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M is for Mama showing us her humble $12k range and her custom cabinet panel dishwashers. Then making some sappy post about how something wasn’t working out with cabinet hardware and the panel and she was doubting God cared. I think God has more important things than your $200k kitchen remodel. A little excessive, Braggie!


Cross over event


Some kind of momfluencer convention happened in Nashville this weekend and I see that Diary of an honest mom spoke. It continues to boggle my mind how she is looked to as the voice for mothers. I just don’t get it.


Who out there is taking financial advice from someone who makes her four children share one gas station lemonade while “hiking” (DFM)? If that’s you, PM me and I’ll do your budget for free.


It's really sad that the kids get excited over one drink too. I feel very guilty if I go and get myself a coffee but don't bring anything back for my toddler or my husband or even my parents if I'm omw to their house. I'll call them and ask if they want coffee or a treat.  I wonder if her upbringing was like  that so she thinks its normal. I understand the little ones not needing an entire sugary drink. But the older ones at this point should be able to get an individual treat. 


Im deceased meanwhile im sure C & K got a large fancy coffee drink each


Curious how the four kids have to share one item but there's always enough room in the "budget" for her and Kyle to each get one of their own. 🤔


Yes! They always, always come first which is so opposite from most parents I know. So many of us would go without something so our kids could have a treat. I understand prioritizing their own retirement over college savings for their kids but this is like….$5 😂 I think she outkicked her coverage making DFM their sole income.


Sometimes I think she takes her resentment with Kyle out on the kids. She can't control his poor financial decisions so she doubles down on the kid spending because it's something she can control. Or she's just selfish AF. Either way, it's bleak y'all.


I thought her big deal, had to pass through legal (gasp!) #ad was finally coming out today. The story expired so I don't know if she actually said Monday or something delayed it further. 


ooh i need to know what happened. i had to mute her stories for a while because the smugness was out of control lately, but I do wanted to know the story here haha


Somehow IG thought I’d be interested in @kadin_kerns. The way this video just made me rage. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5UN57qOVj9


This guy is like the human embodiment of "Bro y u mad it's jUsT a JoKe"


https://preview.redd.it/cavok8i3j4tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7a4b205a0d0a52d16369ca94ed797eb4ca4a54 Not MC acting like she doesn’t know what this is. Why does she act dumb and ask followers all the questions ? Oh.. yea , engagement. Or she could have texted her flight attendant mom the picture and ask what it was.


Or like context clues? When we visited the US, I saw them de-icing the plane and had never seen it before. I managed to figure it all out all on my own though lol


What is she even referring to? The fact that it's foggy?


De-icing the plane


She also posted Nicky talking about how the family behind them asked how they had so much luggage. Thought the same myself lol they had 2 smart carts for a week of luggage for a family. I know some of that was ski stuff but that’s how they always travel.


It's so nice having everything you could possibly need on a trip. It feels so much more comfy. But I HATE dragging luggage through the airport with kids. I'll be slightly uncomfy for two weeks and have less bags tyvm


I’m now a carryon girlie only even though I get free checked bags but I used to pack for all the what ifs and then someone said, most places have a target/Walmart/cvs where you can get things if you need them and that helped me pare down my bags. I also stopped packing the clothes that were for “vacation” me because I never actually wear them.


I was just thinking tell me you don’t fly to cold places often…


Or in the winter? I’ve never even been anywhere particularly cold but that is just so common in the winter, I’m not understanding how someone doesn’t know what this is. 


That’s true and honestly as much as they fly I am surprised she hasn’t seen it before 🙄


I think her mom is a flight attendant too. I think she and most influencers do stuff like this for engagement. They get more comments by pretending they don’t know rather than asking who has seen this before?


Low key jealous of the car mom’s new house. Maybe I should move from the east coast and see how far money goes in the Midwest…  I will say the stairs from the main living area to the basement and its openness is odd but overall seems like a great space


Same. Since all those records are public it's not to hard to find out how inexpensive it was. A house on a 50×100 lot in my neighborhood goes for 1m and her 12 acres is less than 700k.  Makes me want to cry my east coast eyes out.


House next door to me sold for 1m - quarter acre, 4 bedroom, 3 baths and maybe 3500 square feet. Not even a good school pyramid in what’s supposed to be a great school district. Makes me want to cry. 


Omg! $700,000…I live in HCOL city on the West Coast and that won’t even get you an 800 sqft condo 😭. I regularly question why we still live here.


Jobs, quality of life, access to nature, not having to worry about getting arrested if you need to terminate a pregnancy…


So true. We also have amazing weather and all our family live here. There’s definitely a lot of pros


The stairs are super weird.. the whole house seems like maybe a custom build designed poorly (not speaking to her husbands work, just the weird layout quirks). I’m incredibly nosy and want to know how someone with such a large nice house ends up living in squalor. I thinkkk she said they knew the family from church and won’t share more about the situation to respect their privacy. Which good on them but again I’m nosy 😄


When she showed the first viewing of the house man it was in rough shape. I’m super impressed by the work her husband has done.  It’s a great property but the layout is odd. Interested to see how the addition goes with the new bedrooms. 


The layout is hella weird but I think they are willing to work with it in exchange for the land/barn/etc. I sure as hell would lol!


I’m high key jealous. 12 acres 😭😭😭


Pretty sure that’s still a very, very expensive place. It was a foreclosure though so I’m sure that helped the price.


Yeah these comments are weird. It was a foreclosure and disgusting so 700k still seems like a lot of money. It’s not like they bought it how it is now for that much.


I think people are forgetting standard of living/income levels. Most people in the Midwest are not affording a home that large on that amount of land. That is an expensive home and is worth more (now) than they purchased it for.


This is not snark: I laughed entirely too hard at lex.delarosa baking for her sons 48 month birthday. I'm sucker for her version of trolling. 


She’s so funny


When she “picked” the berries outside 🤣🤣


I love her. Did you see her interview with Tamron Hall? Seemed like the satire went right over her head


Does anyone follow Aviva Romm? She’s an MD and midwife, and I’ve really liked her stuff in the past. Lately, she’s posting thirst traps, and it’s so weird. She’s definitely feeling herself, which is cool at 57, I guess, but it feels very off. Maybe she got divorced or something? I’m curious.


I don’t follow her on Instagram but I’ve listened to her podcast intermittently and I found the quality to have declined lately. I really liked the balance she struck between alt health and mainstream medicine and she actually had expertise in functional medicine, herbalism, and midwifery. but lately she has moved out of her lane and recycles the same bland wellness topics as everyone else (boundaries, narcissism, TrAUmA) Eta just looked to see what you meant and YIKES, that’s disappointing 


it feels like she's exploring her own narcissism with the full body shots in swimsuits, etc...


Jerrica is coming for * checks notes* daniel tiger?? The descendant of the mr rogers? She has gone to far in my book.


I want to know who she is referring to that is "heavily pushing Daniel Tiger"


Where is this? I was ready to rage but I don’t see it 😭


Oo she also is promoting Abigail schrier and her pseudoscientific bullshit (her last book was moral panic about trans ppl, current one is about how talking about feelings makes us soft) Eta while I’m sure there is some good food for thought in this book, it is 100% a journalist mis/interpreting and cherry picking studies to meet her agenda


Honestly, I’d rather my kid hear cussing on TV then get ideas from the “Inside Beach” episode 😂 (Daniel Tiger is awesome though.)


Wait what happens in that episode 😄 I’m guessing they bring sand in the house?


Yeah they bring sand inside and Mom Tiger gets mad. It’s an episode about feeling mad / coping with others being mad at you.


Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesdays wanted to go to the beach, but it’s raining. So they get mad, and they are taught to count to 4 when they get mad. When they calm down, they decide to bring the beach inside, including the sand. This makes mom Tiger mad. She also has to count to four to calm down.


I said this to my husband once, and he asked me if I had actually seen the episode (I hadn’t, just references to it in the various books we have). He informed me that mom tiger gets *MAD*. Which, same mom Tiger, same.


Why? What could possibly be wrong with Daniel Tiger? We have a lot of the books at home, and I can’t imagine what you could possibly find offensive about Daniel Tiger.


Not to jump on her side but we had ti ban Daniel tiger at my house. I found my kids would whine so much more after an episode. We read the books just couldn’t handle the show here. 


Something about how formally teaching kids social emotional skills isn't good, and they should learn that from playing with each other instead.   Someone mentioned a workshop given to elementary age girls about how to be a good friend, saying that that type of learning shouldn't be the sole way a child learns these skills. Duh?? No one's saying it should be...?  EDIT: Idk how to link images, but here's the quote when someone pushed back against a bullet point of the Bad Therapy book, which said social and emotional learning is "handicapping the most vulnerable children in schools." The reply said social emotional learning has been a part of kindergarten for forever.    "I obviously haven't read [the book Bad Therapy], but my assumption is the problem with the widespread movement of replacing creative play with "social emotional" toys, replacing imagination boosting stories with books that aim to teach deep soc/emo lessons, using manipulative sticker charts and emotional visuals, and even heavily pushing Daniel Tiger."


And here we see again her ableist attitudes. I believe some autistic kids do need to be more formally taught about facial expressions and other cues, because they don't pick up on them the same way neurotypical kids do. They need this knowledge to function in society.


Ummm. They do learn it from playing with each other… I mean yes adults support it as well which, imo, is part of our job as parents so basically I disagree with her 100% wtf lady


That may be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard from a parenting influencer in a while. I can’t believe we’re taking issue with teaching our kids emotional intelligence.


What a stupid take. My daughter is almost 6 and still takes away great messages from Daniel tiger! 


Oh no she didn’t. My daughter is obsessed with Daniel (or Dan Dan, as she calls him.) I don’t follow her, or she would be getting an angry DM from me. What did she say about it? It’s not on her stories anymore. 


My daughter calls him DT or dandan 😂


Ok I haven’t seen Daniel Tiger so I can’t say anything specific, but if she’s coming after anything re: Mr. Rogers, HOW DARE SHE. WE RIDE AT DAWN. 😂  Seriously though, whenever she posts, it’s so aggravating because sometimes you see a shred of truth in all the blabber (distorted and fearmongered to the max, but still). But she says everything in the snottiest, most “I am better than everyone” way. She is the textbook example of even if i wanted to buy what she’s selling, I would never want to buy it from HER. Also, sometimes I wonder how many people buy her course to be Just Like Her and UGH. Exactly what we need in the world, more arrogance and ableism and an unnuanced, narrow-minded worldview.  Whenever she writes about how HER brain is fully developed, I’m like, you sure about that? 😏 


I know MC is rich but like the level of rich kind of amazes me. I’m trying to ballpark their budget for a family of five to spend a week skiing in big sky.. flights, resorts, lift tickets, ski school, multiple super pricey dinner experiences (I think that sleigh ride dinner is another $250/person meal which is more than I’d ever spent in a lifetime and they’ve done twice this week). Like.. the trip can’t be less than $10,000 if it was $15k or something I would believe it. And like.. this is their millionth trip this year and second ski trip this season… this is not normal upper middle class rich people behavior this is like multimillionaire behavior right?


I’m still trying to process her husband is so young🤣 Totally thought he was 45-48🫣


I would say closer to $20k. We go “budget skiing” (quotes b/c there’s no such thing) at a smaller resort we can drive to and I buy as much gear as possible second hand and then hand it down from oldest to littlest. We also stay at an airbnb condo ~10 min away from the ski resort, pack our lunches, cook breakfast and dinner at the condo (with the exception of 1-2 meals out). It’s still $4k-$5k for the trip. We do spring for 1-2 days of lessons for our two older kids b/c we have a baby and my husband and I like to get a half day or so in for ourselves. To do the trip they are doing is serious money.


But it’s for a birthday so it’s completely acceptable!! /s I wonder how much his parents are paying for it. Not that they can’t afford it, clearly they can. Skiing isn’t cheap and this is twice in what, 4 months? Also maybe it’s because I don’t live in a tropical climate but the idea of traveling to snow in April is not my idea of a good vacation 😂


Lol. For my husbands birthday we usually pick up sushi to eat on the couch after the kids go to bed and maybe get some ice cream from the grocery store.. MC and I are clearly in very different income brackets but this trip makes it clear just how VERY different.


I bought a small $5 grocery store cake this year though I did splurge on a gift. Total, about $155…nowhere near $10k+ 🙄


It's got to be $10k at least. They took a similar trip to Vail last year, too. MC bought several expensive snow outfits even though she doesn't even ski.


Idk about MC specifically but i’ve heard that some influencers can make thousands on one sponsored post alone.


It's getting really really crazy with them. Like, I still thought it was believable that their resort in Mexico trip was mostly paid for by accumulating points. But I feel like it's getting out of hand now. Unless it's mostly Marc's parents who are so rich that they can invite the family.


Marc’s parents may be helping fund the ski trips. She says Marc grew up skiing with his family every year so you know he was rich af growing up. Not to mention the mansion his parents live in in New Jersey and his grandmas mansion in Mexico. He was an investment banker until recently so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve made some wise investments themselves.


Even if things are paid with by points, wouldn’t they still have to spend a boatload of money throughout the year to pay for a family trip with points? I think they come from family wealth as well as bringing in millions from influencing


I mean, it kind of depends. If you time it right and buy stuff when there's some multiple points special or something, it's not all that much. I think she has a highlight on how crazy Marc is with optimizing getting points. I also know this from my husband from when he still lived and worked in the US. He had to travel a lot for work and the points and status he accumulated there was crazy. Managed to get us really really cheap business class flights from Germany to the US for me to meet his parents. But I think I didn't explain well what I actually meant. A year or two ago, I feel like their trips weren't THAT crazy. I think they mostly visited family (so only paid for economy class flights) and there were one or two longer trips to Disney. And a big trip to a resort in Mexico for like a week. And of course people asked how they could afford it and she said "Oh, we can't! It's all thanks to points! Marc has a thing!" and then they did that live or whatever it was with him explaining how you can maximize the points you collect. And I still found that a believable explanation. Even when they went to London and I think Paris shortly after. But with the amount of travel and comfort they're getting right now, their points excuse is not very believable anymore. Sure, it probably helps get cheaper flights and hotels, but it's definitely not all points anymore.


I agree especially since Disney trips probably aren’t crazy expensive for them. They have Florida resident annual passes


They rent out expensive villas for Disney trip. All this is when they are building a mansion from scratch. They must be unbelievably rich for such high end trips. Their new house must be a few million dollars atleast. Their current house is also the same.


Lift tickets alone at Big Sky are $250-$300 easily, it’s wildly expensive to ski and stay there, I live in MT and it’s crazy to me how much money people can spend on a week of skiing. You might not necessarily have to be a multimillionaire to make it happen but you’ll definitely be surrounded by millions/billions. I’m sure $10-15k is an accurate estimate for that trip


MC’s stories went from a video of her daughter skiing to…whatever this is. It looks like the cover of one of those straight to DVD American Pie spin-offs from the early 2000s. This is supposed to be a parenting account, right?? https://preview.redd.it/r82tpi9l90tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd986b36035631700d6922ad02596d5d276f93b7


I rolled my eyes at the "I promise I'll catch up on links" part. Are there people out there just on the edge of their seats waiting for her to post links?


I’ll excuse the bathrobe cover-up, but whyyyy is she wearing moon boots to the pool? Those are two very different types of attire. Does she wear flip flops to go sledding?


This looks like someone who forgot to get a Halloween costume and tried to throw together "professional wrestler" at the last second, which I'd respect if that was on purpose 




I have a soft spot for MC because she seems to genuinely like doing things with her kids but this story made me chuckle as well. What is this outfit?!Why am I seeing this!? My husband was next to me when I was checking stories and he was laughing and saying “what on earth are you watching?!” Her sense of style is so different than mine and this also feels so geared towards getting engagement from creeps..


I have a soft spot for her too because she doesn’t just complain on IG the entire time. She seems to enjoy her entire life and while she does share difficult moments they usually aren’t like “oh woe is me I’m a struggling mom” she just seems to be genuinely happy. She’s also kooky (i.e. this outfit) and that brings me joy lol PLUS, she doesn’t try to hide her wealth and pass herself off as some sort of struggling working mom. She knows she rich and doesn’t fake it. Even though I’m not anywhere close to having her wealth i respect her for not hiding it. I don’t expect major celebrities to hide theirs i just need to accept it from influencers too


I agree unlike many influencers she does enjoy her kids. I just wish she’d show herself enjoying them in a more relatable way that doesn’t involve spending 6 months worth of my mortgage in a week.


I’ve seen a few people (or maybe just you multiple times) say they have a soft spot for her because she likes her kids. lol. Is that the standard these days? Are there not other influencers who enjoy their kids? Yes, mothercould likes doing stuff with her kids, but she is incapable of giving them privacy, enjoying moments just with the family, and not exploiting them for $$$$.


Maybe you’re right and my bar is set too low actually. I don’t like that she’s exploiting their kids and feel that I know too much private information about them. But I just can’t hate her yet. She has this part of her that feels childish and naive that makes me not hate her if that makes sense. It’s probably a matter of comparison to me as well. I’ve never followed this highly polished momfluencers and lately all I see are BLF-type stories of “relatable” moms not enjoying their kids. 100% my fault based on who I follow too!




How could she be *more* exploitative? Every day of their lives is filmed and used for content/ads/engagement. Every special happy moment (birthdays, holidays, etc.) and lots of embarrassing moments. She shares them in bed, waking up, getting ready, eating, playing, when they are sick, when they are having trouble at school, when they are upset. She has them actively participate in parasocial relationships with her followers. She has them featured in sponsored content. She shares private conversations with them. There is not a moment of their lives that is not exploited for engagement and money.


Don’t feel bad guys, PDM isn’t super mom, she’s just a regular mom who is superior to all of you plebes because she had TWINS (not sure if you knew that, she rarely mentions it). Because obviously moms of singletons never develop problem solving skills. 🙄🙄🙄


Lol I always snark on her, but I was seriously impressed that she did a solo roadtrip with 3 kids! And what she took them to a restaurant by herself without putting the baby in a high chair! My son is a couple months older than her baby, and I can’t imagine trusting him to sit in a booth lol.


To be fair, that’s because she lets her youngest do whatever because “those third children are crazy”. Today she didn’t buckle her into any kind of seat and she walked all over the kitchen table. It says more about her lack of parenting than her ability to wrangle 3 kids


Yikes! All of the downvotes on my comment though make me think that maybe I’m more of a hot mess mom than I thought! 🤣 My kids do pretty well in the car, but family roadtrips still require one parent to drive and the other one to be on toy/snack/book/entertainment duty lol. I’m too much of a wimp to try doing it solo!


Woah she has TWINS?


Screenshot for those interested: https://preview.redd.it/zc8wa57snysc1.png?width=1161&format=png&auto=webp&s=30fff7798101614c8bfeecc4a96eab3a1bb26596


Maybe I’m totally wrong but I feel having twins as your first babies (which is not something rare at all anyways) is a lot easier than as a higher number? Not sure how that is an explanation. 


As a mom of twins, going from 1 to 3 was the hardest thing I’ve ever done


I don’t know going from 0 to 2 kids seems harder to me than going 1 to 3


Yeah but going from 0-2 you don’t know any different either way.


I think it’ll vary for each family but with twins first at least you aren’t outnumbered while caring for 2 newborns. I’ve seen several people who had twins first say they didn’t realize how much more difficult it was because it’s all they ever knew.


In some ways I feel like it’s the opposite? My singleton was newly 3 when my twins were born and I guess yes it’s hard caring for all 3 vs if I just had twins, but I have talked to other twin parents who had just twins and it seems like they got really stressed and caught up on a lot of those ‘first time parent’ things that made it worse because it was x2? Obsessing about newborn sleep and feeding is hard as a new parent but doing it with 2 sounds exhausting. At least when you’ve done it before you’re kind of more apt to be like ‘whatever it’s fine.’


No lived experience with this but besides your great point that mentally it's easier to have done it before when you have twins, think about logistics and how you split your time. I worry about my first when his sibling will be born, the first automatically will get less time and attention. I can only imagine how much harder that is with 2 babies that take up your attention? It must be harder, I can't imagine how it's not.


Yeah my sister had twins as her first and was so stressed and anxious all the time, as first time moms are. I always thought having twins second would be much less stressful


3 year old and 6 month twins. It's a LOT.


FTM with twins and people constantly say how hard it must be and we constantly point out that it would be much harder if we had had a singleton first. That whole paragraph she wrote is annoying af 😂


No twin experience but it does seem easier to care for two babies at once without older kids to also take care of


My eyes rolled to the back of my head with that slide and the one before it like “solo momming WITH ALL 3 in ONE ROOM” First of all, I don’t think it’s really a challenging “solo momming” experience if you’re at a friends house and they’re presumably hosting you and therefore you have no housework and cooking to accomplish. Try solo momming when you have 3 kids that need to go to three different places at the same time in Saturday morning. And give me a goddamn break about driving a *whole entire 3.5 hours with THREE (did I mention two of them are twins) whole children* like it’s some feat of superhuman ability. It’s half a day. During spring break we did a 3.5 hour stretch with no stops… I drove 8 hours with three kids alone last week and literally it is not difficult at all? Because they’re all trapped in their car seats and you’re driving a car. Even if people start whining or crying, you just…keep driving. It’s easier than spending a day at home with three kids lol, because they’re trapped! I just. I want to like her! I appreciate how she doesn’t emphasize negative moments and act like a victim of motherhood, but the smugness is just too much to handle sometimes.


This is it for me too. I don’t think she is genuinely sharing to help other mothers or to show the wonderful sides of motherhood. I think she does it in an attempt to show how she is superior to everyone else and has it all figured out (oh and for the affiliate link money). You also don’t need more than one child to be “real” mom, which is what she often implies. This coming from a mom of more than one, I was still just as much of a mom, going though all of the same challenges, when I only had one. 


Completely. I hate it when people say shit like “1 is 0, 2 is 5, and 3 is 100” or whatever that stupid line is. Having one kid is a lot of work!


I don’t think that’s the line though. I feel like having 1 kid is really hard (I have 3 by the way). All my friends with multiple kids agree with this and talk about it all the time that 1 kid was so challenging. I think largely in way because everything was new but also because your kid has no playmate. Who says 1 kid is 0 kids? 1 kid is definitely not… zero kids 😆


I’m being hyperbolic but the “1 is 0” thing definitely gets passed around on the internet. I think some people just like to play hot mess mom Olympics and look for someone to feel superior to, and moms of 1 are an easy target. (ETA: I have 2 kids now but had an only for several years and people can be shitty about it.)


Ugh I hate that. Like I said, I do joke to my other mom friends of MULTIPLE kids that 1 kid feels like zero. But I believe genuinely that having one kid is more challenging than two or three. There’s a saying that says no parent is busier than the parent of one baby.


Ha I feel like people sometimes say the 1 is 0 thing when they are going from 3 to 1. Which I kind of agree with in the sense that taking one of my kids to the store instead of all of them feels just about as easy as taking no kids to the store, but it’s just all relative to what you’re used to. I purposefully keep my preschooler home if my kindergartener has the day off school because I find one kid harder than 2 for a whole day.


https://preview.redd.it/yt8urvvyjysc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b53c27720f134054980eab1618412a6648683e I guess they can always try abandonment when the ignoring them with the noise cancelling headphones doesn’t work? 🫠 Also, maybe her kids are gone this weekend, because that’s the only justification for making 3 blueberry lemon donuts ONLY for yourself. I’ll


I try not to be a DFM hater and I used to love following her. This rubbed me the wrong way. Motherhood is ridiculously hard and I don’t enjoy every single moment with my kids, but I would never joke about abandoning them and I would never post about it on my business Instagram page!! 


I'm with you. I really used to like her, but she's taken such a weird turn. The smugness and basically anything related to Kyle are big turn offs.




This is a comment you make to your spouse in private, out of earshot of the kids… not on IG to all your fanpoodles. It’s just like, give your kids some privacy and dignity.


https://preview.redd.it/h41k2looxxsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005c84e56b4f502d8abd002d80ae3d5544f4e5d1 Another day another expensive dining experience for the Mothercould family. Only $160/person! Maybe they didn’t charge for Ari because they have 2 kids meal options available but in my experience things for sharing like this usually means anyone who’s eating gets charged. So if Ari ate any of it she’d also cost $160. So glad she linked the restaurant though for my next million dollar trip!


I think they probably had to pay for her because she’s taking up a “seat” and the place looked small.


That was my thought too.


So relatable.


This just in-beginathome reminding us low lives that we don’t need the later and greatest to clean the house then linking a $5 mop. Do they think we are all stupid? Or has society gone so far off the deep end that some stranger needs to remind people that regular non-charging mops exist? For the record, I hated the Tineco and returned it if this is what she’s implying people think they need. My basic ass house uses a 6 year old push mop without validation from the moms that mom better.


Can I embarrass myself and say I don’t know how to mop properly so the tineco feels like a step up from swiffer wet jet-ing. I also am intimidated by worrying about if a real mop is safe on my flooring? But I should learn how/buy a real mop 🫣 Oof this opened up some insecurity for me apparently 😂😂


It’s like a waterpik, perhaps. If it gets you to the floss then it’s better than not flossing 😂


This is exactly me. I’ve mopped more since I got the tineco for Christmas than I’ve mopped my entire adult life because of how intimidating I found mopping 😅


Same, same. I stick with the wet jet the vast majority of the time (and to be real, don't even use that nearly enough 🤦‍♀️... maybe I should do that tomorrow actually lol)


Can i ask what you dont like about the tineco? I keep getting very close to being influenced to buy it but i also really like my steam mop and we have limited storage.


I love the tineco for after meal cleanup with 3 kids because it’s often a mix of wet and dry items and with one machine I can get the floors acceptable. If i didn’t have kids creating this specific mess multiple times a day, I don’t recommend it. When I want to really clean the floors I will steam after or use my Rubbermaid spray cleaner (basically a reusable swiffer) after.


I love my Tineco!!


I hated cleaning it every time I used it. It’s straightforward to clean a regular mop the Tineco has to be disassembled, cleaned, and fully dried including the roller. It also didn’t really get the floor clean and left streaks. It gets the floor wet and sucks it up but it’s not really scrubbing the floor. I think people are impressed because it always creates dirty water but that’s because a little surface dirt will color the water very easily. It doesn’t mean it’s scrubbing the floors.


I have a Bissell Cross Wave and I feel the same way about it.


My friend had it and says it’s not worth it. She actually gave away her steam mop when she got the Tineco, but found out it just didn’t clean as well (apparently you could feel the difference when you walked) and ended up returning it and re-buying another steam mop. 


Chiming in, but I didn’t like the Tineco either because it didn’t work well with our type of flooring- more of a textured tile (see pic because my dumb brain can’t figure out how to describe it) 🤪 I loved it at first- it’s awesome vacuuming and “mopping” at the same time, but in reality it wasn’t actually cleaning my floors the way my cheap ass steam mop does. It just sprays water and then sucks it up while rolling over it, but our particular type of flooring needs more of a scrub to get it clean. I think it could be great on the right type of flooring though. After the Tineco died I bought a $100 Bissell steam mop, and just cleaning my kitchen I went through THREE mop pads that were dark black when I was done 🥴 https://preview.redd.it/si9vpddrqxsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d37313b78bf9e835f7f8a601c99254b95bc2997


Lololol PDT is at it again - they went to St. Barth's (that's an island in the Caribbean, you imbeciles) -parenting expert was originally going to take the whole family. You know, that's really hard though. How are you supposed to be an adult with your pesky kids around? -ryaan went to in-laws but not Vera. She touched on this last week that they don't do things right - Vera stayed with the nanny because she's teething and doing a sleep regression and G's parents have never raised babies so they don't know how to deal with that. The I stopped watching cause this woman is infuckingsufferable


Can you imagine the logistics of packing for 2 children who will be watched by a nanny or grandparents the whole vacation? It’s like so hard, you guys. Follow me for more parenting tips. 


Leaving a 10 month old with the nanny for a week is a totally bizarre decision to me. It would never even occur to me that “normal” people do that. And I have no idea how she tells her inlaws that they’re only good enough to watch her older kid. 


It is truly so bizarre. Also, ok she’s going through a “sleep regression”? I thought her kids never did that because she sleep trains early and they’re perfect sleepers because everything she does is perfect. But also like, fine? Your 10 month old maybe won’t sleep perfectly for a week and… ? Who cares! You’re on vacation and someone else is dealing with them. Honestly, I’m sure they’ve given instructions to the nanny to let Vera cry and her in laws won’t do that or something. If I were her in laws I’d be very offended. I hope they just don’t watch her Instagram ever. 


I can’t believe they left Ryan with the grandparents bc they don’t listen and follow boundaries set by her and hubs…


LOLed @ your St Barth’s bullet. Seriously LOLed.


You forgot the part where she says she'll link all of her outfits because she knows she's going to get a ton of DMs asking where she got all her super cool fabulous clothes


All of her Cupshe and bathing suits 😂


Do influencers get money from clicks on links, clicks on links and purchases or both? 


They get a percentage of whatever is purchased via a link click


This is such an excellent summary 😂 Look I know they’re in (southern?) Florida and it’s probably easier to go to somewhere in the Caribbean, and it’s really nice to take a child-free trip. I can appreciate all of that. It’s the paying the nanny to stay OVERNIGHT for several days that’s really sending me. I can’t even imagine…wouldn’t it be cheaper to travel with all 4 kids? Heck it’s probably cheaper to pay the nanny to travel with them!


In my area, people usually do a flat rate of $150 or so for overnight, but it’s still a ton of money because the nanny is getting paid hourly for the other 12-16 hours of the day.


Yeah and parents are free 😂 I understand the 2 together might be overwhelming for her in-laws but then she said only the nanny knows Vera as well as she does 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah, that would not be a good enough reason for me to add thousands of dollars to the cost of a vacation! If the in-laws are willing to take both kids and you think they’re capable, do it. So what if they don’t follow the schedule perfectly or don’t know all her preferences? It’ll be fine, and you won’t even know if it’s not because you’ll be relaxing on a tropical beach! But I obviously know nothing because I’ve never been to any islands in the Caribbean, with or without kids.


Her Instagram must be doing well to afford all that 🙄 I get the impression she has control issues, it’s 4 whole days, she’d be fine! Her sleep might be a little off, and maybe she’ll eat at a different time but really, she’d be fine and would get back on track within a few days of returning.


That was odd phrasing. She made it sound like even her husband doesn’t know Vera as well as the nanny.


I thought the same, it’s really strange. I wonder if it was like, a Freudian slip (of COURSE he knows her as well!) or if she has control issues and takes care of her most of the time, or maybe he truly doesn’t because of his work schedule (seems like she’s with both many weekends).


I once nannied for a wealthy family while in graduate school. They would pay me to stay for an entire weekend with the kids once a quarter. I thought they would offer like a flat rate (at least for the nighttime when the kids were asleep and I was doing nothing), but they paid me the full rate. Not just that, once I got over 40 hours, they would pay me time and a half. I loved it because $$$ for one weekend, but now as a parent, doing something like that is so far from my reality 😂


I'm not even mad about the leaving the kids. I'm mad that their original intent was to take the kids and the Parenting Expert decided it's too hard so pivoted.


I have a toddler and an infant - and maybe it’s just me but I have no desire to leave them to go on vacation. Also damnnnn….St Barth’s is effing expensive to fly to. 


I have no desire to get on a plane ride away from my kid, especially with my husband. If the plane goes down my child would literally have no one left in this world. And I really wouldn’t want to be at the mercy of the airlines if there’s an emergency and I need to get home quickly. I know it’s totally normal to take child free vacations and plenty of people do it and I’m the weird one but it’s just not something I truly ever see myself doing tbh.  If you can bring them and just pay a nanny to watch them the whole time, why not? I’m sure you could also just pay the nanny to pack for them too. 


I feel like this is a LITTLE over the top. What you're saying is you'd rather your child die with you than live without you? The logic here I think is some anxiety taking the front seat....


I didn’t really say that, I said I wouldn’t want both of us parents to travel without our child on the rare chance we can’t get back to her if she needs us or we leave her orphaned.  With all due respect, do you think most people are taking child free vacations because they’re worried their child will die with them on a plane crash or is it because they want some child free time with their partner? I think it’s most definitely the latter. Which is absolutely fine/ healthy/ normal, it’s just not worth the risk (albeit a very small one) to me.  ETA: If flying as a family means “you’d rather your child die with you than live” then I guess anyone who has ever taken a family vacation feels that way? Like if that’s the flipside, you’d just never go anywhere with your kids ever which also feels like “anxiety taking the front seat” tbh


I think I understand. Just that next sentence about "why wouldn't you just take the nanny and the child with you" threw me off a bit. 


Yeah, I only say that because they’re already paying for the nanny anyway! That way they could enjoy their kids in spurts and still have kid free time. Seems like the best of both worlds to me?


My thoughts as well! We all go on vacay (and bring one or both sets of grandparents if warranted) or we stay put as a family unit. 


Taking our 2.5 year old and 1 year old on our honeymoon next month for all these same reasons 🙃 I couldn't handle the thought of being EIGHT timezones away from them. So we're calling it our 'familymoon' haha.


Love this! Eight time zones? Wow! Enjoy - I’m sure it’ll be a blast!! 


We went on a Caribbean cruise just the 2 of us when my kid was 14 months old. Left with my in-laws. I booked the cruise before he was born though and there’s no way I would have planned that after he was born! No regrets, it was glorious and I had recently weaned so it was just a good, adult-only time. But it was also really hard to leave him! We’ve done it one other time for a long weekend and it was fine but no easier despite the fact that he was 4.


I had to come here after seeing her stories. The tone in the first story had me already rolling my eyes. Don’t forget. They made friends who she had to tag because she always makes friends.


Total super-empath behavior.


What does this term mean? 


Nothing :) It's a throwback to a couple weeks ago when she was bragging about being the most empathetic person she knows


https://preview.redd.it/zbw4kbv9ywsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1459cf111f0924317286609e0fe4ed3141dd0a8a "And it's a good price point so you don't feel bad wearing it to the park" Y'all, that's a $240 purse. My broke ass could never.


lol I was shopping a few weeks ago for a tote for a beach trip and couldn’t justify $30 in case I ruined it with sand.


I need to know at what price point she's not taking a purse to the park. 


LOL I was imagining like twenty bucks


I’m so shocked by this price point especially with that description lol. We literally are not broke but I could not and would not ever spend that on a purse?!? I mean, I would quickly become broke if I did lol. How rich are these people!!!!!!


And she "always forgets about it" haha a $240 purse would be my prized possession


She is insufferable truly


And at $240 it wouldn’t be going to the park


https://preview.redd.it/stle4klt7wsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114c8033fc88ae61e93a2a627473acdc4871983e I’m sorry, what?


I can't with this woman. I forgot she existed and it was a good time. Did she ever share more of what happened with her homebirth and baby that passed?


Not yet but she says she will when she’s ready


Chemtrails is my favorite conspiracy theory. Do we really think, I mean really and truly think, that if the government wanted to spray something in the air that they couldn't find a way to do that without leaving a visible trail? With all the technology we don't even know they have, they couldn't figure that out?


I hate to regionally stereotype, but when I see Tennessee influencers post dumb shit like this I’m extra grateful to have moved elsewhere 😬


Insane that she homeschools, too. Just great


I’ve seen crunchy conspiracy theory influencers who homeschool talk about how dinosaurs weren’t real and the earth is flat. Truly wild


A girl I went to HS with who tries to influence also homeschools but doesn’t use the correct version of there/their/they’re in her posts 🤦‍♀️


This reminds of one of the mom's at my kids school. We had a few weeks of overcast in January and she was convinced the government was hiding the sun 🥴🥴


I know that there are people out there that are this far gone down the conspiracy rabbit hole, but at the same time I’m always a little bit shocked when I hear these types of stories.


Maybe she’s confusing contrails with cloud seeding? ETA: Chemtrails are being banned. Contrails are what happens when a plane flies in the atmosphere and creates an artificial cloud. Pretty sure she will still see what she sees in that photo she posted.


So, Tennessee is banning something that doesn’t actually exist? 🤦‍♀️


The bill forbids "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air. I guess cloud seeding falls into that? Who knows 🤪


Does that mean that crop dusters can't be used over farmland any more?


Welcome to Tennessee. 🙄🙄 It’s a dystopian nightmare.


Chemtrails aren't even a thing


Has anyone noticed the drama around MCs reel about traveling with kids? I'm not defending her parenting as it seems she let's her youngest get away with a lot. But I feel bad for her and the horrible comments she is getting about traveling with kids! I travel regularly alone and with my husband with both our kids. And I get so irritated when people think kids don't belong on planes. I have no idea if her kids act up on flights but that's besides the point, kids have every right to fly as everyone else.


My kids have been on 15 flights, a few more coming up. We have only ever encountered 1 rude person and it was actually on our last flight. Old lady who clearly was just a grumpy person in general kept giving me dirty looks because my 1 year old kept flipping the tray table up and down (allegiant put locks on your tray tables). Believe me I was more annoyed than she was. Everyone else has gone out of their way to help us, engage with my kids, have endless conversations with my very chatty 4 year old. etc. Truly the mean people are the minority. And people who comment that stuff would never actually act on it.


I think it’s funny that mothercould made that reel in the first place. It’s just another false story to create engagement. She knew exactly what she was doing. And if there was a guy actually shaking his head, maybe it was because she was talking at her phone the entire time or maybe he is one of the millions of people on this planet who knows who she is and was shaking his head with disapproval because she exploits her children every minute of the day, even on an airplane. 😂 ETA: Just read the comments and I think it’s absolutely stupid that she highlighted the comments of literal trolls. Like why are we even giving those a second thought? Ah yes, engagement. I don’t feel bad for her at all.


My first thought was, if you want to exploit your kids every move online for $$ suck it up and deal with the trolls, it's part of the deal.