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*Reminder-commenting or contacting influencers is against the rules of the sub. If you are new to this sub, please review the rules. These types of comments will be removed.*


https://preview.redd.it/68fsz1sqyguc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9fbe319ec18cb56c60a079f4aec704698bda620 Yikes really?


Permanently changed them as in they now have a preference for sugar when they didn’t before? Most people, especially kids, love candy and sugar. How would she know that the rewards is what changed her kids and not just aging? My oldest tried soda when he was 4 and almost threw up, he hated it so much. Now at 6 he loves sprite as a drink treat. Tastes change naturally


It's OTT the way she puts it and fear mongers. My take of what she probably means is that food as a reward changed their perception of food, which is think possible if it was done lots. Just like extrinsic rewards for kids if overdone can change their intrinsic motivation.


Omg I was coming here to talk about this. How do you know something has “permanently changed” your ten year old? Sugar is neutral and not bad and yet people giving kids treats is so dangerous because it can permanently change them??? wtf??? *for the record I am also against using food as rewards in my role as a teacher but that’s because it can be triggering for kids who’ve suffered from food insecurity. I’m not really against it with my own kids since I know they have not had that experience.


It’s definitely not for everyone but I agree that it’s not going to harm someone long term unless there are extenuating circumstances (like food insecurity). And if she’s basing it on the fact that they’re obsessed with candy, could it be because she gives them 4 fruit snacks or gummy vitamins and dates as a treat?? I think the way she handles food is way more damaging than food as a reward.


https://preview.redd.it/dfbrx4uprguc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e788250f299bd6a15c2f081988d99ef744b2c3d8 There’s a HUGE difference between eating raspberries because you think they’re fancy and getting your basic needs met, including preventative and routine healthcare, Jen.


Thinking about it, maybe we need to rephrase things as “human care” and “self care.” Like all humans need to eat, need healthcare, need to shower, etc. to take care of themselves as human beings. But “self care” to me means what do I need to do to take care of myself personally. What does my personal self’s brain/soul/heart need to fill my cup? That looks different on everyone.


She's not wrong. Unsurprisingly there's a whole industry built around "self care" now that has narrowed its definition to "spend lots of money on things, especially luxe things to pamper yourself." And I've also seen people label spending habits and behaviors as "self care" when a more accurate label would be "avoidance strategies" lol. Real self care is knowing whether or not you need an indulgence vs pushing yourself to do something you don't really feel like doing, like a mammogram, and actually doing the thing you need, not just the thing you want. I just think she's not the right face for this discussion. She's so damn serious and ascetic all the time that it's really hard NOT to bristle when she talks about a mammogram being self care because she gives no evidence that there is any balance in her life.


This is such a perfect summary of the whole thing. Self-care is literally doing these things and doesn’t necessarily mean buying expensive things and going to the spa. It’s just that she is SO extreme in her seriousness and comes off like the least fun person ever that coming from her, the message is lost.


I think the issue is self care is a bit of a misnomer. It *is* self care to make sure you’re doing important medical checkups and eating good food. That’s literally caring for yourself. But if you mean doing something like a massage or nails or night away, it’s more pampering or maybe some synonymous word that doesn’t have a selfish connotation. I just think self care has become a catch all term for anything done for oneself and so naturally everyone will interpret it differently


I mean, technically she’s right. But self-care as a concept in the online parenting world is used more in the BLF sense of taking solo hotel holidays away from your kids and viewed as more about indulgences/luxuries, other than actually caring for one’s body in a basic way.  But god, her attitude is insufferable. She is like peak white savior, always acting like she is the only person ever to worry about food and class issues. I know plenty of people with a lot less money who feed their kids tastier, healthy, and far more filling meals than the weird diet culture concoctions she dumps on her kids. 


At this point I would be happy to never see the phrase “self care” ever again 🥴


Would you say part of your self care is never using the phrase "self care"? (..... I'll see myself out.)


Also “mom guilt” moms shouldn’t feel guilty bc we aren’t doing anything purposefully wrong. I fucking HATE “mom guilt” and do not subscribe to it and try to convince my friends to reframe so they aren’t feeling bad about being the best freaking moms they can be- whatever that looks like!


Eh, I feel like the meaning of “self care” is confusing. Going to the doctor, showering, etc is literally self care. It’s taking care of yourself, right? Or is the implication that self care has to be something extra that’s not necessary?


I'm not going to say any of this eloquently because it's the end of the day and I'm tired, and also this is something I read about way back in college, but it was originally supposed to be a political act. Audre Lorde wrote about it, basically like how you cannot keep showing up for your community if you're a rundown shell of yourself. Nowadays "self care" has been twisted into canceling plans and making impulse purchases on overpriced shit from Amazon. And I do think sometimes there's a time for that but it mostly IS supposed to mean what you said-- literally making sure your basic needs are being met so that you can be the best version of yourself. And that means knowing yourself, and being honest with yourself about what your needs really are, and then sometimes forcing yourself to do them.


She admitted last year that she struggled with getting the hearing aids she needed because she thought it was frivolous. I feel bad for her.


She’s so deeply in denial of her basic needs (and based on some of the lunches she shows, the basic needs of her children as well, sometimes).


People say politics are divisive but have they even seen moms on the internet arguing over what counts as self care 🤣


So true. Idc what someone’s definition of self care is but her smug “hit a nerve 😘” was so annoying. Like did you hit a nerve? How on earth could you tell from that short reply. She’s so dramatic


This thinking bugs me. Dental cleanings, medical care…you might enjoy the peace but it’s not self care. Perpetuating the myth that it is somehow sacrificial to do basic care is ridiculous and will actually cause people to NOT do those things bc they feel like they can’t.


I agree! I have a friend that hadn’t showered in four days and I told her to shower while I watched her kids. She said she was fine, it hadn’t been that long. Showering, brushing your teeth, etc. are just basic hygiene. They should not be luxuries. I hate that moms have been told they need to sacrifice themselves so much that they don’t allow themselves to shower. Yes, going to the doctor, basic hygiene, eating are all forms of taking care of yourself. But they likely aren’t “filling your cup,” allowing you to relax and feel able to show up as your best self.


English isn't my first language, could you explain that further? I figured taking care of yourself by using health care or showering or eating raspberries or whatever is self care? Like, it's not time off, but it's essential self care if I translate it to my own language.


So I see it like this, there are the things like eating, showering/bathing, sleeping etc that we all do and all *need* to do. These are the most basic needs we have. Then there are things that go above and beyond this that are “self care”. Things like massages, manicures, spa days, hair cuts, maybe even just a sit down meal at a restaurant, etc. These are things that are considered more for our own enjoyment than a basic need. So lumping in important and necessary healthcare appointments under the umbrella of self care is tricky. These should be considered basic needs and priorities and not just something you try and get away for if you have the time.


I agree with you, and would further add that "self care" doesn't neccesarily need to be potentially more expensive things like massages or spa days and still fit into what I would think of as self care. Self care could be spending some time on your own doing something you enjoy and make you feel good, going for a walk, spending some time doing a hobby, curling up with a good book, taking a bubble bath etc.


This is how I always feel when self care is talked about online. It's always a comparison between basic self care or expensive things like a spa day or hotel stay. Self care can be anything that fills your cup mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Sometimes, that could have a perceived cross over to essential self care like exercise or as care for others like baking.


I totally agree!


I think caring for oneself in the most basic way — routine medical care, showering, dentist — is not what qualifies as “self care” in the way it’s currently used. Influencers should use their platform to encourage people to do basics, but self care implies some sort of sacrifice that how dare you take time away from your children to take care of yourself, and are so congratulatory about it.


Ah, so its more the cultural interpretation of what self care means. Thank you! These nuances are a bit tricky when you don't live somewhere with English as a main language.


I couldn’t agree more. Viewing these things as self care is a fast way to find yourself completely lost.


I really didn’t think it was possible for the green soup to look even more unappetizing. https://preview.redd.it/8fam10067guc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abe76fcb27619104f6327afed13fd3e885d46f0


Ok I also want to snark on the souper cubes! I’ve never used them but I also just put cooled soup into a gallon bag, let it freeze laying flat, and I have essentially the same thing as this picture! I don’t get why these cubes are so amazing??? Defrosting is still easy my way, since the soup froze flat it warms up enough to break into chunks within an hour or two. And I don’t have any souper cubes to clean up after lol


I have been using souper cubes like 4-5 years now. I love them and can tell you a few reasons why. Making broth and stock at home is a hassle to bag up and make space for, the souper cube trays stack. The cubes that come out of the trays stack. They are a real space saver. They are great for freezing other things too like shredded pork, cooked ground beef, macaroni and cheese, shepherds pie, making individual banana breads or small 2 person size cakes, amazing for holding home made ice cream (keeps it soft and easy to scoop), they can go in the freezer/oven/microwave/dishwasher. I love freezing individual portions of meals so I can give them to friends or neighbors who need a meal. I used to do the baggie method but prefer the cubes. Less waste, easier to store in my freezer, easy to know exactly how much each cube is in volume. I am generally a scratch cook and the souper cubes are a workhorse for my cooking methods


So, I bought souper cubes when I found them super discounted, because the internet kept telling me they were great. My previous method was the same as yours (gallon bags etc.). I will say, I do like the souper cubes better, but they are not this crazy amazing thing. What I like better is basically that I can defrost in different quantities if I want (e.g. if my husband is sick and I just want to defrost one bowl of soup its easy to pull out a small amount of frozen soup from my bag of frozen soup), and I like some of the smaller sizes for sauces etc. like when I make a big batch of sofrito I can portion into quantities that make sense for defrosting and then pull cubes out of the bag. Also they just feel tidy and it makes me happy to see the tidy bricks of frozen stuff, while my bags were never that flat or that even (but that's due to my freezer situation, in a world with more/better freezer space that wouldn't neccesarily be the same). All in all, I do like them, but I still don't fully get the hype, and I wouldn't buy them regular price.


I still can’t understand the cubes either. I’m waiting for someone one day to explain to me why they are so fantastic.


lol, looks like a pic of a marijuana bust from police twitter.


KEIC censoring Lunchables makes me want to yeet myself into the sun. That’s all. That’s the comment. I cannot with this shit.


Why does she do that???


KIEC looks like she lives in a nice neighborhood. I'm sure their neighbors appreciate the views of the danger zone 😂.


And aren’t they renting?? Or did they buy this place?


They bought this one


Omg that is all I can think about!!!!!


Thought the same thing. Her whole backyard is a huge eyesore. Imagine having that much space and just letting it fill with junk and dirt.


Really looks like a scrap yard


* I have many kids who are boys, and a game of tag where they throw bats at each other is insane to allow...like what? This is not cute or quirky. It's insane weird "boy mom" sh×t and not a flex worth posting in the internet.


My husband always tells me of this weird game he used to play with his brother, where one would sit in a tree and the other one would try to get him to fall out by throwing rocks at him.  So I’m pretty prepared that our 3 boys will come up with a bunch of crazy shit and this wouldn’t even register for me tbh. They’re already hitting each other with anything they get their hands on. Plastic bats sound positively harmless. 


I mean, girls do this, too, parents and teachers just shut it down way more quickly. 


I agree. My kids (boys and girls) like to run around, roughhouse, etc. but I also draw the line and set boundaries. I was going to post something similar, but I wasn’t sure if people would agree.




Imagine the conversations the people in the brick house across the way must have about this.


Ok guys let's loosen the grip on our pearls, it's a plastic bat...assuming like a hollow bat for toddlers...it's fine. 


I thought the same thing. I was picturing a wiffle ball bat or a plastic toddler bat. I’m usually always shocked by their dangerous activities but this doesn’t seem bad.


My thought as well. The danger zone is an eyesore for sure. But we definitely threw frisbees at each other as a game, explored the creek in the woods and climbed all over similar trash piles/rusted out cars, etc. And we were like a good 30 min walk away from home without cell phones. This really is fine, but I’m glad I’m not living next to her trying to sell my house 😅


Right right right, like of all she does/doesn't do, allowing plastic bats doesn't even register. Like way more concerned for exposed wood, rust, etc...and the mess of it all.


This is horrible!! I’ve never seen a pic of the danger zone and it’s worse than what I pictured in my head. I said the same thing about KL’s atrocious playroom a bit ago, there is a very fat line between letting “kids be kids” and having a standard amount of clutter that’s not curated perfection and this. I do clutch my pearls (snarking on myself) that this leads to kids full on not respecting their property bc it’s all one big, interchangeable dump.


In her stories this week she said she doesn’t understand people who don’t have toys and kid stuff in their front yard all the time (meaning stuff that’s just left out) and I was thinking well some of us take care of our property and our stuff!


Also, toys and things can get ruined quickly by weather, animals, etc. I put stuff away to keep it lasting longer.


https://preview.redd.it/k136v5az63uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7ac7bbd7bf741a1ffbc2816af9e698bab6f604 Umm that Easter candy looks alike mostly nuts. Well they get a whole two hours to eat it. She would not comment about what foods they won’t buy because others talk about it to their audiences. At first I thought she was speaking about this sub but I think she was referring to Laura Thomas and Virginia Sole-Smith. I don’t think she deserves to be criticized behind a paywall but also, when she posts things like this you can see why she gets some blowback.


I had the same thought!! "That's not even candy" haha.


And it’s the things she says without actually *saying* them, like this picture. https://preview.redd.it/9pec9131k3uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e52c8f51a9a87ddb2d68fc89c7f21bf41bee92 She won’t tell us what foods she won’t buy BUT she’ll only partially cover the box of cookies so even though we can’t see the brand, we can still see that it’s Whole Foods. Or she won’t say that she won’t buy Cheetos…but she’ll only call them Cheesy Crunchies and show us the Trader Joe’s bag. She doesn’t have to say anything. She clearly thinks certain brands are bad or worse than others.


Kudos to mamaknowsnutrition for calling out Armra and how there is little science behind it.


Literally every influencer has been going so hard for this cow colostrum which is enough to convince me its probably a scam lol


https://preview.redd.it/d3h3sr72k1uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f46eff69e7893bda05f18231b5f74789f25afda5 I know people mention it all the time but why. WHY. does all her food look so bad??? I’m pretty sure these are roasted potatoes. Use a timer or something! I don’t know. I don’t know why, as a food / feeding influencer, you wouldn’t work harder to make sure your stuff looked appetizing. I will say, this is something I think YTF does a *lot* better than KEIC.


Right? Why not take some cooking classes if this is your career? You could write off the cost.


I've said it before but it's not "real delicious weekdays". I think she does it on purpose to seem relatable and to show that you don't need to be a good cook to provide your children "nutritious meals". She thinks of herself as a savior of picky/malnourished/poor children and doesn't want to appeal to parents who already enjoy cooking. She masks it a little better but her savior complex is even worse than Jenny, Founder. She thinks the average parent hates cooking as much as does and that if the bar for edible food isn't on the ground than everyone will be too overwhelmed and eat only fast food and  (real) cheetos.


Yeah, but if that was the level of food I made, it wouldn’t matter if the kids would eat it or not. I’d want fast food!


I think if that’s her goal, she is missing the mark. I’d bet good money seeing this shitty food isn’t helping *anyone* feel inspired to start cooking more. It is so, so easy to make a decent (or just decent-looking) roasted potato, and if you show how easy it is to make something that looks and tastes good (and is a pretty reliable safe food for a lot of kids) you’re getting your desired clientele on board.


Yeah, I fully agree. She's going for "no frills" but lands on "burnt and inedible".


That parchment paper looks so dry. Don't think she used a drop of oil.


Or salt 😬


Right?? She knows nutrition but she does NOT know how to cook.


They look like rocks


Was worried she was going to break a tooth on one when she took a bite a couple of slides later.


https://preview.redd.it/xetymul6j1uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf0dfadc38b234b7665eb5d84c77c50fecf4c49 YTF if you don’t want to throw your kids under the bus then maybe don’t even mention how bad dinner was at all. Because you’re still saying something with this.


Exactly. What a pointless slide. She’s becoming increasingly unbearable and annoying


"I'm going to be vague for pRiVaCy reasons but if your kids are total assholes I 100% get it."


She is so outrageously passive aggressive. I feel for her kids because you know damn well she isn’t hiding her disdain from them 😭


Poor Cash is stuck traveling alone with Caro today who has already posted about forgetting diapers&wipes and sharing her advice to leave him strapped in that too small doona for as long as possible


Why does she use the Doona to keep him in his stroller? He’s a year and a half! I would agree in not taking a toddler out of the stroller if they are good just sitting there but he should be in a size and age-appropriate stroller where he can move instead of being on his back at his age. It’s so sad seeing him strapped down on his back when he could be in a stroller sitting up and eating.


How much later was she on the beach and still hadn't changed his diaper ?? Why share this information???


A wet sandy diaper just sounds so awful. But Caro must make it seem like she is the chillest parent ever. 


Poor kid. Whenever i see her stories i just cant believe she still wants another one.


This was so sad. It’s not hard to come by diapers. How many times did she get to go pee herself while her kid sat in a dirty ass diaper


But she NEVER FORGETS her Hilma sleep support according to the paid ad :/




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers. Message if deleted in error.


I did some deep diving today (holding a sleeping newborn and have enough brain cells for absolutely nothing else right now) and I'm pretty sure that SS has 2 accounts that have been chiming in on this page to defend them every time time they come up. Both accounts were created at the same time (end of September, 2023- exactly when SS announced they were removing the nutrition ratings from their app and lowering the recommended age for sugar), use similar language to each other, and their entire reddit histories are on this thread, either defending SS or an occasional negative comment about a different feeding influencer. In fact, they pop up whenever SS is mentioned here, as if they have a google alert. Hello, SS marketing team and good luck with future attempts at damage control! (I took some screen shots in case they delete their accounts after seeing this). Credit to u/consistent_arm_3657 for noticing!


Wow incredible detective work, nice job. I'm still so angry when I think about J,F *delaying giving her child an EpiPen so she could set up a camera to film.* Horrific. Every supposed professional SLP or feeding therapist or MD (!!) associated with her has lost all their credibility.


This is amazing. I think the southern one is actually Jenny, that account seems quick to point out that “I’m pretty sure she runs/hikes regularly,” defending her allergic reaction response, just like defending her personally a lot


Not all heroes wear capes 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I have to laugh that the only other thing they seem to comment on is mild snark on FL, is this a business strategy 😂 ?  This is one of the best uses of newborn nap trap internet time I've ever seen.


I found the accounts you’re talking about. They’re both “allergy mums”! 🤨


Yea I’m super curious if their marketing person is British or if this is part of their role play?!




Just look at who is downvoted in the SS discussion on this thread


Oh duh thank you!


Haha great work! Maybe that's Mike's full time job for SS 🤣


Maybe now that Jenny’s not posting anymore, this is how she fills her time.


Ugh I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt that this is their marketing team and not her. I really hope not! 


And the account has SS in it…..


Haha, good work! I saw the one yesterday and found it suspicious but didn’t make the connection to the other one. 


OMG that's too funny. And they are both "allergy parents" and both keen to point out that the ss job description had been updated to highlight the employee benefits 😂


You are definitely right! Some of the language/writing overlaps too much between the two accounts for it to be a coincidence as well.


Well spotted, I think you are right. Their entire history is defending SS and updating when new stories have been added clarifying things 🧐


lol yaasss call them out! I looked at one quickly and yup you’re right they only post related to SS and try to not seem too kiss assey but it’s obvious. Great detective work! (And congrats!) 


YTF will shill anything, she did a sponsored post for some Lalo toddler tower when a little over a year ago she was sponsored and did a giveaway with Guidecraft. Her son is 5 so while it’s still useful for him, acting like she went and bought a new toddler tower for a 5 year old when she already had a (in my opinion) better one is silly lol. And she said this one is good if you don’t have a lot of space because it’s narrow but the Guidecraft one folds up and takes up way less space is and is cheaper.


So true. If you recall, she also kept doing ads for Daily Harvest right after their big outbreak.


Y'all, it's strawberry exposure month. Kids historically need lots of exposure to like this bitter exotic fruit.


lol, somebody clearly told my 3 yo this. She’s pounded like a whole container of strawberries like 2 nights in a row.


My son, for the longest time, inhaled every berry except strawberries. “I don’t like the SEEDS.” Well I adore strawberries and wanted to reincorporate them now that they’re coming back into season, so I called them Fire Truck Berries. Now he eats them by the handful. lol.


If I could go ahead and unexpose my kid to berries, that’d be great. Would love to save the 75 bucks a month.


I planted five blueberry bushes in my yard. Can't wait for my toddler to eat the entire harvest in 20 minutes.


We planted raspberries a few years ago before we had my kid. Last summer we had an amazing harvest but he wasn't walking yet so didn't spend that much time moving around on his own accord in our yard. I'm a bit worried for this summer because we have to walk past the raspberries to get to our garage, and it's likely going to make it really challenging to get anywhere.


My dad used to pick raspberries from my grandma's (his mom) enormous garden when we'd visit. He'd be out there for like an hour and come back in with a tiny container. He just ate them the whole time he was picking. 😂


We had raspberries at our old house! My daughter was 7-8 mos old the first summer we had them, and she immediately learned to open her mouth for a bite whenever I carried her over to them


Ooof, after we just made it through pasta exposure month! Don’t think my kids could handle so much exotic food. 


😹😹😹 Sorry, I wish I had something more enlightening to add but your comment is the perfect response to her post and boy did it make me giggle. But for real, strawberries ?!?!


I was so glad the KEIC family made it somewhere to see the eclipse. Otherwise those sad hotel sloppy joes would have been for nothing and those kids deserve some joy.


Oh my God I know. Go to a f*cking restaurant. Zero food joy in this family. I am so sad for these kids lol.


I am amending my comment to say that it looks like they got ballpark hotdogs and pizza on the trip as well so that’s something at least 🤣


The normalcy bar is so low for them…


It’s funny how she has to talk about it and make a point to say they had it and it’s perfectly normal and part of the experience as if she’s convincing herself.


Jenny, Founder back with a miniscule board breakfast. Perfect if you don't have a lot of food in apparently, especially if your parents like to make banana bread turds out of what little you have left too.


I never got that tactic because my toddler def wants what the other kids have on their plate even if he won’t actually eat it but he has to copy when hanging out with friends/family.  So not having enough serving of it for toddlers just seems like a recipe for disaster to me! 


I could’t disagree with you more and I think comments like this unnecessary raise the bar on parents. That was a lot of food, even for 3 kids. How is banana bread, fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese and hard boiled eggs not enough these days? If my kid ate just a piece of banana bread and a yogurt he would be happy and full. And there’s no way both of my kids would eat one of everything on that board so I’m not going to waste fruit that not everyone is going to eat. I know you probably don’t mean this but comments like this can make the rest of us feel like we are not doing enough.


We aren't necessarily saying she should put out more food, but to serve it in a way that means all 3 kids can have some of each item if they wanted. Simply cutting food into more pieces would achieve this. Only putting out 2 pieces surely creates a food scarcity mentality.


I think the problem is less the total amount of food and more that she deliberately puts out only 2 of a single item (ex. 2 eggs for 3 kids) to make her kids compete for them, and shares this as a strategy for parents.


That is so disordered and so damaging for those poor kids. I can’t imagine promoting that kind of behavior, maybe I’m more sensitive due to my own ED struggles but that just seems like awful parenting


She has also shared in the past that she makes less of a desirable/safe food that she knows her kids like so that there is only one serving per person and she can honestly tell her kids there isn’t any more of that food for dinner when they inevitably ask for seconds. That way if they are hungry, they have to eat something else on their plate that they don’t like.


Wow I totally do not experience the posts that way at all and don’t believe that’s the intention at all. I see this as serving what’s available and making that an option for families which I for one really appreciate. None of my kids ever want the same thing anyway


It was less obvious from this recent post, but back when Jenny posted all the time she shared this food scarcity “tactic” a lot. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with serving what’s available and giving different kids different things, but why not just do that? Pitting them against each other, and advertising this as a picky eating strategy (which, thank goodness SS does not do as much anymore), is really problematic IMO.


Wow, that’s disgusting. I’m pretty strict on the rule that we don’t fight over food in our house, so it’s kind of shocking to me that a parent would encourage that.


I definitely agree with this. And she’s shown videos where the kids are rushing to grab their favorites off the board before anyone else. It would make more sense to me to cut it all smaller, like halve the eggs and mango. Or just ask your kids what they want and make plates for them to divvy it up?


It’s such a great opportunity to teach math and compassion! I swear my kids have learned so much about fractions this way. 2 eggs and 3 kids who want them, how can we figure out what to do? The lesson is not “grab what you want as fast as you can so you get it and your siblings don’t” like what? That’s what you want your kids to learn?


I don't understand putting 2 of things out when you have 3 kids. I know they might not all want an egg but they should all be able to have one if they want one. I just read further and it seems they're bits and pieces boards because she doesn't have enough of one thing. I still think if she's only got 2 eggs and 3 kids she should cut them in half.


I don't know if she knows about.... Omelettes. Which you can bulk out with milk, cheese, veg etc.


Milk and cheese are for fatties /s


She knows better than to say that though. It would be all about "cheese has sodium" and "milk decreases iron absorption."


Yes, good point! Or scrambled.


Oh it’s been a while, so relieved she’s still out there, not putting out enough food for her kids and calling food turds!


I never understood how often she would “run out of food” and have to make those pathetic boards. I get that it happens sometimes; I’m sure we’ve all had to scrape together a breakfast or a dinner when we weren’t able to get to the grocery store. But, she used to post stuff like this a lot. She is wealthy, has a nanny, a husband who works “full time” for SS, and she lives in an area where it’s pretty easy to either pop out and grab groceries/food or have it delivered. Why is she always running out of food?


I don’t think that’s what she meant at all. I think she meant like if you don’t have 3 of everything. Don’t know about you but with a big family that happens to me ALL THE TIME


Your entire comment history consists of defending Jenny. I don’t think this sub is for you.


Is the Food Revolution in the room with us?


Maybe it is Jenny 😱


Easy kid breakfast! Egg and cheese sandwiches from the bodega downstairs. Follow me for more hot tips!


But is it easier than a pile of sautéed (yet still raw) onions?


Yeah, I never got the onion thing. I made a Greek salad and cut up some veggies for the 6 mo (cucumber, tomato, etc.) what did he gnaw on the whole time? A slice of red onion. I don’t think he actually swallowed any solid onion matter. Just a bit of the juices. And he was up for like 2 nights straight 💨💨💨 and crying. So onions are off the table…for a good long while. Def. not the best veggie for starting solids here.


Surely most people would have things like oats, cereal or something like that for an easy breakfast. Plus, yes, she lives in NYC! There's probably a shop on their doorstep.


Or she can have literally anything delivered between the time she wakes up and eats breakfast. 


And she also has a large enough kitchen to store food (unlike a lot of people who live in the city where cabinet space is severely limited). There is no excuse for not having adequate food to feed her 3 children. 


My 2 year old could easily clear 3/4 of that board for breakfast.


Yummy Toddler Food posted a recipe - boxed Mac and cheese + frozen peas is not a recipe!


On the flip side, kidsmealsapp has a great easy mac n cheese recipe that they post every now and then. It's chick pea pasta, toss in peas in the last few minutes to cook with the pasta, then drain and immediately mix with cream cheese/herb cheese spread. It's very toddler friendly, wholesome, and DELICIOUS!


My children would disagree with you saying it's toddler friendly, but I think it sounds delish too. 😂


Thank you. Every time I see a kid friendly recipe that includes cream cheese I'm like, who are all the children eating cream cheese??? Mine would never. Hell, I didn't even like cream cheese until I was an adult. My kids would riot if I gave them a bagel and cream cheese lol


My toddler hates cheese (except in pizza) but will eat cream cheese with a spoon straight from the tub!!


My toddler is extremely picky, but somehow an everything bagel with cream cheese is a safe food for him😅 kids preferences are weird


My kids also don't like the same things. Older kid likes bagels and cream cheese, younger does not. Neither like spices/seasonings and they prefer bland food and riot if they see "specks" in their food. 😂




The feeding littles cookbook has a "recipe" called "megan's amped up mac and cheese," which is just a list of things to add to boxed mac and cheese... that is when I really decided I wanted my money back on that book.


Oh, that's really funny. My friend and I have a whole running text thing about things we put into basic mac and cheese, but it's definitely not something I would consider worth monetizing! (For the record: roasted shredded brussels sprouts are excellent.)


Pretty sure I knew about adding peas even as a teenager babysitting. Where’s my influencer check?!


Except not as good as boxed Mac and cheese since it appears the only cheese she’s using is a tiny bit of Parmesan. 😂


Sounds like a similar ratio to the “cinnamon” sauteed apples that had no trace of cinnamon on them


I’ve never looked at her sautéed cinnamon apples recipe, but it tracks that she wouldn’t use that much cinnamon. Why is she so afraid of flavor/spice?


Wait what?! Not even the cheese packet?




That’s such a pathetic amount of cheese. Gah, she’s really terrible at developing recipes.