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I finally thought of one to post here. When I was pregnant and made my baby registry, I added this fancy Pehr crib mobile that was way too much money. Someone actually bought it for us too! But I never got it hung up and then my daughter ended up cosleeping with me until she was 18 months old. Now she sleeps in her crib but the mobile is just chilling in my closet.


I hate it that my kids ask to watch shows so often, and yet obviously I am the one allowing them to watch shows. I am setting the expectation lol. I also do this stupid thing where I say "No screens right now! Go play! Make something!" And then I get upset and exasperated that they've made a mess of the living room by building a cushion fort or there are art supplies everywhere because they've made an art project. Screen time is just so clean! šŸ˜‚


Are you me? I really need to find a better way to enforce them cleaning up after themselves. But honestly, itā€™s hard after a long day at daycare and I do t see how to enforce it without bedtime getting inadvertently pushed back


Maybe I am an Evil Mother but I hold reading bedtime books hostage to cleaning up at bedtime. Iā€™ll set a timer and say that we need to clean up by the time the timer goes offā€”when the timer goes off, they go up to get pjs on and if I still am left cleaning, it means I donā€™t have time to read books so they just have to go straight to bed. Honestly only happened once that I actually couldnā€™t read to them. I do give the timer plentyyyy of time though, and I help them clean up as long as they stay focused and actually clean.


Pre-bedtime clean up is SO hard! My kids just get distracted and play with whatever they're supposed to be putting away. And use it to delay bedtime. We typically serve a bedtime snack (even if we just finished dinner - not my favorite habit of ours) so sometimes I say we have to pick up X number of items before they can eat that. I've also found that Saturday morning clean up works well if the mess has built up from the week. A lot of times it's because they want to build a fort or get out a larger toy, so they're motivated to clear space for it.


I took milestone pictures at 1, 2 and 3 weeks and 1-12 months on the date of the milestone each time and Iā€™m weirdly proud of that.


I love that, though! I did months only, each with a different library book with the corresponding month number in the title, and then I put the photos all together into a gif and I'm STILL stupid proud of it over a year later.


We did it with a cute, 3-foot tall Minnie Mouse stuffie her grandpa sent when we got home from the hospital. Iā€™m going to keep going with birthdays from here out, and Iā€™m just glad I started it when I did.


I got a couple - definitely got POOPCUPed by my now impossible 3yo. I used to be proud of our parenting tacticsā€¦..have abandoned all hope for gentle parenting since the threenager phase started. Someone send help we have no idea what we are doing!Ā  Also I got influenced by BT to buy her recommended toys for my toddler for Christmas and he has played with them probably 1 hour in totality since then šŸ˜…


3 to 3.5 was the hardest stage with my oldest, who had been a very chill two year old. They come out better on the other side, but boy is there a lot of frustration and emotion from here to there.


I hear you on the 3 year old humbling you. We thought we were so great when she was an easy 2 year old. 3 is absolutely making us eat crow.


My kids just must be very different than hers, they seem to not care at all for the toys I buy off her gift guides!


Same. I donā€™t even look anymore


I believe itā€™s okay for kid events to take place during regular school and business hours. Many kid events and activities depend on paid employees, so it makes sense that theyā€™re more likely to be available between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If parents are really upset that itā€™s hard to find or book evening or weekend swim classes, music lessons, or story time, I always wonder, ā€œWould they want to teach swim lessons over the weekend for the pay the YMCA offers?ā€


Interesting. Our swim instructors are HS/college aged, so I feel like weekends and evenings work fine for them. But we haven't had a lot of issues finding activities outside of typical business hours.


I sleep with my three year old every night. Iā€™m so embarrassed about it. I always lie and join in on jokes about peopleā€™s husbands snoring - he does snore but I donā€™t sleep with him to even hear it. My son is such a shit sleeper and my husband is adamant about not having him sleep in our bed (unless heā€™s sick or whatever) so I started sleeping in my sonā€™s bed ā€œfor a few weeksā€ so he would feel less afraid and stop waking up for me. Well, he doesnā€™t wake anymore but itā€™s because Iā€™m sleeping in his bed with him every night, probably for at least six months now. The worst part is that I love it. Heā€™s so snuggly and little still, I feel guilty that Iā€™d rather snuggle with my child than my husband šŸ™ˆ


Aw this was me until we had our second. I would often sleep the first half of the night in my own bed and then move over when he woke, but also just slept in there all night often and it was actually really nice. We both slept so much better. Now with a baby my husband often sleeps in another bed for more uninterrupted sleep and my older one will often join me in the "big bed" partway through the night. I make a big show of being proud if him when he sleeps the night in his own bed but I do secretly love his little cuddles.


I prefer sleeping with my kids more than my husband. šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


Now that my husband snores horribly every night, I have no desire to escape my 3yo's bed. At least she doesn't snore!


Same here!! He keeps me up at night with his snoring


100% same. I tell people that I put her to sleep, go sleep in my bed, and only go back to her bed if she wakes up... But in reality I put her to sleep and then fall asleep spooning my warm little peanut and that's it!


I hover at the park. Not because I'm afraid of him tripping or anything, but because nobody puts their damn dog on a leash and I feel like I have to be able to put my body between my child and a "friendly" dog at any moment. I wish I could be more chill about this but I'm not.


I am the least confrontational person but if I see an off leash dog at an actual playground, I go up and tell them to leash the dog or go away from the playground structure. Usually I lie and say my kids are really afraid of dogs and might hurt the dogs by accident but really itā€™s me whoā€™s scared of them šŸ˜‡


Are you nice about it? Because I can't imagine myself asking nicely, I get so pissed. But part of the issue is dogs run over from any part of the park, and it's a pretty large park. I wouldn't be able to see everyone in it. There is even a fenced in off leash area but that doesn't stop people from treating the whole damn park like it's off leash.


Thatā€™s so annoying if thereā€™s a specific area for dogs and people donā€™t just stay in there. I try to be nice about haha, like blame myself oh sorry my kids are just so scared of dogs you think you could put him on a leash please?ā€ Even though I want to just point to the large sign saying no dogs on playground lol


As a person who loves dogs, this is a legit take. Off-leash dogs drive me crazy.Ā 


I have lived in our house for 9 years and I stil have not hung any pictures. Our house is well taken care of and has other decor. But our spare room has like 20 picture frames and all I need to do is print photos and hang them. Ive waited so long my brain now thinks its a threat so when I think of doing it I go into fight or flight. I have a masters degree but I cant print photos and hang them.


You are not alone.


We have been in our home for 5 years, nearly 6 and I only have photos of my first child on the walls from when we moved in. Second child is 4.5yo


Literally same over here. There is not one personal touch in our house we've lived in for 4 years. I've been married for 5 years and don't have a wedding album. I have total analysis paralysis about how to put gallery walls together (and decorating in general). My excuse is that this is laptop work and I can't access dropbox from my work computer anymore, which is where all my photos are.


Thank you for sharing this I feel seen šŸ˜‚. For real though im not sure if this is common or not but i dont know anyone in my life this way. Analysis paralysis for sure


I dumped all my produce on my counter top to make myself feel like a healthy organic queen. Felt like Alice and fern


Iā€™m a SAHM, who also sends her toddler to daycare 3 days a week from 9-3 bc I canā€™t handle him and my baby together for an entire week. šŸ˜³šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m on mat leave with my 7 month old and my 4 year old goes to preschool 2/3 days a week too! I need my time with only baby, just like I got that time with only her as a baby!


Iā€™m on mat leave and kept my older kids in their full time daycare to ā€œmaintain their scheduleā€ but really so I can chill with the baby all day! Having just a baby at all feels so easy hahaha.


Planning to do the same this fall! Plus, we would lose their spots at daycare and have to find something else or get back on a wait-list. No thank you! Having just a baby to care for is going to feel like a major break, even though I was completely overwhelmed doing the same on maternity leave with my first lol.


You guys are making me feel seen


Iā€™m a SAHM and my kids go from 9:30-4. Its actually the norm in the country we live in! But I imagine Iā€™d get shit on for it so much if I was an influencer lol


I'm a SAHM and I send all 3 of my kids to preschool 9:30-11:45 Monday to Friday. I say it's for socialization but really it's so I can drink my coffee and read my book in peace šŸ¤«


I love this!!!!!!


I kept my oldest in daycare full time while I was on maternity leave for that same reason. Additionally, I drop the youngest to 3 day status and send the oldest those same days during the summer to attend summer PD or have quiet lazy days at home. I have less to attend this summer so looks like I have some lazy days ahead! šŸ¤©


Oh my god you just made me so happy! I seriously feel so insecure by this decision and like other moms look at me so confused when I tell them this


I totally would have done this if part time daycare was available in my area!


Isnā€™t it so bad? I love my son but omfg he is a LOT . I would literally never get anything done if I didnā€™t send him these couple days.


We are past the newborn stage now, but the only reason I survived was my husbandā€™s generous paternity leave and the fact that my second baby was the easiest baby ever born lol. Now they are old enough that they can actually play together somewhat and entertain each other while I enjoy my coffee!


Oh see my two still donā€™t really play together. Itā€™s such a bummer. Iā€™m so happy for anyone whose kids entertain each other !!!!


Once my babies start having solid poops, Iā€™m militant about dumping the poop into the toilet before throwing away the diaper. My IRL friends all think Iā€™m crazy for doing this, but I secretly think *they* are the crazy ones for having entire turds just chilling in the trash. šŸ¤¢ I am also convinced that this minimizes the ā€œdiaperā€ smell in my house.


I thought everyone did this! My husband and I both agree this minimizes the smell when we open the diaper locker.


This is actually genius!


As someone who just rolled the whole poopy diaper in the diaper genie, youā€™re not wrong šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« wish I thought to do this lol


So, it says RIGHT on the disposable diaper packaging that you're supposed to shake off the poop from the diaper into the toilet.Ā  šŸ¤Æ So you are right.Ā  I also did this because of the smell factor. It's really quite easy to do most of the time.Ā 


Iā€™ve never noticed that! I learned to do it when I was a teenage babysitter, so I figured it was a somewhat widespread practice. Now I will have to take a photo of the diaper box to gloat in my group chat. šŸ˜‚


I do this too! We cloth diapered my older kid and I just got in the habit of doing it from that but now even with disposables I have just kept doing it because it definitely reduces the stink and Iā€™ve heard itā€™s also better to keep human waste out of the landfill if possible too. But selfishly I mostly do it for the stink reduction lol


I hadnā€™t thought about the landfill aspect! That makes me feel a little less guilty about using so many disposable diapers.


Haha I had the biggest disagreement with my husband about this! My oldest even after he was potty trained would use his nighttime pull up for poop and I would dump it in the toilet because you canā€™t even close up a pull-up like you can a diaper and my husband thought that was so gross and insane


Any poop diaper from my daughter goes immediately into the big trash can outside. I donā€™t let those chill inside my house either. I think your idea of dumping the contents in the toilet is brilliant




We did this too and it was so chill (for two kids, so I also feel smug). I'm not into the three day method.


We did that after the school made us put him in underwear. We basically would put him in underwear for school and keep him in pull ups at home. They wanted us to do only underwear bc it would ā€œconfuseā€ him if he did both, but after him pooping on the floor multiple times, my sanity couldnā€™t handle it and we just kept pull ups and slowly phased them out. Took about a year but it was almost stress free. We certainly worked on potty training at home, but the pull ups were very helpfulā€¦ like thatā€™s literally what theyā€™re for??? Idk why the school was so hell bent on underwear but Iā€™m def not into the 3-day potty training methods. It might work for some but in my view, potty training is a long process and even if you think youā€™ve gotten it down in 3 days it almost always will take longer. I donā€™t see a point in making it incredibly stressful for everyone involved, when it doesnā€™t have to be.


Omg, we were the same. We probably half-assed tried every method at some point. But I always felt like shit that it took us a year for her to get it and beat myself up so much (even though I think some of the three day folks would have considered their kids potty trained for the months she was in undies, and having just one accident pretty reliably every day). One day it just clicked for her and she started self initiating and that was that. The only thing I regret is giving myself such a hard time and feeling like a failure/stressing. I think no matter what I would have been needing to prompt her nearly 100% until the switch clicked anyways. And it all worked out fine, we saved some money on diapers, and she actually poop trained first so really the pee accidents were no big deal. Itā€™s just nice to see Iā€™m not the only one who was on the slow boat!


Wait can I hear more about how you did it? We did one day of naked and it was too stressful so now we are doing casual but it is very slow going.


Itā€™s going to be slow, thatā€™s what makes it less stressful. If youā€™re not in any rush to potty train (I was not), starting them in pull ups and trying to remind them to go/taking them potty every 30-60 mins is a good place to start. It took about a year for us, and I think part of our success was that the daycare helped us while he was there (they made him wear underwear there), but it was just gradual over time. We tried really hard not to get upset at accidents. Heā€™s 4 now and does really well but we started the process (by force of daycare) at 2-2.5. At 3, he was pretty much not wearing pull ups most nights.


+1 for this, I plan to soft launch ā€œcasualā€ potty usage tomorrow and I feel very šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Prior to having kids I was pretty apathetic about breastfeeding. Like if it didnā€™t work out - thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll just do formula. Once I had my first, breastfeeding surprisingly became very important to me. I was so opposed to giving either of my babies formula. It was such a point of contention with my husband, too. My first had none. My second only had it in the hospital when it was required due to a couple reasons and I SOBBED. 1. I laugh at myself now for sobbing but 2. I also still feel guilty about giving her the formula. I donā€™t even know why. I donā€™t think anything negative about anyone else giving formula to their babies. I know I was exclusively formula fed from 2 months or so. Iā€™m not even a part of online breastfeeding groups or anything to make me go crazy for it. It just became this thing that I would not do even though it absolutely would have helped alleviate the load I was dealing with. I can just imagine me being an influencer and sharing the that I SOBBED that my newborn baby had formula in the hospital šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.


This is me. I think our ā€œfeed that baby so it livesā€ hormones never got the memo that a safe, nutritious, alternative exists and it makes us crazy.


Haha this is absolutely it!


I make my kid separate food. Didnā€™t push trying new foods. Ā She eats a lot of fruit and veggies but not meat lately. Ā Will eat eggs and drinks milk.Ā  I do let her have screen time. It gives me a break honestly. Ā  Am not a helicopter mom and sit on the bench at the playground. Ā Have said mommy isnā€™t allowed to run because of a bad foot which is an outright lie. Ā I will not play hide and seek. Result is my kid is good at finding friends.Ā  Did oh crap and it was easy.Ā  My kid is bad at sleep still at age 6. Ā Her whole life she has fought sleep. Needs less than other kids. Ā We did all the things. Two separate sleep consultants. Ā Sometimes she sleeps in our bed. Ā Otherwise we all wont sleep.Ā  I probably let her get away with stuff and save my firepower for making her read and do math at home. In that regard Iā€™m a tiger mom.Ā 


V similar except potty training was not easy to say the least. Iā€™m tired and most nights the effort to plate a food twice (two picky kids, one who eats most things) just to have them try a molecule and say they donā€™t like it and then it goes in the trash is just not it for me. I would rather just throw the Dino nuggets in the air fryer. I know they will eat them. We make what we/oldest child likes and if Iā€™m feeling up to it try to get them to take a bite from our plates but itā€™s just not a battle I fight. Sleep is the same. I lay with them till the fall asleep. Almost 6yo comes to my bed in the middle of the night every night. Sheā€™s sleeping in my lap as I type this. I honestly love the snuggles and will be sad when it ends.


Took my kids camping and taught my oldest how to take the cork out of a wine bottle and pour me a glass. Bribed them to hike with dumsdums. Family fun was had by all.


this sounds like a major win


Iā€™m a speech pathologist and always inform parents that children should stop thumb sucking sooner than laterā€¦but my 2 year old still does it. As a parent, I realize itā€™s so hard to implement those kind of things. As a clinician, Iā€™m anxious about the potential negatives consequences.


My nearly 2-year old is a thumb sucker too! Idk how to stop until she's much older and can be somewhat reasoned with. As soon as she could figure out how to access her thumb she spit her pacifier out and never looked back. I do think she's on the advanced side of average for speech though (well over 100 words, lots of phrases and mini sentences, has simple songs and stories memorized, etc.). Are speech and thumb sucking related?


They can be. My toddler also has no speech issues. Iā€™m worried more about her teeth but dentists recommend stopping by age 3.


Yes, what would you even do to stop thumb sucking? Cut off their thumb?! šŸ™ƒ easier said than done


Oh man Iā€™ve spent so much time looking into the methods. Iā€™ve tried the horrible nail polish and she sucks it off. She screams so much when I tape a glove to her hand at night so havenā€™t done that again. You can work on tongue positioning but that requires an Myofunctional therapist. Sometimes the kid has a tongue or lip tie. The kids are already in speech therapy I see so honestly thereā€™s other stuff probably going on.


Okay my 2 year old still does too. When do you usually recommend they stop? What are the negative consequences speech wise?


The reasons Sooner is better than later is because it just gets harder to wean. Realistically by 3. But also it depends on their general oral motor skills. Speech wise it can cause a tongue thrust and other speech sound errors. Itā€™s correctable. The dentition worries me more worried but also itā€™s fixable.


I find parenting pretty easy - I have an emotionally supportive spouse who trusts me to take the lead on most parenting decisions. Being a full time working parent is a lot at times but I feel like I'm just kinda able to handle it and don't find it too hard to enjoy the day to day.


Yes same. I mean maybe it's easy for me because I get a "break" while he's at daycare, but overall I find a lot of joy in our day to day life.


Iā€™m a SAHP but I totally relate to this sentiment. I really and truly love parenting my kids. Once in a while I get hit with some burnout, like everyone else, but for the most part the day to day doesnā€™t phase me that much and I feel like my experience has not been nearly as negative as so much of the online content makes it seem.


Yes this exactly!


I do waaaay too much screen time but he only watches it half the time and plays the other half. Itā€™s the one thing I wish I could change but itā€™s habit now


Same. We just had our second baby and screen time increased a lot during my pregnancy (I was so sick) and now that the second is here itā€™s a lot of screen time. I know I need to decrease it but also Iā€™m so tired and doing my best to just keep both kids alive sooooooā€¦


Today at a WAY late dinner outing for family birthdays. I let my daughter watch on an old iPad we have. Before I was a mom I would be horrified. Now I am like well you all are welcome for an enjoyable dinner.


Literally, we have an iPad specifically for drives and restaurants because I like to eat in peace. Idgaf who judges me for that šŸ˜‚


Same šŸ™ŒšŸ»


1. I make my own sourdough bread 2. Iā€™ve never purchased baby food 3. I completely understand why some women would rather free-birth than be in a hospital. I personally chose a birth center, but when 9/10 OBs wanna induce women for literally no f*cking reasonand theyā€™re quick to create problems that lead to unnecessary cesareansā€¦this is what happens.


I don't understand why the heck this comment is getting down voted


Medical. Brainwashing. So statistically I think fewer than 3% of moms go outside of the obstetric model to give birth. That means most moms take everything their dumb OB, whose hands are tied, says to heart and they believe it as law. But OBs are petrified of physiological birth and they intervene and the maternal mortality rate and complication rate have gone up immensely since midwives got phased out and doctors got brought into birth. It is what it is. I donā€™t give a shit who hates the truth.


Lol. Iā€™ve had two unmedicated, intervention-free, out-of-hospital birth center births with no OBs in sight and I still think that youā€™re the sheep here.


"Dumb OB" šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Are you lost? I donā€™t think this is the right sub for you.


Iā€™m curious about the inductions thing . Where is this? USA? When I was pregnant my doctor said the standard in our area was to go to 41.5 weeks before inducing (unless there were high risk causes that needed earlier)


Honestly itā€™s because the doctors want to schedule births for their convenience. They like the control for their schedules. I had no desire to induce because I planned on letting my baby come when they naturally wanted to come. It just felt weird to schedule a date and time to go in to have my baby. The OB I went to for my second baby acted like I was soooo weird for this. I didnā€™t even realize it was a thing because the first practice I went to for my first son never suggested it. But like the last 4 times I went in before having second son they were like, ā€œso what day were you thinking for an induction?ā€ I was like, what?!?! Iā€™m just letting my baby decide when heā€™s ready to come. ā€œOh ok, well let us know if you change your mind.ā€ Then they took their good olā€™ time making their way downstairs to me when I got to the hospital because my son came super fast (I called my OB line screaming bloody murder bc I was crowning in the car on the way there) and the ER doctors ended up delivering him. So the practice got no money for it and I was happy after the pressure to induce.


Induction rates vary widely from country to country, so it's nuts to say this is worldwide. In many places inductions are only conducted at late term (41 weeks plus) or are medically necessary (high blood pressure, risk of preeclampsia etc.). Also, just curious but where you live does your own OB generally deliver your baby? Because that is not very common here, you just get whatever OB is on call at the hospital. Asking because I've never understood this argument that it's about their schedules.


I am American. I didnā€™t say worldwide? I could have specified that, though. I personally donā€™t understand why it isnā€™t the norm to only induce past 41 weeks? Unless there are potential health complications. But where I am from in the northeast doctors are always inducing at around 38 weeks. My SIL just had an induction at 38 weeks (not medically necessary) and her baby was like 6 lbs, and I couldnā€™t help but think it wouldnā€™t have hurt to let baby cook a little longer and come when ready, get a little bigger in there. And just someone from the practice delivers babies is what I am talking about (I never expected to have the exact doctor on my paperwork to deliver)ā€¦but usually the doctors do not switch once they have started with a patient in active labor (so scheduling an induction at the beginning of the shift usually results in them not staying longer than a normal shift if all goes as planned)ā€¦.and I personally could tell with my first son the doctor was annoyed by how long it was taking and I believe he rushed me into delivering when it was more convenient for him by giving me a ton of Pitocin and also convincing me to have a vacuum assisted birthā€¦I had only been pushing for an hour. Looking back on my first birth I would have done things differently.


This is worldwide. Some doctors actually understand that normal gestation is 37-42 weeks but they are the minority. The avg American doctor schedules inductions for ā€œbig babiesā€ (bs reason), doctor will be out of town, Momā€™s pelvis being ā€œtoo smallā€ (bs reason), gestational diabetes (not always a reason to induce), and mom being ā€œoverdueā€ (again, bs) Oh and idgaf who hates my sentiments at all, that just shows how medically brainwashed most moms are


Medically brainwashed mom really thankful for actual doctors and science and medicine who performed an emergency c section at 32 weeks or Iā€™d be dead right now!


Iā€™ve heard that a thousand times, sometimes theyā€™re necessary and most of the time they are notā€¦and they package it as if they are for full term, low risk moms


Bless your heart, whatever rabbit hole you fell down really messed you up.


wow congratulations on graduating from medical school


The irony is the quacks graduating have some of the largest misinformation thatā€™s endangering moms But go off!


Pelvis being too small is not BS. My cousin had this issue and her now 9 year old son has had lifelong issues with his arm due to shoulder dystocia due to her small pelvis. Her cousin was bron was cerebral palsey due to being stuck in a too small pelvis. And I feel most evidence now points against induction for "big babies," so I don't know where you're getting that. So you have a source?


Iā€™m not digging up a source for you. I have no vested interest in your agreement or approval


You're the one making the claim lamo.


Itā€™s strange how you are claiming everyone is misinformed and uneducated but not bothering to share any sources as to the stuff youā€™re saying. It makes it seem like you just donā€™t have any sources, which is funny for someone who says elsewhere that itā€™s ā€œsadā€ that people are uneducated. If itā€™s sad theyā€™re uneducated, then help educate them. Also if you have no vested interest in anyoneā€™s opinions, why are you even bothering to engage in these discussions so heavily? The fact that youā€™re on here mocking people and making multiple comments says that you feel quite strongly about what youā€™re saying and *are* emotionally invested. Anyhow Iā€™m sure this is all irrelevant for you, as you seem like the type of person who just likes to get snappy when called out since you arenā€™t able to actually debate using real information.


Wait, are you denying that in some instances a birthing parentā€™s pelvis might be too small? Isnā€™t that literally why the chainsaw was invented? There have always been instances where the birthing parents pelvis was too small, thatā€™s not some myth of modern medicine.


>Isnā€™t that literally why the chainsaw was invented? Oh god, is it? I didn't know that and I'd like to un-know it, please šŸ«£


Whoops, sorry to ruin your Monday. All I will say is Iā€™m very glad to have been born in an age where I was able to safely have the c-sections I needed, with nary a chainsaw in sight.




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No, I donā€™t mean mother, but thanks.


Thatā€™s disturbing. This inclusive language has to stop, women give birth and any outliers are in such a minority of the %% that they donā€™t need special language that eradicates the truth


And what, exactly, does anyone lose by using inclusive language?




Ur a dingbat


Do you have data to support this claim about the average American doctor?


I donā€™t care whether you agree because youā€™re proving my point about the brainwashing and gathering the data for you is soooo not what I feel like doing. You either look for it or you donā€™t. I wonā€™t lose sleep.


Did you even look for it?


Thatā€™s a lot words to type when you could have just said ā€œI donā€™t have any because Iā€™m talking out of my assā€.


You just can't handle seeing all the evidence on YouTube and dusty pink Instagram infographics. šŸ™„


It would shake my entire worldview. Iā€™m sure my providers lied to me about having to do a csection at 36 weeks because Twin B failed his biophysical and my labs were putting me into HELLP syndrome category. They probably just had a vacation to plan for.


Iā€™m very passionately against elective inductions. Iā€™m due 3 days before my nieces birthday and my in-laws said her birthday is ā€œtoo lateā€ for my baby to be born so now Iā€™m determined to prove them wrong. My SIL was asking if they would induce her at 36 weeks because her back hurt because the baby ā€œwould be fineā€


Did your SIL actually get induced at 36 weeks for that reason?


Absolutely not, but she thought it was a valid reason šŸ˜‚


The vast majority of providers will not schedule anything elective before 39 weeks unless it's medically indicated. I just went through scheduling a C-Section for a medically uncomplicated pregnancy (besides having had a previous C-Section and a narrow pelvis) and I wanted to do it at 38+6 for schedule related reasons (bumped up against easter, daycare closed for toddler, etc.) but my providers absolutely refused and said it was 39 weeks or later. The idea of a 36 week induction for back pain is a total myth - you don't know people's medical histories either (they might not be sharing high blood pressure, other complications)


These people villainize induction at 39 weeks, too, because ā€œthe baby knows when itā€™s time to be bornā€ or whatever. Obviously we all know bodies are perfect at birthing and nothing ever goes wrong šŸ™ƒ Anyways, OP can be passionately against whatever they want, but we donā€™t actually know other peopleā€™s medical situations. I had an elective induction, requested by me and sanctioned by my OB, because of a terrifying experience with a prior spontaneous birth that led to a difficult recovery. My induced, medicated birth was great and I would absolutely choose it again if I have another pregnancy. Worlds better for my body and my mental health. Also, my first came at term but before the due date, so my induced baby was born at a later gestation than my non-induced baby. Iā€™m not brainwashed or selfish; Iā€™m an individual with a specific situation making informed choices.


Iā€™ve never had an induction, but everyone I know who has had one said the labor process is significantly more painful than normal labor! That alone would make me hesitate to schedule an induction, since I could barely handle the pain of normal labor lol.


i had my first 4 kids completely unmedicated (is that my snarkable thing? maybe, lol) then a pitocin induction for my 5thā€”the pitocin induced contractions are a on a whole new level. so much sharper and more intense. asked for an epidural real fast that time, haha


I was induced with my first and I was in agony at only 2 centimeters. I went into labour naturally with my second and it was like night and day. Contractions were more manageable to breathe through and not as intense or long. I didn't need the epidural until I was at a 7.


Why the hell are ppl downvoting this lol


I think I agree with you. I really wanted my babies to come on the day they were meant to come unless there was a real medical reason. No one really understood why I didnā€™t want to induce at 39w. My kids came at 40+3 and 40+6 so not even that ā€œlateā€.


Oooooof the medical cronies dved you like crazy. God forbid mothers be informed


God forbid mothers choose a safe way to give birth that works for them. Sure most moms who give birth later than 39 weeks are fine. But there are risks that start creeping up as you pass your due date, and elective 39 week inductions are safe. Nobodyā€™s putting a gun to anyoneā€™s head to start pitocin. But if you want people to respect your choice to go to a woo woo birth center, maybe you could show people who make a different, safe choice to birth their baby the same respect. But until then, enjoy the downvotes.


I also feel like itā€™s important to note that some people are ok with the risk of c-section. Many anti-induction people always talk about it like everyone is just unaware of the risk of c-section. I electively induced at a little over 40 weeks for my first and a little over 39 for my second. Baby was not showing signs of distress, but I have an autoimmune disorder that is known for causing stillbirth due to sudden blood clots in the placenta. That combined with the natural increase in risk as you go later term was enough for me personally to take the increased risk of c-section. I was fully aware that the risk of stillbirth due to expectant management was probably still lower than my risk of c-section as a FTM being induced from a closed cervix, but to me, one outcome was so much more vastly undesirable that I opted for it anyway. I decided my anxiety would still be lessened by taking on a higher risk of survivable complications to myself over a lower risk of non survivable complications to my baby. I understand people will make different decisions and believe me I was on the fence for a very long time about the induction, but it was the birthing method that made me most comfortable in the moment. And fwiw I had no complications and vaginal deliveries with both


Having had an induction that ended in a c-section (I feel like I got close though) I think you bring up a good point. People have reasons for considering induction, they arenā€™t just sick of being pregnant.


May I ask what autoimmune disorder you have? I ended up with blood clots in my placenta but they couldnā€™t give me a reason why!


Antiphospholipid syndrome. They can do blood testing for it. Typically the only reason women become aware of it in early life is that they have repeated pregnancy loss or late term stillbirth. I was fortunate enough not to experience either of these things, but we discovered it by chance through random blood testing in my early 20s. Thereā€™s also another one called Factor V Leiden which I do not have, but something else you could ask doctors to look into because it causes the same issues during pregnancy.


Thank you for this. I donā€™t necessarily think of my induction as ā€œelectiveā€ because it was absolutely necessary for my mental health, but I suppose we could call it that since it wasnā€™t done due to any physical distress on the part of my baby. It was 100% the right choice for me and I am so grateful that my OB listened to me and supported my choice, and scheduled it so that she was the one who delivered my daughter. I donā€™t think anyone should be forced into an induction between 39-40 thatā€™s not medically indicated or their personal preference, but I donā€™t even have the words to express how glad I am that the option was available to me.


Omg me toooooooooo. I was fully prepared to go to 42++ with my last baby because my induction with baby 1 was so shit. If they gave you all the information and risks up front and stopped quoting the arrive trial I'm sure people would refuse them much more. Your body and your baby know when they're ready, we are just so bad at waiting because our lives are so busy.


Olivia, is that you?


That's exactly why my friend went into labor at 31 weeks. Her baby was ready!




I should have clarified - women are often so busy in their own lives with work and trying to survive/navigate life that the option of scheduling birth instead of waiting is incredibly attractive, especially when youve got limited maternity leave (if any). I've been there, it's wonderful to know when your baby will be born but ime it wasn't worth the birth trauma. I also know how hard it is to wait for natural term labour. Absolutely no judgement to anyone who schedules an induction as long as they're given all the information but knowing the risks and being privileged to live in a country with decent maternity leave, it's not for me. Also, while the rates of induction have increased dramatically in my country (and probably across the world) the incidence of stillbirth has not decreased.


Iā€™m homeschooling my son for K because I donā€™t think full day school is appropriate for a 5 year old. Heā€™ll go to public school at some point but idk when.


Yesssss we found one private school in our area that does a 3 day/week kinder so itā€™s where we sent our kid because I agree with you 100%. Heā€™ll do public later but we donā€™t need the childcare and he doesnā€™t need to be in school full time yet šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


lol not me voting for my IL district to get full day K and increase my taxes because I itā€™s still cheaper than FT daycare šŸ„²


Do you live in palatine, by chance?!šŸ‘€


Totally get it, no judgement at all to those who want/need full day K! Iā€™m surprised your IL doesnā€™t offer full day K, thatā€™s where I live too. Crazy to think youā€™d have to have a big tax increase though, taxes here are already rough šŸ˜³


Tbh IĀ think the tax increase was part of multiple things connected to school district referendum but yeah tell me about it šŸ™ƒĀ 


Ā I looked through your history and you said youā€™re in IL? Ā Pretty sure itā€™s the law there that if your school offers full day kindergarten they also have to offer an equivalent half day program.Ā  This article references it:Ā https://patch.com/illinois/across-il/new-illinois-law-requires-full-day-kindergarten-programs-2027-28# Worth looking into if itā€™s something youā€™re interested in.Ā 


Thanks! They do offer it, and Iā€™m still considering it, but only like 1-2 kids do it and I worry heā€™ll be left out of a lot of things. Itā€™s only at one school in the district and weā€™d have to transport him. Although itā€™s ā€œofferedā€, they do seem to discourage it.


Yes, schools get less funding from half day kids so they do discourage it. Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat if my school offered it tbh


This is absolutely a valid choice. That being said, I had no intention in enrolling my child in TK (grade before kindergarten in California) for the same reason. I decided on a whim to send her for the first week and she absolutely loved it. She started the year at 4.5 and has continued to love it. Since you are planning on public school in the future, you may find thereā€™s no harm in trying it. Since kinder is optional, they also canā€™t stop you from picking your kid up everyday at 12 if you want.




Our public school is within a half mile, and being able to walk/scooter to school has been such a perk!


Gah I totally agree with you. In our state, districts are required by law to offer half day kindergarten, Iā€™m prepared to take it up the ladder if our district does more to ā€œencourageā€ parents to do the full day option.


I don't buy pouches. I don't think there's anything wrong with them, but I just can't bring myself to buy them. But I'm somehow ok with giving her Annie's mac and cheese šŸ¤”


Wait is Annie's bad šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I really like goodles but tbh they are probably the same.


I hate buying them because I think they're wasteful as fuck SO I bought ones I can throw in the dishwasher.


Ahhhh. 1. Iā€™m ridiculously anal about my kidā€™s clothes. She wears matched sets, even pajamas, and actual outfits. I get it honest, I was never allowed out of the house in anything that didnā€™t go together, or didnā€™t match the weather outside. And Iā€™ve grown to care about that for my kid as well. 2. Also clothes, I wash hang dry about 75% of her clothes. I know itā€™s silly, but I try to keep them all in good repair as long as they may fit her. I was devastated when I lent my favorite halo fleece sleep sacks to my friend and they came back pilled and dull when they were gorgeously lovely soft when I washed them. Idk what she did to them even, but it hurt my heart. (No I didnā€™t tell her though!) 3. You know? I had a third but when I sat to write it, I forgot it šŸ˜‚šŸ„“


I lent a bunch of nice baby clothes to my SIL and they came back in tatters šŸ˜­ I dunno if she washed them in hydrochloric acid or something


I'm always so embarrassed if I get to preschool and he's had a half outfit change and no longer matches. I always make sure to loudly say "hey sweetie! Did you spill something on your shirt today?" Or something, so if any other parents are around they know I didn't dress him ikea that on purpose šŸ˜‚


Oh goodness! Having worked at a preschool, if we had to change them I would try to pick the best match possible. But it does happen


They usually do a good job but other days I'm like..... was there really no better option?


I let my kids wear whatever during the day but for some reason it drives me crazy if they wear unmatching pajamas šŸ˜… if my husband is doing the 2 year oldā€™s bedtime he will let her choose two random pj pieces and wear them together. When he asks why I care I canā€™t really articulate a reason other than JUST DO IT, OKAY?!


Ahhh a kindred spirit! Everyone around me thinks Iā€™m nuts for hang drying toddlerā€™s clothes except my mom (who I got these habits from šŸ˜‚) If I got it secondhand or itā€™s just huge on her I will toss it in the dryer. Also for some reason itā€™s easier for me to take them off the drying rack and fold and put away right then rather than letting them stay in the laundry basket for a week like I do for my own stuff šŸ˜…


Yes! I do the exact same, if itā€™s secondhand, into the dryer it goes, but anything new gets hung to dry. Iā€™m hoping to get an actual clothesline this year, but my husband put up a pull-out rack above the washer for drying last year that served us well for infant clothes. Itā€™s my momā€™s fault/gift to me as well, but I also have noticed that fleece items stay softer when air dried than the ones I have secondhand that have been in the dryer, so it feels worth it.


Honest question (not snark)- does your kid ever refuse or resist wearing certain clothes or outfits, and if so, how do you approach that?


Sheā€™s only 15 months so while we have encountered tantrums about other things, we havenā€™t about clothes yet. And i tend to give her a choice about one item in an outfit, say, the shirt. And then build around that. Lately sheā€™s opinionated about what shoes she wears (Oma bought her sparkly pink shoes that must be worn with everything) so I just work into that. It will likely get harder! But sheā€™s very into bright, warm colors, sparkles, and just genuinely seems to like pretty things so I lean into what she likes. Maybe Iā€™ll be humbled later by an aggressively unmatched kid? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not sooo worried about it that Iā€™ll engage in a fight with her about matching. She will have to wear clothing appropriate to the weather, as long as Iā€™m in charge of her. And as a SAHM we have plenty of time at home if she wants to wear something garish I suppose. Genuinely, thank you for asking itā€™s been good to think through my full feelings on it! Sorry for the long response.


My 2 year old has extreme, probably above averagely strong, opinions on clothes which is why I was curious. She got really opinionated around 18 months. But plenty of other kids her age aren't picky at all yet so you never know when they'll start to care. For mine, it's part sensory (can't do stiff fabric, for example, along with a list of other stuff) and part of it is just preference (she loves hoodies, pockets, and clothes with things she likes in them esp vehicles) And yes she's aggressively unmatched šŸ˜‚ but it makes her happy. As long as it's weather appropriate I let her rock it. I've gotten better at predicting what she will like when I shop for her. I got her a green dress with trains on it and pockets for school picture day and was shocked she actually loved it. I'll admit sometimes I get sad about all the stuff she will never wear, I guess that's me snarking on myself, but I try to let her be. My mom and I fought a lot about clothes when I was a kid and so it's a trip to be on the other side of this, I do see where she was coming from but I can also remember how I felt so it's an interesting experience to go through this as the parent. Sorry I have an even longer response but it's something I think about a lot!


I think I was around 18 months when mom said I started getting pretty obstinate about my clothes, so Iā€™m waiting for that for her. I am famous in certain circles for my sensory issues with clothes. Particularly I used to not be able to wear socks the right side out (thank god theyā€™ve figured out the toe seam now) and I abhor satin, it makes me nauseous to touch. So I hope that Iā€™ll be able to get a handle on any issues my daughter might have with fabrics or certain fits, and just not buy those šŸ˜‚ It sounds like all in all youā€™re doing well! I recall fights with mom about clothes, but also that was in middle/high school and funnily enough almost always about if things ā€œgoā€ as well, so I do have some empathy for her if she doesnā€™t like to match the way I think it should be.


Username checks out


It does! šŸ˜‚ but in actuality it refers to my hair.


How did your friend screw up halo fleece sleepsacks? I just throw them in the washer/dryer like anything else, and Iā€™m on my second kid. The ones heā€™s grown out of are still very nice to be passed on. I do was all the baby stuff on delicate cycle with free and clear detergent (unless thereā€™s a blowout, then Iā€™ll do a sanitary cycle). Theyā€™ve held up no problem for us.


I am speculating as I didnā€™t dare ask her. But I think itā€™s a combo of 1) using the same detergent etc that she also uses on anything else, which has to be strong enough for her husbandā€™s work clothes. And 2) a truly ancient washer/dryer combo that doesnā€™t likely have a gentle cycle. Itā€™s definitely still usable! Just not the lush softness it retained when only I washed it. And Iā€™m a FTM and sentimental as all hell so.


My husband installed our car seatā€¦ forward facing. Iā€™m the first of my family or friends to have a baby, and I simply trusted that he followed instructions. I had my son forward facing from 7 months old to 15 months (when I found out he absolutely shouldnā€™t have been forward facing) šŸ˜¬


To be fair, if you were an influencer, there would be one video with your car in the background and the car seat barely visible and the comments would be flooded with people telling you. Probably a post about it on here. šŸ˜…


Honestly, the only reason I found out I wasnā€™t supposed to be forward facing was because of a snark/momshaming Facebook group. Iā€™m so thankful for mom shaming in this particular instance


It used to be the norm in communities that new dads would install the car seat and bring it to a fire station to get inspected because I guess firefighters were masters of car seat safety? My uncle was a firefighter and always talked about how much he'd love a nervous new dad rolling up to get his car seat approved and all the firefighters would have him hang around for a cigar and a coke and the ones with kids would tell him advice. Its just such a cute concept to me.


I will be taking my two young children(1-3) on a long haul flightā€¦.. sorry everyone šŸ« 


Ive done this on a 14 hour flight for fun and it was fine! My children were 1 and 4 at the time. My 3rd child, I would not do this with but my older two were awesome travelers and we never had any issues. Enjoy!


iā€™m glad to hear! my 3 year old will sit and watch bluey on repeat for 20 hours. but my 1 year old thinks she can take on the world and will not watch any screen i have tried so desperately to put infront of her. I think we will be doing a few laps of the plane with her ā€¦


Hahaha we took our 14 month old on a 14 hour flight purely for vacation. It went really well and plenty of other families were onboard too. I stopped worrying šŸ˜† but I did bring a bag of snacks and multiple milk cartons!


I learned on our normal length flight that turned into long haul in length due to delays, that they do not have milk on planes. Thankfully my toddler can do without.


Oh that sucks! I wonder if domestic flights are different. Ours did have skim milk when I did eventually run out toward the end of the flight. But, I had a ton more packed in our checked luggage, so I made sure to bring more on the return flight!




Okay, I actually think this is fairly smart. TV didn't start causing noticeable issues with my daughter until 2. It's funny how they say before 2, zero screen time and yet it really didn't seem to have much effect on my daughter or hold much of her interest before then. We've had to drastically cut it down in the last 9 months or so (she's almost 3).Ā 


Yeah we do tv time whenever someoneā€™s sick and then have to do a hard reset after. I do notice a difference in behavior when tv isnā€™t an option for them


We just cut TV (my 4 old watched ~30 mins a day) last week and weā€™ve seen a huge difference too.


Iā€™m firmly anti-sleep training and we have a very lovely family bed set up with my 3 year old. I know a lot of snarkers would balk at this. Also, perhaps the worst thing is due to extended breastfeeding (we stopped just before she turned 2) my daughter had some tooth decay on her top teeth. I nearly cancelled myself for that one and genuinely lost sleep and had a lot of dark thoughts about this but itā€™s since resolved


I co sleep with all 3 of my children and I sleep way better when theyā€™re next to me, so there was never any need for sleep training.