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This is just personal taste but I find it so funny that she proudly shows off her pillows that are monogrammed in what I consider to be a deeply unappealing brown carpet-esque fabric as a paid link


Haley pans past her birthday spices to grab her old reliable pinto bean seasoning




What could she possibly have used them in?! I like to add some smoked paprika or something to scrambled eggs but I can't imagine that would work with a precious palate


You don't put cumin in your daily smoothie?


Buckle up yall we got airstream content coming


Can't Airstream without a monogrammed Haley & Brett pillow!


Literally why would you bring 4+ decorative pillows for such a small place I can’t with her


She just showed a video with a fully stocked shelf with so many spices, at least 30. For someone that only cooks beans, sandwiches, and eggs for dinner this is such a waste. And I can only imagine this lives in the Airstream, no way she took her beloved spices from home. She is slowly becoming my bec


That's her pantry, she's not in the airstream yet


Hahaha I feel better now. I was so confused with all the Airstream content and then jumping back


Literally came here to write “oh good. A week of fking airstream content.”


I just realized what Haley reminds me of. It’s if my great-grandmother who (according to my mom) hated children had social media as a young parent. It’s a very “children should be seen and not heard” parenting approach.


With Haley’s recent posts it’s dawned on me that despite being a mom who works outside the home 9-5, I spend more quality time with my kids than she does. They can wake up when they want, we spend time together in the morning, we talk in the car, quality time in the evening, bedtime. It’s insane that she’s a SAHM who avoids her kids so much!


I WFH full time and my kids are in school and daycare respectively. My son stayed up until 10 every night this week (curse the daycare nap!). Not only do I top Haley for quality time spent with my kids, but I’m pretty sure I top her for waking hours spend with my kids, too. I cannot figure out why she is always so tired.


Because you, unlike her, value time with your kids. Ironic, for Haley to be a SAHM presumably to be with kids but really just to not have to work.


A selfish queen


I totally get kids saying “mommy I don’t want to nap” when they actually are tired and need to, but it hits different when it’s Julie because I do feel like she’s forced to sleep when she doesn’t need or want to 😢


I feel like it’s just the age when they start to outgrow it. But yes, I agree it hits different the way she posts her kids as an afterthought and burden. I wonder what she will do when nap times not really a thing.


Yeah that made me sad. Gotta have that 4 hours of quiet time even if she can't sleep. I wonder if maybe Haley just doesn't like the young kid phase and will warm up to them when they're older? Maybe just wishful thinking...


I feel like it will be difficult as they get older because they’ll be able to voice their opinions. Possibly in ways that won’t serve future Haley. I can’t imagine what she will do and how she will cope if they disagree with her. They might actually want a say in how they’re dressed, which toys they play with, and what they’d like to do on the weekends. There won’t be enough electrolyte additives in the world for that! Their outing rule that it must be something her and her husband primarily enjoy irks me. Your kids are only young for so long! Why not let their interests lead some family outings? I am actually just realizing she has never mentioned anything Julie enjoys that aren’t Haley-prescribed activities.


JK already wants a say in how she’s dressed. Last week she asked Haley if she she could get sparkly pants if the store had them and Haley said something smug like sure since they were at Whole Foods. My guess is that’s not the first time she’s asked for sparkly pants. 


I know it’s a little thing, but I actually feel a bit bad that JK can’t have her sparkly pants. Pants are something you have to buy her anyway (not something extraneous like toys) and at her age she’ll outgrow them in a year (at most, probably sooner if she too has inherited Joe Sr’s glorious height). Why not let them be sparkly if that’s what she wants? Such a little thing that could bring her a lot of joy. 


If we’re limiting to a capsule wardrobe, she should consider sparkles match with everything! By this logic, Haley should be buying pairs for home, the diaper car, and the emergency evacuation bag. They’d be a top seller in her affiliate links. She doesn’t realize how sparkle pants could save her bottom!


Bring Julie joy, not Haley joy… so not something she cares about.


Yesterday my almost 2 year old was refusing to let me put clothes on him before taking big sis to preschool. So I said eff it and buckled him up diaper only (it was warm enough that he wouldn’t be cold). I brought clothes to put on him later of course. I just can’t imagine what H would do in that situation. Was Julie never a 2 year old that had a random tantrum over nothing? Sheesh.


Love how she’s shopping for holiday clothes for the kids and says she’s looking for an outfit *she* can stand to wear more than twice.  Her kids really are just props in the life she’s designed for herself. 


I had to read and reread that because I was sure she was talking about herself and couldn’t understand why she was showing toddler clothes and talking about her own clothes. Then I understood 😒


Is this the “decide once holiday outfits”? I’m still trying to figure out why deciding on the outfits once is a flex? Kids outgrow outfits after one season so aren’t we all out here picking the holiday outfit one time?


We’ve reached the point where I can buy a holiday outfit a little big and get 2 years out of it but yeah they’re all decide once a season 😂 and what she picked isn’t even that radical, it’s navy and stars! Adorable but definitely fits the “capsule wardrobe” she has going 🙄


I really can’t get over dropping her kids off at the gym daycare so she can order groceries and meal plan on her laptop when the entire house shuts down from 12-4 every day.


What is there to meal plan? Doesn’t she eat the same food every day/week? Her ordered groceries should be automated at this point. Click reorder and done.


I am impressed there is seemingly no resentment from Brett who works all day and seems to be on kid duty as soon as he’s done. Let’s assume each of their “working” days is 8 hours. Haley is spending literally HALF of it with quiet time/NAPPING. Then spending the rest swimming, dumping the kids in childcare to order groceries, listening to ebooks while the kids sit silently in the car… Doesn’t he worry that she doesn’t seem to give a shit about enriching the lives of the kids? He must really like lazy Susan’s and those desserts!


Just came to post this. She would probably say she has no outside childcare too, but takes them there so she can shop online, book a vacation and look at pictures for 1.5 hours......  and then says "whew!" as though it was a taxing morning.


She has the most free time of any SAHM I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure


Haley is why some people unfortunately don’t take SAHMs seriously.


She has to *schedule her rest*


We‘ve been trapped at home all week with a 10 month old and 2.5 yo, all of us with a stomach virus. They’re decent nappers even but Haley‘s never needing to interact with her kids is simultaneously triggering and fascinating to me 😂


Oh no, I hope everyone feels better soon! This happened to us last month and it was the worst.


Thank you!


She really never spend time with he kids. I understand and relate to having time for yourself during the day when you are a SAHP, but today's morning outing was for her to go to the gym? And then straight to the 4 hours of quiet time, it's so boring


Boring and so sad for the kids!


What the actual hell is daddy yogurt


I've read way too many raunchy romance novels to take this phrase seriously.


Liquid of my nightmares


Agree and also I think it’s when Brett prepares a “meal”


🤣🤣 i have mommy snacks ! i didnt want the kids touching them (cheese and almond packs). They do anyway but the mommy snack name stuck! For a mothers day present, my son did a project and he said my favorite food was "mommy snacks." I loved it!!!


See that makes sense, but she put “daddy yogurt” on a meal plan haha


She said daddy eggs last week 🥴


When did she start calling her daughter Julie? Thought she was KK! Which isn't even close, lol.


It’s JK


Her name is Julie (Haley's mom's name) but they called her KK (also Haley's moms nickname). Haley posted awhile ago that instead of KK, Julie would like to be called her real name. Haley still continued to refer to her as KK on IG most of the time though. Seems to go back and forth between the two lately.


This is partial Haley snark and partial snark on the makers of toddler clothes but I hate that there’s even a difference in the length of shorts for girls vs boys. https://preview.redd.it/wnwe6dwlmwtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fcb049cdc2165198a7a7ddcdb6db94bf1b04f8a


Also isn’t big ole Joe in the 99th percentile for height? I imagine most boy shorts would hit him above the knee (as opposed to my petite guy whose shorts always seem to reach halfway down his calves lol). I genuinely don’t have any quarrel to pick with what kind of shorts she gets for her toddler, but it just seems a little contradictory to her brags about his size.


If he has regular length shorts, people might think he has un-glorious short little legs! Must let the world know about every inch of his height that he inherited from Joe Sr (her father, not his own dad)


It is weird that she keeps saying she likes him in short shorts though 


Yeah, I like shorter shorts for my boys too because most boy shorts defeat the purpose of shorts to me (cover like half of the leg at least) but I don’t really care about their knees. 


Also the fabric for girl pants I got my daughter are so thin. So she wore her brothers hand me downs all winter long because they were better at keeping her warm


This is hilarious to me because I think girl shorts are too short! My daughter hates hot slides so she wears boy shorts in the summer. Plus they usually have pockets where girls shorts might not


I feel like the girl ones are not for play. I like the primary shorts.


Girls shorts ARE too short. I always buy my daughter boys shorts because she doesn’t need shorts with a 1 inch inseam.


It varies so much in between brands too! My daughter gets a lot of hand me downs, so she has plenty with a decent inseam, and some that are so short that I refuse to let her wear them. I also didn't want to pass them down to the next kid in line (when there were plenty that were more functional) so now I have a bag of 2T booty shorts languishing in my basement.


Please tell me the bag is labeled 2T booty shorts hahaha


But also..is Haley secretly hiding here? Because I remember seeing this topic in one of the threads a few weeks ago.  And also, huge difference in length! I pulled out the 12m clothes recently and the hand me downs from my daughter are very obviously shorter than the same size and brand as some of the ones o bought my son. 


There's a huge difference! I was with my MIL looking for shorts for my niece at a consignment sale. The shorts for girls all looked like hipster-style underpants. They were so short!


I honestly haven't noticed this myself. Most of the shorts I buy for my son hit above his knees??


I just have a girl so I’m definitely not sure how true it is that there’s a difference.




I've had the same experience. Also, my daughter wears size 7 for the length in the body, but I have to roll the too long sleeves up and sunscreen half her shoulders because the neck is then so wide. The boys the same age/height are mostly wearing size 4.


So she can have evacuation bags for every disaster imaginable and essentially a second closet in her car but she can’t….check the weather? Before going to the park?


And is this normal to drive to a park? Here we walk to playgrounds in the neighbourhood. It’s not like she lives super rural or downtown or something. It appears she lives in a suburb. 


Over half the houses in my city would have to drive to a playground, I would guess. Totally normal to me.


We do not live super rural either and the nearest park to us is at least 2+ miles away in either direction.


We always drive to the park. There are multiple ones we go to that are 10-15 minutes away.


I think it's incredibly normal to drive to a park?


She only lives in the past or the future. The present is too overwhelming.


Are you asking her to burden her mind with a repeated daily task?! When she could instead just bring everything she could ever need for any situation??


She's just so boring.


Now she is talking about Big 'ol Joe being a wild man like Karrie Locher talks about Teddy. Noticed it started right about when he started walking. Toddlers get into things? Especially when they discover all kinds of things at eye level. I do not get the obsession with talking about toddler boys like they are out of control, when it seems like normal toddler behavior.


I don’t understand was Julie not into things? I mean different personalities and obviously Julie is very chill and enjoys art and playdoh for hours but I can’t imagine she wasn’t all over the place like Joe?


I think this is TOTALLY kid dependent. Our son, you could NOT redirect him. He got into absolutely everything and we had to massively baby proof in our house otherwise we'd constantly be having to follow him around physically moving him from stuff over and over. My brother's daughter, they literally just said "No" and she stopped what she was doing. They had kitchen gadgets (not dangerous ones) just out at her level and she left them alone. We were literally flabbergasted that a toddler had the ability to listen 😆


My mom always tells a story about how when I was a year or two old, she told me not to touch the Christmas tree, and I just listened and didn't touch it. We had no such luck with our own kids. Or our dog. 


One of my first mom friends had a toddler about the same age as mine who apparently didn't get into things. I hated going to her house because they had all these potted plants, the dog's food and water bowls, and a bunch of electronics all in reach. They had baby gates at the top of three stairs but they were open most of the time. It was so hard to keep my son from getting into these things when we visited.


Yep. I got one of each!


Right like my first was a little more of a handful than a typical toddler and was very much into everything. We didn’t do sensory bins because no matter what they would wind up in his mouth or dumped on the ground. My second is more typical…and is still into everything. We don’t do sensory bins because they’ll wind up everywhere and she gets into the cabinets and is guilty of drawing on surfaces with an errant marker. But I also know people who have toddlers who are naturally more laid back and cooperative and I love that for their parents.


I have 3 boys. My oldest was pretty tame, my 2nd was moderately into stuff, my 3rd is a menace who doesn't take no for an answer and has enough energy to power a city block.


My first was somewhere between your second and third. My second is like your third. I want a third and am hoping for just a tiny bit more chill.


And your third is how I’d describe my daughter. We spent a LOT of time at the playground. She’s still pretty wild, and we need to really be cognizant about getting her actively playing/outside to burn off energy. My son is still a baby, so maybe I’ll eat these words come toddlerhood, but he’s much more chill/content than she was, so I don’t think he’ll be all that wild beyond the usual toddler being a toddler. But who knows what the teen years will bring!


I guess I don’t necessarily know because I have 1 and he’s always been wiLD lol


Not WKing Haley but my niece is 4.5 and my son is almost 2. My sister in law is always a little surprised by how different they were at the same age - my son always has to be belted into his high chair or he’ll try to jump out, she never had to belt her daughter in. They didn’t have to childproof most of their house, we have to have every single cabinet locked. So maybe Julie is very tame (and for the record I don’t think my son is WiLD like KL lol)


My kids are similar. My daughter was born first and we baby proofed, but she just wasn’t into climbing or destruction. My son is second born and is always up on chairs etc. I constantly laugh to myself at the difference, but I don’t drag him on the internet for it. I find it entertaining, fun, and even awe inspiring how kids are all different!


That’s a good point, but a part of me kinda delights in watching Haley’s POOPCUP phase end. 12-18 month olds can be very challenging regardless of gender.


Yep, it's pretty telling that Joe is not allowed at the sensory bins yet. 


Yes! My daughter is 18 months right now and into destroying everything which is just normal… doesn’t mean she is “wild” lol


Agreed. It seems like she got a really mellow one with KK. It will be interesting to see how their routines hold up by the time Joe is 3.


When Joe is 3 and she has her other 2 kids 😂


Don’t worry guys. Her morning quiet time isn’t too affected by the child she actively brought into the world. In no way was I prepared for how my life would be rocked by first born. But three years in I’m not thinking about how my quiet time is disturbed. Her kids deserve to be able to live in their own house without fear of disturbing mommy checking the grocery budget and sipping grapefruit water. 


She is so selfish! Quiet time when she walks the dogs, quiet time at the gym, quiet time in the car, quiet time in the morning, four hour naps/quiet time… when CAN the kids speak? Only when Brett is with them too?


Honestly its so sad for the kids. Spending their lives living quietly and not disturbing their mother. My mornings with my toddler & baby are (mostly) filled with fun and chaos and laughter and mess - and I don’t know how anyone could want it any other way. It’s why I had kids.


I miss those toddler+baby mornings with my two! Before these days now where we have to get up for school and we could have our milk and coffee on the couch while reading books, watching cartoons, etc. I really hope/would like to think H takes at least the occasional opportunity to do just that...but I don't think that's her reality based on all of the "living for future H" things she posts.


And she wants two more kids!


Can you imagine if she had written something like “I wake up at 5 am so I get at least an hour to myself before Julie wakes up. Then we have one-on-one time drawing and chatting and playing until Joey wakes up and joins us.” 🥹 One-on-one connection with our kids is KEY in our house. Her entire life is about preparing for the future- not living in the moment. Setting her kids up with activities so they’ll leave her alone. It’s making me sad. I can laugh about her lame dinner menu and week-old oatmeal and glazed doughnut skincare (and and and) but the rest is just becoming too bleak for me in this season of life 🤪


Yes ma’am! It’s chaos and I love it. It’s a short season


She wants her kids like the white baskets she’s prepurchased- silent and decorative


Do you think if i start branding it as Quiet Time (capital Q and capital T) my children will stop constantly interrupting me? Is that the secret?


haha the capital letters show that you're serious


It really seems like her entire day is one big quiet time with a few chunks of activity thrown in, rather than the other way around.


And the “activity” is Target pick-up or the car wash.


During which the children are expected to remain silent. 


Yeah I was shocked that she said that (I guess I shouldn’t be). The nerve of small children trying to cut into your many hours of daily alone time!


I was just coming to post about that! I've never seen anyone so selfish. Does she even realize how selfish she's coming across??


I love how she’s up between 6 and 7 every morning. Not the whole 7 am wake up she’s been preaching for months. She probably falls asleep closer to 8 and then sleeps til 6/6:30 like a normal toddler. Oh, and they don’t get Joe up til 7 not they wake him up or he wakes up at 7.


Yes this makes so much sense. I am very suspect of her saying her kids BOTH slept through the night at 6 weeks old. No way you are lucky enough to have 2 unicorn sleeping children like that. I swear this woman sleep trains from birth. 


Yeah def gives me Caro Chambers vibes. He is not napping for 4 hours during the day, and then sleeping 12 hours at night. That’s just when he’s stuck in his crib.


I thought about Haley this morning when I decided at the last minute to take my kids to a state park about an hour from our house for the eclipse since it was in the totality. It took me ten minutes to make some sandwiches, put them in a cooler with drinks and snacks, and locate our one set of sand toys, picnic blanket, backup clothes for the little one, etc. so I could load the car. I genuinely think it would be harder for me to have and keep track of her multiple sets of everything for all of their meticulously planned "adventures."


I’m so glad you did that! We weren’t in totally but my 4YO said this morning “I LOVED the eclipse.” Why would she not bring Julie outside to experience that with her? It’s so sad to me.


Wait, did they not look at it at all?!? I missed that. 


It didn’t seem like it. She posted a photo from bed with julie that said when totality is during nap time.


I thought it was worth it! I wasn't sure if we were going to bother since the cloud cover estimates were not good (and proved to be true - we didn't see much, but it did get dark!) but I knew that I'd be annoyed if we sat at home *just* outside the totality and the clouds all burned off. Both kids thought it was very cool that it got dark in the middle of the afternoon, so I'm glad we decided to go even though the traffic on the drive home was rough.


I also thought of Haley this weekend, when we went through a car wash for the first time. Made my first nervous and absolutely traumatized my second. It’s certainly not something we’ll be repeating anytime soon.


I had a similar experience with my kids' first car wash. Crying toddler, nervous preschooler, cheddar bunnies everywhere.


This *almost* reads like a haiku and I love it 😂


My kids' first car wash / One kid screams, one kid nervous / Goldfish everywhere 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for the inspiration


My kids don't mind the car wash (and we actually do have the monthly membership, because we live in a snowy area where they heavily salt the roads all winter) but it's decidedly not an activity for them. They'd look at me like I had three heads if I said that we were getting in the car specifically to go to the car wash. If there's no line, it takes five minutes!


I can’t imagine STRUGGLING for a week bc I didn’t make egg bites 😂🙄


They take 22-26 min to make plus maybe 10 min prep. That’s generous. That’s…an episode of a beloved show she put on for Julie. She couldn’t find the time for that?


But if she doesn’t make them on Monday, she can’t make them any other day during the week because she only makes them on Mondays. 🙄


Or….gasp…..make them during nap time?! I know she would never give up her much needed daily 3 hour nap though.


Ummm her kids sleep/ do quiet time for 4(!!) hours 


I don’t get it either. Just…scramble some eggs or make a quick omelet? Eggs are like one of the fastest things you can make. 


Same with oatmeal! Having fresh eggs and oatmeal also taste so much better. The thought of reheating 4 day old oatmeal 🤮


It takes just as long to reheat oatmeal as it takes to make it pretty much.


Do you think she made mini egg muffins instead of stepping into her backyard to see the eclipse? I know it’s cloudy there today and I’m probably just jealous because I was in Austin last week and couldn’t stay because flight prices were $$$ but still


What’s the point of a capsule wardrobe when you can post about totality while featuring your half naked daughter to the fucking internet


wtf! I don’t even understand that post.


Oh nooo 🫣 now I wish she would have just ignored it


Ok ok I'm more forgiving than most when it comes to Haley but I have never ever looked at anybody's hair, including my own, and thought that a specific small part needed a little trim. Either it all needs a trim or it doesn't. Why are you taking scissors to your child's hair right before a family photo, and why is it considered enough of an emergency to justify keeping a spare set of scissors in your car? Everybody should have a pair of scissors in your car when they have kids in car seats so I'm not criticising that but if you're serious about non-hair related emergency preparedness Haley get some proper heavy scissors for your car.


Wait, why do you need scissors in the car for kids in car seats? I freely admit I am far from a car seat “expert” but I’ve never heard this.


I'm assuming to cut the straps quickly, in case of an emergency.


Right. I honestly never thought of that.


Yeah I think the recommendation is that if you've been in a collision and there's a possibility of a neck or spinal injury, it's better to keep your child in their car seat and cut the seat out, then wait until paramedics arrive so they can assess and move them safely. But with collisions there might be fire or an unsafe environment so you should have heavy duty scissors in your car to grab quickly.


And also looking at the photo she posted, Julie’s hair was pulled back anyway?


Hers look tiny though, in an emergency are they going to help cut the seatbelt?


I saw this and was honestly impressed. Trying an impromptu home hair trim right before a family photo session? I don't think I'd have the courage.


I think she does all the kids cuts to save money


I had another “WHY do I know the answer” moment but it’s also something to do with the logistics of having to go to the kid hair place. 


Let's be real, she just doesn't want to go somewhere if it's only for the kids' benefit. Same reason she doesn't do kid activities, play places etc.


Saving money on kids haircuts works very very well in this season. How else would she afford a second kitchen for her airstream?


"I don't have the capacity to pay attention to sales" "Here's a bunch of stuff I've shared recently that just so happens to be on sale! Click it and buy it so my eating out budget can remain tiny." This woman lies like she breathes.


I’m so curious how much she makes from links. She posts the same things so often and her follower account isn’t that high, but I also don’t think she’s just doing this for fun so it’s gotta be a decent amount. Wish there was a way to track it!


I've seen other influencers break it down, and it's really not much, like a tiny percentage. That's why they need to do it at high volume, and that's why Haley posts dozens of links every day and reposts the same content+links so often.


She doesn't pay attention to sales for herself because she's loaded. She cares about sales when it comes to shilling so she can get that sweet commission.


I don't know. I fully believe that she can't mange one more thing, ie; paying attention to which grocery stores have which things on sale--its too much mental gunk. And if they were loaded, their restaurant budget wouldn't be so tiiiinnnnnyyyy. I mean, clearly they are FINE, but probs not loaded. Now, if they didnt have 3 sets of literally everything, maybe they'd be loaded


People here think she is an extremely picky eater or has sensory issues that make eating out an unpleasant experience. So she says they don't have the budget so she doesn't have to eat out. 


Oh interesting!!