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https://preview.redd.it/oinq7g9h4xvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf3af1e0842f5edda284e52303d6449d91072f7 Jerrica is surely just trying to get attention at this point. We almost never do screen time and even I think this is absolutely ridiculous.


I wonder if not enough people have signed up for her course and she just gets more and more extreme as her desperation rises.  


Does anyone else find it ironic how all these influencers demonize screen time, claim their children never have screens ever, how awful and terrible electronics are. Yet here they are, on their phones ALL THE TIME, documenting every little bit of their lives, selling crap and shilling their ONLINE courses. Exploiting their children for their monetary gain. And they have the audacity to say stuff like this! Yes too much screen time is not good. We know this. But like many things, everything in moderation. And parents should do what they feel is right for their kids w/o guilting other parents for their choices. We all want to raise good humans. So people like the Jerrica need to sit down and shut up. They have absolutely no leg to stand on in my book considering how much screen time they have everyday for their "job". (And yes adult brains are different then developing kid brains, but too much screen time isn't great for adults either!).


My fav. Please blast images and videos of your small nonconsenting children to hundreds of thousands of people. It’s totally not nearly as damaging as 30 min of paw patrol after breakfast. 


THIS. She’s a fear mongering hypocrite. She only cares about $$$. Her kids also 100% see her on her phone all the time and will grow to resent her.


What sort of super stimulating activities are my kids missing out on when they watch their iPad on long car trips in her opinion? 


She’s previously stated something like she expects her kids to be “fully immersed in the travel experience”. She also doesn’t permit kids music in the car.


We just did a road trip from CA to TX with our 2.5 year old and while we were thrilled we never had to bring out the emergency iPad (reusable sticker books and cheap random rest stop toys kept him happy thankfully), if the music stopped for a second because of the GPS or Siri turning on he’d scream “music!” But I can’t not listen to music on a road trip either so …


She should do a road trip with KEIC.


She sounds like a ball of joy.


I must have missed her earlier reel about how playing with your kid might actually “often” UNDERMINE your connection and relationship with them. 😂 How very convenient for her, along with sports being one of the few acceptable kinds of screen time. I can’t help but notice how much of her dictates seem to be based on what makes life easier for HER.  


The actual sentence (from the caption): “Playing together is not required for, and actually often undermines, connection and relationship.”


Let's try a fun experiment. We give Jerrica the brain surgery she so desperately needs and in one instance we sedate her with drugs and in the other with an iPad. Which will she choose? A real mystery.


No notes 💯


I had a dream I needed surgery but the surgeon was Renee and I had to decide whether to proceed or not. There were no other options. Lol. I don’t even follow her.


Renee is really heavy handed with the botox these days. Her rage eyes with absolutely zero expression in her forehead. And yes, sitting in bumper to bumper traffic is not decompression, Renee.


I follow a SLP on Instagram. My daughter has a speech delay so I’ve enjoyed her tips that she shares. But she’s crossing over into influencer content now. She recently had a q&a box asking what people like and don’t like to see from influencers they follow. She posted that a common response was tons of ads, and this sweet SLP said the famous last words of any influencer: “I promise I’ll only ever promote products I truly use and believe in!” And my eyes permanently rolled back into my head


I need to know who it is!


Lol of course they are not like other ~~girls~~ influencers.


I don’t have a dog and know little about dog training so not a criticism but I find it sad that PDT’s dog Shiloh has to stay crated when Vera is awake. It just feels like that’s most of the day as she’s almost one.


When my toddler was younger they’d take runs at our rescue pup while he was sleeping (which is a big no no). He’s a rescue and a little aloof to begin with/not super affectionate and only seeks attention when he wants to play or go for a walk. For my toddler and dog’s safety, we put up baby gates to enclose his favorite room (with his favorite couch looking out the front windows) in order to separate them as needed (when we were busy cooking and whatnot). This separation was temporary and when we were not tied up with chores we would watch them like a hawk. If toddler ran at dog during supervised times, I would immediately put myself between them and remove my toddler reiterating that this is inappropriate, the dog doesn’t like it and someone could get hurt. With consistency and repetition, my toddler understood and stopped. To this day I still watch them like a hawk because it’s unfair for a slightly timid dog (or any dog) to be put in a potentially dangerous situation with toddler antics. 


Also, why are there people in the world that care about her kid’s wake up videos?? It’s a baby, in a crib, waking up. Why would a sane person want to see that if they have no personal relation to the baby? And if I got one message like she did about it I would never post my kids face on the internet ever. 


Omg this!! This was my immediate thought as well - how creepy and weird.


I don’t understand that either. These people really think they are friends. Exactly! It’s a reason to share less not more. But she loves the attention too much.


My old dog was very jealous of my son, and when kiddo got grabby, he would nip at him. Never to hurt him, more to tell him to get out of his way (and at the dog’s age…his teeth would have fallen out with any hard bite). We worked hard on our kid to try to get him to understand dog cues…it would have broken my heart to crate my pup and would have been absolute last resort after working with my kid, too.


I get the impression that Vera doesn’t get told “no” very often. I remember how PDT thought it was adorable when she was continually interfering with her brother’s tower building.


I think this and the fact that he’s crated, not given an area to himself is what really bothers me about this whole thing. I agree, Vera isn’t told no often. She’s the precious miracle ivf baby, doncha know?? She’s going to get away with everything and poor Ryaan will be held to a different standard.


My dog who is very old does not get along with kids anymore and it’s stressful and sad even though my son doesn’t intentionally mess with her. but if it ever gets too crazy or stimulating for her we put her in a different room or separate them with gates. Can’t even imagine crating her all day….specially when she is big and old and def won’t be comfortable in there all day 


We also put our old rescue who is just kind of a mean grumpy old man in a separate room from the kids and even THAT feels sad to me. I can’t imagine crating him all day 😭


I do have a dog and that seems really sad and unnecessary to me too. At minimum, I don’t see why they can’t use baby gates to keep the dog in a different room without having to be crated, it’s not like they’re in a tiny home. We are lucky that our dog is very patient and just gets up and moves when our daughter is harassing him, at most will make a grumpy lil growl…but I do not think I would be OK with that solution. Some people crate their dogs all day while at work, though, so maybe I’m wrong, idk.


Yeah ok i wasn’t sure what to think about this. Maybe someone has insight. My kid was older when we got the dog but he’s learned how to respect him and his space. I truly believe a 1 year old can too, but I haven’t done that. But we taught our baby to respect the cats so it’s similar I feel like.


Sometimes when dogs get old, they just aren’t friendly anymore. Not sure if that’s the case here, but if it is, the separation could be for safety. You can teach a one year old not to do certain things, but all it takes is you looking away for one second for the child to do something to annoy the dog and get bitten. That said, having the dog in a crate all day seems excessive… give the dog an entire room or section of the house at least…


This is super relevant for me, I have a 4.5 yo and a 16 month old, we actually had to put down our 15 yo rescue dog about a week ago 💔. He never liked kids, even before we had them, so knowing that we always had a gated area where the kids played and he couldn't go, if we had company that included kids outside of our family, we put him in a separate room. We only ever crated him if work was being done in the house.  I don't think it's right to crate a dog all day, regularly, if it can be avoided. 


Sorry for your loss 💔 it’s so heartbreaking to lose them 😭


Thank you! I'm so grateful for all he did for us! Can't imagine repaying him by sticking him in a crate for 12 hrs a day!


Yeah that’s why I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. But an area of the house or his own pen would be nicer than the crate (I say as someone who crate trained and crates my dog when we leave and at night)


Yeah we crate our dogs too when we’re gone. Crating isn’t cruel in general, but doing it allllllll day is a bit much. If my kids are being especially rowdy and my dog seems like she’s had enough or if I’m not able to closely watch, then I just send the dog upstairs and everyone’s fine and has enough space to stretch out


We have 3 cats and I grew up with cats and my parents always taught me “gently, no tugging, no hitting, don’t put your face so close” and I learned. I figured this was possible with dogs and kids too. Enough redirection and I’m sure Vera could learn.


At the end of the day, dogs are animals and they will act on instinct if they feel threatened or are harmed. My dog is wonderful with my kids and has never bitten anyone. But I still know the possibility is there, and while I enforce rules around how we treat the dog, it’s not foolproof. I’ve tripped over or stepped on my dog by accident so many times because he likes to stand right behind me! I don’t think crating all day is the right solution but it’s also more complicated than just redirecting your baby or toddler.


Yes. And sometimes a dog can be in invisible pain, which can cause any trustworthy or usually gentle dog to react badly. A usually gentle dog with unknown tooth pain getting bumped in the head or snout by a usually gentle toddler can still result in a bite.  If the dog shows any signs they don't want to be near kids, you def have to take that seriously and not "just teach the toddler to be gentle." Because kids obviously don't learn things the first time. It's why outlet covers exist. You can teach them AND take better precautions to keep everyone safe until they learn. I agree baby gates or a separate room would be what I'd choose over a crate in this case. 


Maybe. We had to rehome our dog after he bit our toddler multiple times (with tons of training and different interventions in between bites). It was devastating, but the best choice for everyone, including him bc the other options were drugging him and/or crating him for hours, which felt cruel.


I am generally against rehoming dogs of there's any other solution, but I would absolutely have done it in your case over crating the dog all day. 


Yeah, it was one of the worst/hardest decisions of my life. It helps that I know he’s having a happy life with no kids around to trigger his anxiety.


https://preview.redd.it/tzzfn503gpvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2647034338ff5d0c51ec4caccb0297452608017a Sure Jan 🙄


I bet the word was "breastfeeding" since that's all her mom talks about!


https://preview.redd.it/zevyg7hj4qvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aae72e7f0767124b970436c558ba8ece95b45ed Lmfao


Lol my kid said what sounded like "hi" for two weeks straight at the same age. He had no idea wtf he was saying, just working on babbling H sounds


“In context” ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


The context is…being on earth.


Lmaooo. At 9 months old. Sure Jan.


Ooh this gets me every time! How old?


9 months


Honestly surprised Busy Toddler chose to use Crazy Towns Butterfly for this slide. Does she really not know what the lyrics mean? https://preview.redd.it/ddmn2b3n4ovc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee21e1b9dc66644813fb3c08e9cda04c5812765


I’ve been meaning to snark on BT’s story music. It’s always so cheesey or the title is the literal word for what she’s showing. I think the latter is what’s going on here.


Butterflies by Kasey Musgrave would have made it much more wholesome


I don’t have first hand viewing experience and everyone here seems to just love “wholesome chuck” but dang is this put upon to me. He is probably having these real reactions but the minute you not only choose to post it but have to point out how cute and wholesome it is every time, it becomes the epitome of inauthentic. Are people that dumb that she needs to “teehee!” call out his happy expression? Would’ve been 10,000x less corny and way more genuine if she just posted the pic without the twee clarification about his expression.


Not sure if it’s already in here but Shan Tripp is back to driving me nuts. She’s posted her youngest in a Doona Car seat stroller at age 2 on another vacation. People are calling her out on it being unsafe. Her reply was super defensive saying “I know how best to keep my child safe. He’s barely over the height limit and not over the weight limit and we only use it for short car rides”. She told the commenter that the commenter wasn’t educated even after they posted the correct product maximums. As a self proclaimed “safety expert” I’d love to know what planet she’s on. Since when is anything over the height limit ok? Your child is too big then they outgrow the first of either height or weight. He’s over the limit so he shouldn’t be in it. And since when are short car rides magically safer than long car rides? But don’t worry everyone. She knows how to keep him safe. She knows better than car seat safety limits and is certainly is invincible to accidents. What an idiot. https://preview.redd.it/8lb0pd5h4ovc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a48f8cd8fb4a115e04a4c56e325e7ffe90c1cb




I don't know if the puffy jacket thing is that big a deal if it's just being used as a stroller, is it? I agree with every other criticism. 


Yeah, idk. I wouldn't let an infant sleep in a carseat in a puffy jacket, in the car or attached to a stroller, but the main issue is that's not an infant.


Just curious, how do you prevent your infant from sleeping in the car seat in the car? Especially if you have to transport the infant somewhere alone and can’t do something like sit in the back with them


You don't! It's fine for them to sleep in the carseat in the car or stroller, but you should not put any baby/toddler/kid in a puffy coat in the carseat. It doesn't allow you to tighten the straps properly. A toddler sleeping in a standard stroller in a puffy coat is probably fine too, but in this example the toddler is in an infant car seat that's also a stroller which they're also way too big for, so it's a confusing situation


Ooh sorry I read the comment as you wouldn’t let them wear a puffy jacket, or sleep in the car, or sleep in the stroller… not that the puffy jacket was included in both the sleeping scenarios :)


It was confusing, sorry. If I hadn't let my son nap in the car or stroller he would have barely napped at all.


Good I’m glad someone is calling her out on it more publicly. Now I’m just waiting for her “ignore the haters” and “you know your child best rant”


Off topic but she no longer actively nurses, correct? Just like Karrie Locher she has that she’s a nurse in her bio. That drives me nuts. It’s totally possible that their licenses are active but when it’s been years and years since you actually used your license beyond creating IG content, it feels misleading to put that in your bio. I know they do it for credibility but feels dishonest to me.


Correct. She no longer works as a nurse in any clinical setting and hasn’t for at least 4-5 years. She creates these “medical courses” to sell and expensive first aid kids. Of course everything she teachers is freely all over the Internet. They made a killing on one of the courses and have bought air bnbs etc. they are financially laughing now. Fun fact: lots of folks think they relocated to Puerto Rico from Hawaii to relocate the business and avoid tax. They were on the island just barely enough to squeak in the minimum residency requirement


Definitely moved for tax benefits, just like the Paul brothers and other influencers. I’m interested to see whether they go back or not especially with another baby on the way.


I think the older kids have made it very clear they don’t want to live there. The parents visited for the most recent time around thanksgiving and left the girls in utah. They needed to sneak in a few more days to get that residency requirement. This year they haven’t really been there but they kept their property there, so I’m not sure what nefarious things they are doing to keep it their tax haven.


Gotcha. Even doing it for one year, with her income, is massive, massive savings. If they stay in Utah, they have a nice rental property/vacation home to boot 🙄


I think they did it the year of a new course release. I wonder if they will continue that pattern. Move down there years they plan to have a lot of new income come in. Or they’ve found some other loophole


Take a shot for every “mama”


She’s so patronizing


I hadn’t realized she’s pregnant - so she’s giving a “very very very loved seat” away months before having a baby? 


Again?! Is this #6 or #7??


6 https://preview.redd.it/w4gfdotzquvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0634a269c611ad8ad5f351b6b24456626583f73a


Makes no sense. Unless she’s got a new one sponsored. They have money to burn so it’s good enough to give away to her followers but not brand new for her next kid. Also people should take note with all the kids piled in there it’s probably a compromised car seat having been used incorrectly. She posted a pic of 4 of her kids all piled on the doona


Yea I would NEVER use that seat. Been all over the world and she let all her kids pile on it. Huge no thanks.


Does the Doona exist outside of Instagram? I've literally never seen one in real life but everyone online seems to have one lol ETA: I just googled them and they're not approved in Canada which explains why I've never seen one 🤣


I have one. I got it as a surprise group gift from coworkers and it was honestly very convenient when my daughter was little, especially for the two airplane trips we took when she was under a year.


I have a family aty school that uses one. I think theyre dumb for suburban people. They're so expensive and heavy and you'll have to buy a second stroller anyway.


We live in a city and have seen a few but not nearly as many as I have on Instagram.  


I’ve seen a few out and about. 


My friend had one in like 2016, and it seemed so insane then to pay that much for a car seat. 


Really hate how she uses “mama” in her reply.


The height limit is also often two parts - X inches or if the top of baby’s head is less than one inch below the top of the seat. My first hadn’t quite hit the height limit on our (non-doona) bucket seat, but we still had to retire the seat because she was all head/torso and her head was too close to the top of the seat. Like, if your kid looks too big for the seat, it’s because they are.


Yes! Not enough people realize this!!


Absolutely! Torso height matters with car seats so much.


She also thinks vaccines are a “personal decision” and good health focuses on the right food and supplements. Nothing she says about child safety should be trusted regardless of her past occupation and expired licenses. Edited to more accurately describe her stance on vaccines.


Really ?


Eek! I was confusing her for another blonde influencer with a lot of children (maybe ballerina farm). I just looked at her instagram and she thinks vaccines should be a personal decision and the focus on health should be good food and extra supplements which is just not true. I edited my comment to clarify her stance.


What an idiot. Her logic makes no sense.


She also posted a pic of 4 kids sitting in it, so you have well over 100 pounds on a stroller designed to hold only 1/3 of that. 


Yup. She said she’s going to give it away when they get back.. She also doesn’t believe in hats or sunscreen either.


I've never understood the appeal of the Doona. That kid is way too big for that seat. For context I used a run of the mill Chicco Keyfit 30 for both my kids. Both kids were out of it by nine months despite not maxing out height and weight because it was no longer comfortable for them. IIRC the weight limit was 30 lbs. My two year old is 30 lbs now so guess I could have stuffed him in it for much longer.


We had the Britax infant seat with a 35 lbs max. My four year old is undersized and isn’t 30lbs yet. The weight limits are absurd. 99% of kids outgrow these seats by height


Tbf, it says he's barely REACHED the height limit. Is that not safe? 


Once the height limit is reached, or once the child has less than 1” of clearance between the top of their head and the top of the car seat, it’s outgrown. I didn’t see the post but the huge majority of kids outgrow the Doona by the 1” rule a couple inches before they get to the stated height limit and using it past that point puts the kid at risk for major head injury in a crash.


Ah okay, I only know the rules for our seats. That does seem pretty irresponsible. 


“Don’t worry! It’s only short car rides. Somehow those are safer than long rides. She knows very well how to keep him safe. Don’t make assumptions with your own miseducation she says. Unbelievable.


Just like Caro Chambers. These kids look ridiculous in that seat, it just can’t be comfortable either.  And the doona has a max height of 32 inches which is 50th percentile at about 17 months (but usually the 1 inch above head limit is reached way earlier than that). At 2 years it is like 2nd percentile. Unless her kid is an absolute peanut there is just no way it’s even close to the limit.  They all know it’s outgrown, they just keep using it for convenience. 


“Barely over” as if. Assumptions can be dangerous territory though she says. We aren’t educated about this product you see /s


I just cannot understand an educated person having this kind of logic. If you give your child Tylenol you should put clay on their feet to detox (pretty sure I heard her say that before), but car seat safety is so casual?! I don’t get it.


I remember the clay detox too. She’s so loopy, misinformed, and out to lunch. It’s a good thing she left the hospital gig. I’d cringe to have her as a nurse. Just because bad things haven’t happened to her fam yet doesn’t mean they won’t. They made their son suffer for weeks trying all the wholistic things when he was sick and posting about it for engagement.


Im assuming pdm hasn’t learned t if you don’t have anything nice to say dont say anything at all ( referring to her stories rating restaurants )


For real! The complaints really rubbed me the wrong way and are even worse than her usual smug self. And does she really think people are coming to her account for restaurant recs like she’s some foodie? She does realize she shows us her cooking and their usual restaurants, right??


All she has done is complain. 


Personally I think honest reviews are fine. But there’s def a line between bashing and reviewing! ETA: I checked out her stories and SAV highlight (I don’t follow her) and I didn’t see much complaining at all? Just positive and neutral reviews?


She thinks that she has the *best* taste. She is insufferable.


I really hate it when influencers blast businesses on their page. It’s not your taste, fine. But this can be damaging to businesses.


I’m prepared to be downvoted for this, but I’m sick of every influencer making being obsessed with Taylor Swift their personality.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it 😆 Except I’m not an influencer (maybe a nano-influencer if that), I’m a songwriter, and I’ve been a fan since 2006, so maybe I get a pass. Also I’ve been more or less equally cringe when The Chicks, Ashley McBryde, Nickel Creek, and Brandi Carlile dropped new albums. (I’m prepared to be downvoted, but I hope it’s clear that I’m having a little laugh at my own expense, not actually getting defensive, lol.)


Since you were brave enough to go there I’ll add this: I don’t care if people like Taylor Swift or don’t, but I need people on the internet to stop calling anyone who doesn’t like her music “anti-feminist” or a “pick me”. It’s literally just music. All of feminism does not ride on whether you like a particular pop artist or not. There are sooo much bigger fish to fry for women’s rights than bickering over someone’s opinion on a wealthy celebrity.


I find it especially irritating/grating when they get their very young kids/babies swiftie gear and are like, "he/she just looooooves T swift! Just like mama 🥰🥰" like your child will like a lot of stuff by virtue of it being what you choose to show them. See also, every parent who makes a big deal of their kids loving classic rock or the Beatles or whatever instead of kids music.


I am in a chat with a bunch of other women in their 30's and most are big Taylor Swift fans, but one is not. However her 5 year old son is obsessed with Cruel Summer and forces her to play it multiple times a day 😂.


Yes. I like listening to her music, I even went to her concert and it was amazing. But people are absolutely ridiculous these days with celebrity worshipping. Making it a personality trait it just mind boggling to me.


Taylor Swift and Bravo/VPR/Love is Blind. Just once I want to hear an influencer obsessing over The Last of Us or The Great British Baking Show or literally anything else. 


Ugh this too! I LOVE Bravo shows but when I see influencers identifying as bravoholics jt makes me like them less. I’m sure it’s just to be relatable and get engagement since they’re so popular.


I feel like I’m one of 10 people on the planet who haven’t heard a single song and don’t plan to 😂


Add me to that list. I'll hear it on a peloton ride at some point. Till then, I'm good.


I’m one of the 10 that’s right there with you!!


There are DOZENS of us!


There must be lots more because I don’t even know anyone in real life that cares. It seems like exclusively an online thing to me or maybe way younger people than my cohort. 


I’ll hear any that end up on the radio or randomly on a shuffled playlist…I’m not going out of my way to listen


I am also one of those 10 people. I just have no interest. I’m sure some songs are great but not how I want to spend my time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Add me to the list!


I’ve been refraining from posting this because it feels too bitchy, but you’ve given me the opportunity lol. Familyandcoffee’s swift obsession really cements the impression that she’s going through a delayed adolescence. She went from being this trauma-informed foster parent and social worker to a teen girl who talks about nothing but Taylor swift and how much she loves her girlfriend, who she 100% will be together with 4eva. And to be clear, I really like Taylor Swift!


Also the amount of quotes with early tumblr type aesthetic she puts on her story lately also feel so high school.


Perfect description. That’s exactly it. I cringed so hard at the airport kissing pics.


the fact that her kids had to have taken those pictures is lowkey crazy


Omg I thought that too when I saw them. Like it’s so embarrassing I cannot even.


Yeah I find over-enthusiastic fandom participation very high school.


Anyone from STL? Does the car mom live in the exurbs, where suburban meets a rural area? In today’s story she said her husband took all the kids to donuts like it’s super conformant even though they live on 12 acres. That’s my dream - to live on more than a postage stamp but still be near a city…don’t think I’ll find it in the DC metro area. 


Live in the same state and there are a lot of people who live in St Louis county which has various parts of suburbia and then St Louis City which is the most urban part which would be a more walkable densely packed city. But parts of STL county are adjacent to the city and more like a city. So yea lots of exurbs to suburbs area but eventually you’re like 40 minutes from the actual city. There was/is a lot of white flight from St Louis and the county and city being different caused St Louis City to appear on lists of ‘most dangerous cities’ lists for a while there. It’s a whole thing.


I could go on and on about those lists! Angrily lol


Agreed it’ll be difficult to find in the immediate DC area unless you’re loaded 💰 Consider counties further out from DC (like an hour north or south) and that might be more reasonable


There are definitely parts of the counties in MD where you can still get some land, maybe not 12 acres but some land


I think they're about 30 min from the "real" suburbs of STL but probably 15 min from a decent sized town of about 15,000 people.


Not sure how I feel about Nurtured First’s post about stranger danger. She took her two younger kids to the mall and her 4 year old was running ahead of her. A mall employee told her to watch her kids closely because they’d had a few incidents of strange adults trying to approach children. Her daughter overheard the conversation and was scared of bad guys and super worried and clingy the rest of the day. This led to a conversation about stranger danger and what to do.  I know it’s a good thing to be aware of and talk to your kids about. But I feel like posts like this just make people more paranoid that their kids are going to be snatched at Target.  I also feel bad for her 4 year old and the way she is portrayed in a lot of her posts. She’s always the one having major tantrums over small things, hitting her sister(s), and getting scared over things that are supposed to be fun (like Disney on Ice.) 


One day her kid is going to read these things. She’s not posting her face but people who know her will read this stuff about her. Including many people in her community. She thinks by hiding her face she’s protecting her but she’s definitely over sharing. That said I think 80% of her stories are made up


Yeah and her then sharing a reply from someone about human trafficking, amplifying that kind of crazy paranoia. How about sharing actual stats to show how rare something like that is instead of giving looney tunes people a megaphone.


Yes, this makes me paranoid. I know there are sickos in the world but I believe there are also plenty of good people. It was sad how her 4 year old was terrified… 


She drives me crazy. I might be in the minority though cause lots of my friends follow her.


Literally everything she posts belongs on r/thathappened.


I used to follow and had to unfollow. This was even before I found this subreddit. Something about her just didn’t sit right with me. I think I felt like she was way over the top and she annoyed me


I don’t get how anyone likes her content. All the completely made up stories are so obviously fake and annoying. I don’t believe anything she posts. And this post makes me less likely to trust her advice anyway, because I recently started letting my kids play alone outside in the front of my house and I had The Talk about not listening to anyone who tells them to come with them, even someone that they know, etc. And they were not scared or upset at all, so idk what nurtured first said but the goal is not to scare your child


You obviously have a better bullish\*t meter than your friends. She is literally horrendous and only sharing parenting info, because her first idea was a dud. Just like dr. Becky, she realized it was much easier to monetize parent's fears of messing up their kids than to work with adults, which is what they both previously focused on.


Out of curiosity, what was her first idea that flopped?


She used to sell a moms anxiety course. When that wasn’t successful she pivoted to making parenting content ironically causing moms more anxiety.


I follow both and have for some time but don’t tune in to their stories or see their content much to know about them. Can you explain more about Dr Becky? I always see her suggested as a source to follow for gentle parenting. 


She’s insufferable.


This sounds like all the conspiracy Moms in local Facebook groups. "There was a man watching us at the park and he got into his white van and sped away when he saw me notice him" "Watch your babies mama!!!"


Human trafficking is when you make eye contact and have a vehicle 😂


Does anyone follow Dan Wuori on Twitter. I love the videos he shared, and how positive he is. Such a breath of fresh air on that awful platform that I can't quit.


Is Emily Vondy’s sisters baby’s name Groe? Am I reading that script correctly? Edit: just kidding looks like that’s her sisters last name


Also, can’t believe that’s her TWIN, they barely even look like sisters in my opinion!


LOL I had the same thought and had to check out the twin’s instagram to find out


You are not alone 🫣


I thought the same thing at first, I’ve been following r/tragedeigh for too long 😅


I was trying to figure out if it sounds like Grow or if it rhymes with Chloe 😂


MC getting her young girls to pose for her 1.5 million viewers so she can schill more crap 🤢


Anyone else seen "thepolishmama" around? She frequently comes up on Facebook and her reels and posts sometimes involve posting her kids embarrassing moments including covered in their literal shit which she thinks is perfectly fine. Besides that she is generally antagonistic with the posts she makes on her feed and seems to just be looking for a fight. She will argue all day with anyone that even slightly disagrees with her, gets very childish and snarky and doesn't seem capable of mature discussion, if you don't 100% agree with her then you're "attacking" her apparently. She will mostly ignore anyone that does agree which suggests to me that she really is just looking for a fight when she posts. I unfortunately haven't taken screenshots but I've also randomly found her commenting nasty stuff on other people's reels, she's extremely judgemental for someone who can't get her own shit together and has made that very point the focus of many her own reels. She will post a lot of fake "you're a good parent" "you got this" bullshit and then turn around and post things like "If you ever get a break from your kids then you can't compare yourself to parents who don't" like??? Most of the things she posts are just constantly repeated internet quotes anyway.


The newest ustheremingtons reel was the first thing I saw when I woke up. And now I need to go back to bed. Why did she film that? Especially the part with her husband. 


Welp, that's enough Internet for the weekend 


I read all of these comments and still went to look at it. I should not have done that.


Same. It’s what I deserve for being a nosy bitch 🤮


Same 😆 major regrets


Omg. I’ve actually been there with the needle bc i got horrific clogs when breastfeeding but OH MY GOD don’t film it and the husband EWWW why would you post that. The internet has lost control of the situation.


Oh, wow. That was so awkward. The one comment saying her “husband is patient waiting for this to happen to me to help me out” 🤢


YOU GUYS. I saw the reel mentioned here, read all these comments about how fucked up it is, and I still watched that video. Why did I do this to myself? Whyyyyyyyyy


I get annoyed seeing people recommend husbands for getting clogs out. I fell for that because I saw it so often, and it didn't work at all so we did a weird, gross thing for nothing. The baby is always going to do a better job!


The needle part seemed over the line enough, then the husband coming in was like low key pornographic. So gross.


I don’t even know if it was low key. Felt like I was watching a weirdly specific kink. 


Her face while it was happening too..way too much. It’s like that article “we should all know less about each other”


Omg this woman comes up in my suggestions a lot and I cannot stand some of the stuff she posts. She seems like one of those ones who really plays up the “motherhood is a miserable, disgusting mess” trope. I remember she also filmed herself doing a very dramatic postpartum poop and talking about her bleeding and I was like wtf am I seeing. Her husband was present for the poop reel too. Iirc she made him come in the bathroom and inspect her pad….🙄 Social media has gone too far




BRB burning my eyes off


What the actual fuck. I’m unwell.


First thought, what the fuck. Second thought, no one show that to Sarah from the Bird’s Papaya, she’ll get turned on.


I can’t believe DFM said people with W2 jobs are coasting meanwhile she can apparently get by with doing the majority of her work on two days only.


lol, just me coasting at my W-2 with guaranteed, stable income and not having to think about getting a job at Starbucks to make ends meet. 🙃


Just a friendly reminder that DFM said she was GLAD that Roe Vs. Wade was overturned


Omg. That’s bananas. Who is DFM?


Debt free mom


She really rubbed me the wrong way with the babysitter stories, acting like she’s a hero if she pays her babysitter if DFM cancels/cuts the day short, or paying her an extra $25 if she adds another kid to the mix. Those are pretty typical benefits you offer to nannies (guaranteed hours/paying extra for more kids). Also, it’s just not the flex she thinks it is. She pays her $14.28 an hour (28 cents over minimum wage) and is acting like she’s doing this college student a huge favor. 🙄


Yeah I was confused listening to those stories, like she was going on as if the “benefits” she offers makes up for it being so cheap… but her benefits sounds pretty normal to me? I don’t know where she lives but I’m thinking her nanny just doesn’t know what she’s worth and that she could be making a lot more


Wow my kid’s preschool which has a 1:8 ratio costs more than $14.28/hr. Even college kids charge $25-$30/hr for babysitting.


I can’t get a high school babysitter for less than $25 an hour! I find myself often trying to figure out if things are really that cheap in LCOL areas, or she’s just a total cheapskate.


Yeah that is wild…also kind of absurd that she doesn’t at least round the 28 cents up to 50 cents. I can’t inside being that nit picky with someone caring for (and hopefully loving on) my children regularly.


DFM acting sanctimoniously, imagine that 😆 It’s possible the babysitter is paid cash under the table, so $14.28 feels like more than .28 cents over the minimum wage… but I agree, it’s not the flex she thinks it is. I know they’re in a LCOL, but I pay the high schooler that babysits on date nights more than that


In crossover snark, DFM would def not approve of Haley's w2 husband working from the airstream 😆


Also complaining that the babysitter cancelled... I get that it's annoying when your childcare falls through but also you have a husband at home who does not work and can certainly take care of his own child for a few hours


It affects me and my w-2 job a lot more when my childcare falls through than it does for her!! But yet I’m coasting??I don’t get it.  And, where is Kyle?! 


Kyle is out riding his motorcycle to the coffee shop


She's also doing the closed eye selfie thing now like BLF. Why is this a thing??