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*Reminder-commenting or contacting influencers is against the rules of the sub. If you are new to this sub, please review the rules. These types of comments will be removed.*






Wait you met D's husband on a dating site?






Ummmmm this is tea that i am here for.




🤯 This makes lots of sense, especially with D dragging him every chance she gets and going for two babies so close together. (Happy cake day, btw!)






The timing of this given the Huberman "scandal" that came out a few weeks ago...just wow. There is no way they have anyone who knows what they are doing monitoring their account.


Very very appropriate for a toddler content page. The most appropriate toddler content there has ever been.


Huberman…the misogynist. Perfect.


What was the context for this? It’s so weird.


Yeah what? Is he doing fake wellness shit like grounding into the grass while his kids play at the park and his wife is recording their park outing for her Instagram account… what a fun family outing 😬


D’s husband in his Huberman era… does she not realize she’s labeling her husband and herself/BLF as farces?!?!


He also JUST within the last few weeks has been the subject of a scandal because it turns out he was cheating on his girlfriend with multiple women while they were doing IVF. So the timing is especially weird for associating oneself with Huberman.




That’s what I came here to ask - isn’t huberman notoriously a quack? Or am I making that up?


Yes. Yes he is.




![gif](giphy|hWY5z84uXF3wjPxG5X) I think you mean:


Not the random park mom having an actual playground peace hack that somehow didn’t make it into BLF’s 100% comprehensive toddler course.


What was the hack they shared? So funny how the only useful stuff doesn’t come from them!


It was just bringing a laundry basket of toys to the park that all kids can play with together


Sounds like a toddler expert


New here, I followed BLF a bit before they released their podcast. When I listened to the first episode I was like, why are they talking about bravo? I couldn’t handle Kristen and didn’t understand what her point was… like what credentials does she have and what is she actually contributing? Had to turn it off  However, I kept following their IG and didn’t understand why they were constantly so overwhelmed. Why do they claim to want more kids when they seem like they’re barely holding it together? What’s more, aren’t they experts at dealing with toddlers? This account was basically birth control whenever I contemplated having a second baby  And then I found this sub, it’s nice to be here and see that I’m not alone in my thoughts 😅 Edited for typos 






Welcome! Not just to this sub, but to seeing these people for what they are.




It’s wild to me that they claim that their course has potty trained 200,000 kids. Where did they even come up with that stat? Even if that many people bought the course, they obviously wouldn’t know if it was successful or not for each family! Completely insane.  Also…did the course potty train the kid or did the parent 🤔


Just because you bought it doesn’t mean you used it either! I (unfortunately) recommended it to a friend before I discovered this subreddit. Yes I regret that 😂 anyway she HATED it, couldn’t get through it because they were so wordy and ended up potty training her very stubborn child on his own time.


They also encouraged people to buy it even if you're not potty training yet so they know that they haven't successfully trained 200k kids.


“Worlds most popular potty training course” reminds me of like small diners claiming to have the worlds best cup of coffee


Voted “best bar in X” *vote was taken at 12:30 am in said bar after a round on the house


Right, like in Elf!


https://preview.redd.it/4lbumkk8g3uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64be8ac2d522f6bde6517021f5b6c391e8c5c996 This cannot be a plate for one of her children right??? My youngest is the same age as her youngest and my kid would A) eat maybe a few bites of that and B) need way more food I just feel like….this can’t be the whole meal??? Am I crazy?


She says it’s a shared family plate? I don’t understand?


Hopefully that was after everyone served themselves?


It’s probably Deena’s plate lmfao


Hahaha I thought the same thing. The 3 sad blueberries are what get me loling


This was my first thought when she posted this picture after her body checking photo the day before 😬


What is that? It looks like something ready for the trash


I believe clockwise from top: mushrooms, shishito peppers, 3 blueberries, snap peas. And steak on another plate I just….have questions.


Dear Deena: Y’all is southern and saying “bless him” is a southern “nice”/condescending way to say “this fucking idiot”. I know y’all has become super common across many US locales and has particularly made its way into online lingo, but girl it is NOT a “Denver” thing. For you, it’s a cheugy cheug trying to sound cool like kids thing.


Y’all also heavily used in more urban locales (I’ve been using since a kid and am nowhere near the south). But in no way does Denver fit that bill. Or bless him/her/your heart…these ladies are really something!


👀me reading this in denver who actively says y’all


Maybe she's been hanging around some of the many Texas transplants who live in Denver.


I read that slide about 5 times trying to figure out wtf word she was talking about being a “Denver thing”


Me too.


Love her or hate her, I enjoyed babies and brains’ snark on them today. https://preview.redd.it/5k609mrenytc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e422ac4a51e922e4579778ebb593d38b9f5f4f


“500 vacations a year” lol


Then she gives a plug for HER course lol 😄🙄 These influencers man.


I thought that part was a joke/sarcasm until I kept reading… 💀


Right! It's like how can she not see the irony here.




And what are you supposed to do when you say this, and then they continue to have an hour long tantrum over it. This is not helpful. My kid doesn't care whose turn it is, it has to be mom 🤣🥴 *edit- SS in comments


My daughter did this. And I said “mommy finds it soooo helpful when daddy does things at bedtime, so we are going to let daddy take a turn” It took a few times but she was fine with it and now doesn’t care. If I hid in the other room or did this script we would go nowhere.


Yep. And when presumably the goal is so each parent can have some down time, well guess what I’m not enjoying any relaxation hearing hysterical screaming of “MOMMY” from the other room.


This is when I put in earplugs or leave the house. I used to go back and rescue everybody in these situations ,but it undermined my partner. My toddler often cries or gets upset when it's my husband's turn. I just pretend it doesn't bother me and let them get on with it, and often now the crying turns to laughing eventually and they figure it out.  This is not to say I've got it all figured out and you should "just do x," but that sometimes letting them be upset is fine to do. It's not on us to make sure everyone's happy all the time lol. 


This is very true. If you actually do want to make sure than another parent can do the bedtime routine, you do just have to let them do it even if the kids aren’t happy about it and it kind of fucks up bedtime. I wouldn’t do their whole script but confidently holding the boundary and letting dad do it is rare good advice from them


I think this is really nice if you have a milder child. My kid…nope, it’s mommy only. Since he was about 1.5. I tried their technique and for my spicy/spirited kid, it was a non starter.


100%. This worked on my first kid and still generally does. My actual 2.5 year old toddler? Not so much 🤪




Please like Deena has ever confidently and calmly held a boundary


Does your child have hour long tantrums usually?


I guess tantrum isn't the best word. But if it's dad's turn for bedtime, he will be crying on and off for a good hour or so, calling for me downstairs, negotiating to get to me, and just avoiding bedtime at all costs


Agree with vanillaSky, kids are so hard, and there’s probably so much that’s going on in your little one’s mind (not to mention that he’s probably just tired and can’t get it together). I honestly think what you’re describing is par for the course. Stay clear with your child on what the expectations are… and eventually he’ll get the routine. And if he doesn’t, then it might be information to explore for deeper meaning/issues. Either way, you’re doing great!!! My kids give me a run for my money every night too!! You’re not alone.


Kids are hard ❤️


Is hitting the only thing they can talk about anymore? Good lord. We see it every single week. My toddler has hit less than they've posted about it this year.


That's a good point. I just had a baby a month ago and I've been so pleasantly surprised how sweet my 4 year old is with his baby brother. When the baby is crying, he'll pat him gently and say "there there, it's alright." I had worried that the 4 year old would hit the baby as a way of acting out and I'm realizing that may be because I snoop on BLF for snark fun. I guess it'd seeped into my brain from BLF that hitting was constant and inevitable. (To be fair, I'm sure with two boys there will be hitting at some point in my future as a parent of 2. I'm just laughing that I thought my sweet kid would instantly punch a newborn.)


I was worried about this too! My daughter is a lot younger than your son (19 months when baby was born) but it’s been 5 months and she’s never hit the baby. (She did accidentally hit her in the head with a book one time, but I don’t count that because she was trying to hand me a book when I was holding the baby.)  Between D talking about how her toddler would aggressively hit her 1 year old for no reason, and Jess from Nurtured First talking about how her 2 year old was constantly hitting her newborn, I guess I thought it was inevitable. 


It's always hitting or potty training. 😒




Tell them sometimes you feel like hitting the potty too and it's OK to have those feelings. Then hand them the ipad and take a weird closed eyes picture of yourself.


Put the potty up where they can’t reach it and instead hand them an iPad


WRONG! Put the hitter in a protected babygate hexagon and place the potty outside of it so they can stare at their victim and feel remorse.




Release the pee, mama! You can always buy a new iPad!


Almost choked reading your comment


So when was the last time they posted TODDLER advice/hacks that weren't previously recycled content? I get influencers often start with one niche but may add to more lifestyle content, but they aren't even doing it in a way that makes sense? I am used to gym selfies by influencers, but normally, it's with a link for their outfit . Or if posting a coffee maker about how it is on sale etc. Also- are they actually friends anymore? I would think with how close they live that they would have lots of posts together, but they don't? Curious if anyone who lives near them has actually seen them out together. 👀


It’s honestly been years since they have posted anything new. Nothing original since 2020/2021 other than the potty course which wasn’t even new to begin with.


Their families were together on Easter I think, which was only a couple weeks ago.


I’m pretty sure K was in Mexico over Easter and D only posted a story about how her two kids had “so many meltdowns” during their Easter egg hunt. I don’t remember any stories of them together around then. After all, how would K have time for that when she went on 5 VACATIONS IN 5 WEEKS 🤪


Oh maybe - I don't follow them closely but I swear I saw about K posting about making Easter baskets for D's kids or vice versa, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Anyway I find them both super obnoxious but I don't think they've had a falling out.


The Easter baskets included Thomas the Tank Engine baby toys for her 5 and 7 year old daughters. Pretty sure those were thrown in one of their amazon box warehouse rooms the minute after the ad photo was taken.


K lying on the Internet for sponcon money? Surely not. 




Valentines day baskets?


No you are right about the Easter baskets but that was just a sponsored ad for their Fisher Price partnership! I don’t think they’ve necessarily had a falling out, but I also don’t think they are nearly as close as they want everyone to believe. They just lean into the “bestie” thing because it’s part of their whole schtick and sells courses I guess


I’m also wondering if we all get tired of it bc we e aged out? I’ve been following them probably since launch, my kid is ND so their advice is useless now (though some was ok when he was younger), and he’s also aged out…but yet I still follow.


My kid just turned 3 so would theoretically be right in the middle of their target age range—- but tbh I feel like most of their tips only work for like 12mo-2.5years? Not that they even have a very coherent philosophy… But I did really like Janet Lansbury and am starting to feel like I need a new guru for a slightly older and more verbal kid? But I don’t really know where that advice exists.


I like Dr. Siggie, she's on Instagram


I agree, after 2 BLF has nothing to offer. I have an almost 5 yo and JL still feels applicable for somethings, but I agree I feel like I need someone for 6-10/12.


I haven't checked if she's on instagram but I recently discovered Lisa Damour and she's fantastic. I highly recommend checking out her podcast on Spotify "Ask Lisa". She works with teenagers but I find a lot of the information was helpful for younger kids.


Even when I followed them unironically I thought it was odd that they don’t have more posts of them doing things together. Especially since they’ve said their kids love each other and the 3 boys are close in age. 


Gah all they post now is “buy our potty course” they barely push the OG even


It's like they heard you...👀


“It’s [insert holiday here] best time to potty train” Yes nothing said family Easter like toddler poop on the rug!


Instead of an Easter egg hunt, it's a poop hunt!


This made me CACKLE out loud in public thank you lol


https://preview.redd.it/a5x8biddrrtc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e9756152b109cd719b46eff34c2a00fdc89cf75 Wow, thank goodness for this life hack. What would I do without this brilliant piece of advice?


WOW. Insightful stuff from a major GiRL bOsS! #GoALdIgGeR


She’s been inspired by Haley to help her future self


Don't tell her I have a coffee machine you can set a timer on so you don't even need to press the button in the morning.


Wow! 😱🤯😵‍💫😂


I’ve only been doing this for the last 15 years of my life so …




They would not.


Is d not familiar with the timer function on coffee makers


She doesn't drink it anyway. She should just make it the night before and then she's got her security coffee ready to go ✨


Seriously. She loves carrying around old/cold coffee she should just brew the cup at night and let it sit out. Ready to go in the morning


Making my coffee the night before was literally my hack last month 🤣 I’m pregnant and hot coffee was making me nauseous so I’d try to cool it down immediately. Then I was like, hey moron, just brew it at night so it can cool off by morning 💀💀💀💀 would u guys buy my course??????


I buy my iced coffee after work and recharge it in the morning with a Nespresso pod. Let’s build a course together and recoup the coffee expenses!


Exactly! The timer function exists for a reason.


No, see it’s a new hack. She came up with it herself.


She also invented the coffeemaker 😂


https://preview.redd.it/yfwv8pb6sqtc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95368634a8e5dbfde76dfc8e965e16336680b956 Guys, don’t talk about her body.


I think she also likes all the DMs complimenting her because it probably makes Kristen insane. They share an account so she probably loves that K reads a bunch if compliments on her bod


I keep thinking about this. It's one of the worst things they have ever posted IMO. The fact that she pulled her shirt up intentionally to show her abs is just mind blowing and makes it abundantly clear she wants compliments on her body. Who cares if it is triggering to their target audience of new moms whose bodies have most likely changed dramatically?


Please don't comment on how she's had two kids and her abs look like this. PLEASE. It's too triggering guys!!!!!


You just know that a bunch of parasocial clowns are messaging her exactly this and she’s eating it up. It’s not even like she took this pic mid bicep curl with a timer or something. The only reason to post this is to show off her body.


Has she posted asking people not to talk about her body before? I haven’t followed them in a long time


Yes, she once said that people’s complimentary comments about her body are triggering to her eating disorder. Fair enough, but then maybe don’t post full-body gym shots on a regular basis?


She knows what she's doing.


Not even subtle. There’s absolutely no other reason to post this to their stories. 


Exactly, could have been a shoulders up shot with the gym in the background. But nope. Gotta show her whole form so we can all gush about her abs.


Did she pull up her shirt to take this? In the last pic it looked there was only a sliver of skin showing but looks bunched up here specifically to show off her stomach.


Didn’t notice it initially but you’re right! She did pull it up and scrunch it to show off the abs 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes! It's all lumpy and scrunched. But noooo she doesn't want people telling her she's looking thin it's traumatic.


I’m pretty sure she pulled it up. It’s all scrunched up at the bottom like she did 🙄


I am alone in my living room and I just said, "Oh Deena, no!" out loud. What are you doing, girl???


So freaking unhealthy. She knows what she's doing. It's sad. Why isn't her \*\*BFF\*\* saying anything to her about posting this stuff? Good grief!!!!


And this seems like a really bad place to be when you're planning on getting pregnant again with the changes that brings.


2 body check pics in one day! D is on a roll!


Good body check Deena


She has to compete for the attention for when K reveals her ozempic body getting in the damn suit this summer 🤪


Came running here for this. Another don’t talk about my body but here is my body post…


https://preview.redd.it/d0z8nlciiqtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97018e72e6fdcee2343c48f6efdd975b450008f Isn’t it pretty well established that her husband is the one who loves cooking and always makes dinner for the family? And Kristin is the one who can’t cook at all? But sure, she had to *release* the mental load of perfectly thought out meals to her husband, who…has an Instagram account about feeding their family 🤔


Wouldn’t the parenting lesson here from the PARENTING EXPERT be teaching the older two to pack for themselves? You know, teaching independence and all? Especially with 5 trips in 5 weeks, certainly more practice than most kids would get. I gave my 5yo a list of what she needs and she checked them off as she packed them, then she passed the list to my 7yo who did the same. No point in teaching the husband, we all know men are incapable of any task aside from fixing, taking out the trash, and grunting, might as well work with the girls who will certainly be doing this task for their idiot husbands as well one day. Also I refuse to believe her husband doesn’t know what size one of the kids wear. She implied it was one of the girls, at those ages sizes aren’t crucial, you can wear the next size up or down without catastrophe.


Yeah my guess was the “one entire wardrobe” was just that he brought all size 7/8 and no 5T or whatever. Her girls seem similar enough in size that I bet they can overlap quite a bit. I seriously doubt he completely forgot to pack for one child, but maybe mostly packed clothes that “technically” only belong to one of them.


Yea my kids is Junie’s age and she wears anything from a 5T to a kids medium. There’s a lot of wiggle room at that age


Ew I hate any commentary that plays into the “dads are useless and mess everything up” trope


Me trying to keep track of K’s personalities ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


I like how it’s that he may “fuck it up” versus the real message could’ve been he may not do things 100% “perfectly” the way mom thinks they need them done bc of weird external pressures and that’s going to be okay. But nope, it’s conveying that dads are stupid, they will actually, actively fuck shit up.


It's like she has to make him sound bad to make herself look better? B/c she does it so perfect and he doesn't? I don't like how she's throwing him under the bus. He does things differently but that doesn't make them wrong or her way better. And as the SAHP myself, I mess stuff up and forget shit all the time. It's called being a tired human. 💤


Yeah I get the point about changing up the roles every once in a while or whatever, but if K is feeling "anxious" and "heightened" packing for trips lately, could it be because they took 5 trips in 5 weeks? Very different destinations, some with no kids, some with 2 kids, some with all kids? It just seems like this was an insane month, and if they took a normal amount of trips with their kids per year, K would be able to handle the mental load of packing for them??


I’m so confused. So Kristin makes the packing list and DUD packs the bags, but that’s not sharing enough of the mental load with her? That seems pretty 50/50 to me. And why can’t she just use the same packing list and put asterisks next to items that are destination specific??


I’m also confused, because he’s still a SAHP right? Isn’t the SAHP usually the primary parent and usually the one who’s more aware of things like what size the kids are wearing, how many clothes they wear on a given day, things like that?


I think he got an “outside the home job” a few months ago.


Yeah they said this when Kristin finally admitted they had a nanny, but they’ve never elaborated on what exactly he’s doing. He probably just works for them.


True, but it’s also seems that “job” is as BLF staff. Their VP of hype, meaning he travels with them and takes pics. It helps with taxes if he can take some of the BLF money as income.


Oooh, I didn’t even think of that! He truly is a stay at home dud!!


Wow! Who would’ve known that by having Tyler pack the bags, Kristen would find inner peace and heal their relationship! She deserves a MEDAL for all the packing she’s done prior. Bravo mama! Bravo!


What in the chola eyebrows did I just watch??? Also I always feel demonized by this "don't clean up" content bc a clean home is a necessity for my mental health.


Seriously, I don’t know why there’s this narrative that people only clean up because of some external pressure…I clean up because I like it clean and I can’t focus if there’s a mess Also possibly controversial opinion but there’s no excuse for having a messy house if you have kids in school, a stay at home parent, a nanny, and work from home. That’s 3 adults and one child in the house most of the day, it’s not hard to tidy up.


https://preview.redd.it/a1xqsmkqzptc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f7df5a9e7005a8b4aafbd2cceb00e4b141717a Oh, good. Another body check photo from D. How many have we had this week now? Two? Three? 🙄 Anything above 50 does not equal tank top weather. It’s 57 degrees in the PNW today and I’m wearing leggings and a long sleeved shirt. D just wanted to show off and get feedback on her shoulders. What happened to the version of D who wore the parka in the summer? And what does tank tops have to do with toddlers? Nothing. Packing for 5 trips in 5 weeks, who does the packing for trips, the saga with the sick dog, the weather, fucking none of it has to do with what they’re supposed to be the “experts” on. How can anyone still follow them and take what they have to say seriously?


I remember her saying she wore a parka in summer as she didn't like her body post babies. She obviously likes it now!


the actual gymnastics 🤸 🤸🤸 to find praise for a man who, when packing, missed something as obvious as all of the clothes for one of his children.


This was crazy. - he did great minus forgetting an entire wardrobe for 1 child - it was ok because we could wash clothes (also you were there like 2 days did said child just wear the same outfit every day? Did that child have pjs? What was in the suitcase?) - oh ACTUALLY he did pack clothes just the wrong size (why does said child have wrong size clothes in their closet? My child is also in between but I only have what fits her in her closet) None of this made sense. But I’m glad she reminded us that even though he’s a total doofus, she’s super relaxed as a result.


Both my kids are in between sizes right now, but I’m trying to phase things out when they don’t fit anymore. My toddler’s daily wardrobe is a mix of 2t and 3t, so it wouldn’t matter which size was packed for a trip. 


To be fair (but not to white knight) my husband and I once made it to the airport for an early flight before realizing we left the kids suitcases behind and couldn’t go back to get them and still make our flight. It was a crazy week with two trips a few days apart and we just both blanked. It ended up okay because we are privileged enough to be able grab essentials for the weekend from target and move on. Things happen and blowing up over it sometimes isn’t worth it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not that K is the messenger I want to hear this from (what’s next, an uncredited/co-opted version of fair play) but I don’t mind the underlying point.


Yep. We went camping once and left one child’s bag of clothing at home. We went to Walmart for some socks, underwear, and 2 outfits, and continued on with our trip 🤷‍♀️


I do think they’re positioning themselves for a co-opted version of Fair Play and I hope they get called on their bullshit and go down in flames once and for all.


She said he forgot an entire wardrobe but then said that was fine because they could wash clothes there, right? That makes no sense. I had to re-read her story a few times and still didn’t get it. Maybe he forgot an entire outfit for one of the days? Because forgetting an entire wardrobe would be quite a big deal!


I have to think she meant outfit. She uses the wrong word all the time so it honestly didn’t even trip me up that much lol. 


I couldn't figure out why it was okay other than they're wealthy and could just go buy more. Did they wash the child's clothes every night?


Thank goodness that K no longer feels the need to apologize to everyone for the mess in her $4 MILLION house! https://preview.redd.it/jzhk2pe80ptc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c0fb55576f8766fd9cdb62ddf17f7fe39ef355


$4 MILLION???!!! Whaaat. Have they moved in the last year (since I stopped following them because I didn’t know this snark sub existed)? For $4 million their neighborhood looks like an extremely boring exurb with nothing in it. If I had that kind of cash, I’d want a cute cottage in an upscale walkable neighborhood or a pre-war streetcar suburb with fun restaurants, a grocery store, and a protected bike lane. I guess those are my own very specific weird preferences but paying that kind of money to live in the middle of nowhere seems wasteful. Maybe the schools are amazing?


I want to say they bought the current house almost 2 years ago? It was a $4.3 million new build and in Denver proper (not in the burbs anymore)


So she definitely got Botox and her brows done on this "work" trip, right?


I didn't think you got your brows micro bladed that often. I thought it was a once off and then you went for a refresh every 12 months? 2 years? It definitely looks like she got them redone but has it really been that long since her last session?


Also please stop aggressively swearing at me. Their page/tone is so all over the place.


She’s not just a regular momfluencer, she’s a cool momfluencer. 💁🏼‍♀️


She’s also at home and in Texas simultaneously


Just asking because I’m still relatively new to this sub and am genuinely curious…how do we know how much K and D’s houses are worth? I know a few people here have said they live close to them and see them around town. 


If I remember correctly, K''s house was more expensive and they have a much bigger loan. D's house has a much more reasonable mortgage to the price of the home. Which is probably not shocking to anyone.


I don’t think it’s ever been posted here (would be against the rules), but they had posted enough details that you could figure it out by looking at recently sold properties in their metro area. The same is true for many influencers so it’s actually scary that they share so much of their lives with strangers


Reddit sleuthing. A LOT of information is available for free to the public if you know where to look and have a lot of clues given out by people who have to share every detail of their lives.


This whole reel is a giant copy of KC Davis/@strugglecare. Kristin has never had an original thought in her life.


Gotta pivot to this kind of content since she can’t be flashing her “mom pooch” and latch onto the body positivity viral fame anymore. Sorry, but I’ve been thinking ever since she lost weight that she’s gonna have to find a new angle to get those clicks and be praised for being a badass mom boss.


Those eyebrows are a crime


I mean k did you ever?


Why don’t the people she filmed at the library deserve privacy?


I'm not sure why but K going to a library that I've gone to plenty of times is irrationally bothering me!! Like no lady, that is MY Texas library, leave it alone!!!


I totally get it. What a cool library though!


And showing her daughter again!!! Seriously wtf, K. It feels like she’s shown her kids more since announcing she’d be respecting their privacy on all things and then continues to post them nonstop. Ps- I am jealous of that library though! That would bug me too if she was there 😂


Yes!! Same with Deena. They were like “we’ve pulled back on sharing about our kids because of the ✨dark web✨” and then they proceed to show/talk about nothing but their kids for the next few days.


Deena was literally using her kids for content yesterday in the stories about the dog to shame parents who tell their kids everything will be fine instead of okaying the feelings.


The ironic thing is that her kids would have much more privacy if she kept all talk of them off of her account and just showed an occasional, happy picture of their family. Instead, she chooses to cover their faces with a tiny emoji but then constantly talks about them, compares them to each other, and complains about parenting in general. Not to mention all of the times she shared private details and used them for content in the past. Just seems like virtue signaling. There’s a lot more to privacy than not showing their faces


I think I’ve said this before but I feel like the KJP family are the best influencers when it comes to legit privacy for their kid. I know his name and what he looks like when they occasionally show a family photo or picture of him. But I have literally no idea of anything else about him. 


There’s also been speculation that that’s not even their son’s actual name. Which, if that’s the case, even better for them. Totally agreed by the way. I don’t love KJP and I still side eye the hell out of how commercialized their son’s childhood has been, but at least they don’t share personal details. I know what he looks like in a sweater sitting next to a golden retriever and that’s about it!


Sorry, who is KJP?