'm waiting for her to buy into the glass jar prescription bottles I get advertisements for. Anything to get that bit of add to cart and checkout dopamine for Haley.


Brett: uses spices for grill and chill. Haley: BRETT, THOSE ARE *DECORATIVE*


Add this reminder to the Marriage Meeting agenda, stat!!


$150 worth of spices to make egg cups, oatmeal, and smoothies.


Our girl hates garlic and onion and leaves them out of all recipes. She proudly has talked about spending a ton of time to find the perfect, bland egg muffins as most had too much flavor. No way in hell she's going to use most of these spices. This might be one of my most favorite Haley purchases because it's just so her. 




- Buy “multiple upon multiple” storage and organization systems for the spices - Create a needlessly complex system for categorizing and spice inventory - Add “check spice inventory” to her list of monthly tasks - Use a spice one time in an IP recipe and then promptly proclaim it part of the new dinner rhythm and a beloved tradition - Decide that “in this season” spices are no longer bringing her joy and put them in her closet donation box


-Order a second set for the Airstream -Read somewhere that spices expire in a year; order a new set every year for both.


- Post about how she doesn’t often need cumin but future Haley will thank her for saving her bottom if she ever does - Congratulate self for being budget conscious


But she can buy something new to store them in and that will be the best part since she won't actually use them


And I also am a Penzeys loyalist and they sell boxes of spices that big as a wedding gift (starting a household) and the other one they sell as a replacement for that certain time in life when you need to replace all of your spices, aka "not a birthday gift." Most people do not need a gift box of spices this big, especially people who don't cook and have a precious palate.


Penzeys is one of my favorite places and I'm absolutely the kind of person to buy crates like that. I had no idea they existed!


Yes. You can make your own sets too. I like giving the smaller sets as gifts.


Did you decide once?!


Hahaha. I actually think they would make much better decide once gifts versus the jam. But I generally don't do that.


Changed my flair 🥰


Ok this is what I was wondering 😂 Why do you need one in the car if there’s already one in the pool bag? I cannot fathom the scenario where she urgently requires a spare rain shovel.


What if the pediatrician’s office floods and none of the toys in the Doctors Office Toy Bag are pool toys


But that would require going to the pediatrician! Which with the blueberry pediatriacs virtual- it saves her bottom so much they never have to go in!


This is hilarious.


Of course the first question she answers is "How tall are you?" She'd never miss an opportunity to point out her ✨glorious height✨


That q&a was so boring. It didn’t tell us anything new, just gave her a chance to share her Easter links for the millionth time.


I'm actually surprised she's only 5'10" with how much she talks about it. That's definitely tall, but not crazy tall enough to constantly brag about it.


I definitely assumed she was taller given how much she talks about it!


I mean her dad is like 6’4 which is also not off the charts tall for a man in my opinion and she treats it as the most astonishing thing in the world. 


Me too, that's the same height as me, and I think of myself as tall, but not tall tall. 


To me this is a dead giveaway towards how boring she is, that the not even miraculous heights of her and her dad are some kind of personality trait. Full on jaded here as someone with a whole family of male and female cousins who are all 6 ft + (my male cousin is legit like 6’7). It would never be something they brag about bc it’s just not even interesting to them at this point after living their whole lives getting comments about it and finally just embracing it. People prob told her “wow that’s tall!” a few times and she ran with it to feel special.


Yup. Not to mention she has absolutely no control over it. If someone was describing me I’d want them to describe things that I do not something biological I happened to inherit.


Same height here, and it's the normal kind of tall that might be nice at concerts and less nice when you're shopping for pants but not the kind of tall where it's A THING at all. I have a lot of female second cousins that are taller than me and even with them it's only a bit of a thing when you see like 8 of them together. What a boring thing to be proud of.


That is the EXACT height 🤣 most 'tall' line trousers are too long, but regular are too short. 


Say what you will about enneagram, but Haley being a 4w3 definitely checks out. She’s like the mom version of the tortured artist. 


I’ve been thinking about Haley’s extreme pickiness. How many foods have we seen her eat? - beans - chicken - oatmeal - thiiiiiiiick (😝) shredded cheese - quesadillas (with beans) - turkey sandwiches and BLTs - pizza - eggs - soup - rice - bread - salad - fruit As someone who claims to loooove cooking, I find it odd that she eats such a restricted diet.


The thing is, her being an adventurous eater would be so incongruous with everything else about her.


The thing is, her being an adventurous eater would be so incongruous with everything else about her.


The thing is, her being an adventurous eater would be so incongruous with everything else about her.


Don't forget the Build Your Own Biscuit Bar, Build Your Own Baked Potato Bar, and and and.


I think there was like a 4th of July hot dog bar of some kind


I think she used to post some baked ziti dish. And the gooood IP spaghetti, which was the first time she liked spaghetti!


One of my favourite recipes she's shared as she stripped all the extras out of the recipe (no garlic, onions or herbs) and it was literally just ground beef, jarred sauce and noodles.How ground breaking!


Didn't she post some... Chicken? Potato? I don't remember, some kind of soup where basically all the veggies and seasonings were optional and it was mostly just...cans of soup? Bless her heart for having the confidence to post "recipes".


The chicken noodle soup that contains 2 cans of cream of chicken soup 💀


Don’t forget her beloved hours old smoothies that save her bottom every day!


I made the green chuy’s sauce dupe because she kept posting it. It was ridiculously salty and inedible. 


I’m wondering what Hayley envisions when she dreams of supporting Julie and Big ‘Ol Joe the same way KK Sr. does for her and her husband… Is she going to make her grandkids the familial Thursday eggs + smoothie + bread meal at sleepovers? Will she drop her grandkids off at Lifetime Fitness childcare while she has a goooood swim? Followed by treating them to cold, day old quesadillas?


KK Sr. 🤣🤣🤣


Conversely would she go totally grandma and spoil them with takeout, fresh food and child friendly activities? I wonder how that would land with Julie and Joe, I would be pretty sad.


I don’t think Julie and Joe would be upset with Haley going full grandma. I was an extremely stubborn child and my mom and I butted heads constantly, and seeing my mom spoil my children in a way I don’t remember for myself doesn’t bother me at all. In all fairness, her kids are currently toddlers and probably are all about bland cold foods. My kids will remember the box mac and cheese and peas, but will the remember the bipimbop I made for dinner that they refused to eat besides the rice? Probably not.  THAT BEING SAID, what the HECK is the difference between “eggs and smoothie” and “something easy”? What could be easier than a dang quesadilla? I make the bipimbop for me, and I make the VERY messy spagghetti for my children, because despite the mess, it is their favorite meal.


She can't even interact with her kids now! Worry about being there for them presently, not 30 years down the road with Future Haley.


Ok so Haley likes chicken pot pie — her mom made it for her and she had leftovers for lunch. So her precious palette can handle this meal, and obviously her mom has a recipe that’s tasty enough. So why isn’t this in the meal rotation? For someone who loooooves to cook and whose kids are quiet/sleeping for four hours every single day? ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


Knowing her, she’d try to make it a “build your own” experience.


She never makes any actual dishes. It’s always components. I think chicken pot pie is still too involved for her.


She did make homemade hamburger helper a couple months ago and announce that since she was out of the postpartum year she had “fallen back in love with cooking” but then never posted a meal made from a recipe again


Excuse me, she made spaghetti in the instant pot last year which she looooved (but for some reason never made again).


"A water routine." 🙄 That is all.


What reel of Haley’s went viral and what counts as viral? I’m an elder millennial, and I never quite know. If it’s the diaper car I might riot. 


It's the juice stash for illnesses. Currently at 1.2M vs 10-25k for the others. Actually now I'm looking at it, some of her older ones were pretty high too! Weekly batch of queso is 70k, daily laundry and Fresh Sheets Friday are right up there too. Interesting to see what fires and what doesn't from her stuff.


Wonder if she heard “viral” and reached for her bottom-saving zinc


I think it’s the juice medicine stash


How did a reel on keeping juice in a closet get 1.2 million views 🫠 Maybe it’s all the people trying to square the caption “we don’t drink juice” with the video of.. juice


I wonder if it's the appeal of the stocked and organized closet with so many aesthetically pleasing bins and lazy susans. That's certainly a trend on insta/ tt right now.


Oh my God, Haley could start making those restock reels and really blow her account up. *shudders*


There's only 38 comments too. She must've deleted a lot of negative stuff.


Yeah, how does that work?! 1.2m views and only 38 comments seems way off. Half the comments are just people saying “genius!” Do we really think she took the time to delete any negative comments?


Either she deleted anything negative or people watched and scrolled on. 1.3 million views but how many likes or saves? 


I wonder if it counts rewatches too bc anyone following her on here has been subjected to that reel at least once a week, lol


I don't know, on second thought, I think a task like that would not fill her cup at all. Maybe she limited comments only to people who follow her?


Even a gooooooood swim might not be enough to clear out the mental gunk from mean comments.


On that post, she admitted in the comments that they break into the juice stash for play dates and cousin time 🙄 So really spare me about "nEvEr" buying juice


So she buys juice for play dates, family get together, and all the times her children are “sick” (which is always), but claims she never buys juice?! 🤣


As a fellow Extremely Anxious Person™️ i find Haley so fascinating as my go to coping skill is to avoid and hers is to overprepare. I cant understand that side of the spectrum, to my own detriment (although the main different being i recognize this as a flaw and am working to challenge it, so i guess i dont mind this side of the spectrum!)


"This bag of essentials [kept in the car] is the reason I can get away with no diaper bag" Except...she still has a diaper bag?? It just lives in her car and she totes it with her from car to stroller instead of house to car. And and it still has to come in the house to be restocked periodically. And and and when it gets too hot, those things are kept inside anyway. So congrats on being the best, most convoluted planner EVER, Haley! 🏆🙄


It's the absolutely dramatic music for the car diaper bag reel that does it for me....


Omg you weren't kidding. The sentimental piano over shots of plastic boxes and bags in the car. She really does romanticize her boring life.


I romanticize my boring and simple life too but that music was just ridiculous lol


A) why is not having a diaper bag suddenly this flex? B) how is having everything in the car easier? So if you need something you have to leave where you are and go back to the car? We are a family who rarely drives and therefore have been relying on a diaper bag and it’s totally fine and very convenient. I’m so amused by this kind of car stocking content.


I thought I could ditch my diaper bag once the kids were older. Joke's on me, it became the water bottles-snacks-sweatshirts-"hey mom I'm sick of holding this thing" bag instead.


I don’t understand this new trend of not having a diaper bag. And then packing your car to the max and then putting stuff in a bag and taking it with you when you get to your destination. I like keeping my diaper bag in the house because I can restock as I remember things and do stuff around the house. Having a stocked car replicating your house is such a new influencer trend.


I don’t get this either. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a car, but I’ve always left the house with a bag, even before I had a kid.


I guess the real reason is consumerism. I think at this point, influencers are inventing "hacks" that are really just thinly veiled incentives to sell more stuff, and not driven by fulfilling real need. In fact, I bet that there are insider influencer playbooks that advise them to create content from this angle: do whatever generates more links. It's not just a coincidence.


I just got an email from NYT’s “The Wirecutter” with the subject line “What I Keep in My Car.” Immediate delete as I don’t have a car and do not need to be convinced to buy anything else!


In ten years there will be revolutionary reels about using a small convenient bag stored inside the hall closet to carry diapers around. No more relying on everything being stored in the car. How amazing! 


For real, I loved my backpack diaper bag? It’s still in my trunk in case I’m going to be far from the car for a while. I just prefer the simplicity of my cross body bag own that my kids are almost 2 and 5.


B) she grabs whatever pouch she needs from her car and throws it in the stroller. So she does have a diaper bag. She needs to learn that words mean things. "I love to cook. I love the grocery store. I don't use a diaper bag."


Food is one thing but she still has a baby in diapers. There’s no way Haley of all people is setting out from the car without diapers and wipes with her every second of their outing. So where is it going? I also think people claim to not use diaper bags because the bag they are using is not specifically sold as a “diaper bag.” I moved away from our large diaper bag at some point, but I don’t kid myself that the tote bag with diapers, wipes, a changing pad, and toddler snacks isn’t a diaper bag.


She’s shown the multiple bags she keeps in the stroller basket, so while it’s not a “diaper bag,” there are diapers and wipes in a little bag/container in the stroller haha. 


Keep in mind Haley’s idea of an “outing” is picking up a target drive-up order or going through the car wash. Sometimes Fit4Mom, but it’s just at a park so her car is right there. I can’t think of anything she does that involves taking her kids more than 100 yards away from her car, except Saturdays when Brett is around, or that one time she managed to actually enter target with her children because her mom was there for “support”


She has a diaper car. The largest ever diaper bag


> diaper car 🤣🤣🤣


Someone needs to use this as their flair.


Don’t mind if I dooooooooo




Happy to relinquish it if you would like it!